using delicious to decrease emails

Post on 15-Dec-2014






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Does your team send emails that simply include a useful link...use Delicious to eliminate those emails and collaborate better


Using Delicious to Decrease Emails

When you’re on a team

You often share resources with your team

And that can be very helpful

But…what happens when 30% of your emails are links to great resources?

Email clutter

Maybe it’s you, who’s doing the sharing

Hoping the people on the other end are excited to see your great resource

Or maybe…

You’re the recipient

who is just a little


to see one more email with just a link

Email has become the only tool people use

My dad always says…

If all you have is a hammer

Everything else is a nail

Unfortunately, email doesn’t always get that nail into the wood

No matter how hard you swing

Think about it…

With email…

Great resources quickly get lost in the clutter

Searching for and retrieving information is often painful and stressful

The only option for archiving and organizing these types of emails…

…is with folders…which can quickly get out of hand

Here’s where Delicious comes to save the day

Using Delicious, you can create a library of resource links that…

Can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection…


…by anyone in the world

Can be quickly searched to find

exactly what you need…


…using a search box

…or the handy dandy tags

Can include extra notes to provide even more useful information


Can eliminate the need to email links


So, how can you make this work for your team…

Sign up for an account … 1

…using an email address, user name & password that you will share with your team

Encourage your team to add browser buttons to quickly and easily save links to the delicious account


And to take the tour


You may want to come up with a standard set of tags to use for your team


What are tags?

Delicious says…

Tags are one-word descriptors that you assign to your bookmarks to help you organize and remember them

Tags are a little bit like keywords, but you choose them yourself and they do not form a hierarchy.

Assign as many tags to a bookmark as you like - you can always rename or delete the tags later

Tagging is a lot easier and more flexible than fitting your information into preconceived categories or folders

Need more information on this whole social bookmarking phenomena?Check out this video: Social Bookmarking in Plain English

Encourage your team to jump on the Delicious bandwagon and decrease emails

Michelle E. JohnsonDoor 41

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