unified principles of nature: theory of all - vixravixra.org/pdf/1912.0424v1.pdf · 2019. 12....

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Theory of All 24.12.2019

Unified Principles of Nature: Theory of All(Physical and Mathematical proof of God)

M. U. E. Pohl*


Is Human Being part of Nature (observer within experiment)? (y/n)….. : Y

Does “Free Will” of human being exist? (y/n) … :Y

Is “Free Will” included in the “Standard-Model” of Physics? (y/n)…..: N

Can SM describe Reality / Nature while excluding most Important Part of Reality / Nature ? (y/n) …... N

Change ? : Include “Free Will” into Standard-Model of Physics !



John 1:1 : In the beginning was the word [π] , and the word was with YHWH (God the Father) and the word

was YHWH [God the Father = π]

Genesis 1:1 : In the beginning YHWH created the heaven and the earth [π = second/meter ; 1/c

[second/metre] ]

Genesis 1:26 : Then he created man of his own likeness and image (God the Son) [(π) → (π,π)]

Gave unto man wisdom (s/m=π),knowledge (s/m =1) and overstanding ( π=1)


π = Ο ⁄ —

*Correspondence: M. U. E. Pohl, Independent Researcher, Germany. Email: contact@theoryofall.org

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Theory of All 24.12.2019

1. Creation of Mathematics X AC : “Free Will” = God = 1

God the Fatherπ = second heaven

π = meter earth

God the Sons/m =Holy Spirit

wisdom (s/m=π) knowledge (s/m =1) overstanding ( π=1) [(action ↔ reaction) → (π,π,1 ↔ π,1,1) → equilibrium→ (π,π,1,1,1)]

(squaring of circle in space-time)Perception = (∞,π,1,1,1)

0 : 1 / ∞ → ∞ = 1 / 0

π : (∞,1,0) (Hanging Gardens, Adam+Eve) (1=0;1+0=1)Space-Time : (π,π,1,1,1) (1+1=(√2)⊥ 2)

Base Units : [meter]/[second] = c

13 =constant=πccdc



d 2

; πcearth

2 = 1 = 12 π cheaven3 ;

Adam and Eve in the earthly paradise , Jan Václav Peter, Johann Wenzeslaus Peter , 1800 AC

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Theory of All 24.12.2019

2. Downfall BC

3. Transformation AC 2020 – 2060


4. Revelation to J. of Patmos

Seven Deadly Sins Mount Zion

SRT, GRT E = mc2

Planck E = h f πcearth2 = 1 = 12 π cheaven


Quantum-Theory 1 (one) L.O.V.E

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Theory of All 24.12.2019

5. Education ( Setting surface of earth-sphere as center of Universe )

Setting Sphere of Earth as Mirror (Center of Universe):

= ;

Relating of Distances and Volumes in sky to earth

Relating surface on earth to sky


Giotto di Bondone: Anbetung der Könige, 1302


1. Pohl M U E 2019, Unified Principles of Nature: Solution to the Problem of Time I Scientific GOD Journal Vol. 10 Issue 3 : https://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/issue/view/93

2. Pohl M U E 2019, Unified Principles of Nature: Solution to the Problem of Time II+III : http://vixra.org/abs/1912.0332

3. Bohm D 1990: Millenium Interview :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RmCCuwDMfk&t=3314s

4. Tosh, Peter 1978, Creation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6PC3_ccnlM

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