us history student name: unit 2.2: civil war ends...

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9 US History Student Name:_____________

Unit 2.2: Civil War Ends Period: ___________________

Time Period: 1863-1865

Unit Questions

(Prepare to answer these questions for unit exam)

1. What is the Emancipation Proclamation? How did it change the purpose of the Civil War?

2. What was Lincoln’s personal view of slavery? How did it evolve over time?

3. How did African American slaves participate in the war?

4. How did African Americans experience slavery?

5. How did African American slaves resist slavery?

6. What factors led to the end of the Civil War?

Thought Jots














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Crittenden Resolution

• Passed by Congress July of 1861

• War is being fought to preserve the Union, not to end slavery.

• Lincoln had stated as much in his First Inauguration Speech

First Confiscation Act-1862

• Any property being used to __________________________can be seized.

• Example: _____________________________ ____________________________________

• Loophole: quit fighting and the South can keep its slaves.

Second Confiscation Act-1862

• __________________________________, regardless of its use, can be seized.

• Loophole: quit fighting and keep the slaves.

Steps Toward Emancipation

• March 1862-slaves who escape to Union lines ___________________________________.

• April 1862-_______________________$$$$ goes into effect for Washington DC.

• June 1862-Territories are emancipated _____________________________________



Political consideration against Emancipation

1. Did not want to offend the __________________

a. Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland

2. Offend the racist element in the North

a. Did not want freed slaves to __________ _____________________________________

Lincoln’s Response

• ““I would do it if I were not afraid that half the officers would fling down their arms and three more States would rise. “ Lincoln-summer 1861

• “”My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery.”

• This response reflected Lincoln’s official view, not as he stated his personal view of slavery.

• What Lincoln needs, in 1862, is a victory in the Eastern Theater of the war to help the North see the connection between ____________________and ________________________________.

• What victory leads to emancipation?

• ________________________________

Emancipation Proclamation

• Issued September 22, 1862-five days after Antietam

• All persons engaged in __________________ as of January 1, 1863 will ________________ __________________________________. This justified emancipation for military reasons.

• Loophole: if the South quits, they can keep their slaves.

Looking for Lincoln’s Views on Slavery - Video Organizer

Complete Column 2 as you watch each segment. Once the segment is over, complete the third column, summarizing Lincoln’s viewpoint on slavery during that segment.

Video Segment What You Learned About Lincoln and

Slavery Summarize this segment in 1-2

complete sentences

1. Early Views

2. White Supremacist?

3. The Road to Emancipation

4. Growth and Change



January 1, 1863

The _______________________________takes effect.

President Lincoln’s

Emancipation Proclamation declares that all slaves in Confederate states will be free.

Lincoln invites ______ _____________________to enlist

Inequality in the Army

Black soldiers were initially _____________ from which ___________________automatically deducted for clothing, _____________.

In contrast, white soldiers ___________________from which no clothing allowance was drawn.

June 15, 1864

Congress raises the pay of black soldiers to make it equal to that of whites.

Slaves built the U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C.



March 3, 1865

Congress passes a resolution to ____________ ________________ of African-American soldiers.

A slave family in South Carolina, 1862. Photo courtesy Library of Congress.

March 13, 1865

The _____________________approves arming slaves as soldiers. But only if as their masters approve.

April 9, 1865

Civil War ends.

Over _____________ ____________________ had served in the Union army

More than __________ ____________________ had died.



African-American Impact

By the end of the Civil War, roughly 179,000 black men (_________________ _______________________) served as soldiers in the U.S. Army and another 19,000 served in the Navy. Nearly ______________ _____________________died over the course of the war—30,000 of infection or disease.

African-American Impact

Black soldiers served in __________________________________ and performed all ____________________ support functions that sustain an army, as well. Black carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, laborers, nurses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, surgeons, and teamsters also contributed to the war cause.

African-American Impact

Black women, who could not formally join the Army, nonetheless served as nurses, spies, and scouts, the most famous being __________________________.

African Americans in the Civil War Port Hudson Miliken’s Bend

Fort Wagner Battle of the Crater

Slave Narratives What was slavery like? What was life like after slavery?

Passive/Active Resistance Surprising/Interesting Details

Primary Source Analysis Tool












What are ways that slaves could resist slavery?


• Passive Resistance: Indirectly resisting the boundaries set by slavery.

• Active Resistance: Directly resisting slavery by going outside of the bounds.

Slavery Story

• You are going to write a story about your experience in slavery.

• Requirements:– Between 1-2 pages

– Size 12 Font

– Typed in Word (on your computer)

– Emailed to Me

Slavery Story

• You must answer the following questions with your story.– Where were you born?

– What sort of work did you do?

– What was your life like?

– How did you passively resist slavery?

– How did you actively resist slavery?



Turning Point #1: Gettysburg

• Lee invades north to effect the outcome of the __________ _________________________

• Union and Confederate forces accidentally meet at Gettysburg, PA

• After 3 days of battle Lee retreats south. He will never invade the north again.

• This is the first ____________ _______________in the battle of the capitals

Turning Point #2 Vicksburg

___________commanded the Union at Vicksburg

• The Union sieged Vicksburg, MS

• Vicksburg was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi

• It fell after a month-long siege.• Now the western part of the

war was done. • The _________________was

in Union hands and the ______________ _ was tightening.

After the battle his was transferred east to fight ________

Lincoln Re-elected• Ran for reelection in 1864

– Outlook was bad

– Lincoln’s chances for victory were slim.

• Democrats nominated _________________

– Was willing to compromise__________withthe Confederacy and restore ______________

• Then, Sherman and Sheridan had huge Union victories.

– Rallied support for Lincoln

– Lincoln won the close election

Gen. Sherman (Union)

Sherman’s _________________

• Sherman was ordered to march through the state of Georgia and ____________ _____________________.

• He’s still hated in the South

• _________________: deprive the enemy of everything.

• __________________: railroad lines twisted around trees so they were useless



The Civil War Ends• ___________________surrenders on Feb.

17, 1865

• Lee asks for Confederacy to arm slaves and on Mar. 13th they agree - desperate

• Lee dug in at Petersburg.

– There Grant held him to a nine month siege.

• Richmond and Petersburg fell on April 2, 1865.

End of the War• By April, Union has one million men,

Confederate only have had 100,000

• Lee and his army withdrew to a small Virginia town called __________________ _______________________________.

– Lee knew his men would be slaughtered so he surrendered on April 9, 1865

– Lincoln assassinated on April 15, 1865

Terms of Surrender

• Grant offered generous terms to the Confederates.

– Soldiers were required to turn over their rifles.

• However, officers could keep their pistols.

– Soldiers who had horses could keep them.

– Each “officer and man would be allowed to return to his home and not be disturbed by U.S. authorities.”

• EFFECTS OF CIVIL WAR• creation of a single unified country• abolition of _______________________• increased power to fed. gov't – killed the issue of

states rights • U.S. now an __________________ nation• a stronger sense of nationalism• __________________opened to settlement• South was economically and physically devastated,

w/ the plantation system crippled...thus _______________________ (rebuilding the U.S.) -but a deep hatred of the North remained...

How did Lincolns view on slavery change over the course of

the Civil War?

A. Introduction: Restate the question as Main Idea

a. Preview of Point #1

b. Preview of Point #2

B. Point #1

a. Idea A (supports/proves Point #1)

b. Idea B (supports/proves Point #1)

C. Point #2

a. Idea C (supports/proves Point #2)

b. Idea D (supports/proves Point #2)

D. Conclusion: Tells me how you proved Main Idea.

a. Point #1 proves Main Idea

b. Point #2 proves Main Idea

How did Lincolns view on slavery change over the course of

the Civil War?

A. Lincoln’s view of slavery changed over the course of

the Civil War.

a. At the beginning of the war, Lincoln believed

that slavery was not the main issue of the


b. By the end, Lincoln had come to believe that

is was the defining issue of the war.

B. When the war broke out, Lincoln was more

concerned with keeping the United States together.

a. He even promised the South as the war was

breaking out that He did not intend to

destroy slavery where it already existed.

b. He only supported containing it to where it

already existed and preventing it from

spreading into future states and territories.

C. By the end of the war, Lincoln realized that

destroying slavery must be the main purpose of the

war if the North was to win.

a. On January 1, 1863, he issued the

Emancipation Proclamation ending slavery in

all states still in rebellion.

b. He also supported the full inclusion of

African-Americans in the military.

D. Therefore, Lincoln’s view of slavery matured as the

war did.

a. In the beginning, he was just concerned with

holding the nation together.

b. However, he came to understand that it was

slavery that had torn the country apart.

3.2 Essay Writing Workshop

Essay Expectations

• You will prepare for the above essays in your group.

• You will be responsible for being ready to answer all of these essays.

• I will give you two of these essays to respond to on your quiz.

• Your response to these essays should be between 1-3 paragraphs.

• Your response should answer everything that the question is asking.

• Your response should be a well-crafted essay, with proper spelling, grammar, logical

order, and thoughtful arguments.

Possible Essay Questions

1. As A Class: How did Lincolns view on slavery change over the course of the Civil War?

2. In Your Group: There are many reasons why African-Americans voluntarily enlisted in the Union


• What are some physical motives for joining?

• What are some reasons for joining that were harder to measure?

3. In Your Group: How did African-Americans contribute toward the victory of the Union over the


4. On Your Own: The Union victories at Gettysburg happened within days of each other. Why did

these two victories mark a final turning point in the Civil War?

Unit 2.2 Study Guide: Civil War Ends Name:

Vocabulary: Understand what it is and why it is important to history

Emancipation Proclamation

Passive Resistance

Active Resistance



George McClellan

Gen. Sherman

Gen. Grant

Gen. Lee


Voluntary Enlistment

Ft. Wagner

“Great Emancipator”

Total Warfare

Sherman’s Neckties

Concepts to Understand:

What was the Emancipation Proclamation? Who did it apply to (groups of people & states)?

Why was the battle of Ft. Wagner an important moment in the Civil War?

What were some of the challenges African-Americans faced when they enlisted in the Union Army?

Identify at least three examples of passive resistance to slavery by slaves.

Identify at least three examples of active resistance to slavery by slaves.

What happened at Gettysburg? Why was this a turning point in the war?

What happened at Vicksburg? Why was this a turning point in the war?

What was Sherman’s March to the Sea? How did this affect the South’s ability to continue fighting?

Who ran against Lincoln in during his re-election campaign? What did Lincoln’s opponent promise to do if


Why was Lincoln almost defeated during his re-election campaign? Why did he ultimately win?

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