unit 11 lesson 2 the hundred years’...

Post on 23-Jan-2021






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Unit 11 Lesson 2 The Hundred Years’ War

1. Catherine needs 2 1/3 yards of ribbon to decorate one Venetian hat. How many yards of ribbon does she need to decorate 6 hats? 2. During the Scientific Revolution, Marcus is studying both animal and medical treatments. He determines that a dog needs 2 teaspoons of medicine for every 10 pounds of weight. How many teaspoons of medicine does Marcus need for a 240 ounce dog? 3. Leonardo Di Vinci dreamed of flying and came up with the basic concept for several flying machines. But even he could not imagine an airplane that could travel 450 miles per hour. At this rate, how many yards does the airplane fly in 30 minutes? 4. Several volumes of an encyclopedia fill a shelf. Each volume is 1 ¼ inches long. How many volumes are in the encyclopedia? 5. In Paris, Michael is a baker. He has 1 ½ cups of walnuts to make four batches of muffins. How many cups of walnuts should he put into each batch?

Generalization: Conflict often comes at great price for all involved

Big Idea – The Hundred Years’ War led to political changes in England and France

What was one of the BIGGEST problems for a Medieval King?

Being a vassal to another king - want to make things worse?

Have it happen between the kings of England and France

Long history of bad blood between the two - started with the Norman Invasion - French were allies with the Scots and both often helped the other when England fought with either - French king actually controlled very little land in France - much of it belonged to other nobles and even more was under English control -- led to 116 years of War - known as The Hundred Years’ War - officially began when England’s Edward III claimed he was the rightful king of France instead of Philip IV - both were grandsons of a French king

Three major Battles - Crecy – 1346 - Poitiers - Agincourt – 1415 Weapons that ended the Middle Ages - cannon and guns - not much yet, but the beginning of the end - especially for castles - Longbow - ended Knight’s supremacy on the battlefield

Problems at home - Plague Periods - rebellions - Jacquerie Revolt (France) - peasants angry over high taxes required to ransom King John the Good after he was captured at Poitiers - Wat Tyler’s Rebellion (England) - peasants also angry about taxes

Joan of Arc

Results of the War - in England, Parliament gained power while the king lost some of his power - in France, the king gained power as well as the loyalty of the nobility - final end of feudalism in Europe - knights and castles no longer the superior weapons - longbows and cannons - both too expensive to maintain - rise of professional standing armies of citizens - led to their desire for more say in government

-explain- what changed the course of the Hundred Years’ War?

-make inferences- why do you think fighting the English created a bond between the king and nobles in France?

Joan of Arc inspired the French troops

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