trik n tips delphi 7

Post on 27-Oct-2015






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Trik Database1. Menambahkan No Pada DB GRID

  1. create new blank field in dbgrid   2. rename the title with 'No:'   3. put this code in OnDrawColumncell   4. Now your Grid has a row number procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect;   DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); begin   if DataSource1.DataSet.RecNo > 0 then   begin     if Column.Title.Caption = 'No:' then       DBGrid1.Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top, IntToStr(DataSource1.DataSet.RecNo));   end; end;

2. Memilih semua Field pada DBGRIDfunction GridSelectAll(Grid: TDBGrid): Longint; begin   Result := 0;   Grid.SelectedRows.Clear;   with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do   begin     First;     DisableControls;     try       while not EOF do       begin         Grid.SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;         Inc(Result);         Next;       end;     finally       EnableControls;     end;   end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin   GridSelectAll(DBGrid1); end;

3. Random Field pada DBGRIDprocedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin   Randomize; 

  Table1.First;   Table1.MoveBy(Random(Table1.RecordCount)); end;

4. Membuat warna DBGRIDprocedure TForm1.ColorGrid(dbgIn: TDBGrid; qryIn: TQuery; const Rect: TRect;   DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn;   State: TGridDrawState); var   iValue: LongInt; begin   if (DataCol = 0) then   begin     iValue := qryIn.FieldByName('HINWEIS_COLOR').AsInteger;     case iValue of       1: dbgIn.Canvas.Brush.Color := clGreen;       2: dbgIn.Canvas.Brush.Color := clLime;       3: dbgIn.Canvas.Brush.Color := clYellow;       4: dbgIn.Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;     end;     dbgIn.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);   end; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject;   const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); begin   ColorGrid(DBGrid1, Query1, Rect, DataCol, Column, State); end;

Internet & LAN1. Send a file from a TServerSocket to a TClientSocket

unit Unit1; interface uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,   Dialogs, ScktComp, StdCtrls; type   TForm1 = class(TForm)     ClientSocket1: TClientSocket;     ServerSocket1: TServerSocket;     btnTestSockets: TButton;  procedure ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);   procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);  procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);   procedure ClientSocket1Disconnect(Sender: TObject;       Socket: TCustomWinSocket);    

procedure ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;       Socket: TCustomWinSocket);     procedure ServerSocket1ClientConnect(Sender: TObject;       Socket: TCustomWinSocket);     procedure btnTestSocketsClick(Sender: TObject);   private     FStream: TFileStream;     { Private-Deklarationen }   public     { Public-Deklarationen }   end; var   Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject;   Socket: TCustomWinSocket); var   iLen: Integer;   Bfr: Pointer; begin   iLen := Socket.ReceiveLength;   GetMem(Bfr, iLen);   try     Socket.ReceiveBuf(Bfr^, iLen);     FStream.Write(Bfr^, iLen);   finally     FreeMem(Bfr);   end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin   FStream := nil; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin   if Assigned(FStream) then   begin     FStream.Free;     FStream := nil;   end; end; procedure TForm1.ClientSocket1Disconnect(Sender: TObject;   Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin 

  if Assigned(FStream) then   begin     FStream.Free;     FStream := nil;   end; end; procedure TForm1.ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;   Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin   FStream := TFileStream.Create('c:\temp\', fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite); end; procedure TForm1.ServerSocket1ClientConnect(Sender: TObject;   Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin   Socket.SendStream(TFileStream.Create('c:\temp\test.html', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite)); end; procedure TForm1.btnTestSocketsClick(Sender: TObject); begin   ServerSocket1.Active := True;   ClientSocket1.Active := True; end; end.

2. Implementasi web server dan Klienunit convertImpl;interfaceuses sysutils, adodb, InvokeRegistry, Types, XSBuiltIns, convertIntf;type { Tconvert } Tconvert = class(TInvokableClass, Iconvert)  public function test(i: Integer): string; stdcall;    function login(uid: string; pass: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function drugmg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmt(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugsh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druggb(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugho(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugma(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugotc(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugotc_msg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtedp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drughsef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;

    function druggkh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druggfo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugosef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugvcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmot1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmot2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugjay1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugjay2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad3(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad4(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtadmsg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugfn(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugdoz(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugdas(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtmp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druglastchange(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugrundat(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugchanger(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugnewpr(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druglist(): string; stdcall;    function currusernam(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function curruserfam(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function curruserlimit(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function curruseraddr(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function currusertel(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function druginsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function drugupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function drugdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function LOGINinsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function LOGINupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function LOGINdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;  end;implementationfunction Tconvert.LOGINupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';

    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);    tmp.Connection := conn;    tmp.Connection.BeginTrans;    tmp.SQL.Clear;    tmp.SQL.Add('UPDATE LOGIN SET ' + VALUES + ' WHERE UID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + '''');    tmp.ExecSQL;    tmp.Connection.CommitTrans;    Result := True;  except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans;      Result := False;    end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free;    conn.Connected := False;    conn.Free;  end;//TRYend;//insertfuncfunction Tconvert.drugupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);    tmp.Connection := conn;    tmp.Connection.BeginTrans;    tmp.SQL.Clear;    tmp.SQL.Add('UPDATE drug SET ' + VALUES + ' WHERE DRUGID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + '''');

    tmp.ExecSQL;    tmp.Connection.CommitTrans;    Result := True;  except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans;      Result := False;    end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free;    conn.Connected := False;    conn.Free;  end;//TRYend;//insertfuncfunction Tconvert.drugdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);    tmp.Connection := conn;    tmp.Connection.BeginTrans;    tmp.SQL.Clear;    tmp.SQL.Add('DELETE FROM drug WHERE DRUGID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + '''');    tmp.ExecSQL;    tmp.Connection.CommitTrans;    Result := True;  except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans;      Result := False;    end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free;    conn.Connected := False;    conn.Free;

  end;//TRYend;//insertfuncfunction Tconvert.LOGINdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);    tmp.Connection := conn;    tmp.Connection.BeginTrans;    tmp.SQL.Clear;    tmp.SQL.Add('DELETE FROM LOGIN WHERE DRUGID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + '''');    tmp.ExecSQL;    tmp.Connection.CommitTrans;    Result := True;  except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans;      Result := False;    end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free;    conn.Connected := False;    conn.Free;  end;//TRYend;//insertfuncfunction Tconvert.druginsert(values: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Ca

talog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);    tmp.Connection := conn;    tmp.Connection.BeginTrans;    tmp.SQL.Clear;    tmp.SQL.Add('insert into drug values(' + values + ')');    tmp.ExecSQL;    tmp.Connection.CommitTrans;    Result := True;  except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans;      Result := False;    end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free;    conn.Connected := False;    conn.Free;  end;//TRYend;//insertfuncfunction Tconvert.LOGINinsert(values: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);    tmp.Connection := conn;    tmp.Connection.BeginTrans;    tmp.SQL.Clear;

    tmp.SQL.Add('insert into LOGIN values(' + values + ')');    tmp.ExecSQL;    tmp.Connection.CommitTrans;    Result := True;  except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans;      Result := False;    end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free;    conn.Connected := False;    conn.Free;  end;//TRYend;//insertfuncfunction Tconvert.curruseraddr(uid: string): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select addr from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  Result := tmp.FieldByName('addr').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;//funcfunction Tconvert.currusertel(uid: string): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;

begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tel from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  Result := tmp.FieldByName('tel').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;//funcfunction Tconvert.curruserlimit(uid: string): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select limit from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  Result := tmp.FieldByName('limit').AsString;

  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;//funcfunction Tconvert.curruserfam(uid: string): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select fam from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  Result := tmp.FieldByName('fam').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;//funcfunction Tconvert.currusernam(uid: string): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except

Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select nam from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('nam').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;//funcfunction tconvert.druglist(): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;  x: string;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select drugid from drug ');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else begin tmp.First;    x := '';    while not tmp.EOF do begin

x := x + tmp.FieldByName('drugid').AsString;      tmp.Next;    end;    Result := x;  end;//if tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugtmp(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tmp from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tmp').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.druglastchange(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try

conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select lastchange from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('lastchange').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugchanger(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select changer from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' 

  else Result := tmp.FieldByName('changer').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugrundat(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select rundat from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('rundat').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugnewpr(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Ca

talog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select newpr from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('newpr').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugdas(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select das from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('das').AsString;  tmp.Close;

  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugdoz(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select doz from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('doz').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugfn(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;

  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select fn from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('fn').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugtadmsg(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tadmsg from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tadmsg').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;

end;function tconvert.drugtad4(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tad4 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad4').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugtad3(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;

  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tad3 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad3').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugtad2(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tad2 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad2').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugtad1(drugid: Integer): string;var

conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tad1 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad1').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugjay2(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;

  tmp.SQL.Add('select jay2 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('jay2').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugjay1(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select jay1 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('jay1').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugmot2(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin

try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select mot2 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mot2').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugmot1(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select mot1 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;

  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mot1').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugvcod(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select vcod from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('vcod').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugosef(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=

      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select osef from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('osef').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.druggfo(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select gfo from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('gfo').AsString;

  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.druggkh(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select gkh from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('gkh').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drughsef(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;

    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select hsef from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('hsef').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugtedp(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select tedp from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tedp').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;

  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugotc_msg(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select otc_msg from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('otc_msg').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugotc(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';

  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select otc from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('otc').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugma(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select ma from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('ma').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugmo(drugid: Integer): string;

var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select mo from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mo').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugho(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;

  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select ho from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('ho').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.druggb(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select gb from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('gb').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugcod(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;

begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select cod from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('cod').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugsh(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select sh from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;

  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('sh').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugmt(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select mt from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mt').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.drugmg(drugid: Integer): string;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);

    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := 'Faild connection!';  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select mg from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!'   else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mg').AsString;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.login(uid: string; pass: string): Boolean;var conn: tadoconnection;  tmp: tadoquery;begin try conn           := tadoconnection.Create(nil);    conn.ConnectionString :=      'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data';    conn.LoginPrompt := False;    conn.Connected := True;  except Result := False;  end;  tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil);  tmp.Connection := conn;  tmp.SQL.Clear;  tmp.SQL.Add('select * from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''') and (password=N''' +    pass + ''')');  tmp.ExecSQL;  tmp.Open;  if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := False 

  else Result := True;  tmp.Close;  tmp.Free;  conn.Connected := False;  conn.Free;end;function tconvert.test(i: Integer): string;begin case i of 0: Result := 'Zero';    1: Result := 'one';    2: Result := 'two';    3: Result := 'three';    4: Result := 'four';    5: Result := 'five';    6: Result := 'six';    7: Result := 'seven';    8: Result := 'eight';    9: Result := 'nine';    else Result := 'out of range';  end;end;initialization { Invokable classes must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInvokableClass(Tconvert);end.{####################################################################}{ Invokable interface Iconvert }{####################################################################}unit convertIntf;interfaceuses InvokeRegistry, Types, XSBuiltIns;type { Invokable interfaces must derive from IInvokable } Iconvert = interface(IInvokable)    ['{9AC31ECA-37C4-42C2-9E9D-1E0117A8C746}']    function test(i: Integer): string; stdcall;    function login(uid: string; pass: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function drugmg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmt(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugsh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druggb(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;

    function drugho(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugma(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugotc(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugotc_msg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtedp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drughsef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druggkh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druggfo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugosef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugvcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmot1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugmot2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugjay1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugjay2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad3(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtad4(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtadmsg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugfn(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugdoz(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugdas(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugtmp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druglastchange(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugrundat(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugchanger(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function drugnewpr(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall;    function druglist(): string; stdcall;       //list koliye drug id ha function currusernam(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function curruserfam(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function curruserlimit(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function curruseraddr(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function currusertel(uid: string): string; stdcall;    function druginsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function drugupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function drugdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function LOGINinsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function LOGINupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    function LOGINdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall;    { Methods of Invokable interface must not use the default } { calling convention; stdcall is recommended } end;implementationinitialization

{ Invokable interfaces must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(Iconvert));end.{####################################################################}{ SOAP WebModule }{####################################################################}unit Unit1;interfaceuses SysUtils, Classes, HTTPApp, InvokeRegistry, WSDLIntf, TypInfo,  WebServExp, WSDLBind, XMLSchema, WSDLPub, SOAPPasInv, SOAPHTTPPasInv,  SOAPHTTPDisp, WebBrokerSOAP;type TWebModule1 = class(TWebModule)    HTTPSoapDispatcher1: THTTPSoapDispatcher;    HTTPSoapPascalInvoker1: THTTPSoapPascalInvoker;    WSDLHTMLPublish1: TWSDLHTMLPublish;    procedure WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject;      Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);  private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var WebModule1: TWebModule1;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject;  Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);begin WSDLHTMLPublish1.ServiceInfo(Sender, Request, Response, Handled);end;end.{####################################################################}unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, InvokeRegistry, StdCtrls, Rio, SOAPHTTPClient;type TForm1 = class(TForm)    HTTPRIO1: THTTPRIO;    Edit2: TEdit;    Edit3: TEdit;

    Label2: TLabel;    Label3: TLabel;    Button2: TButton;    Label4: TLabel;    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);  private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1: TForm1;implementationuses convertIntf, mainmenu;{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);var temp: iconvert;  i: Integer;begin Form1.Visible := False;  temp          := httprio1 as iconvert;  if temp.login(edit2.Text, edit3.Text) then label4.Caption := 'Login'   else label4.Caption := 'Failed!';  // 1->admin 2-> change drug,chage curr,insert drug,change price 3->iuser,uuser,current 4->change current i := StrToInt(temp.curruserlimit(edit2.Text));  FORM2.Label1.Caption := temp.currusernam(edit2.Text);  FORM2.Label2.Caption := temp.curruserfam(edit2.Text);  FORM2.Label3.Caption := temp.curruseraddr(edit2.Text);  FORM2.Label4.Caption := temp.currusertel(edit2.Text);  case i of 1:      begin form2.iuser.Enabled    := True;        form2.uuser.Enabled    := True;        form2.curruser.Enabled := True;        form2.udrug.Enabled    := True;        form2.idrug.Enabled    := True;        form2.rundat.Enabled   := True;        form2.Button7.Enabled  := True;        form2.Show;      end;   

 2:      begin form2.iuser.Enabled    := False;        form2.uuser.Enabled    := False;        form2.curruser.Enabled := True;        form2.udrug.Enabled    := True;        form2.idrug.Enabled    := True;        form2.rundat.Enabled   := True;        form2.Button7.Enabled  := True;        form2.Show;      end;    3:      begin form2.iuser.Enabled    := True;        form2.uuser.Enabled    := True;        form2.curruser.Enabled := True;        form2.udrug.Enabled    := False;        form2.idrug.Enabled    := False;        form2.rundat.Enabled   := False;        form2.Button7.Enabled  := True;        form2.Show;      end;    4:      begin form2.iuser.Enabled    := False;        form2.uuser.Enabled    := False;        form2.curruser.Enabled := True;        form2.udrug.Enabled    := False;        form2.idrug.Enabled    := False;        form2.rundat.Enabled   := False;        form2.Button7.Enabled  := True;        form2.Show;      end;    else begin ShowMessage('Access Denided!');        halt;      end;  end;//caseend;end.{####################################################################}unit adduser;interfaceuses

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, StdCtrls, InvokeRegistry, Rio, SOAPHTTPClient;type TForm3 = class(TForm)    Label1: TLabel;    Label2: TLabel;    Label3: TLabel;    Label4: TLabel;    Label5: TLabel;    Label6: TLabel;    Label7: TLabel;    Label8: TLabel;    Edit1: TEdit;    Edit2: TEdit;    Edit3: TEdit;    Edit4: TEdit;    Edit5: TEdit;    Edit6: TEdit;    ComboBox1: TComboBox;    Edit7: TEdit;    Button1: TButton;    Button2: TButton;    HTTPRIO1: THTTPRIO;    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);    procedure Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);  private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form3: TForm3;implementationuses convertIntf;{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var temp: iconvert;begin temp := httprio1 as iconvert;  if temp.currusernam(edit1.Text) = 'Not found!' then button2.Enabled := True   else button2.Enabled := False;end;

procedure TForm3.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);begin button2.Enabled := False;  button1.Enabled := True;end;procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);var temp: iconvert;  s: string;begin temp := httprio1 as iconvert;  s    := ' N''' + edit1.Text + ''',N''' + edit2.Text + ''',' +    IntToStr(combobox1.ItemIndex) + ',N''' + edit3.Text + ''',N''' +    edit4.Text + ''',N''' + edit5.Text + ''',N''' + edit6.Text + ''',' + edit7.Text + ' ';  if temp.LOGINinsert(s) then begin ShowMessage('saved');    edit1.Text          := '';    edit2.Text          := '';    edit3.Text          := '';    edit4.Text          := '';    edit5.Text          := '';    edit6.Text          := '';    edit7.Text          := '';    combobox1.ItemIndex := 0;    button2.Enabled     := False;  end else begin ShowMessage('Not saved!');    button2.Enabled := False;  end;end;end.

3. Chat menggunakan TCP CLIENT/SERVERunit TcpConnection;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes,  Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,  Sockets;type ...Host1: TEdit;  RPort: TEdit;  LPort: TEdit;

  Lines1: TEdit;  ChatWnd: TMemo;  ......TcpClient1: TTcpClient;  TcpServer1: TTcpServer;procedure Connect1Click(Sender: TObject);procedure Send1Click(Sender: TObject);procedure TcpServer1Accept(Sender: TObject;  ClientSocket: TCustomIpClient);  private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1: TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.Connect1Click(Sender: TObject);begin TcpServer1.Active    := False; {Disconnect First} TcpServer1.LocalPort := LPort.Text;  TcpServer1.Active    := True; {Then Connect}end;procedure TForm1.Send1Click(Sender: TObject);begin TcpClient1.RemoteHost := Host1.Text;  {To connect to Server you must know his IP address, like} TcpClient1.RemotePort := RPort.Text;  try if TcpClient1.Connect then TcpClient1.Sendln(Lines1.Text);  finally TcpClient1.Disconnect;  end;end;{OnAccept Event}procedure TForm1.TcpServer1Accept(Sender: TObject;  ClientSocket: TCustomIpClient);var s: string;begin ChatWnd.Lines.Add('Start Sending Data');  ChatWnd.Lines.Add('Rem Host: ' +    ClientSocket.LookupHostName(ClientSocket.RemoteHost) + ' (' + ClientSocket.RemoteHost + ')');

  s := ClientSocket.Receiveln;  while s <> '' do begin ChatWnd.Lines.Add(s);    s := ClientSocket.Receiveln;  end;  ChatWnd.Lines.Add('End Sending Data');end;end.

4. Register sendiri Protocol (TCP){+++ German: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hallo alle zusammen,ich möchte euch zeigen, wie man eigene Protokolle registriert. (bzw. löscht)Wir schreiben dazu unser Protokoll in die Registry.+++ English: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hello all together,I want to show you how to register own protocols. (and deleting)We will write our protocol into the registry.}{+++ German: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Diese Procedur öffnet die Registry und schreibt folgendes rein: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     +NAME          (STANDARD)           URL:NAME (ERKLÄRUNG)          EditFlags            2          Source Filter        [leer]          URL Protocol         [leer]          +SHELL                +OPEN                     +COMMAND                             (STANDARD)         ExecuteStrDer ExecuteStr sollte irgendwo %1 enthalten, da an dieser Stelle der Shellbefehl angegeben wird.BSP:NAME: Chat;Describtion: Chatprotokoll;ExecuteStr: "C:\ChatClient.exe %1".Chat://2002/   -> Führt  "C:\Chatclient.exe Chat://2002/"  aus.+++ English: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This procedure opens the registry ein write the following into it. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     +NAME          (DEFAULT)           URL:NAME (Describtion)          EditFlags            2          Source Filter        [empty]          URL Protocol         [empty]          +SHELL                +OPEN

                     +COMMAND                             (DEFAULT)         ExecuteStrThe ExecuteStr should include somewhere %1 because at this position the shell-order will be included.Example:NAME: Chat;Describtion: Chatprotocol;ExecuteStr: "C:\ChatClient.exe %1".Chat://2002/   -> executes:  "C:\Chatclient.exe Chat://2002/"}

procedure RegisterProtocol(const Name, Describtion, ExecuteStr: string);var reg: TRegistry;begin reg := TRegistry.Create;  try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;    reg.OpenKey(Name, True);    try reg.Writestring('', 'URL:' + Name +' (' + Describtion + ')');      reg.WriteInteger('EditFlags', 2);      reg.WriteString('Source Filter', '');      reg.WriteString('URL Protocol', '');      reg.OpenKey('shell', True);      reg.OpenKey('open', True);      reg.OpenKey('command', True);      reg.Writestring('', ExecuteStr);    finally reg.CloseKey;    end;  finally reg.Free;  end;end;{+++ German: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Diese Prozedur ermöglich das Löschen eines Protokolls.Vorsicht: AUCH HTTP FTP HTTPS können gelöscht werden!!!+++ English: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This procedure allows you to delete a protocol again.Attention: HTTP FTP HTTPS can also be deleted.}procedure UnregisterProtocol(const Name: string);var reg: TRegistry;begin

reg := TRegistry.Create;  try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;    reg.DeleteKey(Name);  finally reg.Free;  end;end;{+++ German: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ein kleines Beispiel soll die Verwendung zeigen.Wir registrieren das Chatprotokoll und lesen die ParamStr aus.Nach dem registrieren gehen sie Start|Ausführen und geben sie "CHAT://OnlyaTest" ein.Danach klicken sie Button2 um das Protokoll wieder zu löschen.+++ English: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A little example shall illustrate the using.We register the "chatprotocol" and read the ParamStr.After the registering you should go START|EXECUTE and enter "Chat://OnlyAText".After that you should click button2 to delete the protocol again.Komponenten / components:Memo1: TMemo;Button1: TButton;Button2: TButton;}procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var Name, Describtion, Executestr: string;begin Name        := 'CHAT';  Describtion := 'BSN CHAT SERVER';  ExecuteStr  := Application.ExeName + '%1';  RegisterProtocol(Name, Describtion, ExecuteStr);end;procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);begin UnRegisterProtocol('CHAT');end;procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);var i: Integer;begin for i := 0 to PARAMCOUNT do Memo1.Lines.Add(ParamStr(i));end;

5. get the name of the local file that is being cached?uses  WiniNet;// Get Cached File Path From URLfunction GetCachedFileFromURL(strUL: string; var strLocalFile: string): boolean;var  lpEntryInfo: PInternetCacheEntryInfo;  hCacheDir: LongWord;  dwEntrySize: LongWord;  dwLastError: LongWord;begin  Result := False;  dwEntrySize := 0;  // Begin the enumeration of the Internet cache.  FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(nil, TInternetCacheEntryInfo(nil^), dwEntrySize);  GetMem(lpEntryInfo, dwEntrySize);  hCacheDir := FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(nil, lpEntryInfo^, dwEntrySize);  if (hCacheDir <> 0) and (strUL = lpEntryInfo^.lpszSourceUrlName) then  begin    strLocalFile := lpEntryInfo^.lpszLocalFileName;    Result := True;  end;  FreeMem(lpEntryInfo);  if Result = False then    repeat      dwEntrySize := 0;      // Retrieves the next cache group in a cache group enumeration      FindNextUrlCacheEntry(hCacheDir, TInternetCacheEntryInfo(nil^), dwEntrySize);      dwLastError := GetLastError();      if (GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then      begin        GetMem(lpEntryInfo, dwEntrySize);        if (FindNextUrlCacheEntry(hCacheDir, lpEntryInfo^, dwEntrySize)) then        begin          if strUL = lpEntryInfo^.lpszSourceUrlName then          begin            strLocalFile := lpEntryInfo^.lpszLocalFileName;            Result := True;            Break;          end;        end;        FreeMem(lpEntryInfo);      end;    until (dwLastError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);end;

6. ShutDown komputer melalui jaringanunit shutdown;interfaceuses Windows,  StdCtrls;procedure shut(system, nachricht: string; force, reboot: Boolean; countdown: Integer);procedure abortshut(system: string);implementationconst SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = 'SeShutdownPrivilege';var hdlg: DWORD = 0;procedure shut(system, nachricht: string; force, reboot: Boolean; countdown: Integer);var otoken, hToken: THandle;  tp: TTokenPrivileges;  h: DWORD;begin OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, hToken);  otoken := htoken;  LookupPrivilegeValue(nil, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, tp.Privileges[0].luid);  tp.privilegecount := 1;  tp.privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;  h := 0;  AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, tp, 0, PTokenPrivileges(nil)^, h);  InitiateSystemShutdown(PChar(system), PChar(nachricht), countdown, force, reboot);  tp.privilegecount := 1;  tp.privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;  h := 0;  AdjustTokenPrivileges(oToken, False, tp, 0, PTokenPrivileges(nil)^, h);  CloseHandle(hToken);end;procedure abortshut(system: string);var hToken: THandle;  tp: TTokenPrivileges;  h: DWORD;begin OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, hToken);  LookupPrivilegeValue(PChar(system), SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, tp.Privileges[0].luid);  tp.privilegecount := 1;  tp.privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;  h := 0;  AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, tp, 0, PTokenPrivileges(nil)^, h);

  CloseHandle(hToken);  abortSystemShutdown(PChar(system));end;end.

7. get the list of active process on a PC of my network?unit PerfInfo;interfaceuses Windows, SysUtils, Classes;type TPerfCounter = record Counter: Integer;    Value: TLargeInteger;  end;  TPerfCounters = Array of TPerfCounter;  TPerfInstance = class private FName: string;    FCounters: TPerfCounters;  public property Name: string read FName;    property Counters: TPerfCounters read FCounters;  end;  TPerfObject = class private FList: TList;    FObjectID: DWORD;    FMachine: string;    function GetCount: Integer;    function GetInstance(Index: Integer): TPerfInstance;    procedure ReadInstances;  public property ObjectID: DWORD read FObjectID;    property Item[Index: Integer]: TPerfInstance      read GetInstance; default;    property Count: Integer read GetCount;    constructor Create(const AMachine: string; AObjectID: DWORD);    destructor Destroy; override;  end;procedure GetProcesses(const Machine: string; List: TStrings);implementationtype PPerfDataBlock = ^TPerfDataBlock;  TPerfDataBlock = record Signature: array[0..3] of WCHAR;

    LittleEndian: DWORD;    Version: DWORD;    Revision: DWORD;    TotalByteLength: DWORD;    HeaderLength: DWORD;    NumObjectTypes: DWORD;    DefaultObject: Longint;    SystemTime: TSystemTime;    PerfTime: TLargeInteger;    PerfFreq: TLargeInteger;    PerfTime100nSec: TLargeInteger;    SystemNameLength: DWORD;    SystemNameOffset: DWORD;  end;  PPerfObjectType = ^TPerfObjectType;  TPerfObjectType = record TotalByteLength: DWORD;    DefinitionLength: DWORD;    HeaderLength: DWORD;    ObjectNameTitleIndex: DWORD;    ObjectNameTitle: LPWSTR;    ObjectHelpTitleIndex: DWORD;    ObjectHelpTitle: LPWSTR;    DetailLevel: DWORD;    NumCounters: DWORD;    DefaultCounter: Longint;    NumInstances: Longint;    CodePage: DWORD;    PerfTime: TLargeInteger;    PerfFreq: TLargeInteger;  end;  PPerfCounterDefinition = ^TPerfCounterDefinition;  TPerfCounterDefinition = record ByteLength: DWORD;    CounterNameTitleIndex: DWORD;    CounterNameTitle: LPWSTR;    CounterHelpTitleIndex: DWORD;    CounterHelpTitle: LPWSTR;    DefaultScale: Longint;    DetailLevel: DWORD;    CounterType: DWORD;    CounterSize: DWORD;    CounterOffset: DWORD;  end;  PPerfInstanceDefinition = ^TPerfInstanceDefinition;

  TPerfInstanceDefinition = record ByteLength: DWORD;    ParentObjectTitleIndex: DWORD;    ParentObjectInstance: DWORD;    UniqueID: Longint;    NameOffset: DWORD;    NameLength: DWORD;  end;  PPerfCounterBlock = ^TPerfCounterBlock;  TPerfCounterBlock = record ByteLength: DWORD;  end;{Navigation helpers}function FirstObject(PerfData: PPerfDataBlock): PPerfObjectType;begin Result := PPerfObjectType(DWORD(PerfData) + PerfData.HeaderLength);end;function NextObject(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfObjectType;begin Result := PPerfObjectType(DWORD(PerfObj) + PerfObj.TotalByteLength);end;function FirstInstance(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfInstanceDefinition;begin Result := PPerfInstanceDefinition(DWORD(PerfObj) + PerfObj.DefinitionLength);end;function NextInstance(PerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition): PPerfInstanceDefinition;var PerfCntrBlk: PPerfCounterBlock;begin PerfCntrBlk := PPerfCounterBlock(DWORD(PerfInst) + PerfInst.ByteLength);  Result := PPerfInstanceDefinition(DWORD(PerfCntrBlk) + PerfCntrBlk.ByteLength);end;function FirstCounter(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfCounterDefinition;begin Result := PPerfCounterDefinition(DWORD(PerfObj) + PerfObj.HeaderLength);end;function NextCounter(PerfCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition): PPerfCounterDefinition;begin Result := PPerfCounterDefinition(DWORD(PerfCntr) + PerfCntr.ByteLength);end;{Registry helpers}function GetPerformanceKey(const Machine: string): HKey;var s: string;begin

Result := 0;  if Length(Machine) = 0 then Result := HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA  else begin s := Machine;    if Pos('\\', s) <> 1 then s := '\\' + s;    if RegConnectRegistry(PChar(s), HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, Result) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := 0;  end;end;{TPerfObject}constructor TPerfObject.Create(const AMachine: string; AObjectID: DWORD);begin inherited Create;  FList := TList.Create;  FMachine := AMachine;  FObjectID := AObjectID;  ReadInstances;end;destructor TPerfObject.Destroy;var i: Integer;begin for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do TPerfInstance(FList[i]).Free;  FList.Free;  inherited Destroy;end;function TPerfObject.GetCount: Integer;begin Result := FList.Count;end;function TPerfObject.GetInstance(Index: Integer): TPerfInstance;begin Result := FList[Index];end;procedure TPerfObject.ReadInstances;var PerfData: PPerfDataBlock;  PerfObj: PPerfObjectType;  PerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition;  PerfCntr, CurCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition;

  PtrToCntr: PPerfCounterBlock;  BufferSize: Integer;  i, j, k: Integer;  pData: PLargeInteger;  Key: HKey;  CurInstance: TPerfInstance;begin for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do TPerfInstance(FList[i]).Free;  FList.Clear;  Key := GetPerformanceKey(FMachine);  if Key = 0 then Exit;  PerfData := nil;  try {Allocate initial buffer for object information} BufferSize := 65536;    GetMem(PerfData, BufferSize);    {retrieve data} while RegQueryValueEx(Key,      PChar(IntToStr(FObjectID)),  {Object name} nil, nil, Pointer(PerfData), @BufferSize) = ERROR_MORE_DATA do begin {buffer is too small} Inc(BufferSize, 1024);      ReallocMem(PerfData, BufferSize);    end;    RegCloseKey(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA);    {Get the first object type} PerfObj := FirstObject(PerfData);    {Process all objects} for i := 0 to PerfData.NumObjectTypes - 1 do begin {Check for requested object} if PerfObj.ObjectNameTitleIndex = FObjectID then begin {Get the first counter} PerfCntr := FirstCounter(PerfObj);        if PerfObj.NumInstances > 0  then begin {Get the first instance} PerfInst := FirstInstance(PerfObj);          {Retrieve all instances} for k := 0 to PerfObj.NumInstances - 1 do begin {Create entry for instance}

CurInstance := TPerfInstance.Create;            CurInstance.FName := WideCharToString(PWideChar(DWORD(PerfInst) +                                                      PerfInst.NameOffset));            FList.Add(CurInstance);            CurCntr := PerfCntr;            {Retrieve all counters} SetLength(CurInstance.FCounters, PerfObj.NumCounters);            for j := 0 to PerfObj.NumCounters - 1 do begin PtrToCntr := PPerfCounterBlock(DWORD(PerfInst) + PerfInst.ByteLength);              pData := Pointer(DWORD(PtrToCntr) + CurCntr.CounterOffset);              {Add counter to array} CurInstance.FCounters[j].Counter := CurCntr.CounterNameTitleIndex;              CurInstance.FCounters[j].Value := pData^;              {Get the next counter} CurCntr := NextCounter(CurCntr);            end;            {Get the next instance.} PerfInst := NextInstance(PerfInst);          end;        end;      end;      {Get the next object type} PerfObj := NextObject(PerfObj);    end;  finally {Release buffer} FreeMem(PerfData);    {Close remote registry handle} if Key <> HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA then RegCloseKey(Key);  end;end;procedure GetProcesses(const Machine: string; List: TStrings);var Processes: TPerfObject;  i, j: Integer;  ProcessID: DWORD;begin Processes := nil;  List.Clear;  try Processes := TPerfObject.Create(Machine, 230);  {230 = Process} for i := 0 to Processes.Count - 1 do {Find process ID}

for j := 0 to Length(Processes[i].Counters) - 1 do if (Processes[i].Counters[j].Counter = 784) then begin ProcessID := Processes[i].Counters[j].Value;          if ProcessID <> 0 then List.AddObject(Processes[i].Name, Pointer(ProcessID));          Break;        end;  finally Processes.Free;  end;end;end.

8. Menggunakan Serversocket and Clientsocket// Client Program:// Send 'power' to Client to shutdown the machine.// Send 'reset' to Client to reset the machine.unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ScktComp;type TForm1 = class(TForm)    Clientsocket1: TClientSocket;    StatusBar1: TStatusBar;    Button1: TButton;    Button2: TButton;    Edit1: TEdit;    Label1: TLabel;    Button3: TButton;    CheckBox1: TCheckBox;    Checkbox2: TCheckBox;    procedure Button1Click(Sender : TObject);    procedure Button2Click(Sender : TObject);    procedure Clientsocket1Error(Sender : TObject; Socket : TCustomWinSocket;      ErrorEvent : TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode : integer);    procedure Clientsocket1Disconnect(Sender : TObject;      Socket : TCustomWinSocket);    procedure Clientsocket1Connect(Sender : TObject;      Socket : TCustomWinSocket);    procedure Button3Click(Sender : TObject);    procedure FormClose(Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction);    procedure FormDestroy(Sender : TObject);  private

{ Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1 : TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender : TObject);begin Clientsocket1.Active := True;end;procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender : TObject);begin Clientsocket1.Active := False;end;procedure TForm1.Clientsocket1Error(Sender : TObject;  Socket : TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent : TErrorEvent;  var ErrorCode : integer);begin errorcode := 0;  StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'Error';end;procedure TForm1.Clientsocket1Disconnect(Sender : TObject;  Socket : TCustomWinSocket);begin StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'Disconnect';end;procedure TForm1.Clientsocket1Connect(Sender : TObject;  Socket : TCustomWinSocket);begin StatusBar1.SimpleText := Clientsocket1.Address;end;procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender : TObject);var ukaz : string;  orders : string;  Text : string;  box : string;begin ukaz := edit1.Text;  Clientsocket1.Socket.SendText(ukaz);  if checkbox1.Checked = True then begin orders := 'power';

    Clientsocket1.Socket.SendText(orders);  end;  if Checkbox2.Checked = True then begin Text := 'reset';    Clientsocket1.Socket.SendText(Text);  end;end;procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction);begin Clientsocket1.Active := False;end;procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender : TObject);begin Clientsocket1.Active := False;end;end.// Client Programunit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, ScktComp, StdCtrls, ShellApi;type TForm1 = class(TForm)    Label1: TLabel;    Serversocket1: TServerSocket;    procedure FormClose(Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction);    procedure FormDestroy(Sender : TObject);    procedure FormCreate(Sender : TObject);    procedure Serversocket1ClientError(Sender : TObject;      Socket : TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent : TErrorEvent;      var ErrorCode : integer);    procedure Serversocket1ClientRead(Sender : TObject;      Socket : TCustomWinSocket);  private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1 : TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction);begin Serversocket1.Active := False;end;procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender : TObject);begin Serversocket1.Active := False;end;procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender : TObject);begin Serversocket1.Active := True;end;procedure TForm1.Serversocket1ClientError(Sender : TObject;  Socket : TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent : TErrorEvent;  var ErrorCode : integer);begin errorcode := 0;end;procedure TForm1.Serversocket1ClientRead(Sender : TObject;  Socket : TCustomWinSocket);var ukaz : string;  orders : string;  Text : string;  box : string;begin ukaz := socket.ReceiveText;  label1.Caption := 'reciving...';  ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(ukaz), PChar(''), nil, sw_show);  Text := socket.ReceiveText;  orders := socket.ReceiveText;  if orders = 'power' then begin ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('shutdown.exe'), PChar('-s'), nil, sw_show);    Application.MessageBox('You will be turned off', 'Warning', mb_iconexclamation);    Serversocket1.Active := False;    Form1.Close;  end;  if Text = 'reset' then begin ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('shutdown.exe'), PChar('-r'), nil, sw_show);    Application.MessageBox('You will be reset', 'Warning', mb_iconexclamation);    Serversocket1.Active := False;    Form1.Close;  end;


FORM1. Format Currency sesuai Local setting

function GetCurrency(number: PChar): string;var tmpStr: string;begin SetLength(tmpStr, 255);  GetCurrencyFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, number, nil, PChar(tmpStr), Length(tmpStr);  Result := tmpStr;end;// Beispiel: Example:procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(GetCurrency(PChar(Edit1.Text))), '', MB_OK);end;

2. Disable Button Close[X] pada FORMprocedure TFMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);var hMenuHandle: Integer;begin hMenuHandle := GetSystemMenu(Handle, False);  if (hMenuHandle <> 0) then DeleteMenu(hMenuHandle, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);end;

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