(truth matters) “the truth concerning being a christian!” matthew 10:16-39

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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“The Truth Concerning Being a Christian!”Matthew 10:16-39

Call it what you may, false optimism, or false hope the term “false” says it all!

Gen. Giuseppe Garibaldi

“Soldiers, all our efforts against

superior forces have been unavailing. I

have nothing to offer you but hunger, thirst, hardship and death; but, I call on all who love their country to

join with me.”

Sir Winston Churchill

“I have nothing to offer you, but

blood, toil, tears and sweat!”

2 Timothy 3:12

“…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be


Purpose: to better understand the cost in

being a Christian

II You Can Expect HOSTILITY You Can Expect HOSTILITY (vv 16-20)(vv 16-20)

A. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

The wolf is the natural enemy of sheep… Keep in mind the world is at enmity with God

and anyone who stands with Him!

John 15:18-19

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the

world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”

Roy Weece

Tells of the time when he was preaching in

Eastern Europe eating with brethren there

who “matter-of-factly” said, “Yes, we may lose

our lives serving Jesus.”

II You Can Expect HOSTILITY You Can Expect HOSTILITY (vv 16-20)(vv 16-20)

A. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

B. Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves

Christ is not encouraging deceit, but

wants you and me to exercise

or use our minds, to be

mentally alert!

IIII You Can Expect REJECTION You Can Expect REJECTION (vv 21-23; 34-39)(vv 21-23; 34-39)

A. Hated by All for Christ

Literally means: persecuted with abhorrence or simply detested…

This is an intense word!

IIII You Can Expect REJECTION You Can Expect REJECTION (vv 21-23; 34-39)(vv 21-23; 34-39)

A. Hated by All for Christ

B. Hated by Immediate Family

Matthew 10:34-37

“…I did not come to bring peace, but a sword… anyone who loves

father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me…”

IIIIII You Can Expect the You Can Expect the UNEXPECTED UNEXPECTED (vv 24-25)(vv 24-25)

A. A Nickname was Given

B. Rejection in Total

You need to expect the unexpected. This is not suggesting we’ll endure what our Lord did,

but to be found faithful you need to expect the world’s worst and that means total rejection!

IVIV You Can Expect Ultimate You Can Expect Ultimate VICTORY (vv 26-33)VICTORY (vv 26-33)

A. Truth Will Win Out

Gen. S.L.A. Marshall

“Haunted by the memory of the recent conflict and resulting

dead, the average soldier

will not lie.”

IVIV You Can Expect Ultimate You Can Expect Ultimate VICTORY (vv 26-33)VICTORY (vv 26-33)

A. Truth Will Win Out

B. Man Cannot Kill the Soul

C. Faithfulness to Him Will be Honored

Included in this is an account

concerning the Duke of Windsor, England’s former

King Edward VIII… “Edward as Prince, as King, as a man was at his best only when the going

was good.”

Conclusion and SummaryConclusion and Summary

For you and me the going will not always, may seldom and in some

instances may never be “good.” What our Lord ask is loyalty: “A Call for

Loyal Solders”

“As a Volunteer”1.

A call for loyal soldiers comes to one and all; Soldiers for the conflict, will you heed the

call! Will you answer quickly, with a ready cheer, Will you be enlisted as a volunteer?


Yes, Jesus calls soldiers who are filled with power. Soldiers who will serve Him every day & hour;

He will not forsake you, He is ever near; Will you be enlisted as a volunteer?

“As a Volunteer”4.

And when the war is over and the victory won, When the true and faithful gather one by one; He will crown with glory all who there appear;

Will you be enlisted as a volunteer?


A volunteer for Jesus, a soldier true! Others have enlisted, why not you? Jesus is the Captain, we will never fear.

Will you be enlisted as a volunteer?

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