u25a0 !'d its*. - chronicling americaa long sojourn in paris enables tm-1 ~'?. sspai to...

Post on 02-Jan-2021






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gattimor* (faiils.jo.i in Hminis *.co~

MERCHANT TAILORSHe. 11 jr. Kaisw Street,

'?»»osiib rum ii'Ti* soi'ii,



la Unsurpassed Style and


A«SUIt 1!, !5.».-Sm.

lORTI.iV A CO.,JIIC sod .13 UaHitii.rr. Street,


-*-J -*-\u25a0 -"-v *- -*\u25a0\u25a0?- _: -.1 v*r A llfl\VAlt

rLAiVn tka a\» uorrsl i_y"°*'forki, .poam, tii-toi'

Butter e\trr. Britannia and Block TimcaKJCNDERS, SHOVELS. TOUGH,


?j'flE ttflodi liuve nil lieu setectiA froiti tbe most celebrated makers, hiare guaranteed to he rli-st class lv gui,!,/saw lv pattern, and beautiful In d.sijjifTbs aloes liiiv'iin; been bona:,it niuch nif,fermei prices, on sccount of the deprua..la trad., will be offered locust,imersai Itespsudhig r.dti itlou. COIITLA-J A 'JUpteinWer _~ l-(i-?ly. ?



Bf.TCU.SO:* X TJMA9 '\u25a011 W.SnUlwt<^, tt "^t?

ULTIMO 2' * tt'a Mservrinvu#yf*lf-H.M*lirflllH..A-r ey mail, aanipj *.*"""provai.


Mereh-1* Tailors-. .tauten tun:,

s-w-i-. M**» st' \u25ba*«* *t »»««

1101/SE.vitEXCE 1). DIETZACO.,

«..P West Baltimore Slr.-ct, between"\u25a0-"owai'd and Liberty Streets,

lA \\iimj\im goods,/atlonery, I'crliinici'y,

iNISHING GOODS, t',>__BS, ie, 4c,/.? Xot to be undersold.re7_» & so*!../ He. 331 Uaiiiraore St., Uuliiraors,UAN'tKAC'Tl'BllltS OP

/lAI.V AX O JA P A X.N'tUTin Ware,

.NI)dealer* in Britannia. Ware. Ilitril-*\u25a0 ware, I'lated Ware, and Fancy -Good*' iio iMule and retail.*?" Country Merclinntsaroresp ctfully lvlaM toca.' and examine tlie goods.


t». TV a *'i«ji» I' ill It. Jr., A O.Jh'l.I Uanover, nearHnlilniorc Street,




AUAHS & HICK,txi'Oiir-iM anii jouhebs or

CBL\A, _L\SSA\I)UIEK\S\VAI.E,AND 111.. 11.Kill IS

1-1-11*3, CHANDELII-IW, COAL OIL, Ac.Xo. 33/ Baltimore uniel,

AndAi ilenn in Sl"eet,R ALT I M i) RE. MD.

WE i.re lioiv m.-iiuitit .Miring our ntrLamps,and can oiror Inducements lvI hatbrunch ofbusiness.September _3, 15.13.?1y.


i'KOl'illtLTOa.Corner of H/>yal and Cameron -f..,


Horerober 15 11*6?1}'.

jnREEN'3MANSION HOUSE,Cor. Fairfax and Cameron Sts.,



Ma. 7 North IaliTax treel,(fsecond, tlour ..ouluof Alain. __pi*4* o_Ba


September 18, l__« ?6m*~~ sc\i»rik^

FISfE f.'lieiviu_ .iinl SmokingTobisoos. Cigars, ?"?"" Pipes, v large stoclc r

?_»injis and Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, puru>ru_eaii OU, Gloss, Putty, I'ulnts, OiliH,-usnc_. _t?.: also, a nice lot of I'liperanRn 'rlop"\u25a0>, Hens, Ink, Ten, lis. Ac., lor sil\u25a0*__.> prUws, by CUAV N 4 CO.

Dccc "d 1" '1" '-'\u25a0 l **®

y?l.t_s "i <),'!tn,'..s. r'oentiiiiite.itc.. in-l2*S&..* "''^'V.^WM^u

H§.l*x*»dr,a _raiU-~-__ ?


AI.EXAAXDKIA, VKUINIA.AVIXfj pincliasi'il thjriitire stockorthe late firm, nt the o/ stand,

Mo. i.si King peel,I Invite those who have batrott.Ued them, nnd tho pu!i'..v*n>rui_v to giveme a cull. Having a lari/'tock on hand. Iluredto se'l _,» cheap/can be bought InHate. My stock coi/, '* or Hardware,

'ry Carpenters' '|/us. Doors, HashIs Door and Wind/ Frames,Brackets,di igs, Balusters,/ different pati-russerai Posts. A /'Ke stock of Frenchimeticsn Glass, il/iole andsinglethick,I sizes. Painls, /'»- varnishes, PaintVhltewash Brus/ S' Lewis's l'ure While. and other bra/<s of fine iiunllty.Put-turpentine, an Machine (HI. AlsoLime, (of superior ( i-ment. Calcin-ed Plaster, Pitch a/ I'elt. for Homing. Ac.?A largestock of P-','1 « celebrated Cur \u.gcrs and other ii"'l ,<>H round in first classBuilders Purnlsl'K Lstabllshnients.IAll Order<',r .Lumber.Hrlck an<l allofr,iiildlr iIl"cr"il promptlyattend-

IMS CA!?----s 4, ITOT SO? A. C. TOLSO.V I.(ju-ii/lKkliiim*Co.


AND lIEALKKS INr-Rl., Guano, lMtiNtcr,Ac.Wo. 43 King Street,

UA I. -ilvsiKw* nuiile on Dm.menu,, 1889.?.m.« r 111 '& BelTch~ ?

-fani.:> c*l"'<'i'sof

v-es & Till Ware |woiistiis is

PKB axd s»i:i;'i'ino-N r , tAnd Dealers Generally


lHii7.ANIU'IA I'LAXIXU MILLSTAMIaSOK. 11.YD St. -'Ji ill IMutton & smith,-REI'AREI) TO FI.IiNI._II I*D8BBACKETS,MOtfI.IJJNGa, B.U.r.STHRS,WKATHER-kIARDISraJUING, SIDING, ~c.ACTOR- for -ral'idlnc, Im.mis and Drawings furnished -iir grst qmilitv Wliite Pine Workicount to till, trade,

liaiii t. bbprickT--UMorAocnuHi op

BLES. HARNESS,lilies, C'OlliliM, &c:.,Ko. U King Hii-ect,

l_ iiu'cheapi'i' ih_n ai, v ntliprcuthcf.N'ewVork. Alnr.estock180".ILlilAßff owurtiBLE WORKS,?r Dulte anil Alfred St

M ALEXANDRIA VA.ARBLh .Moiiiiiiients. T !,.«t,,iir«and every leserlpUon of GraveWork'Harbleand Drown s,?nc Steps, Platform.Unties, Coping, Cups, curbs, spout stone. I*e.,*fl. Orders will be promptly attendedJO, All work excelled with iic..ine.-,s anddlspatcn on rensnnable terms.June I, ISW.?.-,CJKO. 11. ROBIM&OM 4% SOX,


pAHTICUi-AB irwrit lon paM to tit.-- sellingof Grain, Flour, Tobao-.i and allkinds on nuntry Produce. Goods forward-I(.1 p t 'I'll *t| Iv,April 11,

VfUtUAU W. HUißXftt,with

GEORGE .»i-..l .<?.o\,C 0 M-H i:.S 10X M E ItC 11 A XT,i-dllee No. II Union StreetALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA.IMIiTICUI.AIt attention paid ro rheI"_?,'.',ln,t "f .' l!l kinds of Country Produceami fillingorder* for Groceries, _i ii mo Plas-*,Heeds, Flsh.salt, Lime, So.Apill lil, US.

B. T. TVBM£it f~

WHOLEHAI.K «XI) RETAIL UEAI er | N-iitri; s c f v it i s ii ixo uo o os,HIIOD .-lA_ WILLOW WARE,Bl a,,tl I*J,lia ttofraraTable Cutlery,riATEO TABLS WAHE, BS.»HM, ac?ffo. lIV, Kingstreet,


O. W.JAMIKHON. CM. COLLINS.Jai.iii>_ua _


H_.<_>-XT jTAaSTX* -_3l____i_f_»

FOUNDERS,Comer Rsjal and Wllk.i Streits,

A L EX AX 1. It IA, VI It G IMA.

PJASTIJIOH ol'cvi'i'vdescription mstk1*\u25a0\u25a0 at short notice. Cash paidlor old Ironaud llrass.Novcniner 2'), '(!??ly.sWILLIAM H. MDia,


Chairs, Mattressco,LOUKINO &LAHHAB, ,t-t.orner ofKingand St. Asaph StreeU,

September 21, Istiti.?

tVitlller & Mn . »_:sJ.er,D-ALEHS IX? FOIIEfG.V ASa DUMKSTIC


Corner King 4c Koyal HI cets,AI.I-iX.VNDUIA, VA.

Xevera. r 18, list


B LTIMOitK.?pt»l»I»eil* IW7

y.\LEN I'IN'ES.-Comic ami Gilt» Laco Valeulmesjustrecuived byFebruary 4. 18TI. i?tj» put. M St CO

WW \fst,

MfDDLEIIUItG, LOUDOUN C'OL'.N'TY,''vA.T.ll. design of 11,is SoUiitd Is t ? Jn .o7t.&!Lss:r,.it'ou tof*? **t-W.Sc^nner^^n.l'.wmi; jitIH.. nlB .h'-'si',-:;,,'- ,' J5!pllsShould bcprcicnt on theopenuidavA long sojourn in Paris enables tm- 1 ~'?.SSPaI to promise unusual advantages toan.__.Ut'slr':u-'l"' "(''lullinga thorough knowc and correct pronunciation of t |?.Ii language,

'ohn Lee L0g,,,, will have charge of*heinationi branches. °'UliigeofMl,hllchurg is situated wlth-! n't "M"1- ,KldK° MouSl_inW. ?i culled th* Piedmont itegion ofYlr-iheheatlifiilnessoffhe climate andncment of t|?, society of tills portion,Uilc, arc well known. v[From Hon. J. li. Tucker.]

Haltimobe,ilay I, ism.>EAR Silt:?lt gives me peculiar nlen-eey to you, what 1 have said tooth-it inter tour years oTexperiencc olstem ofInstruction, you haveadiiii*"''led lii establishing aim ol the lTt.Schools in your state The protteney my son and mv nephew as well asrslwithvhom I have(icon associm-n'ti very gratifying. j? diligence accu.'id cmrgy, which your system so r,-tlyexacts.thorough acquaintance with the aYiMlca uml with theFrench languageirenthusiastic taste for their studY..'\u25a0 1 niiimig your scholar* v i.in.1,.'..which Is an assuranga S__»o_i_,?'1 hegei erous emuiutiJn \u25a0fiiutlnemewiird ?i your iippi-ovul.iToi, *oi .becharacterIsties of your ?xcelie t.ft-achlne, ' wx""""ixoellent Assistant In MAhemntli-itocomplete Instruction de'-liiiiale,?'lieri* health and strengthred ti.your scholars, your school I-I. beyond doubt, li.a icrmnnent iand'esucce-wj and I but repeat to youthe end of another vein- i,r exaili->congratulationsI expressed io yon.Tho'o, l('U "p0 " tl,e ste*"Jr '"cregse!i l Lave removed from vourtnwnIs iWy0ini,,!,.,,,... in your c,,;,,,.-..>'81l commit myson to yourtrain .igis prepared lor tbe University - _,its my thanks for the advantacilrcn have hud under yourcare- u,,dcomplete success,my warmest andVery truly, your friend,

J. H. TUCKERRev. E. H. inline.-, Bishop of Ala,l

.Vio-ILK, April3o,lßoß.inFbienii:lias been more benefitted by vn.rm than by any he ims ever bi'-fnrcton have taughthim to study,our kindness and patience havestudies agreeable him. You havetlm wilh reverence and affectionif, and 1 don't know huw to thanki.'uilv. * c ? ? a% ft. 11. W11..M1.U.i. B. Johnson Barbour Hector ofthif Vistlo- s of the Vmversitjj of Va'.]sllabxev, lis..,8 Bill!?Tha lapse of another vr:,retospeak moredecidedlyas to theour system or ediicatfon ; and ftmy dmy than mv pleasuretoearus in literary ,?liure and moraldo not believe there is a better\u25a0bin Ihe limils of Vli h'nia y,,-,tiily tbe huppy talentofstimulat-liu-ss for study in your scholarsloae no opportunity of quicken-enslbilitles forall that is highorin life. I continue to eongratu-r thai my s,m was placed under:c, as bis progress In all rest,,.,-isy warmest hopes, and I feel thaiI'un.iiist in me to withhold thistubule to your excellence as vyou grent and de-served success II, highrespcci and great regard, !raithrullyyour frien.l,

iTO per session,sent on application.P.?am. v. DABNEY.DXI.v FEMALE SKMIXAKY.:XA.VHJtiA, VIHGINIA.jl m'ssj,,,, ~i' this Institutionbaa been conducted heretoforeigh success byIts former Prlncl-leather. IS«».' ".."line BuildTaa.xiemovn grounds adlnlniughasinsed on Washington street in Iluiiitul ~nd heulihv portion ofl Boarders ..viii be tarnishedwith

-irion Ihemost reasonable termsA lull corps ni Instructors have been em-|,.,y,-,l.,nni v iiile tin,rough tra nb,g in the j'.nglisl. Branches will be Insisted on ?s?thedrs linpprtgne .unusual faciTttleawillbe afforded in tbe Department of MusicDrawing, Painting,~,,,1 Modern {-jngntSses'Boarders will enjoy the advantaoeof haviniithe French tpokm m the familyof Principal -.Soextracharge Is madeIn tbeircaset,r tui-tion in French, as all are expected tostudv11 and takeput in the conversations.Send for catalogue.r ?.-.,

, ,'; *V - LEOAHE, Principal.JuneliiX, KlD.?3m. *^OZ-VOtfEMALE BOARDING SCHOOL.Ii Si'lmnl.riinjtht hy Miss ti. C. l»:i---id, will commenceon tfle Ist ol Scp-

', USD, and close on the IMtli of June,in Is 2'a miles from Gordonsvilie oningeaud tlcxandria Itiillroad, com-nga view of tho latter lor 3 miles ?

'.ut!. nnd beauty of the location arco any in Virginia, No etfirt w.u beto make the boarders comfortable»ppy aud their dmics pleasant andbleTel m. ;

nni tullion In Kngllsll, , |ISOmd Ircncli, each, In- , -' »laif in advance, the balance the Ist oi',','*."., "'"yhvvorsl boarder*willn. Addresa C. ('(J.V'ilKltl),

?. ,y_,,.rUH"!*v"l,?' o>'<">K* Gnunty.'Va

n iemaleTcabeTvOULFKP-CJt c. 11. va.IKG liii.-t'tl fur tt U'l'in nf vein-? large and cmnmodious residence ofvv . Asiiby, l will open a select Fe-,'ii'lcmy, nn iilpeper I'ourt House, on\u25a0layoi September next,ii attention will be given toniivsi-m.'iu.'il culture?to mor.hand re||.Van an experience -,t nearly thlrtvpledge uiy-eirioafii!tiitul dt-Ciwraes. \u25a0

is Per Session of Ten .11 .? nil,. ,lh, from . «:(i, to iji1, Latin ami Greek, - ? _j|

ing. - - - -" ai)le one-half In advance, aud one-halfy Ist, WW,xr,JulywClim.?tt.

Oil-ic__Nr_i-__3IALE BO'VICUIM; M'HOOL.I. r V1.1.K V, A. M? Principal.iilisc-iber olt'i'fs a ionjranil suc-u'.r"Perienceosaguaraiilee that fie*11l be in every respect worthythene ot the community, ami solicitsJiiugu of old friends and public geu-

Termsonof Ten Months, payablequarter-ly in advance.Englishbranches, - . t _:, nohl-llsll. 41) a)es, each, - 10 00

4U {J*istrimient . 5icltitlinglights, fuel and'\u25a0ting, 160 (¥1liar attention paid to the morals nnd"I ,v ig l'i< lies boarding lii the luin-I'rini-ipiii.iber 17, l.sti!,.?flm.

ING£ M 4lil_ SCHOOL.v'hool in- yuiiiiu ~,,.ii unci Im.legln sjcptcniber Ist and close Junttentlon will be paid to themoralsranof the pupiU.

Tuition, Payable Hail Sr.siuu In ttlranrr iFor Enjglllh I,ranees per halfsession

ol live in mills, $17 59Higher Jl.it.leinatic.i, Moralnnd Phys-ical Science, 20 00_Am leu 1and .U.itiern Languages, withI olllt-i sll, lies, 35 001 I No exira charges.

OVER A..D OVER AGAIN.Over and over again,

No mutter whicli way I turn,I always flud In the Book ?f LifeSome lesson 1 have to learn.1 must take my lessen at tin, mill,I must grind oul Un, g01d,,, gmin,I muss, work ut my task with a r.solut<Over uud over again.

We ejftnot measure the needOf even the tiniest flower,Nor check the flow ot the goldell sandsThut run through a single hour.But the morning dew must rail ;nd the sun uud the summer rainMv t do their part und perform It allOver and over nguiu. £Over and over again.

Tlie brook through Hie meadow flowsAnd over and over againThe ponderous mtll-whoel goes,Once doing will not suffice,Th-tlgh doing it bo uot in vain-An 1 a bles. l,g failing us OUce or twiceMay come If we Iry agaiif;

The path that lias once been trodIs never so rough to feet; _*And thele__oi_»Ve once have learnedIs neve?so hard to repeat. *Though sorrowffl] tears iimy fall,And the heart to Us depth be drivenwith pSkrm und ten,pot,weneed them alllo render us meet for Heaven. #

HOBLI LASIX. LaGSMrs. Anna Cora MeViitt Richie inher London letter to the San Francis-co C.'rmicle, handles tile leg* ol some ..?liei Allien.?»? and English sisters intin- tn-e manner:Wa trust our lair A'uer.can sisterswill in,,- i?, ..1n,,;!,,,] |,r our unhesitat-ing 11-t of.he word "leg," which |l,_ v

lire *i .rtstoni-tl to designate as \u25a0?limb "or "inner limb. " in EngUutf and nilover l-.itri.ps tha"; littlf. snhlcrfiimwould be pronounced indelicateAmi »i---fet'leil; all,l It certainly is lite laltci, ifnot tbe farmer. But lo nor mi___

W bile l.\ nun", t.i,»| I'einiii, It-gsnTe Mlto he disappearingfrom AmericansmlThey ate so much ii, ihe a»ccnilant inK:'.i{laiiil that the ladies of rank haveinvented a new metlied uf makiaaknown Ilie ir. fair proportions.«'« read in tin. March numberof th*Msqf tkgt In a tvwrk jus! publisher

two Auierii_.il uicilual iiirn jmt Toitlitliegro/aslander Hint -a handsome .egis a rarity?ars had almost .aid an iin-possibility-s-nmongAincrictn women:"We dt, nut believe Ihe ditgailant libel.though American ladies are not in theInilnl oi piiiit.__.lii tneiicliarins by liav-iu» casts taken nl theirshapely leg*. >,sn oi niiUleii* fur ilihh iiig-iii.mi tables.ni' io he soli} lor Hi.* bciiclir. ~| the ven-der of casts, or id be cn-tilit ed amonghi.-nils a* ii delicateKiWen ot friendshipmid vsiiiable wo,|; ot art. What areire about, to relate appears, of tli? firstbliisli.su Incredible that we hold our-

?\u25a0\u25a0lves responsible for its exact tiutli... JIthe drawing-, oom tableul a ladyk 111 L lon?a lady ?f high p,,*au,| irrcproii.liable character-.) seen, bcii, sti, a plus- case. :idimpled little loot, delicate .in-I rounded cuif, ~., to the kne-lt i« the cist of die leg of Lailvlie bollass,

insobiisqii.iretliereisaiiiiiiil.ratlintillinhle looking'simp in winch you canpurchase for !Ivo shilling, n cast ol oneil the most exquisite rhe original(in the fltjili) belong- to l.Hdv ,'|..v , who went to ibis little .-nopincog, and had her perfect leg moulded,mil slteiwards generously g.ne ii,,'showman the prllllagaofSelling copleiuf the cast, which b_e do** dally, lor iiwas quickly discovered to whom th,eai,',.',,,is \rg belonged. "One ladi,vile otn Mayor ofa i,m? |? thej.ru-tiiC.'«. riiiii,' In I.on,lei. nnd bad twoasi- taken ol bar U»« cms inn'e. amilie with :ne heal little aime. stockingnd saner, Bii:ing* f.. s.v. (m. iig.,naitis. afll sail ,t nr n*»j iim ie*ith Ilie Slocking and gal let- produce*ieffect much further removed iiou,odesiy than the leg quite unclad.Binci-iani, the ciist-vendcr iv t'on-tarUardeu. (Lives a biisk trad, insting ladies' legs, H nd ha. nny quan-tj o' ii.O'li'is of all de-'ci'ipti-ns taken«ni life, ami chielly 1t,,,,, u,,ble lif«.>r hh <?.. How this fog mania origiual-I vie have Hot heard, but llirre icries imne explanation for litis gu ,|en passion am,mi; the aristocratic lvo have their legs recognize,l; perbapIs only because "a. thing ol bcuuly ijoy forever."


Not long since li * lit liijjlc. in New York, ii beautiful {;i:| aghleeu Has eiidileiiiy siinik dumb ii\u25bapon«e to tlie word *-.il>et." Thrtiaies (be priest proiloillt_V(llt Willi atiphssls and holy unction, esdi tiiml ow«r, louder than before. Tliotirhc parlors were ?mwded, a brratliieissilence reigned, l-'alher mother andIfInow were in agony. The bride, withilowncii-t eyes, itoeid spewehlesa; atlength tin priest solemnly closed lieI,ok and said Hie ceremony cannot anI. One ioiplorillg word from theo.iin am! ,i iaint ?? bc\-,"' ?-,,», Ml, .(?.iMiul i-tiliiiess. The pleat unclHsp.bis bunk in,l the knot was tied. Thengratiilatl.na. lbs reast, ail ivnit ~,,Ibniinli ihi'i'e had been no bn-tik inr proceedtng-; li.it Jhc lesaullWaS le-

tin nibeti-il, and iininya rebel mad* bythai si,oil pause, hi tti.it i-niMn.uiiiiytin,-,, cli'igi iiien are i iin li-ipbs:!,,,!,uo» «liokiiow h.nv to In-a km.t wijb-oui thi'iMjioiu wiiiii "obey." The Rev-olution tilings that all tiu.» K raratendgent ieint li nliii iiisi.-tou thesehiiin.il-ating cereniomes, that place all wivesil the light of slavos, should be lift.iilictl in ihe Buprruie Courts of,i,HI tad Statesfor a ilireet ainl po-ltive

atlonoflli.'Tl 'Iteeniu Aiiieiidiucutbe Federal <J.institutionwhlt'li .an.rrs Shall be no slavery or tnvoliiii-I servitude i.i rhe Uniud Slates.

LUCi ASD LABORany people oi mplaiii ot their badluck when iiiey ougm to blame thairown want ol wisdom Bli(l aotioii, t'.,b-

deii a iiisringuishcl \\ ritor in Sngl uidthus wio.e iiiiiuit uck snd labor"Ruck is ever) tiling waiting lor some-ij{ In turn ,i,i. 1,,h..r with a keen js and stiuiin: Mill, win mm upmm,,eil,ing.

I.nek has in bad and '\isl,ey the po>r-maii would bring lino the news ol vlegacy. Labor turns out nl six o'clockand with busy panorringing hammerla.is the foundation ol n competence.Luck whine-. Labor vvni-ilcs.

Luck relics on chances. Labor oncharacter.Luck slips doe uto Indigence. La-bor stridesupward to Indep .rdenca.

nARTUL LEAP Of Alf IJrsAl. E WOMAN[ -Bxciriiioroimojr or hkkatteji-A»AflT t

At Troy, X. T? a lev nighti a<r«. ayoung woman was sent to n privatehospiial wl-.-re.us the Troy Time* re-is.es. in,, following remarkable inei-dsut accum-d;..!.'!..V.V lV" * specloaol mild In-sanity devek.pt.d itscii, bm, in can-tiiltreatmentam] ftiirsiug this ~-? ,?,,,?_nally modified Ou f*tin.lur H |g|,t la«tllin attack was renewed, lv Hie mid-dle ot the night she arosesudden.v ?,,,(made a rush lor one ot the windowsithe ward, which was in the third storoi the building, and attempted to mmout of it. to the ground below.a liisiaueot th.rty-iix feet. The aitendaiit obssrved lierjust as she was making thfais leap, and succeeded in cauhh,her l.y t.ie clothes and holding on rher until assistance arrived Irom it,male department. One or the male atten.lant. caught h«r by 11,- bauds am!'d to draw bar back iim,, tinbut liis strength was uu-uiia?k, and the ataman eautlunet»wer and lower a« tho ler.iotarms grew grenler ?,|.| greatloinei.l. No onecould rundcleast assistance. VVlien-hi,was Wholly exhiiu-ted he was(I lo I, l.» ot the girl, ?,,,. ?id Iroin the earth below echo, \u25a0liiro'igh all bean., as it wa-she could uei BieKa lite falicing kilied. The iilteinianls

rati to tha girl, expecting i.Melees below; bin lortunalel.?y were oil -taken, in I with a?ranee'the poor woman wa««lk back to her ap.rliu-uig.?'?srccly injured. What) :,»i_xt day why she attempted t,.nlthe window, she said sheie iK-aril her mother calling Iis now improving rap.d.y.


nee ofKi-ie was lucentlv vis- jojti.'rr of dc law whodesir.|au iujiinciio. in ;he else ol_ Temptation*, Ihe paiirnfniine

which has caused so much controversyan:l litigation. On entering tha royalapartments thc'otlicer was po.itely sa-luted by Mr. Fisk'e Adjutant Generalor Prime Minister, one of tlie most??oiKteous and biuiiiess-iike iu«u iv >;Yo 11.

?\u25a0! wish :o ice Mr. FLk."saiJ the of.llcer."I represent Mr. Fi-_; whftl is theIts*." re;di«d the Prime .Minis-

mere form of law?an Injunctioniniug "'c moment?excuse me?perhapssk would prefer to »,-« yo i, i,,i-U--1 «ni inquire.''tbe Prima Minister hastened t"eh'a private ollice and warnedince or the threatai ing storm, so10 officer, wnen he reached the

in aaucioriiim, found ail l.igreMagaiusr him. Ol course Ihereliight dietUrbane*, and the otfleerI Bpoll his right (o enter, li Inpi-'cur official blandly replied:of do use. sir; Mr. Fi»li is ac, ne-to Injunctions ol all kinds; In- !i.loivh ihem to interfere with his ,ate business.''in injunction was not served.

li-TS fEHCILr,ity yca.-s ago a I the slate pen-(l we:v uiaiitil'aclured iv Genua-tie then Supplied Auieric.ii Willioniotii.y. in lh-0 Ihere was anan living iv We.t BatUlld. Vt..ii years??TJage. wtw furtunataljrevs lllpplj of finite lor mak.I'»t elans ailicle ol slate pencil-. Iau by whittling out the pern ti-ling them to school children

L li.lle,'article than thai Inr.-.li-tores, he found v ready sale 1..r :'.nil,l v.htllle out. i|« bccine jtil "I the idea that Ihere was ain Ihe 1.11-ilu-9-, and his dream j

it realised. Tins quarry 01 ~,,1, \u25a0lonejiwis situated ina larg- ra-ni miles 1101 tn of Ciis'.letoii.V't..Iemoseeil l.ake. The land on Itis 11 tinted was for sale at |lUO.? lasctl 11, and began opcralieus jItg out tile pencils and whittling 1nnd. The business uf ma .ingew immenselyon his hands, so Ilas iuiposs.blw to keep a clean.ok. jlachinerj »a« inventedi ate Ine process, which hassomethinglike perfection, endiislj increases the production ol\t present, the quarry and

i- owned by a joint stock an_a-i'luy a'e valnetl at \u2666JlKl.tlixl....ty to one bundled lli"ii».in,l I

\u25a0fa tii'-ned nut daily, an I up- fla hundred n-i,,1« are eu.pioi -I qua,ry aud the mill.

vonKTWVh ciild-.df._.istern proverb which declare!re arc iu> uiigratellil children.' the truth than it appears, it.other veralet of the Bin,'ma;"Train up a child in the iv.n Iil g'. and when 'c is old he?r dimart fi'uiii it."' Tin- parems really train up a chilil in thehonlil go. is iln- parent a in, I.erves I lie gratitude t fli S Child.1 I lie only parent whocan liO|lcit: it in I ill iiieusiue. 11.»ni-fii,s iheie arc who, utter n,. Itheir cli.lilieii's every desire.I'i'l.v a-t lushed le find then,'in retui 1, ol love and giatitude.Ic '. for what should Ihey beFor an Impaired digestion .-ill iiiicin I), il': For a iniuitFor Hands Unskillful? Fur aI wasted! For the chance 011 noblecharacter l«-t t These

ai'H poor claims upon the gratitude ot achild, li ing up your child so that, atmature age, in- shall have a sonud eaustiluliiiu, Itealthv desires, and all lion- je-t heart, a well 10n,,,-,1 mini, goodmanners, and a aselul aaillug, aim icumay rely upon ins making you such arich return ol gratefulaflvatioa as shall |a rhdiuaii.i l.uits repj) ymi icr the toiland Hell-denial which luch - training

A TO.CHINO UICIOSBT.A poor little newsboy, while artemt-lug to jumpItoio v city car the nriier Iday. i, ll la-neat 1 Iln- car and »as l-,ir-i.i.1.1 uiiiitgie.l. As sooti a- the childco,>l,| speak, he railed pcteouely im his Iniuiiici-, and a luasscugar was at oncesent to bring her tj mm. Whet, the Ibereaved woman ai'iin-d. situ liiiu.!-over the dying hoy in au ago 11 r ,"

griel. ??.Mother." wlti-p.-rc I lie. Withpainful effort, -l had lour newspaper,?ami me inc.ey is iv hiv p?ckc. 'With the hand ~1 ile.ith ,t|>.-n bis brow 1tha last thought ol ihe stiller ng childwa. for the poor bard-working inotii-er, whose burdens he uas st.iylng toligbten when he last his life.

When Adam wsa far advanced In| year* and ai thepoint of ilealli. be -cmIns son to the angel iii, 'had, who keptflic gun, oi Paradise, to pr.-i, for the oilol mercy, so that he CteiJU be heaieil.'.''be angel tmsweici that il could notbe until fl'ty-fivi; hundred years, buthe gave Se|h a blanch ?f tbe tree olwhich Adam had eaieit. bidding inn,plant itoh Mount Lalmtjot,, and thatiiealed. Sett planted tlie branch oilhi* fa tiler'sgrave; it took root, andgrew,:,,,d from It ware made Aaron'srod, and Muses'*taff with which Imstruck flic r.'ckaiid sweetenedthe wa-ters nf Marah. it al-o farmed Ilie poleoh winch th,. brasen serpent was liftedIHie ark ot ihe lestiuionv. Atme into tbe band* of .Solomon

lers to adjust It. *Kow It'tiuand then again toosliori,Jo's, being angry, ti.cn threwinarsli. so :hat ii might *.-iveblge ihc qtiet-n of Shcba* aula u| r. but adored itSolomon that upon it should"led the man throng!, « hose1?>'»*."' sii'Uiiil be destroy-MIOII then had il but ied deep'»".i,'. whet,, alici'.vard the'Sol this tree healing prorier-

ie Meueat UV.. announcesteen at UoiuwW oh. as'- enure ,-stale\u tm*t r,o-'Shluen, o. a Cat ~.?., ''be hllt-dnith evrv rolf."X'iry including a .'regular.li,,s - ??'eim.-atusaSTfu beby coiupctcn. nurse*. n\? toci qiialilieitti, oust a\_ ai.e.ualiiiucc wilh tbu acciy.i. leietice lo this provisio,,.>r-nys: -I have nil ?iy In,,in. lo believe th;.: everything"it man ««s i?.e,,de,i lo henllilllu!*. i,i protect aii the

es over him. Fur these tworeasons?tlrst that my besly? death,may continue to be

islrumautsi.as tar as po?i'-ishi.ig a substitute for Hieol the hotlies ol my dearcat.-.?I do hereby devisennd b.-q lealh iheinie- i o OilBV Uortlto be made into lildie-*,, ~,gs, tlie pro-ceeds io b- devoted to the ptiicha.e olan iieioideori, which shall be playedin tbe tiiitlitorium ~: ihe (.'at luHruiaryby oneol tl.e Regular mii'i-.-; the pin-ing to be kept up lor ever .tnd ever,wiih.un cemtattpu day or night, in or-tier that the cats mac have til. privi-lege of aiwais hearing and eiijovmgtha: instrument, which is the nearestippioacli in ihcii' natural voce."

COS VlESAllVivai, LSnUiiS ill JHG-

uiil mailed; periodicals ate Inkcn iii.tot lakcn; a friend on a \ lilt Stops, li it'il tti not stay; you ,r lein methiug lobeook ouii, neve, in a carriage; . tore-IRich .'ire eievar. lint Mian; a highnly sa sun in, not a lad m ram:

ft.-are iipbii.iis, never big- or?; c.inked mist may be under.y. Mluhaelinai and Christina*rimes when all Quarterly rent.c. never Slarcl. ait, ,|,,',,e ;|i,niber oDlli.ainl lleccuibci-ai-I;': rental ofa liunaa you par. tintt; autiiiiiii .i« (he late season idr, not fall; hedge.!, shrub*, amioor more things may be dme|at nn; time), and not neecs-arily j?.

innlly. Cooks ,-.,,,! bells, raui* aud»??-, bills and c ws, stallion.,marcsltd gleilings. Jack* and jlliuie*.buck*ml tines, dugs and \u25ba'~,.*, siiii retainteir (Sax m names, at ia It is at ,?,line oft'ensivi to n.su Ibelli. Andwn-neii ul gimil blood and genii,; luce,lingi common with other -ex have ankle*ul calves, .iters and leii*. do not bln-l,\u25a0 "peak .1 tht in? Llppinixotfn Maya

?Cir*Non-pay lug silk-en hers are tl-ualkwlol by ,-i Western cdi'o;."Wagons cannot run with,,,it wheel>*(. cannot run without steam, bttloga cannot jump without legs, orrwspaper carried ou rVerlastlliglAit',out money, no more than adocan wag his mil when lie ha. m, #.-Oar subscribe-* are ail good, bat W agood due-a man's g,i,.,li,e*s do whenitlon I tlosny gooili- We have itodoubllisi everyone ininks thai all have palJ"*fP* * -elf, ami as «« are a cleve,follow, and as his account is a littlewaiter, il inak-K iitiddlereiicc. StraUgthalliiciiialion." *WilEl-f. GlU_!L_a WiiH A KISS.A sweet little incident is related by

awr tfi. _. aim says ; I asked a little"Have ynii ended your grandma to?Yes. When I went to call her she

aa* asiehp,and . didn't know how towake her. I didn't wish to hftliea atgrandma, nor shaleher, so I kissed her,iieek. nnd thai waked her ver. SoftIt,1 hen I ran iuio the i.iti.autl said pret-ty lo nl. Gra tlnii. tea Is ready; and*he neverkneu whs. woks; her.'IC7- Millie- X ?, ol me I-'idte* Dra-

io.iiit|iic . int. jti-i lo*t uer mother, m\i\\ .folk. Sue uppe.i ed at rehear-sal iv a ro-u-colore,! dree*. .-N, tininouruing I" cxelaiiiied a friend. n,creply »_? smart, and mil at heart.- ?"Vol know one titn-s not put 0.1 mourn-ing for distant n iativc*."

The liglit-io,,e pei lorinance ofa no,nan wbo *t,apped nn inla..l toilerback and made ll,c suilieuce nt a Lon-don smpillieatru shudder,attracted iln-""V"" ' "'c ii use of Commons,ami alter lli.it the police. Chan Hiepciiorni.iucc uease4,lO* An old i.,dy on reding that at,"' -noise Its,l been b.tilled, re.mi.ke )?La i.o.v i I gu, M lt i» ~.??, spouuiusuui

'""'on.Mioi,. | eft ,.? UiUfoeU mat t? tice tutile wagon* smoked.ICT*C>iily live marriage licenses were."!\u25a0"" ,J 'T l ,; l!l l" U ii comity,U..10, and aCme.una,i p?p L -,- wauta theiiaiuc ol the coiinry changed.IC7*The s|,iitg *i,i??t bonn. rsitle-cribcd a* ?\u25a0*. me.mug like a stiu-tlower ou lie, p.;,n. ~i a ~..y»iack,"IC7*l,«y the priuicr wbatyouowc. ?

I To keep up the fertility or our na«_-llirje, It Is evident that we must do our.?est to check the gioivth of st c i vcge-I lotion as is rejected by stock, ns well asUnit, which would injure >tock, ii it| wereeaten. Rut it is net enoii-h to\u25a0 destroy the useless uudiiijni|..u. plants -Iwemust encourage the growth of the'vn.uable ones.Cow-s coming in must haverare. Givetl-eui r -oniy. 100 c boxes for some daysbefore, and good bedding of straw, cuttwo or throe times. Bring witer t»j i.i.m. if the ground is Icy, but do notj'iiinpllieiii. Feed al.-o someraw rootsand oil meal, perhaps, to keep ihe I or'[els Riodrrarelv loose. \l\ bre»d ueanimals should be lamili.ir with tlmirmaster, and like to be patted a::d h m-

EI'IX'ATIOK OF TIU AliniCl-I.Tt'EIST.?Dai.ni Webster said. "So man ia _ohigh as to he iiide|'ei.dr,.t of the sue-enas "I tills great Interesf; no 'nan is solow as not to li» Hftccted by its pros-i ptiiiy or decline. The cuir-itution ofthe earth is ihe most imports 1.1 laborid nun. Man may be civilized,in somedegree, wltholltgreat in mm,.I '"."'l' _{**?,""'l with little commercewiiii in. distant nciglihiws. but, with-out ctiliiviiiiiiiiot the earth, he is. in all| countries a savage. {.Jist iI he gives upthe chase nil,l fix-., himself to soma| place and seeks a livilig,io:».tl?. earth,he is a toiniltig barbarian. Wln-n til-! l-'g" bcgin>. olhcrm ts lojlow. The tar-I iners, therefore, arc the fouudereofhti-luane civilizatioii.i'l.ANTixii IsAD Su,; D __Manr thou-sand, of tiollars are lost annually, m.?onst'qii#,ce ol p miring poor sfled.ofA'-te.-.f old worth c«» carrot, beer,"'Hon, and simihir seeds arc sown eve-ry yeai-. ditch tnigh' be avoided il'eve-ivone who is growing iu-h crop* wouldfake the trouble of testing a lew of tl h--ee.ls previous to sowing, Tlic low of".pining the ground and lowing*!*ii-u.i'iy la,. mo,? th.(ri l)K,coitof seedsrunit glacially when tlieirworthlrssues-silisciy,,..,!, the leawm is too far ad-vanced to ,*,,iei|y theevil. Il ij a veryeu-y iii.it.ei'o start a few seeds lil potsor'boxes and Icier,.,,? e what propor-tion will grow, without running the. lak o loosing a »rop i? addition to thecost ot I'lepuilug tt,,. 50i1,>,.,! sowing.A Hint io Ua.a»«M«a.-.Fi, somaphse->'.lorrii -ST' i""'"-*-'liat novel ...eth-

ic l?,ni"'? »\u25a0\u25a0"?'«'P'HMS. which pru-.'_-s.fi ml. ttTSP*"*9* 'l"-'itv wnicl.

'~'' \e"' -v 'v. l"c s| cms1 are 'et offwhelt .».-. "'"- vkt"**' "f Hon a.a-whehappe,,--,,,, ?,,. h {.jtcuuZ.''.-i''""'"''bmlsiH-lou; and this if' '""* "'"?'?e.''si.,i|y. By ihie

5.._4 ,V"*'* , -tout. dw. jtRMIt-' ",*'' '''-1""'" inchesL.

y ".'*' '''"111 erect in '..'n-,o_fl',".'\u25a0;.:'' I

the "\u25a0\u25a0meL\ti,.i-,-^B

itiaiocs. |ihem v, rv sr^B

lo Speak .tknoHßtraining ofi..bout a x leet long in the plains, thai*I sucker lb. in a* you would tobacco,ami let only one siaik grow; rbis I tieto the pole ai it needs it. in flickeringtlie plants 50n,... may think 1litre Is

(lunger otliking nit fruit stem-; butthere is no such dingerft all, for thaIriiit stem< put forth fioni the body ofthe slalk. while the sticki is eoine iorlhwith the legf. besides ihe fruit stem i»seen I, ng before :lie suckers; to thereis no danger of pulling off fruit sets forstiokers. When the plant has growvabout lour feet. I cut oft the lop and apart of the leaves, and keep it wellsnckeied, for ih« put pole of lipcuingIhe frtdi. 1 tlvink tins the best, modefor raising louiu-OfS extant. I raisedone bunch year before la-t that wou.dnil a li'aif bushel, and bia'iy tomatoesthai weigh |-_> lb. I had several thatweighed 1 lb. apiece. ?n,l 1 tbat weigh-ed 'i lbs. 1 am i,,,vcr troubled Willi mytomatoes n.tinning, and 1 | laVe plentyfor nivsall and some lor my neiglibo.it..I hope thS statement will do somogood.? Itoxton Cultivator.

?IIS THE SOIL.It is of the highest importance, an,l

especially tv the lime of drought testirthe soil frequently. Wa know thatall ttini-aie .enclitti d.andsome great-ly bo. Ny Ircqiieul hoeing*, or eieti bytuolieetise ?t the cultivator. U iatrue Ihat r.ri'e comes a time withnearly ail "-\u25a0?! -rri-frT TrhaHi inJi"" t>lsr___icultivator between the rowsmorn innvi than good, bin. up to thatune great -Sin-lit Will lie denied lloilihe Ir, que,,; stlrlligm Ihv sol. In drlaealhxr the crops uti i ,ie am I that ilwail .lined al.Mivs stand the 1.-si;r.iejsee.n to get the b'ciiclii ul all iliu dewland sliow.i's,

A VENEEABbS OLD AGE.The toilowing, from otto who wa*thar", is vouched mr hy hint-ihat is.Unit Ilia old lady load.: ihe reply giveuI, lint lluit she was quite as old as .she

nedt When t'te F.lleeiith I'e.nii-iuua (.Rivalry entered liio town of»ou, Georgia, iv Ihe spring ol Itsbi,i.i Ihose ul,o welcomed lliem wasfro woman whose appearaVoa de-ilextreme old age. Impelled bywity, otic of tlw \u25a0boys' rode up tvher and asked. -How old are-you,aun-

tie ?" -Well, chile,' she replied, -l don't"zactly know hote old 1 is, but 1 .Washere when (J'lumbti* come !'? fVoiiiOur -uoiiihly G,is-ip, in, the May numberojLippintMit'ss Maijaztite.

KA ?MOOI4AM.Usvcls, tlic negro Senator, i>-cipioascat one. occupied by Jcttn.oui»*. Iln. -tlnr,-, tho Raiiic.iLs aiHome for ireqiieul cuiuiu'eiii. lint theUelro't Fete i*,_.>A a.-ks, "Uoes notZa.ariah(_l-.,idicr flu iln! .-mil 0..-c oc-cupied t,y LewU t.a'sS lsii.it Fe,HonPli.e seal ol eJiiiis »V, igbt, Uicli Vatoe,ihe seal ..I ll.mgtaa,c'hanes S,miliart.mt oi iUiiiai Webster, Drake in

mat oi Tboiuas 11. liciiloii, Coiiax ivloal once oe,- ~,? ,| by George Clin.ii.d Alaitin Van liurcu, an,l Urani inihiitoi ticorge \Va»liuigtuii aud J,isou '!''

ICf'l'lie Lo. isvitiu (Ivy.) Coinmtroialsays i: is getting tv be a custoitcnj, lor uocloi's lo Write on llieir slati swne.i laaviug tueir o'lliccs, ??tjoiio toUgh: a due,-will be, back IhlseVeultif,Uod al,it iwiliiog

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