unit 7 composing music

Post on 29-Sep-2015






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Unit 7 Composing Music College Write Up




    Proof of structural appreciation in my Alt Hip-Hop Instrumental

  • Proof of structural appreciation in my Alt Hip-Hop Instrumental

  • Proof of structural appreciation in my Relaxing Composition

  • Proof of structural appreciation in my Television Opening Theme Structural Appreciation

  • Here is a project I did where I had songs given to me as an uncut and unlabeled track in logic and I cut, labeled and coloured correctly the structure of each song. I labeled the Intro, verses; choruss; solos, middle 8s, any variations & the outro/codas of each song. I then began to create my own little song using the parts I had cut apart to see if just using the song structures I could make a song mix.


    I started this composition by firstly taking the time to browse through Logics library of MIDI sounds and selected some that I thought would sound good together. Starting with bass I played in with a MIDI Keyboard controller and adjusted it all with the Piano Roll in Logic. I chose to carry this composition on due to personal musical taste and found this was something I would like to hear from an artist.

  • Piano Roll of Finished Verse Bass Line

  • Finished Chorus Bass line

  • Picture of the Musical Score from the Verse 1 Bass line

  • The Logic ultrabeat synthesizer on Logic which I used to manipulate the sound of certain hits of the drum which I used on this song


    I started this composition pretty much the same way as the Alt Hip-Hop one by spending time to go through Logics built in MIDI sounds until I found a group of instruments I thought complimented each other well to create a mix that I found appealing. I chose to carry this one on because I found it interesting and thought it would be a challenge to try and make something like this. I listened to some relaxing music on YouTube to gain inspiration on which kinds of instruments to use in my composition.

  • This is what the finished Piano Roll looked like once I played everything in and Quantized it

  • This is a picture of the musical score from bar 5-6 of the relaxing composition

  • This is what the finished structure looked like just before I bounced it

  • COMPOSITION 3 TELEVISION SHOW INTRO THEME I started this composition like the others (How I start anything I make apparently) by scouring Logics library of MIDI sounds and just playing around on a MIDI keyboard controller to see if any of the notes I play in sound like something original and something I like. I continued with this composition as I thought Id try to make an intro for a specific genre of television programme which in my head was something similar to a sci-fi style programme.

  • Finished Piano Roll of the lead guitar part of this composition which is played during the intro, verse, chorus and then slightly alternating in the outro

  • Finished musical score of the lead guitar section of this composition

  • Finished structure of the television show composition which shows how I copied parts of the lead guitar to the strings then slightly edited the timings

    and some notes in the piano roll so they play together fluently

  • Showing the ultrabeat synthesizer and that I manipulated the sound within this synthesizer to alter some of the clap pitches

  • What I did to extend, develop and manipulate sounds in these songs was to look into song structure and see that a lot of different musical genres followed patterns with Intros, verses, choruss, bridges, middle 8s and an outro/coda. I used this knowledge and applied it to what I had played in with the MIDI keyboard for the verses & choruss to copy them over and create a second and third verse/chorus with the same structure. I created choruss/verses and placed them between the verses/chorus. I recognized that something sounded off about this and that there was too fast of a transition between the verses and choruss so I created bridges to put between the verses and choruss so that they blended together a lot better. I looked through Logic library and created a backing beat with MIDI drums which I thought sounded suitable on each track for the sound I was trying to create. Once I was happy with what I had down, I adjusted some sounds with logics in house synthesizers. I was mainly adjusting Pitch and the envelopes which is the Attack, Sustain, Decay and Release because the sounds I had fit well but might have been just a little off with added reverb or other inserts.

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