
Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Chapter 1.The Role of Algorithms

    in Computing

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    Informally, an algorithm is any well-defined computationalprocedure that takes input and produces output.

    A sequence of computational steps that transform theinput into the output.

    A tool for solving a well-specified computational problem.

    The algorithm describes a specific computationalprocedure for achieving that input/outputrelationship.

    E.g.) sorting problem sorting algorithm

    An instance of a problem(input) vs. a solution to theproblem(output).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued.

    Correctness of Algorithm

    An algorithm is said to be correctif it halts with the correctoutput for every input instance. A correct algorithm solves the given problem. An incorrect algorithm might not halt at all or

    it might halt with an answer other than the desired one.

    Applications: The Human Genome Project

    the identification of all genes in human DNA: determination ofthe sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs, storingthis information in DB and development of tools for dataanalysis.

    Management/Manipulation of the large volume of theinternet data:

    Finding good routes use the graph algorithm of the shortestpath

    using a search engine to quick discovery of the informationpages.

    use the hash tables and the algorithm of string match,

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    How to solve the problems?

    How to solve the problems?

    Data Structures: A data structure is a way to store and organize data in order

    to facilitate access and modifications.

    Efficient Algorithms: P-problems:

    problems that can be solved efficiently inpolynomial time.

    NP-complete problems: its unknown whether efficient algorithm exist for NP-complete

    problems or not. If an efficient algorithm exists for any one of them, then

    efficient algorithms exist for all of them.

    Several NP-complete problems are similar to problems forwhich we do know of efficient algorithms.

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Chapter 2.Getting Started

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Insertion Sort

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    Often Use a loop invariant:

    Loop invariant: At the start of each iteration of the outer forloop -- the loop indexed byj -- the subarrayA[1 . . J-1] consists of

    the elements originally inA[1 .. j-1] but in sorted order.

    To use a loop invariant to prove correctness, show three things about it:

    Initialization: It is true prior to the first iteration of the loop.Maintenance: If it is true before an iteration of the loop, it remains true before the

    next iteration.Termination: When the loop terminates, the invariantusually along with the

    reason that the loop terminatedgives us a useful property that helpsshow that the algorithm is correct.

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    The loop invariant is true prior to first iteration of loop.LI must hold when j=2. Then A[1..j-1] is A[1..1] which is


    1. A[1] is the original element in A[1].

    2. A[1] is sorted.

    1. for j 2 to length[A]2. do key A[j]3. Insert A[j] into sorted sequence A[1..j-1]4. i j-15. while i > 0 and A[i] > key6. do A[i+1] A[i]7. i i-18. A[i+1] key

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    If LI is true before an iteration of the loop, it must remaintrue before the NEXT iteration.

    For the outer loop, note that we keep moving elements tothe right until we find the correct place for A[j]. We theninsert it there, so A[1..j-1] is sorted before the nextiteration. Thus, the LI is maintained from iteration toiteration.

    1. for j 2 to length[A]2. do key A[j]

    3. Insert A[j] into sorted sequence A[1..j-1]4. i j-15. while i > 0 and A[i] > key6. do A[i+1] A[i]7. i i-18. A[i+1] key

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 12


    When loop terminates, the LI gives us a usefulproperty that helps show that the algorithm iscorrect.

    What happens at the end? Outer loop exits. j=n+1 atline 1. By substitution in LI, the subarray consists ofthe elements originally in A[1..n] but in sorted order.This is obviously a true statement (~property).

    1. for j 2 to length[A]2. do key A[j]3. Insert A[j] into sorted sequence A[1..j-1]

    4. i j-15. while i > 0 and A[i] > key6. do A[i+1] A[i]7. i i-18. A[i+1] key

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 13

    Analysis of Insertion sort

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 14

    Insertion-Sort Running Time

    T(n) =

    c1 [(n-1)+1]

    + c2 (n-1) + c3 (n-1) + c4 (n-1)

    + c5 (j=2,n tj)+ c6 ( j=2,n (tj -1) )

    + c7 ( j=2,n (tj -1) )

    + c8 (n-1)

    c3 = 0, of course, since its the comment

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 15

    Worst Case T(n)

    Occurs when the loop of lines 5-7 is executed asmany times as possible, which is when A[] isin reverse sorted order.

    key is A[j] from line 2 i starts at j-1 from line 4

    i goes down to 0 due to line 7

    So, tj in lines 5-7 is [(j-1) 0] + 1 = j The 1 at the end is due to the test that fails, causing exit from the


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 16

    Worst Case T(n), ctd.

    T(n) = c1 [(n-1)+1]

    + c2 (n-1) + c4


    + c5 (j=2,n j) + c6 [ j=2,n (j

    -1) ]

    + c7 [ j=2,n (j-1) ]

    + c8 (n-1)

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 17

    Worst Case T(n), ctd.

    T(n) =

    c1 n + c2 (n-1) + c4 (n-1) + c8 (n-1)

    + c5 (j=2,n j)

    + c6 [ j=2,n (j-1) ] + c7 [ j=2,n (j-1) ]

    = c9 n + c10 + c5 (j=2,n j) + c11 [ j=2,n (j-1)]

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 18

    Worst Case T(n), ctd.T(n) =

    c9 n + c10 + c5 (j=2,n j) + c11 [ j=2,n (j-1) ]

    But j=2,n j = [n(n+1)/2] 1

    so that j=2,n (j-1) = j=2,n j j=2,n (1)

    = [n(n+1)/2] 1 (n-2+1) = [n(n+1)/2] 1 n + 1 = n(n+1)/2 -

    n = [n(n+1)-2n]/2 = [n(n+1-2)]/2 = n(n-1)/2

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 19

    Worst Case T(n), ctd.

    In conclusion,T(n) =

    c9 n + c10 + c5 [n(n+1)/2] 1 + c11 n(n-1)/2

    = c12 n2 + c13 n + c14

    = f1(n2

    ) + f2(n1

    ) + f3(n0


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 20

    Best Case

    If already sorted, statements in while loop neverexecute since A[i]

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 21

    Best Case Result

    T(n) =

    c1 n + (c2 + c4) (n-1) + c5 (n-


    + c8


    = n ( c1 + c2 + c4 + c5 + c8 )

    + ( -c2 c4 - c5 c8 )

    = c9n + c10

    = f1(n1) + f2(n0)

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 22

    Analyzing algorithms

    How do we analyze an algorithms running time?

    The time taken by an algorithm depends on the input Input size: depends on the problem being studied. Running time: on a particular input, it is the number of primitive

    operations(steps) executed.

    Analysis ofinsertion sort The running time of the algorithm is:

    (cost of statement) x ( # of times statement is executed) all statements

    tj= # of times that while loop test is executed for that value ofj.

    Bestcase: the array is already sorted (all tj= 1)


    the array is in reverse order (tj= j). The worst case running time gives a guaranteed upper bound on the

    running time for any input.

    Averagecase: On average, the key inA[j]is less than half the elements inA[1 .. j-1]

    and its greater than the other half. (tj= j /2).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 23

    .. continued

    Order of Growth

    The abstraction to ease analysis and focus on the importantfeatures.

    Look only at the leading term of the formula for runningtime.

    Drop lower-order terms.

    Ignore the constant coefficient in the leading term.

    Example: an + bn + c = (n) Drop lower-order terms an

    Ignore constant coefficient n

    The worst case running time T(n) grows like n; it does not

    equaln. The running time is (n) to capture the notion

    that the order of growth is n.

    We consider one algorithm is more efficientthan another if itsworst case running time has a smaller order of growth.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 24

    Designing algorithms

    Divide and Conquer Dividethe problem into a number ofsubproblems.

    Conquerthe subproblems by solving them recursively.

    Base case: If the subproblems are small enough, just solve them.

    Combinethe subproblemsolutions to give

    a solution to the original problem.

    Cf.) Incremental method insertion sort.

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 25

    Merge Sort

    A sorting algorithm based on divide and conquer.

    The worst-case running time: merge sort < insertion sort in its order of growth

    To sortA[p . . r]:

    Divideby splitting into two subarraysA[p .. q] andA[q+1 .. r],where q is the halfway point ofA[p .. r].

    Conquerby recursively sorting the two subarrays A[p .. q] andA[q+1 .. r].

    Combineby merging the two sorted subarraysA[p .. q] and

    A[q+1 .. r] to produce a single sorted subarrayA[p .. r]. To accomplish this step, well define a procedure MERGE(A, p, q, r).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 26

    Initial call: MERGE-SORT(A, 1, n)

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 28

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 30

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 31

    Analyzing Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms

    Use a recurrence (equation) to describe the running time

    of a divide-and-conquer algorithm. Let T(n) = running time on a problem of a size n.

    If the problem size is small enough(say, n c for some constant c), we have a base case c(=(1)).

    Otherwise, suppose that we divide into asubproblems, each 1/

    bthe size of the original. (In merge sort, a=b=2.) Let D(n) be the time to divide a size-n problem. There are a subproblems to solve, each of size n/ b

    each subproblem takes T(n/ b) time to solve we spend aT(n/ b) time solving subproblems.

    Let C(n) be the time to combine solutions.

    We get the recurrence: T(n)= (1) ifn c

    aT(n/ b) + D(n)+C(n) otherwise.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 32

    Analyzing Merge Sort Use a Recurrence.

    For simplicity, assume that The base case: when n =1, T(n)= (1).

    When n 2, time for merge sort steps: Divide: Just compute q as the average of p and r D(n)= (1).

    Conquer: Recursively solve 2 subproblems, each of size n/ 2 2T(n/2) Combine: MERGE on an n element subarray takes (n) time

    C(n)= (n). Since D(n)+C(n)= (1) + (n) = (n) ,the recurrence for merge sort

    running time is: T(n)= (1) ifn=1 2T(n/ 2) + (n) n>1.

    Solvingthe merge-sort recurrence: T(n) = (n log2 n) Let c be a constant for T(n) of the base case and of the time per array

    element for the divide and conquer steps. Rewirte the recurrence as

    T(n)= c ifn=1 2T(n/ 2) + c n n>1.

    Draw a recursion tree, which shows successive expansions of therecurrence.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 33

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 34


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 35

    Chapter 3.

    Growth of Functions

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET) 36

    Growth of functions

    A way to describe behavior of functions in the limit --

    asymptoticefficiency. Growthof functions.

    Focus on whats important by abstracting away low-orderterms and constant factors.

    How to indicate running times of algorithms?

    A way to compare sizes of functions:

    O =o< >

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Asymptotic Notation

    O-notation O(g(n))= {f (n): there exist positive constantscandn0

    such that 0 f (n)cg(n) for all n n0}.

    g(n)is an asymptotic upper boundforf(n).

    Example: 2n = O(n), with c=1 and n0=2. also, 2n = O(n), with c=2 and n0=0.

    Examples of functions in O(n): n, n+ n, n+ 1000n, 1000n+ 1000n Also,

    n, n/1000, n1.9999 , n/lg lg lg n

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued

    -notation (g(n))= {f (n): there exist positive constants c and n0

    such that 0 cg(n) f(n) for all n n0} .

    g(n)is an asymptotic lower boundforf(n).

    Example: n = (lg n), with c=1 and n0=16.

    Examples of functions in (n ): n, n+ n, n- n, 1000n+ 1000n, 1000n- 1000n, Also,

    n, n 2.0000 , nlg lg lg n,

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued

    -notation (g(n))= {f (n): there exist positive constantsc1, c2and

    n0 such that 0 c1 g(n) f(n) c2g(n)for all n n0}


    g(n)is an asymptotic tight boundforf(n).

    Example: n/22n = (n), with c1=1/4, c2=1/2and

    n0=8. Also, 2n = (n ), with c1=1, c2=3(or c1=c2=2) and


    Theorem: f (n) = (g(n)) iff f = (g(n)) and f =


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued

    -notation (g(n))= {f (n): for all constants c > 0, there exist a

    constant n0 > 0such that 0 f(n) < cg(n)for all n n0}.

    g(n)is an asymptotic strict upper boundforf(n).

    Another view:

    Example: n1.9999 = o(n2), n/lgn = (n), n (n) (just like ), n/1000 (n)

    -notation (g(n))= {f (n): for all constants c > 0, there exist a

    constant n0 > 0such that 0 cg(n) < f(n)for all n n0}.

    g(n)is an asymptotic strict lower boundforf(n).

    Another view:



    = (n2

    ), nlgn = (n), n (n )

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Comparisons of Functions

    Related Properties: Transitivity:

    f(n)= (g(n))andg(n)= (h(n)) f(n) = (h(n) ) . Same forO, , o, and .

    Reflexivity: f(n) = ( f(n) ) . Same forO and .

    Symmetry: f(n) = (g(n) )if and only ifg(n) = ( f(n) ) .

    Transpose symmetry: f(n) = O(g(n) )if and only ifg(n) = ( f(n) ) . f(n) = (g(n) )if and only ifg(n) = ( f(n) ) . Comparisons:

    f(n)is asymptotically smallerthang(n)iff(n)= o(g(n)). f(n)is asymptotically largerthang(n)iff(n)= ( g(n)).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Standard notations and common functions

    Monotonicity: ( )f n is monotonically increasing ifm n f (m) f


    f(n)is monotonically decreasingifm n f(m) f(n). f(n)isstrictly increasingifm

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Chapter 4.


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    A recurrence is a function defined in terms of one or more base cases, and

    itself, with smaller arguments.

    Example: T(n)= 1 ifn = 1 ,

    T(n-1)+1 ifn >1 . Solution: T(n)= n.

    T(n)= 1 ifn = 1 , 2T(n/2)+ n ifn 1 . Solution: T(n)= n lg n + n.

    T(n)= 0 ifn = 2 , T(n)+1 ifn >2 . Solution: T(n)= lg lg n.

    T(n)= 1 ifn = 1 , T(n/3)+ T(2n/3)+ n ifn >1 . Solution: T(n)= (n lg n).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Methods for solving recurrences

    Substitution method Guess a bound and then prove the guess

    correct by mathematical induction.

    The Master method It provides bounds for recurrences of the form

    T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n) , wherea1,b>1, andf(n)is a given function.

    The Recursion-Tree method It converts the recurrence into a tree whose

    nodes represent the costs incurred at variouslevels of the recursion.

    Th S b tit ti th d

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The Substitution method

    T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n

    Guess: T(n) = O(n lg n)

    Proof: Prove that T(n) c n lg n forc>0 T(n) 2(c n/2 lg n/2) + n where T(n/2) c n/2 (lg n/2) forc>0 cn lg n/2 + n = cn lg n cn + n = cn lg n (c-1)n cn lg n ifc 1

    Therefore, T(n) = O(n lg n)

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The recursion-tree method

    Each code represents the cost of a single subproblemsomewhere in the set of recursive function invocations.

    Sum the costs within each level of the tree to obtain a set of per-level costs.

    Then sum all the per-level costs to determine the total cost of all levels of the recursion.

    Its useful to solve the recurrence which describes the runningtime of a divide-and-conquer algorithm.

    Its used to generate a good guess which is then verified by the substitution method.

    A careful drawing of a recursion tree and summing the costs can be used as a direct proof of a solution to a recurrence.

    2( ) 3 ( / 4)T n T n cn= + : 4kA s s u m p t io n n=

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    ( ) 3 ( / 4)T n T n cn + : 4 A s s u m p t io n n

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Th M t M th d

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The Master Method

    Master Theorem

    Let a 1, b >1 be constants, letf(n) ,be a function and let( )T n be defined on the nonnegative integers by the


    T(n)= aT(n/b)+ f(n) , where we interpret n/b to mean eithern/b orn/b . Then T(n)

    can be bounded asymptotically as follows.

    1: If for some constant > 0, then 2: If , then 3: If for some constant > 0, and if af(n/b) cf(n)for some constant c

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued The Master method

    Used for many divide-and-conquerrecurrences of the form T(n)= aT(n/b)+ f(n) , where a 1, b >1, andf(n) >0. and Based on the master theorem (Theorem 4.1).

    Compare vs.f(n): Case 1: for some constant >0.

    (f(n)is polynomially smaller than ) Solution: --(Intuitively: cost is dominated by leaves.)

    Case 2: , where k 0.

    [This formulation is more general than in Masters Theorem(4.1). given in Exercise4.4-2.]

    (f(n)is within a polylog factor of , but not smaller.) Solution: --(Intuitively: cost is at each level, and there are (lg n)levels.) Simple case: k= 0

    Case 3: for some constant >0 andf(n)satisfies the regularity condition a f(n/b) cf(n)for some constant c

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued Examples: .1 ( )T n = 5 ( /T n 2)+ (n)

    vs. n sol.) Since log2 5 - =2 for some constant >0, use Case 1 .

    2. ( )T n = 27 ( /T n 3)+ (nlg )n vs. n lg n sol.) Use Case 2 with k= 1 T(n)= (nlg n)

    3. T(n)= 5T(n/2)+(n) .vs n

    .)sol Now lg 5 + = 3 for some constant >0 Check regularity condition (dont really need to sincef(n)is a polynomial): a f(n/b)= 5(n/2)= 5n/8 cnforc = 5/8

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Chapter 6.



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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    O(n lg n) worst case like merge sort

    Sorts in place like insertion sort

    Combines the best of both algorithms

    To understand HeapSort, study Heaps and Heap operations Priority Queues.

    Heap: Data Str ct re

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Heap: Data Structure

    Heap Ais a nearly complete binary tree. Heightof node = # of edges on a longest simple

    path from the node down to a leaf. Heightof heap = height of root =( lg n) .

    A heap can be stored as an arrayA[1 .. n].

    Root of tree isA[1].

    Parent ofA[i ] = A[i/2]. Left child ofA[i ] = A[2i ].

    Right child ofA[i ] = A[2i + 1]. Computing is fast with binary representation


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Heap: Property

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Heap: Property

    For max-heaps (largest element at root), max-heap property:for all nodes i, excluding the root, A[PARENT(i )] A[i].

    For min-heaps (smallest element at root), min-heap property:for all nodes i, excluding the root, A[PARENT(i )] A[i].

    The maximum(or minimum) element of a max-heap(or min-heap) is at the root.

    The heapsort algorithm uses max-heaps.

    In general, heaps can be k-ary tree (instead of binary).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Maintaining the heap property

    Always maintain the max-heap property: MAX-HEAPIFY

    Before MAX-HEAPIFY, A[i]may be smaller than its children.

    Assume left and right subtrees ofiare max-heaps.

    AfterMAX-HEAPIFY, subtree rooted at iis a max-heap.

    The way MAX-HEAPIFYworks:

    CompareA[i], A[LEFT(i)], andA[RIGHT(i)].

    If necessary, swapA[i]with the larger of the two children to

    preserve heap property. Continue this process of comparing and swapping down the

    heap, until subtree rooted at iis max-heap. If we hit a leaf,then the subtree rooted at the leaf is trivially a max-heap.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)




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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Time: O(lg n).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Building a Heap

    Total time: O(n lg n)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The HeapSort algorithm

    Given an input array,

    Builds a max-heap from the array.

    Starting with the root (the maximum element), thealgorithm places the maximum element into thecorrect place in the array by swapping it with the

    element in the last position in the array.

    Discard this last node (knowing that it is in itscorrect place) by decreasing the heap size, andcalling

    MAX-HEAPIFY on the new (possibly incorrectly-placed) root.

    Repeat this discarding process until only one node(the smallest element) remains, and therefore is inthe correct place in the array.


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)




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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    HEAPSORT(A, n)

    BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A, n) : O(n lg n)

    fori n downto 2do : n-1 times exchange A[1] A[i] : O(1) MAX-HEAPFIY (A, 1, i-1) : O(lg n)

    Total time: O(n lg n)

    Heap implementation of Priority Queue

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Heap implementation of Priority Queue

    Heaps efficiently implement priority queues.

    Max-heaps implemented with max-priority queues

    A Heap: a good compromise between fast insertion but slowextraction and vice versa.

    Both operations take O(lg n)O(lg n) time.

    Cf) A max-priority queues implemented by a Linked-List:

    insertion O(n) extraction O(1)

    Priority Queue

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Priority Queue

    A Priority Queue is a data structure for maintaining a dynamic setS of elements, each element has an associated value called a key.

    Apriority queueis a data structure such that access or removal is ofthe highest-priority element in the collection, according to somemethod for comparing elements. -- Collins(DS and the Javacollection framework)

    Max-priority queue supports dynamic-set operations:

    INSERT(S, x): inserts elementxinto set S.

    MAXIMUM(S): returns element of Swith largest key.

    EXTRACT-MAX(S): removes and returns element of Swithlargest key.

    INCREASE-KEY(S, x, k): increases value of elementxs key tok.

    Assume kxs current key value.

    Example of max-priority queue application: schedule jobs on shared computer.


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued

    Min-priority queue supports similar operations: INSERT(S, x): inserts elementxinto set S.

    MINIMUM(S): returns element of Swith smallest key.

    EXTRACT-MIN(S): removes and returns element of Swithsmallest key.

    DECREASE-KEY(S, x, k): decreases value of elementxs keyto k.

    Assume k xs current key value.

    Example of min-priority queue application: event-driven simulator.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Finding the maximum element: MAXIMUM(S)

    Time: (1)

    -- Get the root.

    E t ti M l t AC A (S)

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Extracting Max element: EXTRACT-MAX(S)

    Given the arrayA:

    Make sure heap is not empty.

    Make a copy of the maximum element (the

    root).Make the last node in the tree the new root.

    Re-Heapify the heap, with one fewer node.

    Return the copy of the maximum element.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Analysis:Constant time assignment + Time forMAX-HEAPIFY

    Time: O( lg n).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Increasing key value: INCREASE-KEY(S, x, k)

    Given setS, elementx, and new key valuek:

    Make surekxs current key. Updatexskey value tok.

    Traverse the tree upward comparingxto its parentand swapping keys if necessary, untilxs key is

    smaller than its parents key.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    Upward path from node i has length O(lg n)in an n-element heap.

    Time: O(lg n)

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Inserting into the Heap: INSERT(S, x)

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    g p


    constant time assignments + time forHEAP-INCREASE-KEY.

    Time: O(lg n)

    Given a key kto insert into the heap:

    Insert a new node in the very last position in the tree with key -.

    Increase the - key to kusing the HEAP-INCREASE-KEYprocedure defined above.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Chapter 7.


    Quick Sort

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Qu c So t

    Worst-case running time:(n).

    Expected running time:(n lg n). Constants hidden in (n lg n) are small.

    Based on the three-step process of divide-and-conquer.

    To sort the subarrayA[p . . r]:

    Divide: PartitionA[p..r], into two (possibly empty) subarraysA[p ..q-1]andA[q+1 .. r], such that each element in the first subarrayA[p .. q-1] is A[q] andA[q] is each element in the secondsubarrayA[q+1 .. r].

    Conquer: Sort the two subarrays by recursive calls toQUICKSORT.

    Combine: No work is needed to combine the subarrays, becausethey are sorted in place.

    Perform the divide step by a procedure PARTITION, whichreturns the index q that marks the position separating the


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    PARTITION always selects the last elementA[r] in the

    subarrayA[p .. r] as thepivotthe element aroundwhich to partition.

    As the procedure executes, the array is partitioned intofour regions, some of which may be empty:

    Loop invariant: 1. All entries inA[p .. i] pivot. 2. All entries inA[i+1..j-1] >pivot. 3.A[r] = pivot.

    Its not needed as part of the loop invariant, but the fourthregion isA[j . . r-1], whose entries have not yet beenexamined, and so we dont know how they compare tothe pivot.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Correctness:U th l i i t t t f PARTITION

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Use the loop invariant to prove correctness of PARTITION.Initialization:

    Before the loop starts, all the conditions of the loop invariant aresatisfied, because r is the pivot and the subarrays

    A[p .. i] andA[i+1 .. j-1] are empty.

    Maintenance:While the loop is running,ifA[j] pivot , thenA[j] andA[i+1] are swapped

    and iandjare incremented.IfA[j] > pivot, then increment onlyj.

    Termination:When the loop terminates,j= r,so all elements inA are partitioned into one of the three cases:A[p . . i] pivot, A[ i+1 .. r-1] > pivot, andA[r] = pivot.

    The last two lines of PARTITION move the pivot element from the end ofthe array

    to between the two subarrays: swapping the pivot(A[r]) and the first element of thesecond subarray(A[i+ 1]).

    Time for partitioning: (n)to partition an n-element subarray.

    Performance of QuickSort

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The running time of Quicksort depends on the partitioning of thesubarrays:

    If the subarrays are balanced, then quicksort can run as fast asmergesort.

    If they are unbalanced, then quicksort can run as slowly as insertionsort.

    Worst case Occurs when the subarrays are completely unbalanced.

    Have 0elements in one subarray andn-1 elements in the othersubarray.

    Get the recurrence: T (n) = T (n-1) + T (0) + (n) = T (n-1) + (n) (=

    (n) ).

    Same running time as insertion sort. In fact, the worst-case running time occurs when quicksort takes a

    sorted array as input, but insertion sort runs in O(n)time in thiscase.

    Best case

    Occurs when the subarrays are completely balanced every time.

    .. continued

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Balanced Partitioning QuickSorts average running time is much closer to the best

    case than to the worst case. Imagine that PARTITION always produces a 9-to-1 split.

    Get the recurrence T (n) T (9n/10) + T (n/10) + (n) = O(n lg n) .

    Intuition: look at the recursion tree.Its like the one forT (n) = T (n/3) + T (2n/3) + O(n) in

    section 4.2.

    Except that here the constants are different;

    we get log10 n full levels and log10/9 n levels that are

    nonempty.As long as its a constant, the base of the log doesnt

    matter in asymptotic notation.

    Any split of constant proportionality will yield a recursiontree of depth (lg n).

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    .. continued

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Intuition for the Average case

    Splits in the recursion tree will not always be constant. There will usually be a mix of good and bad splits throughout

    the recursion tree.

    To see that this doesnt affect the asymptotic running time ofQuicksort, assume that levels alternate between best-

    case and worst-case splits.

    The extra level in the left-hand figure only adds to theconstant hidden in the -notation.

    There are still the same number of subarrays to sort, and

    only twice as much work was done to get to that point. Both figures(Fig.7.5 a & b) result in O(n lg n) time, though

    the constant for the figure on the left is higher than that ofthe figure on the right.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Analysis of QuickSort

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Worst-case Analysis We will prove that a worst-case split at every level produces a worst-case running time of


    Recurrence for the worst-case running time of QUICKSORT: T(n) = max 0qn-1(T(q) + T(n-q-1) ) + (n) .

    Because PARTITION produces two subproblems, totaling sizen-1, q ranges from 0 ton-1.

    Guess:T(n) cn, for somec. Substituting our guess into the above recurrence:

    T(n) max 0qn-1(cq+ c(n-q-1) ) + (n) = c max 0qn-1(q+ (n-q-1) ) + (n) . The maximum value of(q2+(n-q-1))occurs whenq is either0 orn-1.

    (Second derivative with respect to q is positive.) This means that max 0qn-1 (q+ (n-q-1) ) (n-1) = n-2n+1 .

    Therefore, T(n) cn- c(2n-1) + (n) cn if c(2n-1) (n) .

    Pickc so that c(2n-1)dominates (n). Therefore, the worst-case running time of quicksort isO(n).

    Can also show that the recurrences solution is(n). Thus, the worst-case running time is(n) .

    Randomized version of QuickSort

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The assumption that all input permutations are equally likely is not always true.

    Add randomizationto QuickSort.

    Randomly permute the input array. Instead, use random sampling, or picking one element at random.

    Dont always useA[r]as the pivot. Instead, randomly pick an element from thesubarray that is being sorted.

    Randomly selecting the pivot element will, on average, cause the split of theinput array to be reasonably well balanced.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Randomization of Quicksort stops any specific type of array fromcausing worst case behavior.

    For example, an already-sorted array causes worst-case behavior innon-randomized QUICKSORT, but not in RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Chapter 8.

    Sorting in Linear Time

    Types of Sort Algorithms

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    The only operation that may be used to gain order informationabout a sequence is comparison of pairs of elements.

    Exchange Sorting -- comparison-based Bubble Sort Quick Sort

    Insertion Sort -- comparison-based Selection Sorting -- comparison-based

    Selection Sort Heap Sort

    Merge Sort -- comparison-based

    Distribution Sort Bucket Sort Radix Sort

    Lower bounds for sorting

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Lower bounds for sorting

    Lower bounds (n) to examine all the input. All sorts seen so far are (n lg n).

    Well show that (n lg n) is a lower bound forcomparison sorts.

    Decision tree

    Abstraction of any comparison sort.

    Represents comparisons made by

    a specific sorting algorithm

    on inputs of a given size. Abstracts away everything else: control and data


    Were counting onlycomparisons.

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    How many leaves on the decision tree? There are n! leaves, because every permutation appears at least once.

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    at least once.

    For any comparison sort, 1 tree for each n.

    View the tree as if the algorithm splits in two at each node, based onthe information it has determined up to that point. The tree models all possible execution traces.

    What is the length of the longest path from root to leaf? Depends on the algorithm Insertion sort: (n)

    Merge sort: (n lg n)

    Lemma Any binary tree of height h has leaves. In other words:

    l= # of leaves,

    h = height, Then l .

    Theorem Any decision tree that sorts n elements has height (n lg




    Sorting in Linear Time

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    Non-comparison sorts.Counting sort

    Depends on a key assumption: numbers to be sorted areintegers in {0, 1, . . . , k}.

    Input: A[1 . . n], whereA[ j ] {0, 1, . . . , k} forj= 1, 2, ..., n. ArrayA and values n and kare given as parameters.


    B[1 . . n], sorted. B is assumed to be already allocated and is given as a parameter.

    Auxiliary storage: C[0 . . k]

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Analysis of Counting

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    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    sort (n + k), which is (n) if k= O(n).

    How big a kis practical?

    Good for sorting 32-bit values? No.

    16-bit? Probably not.

    8-bit? Maybe, depending on n. 4-bit? Probably (unless n is really small).

    Counting sort will be used in radix sort.

    Stable algorithm:

    Numbers with the same value appear in the output array inthe same order as they do in the input array; i.e. ties b/t two numbersare broken by the rule that whichever number appears first in the input arrayappears first in the output array.

    Radix Sort

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Key idea: Sort leastsignificant digitsfirst.

    To sort ddigits:

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Correctness: Induction on number of passes (iin pseudocode). Assume digits 1, 2, . . . , i-1 are sorted. Show that a stable sort on digit ileaves digits 1, ..., isorted:

    If 2 digits in position iare different, ordering by position i is

    correct, and positions 1, . . . , i-1 are irrelevant.If 2 digits in position iare equal, numbers are already in the rightorder (by inductive hypothesis). The stable sort on digit ileavesthem in the right order.

    Analysis of Radix Sort

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    Lemma 8.3:

    Given n d-digit numbers in which each digit can take on upto k possible values, RADIX-SORT correctly sorts these

    numbers in (d(n + k)) time.

    Assume that we use counting sort as the intermediate sort. (n + k) per pass (digits in range 0, ... , k)


    (d(n + k)) total

    Ifk = O(n), time = (dn) .

    Lemma 8.4:

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Given nb-bit numbers and any positive integerr b,RADIX-SORT correctly sorts these numbers in (b/r (n+ ))

    time.How to break each key into digits?

    n words.

    b bits/word.

    Break into r-bit digits. Have d= b/r . Use counting sort, k= -1.

    Example: 32-bit words, 8-bit digits. b = 32, r= 8, d= 32 /8 = 4, k= - 1 = 255.

    Time = (b/r (n + )).

    How to choose r? Balance b/rand n+ . Choosing r lg n gives us

    ( (n + n)) = ( ). So, to sort 32-bit numbers, use r=lg =16 bits. b/r =2












    n lg



    Bucket Sort

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Assumes the input is generated by a random process that distributes elementsuniformly over[0, 1).

    Idea: Divide [0, 1) into n equal-sized buckets. Distribute the n input values into the buckets. Sort each bucket. Then go through buckets in order, listing elements in each one.

    Input:A[1 .. n], where 0 A[i] < 1 for all i.Auxiliary array: B[0 .. n-1] of linked lists, each list initially empty.


    C id A[i ] A[ j ]

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)



    Assume without loss of generality thatA[i] A[j].


    nA[j] .

    SoA[i] is placed into the same bucket asA[j] or into a bucketwith a lower index.

    If same bucket, insertion sort fixes up.

    If earlier bucket, concatenation of lists fixes up.

    Analysis: Relies on no bucket getting too many values.

    All lines of algorithm except insertion sorting take (n) altogether. Intuitively, if each bucket gets a constant number of elements, it

    takes O(1) time to sort each bucket O(n) sort time for allbuckets.

    We expect each bucket to have few elements, since the average is1 element per bucket.

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Important Features of Sort Algorithms

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


    Sort Algorithm Worst-case T(n) Average-case T(n)

    Bubble sortInsertion sortSelection sort

    (n )(n )(n )

    (n)(n )(n )Quick sort (n) (n lg n)

    Merge sort (n lg n) (n lg n)

    Heap sort (n lg n) (n lg n)

    Counting sort

    Radix sortBucket sort


    (n lg n)(n )


    (n) (n)

  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)

    Lecture by Sansar Singh ChauhanDepartment of Computer Science & Engg.(GCET)


  • 8/6/2019 UNIT-1-DAA


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