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Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Guildford School of Acting

Stag Hill Campus, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom




45 pound audition

Auditions between nov and march

9000 pounds a year

First audition = 1 MT song, no longer than 3 minutes

Second audition = 1 min solo dance, song from GSA list 3 mins, 2 contrasting post 1950 speeches no more than 2 mins each in own accent.

Ghost the musical 12-14 November Into the woods 26-28 November

Applications open in autum


Cone Ripman House, 14 Bath Rd, London W4 1LY, United Kingdom

BA (Hons) Musical Theatre- 3 years

Apply through artsed

45 pound audition

Audtions between November and April

£13,910 per year

First audition: jazz workshop, singing audition= ballad post 1965, other song in contrast each no longer than a minuteSecond stage (same day): dance again, sing both songs in full and chosen monologue (list of 8 will be emailed once applied) and short duologue sent and interview with senior tutors.

The average rent for a room in a shared house is between £90-120 a week.

Applications open in mid September


Clarendon Rd, London N22 6XF, United Kingdom

BA (Hons) in Performance - Musical Theatre- 3 years

Apply through mountview

45 pound audition

First audition: 2 contrasting MT songs (no longer than 2 mins each) , 1 shakespeare mono, 1 post 1979 monolgue in own accent (mono’s no longer than 2 mins each) then a short dance class. Successful candidates will be invited back for second-round auditions at a later date.

13,500 pounds per year/ 16,000 for international

open 1st sept

Royal conservatoire of Scotland

100 Renfrew St, Glasgow G2 3DB, United Kingdom

BA Musical Theatre (3 years)


2 passes at A level

9000 pounds for UK, 14 838 for international

45 pound audition plus 20 pound admission

Group dance class firstSinging- 3 songs, 1 not from MT, No longer than 3 minsActing- one Shakespeare mono, one contemp mono, no longer 2 minsMusic- You should bring your instrument to the audition (this cannot be voice). If you play an instrument please prepare a short piece or section of music (no more than 2 mins) demonstrating your musicality. If you do not play an instrument please be prepared to talk about any experiences you have had with music and how this influences your choices as an actor, singer and dancer. You will only be asked to perform this if you reach recall stage.

Central School of Speech and drama

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Eton Avenue, London, NW3 3HY, UK

Acting (Musical Theatre), BA, 3 years


2 passed A levels

9000 a year, international 19000 a year

Look on website for different types of halls http://www.cssd.ac.uk/content/accommodation-support

2 memorized classical speeches off list post 1960 monologue, no longer than 2 mins

1 MT song with piano, 1 non MT unaccompanied

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