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INTRODUCTIONTO LOCAL ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT13 -15 December 2016Seberang Perai, Penang, Malaysia

th th

United Cities and

Local Governments



The United Nations Secretary General has stressed on the importance of sub

national governments role in SDGs, “many of the investments to achieve the

sustainable development goals (SDGs) will take place at the sub national level and be

led by local authorities”. With 65% of the indicators relevant to local authorities, the

effective implementation of Agenda 2030 and SDGs depends on the local ownership

and involvement of various stakeholders at local level.

Localization is of particular importance when it comes to the principle of “leaving no

one behind” that both the New Urban Agenda and the Agenda 2030 are built on. This

principle is a necessary focus as we have learned from the MDGs. While great

progress was made, this progress has been unevenly distributed. Hidden under the

averages are groups of people, mostly the poorest and most marginalized that have

not been properly reached by development efforts.

Local Economic Development (LED) offers local government, the private and

not-for-profit sectors, and local communities the opportunity to work together to

improve the local economy. It focuses on enhancing competitiveness, increasing

sustainable growth and ensuring that growth is inclusive. LED encompasses a range

of disciplines including physical planning, economics, and marketing. It also

incorporates many local government and private sector functions including

environmental planning, business development, infrastructure provision, real estate

development and finance .

In order for Local Economic Development (LED) to be effective, we need to identify

and consider the community’s economic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and

threats, and agree a shared strategy. LED strategic planning offers communities the

opportunity to work together to improve the local economy and enhance

competitiveness, thereby encouraging sustainable and inclusive growth .

UCLG ASPAC with its DELGOSEA Network, in collaboration with MALA, will organize

training on LED. The training will focus on the improvement of local staff capacity on

how to analyze the opportunities on improving local economic in their respective





ObjectiveTo introduce the concept of Local Economic

Development to Seberang Perai government officials

as well as MALA members

To share inspiring experiences and lessons learned of

city government on the efforts of its previous

experience in localizing MDGs and its way forward in

localizing SDGs

To analyze challenges and propose possible solutions

in improving Local Economy in Seberang Perai and

other municipalities in Malaysia

To understand business enabling environment and/or

economic governance index.



Time: 13th - 15th December 2016

Venue: The Sunway Hotel, Seberang Jaya, Penang, Malaysia

Panelists: DELGOSEA members of LED Network

Target Participant :

10 participants for a Taining of Trainers on Introduction to LED

50 Participants for Introduction to LED and LED Assessment

10 DELGOSEA Members

Session 1: Introduction

1.1: Introduction on UCLG ASPAC, DELGOSEA, and LED Networks

1.2: Introduction on Local Economic Development

Session 2: LED and the Strategic Planning Process

Session 3: Organizing the Effort and Related Stakeholders

Session 4: Business Enabling Environment / Economic Governance Index

Session 10: Plenary on SWOT Analysis

Session 11: Field Visit on Seberang Perai’s Good Practices on LED (i.e. revitalization / relocation)

Session 5: Introduction on LED

Participants of Day 1, assisted with facilitator will provide recap on:

Introduction on LED and Strategic Planning Process

Organizing the Effort

Data needs for LED Assessment

Session 6: The Global and National Context for LED

Session 7: The Local Economy Assessment

Exercise 1: Developing the Stakeholder List

Exercise 2: Stakeholder Selection

Exercise 3: Identifying Barriers to the Business Enabling Environment

Session 8: The SWOT Analysis

Exercise 4: Doing a SWOT Analysis


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3





time session speakers

Day One provides an introduction to local economic development and examines the

context of LED activity within an increasingly globalized economy. It focuses on how to

organize the Effort for LED strategic planning. Participant will be introduced to the

global context of local economies and the role of LED in strengthening the local


Become familiar with the purpose of local economic development and strategic

planning methodology

LED stakeholders analysis

To identify and know how to collect LED data

To understand and be able to assess the business enabling environment and/or

economic governance index

Total Participants: 10 Participants

Registration0830 - 0900

Opening Speech Dato’ Maimunah Mohd Sharif

Mayor of Seberang Perai

0900 - 0915

Opening Remarks Dr. Bernadia Irawati TjandradewiSecretary General of UCLG ASPAC

Benedikt Seamann Executive Director of DELGOSEA Network

0915 - 0925

Introductory Session

This session will provide the course structure to participants. Participants will:

Get acquainted and review the course structureMatch the participant expectation with the course objective

Facilitator / Experts on LED (TBC)

0925 - 0930

Session 1.1 : Background on UCLG ASPAC, DELGOSEA, and LED Network

The session will focus on how UCLG ASPAC and DELGOSEA Network focus on enhancing local economic development using the network. Participants will:

Dr. Bernadia Irawati TjandradewiSecretary General of UCLG ASPAC

Ms. Atik Kumala DewiStrategies Services Manager of UCLG ASPAC

0930 - 0935

Get acquainted with UCLG ASPAC and its networks

Session 1.2 : Introduction to LED

The session will focus on the introduction on the

concept of Local Economic Development, its key drivers of change, and the related stakeholders. Participants will:

Facilitator / Experts on LED (TBC)

0935 - 1005

Know the concept of LED, its key drivers of changeUnderstand various related stakeholders in LED

Day 1



Session 2 : LED and Strategic Planning Process

The session will focus on present the benefits and

challenges of economic planning, make the link

between strategic planning processes and local

economic development and give an overview of the

stages of economic

Facilitator / Experts on LED (TBC)

1100 - 1130

Q&A Session1005 - 1045

Coffeebreak1045 - 1100

Lunch Break1200 - 1300

Q&A Session1130 - 1200

1300 - 1330

Coffeebreak1330 - 1400

Session 3: Organizing the Effort and Related Stakeholders (Part 1)

The session will provide the introduction on various

related stakeholders in LED and its case studies in

other South East Asian countries.

Participants will learn about the LED on

Facilitator / Expert on LED (tbc)CLAIR Singapore / Kuala LumpurCambodia

Facilitator / Expert on LED (tbc)VietnamSurakarta/IndonesiaThailand municipalities

Session 3: Organizing the Effort and Related Stakeholders (Part 2) Participants will learn about the LED on

1400 - 1430

Public MarketsInformal EconomiesSolid Waste Management as a business case

Public Private Partnership

Small Medium Enterprises

Session 4 : Business Enabling Environment / Economic Governance Index

The session will provide the introduction on various

related stakeholders in LED and its case studies in

other South East Asian countries Participants will

understand the main elements of local economy


Facilitator / Experts on LED (TBC)CLAIR Singapore / Kuala LumpurCambodia


1515 - 1545

Q&A Session1430 - 1500

Coffeebreak1500 - 1515

Wrap Up Session1615 - 1630

Q&A Session1545 - 1615



time session



Day Two presents the Local Economy Assessment as part of the LED strategic planning

process. The module provides participants with an understanding of how to assess the

internal and external economic circumstances of the community, and interpret data to

make it meaningful for the local economy assessment. Participants will learn how to

understand the relative position of the city economy and determine its competitive

advantage and position using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and

threats) analysis.

The module also provides guidance on how to bring a stakeholder group to consensus,

an important skill when determining the critical issues that form the basis of the LED

strategy. The module concludes with a session on planning for implementation of the

tasks of data collection and analysis, assessment reporting, SWOT analysis and defining

critical issues.

Become familiar with the purpose of LED and strategic planning methodology

LED stakeholders analysis

To identify and know how to collect LED data

To understand and be able to assess the business enabling environment and/or

economic governance index

Total Participants: 60 participants (with 10 people who already joined Day 1)

Day 2

Session 5 : Introduction on UCLG ASPAC, DELGOSEA, LED Networks, LED (Part 1)

Introduction on UCLG ASPAC, DELGOSEA, LED NetworksIntroduction on LEDIntroduction on Strategic Planning Process

Presented by some of the participants on Day 1

0830 - 0900

Session 5 : Introduction on UCLG ASPAC, DELGOSEA, LED Networks, LED (Part 2)Organizing the Effort

0930 - 1000

Public Private PartnershipSmall Medium EnterprisesPublic MarketsInformal EconomiesSolid Waste Management as a business case

Q&A Session0900 - 0930

Q&A Session1000 - 1030

Coffeebreak1030 - 1045



Community profileBusiness surveyBusiness enabling unit (governance)

Session 7 : Business Enabling Environment / Economic Governance Index

The session will provide the introduction on various

related stakeholders and its case studies in other South

East Asian countries. Participants will understand the

main elements of local economy governance

Mr. Endi Jaweng

Executive Director of KPPOD,


1115 - 1145

Session 7 : Breakout Session: Local Economy Assessment

The session will be divided into groups on organizing the

efforts based on the backgrounds of the participants.

Participant will understand factors that make for a strong

economy and analyze factors that make a city competitive

Participants are divided into

groups based on their city of

origins using the prepared data.

Each group: 10 people

Maximum 6 groups

1300 - 1330

Q&A Session1145 - 1200

Lunch Break1200 - 1300

1330 - 1430 Session 8 : The SWOT Analysis

Plenary :

Enabling Environment :

Each group will go around the room and check their colleagues’ group work and will provide inputs on the spot. Each group will receive 10 minutes of comments5 mins of presentation10 mins of inputs

Participants will provide inputs on what they see today

Session 9: Group Presentation Maximum of 3 groups (tbc). One person or two will be on standby and give presentation to the group who will check their work while the rest of the group member will go check the other groups’ work

1430 - 1515

Understand how cities use LED Strategies to create a

competitive business enabling environment

Groups present their conclusion

Session 9: Group Presentation

Continue session


1530 - 1615

Coffeebreak1515 - 1530

Wrap Up Session1615 - 1630

Recap1615 - 1645

Session 6 : The Global and National Context on LED

The session will provide context for Malaysia and its

municipalities on the relevance of LED with its city

developments Participant will understand the global and

national context for local economic development

Dato’ Maimunah Mohd Sharif

Mayor of Seberang Perai

1045 - 1115



Session 10 : PlenaryPresentation 7 groups. Group members will present the result of their group work (10’) followed by Q&A session (5’)



Dato’ Maimunah Mohd Sharif

Mayor of Seberang Perai

0830 - 1015

Session 10 : PlenaryContinue session

1030 - 1130

Training Wrap Up1130 - 1200

Q&A Session1015 - 1030

Lunch Break1200 - 1300

Field VisitParticipants will see one of Seberang Perai’s good practices of Local Economic Development

1300 - 1500

Coffee Break1500 - 1515

Closing Remarks1515 - 1545

Photo Groups1545 - 1600

time session speakers

Day 3Day Three provides the opportunity for participants to discuss and to have the

consensus on the follow up of LED strategic planning action. Participants will also be

able to go on a field visit a�er the training to see one of the best practices of LED in

Seberang Perai Municipalities

ObjectivePresent the opportunities of LED in the participants’ respective municipalities

See one of the examples of LED in Seberang Perai municipality



Data RequireFor Training

Data Collection and Analysis for Local Economy Assessment

World Bank Local Economy Assessment

Demographic (population, education & age)

Economic and social (employment & training)

Business enabling environment (business registrations)

(transport R&D)

Sub-regional, regional and national (economic links)

Examples of Demographic Data

Population By size, age, projected growth rate, by poverty mapping & by neighborhood

Employment By occupation, changes over time, structure, sector, pay, unemployed & regionally

Education Number of teachers, schools, classsize & educational attainment

Training Number/types of trainees, facilities/types of local training courses

Examples of Economic and Social Data

Number and size of business Company closures

Average earnings Health indicators

Housing tenures Number of informal business

Examples of Hard Infrastructure Data

Transportation links road, rail & air

Available business & commercial property availability, quality, size & projected growth

Telecommunications services, access & plans

Future infrastructure investments

Utility provision and plans

Examples of Business Enabling Environment Data

Laws, frameworks, enforcement


Property rights and ownership

Taxation local and national

Licenses requirements and reporting

Business registrations transparency & cost

Structure of Business Attitude Survey

Basic information about companies

Clients, pro-export orientation

Employees; breakdown of

Possibilities for future growth, building, resource requirements

Relations to, and experience with, municipal authorities

Remarks and conclusions









External Assessment

External National Policies Example: Rising government debt.

Impact : Investor Hesitancy

External market trends by sector Example: Decline in manufacture, rise in IT

Impact : New workforce skills needed

Impact : Rise in local unemployment

External International Agreements Example: EU Environmental requirements

Impact : Industrial clean-ups required

Utilization of Results

Definition of main problems

Internal analysis, strength and weakness

External analysis

Critical issue

Operational plans: aims

Definition of priorities

Using SWOT Analysis in Strategic Planning

Improvement of weakness

Maximizing identified strengths

Realizing and maximizing opportunities

Reducing the influence of threats

Typical Aspects of Internal Analysis

Geographic Location, communication

Quality of workforce

Quality of life


Investment opportunities (land and buildings)

Growth of small and medium sized enterprises


Local municipal services

Typical Aspects of External Analysis

Joining EU and NATO

Law changes (including tax law)

Privatization & industry restructuring

Changes in life style, demographic changes

Development of information technologies (IT)

Population and immigration changes









Please type or write clearly in capital letters. All fields are compulsory to be filled. Use “Nil” or “N/A” where applicable. Please use additional sheets if necessary. One application form should be completed for each participant.

Please return by email the complete form with payment evident (payment slip) to :

SecretariatLED TrainingMajlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai, Jalan Perda UtamaBandar Perda, 14000 Bukit MertajamSeberang Perai , Pulau PinangTel : +604-5497437 / +604-5497451Fax : +604-5389700Email: latihan@mpsp.gov.my

All transaction are to be made in MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) onlyBank charges for transaction fees are not included in the registration Fees and would be borne by participantsRegistration Fees Include F&B (Coffee / tea break and lunch during training session)



United Cities and

Local Governments





Registration Fee

Payment Method



Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Others (Please specify)

First Name

Last Name

Gender Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)





Postal Code


Contact Details Country Code

MALA Members ( No Registration Fee )

Non MALA Members ( RM150.00 Fee )

Local Economic Development Training Banking Details:

Bank Name :

Account No :

Area Code Telephone Number




Email 1st Email 2nd Email

Personal Assistant Name

Contact Details

Telephone Number



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