us ability eval report

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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Paper Porto-type


Usability Evaluation Report

05-863/08-763/46-863: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction for Technology Executives

Usability Evaluation Report Template


Prepared By

NAME: Imantha Shaluka Isuru Marasinghe


Brief Description of User

As our first user was Harsha Weerasinghe he is a training doctor of Kurunagala hospital. He has no experience regarding IT field. We chose him because he has no experience regarding Netbeans so we can imagine how an amateur work with this IDE on the first use.

Second user who represented as the technical user is Ushan Maduwantha who is a student in SLIIT, a second years IT student.We chose him because he has experience regarding Netbeans so we can get an idea how a expert handle this modified IDE.

Process Overview

Set of questions

Ask user whether they used Netbeans or not before. Ask user to open the Netbeans IDE. Ask user to open a new project. Ask user whether they can set a form as the main form. Ask user whether they can create a project group. Ask user to find the Options menu. Ask user to add several if-else statements. Ask user to find to-do task list.


Non Technical user.

User = [ US ]Interviewer = [ IN ]

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[IN]: Have you ever used Netbeans [00:08][US]: No [00:09][IN]: Open the Netbeans (He open the Netbeans, Popup the prompt box) [00:11][US]: What is this [00:16][IN]: Using this you can import some old configuration file [00:23][IN]: Can you set this form as a main form [01:28][US]: I dont know [01:31] [IN]: Right click on top of the applicationjava1 tab [01:38][US]: Then [1.45] [IN]: Did you see that option called set as main [01:49][IN]: Using that you can set the form as the main form [1:51][IN]: Show us how to create a project group [02:08] [IN]: Can you go to the options menu [02:38][US]: Ok [02:39][IN]: Can you add an if-else statement [02:54][US]: How can I do it [02:56][IN]: You can add any statement just by right clicking [03:03] [US]: (Right clicks on the form) Now? [03:07][IN]: Did you see that option called sorroundwith, using that you can insert any statements like if, while [03:11][IN]: Can you find the to-do list [03:27][US]: No I dont know how to do it [03:28][IN]: Hover over the button in the bottom left corner [03:30][IN]: Now you can see the to-do list option [03:48][IN]: Can you open a new project [03:55]

Technical user.

User = [ US ]Interviewer = [ IN ]

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[IN]: Have you ever used Netbeans [00:07][US]: Yes I have experience about Netbeans [00:08][IN]: Open the Netbeans (He open the Netbeans, Popup the prompt box) [00:13][US]: What is this message [00:19][IN]: Using this you can import some old configuration file [00:23][IN]: Can you set this form as a main form [01:25][US] :Yes I know how to do it(user fist click on file tab and looking for an option call set as main page and after he right click on top of the form and set that form as a main form) [01:27] [IN]: Show us how to create a project group [01.51] [US]: Yes I can [01:53][IN]: Can you go to the options menu [02.16][US]: Ok [02:17][US]: What would I select [02:25][IN]: No you dont want to select anything I check if you can find it easily or not [02:33] [IN]: Can you add an if-else statement [02.42][US]: Ok I will do it (right click on top of the page and if-else statement) [02.56][IN]: Can you find the to-do list [03.09][US]: I think I can find it (Hover over the button in the bottom left corner) [03.12][IN]: Can you open a project [03.26][US] Ok (Open existing project) [03:26]

Feedback & Critical Incidence

Usability Evaluation Feedback Analysis

#Prototype ScreenReferenceUsers feedback/ critical incidence/ problemReason for negative feedback / breakdownScopeSeverity(High/ Medium/ Low) andJustification for giving it that rating Way(s) to rectify and any Tradeoffs (i.e., why the fix might not work)

1See Picture 100.11User cant understand what this prompt is all about.User have no idea about old configurations.Import old configurations windowLow,Because user can cancel and proceed to the IDE or else user can use do not import option and proceed to the IDECan have a sub option in the Options menu rather than show it in the startup.

Trade off: That is not a must to ask to import old configurations in the startup. But it is useful for experienced users.

2See Picture 202.08Select project groups dropdown shows every project group that were created so far. So list maybe too long in some point.Larger list may cause interferences.Select project group dropdownLow.Because the list loads only when user selects the optionRather than dropdown the list open a new window to select the project group.

Trade off: Going through several windows maybe a unpleasant task for the user.

3See Picture 301.28User didnt noticed that there was a contextual menu in the form name tab to set the main page.Wrong placement of the contextual menu.Netbeans main windowHigh,Because user cannot set a form as the main form unless he know about the contextual menuUse the contextual menu in the project explorer window

Trade off: No downside for having this feature.

4See Picture 403.37User didnt know how to get To-Do listWrong placement and small button of the bottom right corner.Netbeans taskbarMedium,Because user cannot find their remaining work without knowing how to get To-Do taskCan have a tab in top of menu bar rather than show it in the hover button.

Trade off: That is useful for every user in Netbeans.

5See Picture 502.54User didnt know he can add if-else statement using surroundwith option in contextual menuUser dont what kind options the system facilitates and their placement Netbeans Contextual menuLow Because most of the technical users know placement of the these option because most of the IDEs have same standard Give a tip about what kind of option system have and there placement

Trade off: That is useful for most of the users

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