upgrade express 14.2 to 16.02 web opac localization · upgrade express 14.2 to 16.02 web opac...

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Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization

Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Last Update: April 5, 2005 Document Version 1.3


The information herein is the property of Ex Libris and any misuse or abuse will result in economic loss. DO NOT COPY UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM EX LIBRIS.

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The information in this document will be subject to periodic change and updating. please confirm that you have the most current documentation. there are no warranties of any kind, express or implied, provided in this documentation, other than those expressly agreed upon in the applicable Ex Libris contract, errors and omissions excepted.

Any references in this document to non-Ex Libris Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this Ex Libris product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.

Copyright Ex Libris Limited. All rights reserved.

Documentation produced April 2005

Document version 1.3

Web address: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 2 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

Table of Contents 1 Localization Options .................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Customize the New Web Interface (www_f_lng) ................................................. 4 1.2 Update the New Web Interface from the Source Web Interface ........................... 4 1.3 Combining the Customization and Update Options .............................................. 5 1.4 Localization Methodology..................................................................................... 5

2 Activating the Customization Option........................................................................... 7 2.1 Activating the Customization Option in the Upgrade Express Kit........................ 7 2.2 Customizing Base Lists.......................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Updating tab_base_html.................................................................................. 9 2.3 Customizing Index Lists ...................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 Updating tab_00_html................................................................................... 11 2.4 Customizing Login Lists..................................................................................... 12

2.4.1 Updating login.html ...................................................................................... 13 2.5 Customizing Short Lists...................................................................................... 14 2.6 Customizing Short999 Lists................................................................................ 15

2.6.1 Updating tab_short_999_html....................................................................... 15 3 Activating the Update Option..................................................................................... 17 4 Implementation Notes ................................................................................................ 19

4.1 Changed HTML Files .......................................................................................... 19 4.1.1 Explanation of Coded Changes ..................................................................... 19 4.1.2 List of Files.................................................................................................... 20

4.2 New HTML Files................................................................................................. 24 4.3 Changed HTML files That Were Transferred To The Source............................. 26 4.4 HTML Files In Which The CSS Link Was Changed .......................................... 26 4.5 HTML Files In Which The Body Tag Was Changed .......................................... 28 4.6 HTML files In Which The Image Tag Was Changed.......................................... 29 4.7 Deleted HTML Files ............................................................................................ 30 4.8 Unchanged HTML Files ...................................................................................... 30 4.9 Icon Files.............................................................................................................. 32

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 3 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

About this Document This document is intended for ALEPH sites using the Upgrade Kit to upgrade from 14.2 to 16.02. The upgrade kit installs a new ALEPH version 16.02 Web interface (www_f_lng) which requires localization. The document explains the localization options offered by the upgrade kit.

1 Localization Options The upgrade kit has two options for the localization of the new Web Interface: • Customize the new Web interface (www_f_lng) • Update the new Web interface from the source Web interface To access these options: 1. Log in to the test target server 2. Enter the following commands .

>> cd $aleph_dev/version_upgrade>> cv_upgrade_main.sh

The following menu appears:

Target ALEPH system main menu=============================

* 1. Define general setup of upgrade kit* 2. Initialize setup of aleph_start.private* 3. Open ALEPH libraries* 4. Convert ALEPH configuration tables

5. Localization of the new Web Interface (www_f_lng andwww_r_lng)* 6. Upload Oracle data tables

3. Select option 5. The following submenu appears:

Target ALEPH system main menuLocalization of the new Web Interface menu (www_f_lng and www_r_lng======================================================

1. Customize the new Web Interface (www_f_lng)2. Update the new Web Interface from the source Web Interface3. Update the new Course Reserve Interface from the Source Course

Reserve Interface (www_r_lng)

Select [exit] :

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 4 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

The first two options are relevant to the localization of the Web OPAC and are explained below.

1.1 Customize the New Web Interface (www_f_lng) This option customizes the standard Ex Libris Web OPAC HTML files so that they are appropriate for your local environment. This includes the following aspects: • Base lists • Index lists • ADM login pages • Short bibliographic record display • Short bibliographic record display formats After running this option you will have a working Web interface that looks like the Ex Libris standard version.

1.2 Update the New Web Interface from the Source Web Interface This option updates the new Web interface from your source Web interface files. There are several categories of update: • HTML and icon files unchanged in 16.02. These files are copied from the source to

the target. The original 16.02 files are renamed <filename>.16.02. This means that the active file is the one from the source.

• HTML and/or icon files renamed in 16.02. These files are copied from the source

to the target and renamed. The original 16.02 files are renamed <filename>.16.02. This means that the active file is the one from the source.

• HTML files that have been changed but can still be used without being updated

in 16.02. If such files are normally customized, the update copies them from the source to the target. The original 16.02 files are renamed <filename>.16.02. This means that the active file is the one from the source

• HTML files with a minimal and repeated change (that is, the same change occurs

in many files). These files are copied from the source and converted. The original 16.02 files are renamed <filename>.16.02. This means that the active file is the one from the source.

• HTML files that have been changed and that require manual update. These files

are transferred from the source with the extension <source> - that is, <filename>.14.2. This means that the active file is the one from the target. The implementation notes included below explain what has been changed in these files.

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In addition to these files, 16.02 has new files. The Update option does not touch these files.

� Important Notes The update option is only available if the frameless version of the Web OPAC is installed. It will work only if the FRAMELESS parameter in tab_default_vals is ‘Y’. The update program handles only standard files that are part of the Ex Libris Web OPAC. This includes files with base extensions. The update program will not handle (or transfer to the target) HTML files and icons that have been added locally. For more information, refer to Implementation Notes on page 19.

1.3 Combining the Customization and Update Options The Customization and Update options can be combined. Some of the files that are updated using the Customization option are transferred from the source in the Update. These files should not be customized. However, new files or files that the update option does not activate in the target can be customized even if the Update option is activated.. Refer to the following section, 1.4 Localization Methodology, for the recommended workflow.

1.4 Localization Methodology After running the customization you will have a working Web interface that looks like the Ex Libris standard version. This will enable you to verify that the Web OPAC is working, with your new upgraded setup. It is important to note that the customization option involves updating tables that serve as the basis for the customization. For example, you need to decide which bases will be displayed in which HTML files.. Therefore, it is possible that the customization option will be run twice – once immediately after the automatic upgrade of the setup to have a working Web OPAC, and then as again as part of the final localization of the HTML files. Note Before invoking the customization and update options make sure to read sections 2. Activating the Customization Option, 3. Activating the Update Option, and 4. Implementation Notes.! We recommend the following workflow:

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 6 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

1. After converting setup tables and data, run the customization option files so that you can verify that the Web OPAC is working, This step is taken by the operator of the Upgrade Express kit. Refer to section 2. Activating the Customization Option for instructions.

2. Verify that the Web OPAC is working. 3. Run the Update option (refer to section 3. Activating the Update Option for


4. If in step 1, you used the default values, rerun the customization option, this time filling in the customization tables based on local requirements.

If you rerun Option 1 (Customize the new Web Interface (www_f_lng)) after invoking Option 2 (Update the new Web Interface from the source Web Interface), do the following: 1. Customize base lists - listed files only

• base-list-include • find-m-top • bor-sdi-update • find-m

2. Customize index lists - listed files only

• scan-include-2 • find-code-include

3. Customize login lists – all files 4. Customize short lists – all files 5. Customize short999 lists – all files 6. Using section 4. Implementation Notes of this document, manually update the HTML

files as necessary.

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2 Activating the Customization Option

���� Important note Before running the customization option, make sure that there is a www_f_lng directory for all the languages you require. >> cd $alephe_root

>> ls

If the directory does not exist create it as follows: >> cd $alephe_root

>> cp –r www_f_eng www_f_<lng>

For example, to create a French interface : >> cp –r www_f_eng www_f_fre

2.1 Activating the Customization Option in the Upgrade Express Kit To run the customization you need to activate the upgrade kit in the test target environment after the test conversion of data and conversion of tables has finished, carry out these steps: 1. Log in to the test target server 2. Enter the following commands .

>> cd $aleph_dev/version_upgrade>> cv_upgrade_main.sh

The following menu appears:

Target ALEPH system main menu=============================

* 1. Define general setup of upgrade kit* 2. Initialize setup of aleph_start.private* 3. Open ALEPH libraries* 4. Convert ALEPH configuration tables

5. Localization of the new Web Interface (www_f_lng andwww_r_lng)* 6. Upload Oracle data tables

7. Copy additional directories before STP (not implemented yet)

3. Select option 5. The following submenu appears:

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 8 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

Target ALEPH system main menuLocalization of the new Web Interface menu (www_f_lng)======================================================

1. Customize the new Web Interface (www_f_lng)2. Update the new Web Interface from the source Web Interface3. Update the new Course Reserve Interface from the Source Course

Reserve Interface (www_r_lng)

4. Select option 1.. The following submenu displays:

Target ALEPH system main menuUpdate HTML files=================

1. Customize base lists2. Customize index lists3. Customize login lists4. Customize short lists5. Customize short999 lists

These options are explained in the following sections.

General notes: In most cases the customization has three steps: 1. Creation of a special table/s. Some tables are language-sensitive and are created for

all your active languages. If the table already exists, the kit will ask if you want to override it and start from scratch.

Bear in mind that the list of active languages is in the tab_lng table which can be

displayed via option 4-1-5 in the Upgrade Kit’s menu. The table is pre-configured and in principle does not need to be updated before you run the customization option.

2. Update of the table/s. 3. Creation/update of the HTML pages based on the table. You can update all or

specific files. The upgrade creates a backup of the original file with the name <filename>.<date>. every time it is run.

2.2 Customizing Base Lists This option lets you customize the various HTML pages in which a list of the bases in use by the system is displayed. This includes the following HTML pages: • base-list – the main database selection page • base-list-include – list of bases • find-m-top – for multi-base search

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 9 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

• locate-list – for the locate function • bor-sdi-update - for the SDI function To update these files, follow these steps: 1. From the main menu, select option 5, then option 1, then option 1. You are now in the

Customize Base Lists menu:

Target system main menuCustomize Base Lists====================

1. Create/update new tab_base_html2. Edit tab_base_html3. Update html files0. Exit

2. Select option 1 to create the tab_base_html.lng table. This is a special table for

the upgrade kit. The table is language-sensitive and must be created for all active languages.

3. Select option 2 to edit the tab_base_html.lng table. You are prompted for a

language. Enter the three-letter code of the appropriate language (for example, fre for French). See below for an explanation of the table

4. Save your changes to return to the Customize Base Lists menu and select option 3.

The following menu is displayed:

Customize base listsUpdate html files=================

1. Update all files below for all languages in tab_lng2. Update base-list3. Update base-list-include4. Update find-m-top5. Update locate-list6. Update bor-sdi-update7. Update find-m

Select [exit] :

5. Enter the number of the relevant option to update the related HTML files.

2.2.1 Updating tab_base_html This table is based on the tab_base.lng table. It enables you to define the name of the base as it will display online and to determine in which of the HTML pages the specific base will display.

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The table has the following columns: Col. 1 Base code from tab_base Col. 2 Base name from tab_base. Note that you can modify this and enlarge it

to 40 characters. Col. 3 Include in base-list page - Y/N (default Y) Col. 4 Include in base-list-include page -Y/N (default Y) Col. 5 Include in find-m-top page - Y/N (default Y) Col. 6 Include in locate-list page - Y/N (default Y) Col. 7 Include in bor-sdi-update - Y/N (default Y) Example:

! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!-!-!-TST01 TST test library Y Y Y Y YUDN01 Test unimarc library Y Y Y Y YMONOGRAPHS Monographs (USM01) Y Y Y Y YUSM01 Ex Libris University Y Y Y Y YUSM10 USMARC AUT (USM10) Y Y Y Y YUSM20 USMARC ILL (USM20) Y Y Y Y Y

After updating the table, update the HTML files using option 3 in the menu.

2.3 Customizing Index Lists This option enables you to customize the various HTML pages in which a list of the indexes in use by the library is displayed. This includes the following HTML pages: • scan-include-2 – list of indexes for Browse • find-code-include – list of indexes for Search To update these files, follow these steps: 1. From the main menu, select option 5, then option 1, then option 2. You are now in the

Customize Index Lists menu:

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 11 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

Target system main menuCustomize Index Lists=====================

1. Create/update new tab_00_html2. Edit tab_00_html3. Update html files0. Exit

2. Select option 1 to create the tab_base_html.lng table. This is a special table for

the upgrade kit. The table is language-sensitive and must be created for all active languages. It must also be created for all active libraries except for the ADM (Administrative) library. See below for a detailed explanation of the table. Note that the list of active libraries is defined in the tab_all_libs table that can be displayed in option 1-1 of the Upgrade kit. This table is pre-configured and it is not necessary to update it before running the customization option.

3. Select option 2 to edit the tab_00_html table. You are prompted for a library, then a

language. Enter the library code and the three-letter code of the appropriate language (for example, fre for French) to update the table for all languages and libraries which are accessed via the Web OPAC:

Enter library: usm01Enter language: fre

4. Save your changes to return to the Customize Index Lists menu and select option 3.

The following menu is displayed:

Customize index listsUpdate html files=================

1. Update all files below for all libraries, languages and bases2. Update scan-include-23. Update find-code-include

Select [exit] :

5. Enter the number of the relevant option to update the related HTML files.

2.3.1 Updating tab_00_html You can use this table to define the display of the index name and determine in which index lists/bases an index will display.

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 12 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

The table has the following columns: Col. 1 Index code from the library’s tab00.lng Col. 2 Index name. This is the name that displays online. The default is the

name from tab00.lng but this can be modified and enlarged to up to 40 characters.

Col. 3 Include in the scan-include-2 page - Y/N (default Y) Col. 4 Include in the find-code-include page - Y/N (default Y) Col. 5 Base code/s. Indexes can be limited to display in specific bases. If a base

code is entered in Col. 5, the index will display only in the specified base. Multiple bases can be defined using a space as the delimiter. There is no limit to the number of bases that can be entered.


!! 1 2 3 4 5!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-SYS System Number Y Y base1 base2BAR Barcode Y YMNG50 P-MANAGE-50 routine Y Y base1BAR Barcode Y YIDN Control Number Y YTIT Titles Y Y

After updating the table, update the HTML files using option 3 in the menu.

2.4 Customizing Login Lists This option enables you to customize the various HTML pages in which a list of the ADM libraries to select for login displays. This includes the following HTML pages: • login – main login page • login-item – login before placing a hold request • login-session – login page presented to a guest who tries to use an option that

requires login (for example, to access My Library Card) If you have only one active ADM library, the customization updates the files and adds the ADM library as the default with no pull-down menu for selection.

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To customize the HTML pages where ADM libraries are selected on login, follow these steps: 1. From the main menu, select option 5, then option 1, then option 3. You are now in the

Customize Login Lists menu:

Target system main menuCustomize Login Lists=====================

1. Create/update login_html2. Edit login_html3. Update html files0. Exit

Select :

Select option 1 to create the login_html table. This is a special table for the upgrade kit. The table is language-sensitive and must be created for all active languages. See below for a detailed explanation of this table.

2. Select option 2 to edit the login_html table. You are prompted a language. Enter

the three-letter code of the appropriate language (for example, fre for French) to update the Web OPAC interface:

Enter language: fre

3. Save your changes to return to the Customize Login Lists menu and select option 3.

The following menu is displayed:

Customize login listsLogin menu==========

1. Update all files below for all languages2. Update login3. Update login-item4. Update login-session5. Update bypass-passwd6. Update login-request

Select [exit] :

4. Enter the number of the relevant option to update the related HTML files.

2.4.1 Updating login.html You can use this table to define which ADM libraries are defined in the login pages and the name used for the display. If only one ADM library is defined for display, it is hidden in the login page.

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 14 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

Explanation of the table: Col. 1 ADM library code. Col. 2 ADM library name. The default is taken from tab_sub_library_address.lng

but can be modified in the table. Col. 3 Include the library in the login pages? - Y/N (default Y). Note that demo libraries

are defaulted to N. ! 1 2 3!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-TST50 Test Library YUSM52 NUNI50 Ex Libris University Libraries MUSM50 Ex Libris University Libraries M

Note that demo libraries are included in the list. You probably will want to change column 3 for these tables to N. After updating the table, update the HTML files using option 3 in the menu.

2.5 Customizing Short Lists This option enables you to customize the short record display based on your www_tab_short.lng table so that the number of columns is consistent. The following HTML tables are updated: • short-a-head

• short-a-body

To update these files, from the main menu, select option 5, then option 1, then option 4. You are now in the Customize Login Lists menu:

Target system main menuCustomize short lists=====================

1. Update all files below for all libraries and languages2. Update short-a-head3. Update short-a-body4. Edit short-a-head5. Edit short-a-body

Select [exit] :

Options 1,2 and 3 update the HTML files based on www_tab_short.lng. Use options 4 and 5 to define the column percentage width.

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2.6 Customizing Short999 Lists This option enables you to customize the list of short format options based on the library’s www_f_tab_short_999 table. The following HTML tables are updated: • short-include-2

To customize this table, follow these steps: 1. From the main menu, select option 5, then option 1, then option 5. You are now in the

Customize Short999 Lists menu:

Target system main menuCustomize short999 lists========================

1. Create/update tab_short_999_html for all libraries and languages2. Edit tab_short_999_html3. Update all files below for all libraries and languages4. Update short-include-2

Select [exit] :

2. Select option 1 to create the tab_short_999_html table. The table is language-sensitive and must be created for all active languages. It must also be created for all active libraries except for the ADM library. See below for a detailed explanation of the table. Note that the list of active libraries is defined in the tab_all_libs table that can be displayed in option 1-1 of the Upgrade kit. This table is pre-configured and it is not necessary to update it before running the customization option.

3. Select option 2 to edit the tab_short_999_html table. You are prompted for a

library, then a language. Enter the library code and the three-letter code of the appropriate language (for example, fre for French) to update the table for all languages and libraries which are accessed via the Web OPAC:

Enter library: usm01Enter language: fre

4. Save your changes to return to the Customize Short999 Lists menu and select option

3 or option 4 to update the related HTML files.

2.6.1 Updating tab_short_999_html You can use this table to define the list of available short formats and their names. The format itself is defined in the www_f_tab_short_999 table.

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 16 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

Explanation of the table: Col.1 Format number from www_f_tab_short_999

Col. 2 Include the format in the list (in the short-include-2 page) – Y/N. The default is Y

Col. 3 Format name. This is the name that will display in online. The default is

the format number. Example: !! 1 2 3!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-951 Y 951952 Y 952999 Y 999

After updating the table, update the HTML files using option 3 or 4 in the menu.

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3 Activating the Update Option In order to run the Update option you need to activate the upgrade kit in the test target environment after the test conversion of data and conversion of tables has finished. Enter the following commands after logging into the test target server. >> cd $aleph_dev/version_upgrade>> cv_upgrade_main.sh

The following menu displays: Target ALEPH system main menu=============================

* 1. Define general setup of upgrade kit* 2. Initialize setup of aleph_start.private* 3. Open ALEPH libraries* 4. Convert ALEPH configuration tables

5. Localization of the new Web Interface (www_f_lng and www_r_lng* 6. Upload Oracle data tables

7. Copy additional directories before STP (not implemented yet)

© Ex Libris Ltd., 2005 Document Version 1.3 Page 18 of 35 Upgrade Express 14.2 to 16.02 Web OPAC Localization Last Update: April 5, 2005

Select option 5 (Localization of the new Web Interface (www_f_lng)). The following submenu displays: Target ALEPH system main menuLocalization of the new Web Interface menu (www_f_lng)======================================================

1. Customize the new Web Interface (www_f_lng)2. Update the new Web Interface from the source Web Interface3. Update the new Course Reserve Interface from the Source Course

Reserve Interface (www_r_lng)

Select option 2. (Update the new Web Interface from the source Web Interface). When you invoke this option the kit will update the www_f_lng directory as explained in section 1.2 Update the New Web Interface from the Source Web Interface above. For a list of the specific files refer to the implementation notes for your version. Note that all language directories defined in the kit’s languages tables (tab_lng) are updated. You must make sure to create all necessary language directories before the localization as explained in section 2 Activating the Customization Option above.

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4 Implementation Notes As noted in Update the New Web Interface from the Source Web Interface on page 4, the update program handles different categories of changes. The implementation notes below list files that require manual changes as well as files that were updated automatically by the kit, deleted or transferred with no change.

� Important Note! The update program handles only standard files that are part of the Ex Libris Web OPAC. This includes files with base extensions. The update program will not handle (or transfer to the target) HTML files and icons that have been added locally. If you created such files, they should be manually transferred to the www_f_lng directory in 16.02. They can be copied from the source or from the save_tab directory under the Upgrade Express kit (<version_upgrade root directory>/cv_<source>-16.02/save_tab/alephe/www_f_lng directory.)

4.1 Changed HTML Files The files in this section were changed in 16.02 and are not updated by the Update option or were updated only in part. . They should be updated manually. The Update keeps the new 16.02 file as the active file. It copies the files from the source and renames them <filename>.16.02. A brief explanation of the nature of the change is included. There are two types of changes:

• Changes that are repeated in several files. Every change like this has been assigned a code. The relevant codes are listed next to each file in the list in section 4.1.2 List of Files. An explanation of the coded changes is given in section 4.1.1 Explanation of Coded Changes.

• Unique changes: These change are occur only in one or two files and they are

explained in the list of files itself. In some cases the changes are so extensive, that just a comment "file completely rebuilt" is added. This explanation is in Italics.

4.1.1 Explanation of Coded Changes

BodymarginAn attribute marginheight="0" was removed from the body tag. Note: this change is done by the Update program ClearbuttonThe reference for the "Clear" button was changed.

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CSS A line was removed from the head. This line was <link rel="stylesheet" href="&server_httpd/aleph.css" type="text/css"> Note: this change is done by the Update program Filename The file name in the first line was wrong or missing; this was corrected. Formatselect An additional option for selecting a pre-defined format or creating an own format was inserted (huge code block). Imagelink There was a change of the source attribute in the IMG tag. Old: <img src="&icon_path_&lng/icon/*.*"> New: <img src="&icon_path/*.*"> Note: this change is done by the Update program Includefile One or more additional files are included via the include tags. JSminusA JavaScript was removed from the head of the file. JSplusA JavaScript was added to the head of the file. ProxysponsorTwo additional table columns for proxy/sponsor function were added. SearchbaseAn option for selecting a base to search was added to the file. TextNon-functional changes in explanatory text; no tags involved.

4.1.2 List of Files 1. accref-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Text 2. basket-course: CSS, Bodymargin, Text, Imagelink, Formatselect; mail

address to be added to an input tag 3. basket-mail: Includefile, Text, Formatselect; form tag changed 4. basket-short-head: CSS, Bodymargin; anchor tag to save/mail function

changed 5. bor-cash-head: first half of the file completely changed

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6. bor-ill-body: Additional td tag, old td tag commented out 7. bor-ill-exp: CSS, Bodymargin, Text; four additional table rows 8. bor-ill-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Text; table with records heading added 9. bor-ill-tail: table added 10. bor-include-1: Proxysponsor 11. bor-info: CSS, Bodymargin, Text, Proxysponsor; section "blocks" renamed to

"delinquencies"; SDI function in two regular table columns instead of a JavaScript; JavaScript function bor-check-profile renamed to display-profile; numerous variables all over the file changed; table for displaying patron address added

12. bor-info-no-z305: CSS, Bodymargin; section "blocks" renamed to "delinquencies"; SDI function in two regular table columns instead of a JavaScript; JavaScript function bor-check-profile renamed to display-profile

13. bor-loan-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Proxysponsor 14. bor-loan-no-loan: CSS, Bodymargin; attribute "onload" removed from body

tag; include tag for bor-include-1 moved within the file 15. bor-new: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, Text; table rows for library, home

library, 3rd and 4th telephone number removed; library branch marked as a mandatory field; size of input fields changed; option for bypassing password added; "send all letters" option not selectable anymore, now a hidden tag

16. bor-new-message: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; icon f-search.gif replaced with f-go.gif

17. bor-photo-no-photo: CSS, Bodymargin; include tag for bor-include-1 moved within the file

18. bor-profile-display: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, Text; options for selecting interface language and including AUT data added

19. bor-renew-all-body: Table column with variable 2400 added 20. bor-renew-all-head-2: Table column for title added 21. bor-renew-all-no-errors: File structure completely rebuilt 22. bor-sdi-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; function bor-sdi-update-0

renamed to bor-sdi-action 23. bor-sdi-update: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; order of print formats

changed; books renamed to monographs 24. bor-update: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; variables in input tags changed;

structure of second column for each table row changed; new columns for "from" and "to" options

25. bor-update-passwd: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; option for bypassing password added

26. bypass-passwd: CSS, Imagelink, Filename; attributes of body tag changed; corrections of accidentally wrapped tags

27. direct-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile; new options for e-shelf, for bib request; parameters for "add to basket" changed; function full-mail-0 renamed to full-mail-0-d; new table column with variable $1100; new parameters for choosing format

28. find-a: CSS, Bodymargin, JSminus, Searchbase, Clearbutton, Text

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29. find-b: CSS, JSplus, Includefile, Searchbase, Clearbutton, Text; attributes of body tag change

30. find-b-list-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, JSplus, Searchbase, Clearbutton

31. find-b-permute-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, JSplus, Text 32. find-c: CSS, Bodymargin, Searchbase, Imagelink, Clearbutton; input tags for

adjacency search changed 33. find-d: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, Searchbase, Text; valign attribute

added to td tag 34. find-include-buttons: References for links changed 35. find-include-filter: year option replaced with "year from" and "year to"

options; subsequent option filter codes renumbered 36. find-m: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, Text; attribute "checked" in adjacency

search; parameters for selecting database changed; books renamed to monographs

37. forbidden-access: link to CSS file changed 38. full-999-body: parameters added to td tags 39. full-mail: Includefile, CSS, Bodymargin, Formatselect, Imagelink;

parameters of form tag changed; new hidden input tag added 40. full-set-head: CSS, Bodymargin; option "add to e-shelf" added; code for

options "save on server" and "SFX" changed 41. head-1-bor: Imagelink, Includefile, Text; reference for Search changed;

functions ILL and Help moved within the table; new options e-shelf and history added

42. head-1-nobor: Imagelink; reference for Sign-in link, Search and My Library Card changed

43. head-replace: Imagelink, Text; reference for Search changed; functions ILL and Help moved within the table; new options e-shelf and history added

44. help-1: Bodymargin; link to CSS file changed; structure of the file completely reorganised, content expanded

45. history-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; new Save button added 46. ill-conference-request: CSS, Bodymargin; ISBN renamed to ISSN,

corresponding parameters changed 47. ill-journal-request: CSS, Bodymargin; ISSN option added 48. ill-report-request: CSS, Bodymargin; ISSN option added 49. ill-request-doc-head: CSS; parameters of body tag changed 50. ill-request-doc-tail: parameters of form and select tags changed 51. ill-request-main-include: Filename, Imagelink; attribute "checked" in

adjacency search; parameters for pickup location enhanced; new options for "send material directly", media send method; copyright statements added; hidden input tags changed

52. ill-request-reset: Various parameters in JavaScript changed 53. include-select-format: Order and parameters of options changed, new option

777 added 54. include-window: New JavaScript function open_window_ext added 55. item-global-body: New variable for "No requests"; SFX option activated

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56. item-global-body-no-item: Text; colspan changed 57. item-global-exp: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile; SFX option activated 58. item-global-head-1: Filename, CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile, Imagelink; tag

"hr" added 59. item-global-head-2: Structure of the file completely rebuilt 60. item-global-head-3-a: New hidden input tag 61. item-global-head-3-c: Imagelink; SFX option activated 62. item-hold-request-1: Parameters of body tag changed 63. item-photo-request-1: Parameters of body tag changed 64. item-schedule-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, Text; parameters of

anchor tag changed 65. item-ug-1-head: Two tables added to file 66. item-ug-2-head: Filename; tags in beginning of file changed 67. item-ug-no-items: File completely rebuilt 68. item-ug-not-uniform: File completely rebuilt 69. login: CSS, JSplus, Bodymargin, Imagelink; table with the "welcome" line

completely rebuilt; accidentally wrapped tags corrected; width of second table changed; hidden input tags changed; shared pool as library branch added; new references for sign-in, guest and register buttons; new button for reconstructing password

70. login-request: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; hidden input tags changed 71. login-session: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; hidden input tags changed;

shared pool as library branch added; new button for reconstructing password 72. logout: CSS, JSminus, Bodymargin, Imagelink; included file head-1 moved

into the body 73. media-permission: Filename, CSS, Bodymargin, Text, Imagelink; button

"Close" added 74. media-permission-no-permission: CSS, Includefile; button "Close" added 75. meta-tags: link to CSS file added 76. new-record: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; attributes of form tag changed 77. option-display: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; SFX option activated; option

for including AUT data added 78. option-sfx: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; duplicate link to SFX demo server

removed 79. save-server: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; body tag now closed behind

included copyrights file 80. scan-acc-body: table column with variable 300 added 81. scan-acc-head: Includefile, CSS, Bodymargin; new table column for brief

recs 82. scan-acc-ug-body: Filename; attributes for first td tag added 83. scan-acc-ug-head: CSS; atrributes in body tag changed; class attribute for

first table tag removed 84. scan-include-2: Go/Clear buttons moved belowe the index selection list; more

indexes added to index selection list 85. service-856-no-permission: File completely rebuilt 86. service-tail: "Close" button added

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87. sfx-record: parameters of JavaScript changed 88. short-1-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile; form tag added; hidden input

tags added 89. short-2-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile; form tag removed; hidden input

tags removed 90. short-4-head: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile; form tag removed; hidden input

tags removed 91. short-a-body: attributes for each td tag changed or added 92. short-a-head: table column with variable 900 activated 93. short-b-body: attributes and contents of td tags changed 94. short-c-head: file completely rebuilt 95. short-empty: CSS; attributes of body tag changed 96. short-filter-r: CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink; parameters for selecting field

changed 97. short-include-2: file completely rebuilt 98. short-include-buttons: file completely rebuilt 99. short-mail: Includefile, CSS, Bodymargin, Imagelink, Formatselect;

parameters of form tag changed 100. short-rank: CSS, Bodymargin, JSplus, Imagelink, Text; reference for reset

button changed 101. short-refine: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile, Imagelink; parameters for

inputting Boolean operators changed 102. short-tail: file completely rebuilt 103. tail-bar-include: center/font tags replaced with div tags; reference for

preferences changed 104. www-ext-copyrights: CSS, Bodymargin, Includefile; alignment of table cells

changed from left to center; OK/Cancel buttons replaced

4.2 New HTML Files The following files are new in version 16.02 and did not exist in version 14.2. Note that all the files which must be updated because they include local values (for example, indexes or bases) are updated by the customization option.

1. add-to-eshelf 2. bad-file 3. base-list-include 4. basket-bib-request-0 5. basket-short-head-no-save 6. bib-request 7. bib-request-* 8. bor-ill-body-ext 9. bor-ill-exp-ext 10. bor-ill-head-ext 11. bor-renew-all-gbl-error

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12. bor-update-without-date 13. dummy-file 14. eshelf-* 15. find-a-top 16. find-b-list-head-top 17. find-b-permute-head-top 18. find-b-top 19. find-c-top 20. find-d-code-include 21. find-d-top 22. find-f 23. find-fulltext 24. find-m-results-* 25. find-m-top 26. find-r 27. find-r-top 28. full-000-body-r 29. full-999-body-r 30. full-set-body-1 31. full-set-head-1 32. full-set-head-2 33. full-set-head-ext-ill 34. full-xxx-body-r 35. head-1-bor-ext-ill 36. head-1-nobor-ext-ill 37. head-replace-ext-ill 38. ill-request-confirm 39. ill-request-doc-tail-se 40. ill-unit-* 41. include-replace-hash 42. item-global-tail-1 43. item-global-tail-2 44. item-global-ug-* 45. item-hold-request-body 46. item-hold-request-body-depo 47. item-hold-request-head 48. item-hold-request-head-depo 49. item-hold-request-tail 50. item-hold-request-tail-depo 51. item-photo-request-body 52. item-photo-request-head 53. item-photo-request-tail 54. item-ug-4-body 55. item-ug-4-head 56. item-ug-body-no-item 57. item-ug-too-long

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58. item-verify-response 59. login-item 60. logout-1 61. media-display-* 62. option-display-session 63. option-lng-session 64. replace-textarea-hash-js 65. save-history-* 66. scan-acc-body-r 67. scan-ind-body-r 68. scan-sys-body-r 69. scan-word-body-r 70. service-856-error 71. service-find-m-* 72. service-ill-record 73. service-sfx-record 74. short-a-body-media 75. short-a-head-media 76. short-b-body-r 77. short-bib-request-0 78. short-select-include 79. tips

4.3 Changed HTML files That Were Transferred To The Source The following files were changed in 16.02 but since they are normally customized and can work in 16.02 with no update they were transferred from the source to the target. The original 16.02 file has been renamed <filename>.16.02 This means that the active file is the one from the source:

1. base-list 2. exlibris.css (note: this file was formerly named aleph.css and should be renamed) 3. find-code-include 4. sub-library-select-*

4.4 HTML Files In Which The CSS Link Was Changed In the following files there was a line removed from the head. This line was <link rel="stylesheet" href="&server_httpd/aleph.css" type="text/css">

The Update option copied these files from the source to the target and renamed the original 16.02 file as <filename>.16.02 and made the above change. This means that the active file is the one from the source.

1. base-list 2. basket-full-head

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3. basket-note 4. bor-address 5. bor-cash-exp 6. bor-cash-no-cash 7. bor-cash-sub-head 8. bor-history-loan-exp 9. bor-history-loan-head 10. bor-history-loan-no-loan 11. bor-hold-exp 12. bor-hold-head 13. bor-hold-no-hold 14. bor-ill-no-ill 15. bor-item-schedule-head 16. bor-item-schedule-no-hold 17. bor-loan-exp 18. bor-note-display-head 19. bor-note-new 20. bor-photo-exp 21. bor-photo-head 22. bor-proxy-head 23. bor-proxy-no-proxy 24. bor-renew-all-head 25. bor-sdi-delete 26. bor-sdi-no-sdi 27. feedback 28. heading-acc-head 29. history-cross 30. ill-book-request 31. index-term-head 32. item-loan 33. locate-list 34. new-book 35. option-lng 36. save-file 37. save-server-d 38. scan 39. scan-ind-head 40. scan-sys-head 41. scan-word-head 42. service-head-tag 43. sfx-setting 44. short-filter 45. short-filter-a 46. short-filter-s 47. short-filter-y

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4.5 HTML Files In Which The Body Tag Was Changed In the following files an attribute marginheight="0" was removed from the body tag. The Update option copied these files from the source to the target and renamed the original 16.02 file as <filename>.16.02 and made the above change. This means that the active file is the one from the source.

1. base-list 2. basket-full-head 3. basket-note 4. bor-address 5. bor-cash-exp 6. bor-cash-no-cash 7. bor-cash-sub-head 8. bor-history-loan-exp 9. bor-history-loan-head 10. bor-history-loan-no-loan 11. bor-hold-exp 12. bor-hold-head 13. bor-hold-no-hold 14. bor-ill-no-ill 15. bor-item-schedule-head 16. bor-item-schedule-no-hold 17. bor-loan-exp 18. bor-note-display-head 19. bor-note-new 20. bor-photo-exp 21. bor-photo-head 22. bor-proxy-head 23. bor-proxy-no-proxy 24. bor-renew-all-head 25. bor-sdi-delete 26. bor-sdi-no-sdi 27. feedback 28. heading-acc-head 29. history-cross 30. ill-book-request 31. index-term-head 32. item-loan 33. locate-list 34. option-lng 35. save-file 36. save-server-d 37. scan 38. scan-ind-head 39. scan-sys-head

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40. scan-word-head 41. service-head-tag 42. sfx-empty 43. short-filter 44. short-filter-a 45. short-filter-s 46. short-filter-y

4.6 HTML files In Which The Image Tag Was Changed In the following files there was a change of the source attribute in the IMG tag. Old: <img src="&icon_path_&lng/icon/*.*">

New: <img src="&icon_path/*.*">

The Update option copied these files from the source to the target and renamed the original 16.02 file <filename>.16.02 and made the above change. This means that the active file is the one from the source.

1. bor-note-display-body 2. bor-note-new 3. bor-photo-exp 4. bor-sdi-delete 5. feedback 6. heading-acc-head-2 7. history-cross 8. locate-list 9. new-book 10. option-lng 11. save-file 12. save-server-d 13. service-aut 14. service-aut-bib 15. service-engine 16. service-find-acc 17. service-scan-acc 18. service-scan-ind 19. sfx-setting 20. short-filter-a 21. short-filter-s 22. short-filter-y

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4.7 Deleted HTML Files The following files are no longer in use in version 16.02.

1. basket-short-head-no-staff 2. bor-mod-password 3. bor-renew-all-global 4. edit-hol-split-line 5. item-global-head-2-a 6. item-hold-request 7. item-hold-request-2 8. item-hold-request-3 9. item-hold-verify 10. item-photo-request 11. media-permission-exec 12. media-permission-exec-* 13. option-display-nobor 14. option-lng-nobor 15. sfx-setting-rug 16. tree-display-label

4.8 Unchanged HTML Files This is a list of HTML files that have not changed. The Update option copied these files from the source to the target and renamed the original 16.02 file as <filename>.16.02This means that the active file is the one from the source.

1. accref-body 2. accref-tail 3. adm-library-select 4. basket-full-tail 5. basket-short-body 6. basket-short-tail 7. bor-cash-body 8. bor-cash-exp-1 9. bor-cash-exp-tail 10. bor-cash-sub-body 11. bor-cash-tail 12. bor-history-loan-body 13. bor-history-loan-exp-1 14. bor-history-loan-exp-2 15. bor-history-loan-tail 16. bor-hold-body 17. bor-hold-tail 18. bor-item-schedule-body 19. bor-item-schedule-tail 20. bor-loan-body

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21. bor-loan-tail 22. bor-note-display-tail 23. bor-photo-body 24. bor-photo-tail 25. bor-proxy-body 26. bor-proxy-tail 27. bor-renew-all-tail 28. bor-sdi-body 29. bor-sdi-tail 30. copyrights 31. direct-tail 32. find-b-list-body 33. find-b-list-tail 34. find-b-permute-body 35. find-b-permute-tail 36. full-000-body 37. full-999-separator 38. full-set-tail 39. full-xxx-body 40. heading-acc-body 41. heading-acc-head-1 42. heading-acc-tail 43. history-body 44. history-cross-body 45. history-cross-tail 46. history-tail 47. ill-include-buttons 48. include-window-tree 49. index-term-body 50. index-term-tail 51. item-cen-body 52. item-cen-body-no-item 53. item-cen-head-* 54. item-cen-tail 55. item-cen-tail-2 56. item-global-head-3-b 57. item-global-head-3-b1 58. item-global-head-3-b2 59. item-global-head-3-b3 60. item-global-head-3-b4 61. item-global-tail 62. item-schedule-1 63. item-schedule-body 64. item-schedule-tail 65. item-ug-1-body 66. item-ug-2-body

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67. item-ug-3-body 68. item-ug-3-head 69. item-ug-tail 70. replace-page-js 71. replace-textarea-js 72. scan-acc-tail 73. scan-acc-ug-tail 74. scan-ind-body 75. scan-ind-tail 76. scan-sys-body 77. scan-sys-tail 78. scan-word-body 79. scan-word-tail 80. sdi-search 81. service-find-acc-head 82. service-find-acc-tail 83. service-gen-exec 84. service-no-service 85. service-scan-acc-head 86. service-scan-acc-tail 87. sfx-au 88. sfx-subject 89. sfx-title 90. short-a-tail 91. short-b-body-separator 92. short-b-head 93. short-b-tail 94. short-c-body 95. short-c-tail 96. submit-form-include 97. tree-display-body 98. tree-display-head 99. tree-display-tail 100. www-ext-copyrights-9

4.9 Icon Files In 16.02 the icon directory for the Web OPAC has been moved to $alephe_root/www_f_lng/icon. The Update option copies the following icon files from the source.

1. aleph-new.gif 2. doc.gif 3. empty.gif 4. f-add-to-basket.gif

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5. f-aleph-logo-1.jpg 6. f-aleph-logo-2.jpg 7. f-aleph-logo-3.jpg 8. f-alert.gif 9. f-alert-dtl.gif 10. f-back.gif 11. f-back-dtl.gif 12. f-banner-dtl.jpg 13. f-bar.jpg 14. f-bg-dtl.jpg 15. f-bottom-bar.jpg 16. f-cancel.gif 17. f-cancel-dtl.gif 18. f-check.gif 19. f-clear0.gif 20. f-close.gif 21. f-copyrights.gif 22. f-create-subset.gif 23. f-delete.gif 24. f-deselect.gif 25. f-duplicate-record.gif 26. f-feedback.jpg 27. f-feedback-bar-left.jpg 28. f-feedback-bar-middle.jpg 29. f-feedback-bar-right.jpg 30. f-filter.gif 31. f-find.gif 32. f-find-text.gif 33. f-go.gif 34. f-guest.gif 35. f-headings.gif 36. f-history-cross.gif 37. f-history-delete.gif 38. f-history-save.gif 39. f-history-sdi.gif 40. f-history-view.gif 41. f-info.gif 42. f-info-dtl.gif 43. f-jump-to.gif 44. f-meta-icon.gif 45. f-middle-bar.jpg 46. f-modify-record.gif 47. f-next-page.gif 48. f-next-page-dim.gif 49. f-next-page-dim-dtl.gif 50. f-next-page-dtl.gif

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51. f-next-record.gif 52. f-next-record-dim.gif 53. f-next-record-dim-dtl.gif 54. f-next-record-dtl.gif 55. f-ok.gif 56. f-online-search.gif 57. f-panel-master-1-dtl.gif 58. f-panel-master-2-dtl.gif 59. f-password.gif 60. f-previous-record.gif 61. f-prev-page.gif 62. f-prev-page-dim.gif 63. f-prev-page-dim-dtl.gif 64. f-prev-page-dtl.gif 65. f-prev-record.gif 66. f-prev-record-dim.gif 67. f-prev-record-dim-dtl.gif 68. f-prev-record-dtl.gif 69. f-print.gif 70. f-rank.gif 71. f-refine.gif 72. f-register.gif 73. f-save.gif 74. f-save-mail.gif 75. f-save-on-server.gif 76. f-sdi-delete.gif 77. f-search.gif 78. f-search-tips.gif 79. f-select-all.gif 80. f-separator.gif 81. f-separator-dtl.gif 82. f-sfx.gif 83. f-sign1.gif 84. f-sign-in.gif 85. f-small-dot.gif 86. f-spacer.jpg 87. f-tip.gif 88. f-tip-dtl.gif 89. f-top.gif 90. f-top-bar.jpg 91. f-top-dtl.gif 92. f-update.gif 93. f-view-selected.gif 94. heb-keybd.gif 95. image.gif 96. movie.gif

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97. pdf.gif 98. presentation.gif 99. sound.gif 100. text.gif 101. t-leer.gif 102. t-minus.gif 103. t-plus.gif 104. unknown.gif

top related