unit 4: cell energetics 2/2 - 2/13. monday 2/2 (no at today) learning targets: 1) i can explain...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Unit 4: Cell Energetics2/2 - 2/13

Monday 2/2 (No AT Today)Learning Targets:

1) I can explain where plants get the energy they need to produce food.

Warm Up:1) Where do animals get the energy they need to live?2) Where do plants get the energy they need to live? 2) Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are chemical reactions. What molecule speeds up these reactions (Hint: the molecule is a protein)?

Agenda:1) Giant Sequoia Tree2) The Chemistry of Respiration and Photosynthesis

Homework: SQ3R Section 8-2 and page 214

Exit QuestionWhat is the main molecule that all plant bodies (leaves, stems, roots) are built from? (Hint: it is a product of photosynthesis)

Wednesday 2/4 (No AT)Learning Targets:1) I can explain the role of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis.

Warm Up:1) Write the BALANCE equation for photosynthesis.2) Write the BALANCED equation for cellular respiration 3) Write the equation for combustion.

Agenda:1) Photosynthesis Notes2) Stomata Lab

Homework: SQ3R Section 8-2 and page 214 (Due Friday)

Exit QuestionWhat is the difference in function between chloroplasts/chlorophyll and stomata?


Are you done? Work on your SQ3R 8-2 and 214

Friday 2/6Learning Targets:1) N/A

Warm Up:1) What is the purpose of photosynthesis in plants?

Agenda:1) Hand back portfolios and finals2) EOC Practice Prompt - Test Solutions

Homework: SQ3R Section 8-2 and page 214 Due Today! (Turn it in.)

Exit QuestionsIf you see a “Test Solution” type problem on the EOC, what two things do you need to include in your answer to get full points?

Turn in please

Monday 2/9Learning Targets:1) I can explain what cellular respiration is.

Warm Up:1) In the carbon cycle, photosynthesis removes carbon from the atmosphere. What does cellular respiration do in the carbon cycle?2) In the carbon cycle, how is combustion (burning of fossil fuels) similar to cellular respiration?

Agenda:1) Cellular Respiration Notes2) Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Mini-Poster

Homework: SQ3R pages 221-222, 230-232 (Due Friday)

Exit QuestionThe purpose of photosynthesis is to use sunlight energy to combine CO2 and H2O to create glucose. What is the purpose of cellular respiration?

Do not need to turn in

Wednesday 2/11 (Quiz Next Friday)

Learning Targets:1) I can explain what anaerobic respiration is.

Warm Up:1) What are the two types of fermentation for anaerobic respiration?2) Which fermentation method do humans use in their muscles?

Agenda:1) Photo/Respiration Self Quiz2) Investigating Muscle Fatigue Lab3) Independent Work - Mini-Poster/HW

Homework: SQ3R pages 221-222, 230-232 (Due Friday)

Friday 2/13 (Free Seat)Learning Targets:1) I can explain where a plant gets its mass.

Warm Up:1) What type of respiration provides more energy to an organism? Anaerobic or aerobic respiration?

Agenda:1) Where Does a Plant’s Matter Come From?2) Return scored work3) Turn in Warm Ups

Homework: SQ3R pg 221-222 and 230-232 (Turn it in)

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