unification of italy & germany chapter 12, section 2 & 3

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Unification of Italy & Germany

Chapter 12, Section 2 & 3

Industrial Revolution Leads to Change

New ideas, changing values, & newfound wealth brought about by the Industrial Revolution will lead to many changes in Europe

People will begin to develop feelings of Nationalism & will want to be the rulers of their own fate during the period of industrialization

A Move Toward the Old

European rulers move to restore the old order that existed before Napoleon…

The Congress of Vienna

Fall, 1814 Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria (host) Representative of all the states in which Napoleon had

fought Hosted by Austrian emperor Francis I

- Lead by Klemens von Metternich

The Congress of Vienna

Purpose: to keep any one country from becoming too powerful again!

Result: 1. Created new countries & re-drew boundaries for

some existing countries 2. Returned monarchies to power 3. Required that countries meet frequently to keep

the peace

Effects… The decisions made by the conference

caused anger & resentment among many people who didn’t like having their boundaries re-drawn & didn’t like being ruled by strangers

This will be the seed of rebellion that will actually lead to new countries being formed!

Concert of Europe Frequent meetings by European powers to

maintain peace in Europe Principle of Intervention

- Foreign powers could intervene upon another country’s affairs due to a revolution

- Britain refuses

- Austria, Prussia, Russia, & France agree

This intervention policy would take place in Poland & Italy

- Russian forces put down an attempt by Polish citizens to free themselves

- Austrian troops put down revolts in Italy

French Revolution Part Duex Result:

- Universal Male Suffrage- Gives all adult men the right to vote

- Second Republic, 1848

- Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, pres.

(nephew of the Napoleon)!

Italian Unification!

9 Independent Italian states Led by Austria & Prussian Will use revolutionary means to achieve


Italy Before Unification

Unification of Italy

Guiseppe Mazzini- will encourage revolt & try to organize nationalistic movements

Guiseppe Garibaldi- organized “red shirts” who conquer & unite most of Italy

Italians will eventually succeed through constant revolts to remove Austria & France from control of their lands.

LeadersMazzini Garibaldi

Germany Before Unification

Why Germans Should Unify

1. They shared a common goal 2. They were sick of being kicked around

by stronger countries 3. They developed strong nationalistic

feelings (due to Napoleon & the Congress of Vienna)

Bismarck Unified Germany Otto von Bismarck- Prussian whose goal is

to unify all German speaking states into 1 strong country

Germany United

Bismarck used policy of “Blood & Iron” (Machiavellian) to get things done!

Unifies all German speaking independent areas into 1 strong country – will cause many problems later!

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