university of washington accident / incident...

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University of WashingtonAccident / Incident Report

Report Number:2020-04-003 Contact EH&S at 206-543-7262

Person Reporting Incident

Last Name:Kopec First Name:Jeffrey

Phone:+1 206 221-3127

Occupation/Position:MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 Department:UWF: OPS: M&C: Central/SouthwestMaintenance Zone

Date Reported(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/03 Time of Reporting:07:10 AM

Person Involved or Affected

Last Name: First Name:

Phone: Email:

Occupation/Position: Department:UWF: OPS: M&C: Building Trades 14

Incident Details

Date of Incident(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/03/31 Time of Incident:9:00 AM When Shift Begins:7:00 AM

Campus:Seattle Incident Location/Parking Lot:MECH ENGR BLDG

Room:011 Other:

Incident Details: Attempting to remove flow control valvefrom the heating system, 2".Overexerted trying to remove valve. Attachment:No


Last Name:Kopec First Name:Jeffrey

Phone:+1 206 221-3127

Occupation/Position:MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 Department:UWF: OPS: M&C: Central/SouthwestMaintenance Zone


Level 1: Injury or Exposure, no first aid required, Injury involving lost work days,

Type of Incident

Injury Description: Sprain, Strain, Twist,

Body Parts Affected: Back,

Cause of Injury or Damage: Overexertion, Overly Forceful Motions,

Possible Causes



Policies / Procedures: Other,

Human Factors: Other,

Suggested corrective action by the affected party

Ask for help next time

Page 1 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

Supervisor's Comments

Root Causes:(Please look at all the factors that may have contributed to the accident.Such factors may include equipment, environment, policies,

procedures, and personnel.)

Over exertion.

Recommendations/Preventive Measures:Ask for help when a large amount of force is required.

Corrective Actions Target Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/03

Corrective Actions Complete Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/03

Other Comments:Ask for help when removing large pipe.

EHS Review

Last Name:Konnur First Name:Manisha Phone Number:+1 206 221-1759

Occupation/Position: Department:

Comments:forwarded to Natalie Daranyi, Erin McKeown - MK 4/3

Page 2 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

University of WashingtonAccident / Incident Report

Report Number:2020-04-012 Contact EH&S at 206-543-7262

Person Reporting Incident

Last Name:Jung First Name:Daniel

Phone:+1 206 790-1874

Occupation/Position:WINDOW WASHER LEAD Department:UWF: OPS: BSD: Custodial Area WW

Date Reported(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/13 Time of Reporting:09:12 AM

Person Involved or Affected

Last Name: First Name:

Phone:+1 Email:

Occupation/Position: Department:UWF: OPS: BSD: Custodial Area WW

Incident Details

Date of Incident(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/13 Time of Incident:11:30 AM When Shift Begins:7:00 AM

Campus:Not assigned to Campus Incident Location/Parking Lot:Bill & Melinda GatesCenter for Computer Science &

Room:100B Other:

Incident Details: A window washer was using the electric lift (JLG 40N) in the main atrium at CSE 2. As the window washerwas travelling to the last area of service with the lift, two cracks occurred on the floor tiles. Thewindow washer (also the lift operator) did not hear/feel/notice the first crack but did for the secondcrack. immediately after the second crack, the worker stopped the work and called their supervisor.The supervisor said to halt all work at the site until further notice. The supervisor then arrived atCSE 2 to take some pictures (please see attachment) Attachment:Yes


Last Name:Jung First Name:Daniel

Phone:+1 206 790-1874

Occupation/Position:WINDOW WASHER LEAD Department:UWF: OPS: BSD: Custodial Area WW


Level 1: Near miss (No incident occurred but it could have), Property damage only,

Type of Incident

Injury Description: None,

Body Parts Affected: None,

Cause of Injury or Damage: None,

Possible Causes

Equipment: Defective Material,

Environment: Other,

Policies / Procedures:

Human Factors:

Page 1 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

Suggested corrective action by the affected party

The window washer followed all rules/regulations/policies/practices appropriately.

Supervisor's Comments

Root Causes:(Please look at all the factors that may have contributed to the accident.Such factors may include equipment, environment, policies,

procedures, and personnel.)

from the looks of the floor tiles, they appear to be very thin. It also appears that there are othertiles in the area that have cracked from other incidents (ie heavy objects falling on the tiles).

Recommendations/Preventive Measures:need to install stronger/thicker floor tiles when designing building to have a lift be used.

Corrective Actions Target Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/09

Corrective Actions Complete Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/09

Other Comments:The window washer followed all rules/regulations/policies/procedures/practices as required by UW.

EHS Review

Last Name:Konnur First Name:Manisha Phone Number:+1 206 221-1759

Occupation/Position: Department:

Comments:forwarded to Natalie Daranyi - MK 4/13

Page 2 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

University of WashingtonAccident / Incident Report

Report Number:2020-04-018 Contact EH&S at 206-543-7262

Person Reporting Incident

Last Name:Som First Name:Puthea



Department:SOM: Comparative Medicine: AnimalFacility

Date Reported(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/22 Time of Reporting:01:28 PM

Person Involved or Affected

Last Name: First Name:

Phone: Email:

Occupation/Position:Contractor Department:

Incident Details

Date of Incident(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/22 Time of Incident:6:30 AM When Shift Begins: N/A

Campus:Not assigned to Campus Incident Location/Parking Lot:UWMC S1 Mobile OfficeUnit (S-1 Parking Lot)

Room: Other:

Incident Details:

was walking towards the building when she tripped on something. She said she slipped but shelanded on both knees. I walked into the Breakroom of ARCF at 6:50AM and saw she was holding her legs. Iasked what happened and she said she slipped and fell. I asked her if she needed to go home orattention, she told me she was fine and she will be ok. She was pretty bruised up from what

noticed Attachment:No


Last Name:Som First Name:Puthea



Department:SOM: Comparative Medicine: AnimalFacility


Level 1: Injury or Exposure, no first aid required,

Type of Incident

Injury Description: Bruise, Contusion,

Body Parts Affected: Knees,

Cause of Injury or Damage: Fall of Less than 6', or on Stairs,

Possible Causes

Equipment: Other,

Environment: Other,

Policies / Procedures: Other,

Human Factors: Other,

Page 1 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

Suggested corrective action by the affected party

Watch your surroundings especially when you are walking.

Supervisor's Comments

Root Causes:(Please look at all the factors that may have contributed to the accident.Such factors may include equipment, environment, policies,

procedures, and personnel.)

It may have been wet because of the rain. She may have tripped on something in the parking lot. It mayhave been dark.

Recommendations/Preventive Measures:Watch where you are walking, pay attention to your surroundings.

Corrective Actions Target Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/24

Corrective Actions Complete Date (yyyy/mm/dd):

Other Comments:This happened in the parking lot before she was scheduled to start her shift.

EHS Review

Last Name:Konnur First Name:Manisha Phone Number:+1 206 221-1759

Occupation/Position: Department:

Comments:forwarded to Scott Nelson - MK

Page 2 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

University of WashingtonAccident / Incident Report

Report Number:2020-04-019 Contact EH&S at 206-543-7262

Person Reporting Incident

Last Name:Jung First Name:Daniel

Phone:+1 206 790-1874

Occupation/Position:WINDOW WASHER LEAD Department:UWF: OPS: BSD: Custodial Area WW

Date Reported(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/23 Time of Reporting:07:24 AM

Person Involved or Affected

Last Name: First Name:

Phone: Email:

Occupation/Position: Department:UWF: OPS: BSD: Custodial Area WW

Incident Details

Date of Incident(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/23 Time of Incident:7:00 AM When Shift Begins: N/A

Campus:Seattle Incident Location/Parking Lot:W.H. FOEGE BIOENG

Room: Other:

Incident Details: Neck is sore from using the extension pole to wash windows the last few days Attachment:No


Last Name:Jung First Name:Daniel

Phone:+1 206 790-1874

Occupation/Position:WINDOW WASHER LEAD Department:UWF: OPS: BSD: Custodial Area WW


Level 1: Injury or Exposure, no first aid required,

Type of Incident

Injury Description: Other,

Body Parts Affected: Neck,

Cause of Injury or Damage: Ergonomic Issues, Repetitive Motions, Awkward Posture,

Possible Causes


Environment: Ergonomics Issues,

Policies / Procedures:

Human Factors: Other,

Suggested corrective action by the affected party

Change up tasks more frequently

Supervisor's Comments

Root Causes:

Page 1 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

(Please look at all the factors that may have contributed to the accident.Such factors may include equipment, environment, policies,

procedures, and personnel.)

the affected worker was working with an extension pole for a majority of the work this last week.

Recommendations/Preventive Measures:switch up the access equipment, for example, if they are going to use an extension pole frequently,perhaps try to use a ladder to access so that an extension pole is not the only equipment being used.

Corrective Actions Target Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/23

Corrective Actions Complete Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/23

Other Comments:

EHS Review

Last Name:Konnur First Name:Manisha Phone Number:+1 206 221-1759

Occupation/Position: Department:

Comments:forwarded to Denise Bender - MK 5/6

Page 2 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

University of WashingtonAccident / Incident Report

Report Number:2020-04-023 Contact EH&S at 206-543-7262

Person Reporting Incident

Last Name: First Name:

Phone:+1 Email:

Occupation/Position: Department:UWF: OPS: TS: Shuttles Staff

Date Reported(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/23 Time of Reporting:03:47 PM

Person Involved or Affected

Last Name: First Name:

Phone:+1 Email:

Occupation/Position: Department:UWF: OPS: TS: Shuttles Staff

Incident Details

Date of Incident(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/23 Time of Incident:8:30 AM When Shift Begins: N/A

Campus:Seattle Incident Location/Parking Lot:

Room: Other:SCCA House

Incident Details: I was driving vehicle up the alley behind the SCCA house. I had no passengers aboard. Just beforethe door to the lobby the brick wall of the building ends at a blind corner. Directly five feet backfrom this corner are the sliding doors of the building. This 5 feet, and room ahead of it serve as arain shelter for patients. It additionally allows the shuttle to leave the alley clear for traffic. Ialways stop before this corner, then move forward extremely slowly. I also turn the bus to the right,then pull in strait and align the bus parallel with the building. On this particular run I misjudged theclearance of the right rear of the bus. A protruding screw we later discovered, by seeing marks on therubber edge guard of the building and screw, nicked the guard. this broke the mortar, and moved thebricks forward. the three bricks were undamaged, but a four brick was damaged. The vehicle only showedsome black scuffs from the contact with the rubber. These came off easily. Neither the manager or myselfcould see any damage to the vehicle. Building staff and U.W. transportation managers were contactedimmediately. Attachment:No


Last Name:Massey First Name:Jon

Phone:+1 206 685-2955

Occupation/Position:SHUTTLES MANAGER Department:UWF: OPS: TS: Fleet & Shuttles


Level 1: Property damage only,

Type of Incident

Injury Description: Property Damage Only,

Body Parts Affected: None,

Cause of Injury or Damage: None,

Possible Causes



Page 1 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

Policies / Procedures:

Human Factors: Inattention,

Suggested corrective action by the affected party

I need to continue to have established very specific ways I do each driving movement. This especially inareas that are tighter, and driving relatively new equipment that has less clearance than the previousvehicles. In this case never make the cut to the right after stopping, unless there is a foot and a halfclearance. do it this way every time. Increase the margins,

Supervisor's Comments

Root Causes:(Please look at all the factors that may have contributed to the accident.Such factors may include equipment, environment, policies,

procedures, and personnel.)

Recommendations/Preventive Measures:

Corrective Actions Target Date (yyyy/mm/dd): Corrective Actions Complete Date (yyyy/mm/dd):

Other Comments:

EHS Review

Last Name:Konnur First Name:Manisha Phone Number:+1 206 221-1759

Occupation/Position: Department:

Comments:forwarded to Daniel Eden, George Donegan, Scott Nelson - MK 4/24

Page 2 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

University of WashingtonAccident / Incident Report

Report Number:2020-04-024 Contact EH&S at 206-543-7262

Person Reporting Incident

Last Name: First Name:

Phone: Email:

Occupation/Position Department:UWF: OPS: TS: Fleet Services Staff

Date Reported(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/24 Time of Reporting:09:10 AM

Person Involved or Affected

Last Name: First Name:

Phone: Email:

Occupation/Position Department:UWF: OPS: TS: Fleet Services Staff

Incident Details

Date of Incident(yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/24 Time of Incident:8:30 AM When Shift Begins: N/A

Campus:Seattle Incident Location/Parking Lot:

Room: Other:in the back of the fleet service station

Incident Details: I, , was prepping the van ( ) in order to transport a coworker ( ) to Ford inorder to pick up another vehicle ( ). In the process of pulling out, there was a loud audible snap andi immediately stopped, turned off the vehicle and went to inspect the origin of the noise. Uponinspection, the cable used to recharge the electric vehicle ( ) adjacent to the van( ) was wrappedaround the runnung board of the vehicle i was using, thus being ripped out of the charger once iproceeded to move forward. I immediately called over in order to confirm what occured as well as tosee what the next necessary step was. Attachment:No


Last Name:Tong First Name:Albert

Phone:+1 206 685-1564

Occupation/Position:ASSISTANT MANAGER Department:UWF: OPS: TS: Fleet Services


Level 1: Property damage only,

Type of Incident

Injury Description: Property Damage Only,

Body Parts Affected: None,

Cause of Injury or Damage: Tools, Instruments,

Possible Causes



Policies / Procedures:

Page 1 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

Human Factors: Inattention,

Suggested corrective action by the affected party

Inspect around the vehicle before using facility equipment.

Supervisor's Comments

Root Causes:(Please look at all the factors that may have contributed to the accident.Such factors may include equipment, environment, policies,

procedures, and personnel.)

Didn't do a walk around the equipment before using it.

Recommendations/Preventive Measures:Do a walk around/inspection before operating the equipment.

Corrective Actions Target Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/27

Corrective Actions Complete Date (yyyy/mm/dd):2020/04/27

Other Comments:

EHS Review

Last Name:Konnur First Name:Manisha Phone Number:+1 206 221-1759

Occupation/Position: Department:

Comments:forwarded to Daniel Eden, George Donegan - MK

Page 2 of 2ON FILE: Affected/Injured Employee's date of birth, gender, date of hire, and hours of employment.

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