unit 6 genetic engineering : forward or backward? deborah soong

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Unit 6

Genetic Engineering :Forward or Backward?

Deborah Soong

Teaching Activities Index

Teaching Activities1st period 1. Warm-up

2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-3

3. Reading – Paragraphs 1-32nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phr

ases within Paragraphs 4-72. Reading - Paragraphs 4-73. Post-reading

3rd period 1. Word File2. Sentence Patterns3. Expansion4. Writing Practice

4th period Oral & Listening – Unit 5


Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases

ReadingParagraphs 1-3

Reference answer :Cock: How do you explain this THING, Edna!? I’ve never seen such an ugly chick! It is an elephant, isn’t it? You are having an affair with the Elephant, aren’t you?Hen: No, I am not. This has nothing to do with an Elephant. The chick just looks like an elephant. But he’s still our son, dear. You said this new genetically modified chicken feed

Reference answer :was amazing, didn’t you? And it tastes good, doesn’t it? The chick came out from an egg, didn’t it? We must love himjust like we love our other chicks, even if he was genetically engineered.


Listen to paragraphs 1- 3.


Now,answer the following questions.

____ Genes are chemicals inside cells ____ . (A) improving organisms in some way (B) keeping organisms alive (C) establishing an organism’s characteristics (D) forming an organism



One question that is being debated these days is whether or not genetic engineering is a good thing.

that 引導的關係形容詞子句修飾先行詞 one question.

被動進行式的結構 is being debated強調「動作在進行中」,和本文最後一句話相呼應:The debate goes on. Next

One question that is being debated these days is whether or not genetic engineering is a good thing.

名詞子句 whether...a good thing 為主詞 one question 的補語,雖然whether 子句是由 yes/no 問句 (Is genetic engineering a good thing?) 轉變而來的間接問句,但如果當主詞或主詞補語用時,則不能用 if 取代。 Next

試比較下列例句 :• I don't care whether they will support me or not. → I don't care if they will support me or not. (whether 子句當受詞,可以用 if 取代 )• My problem now is whether they will support me or not.(whether 子句當補語,不可以用 if 取代 )• Whether they will support me or not is my main problem. (whether 子句當主詞,不可以用 if 取代 )

One question that is being debated these days is whether or not genetic engineering is a good thing.

原句 = Whether genetic engineering is good or not is being a debatable question recently.

Our science editor has contributedthis article to help our readers become more informed on the issue.

原句 = Our science editor has written this article to help the readers have more information on/about the question.

We’re hearing this term “genetic engineering” with increasing frequency these days.

with increasing frequency→ more and more frequently/often此介詞片語強調 genetic engineering一詞重複聽到的頻率太高,所以前面動詞用進行式 are hearing 。

For those readers who may not be sure of its meaning, some definitions follow. When we speak of genes, we are referring to chemical substances in the cells of all living things that establish an organism’s characteristics.

Genetic engineering is the changing of certain genes, usually to improve an organism in some way.

Genetic engineering is the changing of certain genes, usually to improve an organism in some way.→ Genetic engineering is changing some genes, usually in order to make an organism better in one way or another.

In recent years, for example, certain genes have been placed in tomato plants to make tomatoes taste better and keep them fresh in supermarkets for a longer time.

1987 年基因改造蕃茄首次在美國進行田野試驗, 1992 年保鮮期較長的FLAVR SAVR 蕃茄由美國政府批准在加州 Davis 上市。

Cows have been treated with a growth hormone that makes dairy cattle give more milk and reduces the amount of fat in the meat of beef cattle. growth hormone 稱為「生長激素」或 「生長荷爾蒙」,注射進牛體內的叫做Bovine Growth Hormone ,是一種泌乳促進激素。有些人認為過度使用 BGH 和生長激素是造成狂牛病的禍首。此外, 1990 年轉基因培育 (transgenic)的乳牛開始生產人乳蛋白質; 2000 年 12 月製造出複製羊桃莉的英國公司 PPL Therapeutics計畫利用基因工程複製乳牛。 Next

Cows have been treated with a growth hormone that makes dairy cattle give more milk and reduces the amount of fat in the meat of beef cattle.

原句 = Growth hormone-treated cattle produce more milk and less fatty beef.

These sound like positive things, don’t they?

主詞用 these 來承接上一段的genetically engineered tomatoes and cattle 。

附加問句要以 they 來取代 these ,宜使用下降語調。

原句 = Genetically engineered plants and animals sound as if they are useful, don’t they?

After all, many people say, the technology exists to improve our lives. Why shouldn’t this technology be used? Perhaps the issue isn’t so simple, however.

There are plenty of people around who oppose genetic engineering. Why?

原句 = Many people around us are against genetic engineering.


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