tricks of the trade people! - ms. n's english...

Post on 01-Feb-2020






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Literary TermsTricks of the trade people!

Lyric:Logan and Dallas:

- Definition:Having the form and musical quality of a song, and especially a songlikeoutpouring of the poet’s own thoughts and feelings..

Ex: “Ate the pork chop sandwich with the tartar sauceIn the packet that I found in my purple Prada pocket protector”

A lyric from the song; Lava Glaciers: By Riff Raff, ft. Childish Gambino


Logan and Dallas

Definition:a simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing.

dramatic monologue definition:apoetic form in which a single character, addressing a silentauditor at a critical moment, reveals him/herself and the dramatic situation

A verse that does not follow a regular patternexample: Fog by Carl Sandburg The fog comeson little cat feet. It sits lookingover harbor and cityon silent haunchesand then moves on.

Free Verse: Rayne, Munroop

Ode : Rayne, MunroopA poem intended to be sung, typically of elaborate or irregular metrical form and expressive of exhaltic or enthusiastic emotion.ex. Ode to JoyThe muppets

a mournful,melancholy, or plaintive poem, written in elegiac meter

Ex. “Oh Captain My Captain”by Walt Whiteman

Elegy: Rayne, Munroop

Sonnet (English)

A sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a couplet with a rhyme scheme

Click here:Sonnet Example

By Sydney and Kienen

Sonnet (Italian)A rhyming poem containing an octave of abbaabba followed by a sestet of either cdecde or cdcdcd

Kienen & Sydney

Blank VersePoetry written in regular metrical but unrhymed lines, almost always iambic pentameters.

Click here:Blank Verse Example

By Sydney and Kienen

Alliteration The repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of words or stressed syllables in a phrase.

By Cassie & Maddi

AssonanceTakes place when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds.

By Cassie & Maddi

ConsonanceRefers to repetitive sounds produced by consonant sounds within a sentence or phrase. Often takes place in quick succession such as pitter, patter.

By Cassie & Maddi

Oxymoron figure of speech, when two words with opposing meaning are used together intentionally for effect

Travis D Jordyn C


A figure of speech where an object’s name is replaced with another name that it is closely connected with.

Travis DJordyn C

Synecdoche figure of speech in which a term for a part

of something refers to the whole of something, or vice versa

Travis DJordyn C

Metaphor:A figure of speech when two unlike

objects are compared.Example:

“Time is a thief”

Greg and Chris

Personification:When an inanimate object is

given human qualitiesExample:

“The wind whistled through the trees.”

Greg and Chris

Simile:When two unlike things are compared using like or as


“Firemen are as hot as a burning building.”

Greg and Chris

"Here Captain! dear father!/This arm beneath your head;/It is some dream that on deck,/You've fallen cold and dead."-"O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman

example Ode to the Confederate Dead by Allen Tate.

Definition: over reacting or over exaggerating to make a point.Example: > “I’ve told you a million times.”> “I am so hungry I could eat a horse.”> “She is as skinny as a toothpick.”

Clifford, Jessi


Definition: a figure of speech which employs an understatement by using double negatives or, in other words, positive statement is expressed by negating its opposite expression.Examples:> “The ice cream was not too bad”> “You are not as young as you used to be”

Clifford, Jessi


An act of talking while or as if alone, which is often used as a dramaticdevice to show the character’s innermost thoughts.Ex:" O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?" -Romeo and Juliet


Mackenzie& Sydney

Noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered around a hero, in which a series of great events is narrated in elevated style.

Ex: Batman is epic.

Mackenzie & Sydney


Having the simplicity, charm, serenity, or other characteristics generally attributed to rural areas.


Sean and Wyatt

Example: A pastoral scene

The definition of foreshadowing is a literary device used by authors, writers, and filmmakers to enhance the storyline and to create more suspense.

Foreshadowing In the fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, the mother is concerned for her safety and that foreshadows the appearance of the big bad wolf.


Wyatt and Sean

Stanza or poem with four lines, usually with alternate rhymes.

Quatrain Nikki and Megan

Stanza of eight lines, especially the first eight lines of a sonnet in the Italianform.

Octave Nikki and Megan

A pair of successive lines of verse,especially a pair that rhyme and are of the same length.

Couplet Nikki and Megan

The form of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical,dramatic, or poetic effect. eg “meow”, “boom”

Ex: The buzzing bee flew away.


Mackenzie & Sydney

Onomatopoeia: The formation of words to create sounds.Ex. Boom.Bang.Crack yee

Onomatopoeia:Freddy & Brittny

Comparing two unlike things without using like or as.

Metaphor: Freddy & Brittny

Personification : Giving human traits to non-human objects.

Personification: Freddy & Brittny

Definition:The last six lines of a sonnet in the Italian form.

-Example of a sestet-Behind me dips eternity-Emily DickinsonBehind Me -- dips Eternity --Before Me -- Immortality --Myself -- the Term between --Death but the Drift of Eastern Gray,Dissolving into Dawn away,Before the West begin --


Roger and Kaia

Definition:The pattern of rhymes used in a poem,usually marked by letters to symbolise correspondences (aabbcc)

Rhyme scheme

Roger and Kaia

Definition:a statement or proposition that seems self contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth.


Kaia and Roger

Apostrophe is a figure of speech represented by exclamation. A writer or speaker, using an apostrophe, detaches himself/herself from the reality and addresses an imaginary character in his/her speech.

Examples:> “The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.”

Clifford, Jessi


Dialect- Calee Q and Justin PDefition: A special variety of a language.

Link: watch from 2:57-4:04

Example: Put dis in yo mouf or da person went to da store

Epithet-Calee Q and Justin PDefinition: Any word or phrase, Applied to a person or thing, to describe an actual or attributed qualityVideo: Heaven-Bryan AdamsExample: Shakespeare’s work- “Thou mad mustachio purple-hued maltworms! (Henry IV) and “Death lies on her like an untimely frost. Upon the sweetest flower of all the field…” (Romeo and Juliet).

Allegory-Calee Q and Justin PDefinition: A representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another, thus an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and an abstract meaning.

Example: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is a religious allegory with Aslan as Christ and Edmund as Judas.


The humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.


Examples:-I really wanted a camouflage shirt, but I couldn't find one.-A boiled egg every morning is hard to beat.-After hours of waiting for the bowling alley to open, we finally got the ball rolling. and Sean

Harsh discordance of sounds. creates an atmosphere for the reader.

Examples: tongue twisters, like she sells seashells by the sea shore

Cacophony: Gaige and Savannah

Agreeableness of sounds; pleasing effect to the ears example:

Euphony:Gaige and Savannah

Internal Rhyme:Gaige and Savannah

An end rhyme is the most common type of rhyme in poetry. an end rhyme is rhyming words at the end of a sentence in a poem.

Cameron Paille Kent Noble

End Rhyme

A stanza is like a paragraph.It’s a group of poetic sentences

separated by spaces.

An example of a stanza is, what this slide is written as.

stanza one.brake.

stanza two.brake.

stanza three.

it is really easy.Kent Noble Cameron Paille


Caesura=Dramatic pause

Kent Noble Cameron Paille


MetonomyDefinition: a different word used in place of another with the same meaning

Ex. Let me give you a hand

hand= help

The pen is mightier than the swordpen= written words, sword= military force

The House was called to orderhouse= members of parliament

We have always remained loyal to the crowncrown= king

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on itring= marriage

Alexa and Hector

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