unit 8 h2o

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Block 3Block 3Unit 8 H2OUnit 8 H2O

Action PlanAction PlanIn this unit, you will learn:In this unit, you will learn:

• To understand cause and effect and To understand cause and effect and informative texts.informative texts.

• To identify cause and effect phrases.To identify cause and effect phrases.• To sequence items.To sequence items.• To understand adjective + to + infinitive To understand adjective + to + infinitive

expressions.expressions.• To understand vocabulary related to To understand vocabulary related to

water and manufacturing processes.water and manufacturing processes.

Action PlanAction PlanIn this unit, you will learn:In this unit, you will learn:

• To understand cause and effect and To understand cause and effect and informative texts.informative texts.

• To identify cause and effect phrases.To identify cause and effect phrases.• To sequence items.To sequence items.• To understand adjective + to + infinitive To understand adjective + to + infinitive

expressions.expressions.• To understand vocabulary related to To understand vocabulary related to

water and manufacturing processes.water and manufacturing processes.

5 min


6 min


water boat car wash fishing

bathing irrigation dam tank

LessonLesson AA

Water, water, waterWater, water, water3


a. Moisture is very small drops of water in the air or on a surfase.b. A dam is large concrete wall built across a river which stops

the water flowing and creates a lake. c. When a liquid evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas

because it gets hotter.d. An aquifer is a layer of rock under the ground which contains

watter.e. The irrigation of land refers to supplying it with water in order

to help crops to grow.f. The atmosphere is the layer of air and gases around the

earth.g. A glacier is a large river of ice that moves very slowlydown a

mountain.h. A flood is a sudden increase in surfase water that covers an

area that is usually dry.

Vocabulary WaterComplete the definitions with words from the box. Then listen and check your answers.





Listening a. Discuss how much water these activities use. Then write your ideas.

Using the toilet: 8 litersTaking a bath: 100 litersHaving a shower: 75-150 litersCooking a meal: 10-30 liters

Washing hands: 5-10 litersWashing clothes: 50-100 litersWashing dishes: 50-90 litersWatering plants: 3-5 liters

b. Listen and check your answers. Then discuss the answers with a partner.

6 min


Pre-readinga.- Look at the title of the article on page 89. Predict what you think the article

will be about.

Save water, save our planetSave water, save our planet

b.- Quickly read the article on the next page. Then answer the questions.

Skim 1. What is the article about? Managing water resources carefullyScan 2. What percentage of the world surface is water? 71%

3. How much water does an average Mexican use every week? About 1,890 liters

4. What percentage of Mexico’s water is at least a little polluted? 50%5. What percentage of Mexico’s water is from surface water?


6 min


1. Water makes up c a. many changes to rivers.2. Cutting down trees can f b. much by humans.3. Using all the water in rivers has led to e c. most of the Earth’s

surface.4. Humans are using d d. too much water.5. Building towns and cities has resulted in a e. them running dry.6. The water cycle cannot be changed b f. cause other plants to die.

6 min


Comprehension Match the phrases to make sentences

Skills work Noticing causes and effects

Some texts are about how factors affect each other. They may examine the reasons why something happended (the causes), or they may examine what happens because of something else (the effects). Being able to identify the difference between causes and effects is an important reading skill.

Look at the examples of causes and effects:

Cause EffectWe use too much water, so we are running out of it.Higher temperature lead to more evaporation.

Effect CauseWe are running out of water because we use to much of it.More evaporation is a result of higher temperatures.

5 min


a. Underline the causes.1. Aquifers are being overused,which causes

them to go dry.2. Mismanagement of the environment can

lead to changes to our water resources.3. Clouds are a result of moisture cooling in the

atmosphere.4. There will be more evaporation because of

higher temperatures.5. Irrigation projects remove water from rivers,

which can cause rivers to run dry.6. Ice melts into the sea because of global


5 min


b. Underline the effects.1. Paul was careful with his expenses so he saved money.2. Using less water will be a result of changing attitudes and

habits.3. The buses didn’t run because of the heavy rain.4. Bad eating habits can lead to poor nutrition.5. Many people are buying electric cars so they can be

envirinmentally friendly.6. Poor water management

results in a poor environmment.

5 min


In Mexico

What problems are there with water resources in Mexico?

Language work Connectives for cause and effectStudy the cause and effect phrases. Then complete the sentences below with the correct phrases.

1. Losing only I percent of your body’s water can cause you to be thirsty.2. Drinking salt water results in severe sicknees.3. Thirty percent of the world’s water-related deaths are brought about by diseases

caused by poor sanitation.4. Drinking too much water leads to you poisoning your body and making yourself sick.5. Headaches and general ill-health can be caused by not drinking enough water.6. If water contains only 0.1 percent salt, it causes water to be too salty to drink.7. Effective water usage results from good government policies.8. Ice can float on water as the result of it being 9 percent lighter than water from the air

it contains.

5 min


Causes → Effects Effects → Causes

Overusing water leads to water shortages. causes results in brings about

Water shortages result from overusing water. are caused by are the result of are brought about by

Writing Complete the paragraph with the correct cause and effect phrases.

Cause and effect in ScienceScientists try to find cause and effect

relationships. For example, the moon pulls on the earth and (1) causes the sea level to change, which (2) leads to flooding, especially if there is a storm. In a similar way, scientists can study the damage to our oceans which results (3) from pollution (4) caused by humans. For example, they can measure how much dumping waste into the oceans results (5) in of change to the natural environment. Scientists can also see how poor nutrition is a result (6) of poor eating habits and see how a better diet (7) brings about better health.

5 min


When you look in a dictionary, look for word families. These are groups of words that share the same basic meaning but have different affixes. For example, use, user, used, useful, uselessness are all part of the word family use. Check which words are nouns (n), verbs (v), and adjectives (adj).

Science (n) The study of natural things and how they behave. Many discoveries in science are accidents.Scientific (adj) Scientific research is a source of much human knowledge.

Discover (v) If you discover something you did not know before, you learn about it. He discovered an old temple.Discovers, discovering, discovered.Discovery (n) I made a great discovery this morning.Use a

dictionary to find word

family members

Skill Builder

Lesson BLesson BWater from the seaWater from the sea

Vocabulary Manufacturing processesComplete the definitions with words from the box. Then listen and check your


1. A plant is a factory or a place for producing power.2. Treatment Is the process of removing something you do not want from water or some

other substance.3. A vacuum is a place that is completely empty, whit no air.4. If a company supplies something ,it provides it for others who need it .5. We use a filter to remove things we do not want from liquids.6. Steam is the gas that water turns into a temperature of 100°C.7. Pressure is the effect that occurs when a force is applied on a surface.8. Heating something means making it hotter.

6 min


plant supply filter treatmentpressure vacuum steam heating

Speaking Discuss the questions with a partner.

1. Do you usually drink boiled water or bottled water?2. Do you know any ways to make water clean so you can drink it?3. What places in Mexico don’t have sufficient water?4. What are some ways we can get extra water?

6 min


I usually drink…

We can make clean water by…-



a. Look at the title of the article on the page 93. Predict what you think the article will be about.

Water for our future: A report on Water for our future: A report on West Water’s desalination plantsWest Water’s desalination plants

a. Quickly read the article on the page 93. Then answer the questions.

Skim 1. What is the article about? Making salt water in to drinkingScan 2. Who is the author of this text? West water

3. Who is this text for? West water’s customers4. How many steps are there in the process of creating fresh water?

Seven5. What percentage of the world’s water is not in the oceans? 25%

6 min


1. F A desalination plant turns fresh water into seawater.2. T West water in planning to star a desalination plant.3. F Desalination is a very cost-effective way to make water.4. T A major factor is that the seawater needs to be treated.5. T Desalination plants make water all year round.

Comprehension Read the sentenses and write T for True or F for False. 6


Skills work Identifying a sequence in a chart

a) Some texts have diagrams to show the process of something. Look at the diagram on page 93 and put the following sentences in order of the process A to H.

1. F The salt waste water is thrown away.

2. C The water enters a high pressure pump.

3. E Salt is removed from the water.

4. A Salt water is taken from the sea.

5. H the fresh water enters the water supply.

6. B The water is cleaned.

7. D The water is forced through filters.

8. G The fresh water is cleaned and treated.

6 min


b) Read the text and look at the diagram. Then write the letters in the correct places.

When processing seawater with a distillation process, first the water is cleaned. Then it is heated in a vacuum to 85º (as it is in a vacuum it reaches boiling point at a lower temperature, thus saving energy) to create steam. As the steam is treated before putting it into the water supply system.

6 min


1. I 2. E 3. J 4. G 5. C 6. F 7. A 8. H 9. D10.B

1 2 4 109



a. cooling b. water supply c. steam d. post-treatmente. pre-treatment f. waste saltwater g. vacuum h.

fresh wateri. seawater j. heating


Lenguaje work Adjective + to + infinitiveStudy the examples of adjective + to + infinitive. Then complete the sentences

below with one adjective and one verb from each box.

It’s expensive to turn sea water into fresh water.It’s difficult to transport the water far from the coast.It’s hard to pass this test.

10 min


great normal important kinddifficult necessary fun hard

see turn give eat drink find be play1. It’s very difficult to turn seawater into fresh water.

2. I love playing soccer. It’s fun/great to play with my friends. We have such a good time.

3. It’s hard to find time to study because of my part-time job. I’m just too busy.

4. How are you? It’s great to see you again.

5. It’s important/necessary to drink enough water every day.

6. I think it’s necessary/important to eat healthy foods and have a healthy lifestyle.

7. Thank you. It’s so kind of you to give me this present.

8. It’s normal for him to be late for class. He always gets up late.

Writing Complete each sentence with one adjective from the box.

6 min


expensive unhappy important happy difficult necessary

Desalination plants cause mixed emotions. Some people are (1) happy to have a desalination plant near them because they can get fresh water. They think it is (2) important to creatte jobs in their area. Other people are (3) unhappy to see the desalination plant because it has a lot of waste water and it is (4) necessary to find a palce to put it safely. They also say that it is (5) expensive to a build a desalination plant and it is (6) difficult to find a good place to put it.

Cause and effect paragraphs can be organized in two ways. There can be many causes for one effect, or many effects from one cause. Compare the following:

Many causes lead to one effect.Poor economy; sales were bad; no new products; no investment → the company went out

of business.One cause leads to many effects.

A bad storm → airports were closed; many buildings were damaged; heavy rainfall.

Cause and effect


Real-life Reading Reading the signs and answers the questions.

1. Which of these signs warn you about danger or injury? 2,3,5,72. Which of these signs suggest that you put something on? 33. Which of these signs suggest that you should stop here? 6,7,94. Which of these signs suggest that you drive carefully? 85. Which of these are about the danger of fire? 1,4,5 8









Personal only

1 2 3 4


67 8



My Learning ExperienceLook at the list of language objectives in the unit. Draw , or .

6 min


Closing TaskLook at the pictures on pages 86 and 87. Discuss the questions.1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of living near

a lake, a river, or the ocean?1. What are some ways to use water carefully and efficiently?2. What are five ways that you can use less water?

Language Agree?

I can read cause and effect and informative text.

I can identify causes and effects phrases.

I can sequence items.

I can understand adjective + to + inifinitive expressions.

I can understand vocabulary related to water and manufacturing processes.

Word Builder Prefixes: mis- and re-

a.Study the examples of the prefixes mis- and re-. Then rewrite the words in the columns below with the correct words.

mis- (do something badly) re- (do something again)management → mismanagement cycle → recycleread → misread new → renew (renewable)

understand → misunderstand use → reuse lead → mislead appear → reappear use → misuse write → rewrite spell → misspell discover → rediscover

b. Complete the sentences with words from a.1.Desalination plants should try to use renewable energy sources.2.You’re not using that world carrectly. You’re misusing it.3.I’m sorry, this homework is not good enouh. Please rewrite it.4.When he got out of hospital he rediscovered his old energy.5.The company was very badly mismanaged. It nearly went out of business.6.I’m sorry. Did I misunderstand? I wasn’t listening properly.

8 min


My Dictionary

Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit.

Spanish English

abastecer, proveer

to supply

atmósfera atmosphere

causa cause

ciclo del agua water cycle

conduce a leads to

costa coast

ecosistema ecosytem

efecto effect

filtro filter

reserve reserve

resulta en results in

riesgo irrigation

subir rise

superficie surface

sustentable sustentable

tratamiento teatment

vacío vacuum

vapor steam

10 min




Chapman, J. (2009). Sequences, Teacher’s Resource Book 5. México: Heinle Cengage Learning.Waring, R., Woodall, P. y Thomlinson, J. (2009). Sequences, Student Book 5. México: Heinle Cengage Learning.

Electrónicas: http://images.google.es/images?gbv=2&hl=es&sa=1&q=water&aq=f&oq=&start=0

Elaborado por: Ing. Sonia Margarita Osuna RodríguezElaborado por: Ing. Sonia Margarita Osuna Rodríguez

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