u.s. constitution flash cards

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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U.S. Constitution Flash Cards. Make these cards and you will do great on the test!. Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?. Thomas Jefferson. Who was the President of the Constitutional Convention?. George Washington. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


U.S. Constitution Flash Cards

Make these cards and you will do great on the test!

Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the President of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

What are the two symbols of the two major political parties?

Democrats = DonkeyRepublicans = Elephant

The Preamble

Beginning of the Constitution and states the goals of document

(Remember “PRE” beginning)

Six Goals of Preamble


• Form a more perfect union• Establish Justice• Insure domestic tranquility• Provide for the common defense• Promote the general welfare• Secure the blessings of liberty

What are the three branches of government?

1. Legislative2. Executive3. Judicial

How many articles are in the Constitution?


How many amendments are in the Constitution?


What is the job of the Legislative Branch?

Make the laws

What is the job of the Executive Branch?

Enforce the Laws

What is the job of the Judicial Branch?

Interpret or Carry Out the Laws

Who makes up the legislative branch?

Congress:The House of Representatives

and the Senate

Who makes up the Executive Branch?

The President, Vice President, and the Cabinet

Who makes up the Judicial Branch?

Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, and District Courts

What type of government is the United States?

Democratic Republic


Sharing of power between national government and the states.

Checks and Balances

Distribution of powers among the three branches to prevent one from getting too much



The following are flashcards for the Legislative Branch

How many Senators are there from every state?


How many representatives are there from every state?

At least ONE*depends on population

Who calls SPECIAL sessions of Congress?

The President

Where does Congress meet?

The Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

Where are the notes and bills from daily meetings in Congress kept?

The Congressional Record

How many Senators are there?

100*Two from each state

Who are Illinois’s two Senators?

Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk

What are the the qualifications of a Senator?

- Must be 30 years old-A U.S. citizen for at least 9 years

-Live in state he/she represents in Senate

Who is the PRESIDENT of the Senate (leader)?

The Vice President

-Looks over Senate but does not vote or debate on issues

Unless there is a tie

What is a BILL?

A proposed law by Congress

What are important powers of the Senate?

- Approve treaties made by president-Approves Selections of federal officers by president

-Jury for impeachment trials

How many representatives are there in the House of Representatives?


How many representatives are there from Illinois?


What are the qualifications for a Representative?

-Must be 25 years old-A U.S. citizen for at least seven years-Live in the state he/she represents

Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?

The Speaker of the House

Who is the Speaker of the House?

John Boehner

What are important powers of the House of Reps.?

- Start all bills on revenue or concerning money-House has sole power of Impeachment against

any federal officer (the Senate decides case).

Where do all money BILLS begin?

In the House of Representatives

What is the census?

A count of U.S. population to help determine government spending.

How often is the census taken?

Every 10 years

What is impeachment?

When a federal officer is ACCUSED of committing a crime

Who has the sole power of IMPEACHMENT?

Only the House of Representatives can impeach or accuse a federal officer of wrongdoing.

Who is the jury for an impeachment trial?

The Senate serves as the jury and must vote 2/3 guilty to convict.

What happens if a federal officer is convicted of impeachment charges?

They are removed from office and cannot serve another government job.

Habeas Corpus

A person cannot be denied a right to be brought to court for trial in front of a judge.

*Cannot lock someone up without telling their what he or she was charged with.

Bill of Attainder

Government cannot declare someone or a group guilty of a crime without trial

*Example: German government saying Jews were enemies of the state.

Ex Post Facto Law

Can’t make a law illegal to have done something that was not illegal when it was done.

*Drink alcohol at the age of 18 when it was legal to drink alcohol.

Where do all money bills start?

The House of Representatives

When a bill makes it to Congress, where does it get placed?

The Hopper

In order for a bill to make into Congress, what must happen?

A member of Congress must sponsor the bill.

Who must sign a bill before it gets placed on the president’s desk?

The Vice President and Speaker of the House

How long does the President have to make a decision on a bill?

10 days

What three things can president do with a bill?

1. Sign the bill2. Veto the bill

3. Pocket veto- becomes law if Congress is session.

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