under the sea by louis

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Under the Seaby Louis Fulks

DolphinsDolphins are clever marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphin colours vary but they are generally grey.It is hard to count how many dolphins there are a there are so many different types all over the world.A baby dolphin is called a Calf.


Crabs live on land and in all the waters of the world and especially in the tropical regions. They spend most of their time in freshwater.They have eyes on short stalksA crab lives about 8 to 13 years.Males have larger claws than female crabs.

Crabs walk from side to side, some even walk backwards. The claw of crabs easily grows back if they lose one. Crabs are vegetarians and eat mainly algae.They are omnivorous and feed predominantly on algae. Babies of crabs are called hatchlings.

Clown Fish

Clown fish like the fish Nemo in Finding Nemo.What is a Clown Fish?There are 28 species of clown fish. They are orange, yellow, maroon and many other colours. The most common clown fish - and the one that looks most like Nemo.Where Do Clown Fish Live?Clown fish live on the ocean floor. They are found in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

SharkSharks were around way before dinosaurs, around 400 million years ago. Sharks are fish. Some of them are Very BIG fish. Just like other fish, they have gills . Sharks come in a range of sizes .Sharks keep several rows of replacement teeth. When they lose a tooth, another one moves into place.Most sharks are cold-blooded like other fish. But some sharks like the Great White are warm-blooded, like humans and other mammals .Baby sharks are called pups. Some sharks lay eggs. Megalondon is the biggest prehistoric shark to have been discovered at 60+ feet long.


Seahorses are fish and have gills. They have no tail fins, they have 4 other fins - one at the base of the tail, one under the belly and one behind each cheek. Sea Horses are bad swimmers and prefer to rest in one place. Seahorses are found in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. Favourite seahorse habitats are coral reefs, seagrasses, and mangrove forests. There is 53 types of seahorses. Seahorses are able to camouflage into the environment due to their colour and feel.

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