unitika group profile · products is seeing a shift, moving from asia to countries in the west....

Post on 07-Sep-2018






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UNITIKACreation & Products

$ € £ ¥

Population explosion across Asia / developing countriesand changes to the composition of the population in Japan

Safe food & water

Increased / diversifyingdemand for energy

IT / digital society

Shift in economic zones

ActivitiesLife & Industry


Interior products

Infrastructure development

Smart devices /IT equipment

Automotive /Industrial equipment parts

Civil engineering &construction materials

Emergency supplies


Everyday items

Electronic devices




Advanced Materials Industrial Fibers & Textiles

Polymer technology forms the core of Unitika’ s business opera-tions. These are largely divided into three areas; f ilms, plastics and nonwoven fabrics. While con-tinuing to strengthen our global marketing activit ies, Unit ika is enhancing the synergy between its respective business areas and par tner companies to take our polymer technologies global.

The market for f iber and textile products is seeing a shift, moving from Asia to countries in the west. While working to enhance collab-oration with Unitika Trading, one of our Group companies, in addi-t ion to c lothing and industr ial materials, we are also looking to the manufacture and sale of final products and expanding our over-seas production facilities with a view to further global expansion.

Our advanced materials include act ivated carbon f ibers, glass fiber & fabrics and glass beads. Due to the proper ties and high potential of these materials, they are found in a range of n iche app l i c a t i ons . W i th a v iew to expanding this business domain, Unitika is channeling its energy into developing tailor-made prod-ucts to address a range of product requirements and applications.





Advanced Materials Industrial Fibers& Textiles

Harmony withthe environment / ecosystem


Upholding history and supporting the present as we look to the future.Unitika – a company of the future

Unitika started out as a cotton spinning company in 1889, the beginning of modern industry in Japan,

and while continuing to evolve as a manufacturer of functional materials, is transforming into a global corporation,

basing its business operations on a clear picture of current and future market

demand with polymer technologies at its core.

Our approach to contribute to the lives of people and support wealthy lives

through our technologies has remained unchanged so as to keep our finger on the pulse of

demand throughout the years amidst a drastically changing social backdrop and environmental issues.

Our product line-up includes a range of materials designed to fundamentally enhance the quality of lifestyle products,

industrial activity and infrastructure development and other products born from these materials to create a brighter future.

Unitika is committed to delivering absolute solutions to support future lifestyles and the environment

in the form of materials used in areas that often go unnoticed and products that have a direct impact on our lives.



Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry, lifestyle and environmental preservation. Unitika offers a range of products for the future.For more than 125 years, Unitika has developed a large number of innovative technologies and products. These include a number of “world first” technologies and products that hold top share in the global market, including simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film etc. With a focus on our core technologies accumulated over our long history, such as polymer, fiber and textile and inorganic material technologies, Unitika is committed to further building on its respective business areas and the development of high-quality, innovative functional materials that go above and beyond anything else on the market by integrating our existing technologies with new and other peripheral technologies. Needless to say, the fundamental policy behind these initiatives is to ensure that we improve the lifestyles of people around the world and give something back to society.

“Arrowbase” is a groundbreaking, modif ied water-based polyolefin emulsion that does not contain sur face acting agents. I t is current ly being used in fields that demand a reduced envi-ronmental load.

“ARROWBASE”Modified water-based polyolefin emulsion


“XecoT” is an aromatic polyamide resin made from biomass material which has overwhelming performance developed based on Unitika’ s origi-nal polymerization and compound technology. Its high crystallinity, unmatched by any of our com-petitors, provides superi-or heat-resistance, low moisture absorption and s l i d i n g p r o p e r t i e s , mak ing i t an env i ron -mentally friendly materi-a l w i t h u n p a r a l l e l e d possibilities.


Environmentally friendly heat-resistant polyamide resin

White LED package

“DEXY FILTER”“DEXY FILTER”Activated carbon fiberActivated carbon fiber

Developed using melt-spinning technology,“Dexy Filter” offers superior adsorption speed compared to powdered

or granulated activated carbon to adsorb impuritiesfrom water and odors from the air.

Developed using melt-spinning technology,“Dexy Filter” offers superior adsorption speed compared to powdered

or granulated activated carbon to adsorb impuritiesfrom water and odors from the air.

“UNIVEKS”“UNIVEKS”Polyester nonwoven cloth sheetPolyester nonwoven cloth sheet

In addition to superior water absorption and workability,”Univeks” is a highly functional,

porous sheet boasting a syphon function and evaporation function.It demonstrates superior performance in a range of applications,

including humidifier elements,drain water evaporation plates and in the cores of water

and oil-based marker pens.

In addition to superior water absorption and workability,”Univeks” is a highly functional,

porous sheet boasting a syphon function and evaporation function.It demonstrates superior performance in a range of applications,

including humidifier elements,drain water evaporation plates and in the cores of water

and oil-based marker pens.

A world first, simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film developed by Unitika.“EMBLEM” boasts superior strength,

flexibility and rupture resistance and is the world’s leading brand of food packaging.

A world first, simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film developed by Unitika.“EMBLEM” boasts superior strength,

flexibility and rupture resistance and is the world’s leading brand of food packaging.

“ELEVES”“ELEVES”Bi-component composite nonwoven fabricBi-component composite nonwoven fabric

“Eleves” is a bi-component spunbond nonwoven.It is commonly used in the lifestyle material field

due to its heat sealing properties and unique flexibility.

“Eleves” is a bi-component spunbond nonwoven.It is commonly used in the lifestyle material field

due to its heat sealing properties and unique flexibility.

“EMBLEM”Simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film

“EMBLEM”Simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film


Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry, lifestyle and environmental preservation. Unitika offers a range of products for the future.

■Unitika Research & Development Center

“TERRAMAC”Biomass plastic material

“Terramac” is a biomass material made from the starch found in corn etc. It is currently attracting attention as an eco-material with no load on the global environment to r e p l a c e o i l - b a s e d p las t i c s . Un i t i ka i s developing “Terramac” in a range of forms, i n c l u d i n g t ex t i l e s , spunbond fabric and resins etc.

PETRecycled PET


Polyactic acid












Heat-resistant PA

High perform

ance (heat resistance)

Unitika material

Unitika environmentally friendly material

General-purpose plasticGeneral-purpose plastic

Super engineering plasticSuper engineering plastic

Engineering plasticEngineering plastic

“MARIX”“MARIX”Polyester spunbond nonwovenPolyester spunbond nonwoven

Due to its superior strength and durability, “Marix” is used in a wide range of applications, including industrial and construction materials etc.

Due to its superior strength and durability, “Marix” is used in a wide range of applications, including industrial and construction materials etc.

“U-POLYMER”“U-POLYMER”Polyarylate resinPolyarylate resin

Harnessing all of its technologies, Unitika was the first in the world to develop industrialized polyarylate resin. It is used in a range of applications, including precision equipment, cars, machinery, medicine, food products and everyday goods etc.

Harnessing all of its technologies, Unitika was the first in the world to develop industrialized polyarylate resin. It is used in a range of applications, including precision equipment, cars, machinery, medicine, food products and everyday goods etc.

“PALPA”“PALPA”Special multilayer yarnSpecial multilayer yarn

“Palpa” is a special multilayer yarn developed first by Unitika and has a polyester core and the shell with high quality cotton. This unique material brings the soft touch of cotton and the superior properties of polyester.

“Palpa” is a special multilayer yarn developed first by Unitika and has a polyester core and the shell with high quality cotton. This unique material brings the soft touch of cotton and the superior properties of polyester.

“Silmie5”“Silmie5”Silky materialSilky material

The conjugated yarn with trilobal and different shape of the filament, we achieved a delicate, supple feel with natural volume. It is an elegant, silky material with a shiny, lustrous feel that drapes beautifully.

The conjugated yarn with trilobal and different shape of the filament, we achieved a delicate, supple feel with natural volume. It is an elegant, silky material with a shiny, lustrous feel that drapes beautifully.


b i o m a s s


Biomass resource(plant starch)


Unique Unitikatechnologies

In the area of technology development, Unitika is focusing on two main areas; new research and development and enhancing the skills of our workforce. At the same time, we realize that has to be backed by human resource training and development.The Unitika Research & Development Center plays a key role in these activities. Basic research designed to reinforce and further build on core technologies, pro-moting a corporate theme directly in line with market demand through synergy across all our business areas and creating new business domains through the inte-gration of our existing core technologies and those resulting from joint research with industry, government and academia. These three major strategies of the Center combine technology with innovation to give shape to the future.

New research &development

Enhancingpersonnel competency

Promotinga corporate theme

Reinforcing & building oncore technologies

Creatingnew business domains

UR&DCHuman resourcedevelopment


M a t e r i a l s o f t h e f u t u r e

Polymer technologies – The core of business operations.Covering the needs of the future in the area of film, plastics and nonwoven fabrics.




Unitika has established itself as a pioneer of modern industry and has since grown into a manufacturer of functional materials. The key behind our operations to date lies in our polymer technologies. Unitika has established three major business areas closely related to our polymer technologies that incorporate state-of-the-art technologies developed based on our long history and experience in this field; films, plastics and nonwoven fabrics. Unitika will continue to promote activities that give rise to new solutions through products that aim to be No.1 in terms of quality.



Polymer technologies – The core of business operations.Covering the needs of the future in the area of film, plastics and nonwoven fabrics.

The world’s top level nylon films for food packaging.



“UNIPEEL” Unitika Ltd.Unique silicon free PET release films developed with Unitika’s proprietary technolo-gies. The applications as release film are versatile including the electronic field because “UNIPEEL” eliminated the concern about silicon contamination during the production process.

“UNIAMIDE” Unitika Ltd.Biaxially oriented high heat-resistant polyamide films. Unitika’s experience and technical expertise in film processing enabled this resin to be converted into oriented films. Electric and electronic uses are the typical applications that can take full advantage of “UNIAMIDE”’s characteristics.

“EMBLEM-HG” Unitika Ltd.High gas barrier Nylon films designed specifically for retort-ing and boiling applications. “EMBLEM HG” is enough robust to retain the barrier function even under tough physical stress.

“EMBLET-PC” Unitika Ltd.Linear tearing PET f ilms that makes package opening easier. Gas barrier function can be added by the vapor deposition treatment.

“EMBLEM-NC” Unitika Ltd.Nylon f i lms with the l inear tear ing function. Gas barrier grades are also available.

“EMBLON” Unitika Ltd.Tri-layer co-extruded polyamide films, where a barrier resin is sandwiched in the middle. Because of its environmentally friendly nature as well, “EMBLON” has been chosen in a variety of applications both for food and non-food.

Unitika’s film lineup includes top level nylon films, developed based on the world’s first simultaneous biaxially orientation method and polyester films, designed using unique technologies to suit distinctive applications. Unitika has developed and been producing a range of cutting-edge products, includ-ing gas barrier films for packaging materials and high heat-resistant films for electronic applications by strengthening collaboration among the marketing team, R&D group, and production division. As the global leading Nylon film manufacturer supplying products from the factories in Japan and Indonesia, Unitika is aiming to further expand their footprints in European and North American markets as well as Asian market by focusing on the development of specialty films.




Unitika is currently promoting a global niche strategy in the field of plastics. It currently has its sights set on the global market for engineering plastics and is focusing on the Asian market for liquid, non-molded materials. Based on our highly unique “U-Polymer”, Unitika is seeking further collaboration with its partner companies to reinforce its development, production and sales frame-work in the area of engineering plastics as it aims to expand from applica-tions in the rapidly changing automotive industry into energy and aerospace applications. A key priority for us will be to keep our finger on the pulse of the market and deliver necessary products that will form the “standard”.

The pursuit of unrivaled materials.


P“PET resin” Unitika Ltd.Lightweight and boasting superior strength and moldability, “PET resin” is commonly found in conta iners used in ever yday l i fe, inc luding cosmetic products etc.

“ELITEL” Unitika Ltd.Flat cable adhered using “Elitel”. “Elitel” is used in a range of electronic equipment and products, including laptop computers and printers etc.

“ARROWBASE” Unitika Ltd.“Arrowbase” is a groundbreaking, modif ied water-based polyolef in emuls ion that does not contain surface acting agents.

“XecoT” is an aromatic polyamide resin made from biomass material which has overwhelming perfor-mance developed based on Unitika’s original polym-erization and compound technology.

“XecoT” Unitika Ltd.

Unitika was the first in the world to develop industrial-ized polyarylate resin. It is used in a range of applica-tions, including precision equipment, cars, machin-ery, medicine, food products and everyday goods etc.

“U-POLYMER” Unitika Ltd.

“NANOCON” Unitika Ltd.“Nanocon” is a composite material boasting supe-rior hardness, heat resistance and moldability. Potential applications, such as engine covers etc. for this product are growing.


The world’s best quality and top level market share.Our nonwoven products include polyester-based spunbond products and cotton-based spunlace products. Unitika leads the industry, holding top market share in Asia for both of these product categories. Spunbond products are used in agricultural and civil engineering materials, as a base fabric for roofing and carpet and in automotive parts while spunlace products are found in skin care products, cloth wipes and in the medical field. While we continue to improve product quality and open new markets in these fields, it is also import-ant that we develop new applications for nonwovens, a product that has contin-ued to grow as a replacement for more conventional materials. In the years to come, Unitika is committed to new product development with our sights firmly on bringing new products to market based on further collaboration.



“APPEAL” Unitika Ltd.“Appeal” is widely used in the field of civil engineer-ing due to the excellent physical properties of the Polyester Spunbond Nonwoven.

“PASSLITE” Unitika Ltd.“Passlite” is a special nonwoven fabric for agricul-tural direct covering. It demonstrates superior heat retention properties and is used to prevent stunted growth in agricultural crops.

“Lovesheet ” is an agr icultural sheet used in greenhouse gardens and as matting material etc. to improve crop cultivation and prevent the occur-rence of crop disease.

“LOVESHEET” Unitika Ltd.

“MARIX” Unitika Ltd.“ Mar ix ” is w ide ly used in automotive and interior appli-cations as a base fabric for carpets.

“ELEVES” Unitika Ltd.“Eleves” is a bi-componentspunbond nonwoven It is commonly used in the lifestyle material f ield due to its heat sealing proper ties and unique flexibility.

“COTTOACE” Unitika Ltd.“Cottoace” is 100% cotton spunlace. It has superi-or sanitary and environmental properties and we are working on developing a wide range of appli-cations that can be incorporated into our daily life.


Functional materials opening the door to a world of possibilities.Innovation and absolute quality bringing light to the unknown.



d M



Advanced Materials

The advanced material business segment of Unitika develops a range of materials, including activated carbon fibers, glass fibers and glass beads. Activated carbon fibers play a key role in water purification and air filters and in addition to customized products to meet the needs of customers, Unitika also promotes high-performance through a combina-tion with other materials. Our glass fiber products, all manufactured under an integrated production system from the yarn, right up the glass fabrics, address a broad range of very detailed requirements in a variety of fields, including construction and civil engineering to applications for electronic materials, such as finished glass fabrics for printed board etc. We are also developing a range of other high value-added products, expanding application into new fields. Our glass beads boast some of the best quality in Japan as main raw materials, are used for road marking, road signs and as reflective materials. Due to their unique properties, there are a range of other potential applications for glass beads. The seeds of possibility to create unique and special applications and a never-before-seen level of per-formance and innovative products are here at Unitika.


M a t e r i a l s o f t h e f u t u r e



“UNIVEKS-SB” Unitika Ltd.“Univeks-SB” is a water absorbent material made from polyester f ibers. It demonstrates superior water absorbency and is used in fields requiring the use/treatment of water.

“AD’ALL” Unitika Ltd.“Ad’All” is an activated carbon fiber and offers an extremely high rate of adsorption compared to powdered or granular activated carbon. It is used in a range of air and water purification applications.

“DEXY FILTER” Unitika Ltd.An activated carbon fiber filter using “Ad’All”. Dex y f i l te r i s used to remove harmfu l substances and impurities from water and the air.

Our range of glass fabr ics for pr inted c ircui t boards showcases our unique technologies from mater ials, f ibers to surface finishing.

“Finished Glass Fabrics” Unitika Ltd.

“UNIBEADS” for Road Marking Unitika Ltd.“Unibeads” are used for a range of road marking applica-tions, including white lines and pedestrian crossings. Their retroreflective properties increase visibility at night, playing an important role in road safety.

“SPARKLITE” Unitika Sparklite Ltd.“Sparklite” is a retroreflective material made from glass beads. It is used in a wide range of applications, includ-ing reflective tape used on safety vests, armbands and hats etc., road signs, signboards and stickers etc.


From the development of raw fiber to fiber and textile products.Dynamic spinning technologies, production and sales taking our products to the world.


l Fibe

rs & Te


Industrial Fibers & Textiles

Our fiber and textiles business forms the starting of all Unitika’s operations. In addition to clothing and industrial materials, our fiber and textiles business is actively working towards the manufacture and sales of final products. In collaboration with our partner company Unitika Trading Co., Ltd., we are also making a dynamic shift to expand into the global market in the area of manufacturing and sales. These activities include the proposal of high added value materials born from raw fiber development and processing technologies, including nozzle design, expansion of the sales driven by our production base in Indonesia, Unitex, and the promotion of activities fully using our strength in the production and sales of fiber and textile products. In the area of industrial materials, Unitika offers a range of specialized products backed by our development facilities mainly in the field of civil engineering, construction, marine products, sanitation and medical applications. We are corresponding to various type of detailed customer requirements, such as filaments used in 3D printers, by our integrated development, production and sales forces.


“MELSET” Unitika Ltd.“Melset” is a high-strength, sheath core composite multi-filament with a high-viscosity polyester resin for the core and a low-melting point polyester resin for the sheath. It is a sheath core binder fiber that can be molded into a range of shapes following heat treatment.

“TERRAMAC” 3D Printer Filament Unitika Ltd.“Terramac” 3D printer filament is a filament that can be molded into a range of shapes as a result of our experi-ence in working with PLA accumulated through our Terramac business and melt-spinning technologies.

“Fishing Line” Unitika Ltd.A specialized fishing line designed specif ical ly for this purpose and application from the material devel-opment stage.


From the development of raw fiber to fiber and textile products.Dynamic spinning technologies, production and sales taking our products to the world.


“MAI-HOUOU” Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.Luxury material with an elegant and sophisticated gloss and feel made using Suvin Gold, the world’ s highest quality, ultra-fine, long staple cotton and our unique cotton spinning technologies.

Flame retardant mater ial that balances both safety and comfort. Superior self-extinguishing properties prevent the material from melting when it comes into contact with naked flame, protecting the wearer.

PROTEXA-FR Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.

LINESTAR-FE Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.Material with a subtle feel and a natural sophisti-cated slub yarn look.

Coolart-20 Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.Material with a special cross-section configuration (20 leaf-like sections). It is light, non-transparent and effectively blocks out sunlight.

“CUBIC EYE” Innersole Unitika Technos Co., Ltd.“CUBIC EYE” Innersoles are a double raschel innersole designed for working people. The 3D honeycomb structure absorbs impact and prevents sweating during the summer while the additional air layer helps to retain heat through the cold winter months.

M a t e r i a l s o f t h e f u t u r e


Synergy in our global strength. Enhancing our development, production and sales network.

Unitika prides itself on responding quickly and accurately to market needs with globally competitive products through our domestic development and production bases and the network of our overseas bases, reaching into China, Indonesia, Thailand, the United States and Europe. We are committed to pursuing activities with the aim of broader and further reaching market exploration. In addition to the growing Asian market, Unitika is looking to further enhance technical collaboration with our overseas bases and use Japanese quality to drive further expansion into the United States, Europe and the world.

Made in Japan – Creating high value-added products

Globally renowned quality – “Emblem” international production bases

Okazaki PlantUji Plant

GERMANYDusseldorf Office

CHINAUnitika (Shanghai) Ltd.


BRAZILUnitika do Brasil Industria Textil Ltda.

CHINAUnitika (Hong Kong) Ltd.


THAILANDThai Unitika Spunbond Co., Ltd.

P.T. Emblem Asia

Our Uji business office serves as a key plant, working closely together with our polymers division and advanced materials division and is also the center of research, development and production, housing our Central Research Labora-tory responsible for research and development for the entire Unitika group. Together with our other production bases, including the Okazaki plant, the central production facility for our polyester and non-woven fabric products, these facilities supply high value-added, high-quality products that Japan is renowned for.

“Emblem”, nylon film used for packaging holds top share in the global market and P.T. “Emblem Asia”, located in Indonesia is leading the charge for yet further expansion of this product into international markets. While aiming to further improve our production capacity through a range of initiatives, including the training of local resources, introduction of new technologies and more facilities, we are also looking to strengthen synergy with other production bases. We will continue to channel our energy into the production and sale of high value-added products while also moving forward with activities with our sights on the European and American markets.


BRAZILBrazcot LtdaUnitika do Brasil Industria Textil Ltda.

HONG KONGUnitika (Hong Kong) Ltd.VIETNAM

Unitika Trading Vietnam Co., Ltd.


New York OfficeUnitika America Corporation

GERMANYDusseldorf Office

CHINAUnitika (Shanghai) Ltd. Shanghai OfficeCHINA

Unitika (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd.CHINA

Unitika (Shanghai) Ltd.Guangzhou Branch

THAILANDThai Unitika Spunbond Co., Ltd.



P.T. UnitexP.T. Unitika Trading Indonesia


Synergy in our global strength. Enhancing our development, production and sales network.

Osaka Head Office Tokyo Head Office

Major Unitika Group Companies

Research Centers & Facilities

23 Uji-Kozakura, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0021 Japan

Tel: 0774 (25) 2210

5 Uji-Tonouchi, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-8555 Japan

Tel: 0774 (25) 2111

4-1 Hinakita-machi, Okazaki-shi, Aichi 444-8511 Japan

Tel: 0564 (23) 2311

2210 Tarui-cho, Fuwa-gun, Gifu 503-2121 Japan

Tel: 0584 (22) 1201

846 Kono, Ako-shi, Hyogo 678-0171 Japan

Tel: 0791 (48) 8185

Central Research Laboratory

Uji Plant

Okazaki Plant

Tarui Plant

Sakoshi Plant

Overseas Offices

Feldstrasse 21, D-40479 Dusseldorf, Germany

Tel: (+49) 211-3230296, 3230297

Fax: (+49) 211-132642

Room 1402-1404,New Town Center No.83,Loushanguan Road, Changning District,Shanghai ,China.

Tel: (+86) 21-6126-8585       Fax:(+86) 21-6126-8989445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 403, White Plains, NY 10601, USA

Dusseldorf Office

Shanghai Office

New York Office

Unitika Co., Ltd.

■Corporate ProfileCurrent as of end of March 2015

EstablishedCapitalMajor Business Areas

Head Offices

June 19, 1889100,450,000 yen●PolymersFilms (nylon, polyester)Plastics (nylon, polyester, polyarylate) Nonwoven fabric (polyester spunbond, cotton spunlace)Biodegradable plastic materials●Advanced materialsFunctional materials (glass cloth, glass beads, activated carbon fiber)●Industrial Fibers & TextilesFibers (polyester)●OthersPlant/technology export[Osaka Head Office]4-1-3 Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-8566 Japan Tel: 06 (6281) 5695[Tokyo Head Office]Nihonbashi Nichigin-Dori Bldg. 4-6-7 Nihonbashi Hongoku-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8321 Japan Tel: 03 (3246) 7540

Nippon Ester Co., Ltd.

Terabo Co., Ltd.

COSOF Co., Ltd.

U.C.S Co., Ltd.

4-1-3 Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0056 Japan Tel: 06 (6281) 552028-55 Tsuda Minami-machi, Kaizuka-shi, Osaka 597-8511 Japan Tel: 0724 (31) 2424331 Sayama Shinkaichi, Kumiyama-cho, Kuse-gun, Kyoto 613-0034 Japan Tel: 0774 (45) 1201120-1 Minami Ouchi, Oaza Mori Koaza, Kumiyama-cho, Kuse-gun, Kyoto 613-0024 Japan Tel: 075 (632) 5020


Unitika Glass Fiber Co., Ltd.

Union Co., Ltd.

Unitika Sparklite Ltd.

Ad’All Co., Ltd.

45-2 Uji-Kozakura, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0021 Japan Tel: 0744 (25) 236110-1 Omine Minami-machi, Hirakata-shi, Osaka 573-0145 Japan Tel: 072 (858) 135313-8 Ikagahera, Goma Hiyoshi-cho, Nantan-shi, Kyoto 629-0311 Japan Tel: 0771 (74) 1075 5 Uji-Tonouchi, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0021 Japan Tel: 0774 (25) 2274

Advanced Materials

Industrial Fibers & Textiles

Osaka Dyeing Co., Ltd.

Unitika Spinning Co., Ltd.

Unitika Mate Co., Ltd.

Kamijyo Seiki Co., Ltd.

Unitika Garments Technology & Research Laboratories Ltd.

Unitika Textiles Ltd.

2-1-1 Yamazaki, Shimamoto-cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka 618-0001 Japan Tel: 075 (961) 12211701 Ikenarimen, Shisa-cho, Matsuura-shi, Nagasaki 859-4518 Japan Tel: 0956 (72) 2101Metlife Honmachi Square 2-5-7 Hon-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0053 Japan Tel: 06 (4705) 914126 Ichibanwari, Gokasho, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0011 Japan Tel: 0774 (32) 835228-55 Tsuda Minami-cho, Kaizuka-shi, Osaka 597-0014 Japan Tel: 072 (437) 005588 Nakahara, Soja, Okayama-shi 719-1195 Japan Tel: 0866 (93) 1251

Overseas Subsidiaries

Company Name Business Activities Location EstablishedBusiness Segment

Agriculture and forestry ( Natural rubber)Cotton spinning

Manufacture and sale of dyed fabricsManufacture of fiber & textile productsImport / export, domestic & overseas sales, consultingImport/export, domestic & overseas sales

IImport, export, domestic sales,Overseas sales of functional polymers

Import / export

Polymers(4 companies)

Industrial Fibers & Textiles (6 companies)

Trading Company (2 companies)

Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.http: //www.unitika.co.jp http://www.unitrade.co.jp

■Corporate Profile

EstablishedCapitalMajor Business Areas

Head & Branch Offices

April 19422,500,000,000 yen●Manufacture, processing, sale and import/export of fiber / textile material and fiber / textile products ●Manufacture, processing, sale and import/export of film, Plastics and nonwoven products●Manufacture, processing and sale of materials etc.●Manufacture and sale of lifestyle products[Osaka Head Office]Metlife Honmachi Square 2-5-7 Hon-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0053 Japan Tel: 06 (4705) 9011[Tokyo Branch Office]Kyodo Bldg. 4-1-5 Nihonbashi Muro-machi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022 Japan Tel: 03 (3246) 7783


Unitika Plant Engineering Co., Ltd.

Unitika Technos Co., Ltd.

5 Uji-Tonouchi, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-8555 Japan Tel: 0774 (25) 207419 Uji-Yaochi, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0021 Japan Tel: 0774 (23) 8088


Brazcot Ltda.

Unitika do Brasil Industria Textil Ltda.

P.T. Unitex

Unitika (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd.Unitika Trading Vietnam Co., Ltd.P.T. Unitika Trading Indonesia

Unitika (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Unitika (Shanghai) Ltd.







Hong Kong










Unitika America Corporation

Import / Export America 1973

P.T. Emblem Asia

Thai Unitika Spunbond Co., Ltd.

Manufacture and sale of nylon filmManufacture and sale of polyester spunbond






Import, export, domestic sales,Overseas sales of functional polymers

Thailand 2017



P-0013_2018.04.K101.300FProduct names contained within this pamphlet are trademarks of Unitika Group.

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