tuhan kirimkanlah aku kekasih yang baik hati

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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8/2/2019 Tuhan Kirimkanlah Aku Kekasih Yang Baik Hati

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Tuhan Kirimkanlah Aku Kekasih Yang Baik Hati...Yang Mencintai Aku Apa Adanya..

Like · · Share · Yesterday at 7:19am ·

    Yoyoyang Hilang likes this.


Ros Sky syed.. bakpe mu jadi gitu..huhu.. rindu kat wati lah tu.. sabo..sabo..

22 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  hahahaha

21 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  ngah dilamun cinta lah tu kak ros...

21 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang cari awek punk..awek punk dok gile duit..hahahahah!

20 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof   Yoyo ckp baik skit...jgn nk menang sebelah pihak kalo tak tahu crita

20 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang i didn't even mention your name..what makes you think i was talking about u?? '-_-

20 hours ago · Like

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o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  tak yah ler nk ckp org putih...sekrang aku kt Perth...dah merata dah g..kalo nk kata org tusebut terus nama...siut

20 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang so what if u are in perth?? there is no use travelling the whole world but your mind is still as shallow asa butt hole.. ;)

20 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  This is the mind of uneducated person like you , I thing I choose right person to look aftermy life. not only your brother did't appreciate me but your whole family never look after me. I give my whole live and my

love to your brother but what happen. I have to work to feed not only my kid but your brother also. As head off family yourbrother have to take care the family. Until today still ask money form me. what kind of men your brother. your don't be a

stupid like other person. thing first before say something to other person.....

20 hours ago · Like

o Lily C. Affendi only a whore leaves her husband for another richer man. *grins*

20 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  sekor lg bodoh...suka hati aku lah..korang sibuk knp? aku menyusahkan korang Ka? akumintak duit korang ka? aku susah korang2 tolong ka? bgtau skit...

19 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang hahahahahah! uneducated?? what makes u think that you are so educated?? do you go to college? doyou have a degree?? an educated woman wont leave her husband for a richer man..she will help her husband to improve

instead..call my wife and i stupid,but at least we don't worship money..ouh..btw,if you are so educated,u'll know thedifference between "thing" and "think".. ;)

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19 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang why did you marry my brother in the first place? you knew he was only a dispatch..not a

billionaire..even if he only own a few hundred per month, he still managed to send his children to school. he still manage toput food on the table. he still manage to give his family a roof to sleep under. and above all, he still works throughout day

and night in order to fulfill his duty as a husband. yes, you do help and i am sure that he is very thankful for that. so whatmore do you ask for? still you say that abang does not fulfill his duty? open your eyes, broaden your mind. i may not behighly educated, i may not have traveled the world, but i know what is right, and what is wrong. and from what i see,leaving your RESPONSIBLE husband for another richer man is plain wrong. only a whore does that. and that makes you a


19 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  kalo aku tak berpelajaran aku tak kerja sebagai akauntan kt firma guaman...kalo aku takda

pelajaran..aku tak dilantik sebagai jurulatih..utk pengetahuan korang masa mula2 aku kenal abg korang aku dah jadiakauntan..gajii aku lebih tinggi pd abg korang..korang paham tak...slidik dulu sblm kata ke org..korang ingt korang aja yg

masuk kolej...kolej2 ni tak main la...org kaya bleh lah masuk...kalo ikut keputusan SPM...hampeh..kalo betul diploma korangtu laku kenapa korang takda jawatan bagus?????????

19 hours ago · Like

o Lily C. Affendi awwwwww..... really??? but that doesn't give you the right to call others stupid. law firm accountant?coach??? wow.. amazing.. but you are still shallow minded. too bad. in other words, 'kampung' minded. diploma?? oh

please.. I am now doing my degree in communication.i graduated with foundation in communication with CGPA 3.55. ihaven't graduated my degree studies, but i am now working as a media monitor officer. i bet i will be an editor by the time igraduate. as for my husband, he is now a survey officer in an international company called synovate. you can visit theirwebsite. :-) btw, when you were working in the law firm, why in the world didn't you marry one of the lawyers? it will be

much easier. you wont have to live a so called hard life with abang.

19 hours ago · Like ·  1 

o  Yoyoyang Hilang hahahahahahahahahahah! '9gag'.. Lily C. Affendi it's okay sayang..she is having a culture shock..a'kampung girl' who just met luxuries..that's why..pity her.. may her god a.k.a money bless her..

19 hours ago · Like

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o Syed Hashim oh no....what the hell is going on here....@#$%^&*&^%$

16 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang oo..nothing..just a comedy.. ;p

16 hours ago · Like

o Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  kepala otak hang komedi...semuanya sama blaka...ye ler aku budak kampung...tak cam bini

ko yoyo...org bandar..org kaya..tp dok merempat kt umah org....

14 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang baru la punk tumpang umah orang..hahahah!! anyway,we have a house in cheras.. yeahh..u can sayanything u want about my wife..u hardly knew her anyway..at least she works hard to find her own money unlike u who

rely on a rich husband..at least my wife has some pride... "enjit-enjit semut,sakit dulu baru naik atas.." bukan macam kau laweyh.. isteri aku x cari jalan mudah macam kau.. ;p

14 hours ago · Like

Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof  For your information when Im with your brother , he never feed us , never sent the kid toschool , i bought all the furnitures and house aswell . you ask your brother whether its true or not.. I did my best to takecare him. but he refuse to change. I only fall in love with my new husband after I divorce . His not a rich man like your

family . We are here for work, He just a normal person. Im not looking for money but I want somebody who can appreciateme and can look after my family. Lily you're so full of yourself. what you intend to pursue argueing in facebook. its so

immature of you. why don't you confront me. its better that way. writing the thing that suppose to be private to public onlywill put you and your brother more on shame and guilty. because people will know about both of your and your brother's

true side. i will defense myself. and i dont have to put up with this crap of yours. thank you!

FYI : belajar tinggi2 pun, kalo taksub ngan diri sendiri pon xgune. Allah swt lagi Maha Bijaksana.

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14 hours ago · Like

o Syed Hashim Sudoh2 lah weehhh...kang aku makan nasi cicoh budu kang nok?

14 hours ago · Like ·  1 

o  Yoyoyang Hilang EXHIBIT A : "tak yah ler nk ckp org putih...sekrang aku kt Perth...dah merata dah g..kalo nk kata org tusebut terus nama...siut" EXHIBIT B :"kalo aku tak berpelajaran aku tak kerja sebagai akauntan kt f irma guaman...kalo aku

takda pelajaran..aku tak dilantik sebagai jurulatih..utk pengetahuan korang masa mula2 aku kenal abg korang aku dah jad iakauntan..gajii aku lebih tinggi pd abg korang..korang paham tak...slidik dulu sblm kata ke org..korang ingt korang aja yg

masuk kolej...kolej2 ni tak main la...org kaya bleh lah masuk...kalo ikut keputusan SPM...hampeh..kalo betul diploma korangtu laku kenapa korang takda jawatan bagus?????????" (taksub dengan diri sendiri you said? tell that to the mirror. btw, ididn't even mention your name. but you suddenly burst out of no where. so you put yourself to shame. you are theimmature person who made private things public. you are the self absorbed person. by the way, do not use God's name in

order to purify the filth you created. you left your husband for money and that is not what God will be pleased with. and wedo not use bad words l ike "NI SEKOR LAGI BODOH" or 'KEPALA HOTAK HANG". last but not least, we do not worship

money. money is not our God. That is why my wife accept me for who i am because unlike you, she knows there is so muchmore to life then money. because we are punk rockers. bwahahahahahhahhahaha!)

14 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang kelakar..

14 hours ago · Like

o  Yoyoyang Hilang kasihan..

14 hours ago · Like

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Nor Arzilawati Mohd Yusof   Alhamdulillah...Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yg berlaku...Tuan Syed Hashim: tolong

nasihatkan adik dan adik ipar awak ni..bgtau crita yg betul...jgn sampai sy bawak kes ke mahkamah lagi...kang sy tuntutbaru makan budu hari2...tp sy masih ada belas kasihan..biarlah org buat sy mcm2 dan kata sy mcm2...tp nk mghukum org

tak sama skali...biarlah Allah mmberi pembalasan...sy tahu sy insan hina...taksub ngn wang ringgit..sy jahat...sy tak malu..lantak lah apa org nk kata...slama ni sy dalam kesusahan tiada sapa yg ambil peduli...slama ni sy tak burukkan awak 

tu pasal org tak tau sikap awak...sy pendam...makan hati..Ya Allah...aku redha atas apa yg berlaku sekarang.

3 hours ago · Like

o Syed Hashim tak payah lah saye nak citer kat orang....panjang sangat citer nye...sepanjang lapan tahun.....nnti lah sayenasihatkan diaorang k.....tuntutlah kalau rase nak tuntut....biarlah saye tinggal sehelai sepinggang jer.....

about an hour ago · Like

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