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Tutorial on Bayesian learning and related methodsA pre-seminar for Simon Godsill’s talk

Simon Wilson

Trinity College Dublin

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Probability: the basics (1)

Probability: the mathematics of describing uncertain quantities;

P(A) is the probability that the event A occurs;Rules of probability are:

1 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1;2 If A and B are mutually exclusive then P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B);3 P(A and B) = P(A) P(B |A), where P(B |A) means the probability of

B given that A has occurred.

Two events A and B are called independent if P(B |A) = P(B),and so P(A and B) = P(A) P(B).

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Probability: the basics (2)

A random variable is real-valued and its value is uncertain.Denoted by a capital letter e.g. X , its value by small letter x ;

Random variables can be discrete or continuous;If discrete, X is described by its probability mass function,pX (x) = P(X = x);

pX (x) ≥ 0,∑∀x pX (x) = 1.

If continuous, the probability density function pX (x) is used:

pX (x) ≥ 0 and has the property that P(a < X < b) =∫ b

apX (x) dx ;

The cumulative distribution function FX (x) is P(X ≤ x)

FX (x) =

{∑s≤x pX (s), if X discrete,∫

s≤xpX (s) ds, if X continuous.

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Probability: the basics (3)

The expected value or mean of a random variable is:

E(X ) =

{∑∀x xpX (x), if X is discrete;∫∀x xpX (x) dx , if X is continuous.

It’s the ’average’ value of X , the ’centre of gravity’ of thedistribution;

The variance of X is E((X − E(X ))2):

Var(X ) =

{∑∀x(x − E(X ))2pX (x), if X is discrete;∫∀x(x − E(X ))2pX (x) dx , if X is continuous.

It’s a measure of how variable the value of X can be;

The standard deviation is√

Var(X );It has the same units of measurement as X and E(X ).

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Probability: the basics (4)

Examples of discrete random variable distributions are theBernoulli, binomial and Poisson:

pX (x | p) = px(1− p)1−x , x ∈ {0, 1};

pX (x | n, p) =



)px(1− p)n−x , x ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n};

pX (x |λ) =λx

x!e−λ, x = 0, 1, 2, . . .

Are these familiar?

Good models for many physical phenomena;

Note that they are all defined in terms of parameters — p, n, λ— we think of these as conditional distributions of X given theparameter.

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Probability: the basics (5)

Examples of continuous random variable distributions are theexponential and normal (or Gaussian):

pX (x |µ) =1

µe−x/µ x ≥ 0;

pX (x |µ, σ2) =1√


(− 1

2σ2(x − µ)2

), x ∈ R.

Are these familiar?The normal distribution occurs in many places (and will in theseminar, repeatedly)

µ is its mean and σ2 is its variance;

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Some normal pdf plots

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Probability: the basics (6)

If we have two random variables X and Y then we can define thejoint pmf/pdf p(x , y):

For discrete X , Y , p(x , y) = P(X = x and Y = y);For continuous X , Y ,∫ b


∫ d

cp(x , y) dx dy = P(c < X < d , a < Y < b);

The laws of probability show that pX (x) =∫∀y p(x , y) dy ;

For discrete X and Y , the conditional distribution of X givenY = y is

P(X = x |Y = y) =p(x , y)

pY (y).

X and Y are called independent ifP(X = x |Y = y) = P(X = x) andP(Y = y |X = x) = P(Y = y);

In this case, p(x , y) = pX (x) pY (y)

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Probability: two important laws (1)

Two urns: urn I has 3 red and 3 blue balls, urn II has 2 red and 4green balls;

I flip a fair coin (so P(H) = P(T ) = 1/2). If H then pick a ballfrom urn I else pick one from urn II.

What is P(R) = P(red ball picked)? By laws of probability:

P(R) = P((H and R) or (T and R))

= P(H and R) + P(T and R)

= P(H) P(R |H) + P(T ) P(R |T )



P(y) P(R | y)

( = 1/2× 3/6 + 1/2× 2/6 = 5/12).

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Probability: two important laws (2)

Two urns: urn I has 3 red and 3 blue balls, urn II has 2 red and 4green balls;

I flip a fair coin . If H then pick a ball from urn I else pick onefrom urn II.

Now I tell you that I picked a red ball. What is the chance that Iflipped a H? This is P(H |R):

P(H |R) = P(H and R)/P(R)

=P(H) P(R |H)


= (1/2× 3/6)/(5/12) = 3/5.

Note that if I do not tell you the ball colour, the chance of a H isP(H) = 1/2.

Observing R has allowed you to learn about how likely is H .

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Probability: two important laws (3)

The first equation is an example of the partition law.

In terms of random variables, we write that for any two randomvariables X and Y :

pX (x) =∑∀y

pX |Y (x |Y = y) pY (y),

where pX |Y (x |Y = y) is the conditional pmf of X given Y .

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Probability: two important laws (4)

The second equation is an example of Bayes’ law.

It can be written as:

pY |X (y |X = x) =pY (y) pX |Y (x |Y = y)

pX (x),

which is often written (by Partition law):

pY |X (y |X = x) =pY (y) pX |Y (x |Y = y)∑∀y pY (y) pX |Y (x |Y = y)


We also see Bayes law written as:

pY |X (y |X = x) ∝ pY (y) pX |Y (x |Y = y).∑replaced by

∫if Y is continuous.

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What is Monte Carlo simulation?

This is to generate a sequence of values from a probabilitydistribution;

Usually done by computer;To Monte Carlo simulate from a probability distribution pX (x)means to generate a sequence of values x1, x2, . . . , xN such that:

The values are independentIf X discrete, the proportion of values equal to x converges to pX (x),∀x as N →∞;If X is continuous, the proportion of values in the interval (a, b)

converges to∫ b

apX (x) dx , ∀a, b as N →∞;

E.g. simulation of a die: 4, 2, 5, 5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 2 , 1, . . .

What about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, . . .?

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Pseudo-random numbers

Computers are logic machines ⇒ should be no good at MonteCarlo simulation!This is true — the best we can do is generate deterministicsequences of numbers;

These sequences have many of the properties of ’really’ randomsequences;For most purposes they are indistinguishable from using ’the real thing’;They can also be generated very quickly (≈ 107 / second);

The basis of Monte Carlo methods are random numbers — theseare uniformly distributed between 0 and 1(pX (x) = 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1);There are many algorithms for generating deterministic sequencesthat look like random numbers:

These are called pseudo-random numbers;

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Methods of generating other distributions

There are many methods of generating values from otherprobability distributions: discrete, normal, exponential, etc;

All of these rely on a supply of pseudo-random numbers;

Many computer packages are able to Monte Carlo simulate frommany distributions: MATLAB, R, even Excel!

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Example: discrete probability distributions

Let X be tomorrow’s weather, X ∈ {sunny, cloudy, rainy};Suppose P(X = S) = 0.2,P(X = C ) = 0.3,P(X = R) = 0.5;We can Monte Carlo simulate this distribution as follows:

Generate a (pseudo-) random number u;If u < 0.2 then X = S ;if 0.2 ≤ u < 0.5 then X = C ;if u ≥ 0.5 then X = R.

This idea is called the inverse distribution method and works forall discrete distributions.

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Bayes law is the basis for learning

In the urn problem, observing R tells you something about thecoin flip but does not tell you if it’s H or T with certainty;

The question is then: how “certain” can I be that the flip is a H?Or T?

Bayes’ law allowed us to compute how certain, as a probability, interms of probabilities that we know.

This situation occurs everywhere in data analysis and is the basisof statistical inference (or statistical learning);

Bayesian statistical inference defines what we learn through aprobability distribution on the quantity of interest;

Often this is defined through Bayes’ law

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Slightly more complicated example (1)

What is the temperature in this room?

For simplicity, let’s assume that it’s constant all over the room.I have a thermometer and it measures 18.1◦C ;

Is that the “real” temperature in the room?Why not?

I have another identical make of thermometer. It measures18.1◦C as well.

Should I be more certain about the value of the real temperature now?If yes then by how much?What if the second thermometer had read 18.4◦C?

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Slightly more complicated example (2)

What does Bayesian inference say about how to answer thisquestion?

Let T be the true (and unknown) temperature in the room;

Let x1 and x2 be the temperature measurements;

Our state of knowledge about T is defined by pT (t | x1, x2);

By Bayes’ law:

pT (t | x1) =pT (t) p(x1 |T )

p(x1)∝ pT (t) p(x1 |T );

pT (t | x1, x2) ∝ pT (t) p(x1, x2 |T ).

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Slightly more complicated example (3)

pT (t) represents what we think T is before we measure it;

This is known as the prior distribution;

For example, we are pretty sure that 0 ≤ T ≤ 40; one possibilityis a uniform distribution on this range:

pT (t) =1

40, 0 ≤ t ≤ 40.

Another is a normal distribution with mean as our best guess(say 20◦C ) and a standard deviation of 10 (so that 0 ≤ T ≤ 40with high probability)

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Two possible priors for T

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Slightly more complicated example (4)

p(x1, x2 |T = t) describes what we measure given the truetemperature is t;

One reasonable model is that what we measure is normallydistributed with mean T and a variance σ2;

Here we assume that we know σ2 (it says how accurate ourthermometer is — let’s say σ2 = 0.32);

p(x1 |T = t) =1√



Also assume that the two measurements are independent givenT , so that:

p(x1, x2 |T = t) = p(x1 |T = t) p(x2 | t = t)



12σ2 [(x1−t)2+(x2−t)2].

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Distribution of x1 when T = 18

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Slightly more complicated example (5)

In Bayes’ law, the variable is t, so we should actually think ofp(x1 |T = t) and p(x1, x2 |T = t) as a function of t;

This is called the likelihood; with σ2 = 0.32 we have:

p(x1 |T = t) =1√


Also assume that the two measurements are independent givenT , so that:

p(x1, x2 |T = t) = p(x1 |T = t) p(x2 | t = t)





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Likelihood for x1 = 18.1

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Likelihood for x1 = 18.1, x2 = 18.1

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Likelihood for x1 = 18.1, x2 = 18.4

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Slightly more complicated example (6)

Bayes’ law gave us:

pT (t | x1, x2) ∝ pT (t)× p(x1, x2 |T = t);

pT (t | x1, x2) is called the posterior distribution

Plots of pT (t)× p(x1, x2 |T = t) next.

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pT (t)× p(x1 = 18.1 |T = t) andpT (t)× p(x1 = x2 = 18.1 |T = t)

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pT (t)× p(x1 = x2 = 18.1 |T = t) andpT (t)× p(x1 = 18.1, x2 = 18.4 |T = t)

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Slightly more complicated example (7)

Now all that is missing is the constant that relates pT (t | x1, x2)to pT (t)× p(x1, x2 |T = t);

Bayes law:

pT (t | x1, x2) =pT (t)× p(x1, x2 |T = t)

p(x1, x2)

tells you that this is1/p(x1, x2) = 1/


pT (t)× p(x1, x2 |T = t) dt

It’s just the integral of the function plotted on the last slides;

It’s there to ensure that∫∞

0pT (t | x1, x2) dt = 1;

1/p(18.1, 18.1) = 55.6, 1/p(18.1, 18.4) = 68.7

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p(t | x1 = x2 = 18.1) and p(t | x1 = 18.1, x2 = 18.4)

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Stochastic processes

Many of the processes that we want to model occur over spaceand time:

Audio signals;Rainfall;Financial time seriesImage and video data...

These are modelled probabilistically by stochastic processes

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Stochastic processes in discrete time

A very common subset is processes that evolve at discrete pointsin time t = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,T ;

Then X1,X2, . . . ,XT are the values of the process at these times;In general, we then have to define a probability distribution on(X1, . . . ,XT );

This is in general difficult because we have to define a T -dimensionalfunction p(x1, . . . , xT )

We can exploit properties of the process to make the modelsimpler to define:

Many processes obey what is called the Markov property;This means that the distribution of Xt only depends on the value ofXt−1;If X1,X2, . . . obeys this property then it’s called a Markov chain.

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Markov chains

For a Markov chain:

p(x1, . . . , xT ) = p(x1) p(x2 | x1) p(x3 | x2) · · · p(xT | xT−1).

So p(x1, . . . , xT ) is defined in terms of simple one-dimensionaldistributions;If p(xt | xt−1) independent of t then we just need to define p(x1)and p(xt | xt−1);If xt is discrete-valued (say xt ∈ {1, 2, . . . , S}) then p(xt | xt−1)defined in a matrix:

P =

p11 p12 · · · p1S

p21 p22 · · · p2S...

.... . .

...pS1 pS2 · · · pSS


where pij = P(Xt = j |Xt−1 = i). Hence each row in P sums to1.

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The weather each day is: sunny (S), cloudy (C) or rainy (R);

Xt is the weather on day t;

Suppose the weather on day t depends on the weather on dayt − 1, but is independent of earlier days;

It is then a Markov chain and suppose


P =

0.3 0.5 0.20.25 0.5 0.250.4 0.3 0.3



e.g. P(xt = S | xt−1 = R) = p31 = 0.4;

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Monte Carlo simulation of our Markov chain

This is easy to do;

Define x1 (let’s make it x1 = R);

Simulate x2 given x1 (using the R row of P) — suppose wegenerate x2 = C ;

Simulate x3 given x2 (using the C row of P);

and so on.

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40 days of weather

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A random walk

Markov chains can have Xt continuous;

Example: Xt is normally distributed with mean Xt−1 and avariance σ2;

This is known as a random walk;

On next page is a simulation with X1 = 0 and two values of σ2

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A normal random walk

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Autoregressive processes

Random walks have the property that they ’wander away’ from 0(they are non-stationary);

Many physical processes tend to stay around a mean value (theyare stationary);

An autoregressive process is a simple case: Xt is normallydistributed with mean θXt−1 and a variance σ2, where−1 < θ < 1;

Higher order autoregressive processes are also very common e.g.Xt has mean θ1Xt−1 + θ2Xt−2, etc.;

These are a simple model for an audio signal.

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First order autoregressive processes (with σ = 1)

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Third order autoregressive processE(Xt) = 0.7Xt−1 + 0.1Xt−2 + 0.15Xt−2

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Properties of Markov chains

Vast literature in probability theory on properties of Markovchains;

Here, we concentrate on one property;

Suppose I start our weather chain in day 1;

What is the weather on day t + 1? This is P(xt+1 | x1);

It turns out that the matrix of these probabilities is

P t = P × P × · · · × P (matrix multiplication).

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Properties of Markov chains

Here is P t for t = 2, 20, 200: 0.30 0.46 0.240.30 0.45 0.250.32 0.44 0.24


0.30 0.45 0.250.30 0.45 0.250.30 0.45 0.25


0.30 0.45 0.250.30 0.45 0.250.30 0.45 0.25


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Stationary distributions

So as you look further into the future:The probability that you are in each state converges to a value;This probability is the same regardless of your current state (so thechain ‘forgets’ where it was at the start);This is called the stationary distribution of the chain (in this case(0.30, 0.45, 0.25));Not all Markov chains have such a distribution;Lots of theory on conditions for which it does happen — includes mostchains that one uses in practice;

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Simulating the weather Markov chain — proportion ofsunny days

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Markov chains for Monte Carlo simulation

Note that the proportion of sunny days in the simulationconverges to the stationary probability of 0.302;So there is (very long winded!!) way to simulate from thedistribution (0.30, 0.45, 0.25):

Start this Markov chain in any of the 3 states;Monte Carlo simulate the chain for a ’long’ time;The state of the chain at the end of the long simulation will havedistribution (0.30, 0.45, 0.25);

Hold this thought for later!

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Audio reconstruction

Think of an audio signal as a discrete process in time X1,X2, . . .;We have some audio data that has been corrupted:

CD or vinyl record scratches, tape degradation;Telephone call over a noisy line;

So what we observe are not the Xt but a corrupted versionY1, . . . ,YT ;

We want to recover the original ’true’ audio signal X1, . . . ,XT

from Y1, . . . ,YT ;

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Hidden Markov models

A simple model for this process is as follows:Our real audio signal is a stochastic process like the AR model;What we actually observe Yt is normally distributed with mean Xt ;The normal distribution models the noise or degradation of the signal’The Yt ’s are independent of each other given the Xt ’s;


Yt |Xt , σ2Y ∼ N(Xt , σ

2Y )

Xt |Xt−1, σ2X ∼ N(θXt−1, σ

2X ).

This is an example of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM):There is hidden Markov chain X1,X2, . . .;We observe Yt that are Xt plus some noise, and are independent;

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Xt – an AR process

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Xt and Yt

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Yt alone

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Bayesian inference (1)

Our data are the Yt ’s;

The likelihood is:

p(y1, . . . , yT | x1, . . . , xt , σ2Y )






(− 1


(yt − xt)2


We want to learn about the Xt and the 3 parameters (σ2Y , θ, σ

2X );

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Bayesian inference (2)

The prior distribution for the Xt is (say) an AR process:

p(x1, . . . , xt | θ, σ2X )








e−(xt−θxt−1)2/2σ2X .

We have a prior for the 3 parameters p(σ2Y , θ, σ

2X );

Then Bayes’ law gives us:

p(x1, . . . , xT , σ2X , θ, σ

2Y | y1, . . . , yT )

=p(y1, . . . , yT | x1, . . . , xt , σ

2Y ) p(x1, . . . , xt | θ, σ2

X ) p(σ2Y , θ, σ

2X )

p(y1, . . . , yT )

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Bayesian inference (3)

What is the denominator?

p(y1, . . . , yT )


∫p(y1, . . . , yT | x1, . . . , xt , σ

2Y ) p(x1, . . . , xt | θ, σ2

X )

× p(σ2Y , θ, σ

2X ),

a T + 3 dimensional integral;This is in general impossible to compute numerically — too big aproblem!What can we do?

For this problem, there are some algorithms that can compute themeans of the Xi , and approximate the posterior;These break down when we consider more realistic models for Xt andYt |Xt ;Can we Monte Carlo simulate fromp(x1, . . . , xT , σ

2X , θ, σ

2Y | y1, . . . , yT )?

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Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation

MC simulation from high-dimensional distributions is also verydifficult;

However, it is possible to simulate from a Markov chain withstationary distribution that is the posterior;

So we simulate values of (x1, . . . , xT , σ2X , θ, σ

2Y ) according to a

certain Markov chain;

After we simulate values for a ’long time’, we are sampling fromthe posterior.

For many Bayesian learning problems, this is the only way thatwe know to approximate the solution;

This is known as MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo);

MCMC methods are a module in themselves!

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I hope that this has given you an idea of some of the methodsused for Bayesian inference;

Remember: seminar is on Friday at 12pm in this room.

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