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Author: Claudia-Ana Moarcăş (married Costea), Ph.D., Associate Professor






List of abbreviations


Foreword: Options and Configurations

Section I: Scientific and Professional Achievements

I. The Decade 1990 – 2000: Re-configuration of the codification of

Social Law (labour law and social security law) in a new type of national


A. The collective labour Law

1. The collective agreement

2. Trade-unionism in the 1990’s

3. The social dialogue

B. The individual labour Law

1. The right to work during the transition period

2. The relationship between the individual labour and the collective

labour Law

C. Conclusions

II. The Decade 2000 – 2010: The Relationship between the national

Social Law and the European social Law

A. The individual labour relationship

1. Consecration of the democratic principles and values of the labour

relationship in the Labour Code (Law no. 53/2003)

2. Applications of the principle of flexicurity in the labour relationship

3. Social policy in the age of globalization



4. Communication and behavior in negotiating contracts

5. Comparative analysis of labour relationship in the Romanian Law and

the European Union Law

B. The Intellectual Property Law

C. Conclusions

III. The Decade 2011 – 2020: Labour legislation from the perspective of

the Europe 2020 Strategy

A. The Labour Law from the perspective of Laws no. 40/2011 and

no. 62/2011

1. The individual labour relationship from the perspective of Law no.


2. The collective labour relationship from the perspective of Law no.


B. The European social Law

1. Coordination tools for social security systems

2. Social rights of migrant workers

C. Conclusions


A. The Labor Law – reconfiguring the codification in labour relationship

1. Reconfiguration of the codification of individual labour relationship

2. Reconfiguration of the codification of collective labour relationship

B. Social security: national and European-comparative identification,

characterization and codification of social security

1. Global challenges: increasing risks and vulnerabilities;

2. Role of social protection in the modern age: factor of sustainable

development and poverty reduction

3. Role of social protection in labor market generated risks



C. Conclusions: Transitions and Anticipations

SECTION III: Bibliography

I. Treaties, Books, Monographs

II. Legislation

A. ILO Conventions

1. Freedom of association, collective bargaining and labour relationship

2. Forced labour

3. The abolition of child work and the protection of youth

4. Equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women

5. Tripartite consultations

6. Labour Administration and Inspection

7. Employment policy and promotion

8. Professional Training

9. Security of employment

10. Wages

11. Work time

B. EU Directives

1. Non discrimination

2. Information and Consultation

3. Posting of workers

4. Health and Safety at work

5. Execution of labour contract

6. Work and Rest time

7. Collective redundancies



C. National Legislation

III. List of author’s publications following the achievement of the

Ph.D. title

A. Single Author

B. In collaboration

C. Articles and studies as single author or first author with 50%


D. Articles and studies published in foreign languages

E. Chapters or studies in volumes or books published abroad

F. Studies published in conferences volumes in Romania



The Labour Law and the Social Security Law

Transition, consecration and anticipations

(1990 – 2011)

Introduction: Options and Settings

My area of research focuses on the individual and collective Labour Law,

alongside with the Social Security Law and the European Social Law; I approach

them within the wider framework of the Romanian private Law and public Law and

of the European Law.

It is well known that communities and research practices depend on institutional

and historic circumstances. In my case, I embarked upon research and university

activities with the Faculty of Law at the Bucharest University right after 1990, i.e. at

the same time with the wide-raging changes at home and abroad. The fall of

Communist regimes in Europe, Romania included, was followed by the East-European

post-Communist transition; these epoch-making changes occurred simultaneously

with the wider transition from the industrial economy to the post-industrial

economy, as the waves of globalization came one after another. These historic

circumstances left an unavoidable mark on the options and results of the juridical

research projects that I was a part of and concluded. The political regime change, the

re-codification of the regulations and the re-organization of juridical institutions in

Romania were the overwhelming processes during the 1990s. Ample institutional

changes – economic, political, social and cultural – on European and global scenes

were also initiated by the same time. Indeed, this is an Age of Change: in economy –

from the industrial era to the post-industrial era; in the macro-social organization –

from the era of the national States to the post-national ones; in culture – from

modernity to post-modernity. All this change were, and still are, related to deep-

reaching institutional transformations in the contents and organization of labour, in

the labour relationship and their codification, in the role and status of social policies

and social security.



The 1990s may be seen as years of unprecedented dynamism as far as the

Labour Law and the Social Security Law is concerned, at national, European and

global levels alike. Taking into consideration this background, my juridical research

in the above-mentioned fields may be summed up in the following options,

contributions and achievements:

A. Reconfiguration of the codification in a new type of national legislation

regarding the Labour Law and the Social Security Law

B. Analysis of the relationship between the national Law and the European Law,

and of the jurisprudence thereof, with a view to deepening the correspondence

between the juridical ruling and practice;

C. Promotion of the European dimension of the Romanian legislation in the fields

of labour and social security.

Every line of the above is the result of summarizing the research, analyses and

results that I either published or integrated in regulations and documents that I

personally wrote and/or edited.

Section I: Scientific and Professional Achievements

There are three stages in my professional and scientific achievements, which

follow the developments of the regulation of the labour relationship at international,

European and national levels. These stages are introduced below.

A. The 1990-2000 decade: reconfiguration of the codification in a new type

of national legislation on labour and social security

One’s contributions to the juridical research in labour and social security Law

cannot be assessed but in keeping with the actual circumstances and juridical

consecrations of a specific period of time, as well as with the national framework for

the implementation of the Law. Consequently, it is important to look at those

circumstances first.

At international level, the main developments include the increasing visibility

and credibility of the International Labour Organization1 (ILO) standards, and

particularly the “decent work” concept, with its four objectives of international

1 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to association Convention, 1948

(No. 87), Right to Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), Forced Labour Convention,

1930 (No. 29), Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100), Discrimination (Employment

and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)



integration of economic and social policies2. At European level, the decade is

characterized by the implementation of the acquis communautaire and the

endorsement of the Lisbon Strategy by EU-membership countries, Romania included.

The new Lisbon Treaty3 (LT) reads several essential rulings on the Labour law:

article 39 EC (Art. 45 Consolidated version of the Treaty on the functioning of the

European Union) concerning the workers’ freedom of movement; Art. 43 to 48 EC

(49-54 Consolidated version of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union)

on the right of establishment; Art. 141 EC (Art. 157 Consolidated version of the

Treaty on the functioning of the European Union) on the equal pay of men and


Within the category of primary regulations in the field of labour the most

important one is Art. 13 EC (Art. 26 Consolidated version of the Treaty on the

functioning of the European Union) on empowering the European Council to adopt

necessary measures to prevent discrimination on grounds of sex, race, ethnic origin,

religion or belief, physical or mental disability, age or sexual orientation; similarly,

Art. 137 EC4 (Ar. 153 Consolidated version of the Treaty on the functioning of the

European Union), which enables the Council to adopt Directives to be implemented

by Member States in the following fields: improvement of labour conditions;

improvement of labour environment by means of protecting the employees’ health

and safety at work and information and consultation of employees; equal

employment and work to men and women; the employees’ social security and

protection; collective representation and defense of the interests of employees and

employers, including the principle of co-decision; the financial contribution for

creating and promoting new jobs, without prejudice to regulations on the social fund.

2 Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), Labour Inspection Convention, 1947

(No. 81), Tripartite Consultation Convention, 1976 (No. 144), Occupational Safety and Health

Convention, 1981 (No. 155,161), Social Policy (Basic Aims and Standards) Convention, 1962

(No. 117), Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131), Vocational Rehabilitation and

Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 (No. 159), Maternity Protection Convention,

2000 (No. 183), Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106)

3 As published in the Official Gazette C-306/17 December 2007. It entered into force

on December 1, 2009. Its novelties consist in: the EU gains legal personality; several high-

level institutions are set up e.g. the President of the European Council, the High

Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, the European External Action Service; the

qualified majority in voting on certain decisions in the European Council; expansion of co-

decision; the number of European MPs is set to 751; consulting citizens’ views in the

decision-making processes; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a.s.o.

4 Art. 137 does not apply on matters concerning wages, right of association, right to

go on strike and lock-out.



Another set of legal provisions that need to be observed in the European Law is

related to the fundamental right to work. The provisions are included in the

European Social Charter, which was signed in 1961 at Turin, and in the EU Charter of

Fundamental Rights of 2000, and they establish the principles that the European

model of Labour Law must be founded on and that must be observed in its

implementation: freedom of movement, employment and pay; improvement of

working and living conditions; social protection; freedom of association and

collective bargaining; continuous professional training; equal treatment of men and

women; employees’ information, consultation and participation to the decision-

making process in the enterprise; the working place health and safety; protection of

children and youth, as well as of the elderly and people with disabilities5.

At national level, the configurations specific to the post-communist transition

and the consequences of the fiscal policy of the transition economy called for both re-

thinking and properly regulating the individual and collective labour relationship in

keeping with the new institutional structure of another kind of property.

During this period of time my research took into account the background of

national and European institutional changes as briefly mentioned above and focused

on reconfiguring the codification processes in a new type of legislation bearing on

labour and social security. The books, essays and papers that I published6 contributed

5 As published in the Official Gazette C 364/1, 18 December 2000. It includes rulings

on: forced labour (art. 5); protection of personal data (art. 8); freedom of choosing

between jobs and working places (art. 15); non-discrimination (art. 21); equal

opportunities (art. 23); informing and consulting employees’ (art. 27); the rights to

collective bargaining and strike (art. 28); acceding employment services (art. 29);

protection in cases of illegal termination of the labour contract (art. 30); equitable

working conditions (art. 31); prohibition of child labour and protection of the youth

(art. 32)

6 Sindicatele – componente fundamentale ale societăţii civile, (Trade-unions:

Fundamental Components of Civil Society) Tribuna Economică Printing House, Bucharest,

1999- 340 pages; Muncitorul şi legea. Dreptul muncii (The Worker and the Law. Labour

Law) (with Al. Athanasiu), Oscar Print, Bucharest, 1999- 292 pages; Dreptul muncii.

Culegere de speţe –caiet de seminar (Labour Law: collected cases – handbook) with Al.

Athanasiu, L. Dima , T. Tunsoiu), Oscar Print, Bucharest, 1999, 258 pages; Organisme

tripartite în România (Tripartite Bodies in Romania), in RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ

nr. 3/2000,Tribuna Economică Printing House, pp. 52-54; Organizarea negocierii la nivel

european (Organising Negotiations at European Level), in RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ

nr. 7/1999, Tribuna Economică Printing House, pp.54-56 . Organizarea dialogului social la

nivel european (Organising the Social Dialogue at European Level), in RAPORTURI DE

MUNCĂ nr. 4/1999, Tribuna Economică Printing house,pp..52-54; Legal Reform in Post-

communist Europe- The view from within, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group-Martinus



to building and promoting the European dimension of the Romanian legislation in

the fields of labour and social security and to educate students and interested readers

about fundamental regulations and principles of the right to work, about the

jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and of national Courts in the field of Labour

Law. I was also a member of teams that drafted laws that were meant to implement

the acquis communautaire i.e. the draft of the new Labour Code (Law no. 53/2000),

the constitution of the Ombudsman, the Social Security Code. The solutions I

advocated in my own publications were taken over in the regulations that were

adopted in that period of time and were later confirmed by both judicial practice and

doctrine: the guaranteeing of the legal framework of developing the social dialogue7

and of enjoying the right to free association in trade-unions; enforcing of labour law

and monitoring the implementation of contractual obligations; the guaranteeing of

the minimum of social protection and labour security at the working place. Likewise,

the adoption of appropriate regulations for solving labour litigations and the

advocating of rulings concerning the status of social partners led to the adoption of

Law no. 109/1997, of a new Law on settling labour disputes in 1999, of a new Law on

employers in 2001 and of a new Law on trade-unions.

B. The 2000-2010 decade: the relationship between the national social

Law and the European social Law

The year 2000 marked the beginning of the second decade in the development of

the labour-related legislation, which coincided with the preparations of Romania’s

accession to the European Union. During that decade, which was dominated by the

implementation of the acquis communautaire in the domestic law, my research

focused on approaching the labour law from the perspective of the market economy

and of the rights to private property; on a deeper analysis of EU legislation,

particularly in social security; and on intellectual property rights8. On the national

Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands, 1995 – chapter on The main features of Romanian Labour

Laws in the period of transition (with Al. Athanasiu) , p. 393-409

7 q.v. C.A. Moarcăş, Sindicatele componente fundamentale ale societăţii civile (Trade-

Unions: Fundamental Component of Civil Society), TRIBUNA ECONOMICĂ Printing House,

1999, Bucharest, pp. 322-328; Dimensiunea socială a globalizării – rolul partenerilor

sociali în dezvoltarea unor noi forme de organizare a muncii (The Social Dimension of

Globalisation – The Role of Social Partners in Developing New Labour Organisation Forms)

in PANDECTELE ROMÂNE- In honorem C. Bîrsan-L. Pop, Addendum to issue no. 2 /2006,

Rosetti Publishers, pp. 435-442

8 q.v. World Intellectual Property Organisation 1992-2007, WIPO Publishing House,

Geneva, 2008 – chapter on Enforcement , pp. 174-182; Raconte-moi la propriete

intellectuelle, collection du citoyen Naneditions Paris, 2008 – chapter on Atteintes aux

droits de la propriete intellectuelle, pp. 37-44



level, the most important legislative moment in the field of my expertise was the

adoption of the Labour Code – Law no. 53/2003, which I had contributed to in the

drafting stage. The novelties that the 2003 Labour Code consecrated may be

summarized in establishing democratic principles and values of the labor

relationship; stipulating the principles of continuous professional training of

employees; setting up of judicial institutions that had not been regulated9.

The results of my research materialized in the launch of a master’s degree

program in labour and industrial relationship, in cooperation with the American

Center for Labor Solidarity; and in the foundation of a Center for Training Human

Resources in Intellectual Property, in cooperation with the World Intellectual

Property Organization (WIPO) – all at the Faculty of Law, the Bucharest University.

The papers that I published10 during this decade were the first to consecrate in

the Romanian literature the practical lines of working out a social policy that was

adequate to the impact that globalization and migration of labour force have on

labour relationship11; they also found their place in the drafting of the Labour Code

and of laws related to social security, the laws on technological parks and on labor

force mobility, and the law on enterprise committees and the structuring of the

dialogue of social partners.

9 The non-compete clause; the work of the temporary employed; part-time

employment; damage liability instead of material liability; the obligation of informing and

consulting employees a.s.o.

10 C.A. Moarcăş, Das individuelle Arbeitsrecht in der Privatwirtschaft” (2000), published

by the Institute of Law ofr East Europe in Individuelles Arbeitsrecht in Osteuropa vol. 39,

Berlin Arno Spitz GmbH Publishers, pp.155-176; Coordonarea sistemelor de securitate

socială: Metoda Deschisă de Coordonare (MDC), REVISTA ROMÂNĂ de DREPT PRIVAT

nr. 4/2010, Universul Juridic Printing House, pp. 134-150; O analiză comparativă între

şomajul tehnic şi munca prin agent temporar de muncă (with P. Boteanu, A.M. Vlăsceanu ),

REVISTA ROMÂNĂ de DREPTUL MUNCII nr. 7/2010, Wolters Kluwer Printing House,

pp. 28-47; Impactul globalizării asupra reglementărilor din domeniul muncii. Posibile

schimbări în sistemul relaţiilor industriale, Revista de DREPT PUBLIC nr. 1 /2005, All Beck

Publishers, Bucharest, pp. 25-35; Migraţia forţei de muncă calificate: Tendinţe contemporane,

analiză şi posibile opţiuni politice din perspectiva normelor internaţionale ale muncii,

Revista PANDECTELE ROMÂNE nr. 6 /2004, Universul Juridic Publishers, pp. 236-250;

Acţiunea normativă a Organizaţiei Internaţionale a Muncii şi economia mondială.

Principiul egalităţii de şanse şi de tratament, Revista PANDECTELE ROMÂNE nr. 1 /2004,

Universul Juridic Publishers, p. 203-214

11 Q.v. C.A. Moarcăş, ”Politica socială în era globalizării. Linii directoare practice

pentru un regim de protecţie socială modern”, Revista de DREPT PUBLIC nr. 3 /2005, All

Beck Publishers, pp. 35-48



C. The decade of 2011 – 2020: the labour legislation from the perspective

of the Europe 2020 Strategy

The circumstances that surround my judicial research are, again, new and

particular. At international and regional levels, once the document of evaluation of

the Lisbon Strategy12 was adopted, the labour force strategy focuses on creating

more and better jobs and on combating poverty through decisions on social inclusion

as included in the Europe 2020 Strategy13. At the national level, on the background of

the negative effects of the world crisis and demands of regional and global economic

competitiveness, the Romanian legislator decided that the ideal solution for economic

growth and ending recession would consist of:

a. Liberalization in the field of social Law through less rigid imperative norms,

which have consecrated the commonly-known “social public order” as regulated by

the Labour Code (Law no. 53/2003)14;

b. Promotion of “relaxed” judicial framework that is specific to labour


The arguments for adopting Law no. 41/201115 that amended Law no.53/2003

and Law no. 62/201116 on the social dialogue were built on the need to render labour

relationship more flexible, as stipulated by EU documents and particularly flexicurity-

related communications and EU Directives on forms of exercising labour17; likewise,

regulations concerning social security matters were based on the Law no. 263/2010

on the unitary public pension system and Law no. 292/2011 on social assistance.

The Romanian law-makers completely changed their option concerning the

regulation and review of the collective labour relationship and included in Law

12 Q.v. EU SEC (2010) 114 final; Brussels, 2.2.2010, at

13 The document that the European Parliament adopted (P7_TA (2011) 0068) has

three initiatives: smart growth – i.e. developing an economy that is based on knowledge,

education and digital society; b). sustainable development – i.e. an economy that is more

efficiently using resources, is more green and more competitive; c). inclusion-friendly

growth – an economy that would secure higher employment, more territorial, social and

economic cohesion, combating poverty included. These three priorities are mutually

reinforcing and provide for an image of the European social market economy for the 21st


14 Published in the Official Gazette no. 75/ 5 February 2003

15 Published in the Official Gazette no. 225/31 March 2011.

16 Published in the Official Gazette no. 322/10 May 2011.

17 Q.v. C.A. Moarcăş Costea, A.M. Vlăsceanu , ”Dimenisuni ale flexicurităţii”, in Revista

Română de Drept Privat nr. 1/2011, pp. 112-120



62/2011 – the Law of the Social Dialogue – all regulations that had been stipulated

in titles of Law 53/2003 (the Labor Code)18 and specially laws like the Law on the

establishment and work of social partners’ organizations (Law no. 54/2003 – the

Trade-Union Law and Law no. 356/2001 – the Employers’ Law); the Law on the

establishment and work of the Social and Economic Council (Law no. 109/1997); the

setting up and work of social dialogue committees at the level of central and local

public administration (Government’s Decision no. 369/2009); collective bargaining

(Law no. 130/1996 on collective labour agreement); and Law no. 168/1999 on

settling labor disputes.

All these changes that the Romanian legislator made to labour law fields in 2011

clearly reveal the increasing power given to the employer by expanding mechanisms

of the civil law to the field of labour relationship; by equalizing the legal regime of all

types of labour contracts; and by denying the priority of indefinite term labour

contracts19. In the field of the collective labour relationship, the employer’s increased

power is mirrored in the diminishing of the part played by the collective labour

agreements; in the abolition of regulation of collective labour agreement at national

level; in the revision of normative contents of social dialogue; limitations of the rights

to go on strike and to associate in trade-unions. These new national regulations have

triggered inconsistencies with, or infringements of, EU legislation, which overrules

the national law by virtue of the Romanian Constitution.

On grounds of these realities, my research and published papers dealt with

arguing against regulations that contradict European and international laws20 and

18 Q.v. chapters 7, 8 and 9 of Law 53/2003 – the Labor Code.

19 Q.v. Al. Athanasiu, Cuvânt înainte, Modificările Codului muncii şi ale legii dialogului

social, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2011,p.6

20 Dreptul individual al muncii. Analize teoretice şi studii de caz (with A.M.

Vlăsceanu), C.H. Beck Publishers, Buharest, 2010- 347 pages; The role of the European

legislation in the development of the social law in Romania (with Al. Athanasiu), C.H.Beck

Publishers, Bucharest, 2010 – 270 pages; Drept individual al muncii. Terminologie şi

pratică judiciară, C.H. Beck Publishers, Bucharest, 2011- 169 pages; Drepturile sociale ale

lucrătorilor migranţi, C.H. Beck Publishers, Bucharest, 2011- 298 pages; Instrumente de

coordonare a sistemelor de securitate socială, C.H. Beck Publishers, Bucharest, 2011- 205

pages; Prestaţiile familiale ale lucrătorului migrant în Uniunea Europeană, Revista

CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 9/2011, C.H. Beck Publishers, pp. 439-442; Dispoziţii speciale

aplicabile prestaţiilor de boală, maternitate şi invaliditate din perspectiva Regulamentelor

CE 883/2004, CE 987/2009 şi 988/2009, Revista CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 5/2011, C.H.

Beck Publishers, pp. 266-271; Coordonarea sistemelor de securitate socială din

perspectiva Convenţiei europene de securitate socială a Consiliului Europei, Revista

CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 4/2011, C.H.Beck Publishers, pp.211-216; Protecţia socială a

salariaţilor migranţi la nivel internaţional, Revista CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 3/2011, C.H.

Beck Publishers, pp. 147-153; Standarde minime internaţionale de coordonare a



simultaneously advancing new legislative solutions that would correctly implement

the above-mentioned laws.

Section II: Future projects

My next judicial research in the above-mentioned academic fields is related to

two trends that have taken shape on national, European and global levels: (a). the

expanding comparative analysis taking into account the partial “de-nationalization”

and increasing “Europeanization” of labour Law and social security Law; (b). the

permanent reshaping of labour relationship under the circumstances of the speedy

development of the post-industrial economy and of the social economy therein.

Taking into consideration this background it may be concluded that is a growing

relevance to analyzing the dependency of the codification in the Labour Law and

Social Security Law on institutional structures in the economy and on the

jurisprudence practices.

Consequently, I anticipate new approaches that I would call specific-

comparative and new priorities that I see deeply correlated to these developments.

There are two fields that my future research shall mostly concentrate upon Labour

Law, with a special attention given to the collective labour relationship; and on

Social Security Law. Each of them includes particular topics, such as:

A. Reconfiguration of the codification of labour relationship (individual and


B. Identification, characterization and codification of new judicial connections

relevant to labour relationship in a national and European-comparative

approach. The prevailing issues shall be related to: 1. global challenges –

increasing risks and vulnerabilities; 2. the role of social protection in the

modern age: a factor of sustainable development and reducing poverty; 3. the

role of social protection in facing labour market generated risks.

The comparative and contextual national analysis of these topics would call, on

one hand, for working with doctorate students and, on the other hand, for structured

dialogue with social partners alike. I do envisage that this multi-faceted research

open to cooperation and dialogue, to foreseeing and participation, to original

thinking and social usefulness.

sistemelor de securitate socială, Revista CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 2/2011, C.H. Beck

Publishers,p p.84-88; Aspecte sociale ale Strategiei UE 2020 (with A. Băngală), REVISTA

ROMÂNĂ de DREPTUL MUNCII nr. 4/2011, Wolters Kluwer Publishers, pp. 17-25;

Dimensiuni ale flexicurităţii (with A.M. Vlăsceanu), REVISTA ROMÂNĂ de DREPT PRIVAT

nr. 1/2011, Universul Juridic Printing House, pp. 112-121.


I. Treaties, Books, Monographs

1. Athanasiu Alexandru, Supliment la Codul muncii. Comentariu pe articole,

vol. I-II, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2012;

2. Athanasiu Alexandru, Dima Luminiţa, Dreptul muncii, Ed. All Beck,

Bucureşti, 2005;

3. Athanasiu Alexandru, Volonciu Magda, Dima Luminiţa, Cazan Oana, Codul

muncii. Comentariu pe articole, Vol. I, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2007;

4. Athanasiu Alexandru, Volonciu Magda, Dima Luminiţa, Cazan Oana, Codul

muncii. Comentariu pe articole, Vol. II, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2011;

5. Barbu Vlad, Vasile Cătălin, Gheorghiu Valentina, Dreptul muncii, Curs

universitar, Ed. Cermaprint, Bucureşti, 2008;

6. Beck Ulrich, The brave new world of work, ediţia a patra, Polity Press,

Cambridge, 2005;

7. Bercusson Brian, European Labour Law, Ediţia a II-a, Cambridge University

Press, New York, 2009;

8. BIT- L'impact des conventions et recommandations;

9. BIT- La liberté syndicale, Geneva, 1996;

10. Blanpain Roger, European Labour Law, Ed. Kluwer Law International, 2010;

11. Caen-Lyon Gérard, Droit social, 5e édition, par Jeanne Tillhet-Pretnar,

L.G.D.J., Paris, 1995;

12. Craig Paul, de Burca Grainne, Dreptul Uniunii Europene, Comentarii,

jurisprudenţă şi doctrină, ediţia a IV-a, Drept comunitar, serie coordonată

de B. Andreşan Grigoriu şi Tudorel Ștefan, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 2009;

13. Davies Paul, Freedland Marcus, The Role of EU Employment Law and Policy

in Demarginalisation of Part-Time Work: A study in the Interaction between

EU Regulation and Member State Regulation, în Sciarra Silvana, Davies Paul

and Freeland Mark (editori), Employment Policy and The Regulation of Part-

Time Work in the European Union: A comparative Analysis, Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2004;

14. Dimitriu Raluca, Concedierea salariaţilor. Drept românesc şi comparat. Ed.

Omnia, Braţov, 1999;

15. Francisco del Giudice, F. Mariani, F. Izzo, Diritto del Lavoro, XXV Editione,

Simone E, Napoli, 2008;

16. Fuerea Augustin, Dreptul comunitar al afacerilor, ediţia a II-a revizuită şi

adăugită, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2006;

17. Fuerea Augustin, Manualul Uniunii Europene, ediţia a III-a, revizuită şi

adăugită, Ed.Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2006;

18. Giddens Anthony , Sociology, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2006



19. Mazeaud Antoine, Droit du travail, 6e édition, L.G.D.J., Montchrestien, Paris,


20. Pelissier Jean, Droit du travail, Editura Dalloz, 2008;

21. Pélissier Jean, Auzero Gilles, Dockes Emmanuel, Droit du travail, 25e édition,

Ed. Dalloz, Paris, 2010;

22. Pélissier Jean, Supiot Alain, Jeammaud Antoine, Droit du travail, 20e édition,

Ed. Dalloz, Paris, 2000

23. Popescu Andrei, Dreptul internaţional al muncii, Ed. Holding Reporter,

Bucureşti, 1998;

24. Popescu Andrei, Dreptul internaţional şi european al muncii, Ediţia 2, Ed.

C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2008;

25. Sassu Horaţiu, Codul muncii republicat. Modificările aduse prin Legea nr.

40/2011, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2011;

26. Selwyn Norman, Selwyn’s Law of Employemnt, Ediţia a 16-a, Oxford Un

Ştefănescu Ion Traian, Tratat teoretic şi practic de drept al muncii, Ed.

Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2010;

28. Ștefănescu Ion Traian, Beligrădeanu Șerban, Codul muncii, Ed. Lumina Lex,

Bucureşti, 2003;

29. Ţiclea Alexandru, Codul muncii comentat şi adnotat cu legislaţie, doctrină şi

jurisprudenţă, Vol. I, ediţia a II-a revăzută şi adăugită, Ed. Universul Juridic,

Bucureşti, 2010;

30. Țiclea Alexandru, Codul muncii comentat, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti,


31. Voiculescu Nicolae, Dreptul muncii. Reglementări interne şi comunitare, Ed.

Rosetti, Bucureşti, 2003.


A. ILO Conventions

1. Freedom of association, collective bargaining and labour relationship

C011 Convenţia (nr. 11) relativă la drepturile de asociere şi de coaliţie ale

muncitorilor agricoli, 1921;

C084 Convenţia (nr. 84) privind dreptul de asociere (teritorii nemetropolitane),


C087 Convenţia (nr. 87) privind libertatea sindicală şi apărarea dreptului

sindical, 1948;

C098 Convenţia (nr. 98) privind aplicarea principiilor dreptului de organizare

şi negociere colectivă, 1949;

C135 Convenţia (nr. 135) privind protecţia reprezentanţilor lucrătorilor în

întreprinderi şi înlesnirile ce se acordă acestora, 1971;



C141 Convenţia (nr. 141) privind lucrătorii rurali, 1975;

C151 Convenţia (nr. 151) privind raporturile de muncă în cadrul funcţiei

publice, 1978;

C154 Convenţia (nr. 154) privind promovarea negocierii colective, 1981.

2. Forced Labour

C029 Convenţia (nr. 29) privind munca forţată sau obligatorie, 1930;

C105 Convenţia (nr. 105) privind abolirea muncii forţate, 1957.

3. Abolition of child work and protection of youth

C138 Convenţia (nr. 138) privind vârsta minimă de încadrare în muncă,


C182 Convenţia (nr. 182) privind interzicerea celor mai grave forme ale

muncii copiilor şi acţiunea imediată în vederea eliminării lor, 1999.

4. Equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women

C100 Convenţia (nr. 100) privind egalitatea de remunerare a mâinii de

lucru masculine şi a mâinii de lucru feminine, pentru o muncă de valoare

egală, 1951;

C111 Convenţia (nr. 111) privind discriminarea în domeniul forţei de

muncă şi exercitării profesiei, 1958;

C156 Convenţia (nr. 156) privind lucrătorii având responsabilităţi familiale,


5. Tripartite Consultation

C144 Convenţia (nr. 144) privitoare la consultările tripartite destinate să

promoveze aplicarea normelor internaţionale ale muncii, 1976.

6. Labour Administration and Inspection

C063 Convenţia (nr. 63) privitoare la statisticile salariilor şi orelor de

muncă, 1938;

C081 Convenţia (nr. 81) privind inspecţia muncii în industrie şi comerţ,


C085 Convenţia (nr. 85) privind inspecţia muncii (teritorii nemetropolitane),


C129 Convenţia (nr. 129) privind inspecţia muncii în agricultură, 1969;

C150 Convenţia (nr. 150) privind privind administraţia muncii, 1978;

C160 Convenţia (nr. 160) privind statisticile muncii, 1985.



7. Employment policy and promotion

C002 Convenţia (nr. 2) privind şomajul,1919;

C034 Convenţia (nr. 34) privind birourile de plasare cu plată, 1933;

C088 Convenţia (nr. 88) privind organizarea activităţii de folosire a forţei

de muncă, 1948;

C096 Convenţia (nr. 96) privind birourile de plasare cu plată (revizuită),


C122 Convenţia (nr. 122) privind politica de ocupare a forţei de muncă,


C159 Convenţia (nr. 159) privind readaptarea profesională şi angajarea

persoanelor cu handicap, 1983;

C181 Convenţia (nr. 181) privind agenţiile private de ocupare a forţei de

muncă, 1997

8. Professional Training

C140 Convenţia (nr. 140) privind concediul de studii cu plată, 1974;

C142 Convenţia (nr. 142) privind punerea în valoare a resurselor umane,


9. Security at work

C158 Convenţia (nr.158) privind concedierea, 1982.

10. Wages

C026 Convenţia (nr. 26) privind metodele de stabilire a salariilor minime,


C094 Convenţia (nr. 94) privind clauzele de muncă (contracte publice),


C095 Convenţia (nr. 95) privind protecţia salariului, 1949;

C099 Convenţia (nr. 99) privind metodele de stabilire a salariilor minime

(agricultură), 1951;

C131 Convenţia (nr. 131) privind fixarea salariilor minime, în special în ce

priveşte ţările în curs de dezvoltare, 1970.

11. Working time

C106 Convenţia (nr. 106) privind repausul săptămânal (comerţ şi birouri),


C132 Convenţia (nr. 132) privind concediile cu plată (revizuită), 1970;

C171 Convenţia (nr. 171) privind munca de noapte, 1990;

C175 Convenţia (nr. 175) privind privind munca cu timp parţial, 1994.



B. EU Directives

1) Non discrimination

1. Directiva 2006/54/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului privind

punerea în aplicare a principiului egalităţii de şanse şi al egalităţii de tratament

între bărbaţi şi femei în materie de încadrare în muncă şi de muncă, publicată

în JO L 204 , 26.07.2006;

2. Directiva 2000/43/CE a Consiliului de punere în aplicare a principiului

egalităţii de tratament între persoane, fără deosebire de rasă sau origine etnică,

publicată în JO L 180/22 din data de 19.07.2000;

3. Directiva 2010/41/UE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 7 iulie

2010 privind aplicarea principiului egalităţii de tratament între bărbaţii şi

femeile care desfăşoară o activitate independentă şi de abrogare a Directivei

86/613/CEE a Consiliului, publicată în JO L 180, 15.7.2010;

4. Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1922/2006 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului

din 20 decembrie 2006 privind înfiinţarea unui Institut European pentru

egalitatea de şanse între femei şi bărbaţi, publicat în JO L 403, 30.12.2006;

5. Directiva Consiliului 2000/78/EC din 27 noiembrie 2000 privind stabilirea

unui cadru general pentru egalitatea de tratament in domeniul angajarii,

publicată în JO L 303 din 27.11.2000;

6. Directiva 79/7CEE privind tratamentul egal în materia securităţii sociale,

publicată în JO L 6 din 10. 01. 1979.

2) Information and consultation

7. Directiva 91/533 CEE privind obligaţia angajatorului de a informa lucrătorii

asupra condiţiilor aplicabile contractului sau raportului de muncă, publicată în

JO C 24, 31.01.1991;

8. Directiva 2009/38 privind instituirea unui comitet european de întreprindere

sau a unei proceduri de informare şi consultare a lucra torilor n ntreprinderile

s i grupurile de ntreprinderi de dimensiune comunitara ;

9. Directiva 2002/14 CE din 11 martie 2002 de stabilire a unui cadru general de

informare şi consultare a lucra torilor din Comunitatea Europeana ;

10. Directiva 2001/86/CE din 8 octombrie 2001 de completare a statutului

societa t ii europene n ceea ce prives te implicarea lucra torilor;



3) Posting of workers

11. Directiva 96/71 CE privind detaşarea lucrătorilor în cadrul furnizării de


4) Protection of employees at work

12. Directiva 92/85 CEE a Consiliului privind introducerea de măsuri pentru

promovarea îmbunătăţirii securităţii şi a sănătăţii la locul de muncă în cazul

lucrătoarelor gravide, care au născut de curând sau care alăptează, publicată în

JO L 348, 28.11.1992;

13. Directiva 2010/18/EU de punere n aplicare a Acordului-cadru revizuit privind

concediul pentru creşterea copilului (JO L 68, 18.3.2010;

14. Directiva Consiliului 89/391/CEE din 12 iunie 1989 privind punerea în aplicare

de măsuri pentru promovarea îmbunătăţirii securităţii şi sănătăţii lucrătorilor

la locul de muncă;

15. Directiva Consiliului din 30 noiembrie 1989 privind cerinţele minime de

securitate şi sănătate la locul de muncă [prima directivă specială în sensul

articolului 16 alineatul (1) din Directiva 89/391/CEE];

16. Directiva Consiliului din 30 noiembrie 1989 privind cerinţele minime de

securitate şi sănătate pentru utilizarea de către lucrători a echipamentelor

individuale de protecţie la locul de muncă [a treia directivă specială în sensul

articolului 16 alineatul (1) din Directiva 89/391/CEE];

17. Directiva Consiliului din 29 mai 1990 privind cerinţele minime de securitate şi

sănătate pentru manipularea manuală a încărcăturilor care prezintă riscuri

pentru lucrători şi, în special, de producere a unor afecţiuni dorso-lombare [a

patra directivă specială în sensul articolului 16 alineatul (1) din Directiva


18. Directiva Consiliului din 29 mai 1990 privind condiţiile minime de securitate şi

sănătate pentru lucrul la monitor [a cincea directivă individuală în sensul

articolului 16 alineatul (1) din Directiva 87/391/CEE]

19. Directiva 98/59 CE a Consiliului privind apropierea legislaţiilor statelor

membre cu privire la concedierile colective, publicată în JO C 210, 6.07.1998;

20. Directiva 97/81 CE a Consiliului privind acordul –cadru cu privire la munca pe

fracţiune de normă, încheiat de UCIPE, CEIP şi CES, publicată în JO L 14,




21. Directiva 96/82/CE a Consiliului din 9 decembrie 1996 privind controlul

asupra riscului de accidente majore care implică substanţe periculoase;

22. Directiva 98/24/CE a Consiliului din 7 aprilie 1998 privind protecţia sănătăţii

şi securităţii lucrătorilor împotriva riscurilor legate de prezenţa agenţilor

chimici la locul de muncă [a paisprezecea directivă specială în sensul articolului

16 alineatul (1) din Directiva 89/391/CEE];

23. Directiva 2009/104/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 16

septembrie 2009 privind cerinţele minime de securitate şi sănătate pentru

folosirea de către lucrători a echipamentului de muncă la locul de muncă [a

doua directivă specială în sensul articolului 16 alineatul (1) din Directiva


24. Directiva 2000/54/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 18

septembrie 2000 privind protecţia lucrătorilor împotriva riscurilor legate de

expunerea la agenţi biologici la locul de muncă [a şaptea directivă specială în

sensul articolului 16 alineatul (1) din Directiva 89/391/CEE];

25. Directiva 94/33/CE a Consiliului din 22 iunie 1994 privind protecţia tinerilor la

locul de muncă;

26. Directiva 2001/23 CE a Consiliului din 12 martie 2001 privind apropierea

legislaţiei statelor membre referitoare la menţinerea drepturilor lucrătorilor în

cazul transferului de întreprinderi, unităţi sau părţi de întreprinderi sau unităţi,

publicată în JO L. 82 din 22 martie 2001;

27. Directiva 2008/94/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 22

octombrie 2008 privind protecţia lucrătorilor salariaţi în cazul insolvenţei


5) Execution of individual labour contract

28. Directiva 1999/70/CE a Consiliului din 28 iunie 1999 privind acordul-cadru cu

privire la munca pe durata determinată, încheiat între CES, UNICE si CEEP;

29. Directiva 97/81/CE a Consiliului din 15 decembrie 1997 privind acordul-cadru

cu privire la munca pe fracţiune de normă, încheiat de UCIPE, CEIP şi CES;

30. Directiva 2008/104/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 19

noiembrie 2008 privind munca prin agent de muncă temporară.

6) Work and Rest Time

31. Directiva 2003/88 privind anumite aspecte ale organizării timpului de lucru.



7) Collective redundances

32. Directiva 98/59/CE a Consiliului din 20 iulie 1998 privind apropierea

legislaţiilor statelor membre cu privire la concedierile colective.

C. National Legislation

1. Legea nr. 40/31.03.2011, publicată în M. Of., Partea I, nr. 225/31.03.2011,

privind modificarea şi completarea Legii nr. 53/2003;

2. Legea nr 202/2002, privind privind egalitatea de şanse între femei şi bărbaţi

republicată în M. Of., Partea I nr. 150 din 01/03/2007;

3. Legea nr. 48/2002 pentru aprobarea Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 137/2000,

privind prevenirea şi sancţionarea tuturor formelor de discriminare, publicată

în M. Of. nr. 69 din 31 ianuarie 2002;

4. OUG nr. 56/2007, privind încadrarea în muncă şi detaşarea străinilor pe

teritoriul României, publicată în M. Of., Partea I nr. 424 din 26/06/2007;

5. Legea nr.344 din 19 iulie 2006 privind detaşarea salariaţilor în cadrul prestării

de servicii transnaţionale, publicată în M. Of. nr. 636 din 24 iulie 2006;

6. Legea nr. 31 din 22 martie 1991 privind stabilirea duratei timpului de muncă

sub 8 ore pe zi pentru salariaţii care lucrează în condiţii deosebite -

vătămatoare, grele sau periculoase, publicată în M. Of., Partea I nr. 64 din


7. Legea nr.52/2011 privind exercitarea unor activitati cu caracter ocazional

desfasurate de zilieri, publicată în M. Of., Partea I nr. 276 din 20 aprilie 2011;

8. Legea nr.62/2011 a dialogului social, publicată în M. Of. Partea I nr. 322 din 10

mai 2011;

9. Legea nr.467/2006 privind stabilirea cadrului general de informare şi

consultare a angajaţilor, publicată în M. Of., Partea I nr. 1006 din 18/12/2006;

10. Legea nr. 284/2010. Legea cadru privind salarizarea unitară a personalului

plătit din fonduri publice, publicată în M. Of. nr. 0877 din 28 Decembrie 2010;

11. Legea nr.279/2005 privind ucenicia la locul de muncă, republicată în M. Of.,

Partea I nr. 522 din 25 iulie 2011;

12. Ordonanţa nr.129/2000 privind formarea profesională a adulţilor, publicată în

M. Of. partea I, nr. 430 din 2 septembrie 2000;



13. Legea nr. 67/2006 privind protecţia drepturilor salariaţilor în cazul

transferului întreprinderii, al unităţii sau al unor părţi ale acestora, publicată în

M. Of. al României, partea I, nr. 276 din 28 martie 2005.

III. List of author’s publications following the achievement of the Ph.D. title

A. Single Author

1. Drept individual al muncii. Terminologie şi pratică judiciară, Editura C.H.

Beck, Bucureşti, 2011- pagini 169

2. Drepturile sociale ale lucrătorilor migranţi, Editura C.H. Beck, Bucureşti,

2011- pagini 298

3. Instrumente de coordonare a sistemelor de securitate socială, Editura C.H.

Beck, Bucureşti, 2011- pagini 205

4. Comunicarea şi comportamentul în negocierea contractelor, Editura Artprint,

Bucureşti, 2005- pagini 191

5. Sindicatele – componente fundamentale ale societăţii civile, Editura Tribuna

Economică, Bucureşti, 1999- pagini 340

B. In collaboration

1. Dreptul individual al muncii. Analize teoretice şi studii de caz (în colaborare

cu A.M. Vlăsceanu), Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2010- pagini 347

2. The role of the European legislation in the development of the social law in

Romania (în colaborare cu Al. Athanasiu), Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2010-

pagini 270

3. Muncitorul şi legea. Dreptul muncii (în colaborare cu Al. Athanasiu), Ed.

Oscar Print, Bucureşti, 1999- pagini 292

4. Dreptul muncii. Culegere de speţe – caiet de seminar (în collaborare cu Al.

Athanasiu, L. Dima , T. Tunsoiu), Ed. Oscar Print, Bucureşti, 1999 - pagini


C. Articles and studies as single author or first author with 50%


1. Prestaţiile familiale ale lucrătorului migrant în Uniunea Europeană, Revista

CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 9/2011, Ed. C.H. Beck, p. 439-442



2. Dispoziţii speciale aplicabile prestaţiilor de boală, maternitate şi invaliditate din

perspectiva Regulamentelor CE 883/2004, CE 987/2009 şi 988/2009, Revista

CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 5/2011, Ed. C.H. Beck, p. 266-271

3. Coordonarea sistemelor de securitate socială din perspectiva Convenţiei

europene de securitate socială a Consiliului Europei, Revista CURIERUL

JUDICIAR nr. 4/2011, Ed. C.H.Beck, p.211-216

4. Protecţia socială a salariaţilor migranţi la nivel internaţional, Revista

CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 3/2011, Ed. C.H. Beck, p. 147-153

5. Standarde minime internaţionale de coordonare a sistemelor de securitate

socială, Revista CURIERUL JUDICIAR nr. 2/2011, Ed. C.H. Beck, p.84-88

6. Aspecte sociale ale Strategiei UE 2020 (în colaborare cu A. Băngală),

REVISTA ROMÂNĂ de DREPTUL MUNCII nr. 4/2011, Ed. Wolters Kluwer,

p. 17-25

7. Dimensiuni ale flexicurităţii (în colaborare cu A.M. Vlăsceanu), REVISTA

ROMÂNĂ de DREPT PRIVAT nr. 1/2011, Ed. Universul Juridic, p. 112-121

8. Coordonarea sistemelor de securitate socială: Metoda Deschisă de

Coordonare (MDC), REVISTA ROMÂNĂ de DREPT PRIVAT nr. 4/2010, Ed.

Universul Juridic, p. 134-150

9. O analiză comparativă între şomajul tehnic şi munca prin agent temporar de

muncă (în colaborare cu P. Boteanu, A.M. Vlăsceanu ), REVISTA ROMÂNĂ de

DREPTUL MUNCII nr. 7/2010, Ed. Wolters Kluwer, p. 28-47

10. Dimensiunea socială a globalizării – rolul partenerilor sociali în dezvoltarea

unor noi forme de organizare a muncii, Revista PANDECTE- In honorem C.

Bîrsan-L. Pop, Supliment la nr. 2 /2006, Ed. Rosetti, p. 435-442

11. Politica socială în era globalizării. Linii directoare practice pentru un regim

de protecţie socială modern, Revista de DREPT PUBLIC nr. 3 /2005, Ed. All

Beck, p. 35-48

12. Impactul globalizării asupra reglementărilor din domeniul muncii. Posibile

schimbări în sistemul relaţiilor industriale, Revista de DREPT PUBLIC nr. 1

/2005, Ed. All Beck, Bucureşti, p. 25-35

13. Migraţia forţei de muncă calificate: Tendinţe contemporane, analiză şi

posibile opţiuni politice din perspectiva normelor internaţionale ale muncii,

Revista PANDECTELE ROMÂNE nr. 6 /2004, Ed. Universul Juridic,

p. 236-250



14. Acţiunea normativă a Organizaţiei Internaţionale a Muncii şi economia

mondială. Principiul egalităţii de şanse şi de tratament, Revista

PANDECTELE ROMÂNE nr. 1 /2004, Ed. Universul Juridic, p. 203-214

15. Organisme tripartite în România, Revista RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ

nr. 3/2000, Ed.Tribuna Economică, p. 52-54

16. Organizarea negocierii la nivel european, Revista RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ

nr. 7/1999, Ed. Tribuna Economică, p.54-56

17. Organizarea dialogului social la nivel european, Revista RAPORTURI DE

MUNCĂ nr. 4/1999, Ed. Tribuna Economică, p.52-54

18. Sindicatele spre mileniul trei, Revista RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ nr. 2/1999,

Ed.Tribuna Economică, p. 48-50

19. Sindicalismul anilor ’90, Revista RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ, nr. 1/1999, Ed.

Tribuna Economică, p. 35-46

20. Sindicatele într-o Europă în schimbare, Revista RAPORTURI DE MUNCĂ nr.

12/1998, Ed.Tribuna Economică, p. 55-58

21. Organizarea dialogului social şi negocierea la nivel european, REVISTA DE

DREPT PUBLIC nr. 1/1998, Ed. Institutul de Știinţe Administrative al

României, p. 74-80

22. Reprezentarea intereselor salariaţilor de către sindicate într-o Europă în

schimbare, REVISTA DE DREPT PUBLIC nr. 1-2/1997, Ed. Institutul de

Știinţe Administrative al României, p. 55-67

D. Articles and studies published in foreign languages

1. The social rights of migrant workers, în The role of the European legislation

in the development of the social law in Romania, Ed.C.H.Beck, 2010,

p. 121-137

2. The opportunities and challenges of women at work in the context of

globalisation : Main features în Women rights for universal to regional

essays in honour of Justice Bhagwati, Ed. Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009,

p. 89-119

3. Short view on the rights and opportunities of women at work from an

international perspective, în Liber amicorum Nicolae Popa, studii juridice,

Ed. Hamangiu, 2009, p. 271-286



4. Relaţia dintre Avocatul Poporului şi autorităţile judiciare din România/The

Romanian Ombudsman and the Judicial Authorities, (ăn colaborare cu L.

Mititelu), Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti (AUB) nr. 2/2002, Ed. Rosetti,

p. 88-115

5. Die Kodification der Arbeitsbeziehungen in Rumaenien zwischen

Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti

supliment (AUB) 1999, Ed. Universităţii din Bucureşti, p. 5-9

6. La dimension de l’Europe sociale selon la Conféderation européenne des

syndicats (CES), Analele Universităţii din Bucureşti (AUB) 1998, Ed.

Universităţii din Bucureşti, p. 43-49

E. Chapters or studies in volumes or books published abroad

1. World Intellectual Property Organisation 1992-2007, WIPO Publishing

House, Geneva, 2008 –capitolul Enforcement , p. 174-182

2. Raconte-moi la propriete intellectuelle, collection du citoyen Naneditions

Paris, 2008 - capitolul Atteintes aux droits de la propriete intellectuelle,

p. 37-44

3. Das individuelle Arbeitsrecht in der Privatwirtschaft Rumaeniens, în

Individuelles Arbeitsrecht in Osteuropa, Instituts fuer Ostrecht, Muenchen,

Band 39, Berlin Verlag, Arno Spitz GmbH, 2000, p. 155-176

F. Studies published in conferences volumes in Romania

4. Evaluarea salariaţilor în raport cu criteriile de performanţă şi natura

juridică a obligaţiilor specifice contractului individual de muncă, în

Modificarea Codului muncii şi a legii dialogului social, Ed.Universul Juridic,

2011, p. 25-55

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