unit 3b thesis - melanie yip...feng shui gives people many advices on how and where they should...

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UNIT 3B Thesis


Yi Nam ,Yip (Melanie) YIP12372719 DRS2

Instructor: Ana Araujo

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 2

Content Page

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

What is Feng Shui? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

What is Feng Shui? - Mountain and Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Basic Landform School theories.- Geographical Five Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Basic Landform School theories - Dragon Vein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Basic Landform School theories - Four Sacred Animals represent four directions. . . . . . . . . . . 7

The impeccable Site: The Dragon Lair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The impeccable Site: The Dragon Lair - Site location Criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

The impeccable Site: The Dragon Lair - Examples of dragons and the influences. . . . . . . . . . .9

The impeccable Site: The Dragon Lair - Special Dragon Formations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Artificial landscapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Artificial landscapes - Harmful artificial landscapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Object in landscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Object in landscapes - Beneficial Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Object in landscapes - Destructive Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 3

CAN FENG SHUI IN LANDSCAPE IMPROVE OUR LIVES? Introduction In ancient Chinese, Feng Shui was a heavily guarded secret used by the emperors to strengthen the power over their dynasties, keep their thrones and to increase their personal wealth. If a Feng Shui Master used Feng Shui for a commoner, he was executed for treason. Is Feng Shui kind of magic possessing great power to twist ones' arm or an empires' destiny, to gain great power and to become rich over night? Is feng shui in landscape a kind of superstition or wisdom that could be used improve our lives?

“Feng Shui has a history of over two thousand years. As early as 25 AD., during the East Han Dynasty, manuals and literature on the teaching of Feng Shui have been found. During the Early Spring and Warring State(770B.C.- 475B.C.), the Yin/Yang theory was at its peak in popularity.” (Larry and Helen p.3) If those Feng Shui tricks are not effective, why does it still being applied and widespread?

Someone may perceive its as superstitious because many Feng Shui masters sell lucky pieces while they provide Feng Shui services while the other believes that it is knowledge – the study and understanding of the environmental influences.

Feng Shui gives people many advices on how and where they should build the houses. For instance, houses should have their fronts to the south and backs to the north. It was because when the front facing south, houses can easily absorb sunlight and avert cold north winds in winter. That is beneficial to human's health. So this tradition has been come down to the present, especially in remote areas. Also, the size of a residence must be moderate, neither too large nor too tiny. A tiny apartment with too many people living in it is not recommended; neither is a huge house with a few people. This is according with the doctrine of the Mean. Feng shui has a rigid collection of rules to follow on the proper orientating of the central axis in building cities. Generally, the central axis should run from north to south, with its north end pointing directly to a mountain running from east to west. The mountain is treated as the guardian of a city. A winding river around the city is believed to be a prosperous feature. The Forbidden City was built strictly by these rules.

In this essay, I am going to discuss the Feng Shui Landscape through the illustrations and drawings. Since there are theories and ideal positioning of a Feng Shui site involved. They would help us to understand how the Feng Shui site should be easily.

What is Feng Shui? In the prehistoric era, the Yellow River area in China, suffered from flood damage and from extreme climate. The people were threatened by nature as well as diseases, they encountered unexpected natural disasters. A human is too trivial and fragile to survive against nature. Over many years’ of exploration of the natural environment and the universe, the Chinese accumulated knowledge and experience. The ancestors utilise to use their unique wisdom to choose the natural geographical environment and the choice of sites for significant settlement.

“Kan Yu,” meaning “Raise the head and observe the sky above. Lower the head and observe the environment around us,” is an ancient term for Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a natural science, which theorizes that the environment is considered an integral element in art of living. Feng Shui literally means Wind and Water. In the western world it is most often known as Chinese Geomancy. (Larry and Helen p.2)

There are two major schools of “Kan Yu” -- the Landform School reads the lay of the land and notes the contour, climate, shape and other factors to determine the best locations for living and working and the Compass School, where the astrological or cosmological orientation of the site is the focus of examination. The earliest texts on the subject of feng shui deal almost exclusively with the geophysical environment, and in this essay I will only use the landform method to analyze the application in Feng Shui.

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 4

Mountains and Water

“Land can be yang or yin(Image A), hard or soft, dynamic or still. Yin is the quality of containment and gathering. Yang is the quality of expansion and dispersion. In feng-shui, all land can be described as mountain or water. Mountains are still and yin. Waters are dynamic and yang. Terrestrial harmony is the balance of yang and yin, of mountain and water. That is why the best feng-shui locations are found in places where there are both mountains and water. In a place where there are only mountains and no water, energy flow will normally be diminished. If there is only water and no mountains, it will be difficult to contain energy. For a place to have power , energy must not be stagnant, yet it must not dissipate. Mountain are still by nature. When mountains move, things out of the ordinary appear. Thus, it is said, “When mountains appear as if they are dancing and swirling, dragons [the power of the land] are born.” The nature of water is dynamic. When waters become still and appear endless and calm, power is accumulated. Mountains that move indicate the presence of yang in yin, and calm waters show the presence of yin in yang. The spark of yang in yin and the spark of yin in yang attract the opposite energies to each and so power is gathered.

Although mountains in general consider yin in nature, relative to each other they can be subdivided further as yang or yin. High mountains are yin and low mountains are yang. Mountains with sharp peaks are yin, and flat-topped mountains are yang. The side of the mountain facing you is yang, and the side of the mountain away from you is yin. Mountains that have steep slopes or cliff edges are yin, and mountains with gentle slopes are yang. In general, yang mountains are associated with beneficial energy, and yin mountains have destructive energy.

Mountains can also be hard or soft. Rocky mountains are hard. Mountains covered with greenery are soft. Land that has a stony surface is hard, and land that has a sandy or muddy surface is soft. Mountain ranges that are long and have many branches are hard, and mountains ranges that are short are soft. Mountains with knife-edge ridges are hard, and mountains with gentle ridges are soft. However, in hardness there is softness, and in softness there is hardness. You can find short ranges with knife-edge ridges and long ranges that are rolling and gentle. In general, hard mountains contain malevolent energy, and soft mountains contain nourishing energy.

Although water is still and yang in nature it also can be classified further as yang or yin. Water that drops from great heights, as in waterfalls, is yin. Water that gathers in a pool is yang . if the course of the waterway meanders sharply or changes its course suddenly, it is yin. Watercourses that wind around gently are yang. Water that runs rapidly, like white water, is yin, and calm waters are yang. Water that rises, like surf or breakers, is yin. Water that drains into the earth, like water flowing into sink holes is yang. In general, yin waters are destructive, and yang waters are beneficial. Interestingly, springs are considered similar to sinkholes and are thus yang.“(Eva p.63-64)

YIN YANG Because Feng Shui stems from science as well as art, it is a bit more easily understood from the perspective of the Chinese view of the cosmos. At the center of this philosophy is the concept of yin and yang. These opposite forces shape this universe and everything in it together they make up a balanced whole. In is female, yang is male. Yin is represented by the stealthy tiger. Yang is like the dragon – fierce, strong, hot, moving, and active. Don’t think of these opposite forces as ”good” or “bad.” They are actually complementary. Both are necessary to the universe, and they depend on each other for their very existence. Without night there is no day. Without death there is no life. Together yin and yang comprise the Tao (pronounced “dow”), which means “the way” or “ the path.” The interaction of these two forces creates chi and makes the world work the way it does (summer turns into winter, night becomes day). Balancing these forces is at the heart of the practice of feng shui. When we achieve that balance we find that our life is in harmony and our fortunes take a turn for the better. (Kristen M p.10-11)

Basic Landform School theories Geographical five tactics Chinese ancestors summed up Feng Shui theory as "Geographical Five Tactics" which are “龍 ,穴 , 砂 , 水 ,向” “龍”in english means Dragon but in the feng shui theories it is interpreted as a “Dragon Vein” (1 in image B) which is a mountain range that branches out into many directions. These branches again reach out in many directions, sometimes over thousands of square miles. One of the most important criteria for selecting an ideal site is for the location to have a Dragon Mountain at the back, the Dragon is protecting the ideal site with two sloping downward arms to surround the chosen location.

Image A) Tai Chi, Yin-yang, a central tenet of Taoist philosophy. Within yin exists yang, within yang exists yin – in a balance feng shui strives to reinforce or emulate.


Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 5

It is important to note that to the Chinese, a mountain is a living creature. The mountain has a body, a spine, claws, a head. A mountain therefore moves, it spreads, it emerges, it submerges and it comes to rest. A mountain can be healthy and a mountain can be wounded. Whether below the surface or for anyone to see, a mountain carries energy. “穴” in english means “Lair” (3 in image B) , this is where the energy gathers and its the best location for human to live. “砂” in english means “The Surrounding of Lair” (2,5,6,7 in image B) “水”in english means “Water” (4 in image B), in this Feng Shui theory demonstrates the direction of water flow relates to the flow of energy, because the flow of water drives the movement of energy. The quality of water can determine if the place is the best for human to live in. Clear water with a sweet taste gathers positive energy, conversely turbid water with a bitter taste gathers negative energy. The conditions of water can also affect the health of the local resident, in the area with desirable water quality, residents are healthier , whilst in the other area residents can suffer from diseases.Water can provide transport as well, regardless of the time -- ancient or nowadays. Places near rivers are desirable for economic development, they are also historically places where civilisation begin usually around river confluences. In this feng shui theory both a road and a river bring the same positive energy. So if it is not possible to live by a river, living by a road can bring the same positive energy. As we mentioned earlier, mountains provide food and protection, these can be understood by the phrase has been embodied in the ancient he folklore ”Mountains guard human and water guard the wealth” a Chinese folk proverb. There are pros and cons of living by the riverside, while you are choosing your site, avoid any concave shore, as it brings flooding.(Image C) “向”in english means direction is the orientation of the whole Feng Shui ideal site. Although we have certain criteria to choose the site, not every place has the same geographical features. Traditionally buildings should be orientated with the back to the north and front to the south. But because of wind condition in northern china the house need to be offset. For example, within southern China the temperature is high, the daylight ideal is easy to meet, but due to the humidity, ventilation would be the dominant consideration while avoiding the excessive sunlight. As a result, the best locations are not on the south, but should be tilted 15 degrees to the east. In northern china it is chilly weather in winter, the sunlight conditions will be the dominant consideration, so the best locations are situated 15 degrees to the west. In general it is the best with the front facing south and the back facing north in northern china. On the contrary, it is the best with the front facing north and the back facing south in southern china. The information has been explained that different area should have different orientation, it is not constant.

Image B) Image C) Location of the Feng Shui requirement setting. Choice of shore living by a river in “Water” tactic. We can understand that to observe mountains are an important part within an ideal Feng Shui arrangement from the “Geographical five tactics”. Like the “Dragon vein” is about the shape of the mountain ranges, ”The Surrounding of Lair” the protection of a place, and the “Direction”. And I cannot denied the tactics are rational and wise. Therefore, in this essay, I will mainly focus on discussing the “Dragon Vein” and “The Surrounding of Lair” mountains in Feng Shui. Dragon Vein “The Dragon Vein is a path of concentrated earth energy. Usually found in mountain ranges, dragon veins are said to emanate the breathe of dragon, the force of earth currents that move through the land. Mountains with dragon veins also contain magnetic fields, and many veins follow a magnetic direction. In Feng Shui, “chasing dragon” is walking the path of dragon vein .


Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 6

Dragon veins can be classified as kingly or ordinary, coherent (Image D) or scattered (Image E). Veins in mountain ranges with many branches, numerous peaks ridges, cols, and valleys are kingly. Veins in small mountains are ordinary. Coherent veins follow a continuous path and are organized in a pattern. Scattered veins are discontinuous and appear as a random pattern the starting and ending points of dragon veins can be classified as gradual or abrupt. A gradual starting point of a vein consists of branches of the range coming together and then continuing like the spine of a dragon. The height of the range also gradually builds up as the vein “matures” along its path. An abrupt starting point of a vein begins with a few solitary peaks of the range also rise abruptly along the vein with little space and time for dragon to develop. A gradual terminus of a vein is one that ends with branches spreading out and gradually losing height. It is as if the mountains have run their course and are willing to merge with flat land. An abrupt terminus of a vein is one that ends in a few solitary peak with steep slopes. It is as if the vein being forced to end without a chance of winding down. This kind of terminus, also called “sudden death” of a vein, can be extremely disastrous for cities located at this point. A place is said to swallow the life-giving energy of the dragon when a vein terminates gently into it .The more veins terminate gradually on a location, the more energy that location will absorb, and the more powerful it is.” (Eva p.65&68)

Image D adapted from Eva 1996 p.66) (On the Right) An example of coherent dragon veins(after A Ch’ing Dynasty Feng Shui manual).Notice how the ranges, or arms of the mountains form a coherent pattern surrounding the site, marked by the ellipse in the center. Image E adapted from Eva 1996 p.66) (On the Left) An example of scattered dragon veins(after A Ch’ing Dynasty Feng Shui manual). Notice that the ranges have no systematic pattern, as compared to the pattern show in Image D).

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 7

Four Sacred Animals represent four directions “Landforms surrounding a location are guardians of the place. Depending on their formation, some guardians are more effective than others. These features are called Green Dragon (6 in image B), White Tiger (5 in image B), Red Raven (7 in image B), and Black Tortoise (2 in image B), named after the four animal protector spirits recognized by the ancient shamans. Protectors can contain beneficial energy and prevent destructive energy and prevent destructive energy from entering an area. The Green Dragon and White tiger are high ground to the left and right of a location (Image F) The Red Raven and Black Tortoise are high ground to the front and back of the site. The Green Dragon and White tiger are arms protecting the left and right side of the site, and the Red Raven and Black Tortoise are protectors of the front and the back of a site. The effectiveness of these protectors will depend on their shape and their relationship to one another.” (Eva p.64-65)

Image F)

The impeccable Site: The Dragon Lair (3 in image B) Of all possible locations along a mountain dragon formation, the most favorable is said to be in the Lair of the dragon, protected by its arms and view of the landscape before it. The site is almost always located near the head of the dragon and therefore receives all of energy and power of the entire mountain ranges behind it. It is as if the entire body of the dragon builds up to this site. In coherent dragons(Image D) the body of a dragon can literally traverse hundred of miles, culminating in the precious lair that will render the site a king maker location(Image H). It is for the reason that such sites have always been covered in all cultures, as their potential for creating fortune, power, influence are supreme.

Also known as the armchair formation because of it looks like an easy chair, the lair of the dragon consists of a taller mountain in the rear (the head), lower mountain ranges on either side (the embracing arms), and a smaller range in the distance (the pearl). Each of these forms is given the name of a mythical animal which is said to be its protecting guardian. The taller rear section is known as the Black Tortoise and should be larger and more imposing than the other ranges. The range to the left of the site (looking out toward the open side) is called the Green Dragon and should be taller than the range to the right, which is called the White Tiger. An effective Green Dragon should be covered with vegetation and should not be rocky and sandy. An effective white tiger should be a strong rock formation. The relationship between the Green Dragon and white tiger formations is: when the Green Dragon is long, then the white tiger should be high; when the White tiger is long, then the green dragon must be high. Open land separates this grouping from the Red Raven in the far distance. This mythical bird is told to be enhanced if it consists of multiple ranges receding into the background. Between the armchair and the Raven, a meandering river is said to bring in plenteous prosperity and good health. If this river where to enter the site from the side of the dragon, and, if it where to also disappear from view by descending into the earth through a sink hole, culvert, or cave, this would render the site supreme.

Orientation also plays a role in this matter, as a site that would orient itself toward the south would also benefit from the energetic qualities of that direction. Hence the Black Tortoise is best when located to the north, the Red Raven to the south, and so forth. From this orientation it is said that the side of the Green Dragon is the yang side of the site (because it receives the first energy of the sun), and the White Tiger is the yin side. Similarly, the front of the site is yang, and the rear is yin.

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 8

Site Location Criteria From the description of the dragon's lair in the previous page it can be seen that a good site would need to conform to the following criteria:

• The site should be protected on four sides – left, right, rear, front.

• Site on the left and right should form an arm chair shape.

• Site at the back should be higher than the dragon lair and slope gently toward it.

• The front of the site should be wide open, but the horizon should not be empty. The more ranges to the

Raven formation, the better.

• The back of the site should not be too near to the tortoise. This turns it from a protection to an intimidator.

• Do not located the site at the bottom part of the valley, since negative energy concentrate at the bottom spot.

• Never live in a site or house that is on a crag, ridge, or mountain top as it does not have the benefit of protection. Similarly, do not live in the top floor of a high-rise or in a tall building without protection.

• Never live at the edge of a cliff or against a cliff of the site.

• Never on top of a Dragon, Tiger, or Tortoise of the site.

• Do not live in a site of the house which the front faces far away from the mountain.

• Do not live on a slope without greenery.

• It is the preferable to construct on the plane side of a mountain.

• It is preferable to live in low buildings. Tall buildings restrained the earth energy.

Based on the description and criteria of the impeccable site, we can basically use common sense to conceive why all these criteria are benefit for settlement. For example, Black tortoise should be larger and more imposing than the other ranges, because it is suppose to block the north wind in China. The relationship between Green Dragon and White tiger, due to the reason of gathering the energy, when one side is shorter -- to let the energy flow into the lair another side must be longer to avoid the energy being dispersed. In addition the Red Raven should consist of multiple ranges, you can imagine it cushions the incoming forces but not blocking the view. In the urban areas, Feng Shui Master would suggest the same arrangement – Black tortoise, Green Dragon, White Tiger and the Red Raven. Instead of mountains, buildings are applied as mountain in the cities. Is Feng Shui a common sense? I would say perhaps, but just only because we go to school and we learn. However, all of the knowledge we learn from school is explorations from people in the past. Next we are looking at more examples of the Mountain Dragon and the influences with their arrangement as well as the other Feng Shui suggestions in urban areas.

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 9

EXAMPLES OF MOUNTAIN DRAGONS AND THEIR INFLUENCES (Image G adapted from Eva 1996 p.125) (1 in Image C)

The following examples are diagrammatic representations of dragons and their ranges, spines, and veins. The building sites are represented by the small red circles.*

Prosperity dragon This vein has many branches cradling and protecting the site. More mature than Emerging Dragon it favors established enterprises.


Receding Dragon Weak vein: the spine gets smaller and smaller until it disappears. Associated with personality weakness and domination by others.


Growing Dragon This vein gains in power and strength: the branches and arms get bigger toward the top of the grouping. Many achievements if born at this site.


Crouching Dragon Nourishing vein, the opposite of Dragon on its Back. Associated with wealth, prosperity and harmony in the family


Weak Dragon Spine is weak because it is not aligned and looks broken. Associated with accidents (caused by wind or water), early death of family head, and orphans.


Strong Dragon Coherent spine and thick branches. Has extra “claws” around head. Associated with power & energy, wealth, fame, strength of character


Dead Dragon Inert mass with no branches. Vein ends abruptly in hanging cliffs. Associated with poverty & death.


Dragon of Misfortune No strong spine, and the formation is cut in the middle. No coherent head (branches at bottom). Associated with illness, death to children, robbery & theft


Injured Dragon Central spine is broken and there is no connection between legs, which are also separated by intermontane valleys. The head is also cut by a road or river. Forebodes death or disability for children    

Sick Dragon Vain had imbalances in its branches, which are long and short. This instability forebodes fluctuations of fortune for the family.    

Death of a Dragon Most destructive of all veins. Mountain ranges are jagged and descend in cliff faces. No central spine at all and shape is harsh and sharp. Forebodes death to entire family.


Dragon on its Back This is a destructive vein. It resembles a dragon rolled over with feet in the air. Brings loss of fortune, bankruptcy, & legal problems


Emerging Dragon It resembles a dragon emerging from its egg. It has youthful and strong energy good for enterprising activities

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 10

SPECIAL DRAGON FORMATIONS (Image H adapted from Eva 1996 p.77) In addition to the dragon classifications diagramed in previous pages, there are other formations that have intrinsic meaning on their own. Each has a particular name which is an allusion to its form and to the type of energy it contains. These examples all bestow extraordinary power.


Dragon Chariot Earth-shaped mountains with a mount resembling a bubble on the highest peak.


Nine Steps of Jade Palace Nine parallel horizontal ranges resembling steps. This is a king-maker site  

Ascending Ladder to the Sky Wood-shaped peaks arranged in ascending order. Must have seven or more ranges. The group is surrounded by a protective range


Snake Crossing Stream The snake is the formation at the center. The stream is the sur-rounding range. It bestows genius or a child prodigy.


Golden Chain and Lock Tiers of metal peaks arranged in interlocking patterns. They are connected to a larger metal peak (at bottom). Bestows tremendous wealth.


Golden Bull Pulls Chariot Dragon vein emerges from the heart of a mountain (at top) and circles around in a fire peak range. It bestows extreme wealth & prosperity  

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 11

Artificial Landscapes A newer earth formation is not as powerful as the older formations. Not only the artificial landscape but also the newly formations of volcanoes and land transform likes earthquakes. Landfill, man-made rivers and lakes do not have the strong power of entrenched structures. The latter has accumulated the energy of the universe over many million years. However, the artificial landscape could lead the positive energy to the site and avoid the negative energy gathered at the dragon lair. For instance, Dunes and berms are useful devices; they can shield a site or structure from offending negative energy. Dams, embankment, and reservoirs, similarly, can help to hold energy as a cushion to against larger negative forces such as cold climate or flash flooding. Artificial lakes and waterfalls, furthermore, are simple devices that can increase the potential of a site to promote prosperity and health. However, it is important to know how to estimate the energy of these formations, as it is often the case that a dam or reservoir will have a bad impact on the surrounding area. In addition, it is important to know that artificial landscape formations often trigger geographic stresses. Generally, the power of the land is destroyed if the formation contains a bad impact. The harmful artificial landscape often found in the vast of the landscape which is an effective way to kill or sicken the dragon vein – dissected dragon vein. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the importance of mountain dragon and water dragon formations, so their positive energy could be gathered and preserved. Equivalently, urban planner, builders, architects should recognise the potential destructive objects and structures, as their efforts can avoid the negative energy and determine if sites are at the most favorable locations. In the above sections we have classify what formations are unfavorable to human life. Here is another list, which help to classify what or where artificial structures have a negative impact in Feng Shui: Harmful artificial landscapes • Keep areas near dams, dikes, and reservoirs off. They drain the energy of the site and unbalance the biological and hydrological

because they raise the salinity of the earth, which is useless for life.

• Keep areas of landfill off. The land is unstable and does not have enough power to assist life.

• Areas where land has been demolished for construction. The damage aroused on the earth take years to restore and it is the best to abandon the land for few years.

• The areas that used for military or manufacturing. The earth energy in these lands are heavily damaged. It takes even longer to restore.

• Areas with too many buildings cause a harder environment. A harder environment leads to a harder life.

• Avoid developments erected over sacred land, ancient burial grounds, or old temples. The spiritual energies associated with these are often compromised and dangerous.

• Avoid areas that are fully covered with pavements and roads. These areas cannot access the earth energy, as a result it might cause health problems.

• Avoid developments erected slaughterhouses, because there is too much pain and suffering in these lands.


 Objects in Landscape Objects in the landscape also affect the fortunes of a site and its owner or user. The ranges of objects could be from the huge ones like a building or small structures like a sculpture. Their impact on the site, is according to the shape, relative size and location. Basically, the closer object to the site has a relatively greater impact than the one away from the site, the larger it is, the more it will influence to the site . To the position, objects that impact front doors and entrances are more important as well. Beneficial Structures

The following are beneficial objects and structures that could be close to or for a view of a site:

• Circular or oval items. This could be roundabout, dome, balls and sculptures. However, avoid the satellite dishes.

• Gardens and parks, better placed in front the front of the building or location.

• Octagonal items near a residence or location.

• Smaller amount of water in front of the house.

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 12

Destructive structures

The following are the harmful objects and structures:

• Structures and Places which or where have ruinous functions: factories, electrical stations, funeral parlor, hospital, cemeteries, prisons and police stations.

• Knife-shape rims that point to a residence. This could be rooflines, and architecture with a sharp corner.

• Glossy surfaces, like mirror, metal, glass and water.

• Harsh structures, especially if they are large. This includes dams, embankments, cliffs, rock outcrops and ridges

• Irregular and acute shapes, for example arrows, same idea as the knife-edges.

• Vertical lines – because it gives the feeling of jail bars such as window blinds and fences. Conclusion To sum up the criteria of the artificial structures, I do not think they have the direct impact to human’s health. And we can find that some of them are quite hilarious, like avoid using vertical lines, because they give the feeling of prison bars? Octagonal objects would be a benefit structure? I think Feng Shui nowadays has been overdeveloped, some of them do not even make sense. I would say the Feng Shui of choosing a site – geomancy is not spiritual, a religion or superstition. It is rational. It was gathered the knowledge of astronomy, topography and other natural sciences to build and enhance their quality of life. It was developed, refined and documented over centuries of Chinese history. The modern science has proven it to be a complex mathematical system. Feng Shui knowledge instructed people in selecting the best site for building their residence as well as choosing the burial place for their ancestors. It directed the government in choosing the venue for the capital city and was considered in every condition of urban planning. Feng Shui was the elemental building principle for most of Chinese architecture. Nonetheless, the technology is becoming more and more developed, looking for a decent place to build is not necessary, as the mechanics and knowledge of humanity could conquer the technical problems with large varieties of new architectural materials. We have the power to manipulate landscape through industrial machine and progress, which mean we can improve the feng shui artificially.

However the object in landscape like buildings and road are kind of psychological thing to human, and I assume that is superstitious, because it doesn’t really affect our health.

Can Landscape in Feng Shui improve our Lives? 13


Eva W. (1996) Feng Shui: The Ancient Wisdom of Harmonious Living for Modern Times, Boston and London, SHAMBHALA Kristen M L. (1998) Feng Shui at Work : Arranging Your Work Space to Achieve Peak Performance and Maximum Profit , New York, Villard Larry S. and Helen L. (1994) The Principles of Feng Shui: Book One, California, American Feng Shui Institute Image Reference Eva W. (1996) Feng Shui: The Ancient Wisdom of Harmonious Living for Modern Times, Boston and London, SHAMBHALA, p.66, image. Eva W. (1996) Feng Shui: The Ancient Wisdom of Harmonious Living for Modern Times, Boston and London, SHAMBHALA, p.77, image. Eva W. (1996) Feng Shui: The Ancient Wisdom of Harmonious Living for Modern Times, Boston and London, SHAMBHALA, p.125, image. Larry S. and Helen L. (1994) The Principles of Feng Shui: Book One, California, American Feng Shui Institute

Other Reference

Alex S. (2012) Guidelines for Topography and Landform Analysis 4 Dec. Oustanding environments with geomancy & Fengshui. [Online]. [Accessed 10 Jan 2014]. Available from: http://alexstark.com/guidelines/land-form-topography  David Daniel K. (2010) Feng Shui For Dummies, London, John Wiley & Sons  Evelyn L.(1995) Feng shui : environments of power ; a study of Chinese architecture, London, Academy Editions  Wang D. (1968) The illumination of mountains and water . Taipei, The Wen Wu Co., Ltd.

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