unit 1 conversation introduction study session 1 (30mins ...qian_qi)2020-21...1 unit 1 conversation...

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Unit 1 Conversation Introduction STUDY SESSION 1 (30mins) In this course, we concentrate on learning about the overall structure of a basic conversation in English. All human speech activities have three basic parts - a beginning, a middle, and an end. What is really interesting though, is that how native English speakers work together to structure their casual conversations - what they do when they start it, what they do to continue it, and what they do to finish it - isn't so different from how native speakers of other languages do the same. We all basically SAY the same things, but USE a different language. Another thing you should realize is that the purpose of casual conversation - making and maintaining friendships between people - is pretty much universal too! The only reason we have casual conversation is to exchange information about each other that helps us become better friends. It isn’t oriented to achieving a goal such as acquiring goods and services (eg. buying a hamburger) or even for that matter, acquiring information. We might learn some new information along the way, but it isn’t our goal. Our goal in casual conversation is to build, develop, maintain, and reinforce the relationships between the participants. In other words, casual conversation makes us better friends with whom we are speaking.

Here is an example of a friendship flowchart between two people. Point A Point B They learn a little bit about each other while talking Point C Conversation 2 They learn a little bit more about each other Conversation 3 Point D They learn a little bit more about each other

People build casual conversations with three basic parts: - beginning, middle, & end

How people of all languages

start, continue, and end a conversation is almost the same

The goal of casual conversation is to: - make us better friends

They first meet and start getting to know each other

The finish their first meeting, and have got to Point B in their friendship

They meet again and re-start their friendship from Point B

The finish their 2nd meeting, and have got to Point C in their friendship

They meet again and re-start their friendship from Point C

The finish their 3rd meeting, and have got to Point D in their friendship


Step 1: Read the conversation below while you listen. This is a first conversation between two freshmen meeting for the first time. Notice the three parts in the structure of this conversation: Beginning; Middle; End. CONTEXT INFORMATION WHAT: meeting each other for the first time WHO: two students, Toshi and Yasuo WHEN: first day of university WHERE: near the university bookshop. A: Opening stage * option Toshi: Hello, I’m [ Toshi Yamada.] Yasuo: Nice to meet you. I’m [ Yasuo Sato ] Call me Yasuo Toshi: Nice to meet you Yasuo. You can call me Toshi. Yasuo: Okay. B: Middle stage Yasuo: Do you live near here Toshi? Toshi: [ Yeah / No ], I live in [ Miyoshi ] near [ iMall ] How about you? Where are you from? Yasuo: *I’m from [ Mino ] in [ Gifu ] *I live near [ the U-Store in Kariya ] Do you have a part-time job? Toshi: *Yes. I’m [ a waiter ] at [ Denny’s ] [ a gas stand attendant ] at [ Jomo ] *No. Not at the moment [*I’m looking for a job ] What about you? Yasuo: I work [ *for my father ] at [ his bread shop ] [ *as a home tutor ] [ *at a supermarket ] Toshi: Really? How about your free time? What do you like to do? Yasuo: Well..I like [*reading: music: soccer: baseball: computer ]

Things like that. And you? Toshi: Well…I like [*guitar: movies: driving: surfing ] Yasuo: Yeah? That’s great..Hey.. (Yasuo checks his watch) C: Ending stage Yasuo: …Sorry. I have to[ *get to work ] [ *get to the next class ] [ *catch the bus ] Let’s talk more later. Toshi: Yeah okay. Nice meeting you. Yasuo: You too. I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. Toshi: See you. Bye.


Step 2: Turn and FACE the person sitting next to you. Take one part each (Yasuo or Toshi), and read through the conversation. Practice the technique READ-EYE CONTACT-SAY when it is your turn. Do this 3 times (3x) as Yasuo, and 3x as Toshi. Select different options each time. PRACTICE SESSION 1 (30 mins) Step 1: Now, it’s your turn to get to know your classmates. This time say YOUR name and YOUR information in the spaces. Do it two times (2x), each time taking either the first or the second part. CONTEXT INFORMATION WHAT: meeting each other for the first time WHO: two students, ______ and ______ WHEN: first day of university WHERE: in the classroom English lesson. A: Opening stage * option A: Hello, I’m [ ______________.] B: Nice to meet you. I’m [ ___________ ] Call me ________ A: Nice to meet you ________. You can call me ________. B: Okay. B: Middle stage B: Do you live near here _______? A: [ Yeah / No ], I live in [ _______ ] near [ _____ ] How about you? Where are you from? B: *I’m from [ _______ ] in [ _______ ] *I live near [ ________________ ] Do you have a part-time job? A: *Yes. I’m [ *a _______ ] at [* ______ ] [ *at _________ ] in [* __________ ] *No. Not at the moment [ *_______________ ] What about you? B: I work [ *for ________ ] at [* __________ ] [ *as a _________ ] for [* __________ ] [ *at a _________ ] in [*___________ ] A: Really? How about your free time? What do you like to do? B: Well..I like [*______; _______;________;________]

Things like that. And you? A: Well…I like [*______; _______;________;________] B: Yeah? That’s great..Hey.. (_______ checks his watch) C: Ending stage B: …Sorry. I have to[ *go to ______________ ] [ *get to _____________ ] [ *__________________ ] Let’s talk more later. A: Yeah okay. Nice meeting you. B: You too. I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. A: See you. Bye.


Step 2: After you have done the conversation 2x, write down your first partner’s name and what you learnt about them in the table below. Then change partners, and do it again, and again, and again, each time writing in your new partner’s name and information. Be quick, you only have three minutes with each partner and you MUST do the conversation 2x with each. DO not write anything during the conversation. After 3 minutes, your teacher will tell you to stop. Stop talking immediately, and write down what you learned about your partner. You have 1 more minute. Then change partners and start again. DO NOT wait for your teacher to tell you to start. Start as soon as you sit down.

Name Hometown Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Fact 4 By the way, after five or six partners, you shouldn’t even need to look at the model conversation. You don’t have to say the EXACT words every time, just follow the main ideas and questions. You can also select different options when talking about your part-time job and when you want to leave the conversations. You choose! QUIZ SESSION 1 (15 mins)Listen and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 6. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 7. _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 8. _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 9. _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________


ERROR FOCUS 1 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are meeting for the first time. Speaker A = Ken Speaker B = Yuto Ken: It's nice to meet you Yuto. Yuto: You too Ken. Where are you from? Ken: Hamamatsu in Shizuoka. How about you? Yuto: I'm from here in town in Kita-ku. So, are you living alone? Ken: Yes, in a 1-room apartment near the school. How about you? Yuto: I live with my family. My family is 4 people and we are in a house so there is lots of

space. Ken: I see. Lucky you. Do you do part-time? Yuto: Not at the moment. I am looking for a job though. What about you? Ken: My part-time is McDonalds. I work twice times in a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Yuto: Oh, do you recommend McDonalds as a job? Ken: It's good if you like hamburgers and talking to people. So, what's hobby? Yuto: I enjoy learning to dance hip hop. How about you? Ken: Actually I like hip hop dancing as well. Yuto: You should join our dance club. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

1 My family is 4 people.

2 Do you do part-time?

3 My part-time is McDonalds.

4 I work twice times in a week.

5 What’s hobby?


Unit 2 Basic Conversation Structure From now on, each lesson will follow the format and time set out in this unit. There are three sessions: QUIZ SESSION 2 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer the news questions, you have to read the newspapers, listen to the radio or watch the TV news so you know what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. The teacher will take down your marks in his results book each week. Listen to your teacher and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 2 (30mins) In this session you will study the content of the course. This material will be very important when it comes to your written examination at the end of the semester. Point 1: In Week 1, you learnt that there are three basic sections to a conversation: (a) Beginning (b) Middle (c) Ending Each of these sections is made up of smaller parts. There are three parts to the Beginning, three parts to the Middle, and two parts to the Ending. Here is the basic structure that you will study and practice throughout the rest of this course. Don’t worry about trying to understand it at this stage, but learn the names of the 8 basic parts.



Study Activity 1: (a) Here is a conversation that has been cut into pieces. The conversation is between two friends (two female students) who have run into each other on a Monday morning between classes. Read each piece and try to put it into its correct position. Put the letter number in the parentheses, and write the name of each piece on the line. Use the names in the box above. Study Activity 1: Read the conversation pieces and put them in the correct order. Label each stage. (b) Turn to your partner, and check that you have the same. Then, read through the conversation with your partner taking the role of either A or B.

1._______ { }

2._______ { }

3._______ { }

4._______ { }

5._______ { }

6._______ { }

7._______ { }

8._______ { }

A: See you later. B: Bye

B: That's great. Well, I have to run. I’ve got to go to my next class. A: Oh. Me too. It's late. I’ll see you at lunchtime. B: Yeah, okay.

A: How are you? B: Pretty good. And you?

A: Not bad. How was your weekend? Did you do anything interesting?

A: Hi Miki. Great to see you. B: Hi Aya. Great to see you too. A: Well, my week was

great. Last Thursday I had my driving test. I studied hard for it all weekend. I didn’t go out at all. It was worth it though because I passed. My family took me out to dinner to celebrate. I was so happy!

B: Anyway, What about you Aya? How was your week?

B: Yeah. Actually, I had a good time. On Saturday my friend and I went driving to Toki Premium Outlet. We went to lots of shops and bought some clothes. I bought some jeans at Edwin. Then, when we got back to Miyoshi, we went and saw a movie at iMall. On Sunday, I relaxed and just stayed at home and watched television. It was pretty good.










Study Activity 2: Here is a template of a similar conversation. A template is like the skeleton of the conversation. It’s not exactly the same but it has the main ideas. Do the conversation again, but this time, try to tell a story about your weekend in the box. Don’t worry if it isn’t right this time, we’ll study how to do it properly next week. Just have a go. A: Hi ____________. Great to see you. B: Hi ____________. Good to see you too. How are you? (How’s everything? How’s it going?) B: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good etc) And you? (What about you? How about you?) A: ___________. (Not bad, great, pretty good, ME TOO) A: How was your weekend? B: It was ________.You? (okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) A: Mine was _______. (okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) Did you do anything interesting? B: Yeah.. Anyway. How about you _____? How was your weekend? A: Well.. B: That’s great. Well, I have to [ *get to work ] [ *get to the next class ] [ *catch the bus ] A: Okay. (me too). It’s late. Nice talking to you. I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. B: Yeah. See you. Bye. A: Bye. PRACTICE SESSION 2 (45 mins) In this session every week, you will TALK with between 5-10 different partners in EVERY lesson. In your conversations, you will expected to use the techniques that you learnt in the Study Session in each lesson. When you hear the teacher clap or the kitchen timer ring, that means you have 30 seconds to finish your conversation, and another 30 seconds to change your seat and move to your next partner. DO NOT just stand up and change. Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO

Actually, I had a (____) weekend. I ….

My weekend was (____). I ….


ERROR FOCUS 2 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are meeting for the second time. Speaker A = Ken Speaker B = Yuto Ken: Hi Yuto. How are you? Yuto: Great. I'm very fine. And you? Ken: Me too. How was your weekend? Yuto: My weekend is interesting. What about yours? Ken: It was okay. What did you do? Yuto: I went to concert this weekend. Have you heard of 'Spyair'? Ken: Of course. I love their song 'Beautiful Days.' Yuto: Me too. Actually, that's my favorite song. It was great to see them sing it live. Ken: Lucky you. I wish I could have seen them too? Yuto: Bad luck. What did you do on the weekend? Ken: Nothing much. I study and watched TV. Yuto: Study? What for? Ken: I have to finish an economics assignment by tomorrow. Yuto: Oh. Good luck with that. Ken: Actually, I'm nearly finished. I stayed up on mid night yesterday night. Then I watched TV until 3am. Yuto: Wow. You need to sleep. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

6 I’m very fine.

7 My weekend is interesting.

8 I went to concert this weekend.

9 I study and watched TV.

10 I stayed up on mid night yesterday night.


Unit 3 Chats and Chunks QUIZ SESSION 3 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. Listen to your teacher and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 3 (30mins) In this session you will learn about the two types of talk that are the main parts of an entire casual conversation. After that you will learn about how to build your own conversation READ: Listen to this conversation and read silently as you listen. Read about the context first. WHO: Ken and Toshi, two male university students who are friends and have some of the same classes. WHERE: In the hallway of the university building WHEN: Between classes on a Monday morning after the first class of the day. SITUATION: They are seeing each other for the first time on that particular day. Both are carrying bags and books. A: Hi Ken. B: Hi Toshi. A: How’s it going? B: Great!

How about you? A: Not bad. What did you do on the weekend? B: The weekend? Nothing much. Stayed home mostly. What about you? A: Well…let's see… I had a pretty interesting Saturday. [B: Great] My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Miyoshi iMall.

B: Uh-huh. How was it?

A: Pretty good - lots of special effects. The story was a bit hard to follow though. [B: Really] Anyway, then we had lunch at Mr Curry..you know, on the second floor . [B: Oh yeah…yeah. Not bad.] A: After that I bought a couple of CDs. [B: Uh-huh] I got home about 5. It was a good day but I spent too much money. [B: Too bad]

How about you? Did you just stay home the whole weekend? B: No..I got bored just watching TV, so I went to iMall too on Sunday. [A: Uh-huh] Yeah.. I got there about 10, just as they were opening up Mr Donuts. And guess what?

A: What? B: You know that cute girl in history class,

[A: Yeah?] she works there. [A: Really!] I ate about six donuts just so I could stay there longer.


[A: Uh–huh] Anyway, about 11 the staff started looking at me kind of strangely. You know..they wanted me to leave. [A: Oh..Okay] So, she came over and said…Hey…Katoh-san could you please leave?’. Wow! I couldn’t believe it! She knew my name!

[A: That’s great.] B: Yeah. I can’t wait for history this week. {B looks at his watch}

Anyway. I’ve got to go. Tony hates anyone being late for class. A: Yeah..I know. I’ll see you at lunch.

B: Catch you later. Save me a seat. A: Yeah, okay. Bye.

THINK: 1. In what parts are Toshi (A) and Ken (B) changing turns quickly and saying about the same amount? 2. In what part does Toshi talk for a longer turn and Ken only say small short things? 3. When does Ken talk for a longer turn and Toshi only say small short things? Draw lines between each of the 8 parts of the conversation. (Look back to unit 2 for hints) REMEMBER: When you have conversations with your friends you talk in two ways. These two types are CHATs and CHUNKs CHATs are parts of the conversation where the speaking turns of each person are quite short and you change turns fairly quickly. Each person talks for about the same amount of time. CHAT parts move fast and are like two players having a game of table tennis. Each person only has a turn for a short time and they keep hitting the ball back to each other immediately. CHUNKs are those parts of the conversation where one person talks for a longer time. In a basketball game, one person may hold the ball for a long time, bouncing it on the floor as he or she goes down the court looking for a person to pass the ball to. Finally, the person with the ball passes it off to another player. CHUNK parts of conversation are like these times when one speaker holds the ball (turn) for a longer time. One person is usually telling a longer STORY about something that happened to them.


CHECK IT OUT Here is the same conversation again. However, this time it has been split into the 8 different parts of the basic conversation, and each part (except one) has been labeled as a CHAT or a CHUNK. The other part is a MOVE. We’ll look at what a MOVE is later. 1. Greeting A: Hi Ken. B: Hi Toshi. 2. Well-being A: How’s it going? B: Great!

How about you? A: Not bad. CHAT

3. Initial Topic What did you do on the weekend?

B: The weekend? Nothing much. Stayed home mostly. What about you? A: Well…let’s see..

4. Story 1 I had a pretty interesting Saturday.

[B: Great] My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Miyoshi iMall.

B: Uh-huh. How was it?

CHUNK A: Pretty good - lots of special effects. The story was a bit hard to follow though. [B: Really] Anyway, then we had lunch at Mr Curry..you know, on the second floor. B: Oh yeah…yeah. Not bad. A: After that I bought a couple of CDs. [B: Uh-huh] I got home about 5. It was a good day but I spent too much money. [B: Too bad]

5. Redirection MOVE How about you? Did you just stay home the whole weekend? 6. Story 2 B: No..I got bored just watching TV, so I went to jMall too on Sunday.

[A: Uh-huh] Yeah.. I got there about 10, just as they were opening up Mr Donuts. And guess what?

A: What? B: You know that cute girl in history class,

[A: Yeah?] she works there. [A: Really!]

CHUNK I ate about six donuts just so I could stay there longer. [B: Uh–huh] Anyway, about 11 the staff started looking at me kind of strangely. You know..they wanted me to leave. [B: Oh..Okay] So, she came over and said…Hey…Katoh-san could you please leave? Wow! I couldn’t believe it! She knew my name!

[A: That’s great.] B: Yeah. I can’t wait for history this week.

7. Pre-closing {B looks at his watch} Anyway. I’ve got to go. Tony hates anyone being late for class. A: Yeah..I know. I’ll see you at lunch.

CHAT 8. Closing

B: Catch you later. Save me a seat. A: Yeah, okay. Bye.


Today, you are going to practice telling your own ‘story’ in the chunk part of the conversation. PRACTICE SESSION 3 (45 mins) In this session every week, you will TALK with between 5-10 different partners in EVERY lesson. When you hear the teacher clap or the timer ring, you have 30 seconds to finish your conversation, and another 30 seconds to change your seat and move to your next partner. BUT do not just stand up and change partners. When you hear the bell, finish the conversation using No. 7 and No. 8 above. A. Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO B: Look at your YES answers. Next to each YES answer, think about whether it was a POSITIVE experience (good) or a NEGATIVE experience (bad). Write (÷) if it was positive or (-) if it was negative. C: Look at your first speaking partner for today. Think about which of the POSITIVE experiences that he / she might be interested in. Choose one (1) of the positive experiences, and think about what you will say. Write some brief notes in the box below.


D: Now, using your notes, insert them into the CONVERSATION TEMPLATE as a spoken story. Don’t write them in. Just look at them when you are telling your story. A: Hi ____________. Great to see you. B: Hi ____________. Good to see you too. How are you? (How’s everything? How’s it going?) B: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good etc) And you? (What about you? How about you?) A: ___________. (Not bad, great, pretty good, ME TOO) A: How was your week? (day off, weekend, summer vacation) B: It was ________.You? (okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) A: Mine was _______. (okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) Did you do anything interesting? B: Yeah.. Anyway. How about you _____? How was your week? (day off, weekend, summer vacation) A: Well.. B: That’s great. Well, I have to [ *get to work ] [ *get to the next class ] [ *catch the bus ] A: Okay. (me too). It’s late. Nice talking to you. I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. B: Yeah. See you. Bye. A: Bye.

Actually, I had a (____) Golden Week. I ….

My week was (____). I ….


ERROR FOCUS 3 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are meeting for the second time. Speaker A = Ken Speaker B = Yuto Ken: So Yuto, do you want to be a teacher when you graduate? Yuto: Yes I think so. How about you? Ken: I'm not sure yet. We are only 1st year so we have time to decide. Why a teacher? Yuto: Well, I had a good math teacher I liked in junior high school. I want to be like him. Ken: Oh okay. Yuto: Also, both my mother and father is teacher. Ken: I see. That’s why you want to be a teacher. Yuto: How about your parents? What do they do? Ken: My father is salaryman and my mother has her own company. Yuto: Your mother? Really. That's great. So she is the boss? Ken: Yes. Since two years ago. Grandfather is died so she get grandfather company. Yuto: What does the company do? Ken: It's a trading company. It import goods from other country. Yuto: U-huh. What kind of goods? Ken: Goods to sell in 100-yen shops. She often go somewhere by job. So, I might join her company after I graduate. Yuto: I see. That's why you don't want to be a teacher. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

11 Both my mother and father is teacher.

12 Father is salaryman.

13 Grandfather is died so she get grandfather company.

14 It import goods from other country.

15 She often go somewhere by job.


Unit 4 The RECOUNT QUIZ SESSION 4 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 4 (30mins) Review: In the last unit we listened to a model conversation. Can you clearly see the places of the conversation where the speakers each told a story about his weekend? Each story that we tell is a CHUNK. The story that Speaker A told is an example of the RECOUNT genre of story-telling. SPEAKER A talked about his interesting Saturday with his girlfriend and going to the movies. A’s story: I had a pretty interesting Saturday. My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Miyoshi iMall. Then we had lunch at Mr Curry. After that I bought a couple of CDs. I got home about 5. It was a good day but I spent too much money. SPEAKER B talked about his boring day (at first) and then going to Mr. Donuts and seeing a cute girl from school. This is like a RECOUNT but it has a few differences. We will look at this story in Unit 6. B’s story: I got bored just watching TV, so I went to iMall too on Sunday. I got there about 10, just as they were opening up Mr Donuts. That cute girl in history class works there! I ate about 6 donuts just so I could stay there longer. Anyway, about 12 the staff started looking at me kind of strangely. They wanted me to leave. So, then she came over and said…Hey Katoh-san, could you please leave? Wow! I couldn’t believe it. She knew my name! I can’t wait for history class!

SPEAKER A told a RECOUNT type of story. The purpose of the RECOUNT is to retell (tell what happened) events as they occurred in order and in time. We often tell recounts when we talk about things like what we did on the weekend, holidays or other things that happened in the PAST. We also use ‘time sequence’ words such as ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’, ‘afterwards’, ‘after that’, ‘finally’, etc. There is a special structure to how we tell a recount. Speaker A’s story has four parts. 1. THEME I had a pretty interesting Saturday. 2. SETTING My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Miyoshi iMall. 3. STEP BY STEP EVENTS Then, we had lunch at Mr Curry. After that, I bought a couple of CDs. I got home about 5. 4. SUMMARY It was a good day but I spent too much money. In the THEME stage , we prepare our listener for what we are going to say by telling him or her our general feelings about the story we are going to tell. This helps the listener to give us support


when we are telling the story. We have to use adjectives (describing words) in the theme to give our partner a good idea of how to support us. For example, Speaker A’s theme is: I had a pretty interesting Saturday. Because he used the words, pretty interesting, the listener knows that the story Speaker A is going to tell is a positive one (+). The listener can then get ready to use some positive support phrases during the story-telling such as ‘Great’, ‘That sounds interesting’ ,‘Good’, ‘Really?’, ‘Yeah’. Etc. Also, the listener knows that he can ask questions about the story during the story-telling. He knows that Speaker A doesn’t mind questions. After all, it’s going to be a pretty interesting story. Exercise 1: Write your own THEME. You have been asked the question – How was your weekend? – by your friend. Your friend: How was your weekend? You: ______________________________________________________ In the SETTING stage, we give our listener an idea of who, what, when, and where, the story took place. You don’t have to tell the listener all four, but it’s a good idea to tell them at least two. By telling the listener who, what, where, and when, you help the listener to imagine and ‘paint a picture in his mind’. In English, we try to tell as much detail as possible, even if it is not important to the rest of the story. The more information you tell the listener, the better the picture he or she can imagine (paint in their mind). This is a little different from when you tell a story in Japanese. In English we have to say TOO MUCH sometimes. Speaker A’s setting is: My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Jusco Cinema. (who) (what) (where) We already know when – Saturday – from the theme. Exercise 2: Write your own setting (for your weekend story). You: __________________________________________________________ In the STEP BY STEP EVENTS stage, we retell the different things that happened in the order they occurred. We use ‘time sequence’ words such as ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’, ‘afterwards’, ‘after that’, ‘finally’, etc. Speaker A’s step by step events are: 1. Harry Potter movie… 2. then we had lunch at Mr Curry 3. after that I bought… 4. Finally, I got home about 5 Speaker A does not have to say No. 1 again (Harry Potter movie) because he already said it in the setting.

Exercise 3: Write your own step by step events. Remember to use sequence words. 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ ________________________________ In the SUMMARY stage, we tell our feelings about what we thought of the whole story we told. We have to remember what we said in the theme, and keep to the same feelings. For example, Speaker A said: I had a pretty interesting Saturday in his theme. In the summary, he must again go back to the same idea as ‘pretty interesting’. The first part of Speaker A’s summary is positive (+). He said: It was a good day He added some extra information to tell us that in fact, he had a negative feeling (-) about the day too. He used but: but I spent too much money! Speaker A actually had mixed feelings about the day: ÷ and – (positive and negative). That’s why his day was only pretty interesting and not, very interesting; excellent; fantastic; or wonderful. Exercise 4: Write your own summary. Remember to go back to the theme and try to think of other ways to say how you felt. You: _____________________________________________________________


PRACTICE SESSION 4 (45 mins) Here is the conversation template. Put your story (the new one) into the template and practice with each partner. Change the expressions you use each time you change partners. A: Hi ____________ B: Hi ____________. (It’s) Good to talk to you. (Good to see you again) A: You too. How’s things? (How’s everything? How’s it going?) B: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good etc) And you? (What about you? How about you?) A: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good, ME TOO) B: Did you have a good weekend? A: ___________. You? (It was: okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) B: ___________. (It was: okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) What did you do? A: Well.. Anyway. How about you? Did you do anything interesting? B: As for me.. B: Anyway. Sorry, but I have to [ *get to work ] [ *get to the next class ] [ *catch the bus ] A: Okay. (me too) I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. B: Yeah. See you. Bye. A: Bye.

A’s story

B’s story


ERROR FOCUS 4 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are meeting for the second time. Speaker A = Miki Speaker B = Saho Miki: Where did you go to high school Saho? Saho: In my hometown of Beppu. My school was Higashi High School. How about you? Miki: I went to Kita Toyoka High School. Saho: What is your best memories for high school? Miki: I really loved my club. I was tennis club for three years. Saho: Wow. So are you in the tennis club here? Miki: Yes. It’s also a lot of fun. How about your best memories? Saho: I think it was my high school trip. Miki: Oh? Where did you go school trip in high school? Saho: To Kyoto and Hiroshima. Miki: We went to there too. What did you like best? Saho: I liked Kiyomizudera and Kinkakuji in Kyoto. How about you? Miki: I liked them too, but I liked Hiroshima the best. Saho: Why? Miki: I learned a lot about history. In Hiroshima we watched ‘Genbaku Dome’. Saho: Yes, we did too. It made me feel very sad. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

16 What is your best memories for high school?

17 I was tennis club for three years.

18 Where did you go school trip in high school?

19 We went to there too.

20 In Hiroshima we watched 'Genbaku Dome'.


Unit 5 Supporting the speaker QUIZ SESSION 5 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 5 (30mins) When we tell our stories in conversation, we help each other to make the stories bigger and more interesting. Let’s look at the size of the stories of each speaker from Unit 3. Speaker A Speaker B These are the stories told by each speaker. However, when each person was telling his story, the other person (the listener) was also saying something at different times. Have a look at the size of the stories when we add the extra things the listener said and the extra things the speaker said. Look how big the stories become when you add the extras! Did you notice? 1. The listener supported the speaker by (a) showing he was interested (Uh-Huh, really) (b) making positive comments (That’s great; Not bad) (c) answering questions of the speaker (Yeah) (d) asking questions (How was it; What?) 2. The speaker involved his listener by

I had a pretty interesting Saturday. My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Miyoshi iMall. Then we had lunch at Mr Curry. After that I bought a couple of CDs. I got home about 5. It was a good day but I spent too much money.

I got bored just watching TV on Saturday, so I went to iMall too on Sunday. I got there about 10, just as they were opening up Mr Donuts. That cute girl in history class works there! I ate about 6 donuts just so I could stay there longer. Anyway, about 12 the staff started looking at me kind of strangely. They wanted me to leave. So, she came over and said…Hey Katoh- san, could you please leave? I couldn’t believe it. She knew my name. I can’t wait for history class!

I had a pretty interesting Saturday. B: Great! My girlfriend and I went and saw that new Harry Potter movie at Miyoshi iMall. B: Uh-huh. How was it? A: Pretty good - lots of special effects. The story was a bit hard to follow though. B: Really. Anyway, then we had lunch at Mr Curry.. You know, on the second floor? B: Oh yeah…yeah. Not bad. After that I ended up buying a couple of CDs. B: Uh-huh. I must have got home about 5. It was a good day but I spent too much money. B: Too bad

I got bored just watching TV, so I went to jMall too on Sunday. A: Uh-huh. Yeah.. I got there about 10, just as they were opening up Mr Donuts. And guess what? A: What? B: You know that cute girl in history class? A: Yeah B: She works there! A: Really! I ate about six donuts just so I could stay there longer. Anyway, about 11 the staff started looking at me kind of strangely You know.. they wanted me to leave. So, then she came over and said Hey Katoh- san could you please leave? Wow! I couldn’t believe it! She knew my name! A: That’s great. B: Yeah. I can’t wait for history this week.


(a) asking questions (You know, on the second floor?; You know, that cute girl in history class?; And guess what) (b) adding little words and phrases to acknowledge the listener (Yeah; You know) So, when speaking in conversation, it is very important to do these two things: 1. As a listener: Support the speaker when he says something 2. As a speaker: Involve the listener when you speak. Positive support Negative support PRACTICE SESSION 5 (45 mins) Step 1: Answer YES or No to these questions. If you circle ‘YES’, also write the past tense of the verb next to it. For example: Since the last class, did you go anywhere? went No SINCE THE LAST CLASS, DID YOU a) go anywhere? Yes No b) buy anything? Yes No c) meet someone new (or someone you hadn't seen for a long time)? Yes No d) eat out at a restaurant? Eat something for the first time? Yes No e) see anything interesting on TV or watch a movie? Yes No f) change anything? e.g.,your style; hair; mind; job; boyfriend/girlfriend Yes No g) make a decision about something? e.g. holiday; work; school Yes No h) learn anything? Yes No i) practice anything or take a test in anything? Yes No j) have a problem? at work; with a classmate; teacher; family member Yes No k) speak English or talk to foreigner Yes No l) get angry about something Yes No m) laugh about something Yes No n) hear anything? a new song; gossip; joke Yes No o) write a report Yes No p) make a presentation Yes No q) take part in a meeting or party Yes No r) design; draw; paint anything? (for art students) Yes No s) compose anything (for music students) Yes No t) take part in a sports competition Yes No Step 2: Think about each of the ‘YES’ answers. Was the experience positive (+) or negative (-). In other words, was it something you enjoyed and were happy to do, or was it something you didn’t like and it was a drag to do. Write a (+) or (-) sign beside each YES answer. Step 3: Look at your future conversation partner – the person you are going to talk with. Think about how well you know them, what they like, and what they are interested in. Think also about your positive (+) YES experiences. Decide on one or two to tell them. Step 4:

Do you know what I mean? Know what I mean? You know? Okay? Understand? You know..(÷ extra info.)

That’s great. Wonderful. That sounds interesting. Really! Uh-huh. Yeah / yes I see

Oh no! Sorry to hear that. That sounds terrible. Too bad. That’s no good. Terrible!



Now, write a brief story outline following the stages of the recount. The notes can be in English or Japanese, but you will be telling your story in English, so it is a good idea to try it in English. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings) Put your story (the new one) into the template and practice with each partner. The SPEAKER has to involve the listener and the LISTENER has to support the speaker as much as possible. A: Hi ____________ B: Hi ____________. (It’s) Good to talk to you. (Good to see you again) A: You too. How’s things? (How’s everything? How’s it going?) B: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good etc) And you? (What about you? How about you?) A: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good, me yoo) B: Did you have a good weekend? A: ___________. You? (It was: okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) B: ___________. (It was: okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) What did you do? A: Well.. Anyway. How about you? INVOLVE the listener Did you do anything interesting? SUPPORT the speaker B: As for me.. B: Anyway. Sorry, but I have to [ *get to work ] [ *get to the next class ] [ *catch the bus ] A: Okay. (me too) I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. B: Yeah. See you. Bye. A: Bye.

A’s story

B’s story


ERROR FOCUS 5 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are talking about their part-time work. Speaker A = Ami Speaker B = Rie Ami: So Rie, do you work part-time? Rie: Yes. I work at Aeon as register. Ami: Which Aeon? Rie: The one near my house in Miyoshi. Ami: How many times do you work in a week? Rie: It’s twice times. Usually Saturday and Sunday. Ami: I sometimes go there, but I have never seen you there. Rie: No? I just started four weeks ago. How about you? Do you work part-time? Ami: No. I’m not part-time yet. Rie: Are you looking for a job? Ami: Yes. My parents want me to make some money so I can stop asking them for it. Rie: Yes, it’s good to have a part-time job and make my own money. Ami: Do you get tired? Rie: Sometimes. I am tired if I have to do homework on Sunday night. What kind of job do you want? Ami: I don’t know yet. Maybe a shop, but I don’t want to work convenience store. Rie: I agree. I used to work at one but sometimes I finished late at night. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

21 I work at Aeon as register.

22 How many times do you work in a week?

23 It's twice times.

24 I'm not part-time yet.

25 I don't want to work convenience store.


Unit 6 The ANECDOTE (1) QUIZ SESSION 6 (15 mins)Listen and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 6. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 7. _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 8. _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 9. _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ STUDY SESSION 6 (30mins) In this unit, we introduce another type of story that speakers often tell each other in conversations. This story type is called the ANECDOTE. In the anecdote, the speaker tells us about something remarkable (unexpected, special, good, great or Wow!) that happened to him/her. The speaker also tells us how he/she feels about that special event. Let's look at Story 2 (the one told by Speaker B) of our model conversation again. 5. Redirection A: How about you? Did you just stay home the whole weekend? 6. Story 2 B: No..I got bored just watching TV, so I went to iMall too on Sunday.

[A: Uh-huh] Yeah.. I got there about 10, just as they were opening up Mr Donuts. And guess what?

A: What? B: You know that cute guy in history class,

[A: Yeah?] he works there. [A: Really!]

CHUNK I ate about six donuts just so I could stay there longer. [A: Uh–huh] Anyway, about 11 the staff started looking at me kind of strangely. You know, they wanted me to leave. [A: Oh..Okay] So, he came over and said 'Hey, Katoh-san could you please leave?' He knew my name! Wow! I couldn't believe it!

[A: That's great.] B: Yeah. I can't wait for history this week.

In this story, Speaker B, like Speaker A before her, tells us about what she did and what happened to her on her day at iMall in a step-by-step process. 1. went to iMall 2. got there about 10am and went to Mr Donuts. 3. ate six donuts 4. about 11 staff were looking at me kind of strangely 5….. Each of these is an event. At the end of the story, she then tells us about a special event that happened to her. This event was very surprising to her. In fact, this event is the whole point of the story - It is why she is telling us about her day. What is the remarkable event? __________________________ Speaker B then told us how she felt about this. How did she feel? ___________________ Here is the story again but this time it has been split into its different parts.


THEME (general feelings) I was bored at home so.. SETTING (who, what, when or where)

I went to iMall too on Sunday


1. went to iMall 2. got there about 10am and went to Mr Donuts. 3. ate six donuts 4. about 11, the staff were looking at me kind of strangely 5. he came over and said 'Hey Katoh-san, could you please leave!

SPECIAL EVENT He knew my name! REACTION Wow! I couldn't believe it. SUMMARY (recap of feelings) I can't wait till history class. As you can see, it is a little bit different from the RECOUNT because it has two extra steps. These two steps are the SPECIAL EVENT and the REACTION. This is because one of the events was very unusual for the speaker. It was out of the ordinary! This made it interesting, special or remarkable to the speaker. Recount: start end unusual event Anecdote: start continuing In this case, because the cute guy knew her name, it was unbelievable to her and she was very happy! Has anything like this happened to you before? PRACTICE SESSION 3 (45 mins) Think about what has happened to you in your life that has made you feel very happy. Let's not think about any problems, or bad things that have happened at this stage. In the last few weeks (months, years), did something unexpected or unusual happen to you or someone else you know that made you feel happy or shocked or surprised in a good way? Did you a) go somewhere far away and unexpectedly meet someone you knew ? Yes No b) meet someone new when you didn't expect to? Yes No c) meet someone by chance you hadn't seen for a long time? Yes No d) attend your own surprise birthday party? Yes No e) get a surprise gift/present/flowers from someone? Yes No f) win a close match in a game of tennis, volleyball, baseball etc Yes No g) find something that you had lost for a long time? Yes No h) hear some good news about a family member or friend? Yes No i) see or hear something that reminded you of something good Yes No j) have a good dream that you remember well Yes No k) finally do something you said you wouldn't do but it turned out good Yes No l) see a famous person somewhere Yes No m) win a prize in a competition / lottery / or at school Yes No n) get a perfect score on a test when you didn't expect to Yes No o) ever see yourself on TV (or a friend) Yes No


Step 2: Make notes about your story. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when or where)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

SPECIAL EVENT REACTION SUMMARY (recap of feelings) Put your story (the new one) into the template and practice with each partner. The SPEAKER has to involve the listener and the LISTENER has to support the speaker as much as possible. A: Hi ____________ B: Hi ____________. (It’s) Good to talk to you. (Good to see you again) A: You too. How’s things? (How’s everything? How’s it going?) B: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good etc) And you? (What about you? How about you?) A: ___________. (great, not bad, pretty good, me too) B: Did you do anything interesting on the weekend?(recently, yesterday afternoon) A: ___________. What about you? (It was: okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) B: ___________. (Mine was: okay, not bad, busy, tiring, boring, etc) What did you do? A: Well.. Anyway. How about you? What's happening with you? B: Well, as for me, I… B: Anyway. Sorry, but I have to [ *get to work ] [ *get to the next class ] [ *catch the bus ] A: Okay. I’ll see you [ *tomorrow / *later / *after ]. B: Yeah. See you. Bye. A: Bye.

A’s story

B’s story

*TOPIC (How was) - club practice yesterday? - your part-time job? - yesterday's test? etc *TOPIC (appearance)

- You look happy / sad. Why? What happened? *TOPIC (appearance)

- They're nice shoes? Are they new? - That's a nice jacket. Where did you get it?

*TOPIC (Did you) - work on the weekend? - do anything special? - finish the homework? - see the game on TV? - watch the World Cup? - hear about Miki?


ERROR FOCUS 6 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are talking about class. Speaker A = Taro Speaker B = Ken Taro: I’m really tired today. Ken: You look tired. Why you late for class? Taro: I overslept. I got out of home at 8:50am. Ken: Really? Taro: I know, but last night my izakaya was really busy and I worked until 2am. Ken: Why was that? Taro: Yesterday was ‘Bonus Day’ for city workers and my izakaya is near City Hall. Ken: Oh. The workers wanted to eat and drink a lot? Taro: They sure did. But you were late too. Why? Did you stay up late yesterday? Ken: No. I went to bed early but I overslept too. I’m no good at getting up. Taro: Me too. Ken: Actually, I get up at 5 but I fall back to sleep again. Taro: Five!! Why so early? Ken: I wanted to go for a training run for next week’s race but it was cold and. Taro: Your bed was warm. Ken: Right. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

26 Why you late for class?

27 I got out of home at 8:50am

28 Did you stay up late yesterday?

29 (A: But I'm no good at getting up) B: Me too.

30 I get up at 5 but I fall back to sleep again.


Unit 7 The ANECDOTE (2)

QUIZ SESSION 7 (15 mins)Listen and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 6. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 7. _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 8. _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 9. _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ STUDY SESSION 7 (30mins) You have now learnt two types of stories that we tell in our conversations: RECOUNTS and ANECDOTES. Both stories are interesting to you, and both stories tell about something you did or something that happened to you in the past. However, an anecdote is something that was unexpected, unusual, or surprising to you. Here are two stories. Which is the RECOUNT and which is the ANECDOTE? My Sunday was very busy I worked at my part-time job at Mr Donut all day. Mr Donut started special 100yen sales on the weekend. First I worked with two other staff in the morning, But then I had to work alone from 5 to 9.. The customers kept coming all day, And many people waited in line. After 5 there were still many customers. I was so tired that I wanted to stop work and go home. At 9, when I finished work, another workmate came to the store and bought me a drink and a donut. I felt so happy that she thought about me. It was a pretty busy day and I was tired, but I was glad my friend came.

I had an interesting Saturday My friend Maya and I spent the day hanging out together. First, Maya came over to my house in the morning and we talked in my room. Then, we decided to go to a Comic Café. Maya drove us there in her car. We spent nearly four hours reading comic books there. After that, we had dinner at an izakaya. After dinner, she drove me home about 11:00pm. It was nice day but my eyes were tired from reading so much.

Rewrite the Anecdote, but this time fill in each stage. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when or where)



REACTION SUMMARY (recap of feelings) What is the major difference between each of the stories above? ____________________________ There is another difference between a RECOUNT and an ANECDOTE. An Anecdote can also be happening now – in the present. In other words, an ANECDOTE can be unfinished and continuing now. Look at this story. THEME (general feelings) I'm having big trouble at work recently. SETTING (who, what, when or where)

I work part-time at Uniqlo on Wednesday night, Saturday and Sunday during the day. I've been there for about two years. Anyway, we got a new worker – a university student about a month ago, and my job is to teach her. Anyway,..



1. last Saturday, she came to work late for the third time. 2. She was late about 20 minutes and I had to do her work. 3. When she came she didn't even say why she was late. The boss wasn't there so he didn't know she was late. 4. Then, she spent most of her time hiding in the back of the store and folding clothes very slowly. 5. She didn't even talk to customers when they wanted help – she just told them to go to the counter. 6. I got angrier and angrier during the day because she didn't do anything I said. 7. When we finished work, the boss asked me if everything was fine with the new girl.

SPECIAL EVENT I said yes everything was okay. I didn't know what to say. REACTION I was so angry with her but I couldn't tell the boss. SUMMARY (recap of feelings) I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll tell the boss if she does it again. In other words, there are two types of ANECDOTES. Type 1 = an unusual, unexpected event that happened in the past and is now finished. (Unit 4) Type 2 = an unusual, unexpected event or problem that is still continuing now. Type 2 anecdote stories talk about events that are still happening and that are making you feel happy, sad, angry, or disappointed. PRACTICE SESSION 7(45 mins) Think about the good things in your life that are happening now and have not been finished. You can also think about the things that are happening at the moment that you don't feel good about. Are you / Is your friend / Is someone you know a) waiting for something like a result, or a decision? Yes No b) worrying about something to do with school, work, home, or friends? Yes No c) having a problem at home that is continuing? Yes No d) having a problem at work that is continuing? Yes No e) having a problem at school that is continuing?? Yes No f) having a problem with a friend that is continuing?? Yes No g) having a problem with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes No h) having a problem with a neighbour? noisy, bossy, talkative etc.. Yes No i) being asked to help with someone else's problem? Yes No Don't forget, there has to be something that you didn't plan for - an unusual or unexpected event. unusual event Anecdote: start continuing


Step 2: Write notes about your story. THEME (general idea of story)

SETTING (who, what, when or where)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



SUMMARY (recap of feelings) Put your story (the new one) into the template and talk with a partner. The SPEAKER has to involve the listener and the LISTENER has to support the speaker as much as possible. One way to do this is to ask the listener if they have any advice that could help them. SPEAKER: What do you think I should do? LISTENER: If I were you, I would… Do you have any advice? I think you should…. Do you have any ideas? I would….. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe you should…. What should I do? Mm. That's very difficult.. Asking for advice Giving advice

A's story





B's story



What do you think I should do? Do you have any advice? Do you have any ideas? Do you have any suggestions? What should I do?

If I were you I would.. I think you should… I would…


ERROR FOCUS 7 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are talking about driving. Speaker A = Ken Speaker B = Taro Ken: I didn't see you at practice on Saturday or Sunday. Taro: I had to go to car school on weekend. Ken: Oh. Did you take the test? Taro: No. It was just practice. I have to take the tests next weekend. Ken: Good luck. Taro: Thanks. When did you take driver license? Ken: In the spring in March. Taro: Really. How long did it take to get? Ken: More than half year ago. How long have you been learning? Taro: About three months so far. Which is more difficult? The paper test or drive test? Ken: I think both were difficult. I failed the first time but passed the second time. Taro: You failed both first time? Ken: Yes. I didn't study hard enough. Taro: Do you have my car? Ken: No. I'm using my parents' car but I am saving money to buy one. Taro: Me too. I want to buy one as soon as possible too. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

31 I had to go to car school on weekend.

32 When did you take driver license?

33 More than half year ago.

34 The paper test or drive test?

35 Do you have my car?


Unit 8 The NARRATIVE (1) QUIZ SESSION 8 (15 mins)Listen and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 6. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 7. _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 8. _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 9. _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ STUDY SESSION 8 (30mins) The final type of story you are going to learn to tell in English is the NARRATIVE. Actually, this is one of the easiest stories, because you already know a lot about narratives. In fact, you have read and heard many, many stories while you were growing up. For example, can you remember these stories? Urashimatarou (浦島太郎) The Peach Boy (桃太郎) The One-inch Boy (一寸法師) The Bamboo Princess (かぐや姫) The Snow Princess (雪女) The Crane Lady (鶴の恩返し) Click Clack Mountain (かちかち山) How about this one? Read through this with a partner. ________________________

MONKEY vs CRAB 1. This is a story about a crab and a monkey. 2. Long, long ago, there used to be a crab and a monkey living in a village. 3. One day the crab found a rice-ball on the side of the road and decided to take it home with her. 4. As she set off home she heard her name called by a monkey who had seen the crab pick up the rice ball. The monkey had found a persimmon seed but he didn't want to eat that, he wanted to eat the rice-ball. 5. So he forced the crab to exchange the rice-ball for the seed. 6. When she got home, the crab planted the persimmon seed in her garden and watered it every day for several years until it became a big tree and had many persimmon fruits. 7. Then the monkey came to the crab's house, saw the big juicy fruit, climbed the tree and started eating up all the persimmon fruit. 8.What is worse, he threw some at the crab and so hard did he throw, that he killed the crab. 9.When they saw this, her young crabs decided to get revenge on the monkey for their mother's death. 10.They asked their friends, a mortar, a bee, and a chestnut to help them get their revenge. 11.While the monkey was out, all the friends hid in the monkey's house and waited for him to come home. 12.Soon he returned and he sat down in front of the fire to warm himself. 13. Suddenly, the hot chestnut jumped out of the fire and onto the monkey's hip. "Ouch!" said the monkey again. 14. The monkey ran to an ointment bottle but when he opened the cover, the bee flew out of it and stung him on the shoulder.


15. "Ouchee!!" the monkey ran to the water tub to splash water on himself, but the young crabs jumped out and climbed over his body, pulling at his hair and ears with their claws. 16. "Oucheeee!!!" said the monkey and he rushed for the door of the house. As he went through the doorway, the big mortar jumped off the roof and landed on top of the monkey crushing him to death. http://kudos910.web.fc2.com The NARRATIVE is a type of story that has a PROBLEM (or remarkable event) that has a RESOLUTION. That means, that in this story there is a problem that is solved: there is an answer to the problem. The RESOLUTION can be Positive + (happy, great etc.) or it can be Negative - (sad, unhappy). NARRATIVE: Problem Resolution Start Ending

The parts of the narrative: MONKEY vs CRAB THEME 1.This is a story about a crab and a monkey.

SETTING (who, what, when or where)

2. Long, long ago, there used to be a crab and a monkey living in a village.


3. One day the crab found a rice-ball… 4. As she set off home she heard her name called…. 5. So he forced the crab to exchange the rice-ball for the seed. 6. When she got home, the crab planted the persimmon… 7. Then the monkey came to the crab's house,….

PROBLEM EVENT 8.What is worse, he threw some at the crab and so hard did he throw, that he killed the crab.

(EVENTS AFTER) 9.When they saw this, her young crabs decided… 10.They asked their friends, a mortar, a bee,….. 11.While the monkey was out, all the friends…. 12.Soon he returned and he sat down in front….

RESOLUTION 13. Suddenly, the hot chestnut jumped…. 14. The monkey ran to an ointment bottle but… 15. "Ouchee!!" the monkey ran to the water tub…. 16. "Oucheeee!!!" said the monkey and he rushed for the door of the house. As he went through the doorway, the big mortar jumped off the roof and landed on top of the monkey crushing him to death.

SUMMARY (There is no summary)


In a NARRATIVE the RESOLUTION can bring about a HAPPY ending or an UNHAPPY ending. In the story of Monkey vs Crab, the resolution is a HAPPY ending for the children of the crab (but an UNHAPPY ending for the monkey). Choose a favourite Japanese folk tale, and write it out in English, making sure to divide it into parts. THEME 1.This is a story about…..

SETTING (who, what, when or where)






PRACTICE SESSION 8 (45 mins) Tell your partner the Japanese folk tale narrative that you have written out.


Unit 9 The NARRATIVE (2) QUIZ SESSION 9 (15 mins)Listen and write down the answers to the ten questions. 1. ______________________________ 6. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 7. _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 8. _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 9. _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ STUDY SESSION 9 (30mins) Now, you are going to write your own narrative about something that happened to you in your life. Don't forget that a narrative must have an ending. BUT, it can be a HAPPY ending or a SAD ending? NARRATIVE: Problem Resolution Start Ending

Did you ever have/ Have you had (or someone you know -friend, family member, neighbour, etc) a) a big argument with a family member ? Yes No b) lose something and then find it again or get it back? Yes No c) a broken bone in your body? Yes No d) a car accident? Yes No e) a problem at work? argument with boss/co-worker/customer Yes No f) win/lose a close match in a game of tennis, volleyball, baseball, lacrosse? Yes No g) find something that you had lost for a long time? Yes No h) hear some good news about a family member or friend? Yes No i) finally do something you said you wouldn't do but it turned out good Yes No j) a major illness or sickness? Yes No k) a relationship problem? Yes No l) work or study hard at something only to fail in the end? Yes No m) ever travel overseas or a place far from your home and have a problem? Yes No n) anything stolen from you? Yes No o) have a money problem - e.g. owe a friend some money? Yes No p) something damaged by another person? - your bike, car, cell phone, etc. Yes No q) lend something to someone but not get it back? Or have trouble getting it back? Yes No q) forget to do something important and it became a big problem? Yes No r) go somewhere and accidentally leave something there? Yes No s) forget something on a train, bus, or plane? Yes No t) a problem with a teacher in JHS, HS, or university? Yes No u) break something expensive? Yes No v) your parents forget to pick you up after school, or from somewhere? Yes No w) have a very sick pet? Yes No x) an embarrassing situation in public? Yes No y) a fight in the schoolyard? Yes No z) been caught outside during a heavy thunderstorm? Yes No 1) panicked while swimming, skiing, snowboarding or driving a car, motorcycle? Yes No 2) a car or motorcycle breakdown on you? Yes No Write out your story. THEME 1.This is a story about….. OR


1. Let me tell you what happened to me once when…

SETTING (who, what, when or where)






Put your story (the new one) into the template and talk with a partner. The SPEAKER has to involve the listener and the LISTENER has to support the speaker as much as possible. One way to do this is to ask the listener if they have any advice that could help them.

A's story





B's story




ERROR FOCUS 9 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are talking about their weekends. Speaker A = Rina Speaker B = Yuki Rina: I heard that you had a cold. Are you better? Yuki: Today I feel great. I stayed in the bed all the day yesterday. Rina: That's good. Yuki: How about you? How was your weekend? Rina: I very enjoy my weekend? Yuki: Great. What did you do? Rina: On Friday, I came back my house in Fukui. Yuki: Fukui? I didn't know you are from there. Rina: Yes. I moved here for university. I live in the university dormitory. Yuki: How long does it take to get to Fukui? Rina: Usually it take two hour or more. Yuki: By car? Rina: No. By train. Yuki: But you have to take the train from Nagoya Station. That's far from here. Rina: Yes but my house in Fukui is near to station so it is more convenient than driving. Yuki: Oh I see. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

36 I stayed in the bed all the day yesterday.

37 I very enjoy my weekend.

38 I came back my house in Fukui.

39 Usually it take two hour or more.

40 My house is near to station.


Unit 10 CHAT structure QUIZ SESSION 10 (15 mins) 1. ______________________________ 8. __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.______________ STUDY SESSION 10 (30mins) As mentioned earlier, having a conversation with someone is a lot like playing a team sport. In team sports, each player takes turns with the ball. In conversation, each speaker takes turns at talking. Think about sports such as basketball or soccer. These team sports are a little bit different from mostly individual sports such as tennis or table tennis. When playing basketball or soccer, each player has the chance to keep or hold possession of the ball for a little time before passing it to another player on their team. Tennis and table tennis don't allow players to keep the ball for long - the idea is to hit the ball back across the net as soon as you get it. These sports have only one option for players - to pass the ball back to the other player (opponent) as fast as possible. However, in basketball, a player with the ball has two options. He or she can quickly pass the ball off to another player OR he or she can keep the ball for some time. In basketball, the player may keep the ball by slowly bouncing it down the court, faking one way or another, maybe even changing dribbling hands, before passing it to someone else or taking a shot at goal. In other words, while the player has the ball, he or she can do more than one thing with the ball - make more than one MOVE. Like soccer, in conversation each speaker has the option to (a) pass the turn quickly back to the other person, or (b) talk for a time before passing the turn to the other speaker. While having a turn, each speaker can say more than one thing if they want to - make more than one MOVE. Here’s an example of how to (a) pass the turn quickly.

Example 1 A: Hi Toshi (A’s Turn 1) + Exchange A B: Hi Yasuo (B’s Turn 1) + CHAT 1 A: How are you? (A’s Turn 2) + Exchange B B: I'm fine. (B’s Turn 2) Each of these TURNS is made up of ONE MOVE only. In other words, they only say ONE

thing each. BUT, these are very basic - too basic - for you to use now that you are in university. You learnt that CHAT in junior high school, so we are going to add some more MOVES to each turn to make our EXCHANGES and CHATs interesting.

Here is an example of how to (b) talk for a time before passing the turn to the other speaker. Speaker Discourse A: Hi ________ (A says one thing) B: Hi ________ (B says TWO things) How’s things? A: Not bad… (A says TWO things) And you? B: Great… (B says TWO things) Did you have a good weekend? A: Uh..well… (A says THREE things)

it was okay… I didn’t do much - stayed home and watched movies mostly.

Just like in basketball or soccer, each time in conversation you have the ball (a turn), you can do MORE than one thing. Each thing you do in one turn with the ball in basketball, is called a


MOVE. Each thing you do in conversation, is also called a MOVE. Some turns have only ONE move (you pass the turn back quickly). Some turns have MORE than ONE (you keep the turn). Here are the six basic moves we do in conversation.

Initiation (I) Response (R) Cleaning-Up (C) Follow-up Information (FI) Pay-Back Initiation (PBI) Stallers (S)

An easy way to remember this figure is to imagine that it looks like a human being with his/her hands on his hips while standing on a surfboard or a skateboard. The head is ‘I’, the stomach is ‘R’, the hands are ‘C’ and ‘S’, and the feet are ‘FI’ and ‘PBI’. The arrow from FI to PBI is the skateboard.







Read through this conversation with your partner. Situation: Two friends meet in the university cafeteria on a Monday at lunchtime. This is the first time they've seen each other that day. Turn Speaker Discourse Move A1 A: Hi ________ (I) B1 B: Hi ________ (R) How’re things? (I) A2 A: Not bad… (R) And you? (PBI) B2 B: Great… (R) Did you have a good weekend? (I) A3 A: Uh..well… (S)

it was okay… (R) I didn’t do much..stayed home and (FI) watched movies mostly. B3 B: Oh yeah?... (R) What did you see? (PBI) A4 A: Harry Potter and the Chamber (R1) of Secrets B4 B: Huh..Harry Potter what? (C) A5 A: The Chamber of Secrets… (R2) You know..the second one. (FI) B5 B: Oh yeah.. etc. (R) There are seven (7) different EXCHANGES in this short section of CHAT. The route or path of the conversation so far is in bold. Hi Toshi Hi Ken How're things? (new topic) Not bad And you? Great











Did you have a good weekend? (new topic) Uh… well It was okay I didn't do much….stayed home and watched movies mostly Oh yeah? What did you see? Huh? Harry Potter what? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (R1) The Chamber of Secrets (R2) You know..the second one















Oh yeah… Etc..etc. As you can see from the diagram, speakers gradually build-up their conversation by linking EXCHANGEs together to make CHATs. Native speakers of all languages do this automatically without thinking too much about it. However, when we are studying a new language and it's way of conversation, we have to learn how to do this in that language. It's tough work, but it can be done. PRACTICE SESSION 10 (45 mins) SINCE THE LAST CLASS, DID YOU a) go anywhere? Yes No b) buy anything? Yes No c) meet someone new (or someone you hadn't seen for a long time)? Yes No d) eat out at a restaurant? Yes No e) see anything interesting on TV or watch a movie? Yes No f) change anything about you? Yes No

e.g.,your fashion style; hair; mind; job; boyfriend/girlfriend g) make a decision about something? e.g. holiday; work; school Yes No h) learn anything? Yes No i) practice anything or take a test in anything? Yes No j) have a problem? at work; with a classmate; teacher; family member Yes No k) speak English or talk to foreigner Yes No l) get angry about something Yes No m) laugh about something Yes No n) hear anything? a new song; gossip; joke Yes No o) write a report Yes No p) make a presentation Yes No q) take part in a meeting or party Yes No Step 2: Now, let’s write a brief story outline following the stages of the recount. The notes can be in English or Japanese (it doesn’t matter). BUT, you will be telling them in English, so it is a good idea to try it in English. You decide. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings)






ERROR FOCUS 10 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are talking about weekend plans. Speaker A = Mari Speaker B = Rie Mari: So Rie, what's your plan in this weekend? Rie: I'm going to sea with my club members on Saturday. 'Suishohama' do you know? Mari: Yes. Actually I went there two Sundays ago with some friends from high school. Rie: Oh. I have never been there. Is it any good? Mari: Very good, but it was very crowded because it was so hot that day and there were many people. You should have a good time because there are lots of cute guys to see. Rie: Great. I can't wait. How about you? What are you doing? Mari: I'm going to Kyoto because there is my friend. Rie: A friend from high school? Mari: Yeah. She goes to university there now. Plus, I like Kyoto. It is so famous place and

there are many sites to see. Rie: I agree. I've been twice already but I haven't seen everything I want to see yet. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

41 What's your plan in this weekend?

42 I’m going to sea with my club members.

43 'Suishohama' do you know?

44 I’m going to Kyoto because there is my friend.

45 It is so famous place.


Unit 11 MOVEs: Initiation and Payback-Initiation QUIZ SESSION 11 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 11 (30mins) In this session you will study the content of the course. This material will be very important when it comes to your written examination at the end of the semester. In this unit, we will study, the two basic ways to start a new topic in the conversation: Initiation (I) and Pay Back Initiation (PBI). Initiation (or Openings): There are two types of Initiations based on WHEN they occur in the conversations. Type 1 are NEW questions used: at the START of the conversation. These are simple greetings:

e.g., Hi: Hello; G'day; Good morning; Morning; Hey mate; etc. Type 2 are NEW questions used: as Topic Changers (introduce something new to talk about)

e.g., How was your weekend? What did you do yesterday? Did you finish the homework? ※ You can use phrases to warn about the change the topic: e.g. By the way, did you finish the homework? Payback-Initiation PBIs are actually quite easy because their form is usually a question. PBIs 'hit the ball' back to the other person so that they are carrying the 'ball' again. The They use the OLD or SAME topic but ask for NEW information. Type 1: use the exact SAME topic that the other speaker talked about.

forms: How about you?; What about you?; And you? Example 1 A: Where do you live? I

B: In Nagoya…. R near Shiga-hondori station FI How about you? Where do you live? PBI The ‘old’ topic is ‘living place’, but B asks for ‘same’ information – where A lives. Type 2 use the OLD topic but ask for NEW information. forms: Who, Where, Why, How, When, Do/Did, Is/Are, Was/Were, Has/Have etc. Strategy: Ask a question that is connected to what the other speaker said previously. In the example below, the connection is underlined.


Example 2 A: I want to buy the new iPhone. I B: Me too. R How much is it? PBI Example 3 A: The new math teacher is pretty good. I B: Really? R Why do you like him? PBI In Example 3, Speaker A did not know that Speaker B was going to ask another question after the (R). The question, ‘Why do you like him?’ is a ‘NEW’ question that comes from the other speaker’s ‘OLD’ talk. It also used the pronoun ‘him’. That means it is a Payback-Initiation (PBI). Exercise 1: What do you think are good questions to ask after these (I)s and (R)s? A: I bought an iPad last week. (I) B: Uh-huh. (R) ______________________________ (PBI) A: My part-time job was busy yesterday. (I) B: Really. (R) ______________________________ (PBI) PRACTICE SESSION 11(45 mins) Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings)


OTHER PERSON IS TELLING THEIR STORY Here’s one more example. Do you remember this from before? The ‘NEW’ question is in bold italics. A: I had a pretty interesting Saturday. (I) B: Great! (R) A: My girlfriend and I went and saw that new HarryPotter movie at Jusco Cinema. (FI) B: Uh-huh. (R) How was it? (PBI) A: Pretty good - lots of special effects. The story was pretty hard to follow though. (R)


ERROR FOCUS 11 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are talking about their summer plans. Speaker A = Yasuo Speaker B = Toshi Yasuo: What are you doing this summer? Toshi: The summer vacation I have a lot of plan. Yasuo: Oh yeah? What? Toshi: First, I’m going to back my hometown. Yasuo: Where is that? Toshi: In Niigata in the countryside. At there it’s a nice place. Yasuo: Then what? Toshi: My friend and I are going to Korea for four days at the end of August. Then I’m going

to driving school. Yasuo: You are busy. I haven’t got much planned. Toshi: What are you doing? Yasuo: Well. I’m working part-time for most of the vacation. Toshi: Isn’t your birthday in the summer? Yasuo: Yes. August 15. After 4 days we are going to go to Tokyo Disneyland. Toshi: Tokyo Disneyland. How often do you go there? Yasuo: Once two month I go to there. Toshi: You are a big fan of Disney. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

46 The summer vacation I have a lot of plan.

47 I'm going to back my hometown.

48 At there it's a nice place.

49 After 4 days we are going to go to TDL.

50 Once two month I go to there.


Unit 12 MOVEs: Response & Follow-Up Information QUIZ SESSION 12 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 12 (30mins) Here is ‘Mr Sumo again. This week we will look at the (R) and (FI) moves.







Response Rs are responses or answers to the actual initiations (I) that the person speaking before you wants. A question-type (I) is usually quite easy to answer with a YES or NO followed by 1. Short answers. Yes… (e.g., I do, I can, I have etc..) No…. 2. Exclamations of support such as Okay / pretty good / not bad / excellent / wonderful (with 'How..' type-questions) Wow. Really? Really. I see. That sounds interesting / great / terrible That's interesting / great / terrible I'm sorry to hear that (-) Oh no (-) Yeah? Yeah Uh-Huh.. During EXCHANGES and CHATs you must let the speaker know you understand what they said by giving an (R) to their (I), (FI) or (PBI). Also, (R)s help encourage the speaker by telling him or her that you think what they said was important. Follow-up Information: FIs are NEW or extra information that a speaker adds to a Response (R) move. We should

NEVER just give YES or NO, or single word Responses. Those types of answers stop a conversation, and the conversation becomes more like an interview between a policeman and a suspect. It is hard to keep a conversation going with just single word Rs, so don't use them.

FI are used by the speakers to continue the SAME topic but add interesting information.

Example 1 A: Where do you live? I B: In Nagoya…. R near Shiga-Hondori station FI Strategy 2. Make a comment that connects you and something the other speaker said. That is, take something that Speaker A said and join it with something you did, or something that happened to you, or your own opinion. Example 2 A: The new math teacher is pretty good. (I) B: Yeah. (R) But I haven’t done his homework yet. (FI) In Example 2, Speaker A talked about the new math teacher. Speaker B took the ‘new math teacher’ as the OLD topic and made a comment that connected the new math teacher and himself. Speaker B could have said something else. Example 3 A: The new math teacher is pretty good. (I) B: Really? (R) I don’t like him. (FI) (opinion) Exercise 2: Connect something that speaker A said to you. (hint: use ‘lunch’ or ‘cafeteria’) A: I had lunch in the cafeteria today. (I) B: Uh-huh. (R) _______________ (FI)


In pairs, plan and practice TWO (2) short series of CHATs starting with the Initiation (I) move 'Where do you live?', and the Initiation (I) move 'How was your weekend?' Follow the route guidelines within each box. A few words have been added to help you. Remember, FI involves adding extra information to an R move, and PBI is almost always some form of question. After making the CHATS, draw up your own ‘Action Men’. You will need more than one CHAT Action Man figure for each conversation part. Link the pieces together. PRACTICE SESSION 12 (45 mins) Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings)

Speaker Discourse Move A: Where do you live? I B: ________________________________ R ________________________________ FI A: _________________________________ R Is that near _______________________? PBI B: _________________________________ R How about you? PBI A: __________________________________ R __________________________________ FI

Speaker Discourse Move A: How was your weekend? I B: ________________________________ R ________________________________ FI A: _________________________________ R ________________________________? PBI B: _________________________________ R How about you? How was your weekend? PBI A: __________________________________ R __________________________________ FI


ERROR FOCUS 12 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are talking about their summer plans. Speaker A = Mina Speaker B = Kaho Mina: I'm look forward to the vacation. Kaho: Me too. Are you going abroad? Mina: Yes. I can't wait. Kaho: Oh. Where are you going? Mina: I and my two friends are going to Guam for 4 days. I have also been to Korea, Taiwan, and Macau with my family. And also Hawaii, Italy and the UK. Kaho: Wow! I have been to Australia just. I went there after the entering test. Mina: Really? I'd like to go there. Kaho: It was great. I stayed for three weeks in a home stay. I also studied English at a university. Mina: I envy you. One day, I want to home stay too. Are you going abroad this vacation? Kaho: Yes. To Italy, France and Germany. Mina: Wow. That's cool. Three countries! Who with? Kaho: With two friends from my old high school. Mina: Why those countries? Kaho: We searched about the countries and the famous place and we decided to go. Mina: I have to save money so I can go next time. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

51 I'm look forward to the vacation.

52 I and my two friends are going to Guam for 4 days.

53 I have been to Australia just.

54 I went there after the entering test.

55 We searched about the countries and the famous place.


Unit 13 MOVEs: Negotiation (1) QUIZ SESSION 13 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 13 (30mins) Here is ‘Mr Sumo' again. This week, we will look at the (C) moves.

Clear-Up: Cs are for clearing-up misunderstandings that sometimes happen after the (I), (FI), and the (PBI). For example, sometimes you don't understand an expression or word that the person used, can't hear what they said, or sometimes you just simply want more information about something the speaker said. At these times, the speaker needs to Clear-up the details before







continuing the conversation. There are actually two turns to a C exchange. In the first turn, the LISTENER uses a Clear-up question (CQ) to let the speaker know there is a problem. (a) The first turn is called a CQ - a Clearing-up Question - that the listener uses to tell the (I) speaker that they have a problem and that the speaker needs to Clear-up what they said. There are two kinds of CQ questions or strategies.

1. The first kind of CQ strategy is what the listener says to tell the speaker their problem is that they don’t understand or they didn’t hear what the speaker said.

What? What was that? Sorry? I beg your pardon? Pardon? Huh? Can you repeat that? Say that again. I don't understand. What did you say? I didn't get that. How do you spell__? I don't follow you. What does ____ mean? I don’t understand __. Can you say that more slowly? What do you mean?

Sp Dialogue move strategy A I went to Whistler in Canada. I B What? (What did you say?; I didn’t get that) CQ Ask to repeat

2. The second kind of CQ strategy is what the listener says to tell the speaker their problem is that they need more information about what the speaker said. Sometimes the speaker doesn’t say enough about something, so the listener is a little confused. When this happens the listener can do two things. (i) Repeat a keyword the speaker said while using a question ‘voice’ or tone.

Sp Dialogue move strategy A I went to Whistler in Canada I B Whistler? CQ Repeat keyword

(ii) Ask questions – kind of like what a policeman does to get more details Who (did, was...etc) Where (did, were...etc) How (did, was, much, many, long, far…etc) What (did, was, day, time..etc) When (did, was…etc.) Why (did, was, were, it…etc) Do you mean that …? How do you mean? Did…. Was… Were…

Sp Dialogue move strategy A I went to Whistler in Canada I B What is Whistler? CQ need information

(b) The second turn is called a CR - a Clear-up Response. This is how the (I) speaker fixes or repairs what he or she said. The speaker can do this in many ways: 1. Repeat the (I) completely or just repeat a keyword in the (I).

Sp Dialogue move strategy A I went to Whistler in Canada. I B What? (What did you say?; I didn’t get that) CQ Ask to repeat A Whistler. It’s a famous ski resort. CR Repeat keyword


2. Say the (I) keyword more slowly.

Sp Dialogue move strategy A I went to Whistler in Canada. I B What is whi..whi….? CQ Ask to repeat A Whi-st-ler.

It’s a famous ski resort.


÷ FI

Say keyword in (I) more slowly

Give more info. 3. Change the form of the (I)

Sp dialogue move strategy A I went to Whistler in Canada. I B What? (What did you say? I didn’t get that) CQ Ask to repeat A In Canada, there is a famous ski place called

Whistler Mountain CR Change form of (I)

Here are some example exchanges between two speakers that run into problems. Sp Dialogue Move type Strategy used A I went to Whistler in Canada. I B Whistler?

What’s Whistler? CQ CQ

Repeat keyword Need information

A It’s a famous ski resort. CR Give more information B Oh. Okay. R Give response A Anyway,

I went there during the spring vacation. RT

FI Return to topic More information

PRACTICE SESSION 13 (45 mins) In today’s practice session, the goal is for the listener to ask as many questions as possible when the speaker is telling a story. Step 1. Answer the usual questions and circle the things that you did this week and write (÷) or (-) next to each. Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO


Step 2. Select one of the above experiences to write a story about in the usual way. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings)

Step 3. Now, write a story about an experience that you DID NOT have. In other words, make up or invent a story. Write it below in as much detail as possible. Make it believeable. Don’t write and speak about a skydiving trip you did or something like that. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings)

Step 4. Have conversations with your partners as usual. However, when you are talking with each partner, tell the TWO (2) stories about your experiences. Your partners must ask you questions and decide which of your experiences IS NOT TRUE when the bell rings. WHEN LISTENING to your partner’s stories, make sure to ask MANY questions about the details. e.g. A: I had a great Saturday. My friends and I had a barbecue at Shonai Ryoukuchi Park. B: Really. ÷ (further questions). How many friends?Who were they? What time did you start? Finish? What did you eat? drink? What did you do? How did you get there?


ERROR FOCUS 13 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are talking about their studies. Speaker A = Rina Speaker B = Yuki Rina: Last night I studied so hard for today’s examination. Yuki: Me too. Rina: How many hours did you study in Sunday? Yuki: About 6 hours only. I had to work part-time until 4pm. How about you? Rina: I took a day off from work so I could study all day. Yuki: That’s great. How was it? Rina: I couldn’t do well test. Yuki: Why not? Rina: I forgot some of the key dates. I couldn’t even remember the Heian Era dates. Yuki: Oh. Too bad. But I don’t think that was very important. I had a worse problem. Rina: What was that? Yuki: I have no time to write all questions. I didn’t even get to the last one. Rina: Oh. That is a problem. Yuki: I guess my score is down from before. Rina: But the good news is that it was only a mid-term exam. We still do well on the final. Yuki: That’s true. I have to make sure I study harder. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

56 Last night I studied so hard.

57 How many hours did you study in Sunday?

58 I couldn’t do well test.

59 I have no time to write all questions.

60 My score is down from before.


Unit 14 MOVEs: Negotiation (2) QUIZ SESSION 14 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 14 (30mins) Stallers:

Ss can best be described as moves that are used by the person giving the Response (R) to get some thinking time before actually giving the R. When someone asks you a question in the middle of a conversation, it is often the case that the question was unexpected. When this happens it is difficult to give an answer straight away. Most of us need some thinking time

before we can give an answer. This is the time to use a STALLER. Native English speakers don’t have much patience for silence, so when they are asked a question they need to say something while they are thinking of the answer.

1.Common Ss are: Ahhhhm (sounds like the English word 'arm') Let's see Mmm We…ell 2. A combination of two or three: Ahhhm…let's see 3. Another option is to use the REPEAT-PART STRATEGY where the next speaker takes a keyword or phrase from the I (or FI or PBI) of the first speaker, and repeats it a couple of times. For example: A: What did you do on the weekend? I B: Weekend?.on the weekend?... S Oh yes, I…. R 4. You can also use Stallers to fill in gaps during your turn. For example: A: I saw the – ahm – the new Harry Potter movie I with S B: U-huh. R How was it? PBI PRACTICE SESSION 14 (45 mins) In today’s practice session, there are two goals. The first is for the listener to ask as many CQ questions as possible when the speaker is telling a story, AND the second is for the speaker to use Stallers when answering the questions of the listener.


Step 1. Answer the usual questions and circle the things that you did this week and write (÷) or (-) next to each. Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO Step 2. Select one of the above experiences to write a story about in the usual way. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings) Step 3. Now, write a story about an experience that you DID NOT have. In other words, make up or invent a story. Write it below in as much detail as possible. Don’t make it unbelievable. For example, don’t write and speak about a skydiving trip you did or something like that. THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings) Step 4. Have conversations with your partners as usual. However, when you are talking with each partner, tell the TWO (2) stories about your experiences. Your partners must ask you questions and decide which of your experiences IS NOT TRUE when the bell rings. WHEN LISTENING to your partner’s stories, make sure to ask MANY questions about the details. e.g. A: I had a great Saturday. My friends and I had a barbecue at Shonai Ryoukuchi Park. B: Really. ÷ (further questions). How many friends?Who were they? What time did you start? Finish? What did you eat? drink? What did you do? How did you get there?


ERROR FOCUS 14 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two female 1st year university students are talking about their study abroad plans. Speaker A = Rina Speaker B = Yuki Rina: After exams there are only two days before we go abroad. Yuki: Yes. I’m very excited. Rina: Me too. But I didn’t prepare for abroad at all. Yuki: Me too. I have not enough time. Rina: How long are you going for? Yuki: For six weeks. How about you? Rina: The same. Why you choose UK for study? Yuki: Well, at high school I studied history and famous place of UK. Rina: For example? Yuki: Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Place, Big Ben, London Bridge. Also I want to see

Stonehenge, Canterbury and also Stratford-Upon-Avon where Shakespeare lived. Rina: That sounds really interesting. I want to see all of them one day too. Yuki: Yeah. Also, soon we can go Europa from UK. I want to visit France and Italy too. Rina: I envy you. I’m going to the US but I might also go to Canada if I get time. Yuki: What do you want to see in the US? Rina: The Grand Canyon, Disneyland, and also New York. Maybe a baseball game too. Yuki: Good idea. You like Ichiro. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

61 I didn't prepare for abroad at all.

62 Me too. I have not enough time.

63 Why are you choose UK for study?

64 I studied history and famous place of UK.

65 Soon we can go to Europa from UK.


Unit 15 Putting it all together QUIZ SESSION 14 (15 mins) In this session you will answer 10 questions made up of 3 number dictations, 2 date questions, 2 time questions, and 3 news questions. To answer 8-10, think about what events happened in your local area, in Japan, and throughout the world. Write the answers. 1. ______________________________ 8. Local news __________________ 2. ______________________________ _____________________________ 3. _ _____________________________ 9. National news _________________ 4. ______________________________ _____________________________ 5. ______________________________ 10.International news ______________ 6. _______________________________ ______________________________ 7. _______________________________ STUDY SESSION 14 (30mins) In this session you will study the content of the course. This material will be very important when it comes to your written examination at the end of the semester. Now that we have covered all the six basic moves, let’s look at a few examples of the start of conversations between two speakers to see how combinations of the 6 basic moves link up to make exchanges. Example 1: Speaker Discourse Move A: Where do you live? I B: In Nagoya…. R near Shiga-Hondori station FI A: Really…. R I'm from Yagoto FI Notice how the different MOVES joined up to form two complete exchanges, and the start of a third. Here's another example. Example 2: A: Where do you live? I B: In Nagoya…. R near Shiga-Hondori station FI A: Wow! Near me. R I live in Kurokawa. FI Exercise: Draw the links } between the moves. Example 3: A: Where do you live? I B: In Nagoya… R Near Shiga-Hondori station… FI Do you know it? PBI A: Yeah…. R Actually, I live in Kurokawa FI B: Wow! R That's right near me. FI What school did you go to? I Exercise: Draw the Action Man figures for the Exchanges in this CHAT segment above.


PRACTICE SESSION 15 (45 mins) Questions: Since the last class, did you…? 1. go YES NO 2. buy YES NO 3. meet YES…NO 4. change YES NO 5. see YES…NO 6. eat YES…NO 7. watch YES NO 8. Decide YES…NO 9. Problem YES…NO THEME (general feelings) SETTING (who, what, when, where)


SUMMARY (recap of feelings)

Although expressions and words change with time, the ways we interact with friends in casual conversations do not change much. In conversations with friends we do all of these things:

interrupt each other make mistakes in what we want to say and have to start again forget what we wanted to say hesitate sometimes before we speak change or shift the topic go off the topic and start talking about something else (i.e. on a side-track) mishear what the other person said ask the speaker to repeat what they said ask the listener if they understand question the speaker some more about something they said give the speaker encouragement to continue speaking let the speaker know that we can understand what they said avoid talking about some things use short little words or sounds while someone is talking to let them know we are listening or can understand show the other person we are enjoying what they say by laughing, clapping, using different intonation sometimes take longer turns sometimes quickly move the topic back to the other person


ERROR FOCUS 15 (15 mins) Below is an example conversation. Take a role each and read it with a partner. Context: Two male 1st year university students are talking about their study abroad plans. Speaker A = Ryota Speaker B = Jun Ryota: How are you feeling about going abroad? Jun: I’m very nervous. It will be first time I am going to abroad. Ryota: Don’t worry too much. I had a great time last year. Jun: Almost friend are nervous too. Ryota: Why are you so nervous? Jun: I’m worried about my host family. Ryota: Oh? Jun: The host family there are two sons, not child. Ryota: How old are they? Jun: I don’t know. But I hope they are the same age as me. Ryota: That would be good. They could take you out. Jun: I hope so. But, they haven’t answered my email yet. Ryota: When did you send it? Jun: Two days ago. Ryota: I’m sure they’ll write soon. Usually there are two students at one home stay? Are you

by yourself? Jun: No, I and Shunta is going to same home stay. Discuss the utterances below with your partner. There are errors in each. Write your repair utterance on the top line in the section to the right.

66 It will be the first time I am going to abroad.

67 I asked to my friends.

68 Almost friend are nervous.

69 The host family there are two sons, not child.

70 I and Shunta is going to same home stay.



①#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEB LISTENING NOTE PAGE:

LISTEN & TAKE NOTES ②#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________.



③#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEB LISTENING NOTE PAGE:

LISTEN & TAKE NOTES ④#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________.



⑤#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEB LISTENING NOTE PAGE:

LISTEN & TAKE NOTES ⑥#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________.



⑦#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEB LISTENING NOTE PAGE:

LISTEN & TAKE NOTES ⑧#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________.



⑨#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEB LISTENING NOTE PAGE:

LISTEN & TAKE NOTES ⑩#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________.



⑪#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEB LISTENING NOTE PAGE:

LISTEN & TAKE NOTES ⑫#_______ Date_________

Talking about your story: 1. I listened to #_____ 2. There were two people talking, ______ and ____ 3. They talked about __________.

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