twentieth century genocides: armenian genocide and the

Post on 20-Jan-2022






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Twentieth Century Genocides: Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust

I. Genocide in Historical PerspectiveII. Armenian GenocideIII. Nazi Germany and the Holocaust


A form of one-sided mass killing in which a state or other authority intends to destroy a group, as that group and membership in it are defined by the perpetrator.

Genocide and Twentieth Century Ideas

• Eugenics-the study of how to produce genetic purity of race-was popular from 1900-1945 in both U.S. and Europe.

• Permanent minorities.• World Wars• Totalitarian regimes with

ability to commit genocide.

Armenian Genocide

• During WWI between 1915-1918.

• Turkish government (Young Turks) against Armenian minority in Turkish land.

• Deported civilians from homes.

• Turkish government systematically killed approximately 1.5 million Armenians.


Map of Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide

Jewish Holocaust

• During WWII between 1939-1945.

• Nazi Government of Germany against Jews Minority in Europe.

• Systematic mass shootings, deportation, death camps.

• Approximately 6 million Jews.

“Jewish Desire for World Government,” France, 1898

Jewish World Conspiracy, Vienna, c.a.1900

“The Jewish Boss in His Private Office” Germany, 1930

The Jew as Speculator, Germany, 1938

Expelling Jews from School-A Scene from a Children’s Book, 1938

Towards the Final Solution

• 1935: Nuremburg Laws-race laws.

• 1938 Kristalnacht-physical attacks.

• 1939 Ghettoization• 1939-1945

Extermination in the East. Final Solution.

Einsatzgruppen Killing in the East, 1940-43

Ordinary Germans and Killing Squads in the East

Burning Bodies

Jews Rounded Up for the Death Camps

Jews Exported to Camps in Cattle Cars

Mother and Children Led to the Gas Chambers

Pile of Shoes of Mass-Murdered Jews at Auschwitz

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