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Part One Programme Specification

Programme Specificationiii

Part Two Programme Regulations

1Admission Regulations8

Standard Entry Requirements8

Admission with Exemption9

Admission with Specific Credit10

Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning (AP(E)L)10

2Curriculum Design and Organisation10

Curriculum Design Overview10

Relationship to Subject Benchmark Statement(s)13

Assessment Criteria for Marking Schemes17

Arrangements for anonymous marking of summative assessments20

Arrangements for the quality management of placement learning21

Academic Partnership activity21

Flexible and distributed learning (including e-learning)21

3Assessment Regulations21

Programme-specific regulations21

4Programme Management and Student Support21

Programme Committee21

Board of Examiners22

Programme Leader24

Other Staff Responsibilities24

Student Support Strategy24

Student evaluation24

Engagement with employers25

Part Three Curriculum Content25

Level 4

Fundamentals of Marketing27

Marketing Communications30

Consumer Behaviour32

The Events Industry34

Business Accounting37

Destination Marketing & Events*39

Level 5

Marketing Management42

Brand Communications45

Developing Consumer Markets48

Event Marketing Client project*51

Venue Management*54

Consumer Relationship Marketing58

Level 6

Competitive Marketing Strategy61

Creative Communications64

Sponsorship & Funding for Events67

Public Relations for Events69

Company Based Case Study73


Agreement(s), Letters and Memoranda with Partner Institution(s) 82

Part One Programme Specification

Programme Specification

0Brief descriptive summary

The programme will provide students with a critical insight into the events industry, with particular emphasis on: the field of marketing, its value in promoting specific, individual events and the role of events/exhibitions as promotional tools. The programme has been devised in relation to the increase in demand and provision for events management programmes (at both undergraduate & postgraduate levels) across the UK, which show no signs of slowing. The success of these programmes indicates a potential rising demand for consideration of specialist areas of business management within the events industry context. Recognising the role of events as a marketing communication tool in its own right, and the expertise of the department in the fields of events and marketing, the events marketing programme is seen as the first of a suite of programmes focussing on specialist areas of business within the broader field of events management. The programme has been designed to complement the existing Events Management FdA, to afford students with particular interests in marketing to specialise in this area.

Basic Programme Details

1Overarching Programme Network/Title and programme specification code(s)

Events Marketing


Final award(s)/title(s)

(including any PSRB final awards conferred as an automatic result of successful completion of the programme)

BA (Hons) Events Marketing


Combined Honours Subject(s)offered through programme specification together with associated final award(s)

(where relevant)



Interim exit award(s)/title(s)

(including Combined Honours interim exit awards)

Cert. HE Events Marketing

Dip. HE Events Marketing


Mode(s) and duration

For BA Hons Events Marketing:

Full Time: 3 Years

Part Time: 6 Years


FHEQ position of final award(s)

Honours (Level 6)*


Awarding institution

(include PSRBs which confer a joint or additional qualification on successful completion of programme)

The Manchester Metropolitan University


Teaching institution(s)

The Manchester Metropolitan University


Relationship with Foundation Year

Students would have direct entry, on successful completion of the foundation year programmes: Marketing; Events, Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Administrative Details


Home Department/ School/ Institute

The Department of Food and Tourism Management


Home Faculty

Hollings Faculty


UCAS code(s)

Collaborative Arrangements (where relevant)


Approved Collaborative partner(s)



Description of type of collaborative provision or academic partnership


Approval Status


Date and outcome of most recent MMU review/ approval


Next Scheduled Review Date:

May 2014


PS/1 effective date:

(ie date from which the outcome of approval or last review is effective OR the date from which amendments to the programme specification are effective)

External References/Relationships


QAA Benchmark Statement(s)

Hospitality, Leisure Sport and Tourism 2008


Date/outcome of last QAA engagement (or equivalent)



PSRB(s) associated with final award of programme

(eg those which offer professional status/membership/license to practise as result of successful completion of the final award.



Date and outcome of last PSRB approval(s)


Programme Information


University and Programme Educational Aims

University Educational Aims:

To develop flexible approaches to programme delivery and student support which reflect the needs and expectations of our students.

To provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment which will enable success for all learners

To encourage the development of students intellectual and imaginative powers, creativity, independence, critical self-awareness, imagination and skills that will enhance global employment opportunities on graduation in all programmes.

To establish a culture of constant improvement in learning, teaching and assessment that is anticipatory, enabling, supportive, rewarding and fully aligned with the Universitys vision and strategic objectives.

To provide a learning experience that is informed by research, scholarship, reflective practice and engagement with industry and the professions.

Programme Educational Aims:

BA (Hons) Events Marketing

To engender in students the ability to understand and evaluate the role of marketing as a philosophy and function in the promotion of specific events;

To engender in students the ability to understand and evaluate the role of events/exhibitions as marketing communication tools;

To develop and apply the skills necessary for success as a manager in either field within either the public or private sector.

To assist students to realise their potential by providing a challenging and appropriately resourced learning environment.

To produce high calibre graduates capable of successful management careers in the fields of marketing and/or events management.


Programme Learning Outcomes

MMU Educational Outcomes:

Successful students will be able to develop and demonstrate transferable intellectual skills, in particular their ability to:

communicate clearly in speech, writing and other appropriate modes of expression

argue rationally and draw independent conclusions based on a rigorous, analytical and critical approach to data, demonstration and argument

apply what has been learned

demonstrate an awareness of the programme of study in a wider context

1.Programme Learning Outcomes

BA (Hons) Events Management

a critical understanding of the development of knowledge in relation to marketing within the event industry.

an understanding of the need for both a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach to study, drawing, as appropriate, from service, research and professional contexts.

understanding of the subject through both academic and professional reflective practice.

research, critical review and problem-solving abilities by critically understanding methods of acquiring, interpreting and analysing information appropriate to their context of study.

knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of, the moral, ethical, environmental and legal issues which underpin best practice.

key transferable skills and also responsibility for their own learning and continuing professional development.

vocationally relevant management skills and knowledge by exposure to professional practice.

a recognition of the centrality of consumer needs and wants.

manage the marketing resources available to meet relevant consumer demands

an ability to respond appropriately to the stakeholder diversity

understand and evaluate the diverse nature of marketing within the event industry.

understand and apply the principles of competitor analysis and the identification of business opportunities.

successfully initiate new marketing strategies

use appropriate research methods, and be able t

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