uncanny valley week 2 - duman

Post on 02-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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So...yeah. Welcome back to Uncanny Valley. Don't mind the eyecandy, he's just here for show.

This week we're checking up on the remaining Duman siblings. No, nobody died, but if you've been reading along so far, you know that the eldest sister, Nabila, married the Founder Heaven and moved out. If you haven't been reading along, you're going to be fucking lost.

When last we left off—whoops! Next.

Right. Last week, Kareema made possible running water and energy for the town, also maxing her logic, as seen here.

The chessboard remains the favourite activity in the house—at least among the girls. Nabila still comes around a lot—I think she misses everybody. They did all grow up together. It's understandable.

Remember this? Pantsless robot making at 3 am: it's fantastic. She basically got this right at 6 pm.

I'm so proud. /wipes away tear

Anyway, to be honest? I think I mistook the bronze for the gold badge last time. I don't remember. It's been forever.


Also, why are you doing that, you have goddamn leftovers in the fridge. Argleflargleblargh.

On the way out to take out the trash, something makes his stomach turn. Is it the garbage, or the neighbor?

No, it's totally her. Sadly, he doesn't have much in the way of pickings here, so....

She thinks he's pretty fly, though.

From here on out it's mostly going to be the Let's Watch Ibrahim Mack On All the Questionably Attractive Townies episode, with brief interludes for Kareema Keeps Hogging the Robotics Bench Hour.

Eventually, Nabila wanders back down the road again, with a tag-along in the form of one of the elderly folks who wander around sometimes now.

Chess. Again with the chess.

Ibrahim: That's a nice sweater.Nabila: I've had this sweater for years.Ibrahim: Well, it looks good on you.Nabila: Thank you....You're sure you're feeling okay?Ibrahim: Yeah, I'm fine. Hot blooded, you know.Nabila: ...Okay then.


Walkby no. 2. Don't expect me to remember all of their names, because I just don't give a shit. They're all just aspiration point fodder anyway.

Despite the midriff top, he doesn't seem very interested, does he?

<Hank Hill> That boy ain't right. </Hank Hill>

Desperation getting the better of him, he tries chatting up the jogger. This time, she's the one who seems uninterested.

Maybe she just doesn't like body hair? Or tattoos? Who knows.

Then THIS chick strolls by.

...Again with the midriff tops. EA, you have a serious problem.

Walkby #5 interrupts to express concerns about the recently build power station. I guess she lives up in a hermit hole in the hills or something. Who knows where townies come from. They spring fully-formed from the ground, after all.

Like dwarves.

OK, please excuse me while I laugh. You barely know him, lady.

Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised; after all they have the fabled Three Bolts.

For the non-players in the audience, 3 lightning bolt symbols indicates a very strong chemistry between two Sims. Two bolts is average chemistry, and one is mild. No bolts means no chemistry, and a bolt with a red X over it is—you guessed it—negative.

A relationship between a couple with negative chemistry is one that is very nearly doomed to failure.

Seven daily relationship points, people.

She must be another Romance Sim.

His conquest not long over, Ibrahim Duman rapidly moves on to his next target.

(Hmyes, chat up all the questionably attractive single women.)

And again...

And again.

This is like, twice in one day. It's a wonder he bothers to put on clothes.

Despite the cold weather, he spots this well known townie walking around in a sundress. Certainly keeps the Girls perky, I suppose.

Sandy Bruty. Number 10. She seems just as interested in him.

We'll save her for later.

One of her brother's conquests offers to introduce Kareema to a friend of hers. Sadly, he's a tourist, not her type, and they have no chemistry, so I sent him on his way again.

How the hell he walked all the way back to the vacation destination limbo is beyond me.

It's also not my problem.

Surely you can find something better to do than to stargaze at this hour.

Or just stand out there in the chill in your jimjams, I don't care. I'll just laugh when your sister has to break out the hair dryer to unfreeze your ass.

Oh look, the ren faire's in town.

“Excuse me, are you in a play?” —I swear to god, if any of you get that without looking it up, I'm going to have to send you cookies. Actual, physical cookies.

Speaking of frostbite, this poor lady looks like she's already been hit by it.

SINCE I FIGURE that it's kinda boring for Ibrahim to be getting all these dates and not Kareema, I 'port in a bunch of townies I made and have her Scope the Room. There's at least a couple hits, and I like them all.

Sadly, Kareema has a way with men that's about on par with Eyulf's way with women and... it doesn't go so well.

Not all that well at all, actually. Which is a shame, because these two would make beautiful children.

Banquet TV dinners: Now with 85% more glitter! With New: SALT!!

He does this nearly every night now.

I know what you're asking: did I deliberately replace their cheap, old telescope with this one, cloned off of the expensive telescope with the hopes of getting Ibrahim abducted and impregnated by aliens? PISH TOSH!

....Okay maybe. Don't you judge me.

Having kept in touch by phone, Kareema has, however, made a fast friend of Count Noir Film Reject here, and invited him over one night. Naturally, he brings Esperanza. The two of them spend the night gossiping on old housemates.

And uh...Well, that's forward of you.

Johan's just glad to have someone else to talk movies with.

Curious enough to ask about her people's home constellation, I guess. It's a night full of forwardness.

Which is apparently an aphrodisiac.

Protip, guys: if you want to make it good with Kareema, ask her to explain something to you.

It works really well.

REALLY well.

...I hadn't noticed it before, but from this angle, Johan has shades of Ripp Grunt. I don't think I did that on purpose?

Haha, no comment.

Also no fertilisation, in case you were wondering.

/Evil giggling.

NO. IBRAHIM, GET OUT OF THAT BED. STOP, DAMMIT. I don't care if it IS your bed, get out of it.

In the morning, Midriff Girl returns, and makes for easy prey.

Ibrahim: /Cheesy one-linerMidriff Girl: /Inane giggling

Kareema: Hi, chick who's making out with my brother on the couch! I'm just going to go somewhere very far away from the living room now and pretend you don't exist!

See that garbage bag? That USED to be a bed. Rassinfrassin stray dogs.

After this, I locked the doors to pets.

Walkby # 10.

Verdict: not difficult.

Redhead McCreepyeyes: When's my turn?Soon, darling, soon. Wait your turn.

Strutting out to meet someone? Must be someone important.


.../evil cackling

THIS, ladies, gentlemen and all persons in between, is one of my custom lady townies, a blonde Romance Sim that I can't quite recall the name of at the moment. I'll look it up later.

Kareema needed a boost to her Social, so I send her over to have a chat.

And they get on like peas and carrots!

That's the same “You're got something on your shirt” trick she got from her FWB back when they first met, by the way. Probably learned it off of him.

I break them up so it doesn't come to blows. That can wait until next week.

Kareema: So, you're here for the booty, huh?Blonde: Yep. Soon as he's done with the Bruty here.Kareema: Well, don't stay too long, cause we're not going to feed you.Ibrahim: BOTH OF YOU. GET. OUT.

Besides, it's time for her to head off to her first day of experimenting on herself! I haven't got the pic, but this time she really DOES have that gold Robotics badge. Yet another thing I'm going to have to get later.

With his sister out of the picture, Ibrahim feels free to woo this lovely young thing.

Let's send this one off for the week. Ibrahim certainly seemed to enjoy it, and I sincerely hope you did too.

Next Friday we're back with the Citizens, where some very unusual happenings have occurred. OK no, that's a lie. It's pretty obvious what's happened. In fact, you probably figured it out already.

...I'm going to go make more popcorn. See yas!

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