unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents? section b(2a-2e)...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to

your parents?

Section B(2a-2e)

陕西省洛川县凤栖镇初级中学 王会敏


1. 语言知识目标:   1) 能掌握以下单词和短语: pressure, compete, opinion, skill, typical, football,

cut out, continue, compare, compare…with, crazy, push, development,

cause, usual  

   2) 能掌握以下句型: ① Why don’t they just let their kids be kids? 

② Although it’s normal to want successful children,

it’s even more important to have happy children. 

2. 情感态度价值观目标:    了解东西方家长对子女教育的态度和做法,了解别人的生活现状及他们苦恼,知道学习知识是很重要的事情,使他们换位思考,帮助他们逐步建立正确的,积极生活态度和价值观。


What activities do you usually do after school?

What after-school activities do you want to do

but you can’t do?

Check the after school activities you and your classmates usually do.

Activities student1 Student 2 student3

Do home work

Have after-school lessons

Watch movies

Use the Internet

Hang out with friends

Play sports or exercise

In our group ,lily usually does

home work….

Reading skill

Maybe You should learn to relax

Guessing the meaning

When reading something for the first time ,do not worry

about words you do not know . Use the context to help the


1.What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?

2.Who gives their opinions about the problems?

Children are sometimes busier on weekends than

weekdays because they have to take so many after-

school classes.

Cathy Taylor, Linda Miller and Dr. Alice Green.

Fast reading

1) Chinese children have to take so many after-school classes on

weekends these days. 

2) Cathy Taylor really wants her three children to be successful, so

she believes these after-school activities are important for them.

3) Linda Miller thinks parents should send their small kids to all kinds

of classes. 

4) Linda thinks some parents push their kids too much.        

5) Alice thinks kids shouldn’t have time to relax and think for


Now let’s read these sentences about the letter. Read the passage again. Judge if the sentences are True or False. Please underline under the main sentences. 

Careful reading





Challenge yourself

1.Does Cathy Taylor think it’s important for kids to join after-school activities?

2.Does Linda Millergree with Cathy? What’s her opinion?

3.Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say?

Yes, she does. She thinks that after-school activities are good for children.

No, she doesn’t. She thinks parents shouldn’t push their

kids so hard.

She agrees with Linda. She says that after-school activities can

cause a lot of stress for children. kids should have time to relax and

think for themselves. And that’s more important to have happy

children than successful children.

2e.Discuss the questions in groups and report your ideas to the class.

1.What do you think of after -school activities?

2.What should you do to relax?

In our group , I think …LiLei believesyou

should …

Post reading


Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world.We

should find ways to relax. Are you or your friends

under pressure? Do a survey and write a short

passage about the results of the survey.

Close the books and try to fill in the blanks.

These days, Chinese children are sometimes _______ on weekends than weekdays

because they have to take so many after-school classes.

Many of them are learning ______ ______so that they can get into a good high school

and later a good university. Others are practicing _______ so that they can __________

and _______. However, this doesn’t only happen in China.

The Taylors are a __________ American family. Life for Cathy Taylor’s three children

is very busy. “On most days after school, ” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys

to ________ ___________ and my daughter to ________ __________. Then I have to

take my other son to_________ __________. Maybe I could ________ ________

a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are ____________ for

my children’s future. I really want them to be _____________.” However,

the tired children _______ get home _________ after 7:00 p.m.

They have a quick dinner, and then ________ _______ ________ homework.

Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about ____ ________. “In some

families, ____________ ________ very young and _____________ until the kids

_______ _______,” She says. “Mothers send their small kids to ______ ______

_____ classes. And they are always _____________ them with other children. It’s

_________. I don’t think that’s _______, Why don’t they let their ______ _______

________? People shouldn’t push their kid so hard.”

Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child’s _______________. Dr.

Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should

have time to _________ and __________ for themselves, too. _________ it’s normal

to want successful children, it’s even ________ ______________ to have happy


However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7: 00 p.

m. 然而 , 疲惫的孩子们直到晚上 7点之后才到家。

【自主领悟】 (1)until作介词 , “直到…… ”为止 , 也可用作连

词。即 until

例如 : He waited until 12: 00. 他一直等到 12 点钟。


(2)not. . . until “意为 直到……才 ; 不到…… ”不 , 常与非延


例如 : He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.

直到他爸爸回来 , 他才上床睡觉。

【归纳拓展】 until用法小结

(1)until用于肯定句中 , 谓语动词只能是延续性动词 ; 表示动


(2)until引导时间状语从句 , 当主句用一般将来时时 , 从句一

般用一般现在时代替 , “ ”即 主将从现 。

例如 : I will wait for him until he comes back.



—① How was your climbing Mount Huang?

—I didn’t believe I could do it I got to the top.

A. until B. while

C. after D. before


Yang Lei go to school 8 years old.

答案 : didn’t; until

3. And they are always comparing them with other children.

并且他们总是把他们 (自己的孩子 )与其他孩子做比较。

【自主领悟】 compare作动词 , “意为 比较 , 和…… ”相比 。

常与介词 with连用表示同类事物的具体比较。

例如 : He never compares himself with others.


【归纳拓展】 compare的不同搭配

compare. . . to. . . “意为 把……比作……”。用来比较

不同事物间的相同点。该短语中的 compare是及物动词 , 后

面直接接宾语。 to后用名词或代词作为比作的对象 , 常含有

比喻、类比的意味。例如 : Life is compared to voyage. 人生


People often compare the life to a stage.




①Nowadays lots of parents are always comparing their

children others.

A. to B. with C. on D. for

②People often compare teachers candles.

A. with B. for C. on D. to

Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. My parents give me a lot of (press).

2. There are many after-school (activity) now.

3. We should study hard (get) better grades.

4. (hang) out with your friends is a good way to

reduce your sadness.

5. There will be an English (compete) tomorrow.

答案 : 1. pressure   2. activities   3. to get   4. Hanging

5. competition


Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. Giving stress is not good for children.

A. so much B. so many C. too many D. many so

2. I don’t want to compete anyone. I only want to

do my work well.

A. to B. in C. on D. with

3. you are angry, you shouldn’t have a

fight with him.

A. Although; but B. But; although

C. Although; / D. But; /

Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I’ll have a baseball (train) tomorrow afternoon.

2. My uncle is a very (success) businessman.

3. You shouldn’t only think for (you), boys. You

should listen to others’ opinions.

4. China’s quick (develop) causes the world’s


5. I think everyone should learn (relax).

答案 : 1. training   2. successful   3. yourselves

4. development   5. to relax

Ⅳ. 完成句子

1. 你应当删除这些不重要的细节。

You should these unimportant details.

2. 昨天直到他打扫完教室才回家。

He home he cleaned the

classroom yesterday.

答案 : 1. cut out   2. didn’t go; until 

3. 对我们来说 , 半小时内完成这道题很难。

It is work out this

problem in half an hour.

4. 很多学生在学校里有太多的压力。

Many students have at school.

5. 现在 , 很多女生总是把自己的衣服与别人的衣服做比较。

Nowadays lots of girls are always their clothes


答案 : 3. hard for us to 4. too much pressure   5.

comparing; with

Ⅰ. 单项选择

1.Students should have time ______.

A.relaxed B.relaxing C.to relax D.happy

2.It's time ____ sports.

A.for B.to C.at D.with

3.It's said that many children are under ______ pressure.

A.too many B.many too C.too much D.much too


4.Nowadays parents seem _____their children a lot more.

A.pushy B.push C.to push D.pushing

5. Parents shouldn’t always compare their kids


A.for B.with C.at D.on

6.I didn’t go to bed last night ______ I finished my homework.

A.although B.because C.until D.so


Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world.We

should find ways to relax. Are you or your friends

under pressure? Do a survey and write a short

passage about the results of the survey.

A merry heart goes all the way.


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