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ORISSA COMMUNITY TANK MANAGEMENT PROJECT Prepared by Verve Consulting for Orissa Community Tank Development & Management Society, Department of Water Resources, Government of Orissa Dated the 7th of December 2007



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Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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AE Assistant Engineer ATDC Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture CARM Community Agriculture Resource Management CBMS Community Based Monitoring System CEO Chief Executive Officer DTDP Dispersed Tribal Development Programme DRDA District Rural Development Agency DPU District Project Unit DLIC District Level Implementation Committee EE Executives Engineer GIS Geographic Information System GAP Gender Action Plan HYV High Yielding Variety HHI Household Industry IPNM Integrated Plant Nutrient Management ITDA Integrated Tribal Development Agencies IPM Integrated Pest Management IPC Indian Penal Code ITI Industrial Training Institute IB Institution building JE Junior Engineer KBK Kalahandi Bolangir Koraput LAO Land Acquisition Officer MI Minor irrigation MIS Management Information Systems ME & L Monitoring Evaluation and Learning MDM Mid –day Meal MADA Modified Area Development Approach NTFP Non-Timber Forest Produce OCTMP Orissa Community Tank Management Project OP Operational Policy O & M Operations and Maintenance OCTDMS Orissa Community based Tank Development and Management Society OTELP Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme PRI Panchayati Raj Institution PAF Project Affected Families PTG Primitive Tribal Group PESA Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act PP Pani Panchayat RI Revenue Inspector R & R Resettlement and rehabilitation RAP Rehabilitation Action Plan RLTAP Revised Long Term Action Plan

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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SPU State Project Unit ST Scheduled Tribes SA Social assessment SC Scheduled Castes SCP Special Component Plan SCA Special Central Assistance SO Support Organizations SHG Self Help Group SA Social Assessment SMPT Special Multi Purpose Tribal Block TDP Tribal Development Plan TAC Tribes Advisory Councils TSP Tribal Sub-plan TIMP Tank Improvement Management Plan TD Tribal Development TOR Terms Of Reference VO Voluntary Organization WPR Work Participation Rate WTCER Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region WALMI Water and Land Management Institute WUA Water User’s Association WR Water Resources

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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Sl. No. Subject Page

1 1

Introduction 5 12 Tribal scenario in Orissa 6

3 Legal and institutional framework 8 4 Baseline information 12 5 Stakeholder consultations 15 6 Inferences from the social assessment study 16 7 Implementation action plan - TDP 18 8 Cost estimates and financing plan 29 9 Consultation mechanism during implementation 29 10 Redressal of grievances – Mechanism and institutional

arrangements 30

11 Monitoring and Evaluation framework 32 Annexure-1 Scheduled Tribes of Orissa and Primitive Tribes of Orissa Annexure-2 District wise population of Scheduled Tribes (2001 census) Annexure-3 Programs and schemes for tribal development Annexure-4 Tanks in Scheduled and Non-Scheduled area Annexure-5 Tribal Sub-plan Blocks Annexure-6 Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) Blocks Annexure-7 Micro Projects Annexure-8 Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) Pockets Annexure-9 Cluster Pockets

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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Tribal Development Plan

Introduction 1. The Orissa Community Tank Management Project (OCTMP) proposes to rehabilitate about 1572 tanks in Orissa covering a command area of about 1.32 lakh hectares in 11 river basins in the state, with an objective of enhancing the productivity and performance of the existing irrigation infrastructure through rehabilitation. The project aims at improving tank based livelihood systems and strengthening community management of selected tank systems in Orissa. The proposed project takes a participatory approach to tank rehabilitation in which the users are the managers and the government agencies are the service providers, for efficient tank management and ownership. The project would cover 237 blocks spread across 29 districts of the state. The proposed project focuses mainly on restoring the existing tank irrigation systems through rehabilitation works with the aim of improving irrigation service delivery system, strengthening participatory irrigation management, and providing agricultural support services. 2. The project components proposed are:

Institutional Strengthening: to enable community-based institutions assume greater responsibility for tank system management and for improvement of tank-based agricultural livelihoods.

Tank Systems Improvements: to (i) improve the physical and operational performance of

selected tank systems through a range of interventions identified and executed in partnership with tank WUAs; (ii) secure the safety of the tank structure; and (iii) improve on-farm water management and water use efficiency.

Agricultural Livelihoods Support Services (Base Cost US$ 16.6 million): to enhance tank-

based livelihoods by increasing production, productivity and profitability of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, livestock and other significant productive activities.

3. As a part of the efforts at preparing the project, several studies had been initiated by the Government of Orissa. Some of them are Social Assessment (SA), Environment Assessment, Hydrological Assessment and a study on Pani Pnachayats in Orissa. Of these, Social Assessment study was initiated chiefly to identify key social development issues, and to ensure accomplishing the outcomes – inclusion, cohesion, equity, security, decentralization and accountability. A summary of the results of the SA study are presented in a later section. In the process, the SA study highlighted the need to devote special attention to issues: one, land requirement issues and two, tribal development issues. Accordingly and in compliance with the Bank’s respective Operational Policies (OPs), as an off-shoot, two detailed sub-investigations were undertaken and reports were prepared: (i) Resettlement Policy Framework; and (ii) Tribal Development Plan (TDP)1. This report reflects in brief about the broad contours of the TDP. 4. Structure of the Report: Section 1 viz., this section served as introduction. In Section 2, details about the tribal scenario in Orissa is presented and a case is made as to why they require separate and dedicated attention. Governance related legislative and other administrative arrangements which are of importance to the project are presented in Section 3. Some baseline information along with details about

1 Verve Consulting has conducted the Social Assessment (SA) study and prepared the Tribal Development Plan as part of the SA study for the Department of Water Resources, Government of Orissa.

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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the consultations held during the study are provided in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. This is followed by a summary of the results of the SA in Section 6. Subsequently, drawing on the information so generated, a TDP is prepared. Its strategy, institutional arrangements and implementation process/map cycle are presented in the Section 7. The financing plan for TDP components is presented in Section 8. A strategy for consultation during TDP implementation and grievance redressal mechanisms are presented in Sections 9 and 10 respectively. The last section of this report deals with the arrangements for monitoring and evaluation of implementation of TDP.

II. Tribal Scenario in Orissa 5. In the ethnographic map of India, Orissa occupies an important place, for it is inhabited by the largest number of tribal communities as compared to the other States and Union Territories and it also has the largest concentration of tribal people next only to Maharashtra. The tribal communities, in varying concentrations, are found almost in all the districts of Orissa. Each tribe has a cultural identity of its own. The distinctiveness of each tribe is manifested in its language, social organization, and rituals and festivals, and also in their dress pattern, adornments and art and craft. Tribes in general live in a close relationship with nature and depend on it for their survival. Following the Indian Constitutional provision (Article 342), in Orissa, as many as 62 groups have been categorized / scheduled viz., Scheduled Tribes2. Of these, 13 are declared as Primitive Tribal Groups3 (the list of the 62 tribal communities in Orissa and the 13 PTGs has been provided in Annexure 1). Except the Ho, Kondh, Santal and Saora who have in recent years developed their scripts, all other tribes do not have scripts of their own and thus possesses only spoken languages in the unwritten form. From the World Bank’s Operational Policy (OP) 4.12, perspective, these 62 groups constitute ‘indigenous peoples’. It may be noted that in this report, the terms ‘tribals’ and scheduled tribes’ are used synonymously. 6. The tribal population of the State of Orissa stands at 8.15 million (2001 Census). This constitutes 22.1% of the total population of the State and 9.7% of the total tribal population of the country. State wide distribution reveals that tribals inhabitate predominately in as many as 13 districts (out of a total of 30) (Annex 2). Given this significant tribal presence and to safeguard their interests, certain areas enjoy special administrative privileges under the Fifth Schedule of the Indian constitution. Accordingly, Orissa has 7 districts (full) and 6 districts (partial) designated as ‘Scheduled Areas’4. 7. Since Independence, many efforts have been made to bring about an all round development of the tribes. How to integrate them into the mainstream of national life has been a major concern. According to the provisions of the Article 46 of the Constitution of India, various welfare measures are being implemented for their socio-economic and educational development. Besides, provision of protective legislation has been made in the Constitution to protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation. Till the end of the 4th Five year plan period, tribal development schemes were implemented through Special Multi Purpose Tribal (SMPT) and Tribal Development (TD) Blocks. From the 5th Five year plan onwards, tribal development gathered momentum with the introduction of a Tribal Sub-Plan

2 The term 'Scheduled Tribes' first appeared in the Constitution of India. Article 366 (25) defined scheduled tribes as "such tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within such tribes or tribal communities as are deemed under Article 342 to be Scheduled Tribes for the purposes of this constitution". The criterion followed for specification of a community, as scheduled tribes are indications of primitive traits, distinctive culture, geographical isolation, shyness of contact with the community at large, and backwardness. This criterion is not spelt out in the Constitution but has become well established. 3 The Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs) have been identified by the Govt. of India in 15 states/union territories on the basis of (a) pre agricultural level of technology (b) extremely low level of literacy; and (c) small, stagnant or diminishing population. 4 Discussed in detail in a later section of this report.

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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(TSP) approach5. Under this approach, Special Development Agencies like Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs) and Micro Projects were made to focus on the development of the tribal communities with 100% financial assistance from the Government of India. For development of the tribal concentrated pockets, which remained outside the TSP area, special projects such as, Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) and Cluster approaches were launched. At present, 21 ITDAs covering the entire TSP area, 17 Micro Projects for development of 13 PTGs, 46 MADA Pockets and 14 clusters are operating in the State (Annexure 3). Despite these efforts, tribals continue to remain poor and ‘excluded’. 8. The tribal population in the State is overwhelmingly rural, with 94.5% residing in villages. The overall literacy rate of the tribals has increased from 22.3% in 1991 to 37.4% in 2001. Despite this improvement, the literacy rate among the tribals is considerably below the national average at 47.1% and the state average at 63.08%. Male literacy has increased from 34.4% to 51.5% while female literacy has gone up from 10.2% in 1991 to 23.4% during1991-2001. 9. The Work Participation Rate (WPR) of the tribal population is 49%, which is equal to that of all tribals at the national level (49.1%). There has been a slight decline of 0.4 per cent in the WPR of the tribes during 1991-2001. While there has been a decline in male WPR from 58.9% to 54.8%, female WPR (43.2 per cent) has increased by 3.4% during 1991-2001. Among the total workers, 57.4% are main workers and this proportion is much below the national average recorded for all tribals (68.9%). There are 4.1 million operational land holdings in Orissa with an area of 5.1 million hectares (Agricultural Census- 2000-2001). Farmers with small and marginal holdings account for 84% with total land area of 53%. The other categories of farmers account for 16% of the land holdings with total land area of 47%. Out of 4.1 million operational land holdings in Orissa, 42.22% belong to tribals. Agricultural Labourers constitute the highest proportion (47%) among the total workers. This figure is higher than that of the national average of 36.9%. Cultivators account for 33.3% and ‘Other Workers’ constitute 15%. Tribal workers engaged in ‘Household Industry’ (HHI) constitute 4.8%. Various poverty indicators and access indicators reveal that around 63% are poor and 17% are very poor. Nearly 70% of tribal children are malnourished and 50% of the populations have suffered some forms of displacement6.

Need for a Dedicated Attention to Tribals

10. It is clear that the project interventions will not affect adversely the tribals. However, they do require special attention from the view point of ensuring ‘inclusion’ and ‘equity’. This apart, the following two reasons count high for imparting dedicated attention.

(i) Poor socio-economic condition, prolonged vulnerability and marginalization- The tribals have a history of vulnerability and prolonged marginalization due to their poor socio-economic conditions in

5 Tribes of Orissa, SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, 2004 6 Internal Survey undertaken by Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Program (OTELP), ST & SC Development Department

Highlights of the Socio-economic conditions of STs in Orissa: STs constitutes 22.1% of the state’s population 54.41% of the total tribal populations live in scheduled areas. The literacy rate of STs was only 37.4% in 2001 Among the total workers, 57.4% were ST main workers where as the main workers for the whole state was accounted for 67.2%.

Agricultural labourers (i.e. 46.9%) constitute the highest proportion among the ST main workers.

Nearly 63% are poor and 17% are very poor. About 70% of the ST children are malnourished and 50% of the population have suffered some form of displacement.

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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terms of work-participation, education and health preempting their inclusion and targeting in all developmental activities undertaken by the State. Isolation from the mainstream society, economic and social backwardness, poverty and its manifestations, low levels of literacy and health care, primitive system of production and social and political marginalization further adds to their desolation. (ii) Constitutional provisions and safeguards for tribals- The Constitution of India and the Government of Orissa have many protective legislations and safeguards for the welfare and development of the tribal people. These measures make it mandatory for any project/ program to pay special attention.

11. The above in view, the project has prepared a Tribal Development Plan (TDP).

III. Legal and Institutional Framework 12. Being alive and sensitive to the needs of the tribal population of India the Supreme Court has aptly summed up the tribal situation in India, “Tribal areas have their own problems. Tribals are historically weaker section of the society. They need the protection of the laws as they are gullible and fall prey to the tactics of unscrupulous people and are susceptible to exploitation on account of their innocence, poverty and backwardness extending over centuries. The constitution of India and the laws made there under treat Tribals and tribal areas separately wherever needed....The tribal need to be settled, need to be taken care of by the protective arm of the law and be saved from falling prey to unscrupulous device so that they may prosper and by an evolutionary process join the main stream of the society. The process would be slow yet it has to be initiated and kept moving.” (Amarendra Pratap Singh V.Tejbahadur Prajapati AIR: 2004 SC3782)7. 13. In this section an attempt has been made to review the various institutional and legal frameworks for Scheduled Tribes in India and the State of Orissa, in order to arrive at an understanding of the existing regulatory framework for governance and administration both at the national and state level.

Constitutional Provisions and Governance System 14. The Constitution of India has provided many safeguards for the welfare and development of the tribals. The relevant articles can be classified under four major heads: (A) protective provisions (Arts. 15, 16, 19, 46, 146, 342, etc.); (B) developmental provisions (Arts. 46, 275, etc.); (C) administrative provisions (Arts. 244 & 275) and (D) reservation provisions (Arts. 330, 332, 334, 335, 340, etc.). The protective provisions safeguard tribal people from social injustices and all forms of exploitation, while the developmental provisions promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections like the tribals and SCs. The administrative provisions under the Fifth and Sixth Schedules give special powers to the state for the protection and governance of tribal areas and the reservation provisions ensure due representation of the tribals and SCs in legislative bodies and government jobs. 15. Provision of Scheduled Areas under 5th Schedule of the Constitution: The tribal people live in contiguous areas unlike other communities. It is, therefore, much simpler to have an area approach for development activities as well as regulatory provisions to protect their interests. In order to protect their interests; with regard to land and other social issues, various provisions have been enshrined in the Fifth

7 Displacement of tribal people with land resources for development projects: Their rights and entitlements for rehabilitation, LK Mohapatra

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Schedule of the Constitution. The Fifth Schedule under Article 244 (1) of the Constitution defines “Scheduled Areas’ as such areas as the “President may by order declare to be Scheduled Areas after consultation with the Governor of that State”. 16. The criteria for declaring any area as a “Scheduled Area” under the Fifth Schedule are;

Preponderance of tribal population, Compactness and reasonable size of the area, A viable administrative entity such as a district, block or taluk, and Economic backwardness of the area as compared to the neighbouring areas.

17. Around 44.21% of land area of Orissa has been declared as Scheduled Area, which includes 7 districts declared as fully scheduled and 6 districts declared as partially scheduled. 18. Purpose and advantage of Scheduled Areas: Scheduled Areas have certain distinct provisions meant to protect and benefit tribal people in a State: (a) The Governor of a State, which

has Scheduled Areas, is empowered to make regulations in respect of the following: i) Prohibit or restrict transfer of land from tribals; and ii) Regulate the business of money lending to the members of Scheduled Tribes. In making any such regulation, the Governor may repeal or amend any Act of Parliament or the Legislature of the State, which is applicable to the area in question.

(b) The Governor may by public notification direct that any particular Act of Parliament or of the

Legislature of the State shall not apply to a Scheduled Area or any part thereof in the State or shall apply to such area subject to such exceptions and modifications as he may specify.

(c) The Governor of a State having Scheduled Areas therein, shall annually, or whenever so required by

the President of India, make a report to the President regarding the administration of the Scheduled Areas in that State and the executive power of the Union shall extend to the giving of directions to the State as to the administration of the said area.

(d) The provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, vide which the

provisions of Panchayats, contained in Part IX of the Constitution, were extended to Scheduled Areas, contain special provisions for the benefit of Scheduled Tribes.

19. Devolution of power and emergence of system of local self governance: Towards strengthening the democratic institutions at the grassroots level and make them vibrant, the Government of India, in 1992, enacted the Constitution’s 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts, empowering the people for effective participation in local governance. Under the Act, a three tier PRI system has been introduced viz. Zilla Parishad at the district level, Panchayat Samiti at the Block level and Gram Sabha at the Gram

Scheduled Areas in Orissa

Districts completely declared as Scheduled Area: 1. Mayurbhanj, 2. Sundargarh, 3. Koraput, 4. Rayagara, 5. Nabarangpur, 6. Malkangiri, and 7. Kandhmal Districts Districts partially declared as Scheduled Area: 1. Kuchinda Tahsil in Sambalpur District; 2. Keonjhar and Telkoi Tahsil of Keonjhar Sub-division and Champua and Barbil Tahsils of Champua Sub-division in Keonjhar district; 3. R Udayagiri Tahsil, and Guma and Rayagada Blocks of Paralakhemundi Tahsil of Paralakhemundi Sub-division (now the Gajapati district except Kashipur and Gosani Blocks); 4. Suruda Tahsil excluding Gazalbadi and Gochha Gram Panchayats in Ghumsur Sub-division of Ganjam district; 5. Thuamul Rampur Block of Kalahandi Tahsil and Lanjiagarh Blocks falling in Lanjiagarh and Kalahandi Tahsils in Bhawanipatna Sub-division of Kalahandi district; and 6. Nilgiri Block of Nilgiri Tahsil in Nilgiri Sub-divison in Balasore district.

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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Panchayat level. For further decentralization under the Panchayati Raj System, under the Orissa Act, the Palli Sabha was constituted at the village level. Level PRI Body Constitution District Level Zilla Parishad The Zilla Parishad is the apex body of the three-tier PRI structure at the district

level. The constituencies for election of Zilla Parishad members are demarcated with a rural population of 40,000. Representatives from each constituency, Panchayat Samiti chair persons, MPs and MLAs representing the area are members of the Zilla Parishad.

Block level Panchayat Samiti A Panchayat Samiti is at the intermediate level. It consists of all elected members, of the Gram Panchayats, Sarpanchs and local MLAs and MPs representing the area. Elected representatives of the Samiti elect the chairman and vice-chairman.

Gram level Gram Sasan Gram Panchayat Gram Sabha

For every Gram there is a Gram Sasan composed of all persons registered (by virtue of the Representation of the People Act, 1950) in the electoral roll for any Assembly Constituency for the time being in force as relates to the Gram and the said portion of the roll is deemed to be the electoral roll in respect of the concerned Gram. The Grama Sasan shall be a body corporate by the name of the Grama to which it relates.. The Gram Panchayat is the executive body/wing of Grama Sasan. Ordinarily Gram Sabha gives the impression of meeting of villagers of a revenue village. According to the Orissa Gram Panchayat Act,1964 all the voters of all the revenue villages under a Gram Panchayat are the members of Grama Sabha. The meeting of the members is known as Grama Sabha meeting.

Village level Palli Sabha For further decentralization under the Panchayat Raj System, under the Orissa Act, the Palli Sabha was constituted at the village level. Palli Sabha is the meeting of all the electorates of a revenue village. Such revenue village may comprise one ward or more than one ward..

20. Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act: The 73rd and 74th Constitutional (Amendments of 1992), accommodate special powers to PRIs, were later extended, with separate provisions to the Scheduled Areas as well through the Panchayat (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act of 1996. With the strength and support of PESA Act, 1996 the PRI bodies at the district and village level have been endowed with special functional powers and responsibilities to ensure effective participation of the tribal people in their own development. The Central Act of the Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act 1996 was adopted in Orissa by amending the Orissa Zilla Parishad Act, 1961 in December 1997. This would also help preserve/ conserve their traditional rights over natural resources. 21. A brief summary of powers given to PRIs in Orissa through amendments (December 22nd 1997) under PESA Act is given below:

Table 1 Powers of PRIs (as per PESA)

Powers of Palli Sabha (village level) Listing of development projects for execution through Gram Panchayats.

Annual budget proposal (for respective villages) for approval of Gram Sabha.

Identification and recommendation of

Powers of Gram Sasan( Gram level) Any proposal/plan presented by the Gram Panchayat needs prior consultation and approval with the Gram Sasan. Identification of beneficiaries under poverty alleviation schemes.

Powers of Gram Panchayat (Gram level) Enforcement of prohibition of regulation or restriction of the sale and consumption of any intoxicant.

The ownership of Minor Forest

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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beneficiaries under poverty alleviation programmes for approval of Gram Sabha.

Approval of annual budget of gram Panchayat (recommendation of panchayat officers is essential) Prior approval for collection of taxes Wherever necessary asking for information from gram panchayat Intervene in conflict resolution through traditional and customary traditional methods if required. I.P.C. and Cr. P.C. however have precedence over conflict resolution by Gram Sasan

Produce. Prevention of alienation of land and restoration of any unlawful land of a Scheduled Tribe.

Control over the money lending to the Scheduled Tribe.

Gram Panchayats in Scheduled Areas shall exercise control and supervise Gram Sasans.

Powers of the Gram Sabha (Gram level)

Gram Sabha has power to safeguard the cultural identity, community resources and dispute resolution per traditional customs and regulations.

Control and supervision of functions and powers of Gram Panchayat.

Powers of Panchayat Samiti (intermediate level)

The powers of control and supervision of activities of various organizations and individuals and their office bearers engaged in social work

Consulting the Gram Sasan wherever necessary

Powers of Zilla Parishad (district level)

Approval to obtain concession for raising minor minerals, lease and licenses for mining activities or auctioning of minor mineral products

Prior approval of Zilla Parishad, for land acquisition or rehabilitation of affected people with or without consultation with the Gram Sabha

Planning and management of minor water bodies

Other important legislative measures The other important legislative measures related to the tribal interests are: 22. The Orissa Scheduled Areas Transfer of Immovable Property (By Scheduled Tribes) Regulation, 1956 (as amended in 2000): The tone, tenor and texture of the Orissa Scheduled area transfer of Immovable property (By Scheduled Tribes) Regulation 1956, hereinafter called Orissa Regulation, is similar to that of Andhra Pradesh Regulation in many respects. Section 3 (1) of Orissa Regulation prohibits the transfer of tribal immovable property to a non-tribal. However, the Orissa Regulation does in fact provide enough safeguard to immovable property but it does not go ahead with the real job of securing to the tribals their due in their own habitat as is the case with Andhra Pradesh Regulation which tries to give a participative share in the exploitation of natural resources to tribal populace, through cooperative societies comprising of tribal people. 23. Orissa Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy 2006 (Amendments dated 4th June, 2007): The policy says that the resettlement plans would respect the socio-cultural norms of indigenous and primitive tribal groups will be respected; preferential allotment of land to each displaced family in the indigenous category; resettlement of indigenous communities in a compact area close to their natural habitat as far as practicable, and 25% higher R&R benefits in monetary terms to Indigenous displaced families resettled outside the district.

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IV. Baseline Information 24. For the baseline study under the social assessment, 25 minor - irrigation tanks and diversion –weirs, spread over 10 agro-climatic zones, across 21 districts in the State were selected as the sample. As a whole, 113 tribal households were covered in the 25 sample tanks visited. 61 tribal households were covered in the scheduled area and 52 tribal households in the non-scheduled area. These households were selected by Stratified Proportionate Random Sampling method. Some preliminary background information like size and location of land holding with respect to the tank command area, number of villages/hamlets covered under the tank system, caste / ethnic composition of farmers, etc., also provided a base to this selection. The analysis of the information collected has been done on the basis of households distributed in scheduled and non-scheduled areas. Inferences and conclusions from the analysis are presented below.

Settlement Pattern 25. Topography, socio-cultural characteristics, livelihood systems and to some extent, historical factors have shaped the settlement patterns in the study area. In terms of size and density, the settlements may be characterized as (i) small and scattered (only 10 to 15 houses), (ii) medium sized compact or dispersed (up to 100 houses in 1 to 3 or 4 hamlets) and (iii) larger usually more compact settlements. The more compact and larger settlements tend to be in the plains and are inhabited by the more agriculturally advanced tribes. Small and scattered settlements are seen in relatively isolated hills, close to forests. 26. Pattern of houses: The variation amongst the tribes of Orissa, at the surface level is resplendent with the variations between hill dwelling tribes and the plain dwelling tribes. An individual tribe has its hill dwelling division which is relatively different from the plain dwelling or those inhabiting the foothills. This variation has an important bearing upon the social, cultural and linguistic variations between tribes .Similarly, geographic location, physiographic conditions of living, degree of isolation and exposure to the mainstream society are other factors important for understanding variations among tribes. In the pattern of settlements and house – types each tribe exhibits its uniqueness of identity. The Kondh (Dravidian) settlement structure is linear, arranged in rows of houses. All the sections of the Kondh, like the Dongria, Kutia, Malia, Pango do have a linear pattern. The alignment and orientation of any Kondh village in relation to the shrine of the earth goddess and sun god is same everywhere. The shrines dedicated to the deities are found centrally located within the settlement. All the sections of the Kondh follow one basic model with little variations. All other tribes of Orissa have scattered settlement patterns where the houses are found scattered with a distance in between. This is characteristic of the Mundas especially. Saoras build their houses in the slopes or foot hills. They live in small concentration of about 200 households. In case of big villages, a series of hamlets scattered here and there. The terraced field exhibiting Saura’s skill in contour bonding, revetment and water management, are located close to the settlements at one corner. However their villages do not conform to any specific type of settlement pattern. Houses are built in row leaving a street in between. In many cases the houses are jumbled up and there are narrow lanes and small openings to which the doors of the houses are fixed. The houses are rectangular in shape and are fairly high. The plinth is very high in proportion to roof. The walls of the houses are made of stone and mud with a high verandah. In some cases houses are built of bamboo and wood plastered with mud. The walls are coloured red with red earth. There is an elevated store to keep household items. The open space is used for husking rice. The hearth is found near a wall in one side. 27. Arrangement of habitations/cluster of houses: The tribal habitations and hamlets are generally small in size with 30 – 50 households in a habitation/hamlet. These hamlets/habitations form the microcosm of community life. Villages generally comprise several hamlets, often inhabited by different

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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clans. The tribal habitations represent small, close knit communities making possible close and direct interaction between community members. The small size of tribal habitations makes targeting for interventions relatively easier. 28. Family types: Out of 113 tribal households covered under the study, 65 households in total live in nuclear families.35 (57.4 %) households in scheduled areas live in nuclear families, whereas 30(46.2%) households in non-scheduled areas live in nuclear families. Out of the remaining 48, who live in joint families, 26(42.6%) households in scheduled areas live in joint families and 22(45.8%) in non-scheduled areas live in joint families. Nuclear families are characterized by individualism in contrast to kinship based organization in extended and joint families. The relative flexibility in nuclear families allows members to better align their decisions with their preferences regarding marriage, childbearing, investment and economic decisions, migration, and risks without interference by members of a larger kinship group. Extended families on the other hand provide greater social and emotional security. 29. Type of houses: Out of the 113 tribal households covered under the study, 82 families dwell in ‘kuccha’ houses with no electricity. Out of these 44 households are in scheduled areas and 38 households are in non-scheduled areas. Only 12 households live in semi-‘pucca’ houses with electricity. Out of these 9 are in scheduled – areas and 4 are in non-scheduled areas. Only 3 households dwell in ‘pucca’ houses with electricity, out of which 2 are in non-scheduled areas and only 1 is in scheduled areas.

Land holding pattern in sample tanks 30. Land Holdings: Tribal Households in the scheduled areas have higher percentage of own land holding (54.7%) as compared to the non-scheduled area (45.3%). Average landholding in the scheduled area is higher than the non-scheduled area. In term of s shared -in land the percentage of household practicing share cropping is same for both scheduled areas and non-scheduled areas (50%). 14 households each in scheduled and non-scheduled areas have 19.4 acres and 23.22 acres of land respectively.11 households in total have 15 acres of encroached-in land. 10 households, in scheduled areas have 13 acres of land and only one household, in non-scheduled area has 2 acres of land. 31. Size of land-holdings of tribals: Little less than 2/3 rd of the households in the scheduled areas had land holding less than 2.5 acres and about one third have less than one acre. The land holding size is even smaller in the non-scheduled areas with more than 3/4th of the households having land holding less than 2.5 acres. This shows the marginal nature of the community in terms of asset ownership in both scheduled and non-scheduled areas. 32. Land owned in command area: Little more than 50% of all tribal households in sample tanks have land in the command areas. 92 households in total own 210.18 acres of land in the tank command area. 45.7% (42 households) in non-scheduled area own 101.2 acres of land and 54.3% (50 households) own 108.98 acres of land in scheduled area. 25 households have 36.62 acres of shared – in land within the command area, out of which 18.40 acres belongs to 13 (52%) households in scheduled areas and 18.22 acres belongs to 12(48%) households in non-scheduled areas.4.3 acres of land has been encroached upon by 4 households in total.3 households in scheduled areas have encroached 2.3 acres of land and 1 household has encroached 2 acres of land. 33. Size of land holdings in command area: 44 households in total own less than 1 acre of land, out of which 19(43.2%) are in non-scheduled areas and 25(41%) are in scheduled areas.21 households are landless, out of which 10 are in non-scheduled area and 11 are in scheduled area. This is not an insignificant land resource, and its mobilization for agricultural development may be challenging.

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34. Location of land in command area: 42 households (out of 113 households) own land in the head –reach region, out of which 23(54.8%) are in non-scheduled area and 19(45.2%) are in scheduled area.25 households own land in middle-reach region, out of which 10(40%) are in non-scheduled area and 15(60%) are in scheduled area.36 households own land in the tail-end region, out of which 17( 47.2) are in non-scheduled area and 19( 52.8%) are in scheduled area. 35. Encroachment within the tank bed: In the 25 sample tanks covered under the study, encroachers belonging to the tribal community were found in only one tank, MI Project in Daungia, District Kondhmal.5 encroachers were found in tanks within scheduled areas. No farmer belonging to the tribal community was found encroaching land within the tank bed in sample tanks in non-scheduled areas.

Economic resources

36. Livestock: Raising livestock is an important component of the tribal culture and of the production systems and is fully integrated with crop production. All tribal households covered under the sample study in the programme districts own livestock excluding poultry (mainly cattle and pigs) and the proportion increases to over 90% if poultry is included. Livestock is mostly of local breeds. 37. Savings and loans Out of 61 households in scheduled areas, 39 have savings and 26 have taken loans from various sources.43 households in scheduled areas have a saving of less than rupees 2000 and only 3 have savings between 2000 to 5000 rupees. Out of 52 households covered in non-scheduled areas, 29 have savings and 17 have taken loans. Both in terms of savings and credit tribal households have higher percentage as compared to the non-scheduled areas. 38. Incidence of indebtedness - Owing to the subsistence level of living and the lack of savings, most of the tribal households need to borrow money for the purchase of food-grains during lean months and other items of immediate consumption and clothing during festive occasions. 90% of the households have no access to financial institutions in the scheduled area for savings and credit and little less than 3/4th of the households borrow from domestic sources or money lenders.

Agricultural production systems

39. Historically, tribal subsist on different combinations of shifting cultivation, hunting and gathering of forest products: all activities closely linked with forests.

o Adoption of advanced agricultural technologies is largely conditioned by resource availability

at the farmer level and is less suitable for resource-poor farmers. The lack of innovative-ness, lack of entrepreneurship, lack of adequate credit and paucity of enough wealth retards the process of mechanization

o Agricultural productivity in scheduled areas – Majority of households have uneconomic landholdings of less than an acre. Yield per hectare of paddy in Rabi season is 13 quintals and that of vegetable sis 18 quintals. The yield per hectare of paddy in summer season is 8 quintals. A significant portion of this produce is consumed by the households and some portion is bartered. Limited market linkage hinders trading of agricultural produce for monetary gains.

o Agricultural implements- The tribals mostly practice traditional method of agriculture with indigenous technology. 83 households out of 113 covered under the study possess a plough, out of which 42 are in scheduled areas and 41 are in non-scheduled areas.6 own a pump-set, 3 in

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scheduled areas and 3 are in non-scheduled areas. Only 3 households in non-scheduled areas possessed a sprayer. None of the 113 households possessed a tractor or a power tiller.

Local Markets 40. The tribal households prefer to sell their little surplus (agricultural produce or minor forest produce like roots, tubers, leaves, fruits and barks for their food, fuel, medicine, and many other purposes) in the nearest weekly markets called ‘haats’ because of facility of selling their goods in bulk, getting ready cash or essential goods in barter for immediate consumption. Dominance of non-tribal traders and exploitation of middlemen was also observed in different marketing centers.

V. Stakeholder consultations 41. As a part of the project preparation, while conducting social assessment study, extensive consultations were held with different stakeholders at different levels. A summary of the same is provided below:

Community level consultations – Consultations with members of the tribal community were conducted during visits to sample tanks. Inclusion of encroachers, share-croppers, landless, women, prominent members of the tribal community like the headman, priest etc was given priority. Detailed discussions were held with the village elders and knowledgeable persons about the tribal groups to understand their issues particularly those associated with community life, social organization and relationship with natural resources like tank systems. Discussions were also held with the village level government officials particularly from the MI Department and ITDA on issues relating to development of tribal communities. Detailed consultations were also held with local Panchayat representatives and officials of line departments on exploring the possibilities of dovetailing existing government schemes in the area for the over all socio-economic development of tribal groups. Attempts were also made to assess the vulnerability of the tribal groups particularly on their livelihoods and their dependence on the tank systems. Discussions also focused on the impacts of the proposed project and on the identification of measures required to enhance the participation of tribal groups in the project planning and implementation. District level consultation in a Scheduled Area (District) – A district level stakeholder consultation was organized in district Mayurbhanj (a scheduled area district) was organized in order to understand implications of the project interventions in a scheduled area with respect to governance mechanisms under PESA, livelihood interventions and land acquisition. The most important objective of the consultation was to assess community willingness towards O&M. Members of Pani-Panchayats, community members, SHGs, community-based organizations and representatives of civil society and functionaries from the ITDA, MI Department, Agriculture, Fishery, Forest, Revenue, etc participated in the consultation. State level consultation –A state-level stakeholder consultation was convened in the state capital of Bhubaneswar with representatives from various departments like Water Resources (Officials from the M.I. Department, OCTMP Team Members, Members of the Training and Support Group), WTCER, Fishery, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Animal Resources, WALMI, Revenue and Department of Planning, representatives from the Department of R & R and Department of S.C. & S.T. Development Department. Representing the WORLD BANK, were the Social Expert and the expert on institutional aspects, to provide insights. Representatives from Mission Shakti, Bhubaneswar;

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Centre for World Solidarity, Bhubaneswar and ASHA, Gajapati were also present for the workshop. The objective of the consultation was to arrive at a greater understanding of issues of tribals to be covered under the project based on the findings of the social assessment study. Contributions from the community for O&M and alternatives for decreasing the contributions against cost of O & M from the community; diversification of livelihood options is crucial for sustainable means of sustenance; issues of encroachment, land acquisition and compensations with respect to land; gender mainstreaming, convergence between different departments, etc were discussed.

VI. Inferences from the Social Assessment study

42. The socio-cultural and demographic characteristics of local populations, their social organization of productive activities and of social services, and the compatibility of initiatives with their needs are crucial concerns that affect many development activities. Identifying differentiated actors; conflict, negotiation and understanding power relations is important in designing interventions. The social assessment study was carried out in 25 sample tanks covering 113 tribal households, representing different agro-climatic zones and socio-economic features of the state. In order to collect required information/data, various methodologies were employed which included review of secondary data, household survey, interviews with individuals, groups and government functionaries, focus group discussions, participatory mapping, etc. Inclusion of encroachers, share-croppers, landless, women, prominent members of the tribal community like the headman, priest etc was given priority. Involvement of tribal communities is vital in planning and implementing project activities particularly in tribal areas to get their views and to ensure their acceptance of the proposed actions under the project. Consultation with tribals takes on added importance in formulation TDPs and planning for activities proposed to be undertaken to enhance their participation in the project. As part of tribal study under Social Assessment, extensive consultations were held with the local tribal communities, members of the general caste community, members of the PRIs and Government officials to understand issues of significance to the proposed project particularly those associated with community life, social organization and relationship with natural resources like tank systems.

Issues of significance identified through consultation 43. The issues identified through consultations under the social assessment are overlapping across different communities, tribal and non-tribal. However, the following key issues identified have greater significance in relations to tribals and would be addressed under the project. • Lack of awareness and poor access to information-

o Awareness about existence and functioning of the Pani –Panchayat in their community. o Awareness about operations and management of tank systems. o Awareness about existing Government schemes and welfare measures among the tribals o Unfamiliarity to diverse livelihood options, means to enhance the same o Limited awareness about market information, prices, enterprises, and services.

• Inability to manage and appropriately utilize; o income from various livelihood practices. o manage endowments, compensation, benefits in cash form provided under various schemes and

programmes. • Inadequate representation and participation in the decision making process related to their

development owing to; o Lack of awareness and limited access to information. o Inability to demand for appropriate provisions and services related to their development.

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o Weak leadership to mobilize support for action. • Inadequate representation in Pani-Panchayat and other groups • Small and uneconomic land-holdings and limited productive resources (natural, financial and

productive assets). • High incidence of landlessness and subsistence living conditions. • Low productivity from agriculture due to;

o Traditional practices of cultivation o Inadequate water availability-as better land in the control of socially powerful people o No crop diversification o Limited access to extension and support services

• Limited practice of alternative livelihoods owing to, o Limited knowledge on practice of alternate livelihood options such as pisci-culture, piggery,

goatery, back-yard farming, poultry, duck-rearing, etc o Limited economic resources for investments in alternative livelihoods

• Inadequate access to advanced farm inputs and technical know-how. • Limited access to institutional credit. • Limited market exposure and absence of linkages. • Limited ability to negotiate /bargain leading to exploitation at the hands of money-lenders, traders and

middle-men. • Dominance of other caste-groups over the tribals. • Land Issues:

o Likelihood of land-acquisition for distribution systems where non-existent and re-alignment wherever required.

o Encroachments in the tank bed area and on the canal-systems (in branches or main structure) have been found and have to be dealt with.

• Inability to contribute in monetary form towards tank restoration and maintenance • Capacity for project management: Planning, Implementation and Monitoring

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VII. Implementation Action Plan - TDP 44. Social assessment study has revealed that the concentration of tribals is not uniform across the districts. Differences between the Scheduled and Non-scheduled areas are substantial. In the latter, tribals are more or less integrated into the main stream and delineating them is difficult. Hence, the tribals living in non-scheduled areas can not be treated as a distinct entity and in isolation to the mainstream society. Yet, the project’s tank selection criteria accords significant attention to poverty as well as the SC / tribal population. Thus, tribals’ interests in Non-Scheduled Areas get reflected in the Tank Selection. These considerations in mind, the TDP is designed exclusively to the Scheduled Areas only.

Scope 45. The project, as designed, proposes to cover all the 29 districts across the State. Out of this, 13 districts qualify as Scheduled Area. TDP’s purview thus would relate to these districts mainly. Out of the 1572 tanks, 428 (27%) tanks belong to Scheduled areas.

Strategy 46. The following principles will underpin the implementation strategy for tribal development plan:

(i) Discriminatory targeting: Specialized and dedicated attention will be paid to ensure participation of tribals in the project and allocation of benefits to them on a priority basis. Preponderance (above 60%) of potential tribal benefiting families will receive higher priority in selecting a tank.

(ii) Flexibility in rules of engagement: There will be a special provision of flexibility for the tribals

to be covered under the project. The rules of engagement at the individual tank level will have scope for considerations in order to accommodate the interests and concerns for tribals. 10% (5% before implementation and 5% during implementation) contributions from the community in the form of cash and labour has been fixed for the project implementation. Willingness of the community towards this contribution has been made a pre-condition to initiate project implementation in the selected tanks. However, relaxations in the capital cost contributions have been made for the tanks under TDP. They will need to contribute 2% of the capital costs upfront before the implementation stage. Remaining 8% of the contributions will be made either in cash or kind (in the form of labour) during implementation and as per their convenient schedule.

Number of tanks to be covered in Scheduled Areas under OCTM Project

Sl. No.

Name of the Districts in Scheduled Areas

No. of tank projects to be rehabilitated in the Scheduled

Areas of the District Completely Scheduled Districts

1 Koraput 33 2 Malkangiri 8 3 Rayagada 81 4 Nawarangpur 22 5 Mayurbhanj 130 6 Sundergarh 83 7 Kandhmal 11

Partly Scheduled Districts 8 Balasore 11 9 Gajapati 6

10 Ganjam 8 11 Kalahandi 7 12 Keonjhar 21 13 Sambalpur 7

Total: 428

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(iii) Governance mechanisms in Scheduled Areas - Project implementation in these tanks will be in consonance with the special provisions laid down for Scheduled Areas as per the PESA Act. Consultation and approvals will have to be obtained from PRIs at the district, intermediate and village levels as enumerated below:

Table 2 Role of PRIs

Activity Acquisition of lands and for resettling or rehabilitating persons affected by such projects.

In consultation with the respective Gram Sabha/Pallisabha

Planning and management of minor water bodies Zilla Parishad and in Gram Sabha

Control and supervision of activities of various organizations and individuals and their office bearers engaged in social work

Panchayat Samiti in consultation with Gram Sabha

Approval of the scheme Gram Sabha in consultation with Palli Sabha

Management of the Minor Water Bodies Zilla Parishad and in consultation with Gram Sabha

Management of village market Gram Sabha

(iv) Capacity support and capacity building - For achieving substantiality the thrust will be upon building local capacities. The ultimate objective of interventions for building capacities would be the empower and enable the tribals for self-management of their development process. However in order to provide specialized inputs and capacity support for drawing up Tank Improvement and Management Plan, or conducting reviews and consultations, external professionally qualified Support Organizations will be deployed. These support organizations will facilitate participatory processes of planning and implementation by mapping resources of communities, identify and prioritize their problems and developmental needs, identify constraints and possible interventions at the community level. While selecting, care will be taken to ensure that only such organizations who have earlier worked successfully with the tribal communities will be deployed. TORs will be developed to this effect.

(v) Livelihood promotion support programme- The livelihood support in the project arises in two

cases : one, when the resettlement occurs, the objective of which will be income restoration; and two, from a development perspective, the objective of which will be to improve the livelihoods of the tribals. In the former, livelihood improvement forms an integral part of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). This will be mostly individual oriented activities and aimed mainly at asset generation so as to yield an income of at least Rs 2,500 per month per household. In the latter, it will be a standalone component, but dovetailed with other projects/ programs and mostly oriented at a ‘group’ such as Self Help Groups. Activities could be either group or individual based.

The tribal livelihood is by and large defined by the (i) geographical location of the habitation, (ii) Physiographic condition, (iii) socio-cultural setting and exposure to other society. Variation in livelihood is observed between tribes living in hill dwelling, plateau dwelling and plain dwelling. The primary survey of the tribes in 25 sample tanks has indicated agriculture as the principle livelihood option along with animal husbandry and fishery. Further, wage earning, collection and selling of minor forest produce were reported to be additional sources of income for them. However, the secondary sources of information on tribal livelihoods give a wider range of options such as shifting cultivation (podu chas), settled rice cultivation, vegetable cultivation, pastoralism, food gathering, hunting, forest collection, wage earning, animal keeping, fishery etc which are substantially governed by their lifestyle. The ethnographic study on 44 leading tribes of

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the State have been compiled the SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar. Based on the reports available, the tribe wise detailed livelihood practices are given in Table-1.

Critical Analysis of Tribal Livelihoods

47. The critical issues and opportunities affecting the tribal livelihoods are enumerated below:

Issues Lack of record of right for land under occupation Absence of adequate roads and transport (remoteness) Lack of education and interaction with other societies Lack of irrigation and mostly dependent on rainfed agriculture Majority of their lands are in uplands and low productivity Seasonal migration to other places for wage earning Problems of indebtedness to local moneylenders Depletion of natural resources like forest, degraded land due to shifting cultivation Traditional agricultural practices and technological uptake is limited Low productivity of agricultural commodities due to traditional agriculture Lack of market exposure Lack of access to formal credit system Exploitation by local money lenders, middlemen and traders Malnutrition and poor health services


Rich repository of local knowledge system Bio-diversity in crops, livestock and other resources The agriculture practices by default are organic which can be en-cashed for better

profitability Homogenous groups, kin-based societies and follow hierarchical order of political

organization Hard working and simple believers Rich cultural heritage can be boon for eco-tourism

48. The livelihood options practiced by the tribal people can be broadly divided into two types, on-farm and non-farm based. Increasing the potential of irrigation of the tanks alone will not lead to economic development of tribal people since their ownership of land is marginal and access to irrigation is also limited. However, the secondary crops like vegetable and moisture induced horticultural crops (papaya, orange, etc.) will help their livelihood apart from foreshore plantation, livestock production system and fisheries production system. Some of the key interventions under non-farm this would include viz. collection, processing and marketing of non-timber forest produces; sabai grass rope making; wood & stone carving; bell & brass metal work; dokra work; backyard poultry; kitchen garden; etc. This context in view, the project could adopt the following five- prong strategy for livelihood improvement of tribals in the community:

o Up-gradation of and build on indigenous knowledge and skills of tribals through technological innovations and support

o Augmentation of community level productive capacities as well as infrastructure

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o Building community level institutions for establishment of sustainable and self-managed livelihood promotion

o Fostering linkages of community level institutions with various public and private institutions o Better input and output market linkages

49. The above in view, the potential tribal agricultural livelihoods development interventions are enumerated below, as corresponding to the six sub-components in agreement to the main component paper.

Table 3 Agriculture Production System

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Low Productivity of existing crops: paddy, maize, millets, mustard, Niger

Improvement in productivity through Technological Intensification

Demonstration on HYV Demonstration on IPM, INM Development of seed grid and seed

exchange programme SRI cultivation Vermicompost/NADEP/Fortified

composting Crop residue recycling Trainings on improved technologies Exposure visit to successful sites Post harvest management Promotion of Kisan credit card Development of literature, and CD in local

language (dialect) 2 Low cropping intensity Improving the cropping

intensity through introduction of suitable crop with conjunctive use of water

Demonstration on production technology using medium and short duration varieties

Demonstration on pulses/ sesame/mustard/vegetables using residual moisture

Training on appropriate technologies 3 Low Market price of

traditional crops Promotion of high value/ cash crops

Promotion of varieties having market demand and introduction of new crops

Table 4 Horticulture Production System

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Low Productivity of vegetables and fruits

Improvement in productivity through Technological Intensification

Demonstration on HYV vegetables as per the need

Promotion of INM based on soil test and IPM Packages

Trainings on improved packages of practices

Exposure visit to successful sites Vermicompost and NADEP compost Crop residue recycling

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Farmers network for sharing experiences 2 Low market price of

vegetables Promotion of Market led production

Demonstration on off season vegetables Introduction of shed net and low cost poly

tunnels for growing nurseries Promotion of FIGs on vegetables and fruits Post harvest management Capacity building of FIGs

Table 5 Livestock Production System

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Low Productivity of large ruminants

Improvement in productivity through Technological Intensification

Popularization of crossbreeding programmes

Improvement in health management through vaccination and deworming camps

Improvement in livestock shed management and solid waste management

Training on improved package of practices Exposure visit to successful sites Popularization of fodder cultivation Farmers network for sharing of experiences

2 High mortality in small ruminants due to disease attack

Promotion of Market led production

Demonstration on off season vegetables Introduction of shed net and low cost poly

tunnels for growing nurseries Promotion of FIGs on vegetables and fruits Post harvest management Capacity building of FIGs

3 Low productivity of backyard poultry due to local varieties

Popularization of vanaraj and other coloured birds

Demonstration on backyard poultry Promotion of brooders groups for supply of

15 days old pullets Vaccination of birds Training on backyard poultry keeping

Table 6 Livestock Production System

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Lack of access to fishing in tanks

Improvement access of tribal groups to fishing

Promotion of FIG of tribal fishing groups Preference of fishing right to the tribal

groups in scheduled areas Capacity building of FIG on improved

management of fish Demonstration on yearling/fingerling

stocking along with feed supplementation Location specific logistic development pen

culture, barricade etc.

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Table 7 Household Production System

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Women are involved in household production activities like mushroom backyard poultry, kitchen garden, value added products and other Non-land based enterprise like leaf plate, rope, broom making etc but lack of technical know-how and do-how results in poor productivity.

Improvement in technical knowledge and management skill. Establishment of market linkage

Promotion of FIG of tribal women on the household commodities.

Demonstration on improved technologies and management practices

Capacity building of FIGs Skill improvement in traditional art and

craft with production of designer products. Linking with ongoing programmes of

Govt. like MDM in the schools Participation in the state level and national

level melas Buyers and producers meet for establishing

market linkage.

Table 8 Foreshore Treatment

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Degradation of foreshore areas leading to siltation and quality of water in tanks.

Foreshore treatment with plantation and improved fodder availability

Plantation of fuel and fodder trees in the foreshore areas.

Intercropping with silvi-pasture Development of community nurseries for

plantation Maintenance of the plantation. Capacity building of PP on catchment area


Table 9 Agriculture Marketing System

Sl. No

Issues Strategies Project Interventions

1 Tribal farmers do not realize higher market price due to

Remoteness of habitat and lack of access to organized market

Lack of knowledge on Market demand

Lack of bargaining capacity

Low volume of production

Exploitation by traders and money

Development of farmers organization to access market Credit supports to FIGs Arrangement of Contract farming

Training of farmers on group formation. Training of tribal farmers on quality in

production and post-harvest management of Agri- commodities especially vegetables

Exposure visit of farmers to outside state on FOs

Organizing farmers into farmer’s interest groups(FIGs) and developing VOs registering in MAC act

development of ‘Krishakti’ – a platform of FIGs/ VOs network at cluster of tanks

Linking the Krishakti with input agencies including credit institutions for availing loans

Develop market information support (MIS)

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lenders Poor post harvest management

Lack of infrastructure for grading, storing packaging and transportation of Agri commodities especially vegetables

Improving shelf life of vegetables.

services for extending market information through published documents, telephone and other network systems

Buyer/producers meet for tribal products Sponsoring SHGs to participate in state and

national level trade fairs Development of need based and location

specific infrastructure for supporting quality in production.

(vi) Resettlement for tribals: There would be no physical displacements of tribals from the project

area under land acquisition. There is minimal land acquisition involved since all the projects are existing projects and land would be required only for distributory channels. Tribals have a symbiotic relationship with land and depend upon land for their livelihoods. It would be imperative for the project to provide land against land in case of acquisition or cash equivalent to land acquired for tribals. In addition livelihood assistance would be provided. A project specific compensation policy has been designed along the line of the provisions laid down in the Orissa Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy 2006(Amendments dated 4th June, 2007). As stated earlier the key objective of this package is to see that no household is poorer after the acquisition of lands.

(vii) Convergence: The institutions in the State, in additions to various sectoral agencies, are actively

involved in implementing various development programs for tribals in the State. It is important to develop mechanisms to coordinate with these agencies and link up their programs in the implementation of TDP and to ensure overall development of tribal communities. Linkages have to be established with these existing institutions like the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes Development Department, ITDA, MADAs, Clusters and Micro Projects, etc. Strategy for implementing TD component under the proposed Project is to work in close association with the above agencies duly supplementing their efforts with Project initiatives. The Project will facilitate dove tailing of on going welfare measures for the over all up-liftment of tribal communities in the villages under the tank system. Any direct investment from the Project will be with an aim to fill the gaps. This will require the project functionaries to work in close coordination with the functionaries of the above agencies and ensure proper linkages with government schemes for the over all socio-economic development of tribal communities.

(viii) Gender: Tribal women have a significant role as they generally have a more active role in the

livelihood system as compared to other castes. The project will make conscious efforts to promote involvement of women in the project processes. Women will be organized to in to SHGs. Apart from that members drawn from the SHG will participate in the Pani- Panchayat. Specific awareness activities and leadership development activities for women SHGs will be the key areas of intervention in the project.

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Implementation Mode The implementation action plan for TDP is presented below.


Responsibility Sl No

Activity Primary Secondary Assoc.

Review/ Approval

Identification Phase

1 Identification -- Preparation of Long List of Tanks MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO

Pre-Planning Phase 2 Orienting Line Departments – Water Resources, Agriculture, & Animal

Resources, Fisheries, Revenue, SC/ST Department, Women and Child welfare


3 Deployment of, and orienting Support Organizations DPU SPU 4 Launch IEC Campaign SO DPU(Communication unit) SPU (Communication unit) SPU 5 Preliminary Hydrological and Engineering Assessments MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 6 Environmental Assessments MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 7 Preliminary Estimation of Land Requirements – Encroachment and/

Acquisitions LAO, PP RI / Tehsildar DPU GoO

8 Preliminary Estimation of Tribal population in tank commands PP/GP/SO DPU 9 Preliminary Cost and Community Contribution computations DPU GoO 10 Technical Feasibility Done MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 11 DECISION: GO / NO GO MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 12 Community Endorses Participation ( Gram Sabha/Pallisabha in case of

Scheduled areas) PP/GP SO DPU (IB unit) SPU

13 Tank Selection Completion MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 14 Schemes Approved (Gram Panchayat in case of Scheduled Areas) MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO

Planning Phase

15 Community Mobilized and PP formed/ renewed SO DPU (IB unit) SPU (IB unit) SPU 16 Socio-Economic Survey SPU GoO

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Responsibility Sl No

Activity Primary Secondary Assoc.

Review/ Approval

17 Engineering Surveys MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 18 Identification of Encroachers and Assessment of lands to be acquired PP and LAO SO and DPU SPU GoO 19 Resettlement Action Plan Prepared

- Entitlements Matrix - Implementation Plan Agreed

LAO,RI/Tehsildar, DPU


20 Tribal Development Plan (TDP) Prepared PP SO DPU 21 Engineering Designing and Cost Estimates MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 22 Community Capacity Building Plans PP & SO DPU (IB unit) SPU (IB unit) SPU 23 Livelihood Assistance Plan PP & SO DPU (Livelihood unit) SPU (Livelihood unit) SPU 24 Environment Management Plan MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) SPU 25 Gender Action Plan PP & SO DPU (IB Unit) SPU (IB unit) SPU 26 Community Cost Contribution plan prepared and started - 5% upfront

cash contribution (out of the 10% contribution by the community) PP & SO DPU SPU

27 Micro Plan Prepared PP SO DPU SPU 28 AGREE-TO-DO: PLEDGED PP GoO 29 Micro-plan aggregated into TIMP - MOU Signed PP DPU and SO SPU

Implementation Phase

30 Implementation of capacity building plan of PP - Training on leadership, accounts, water management, livelihood

issues, etc. - Exposure visit

SO DPU (IB unit) SPU (IB unit) SPU

31 Service providers (Contractors) mobilized – contracts finalized MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) GoO 32 Community contribution received (O&M fund created) – The balance

5% community contribution mobilized in labour/cash PP DPU SPU

33 Implementation of RAP - Public notification - Consultation (Gram Sabha/Palli sabha approval in case of scheduled

area) - Approval of list of PAFs and notification - Firming up of RAP, Livelihood Assistance Plan - Release of funds - Acquisition process started and possession - Compensation awarded

LAO, RI/Tehsildar, DPU

SPU GoO Collector Financial Adviser, WRD

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Responsibility Sl No

Activity Primary Secondary Assoc.

Review/ Approval

34 Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP) 35 Implementation of Environmental Management Plan started

- Tank safety - Integrated Pest Management (IPM) / Integrated Pest & Nutrient

Mgt. (IPNM) - Water management (water allocation, distribution and drainage)

MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) SPU

36 Civil (tank renovation) work started MI – WR Department DPU (Technical Unit) SPU (Technical Unit) SPU 37 PP engaged in tank renovation work PP & SO DPU SPU 38 Livelihood assistance initiatives started (for PAFs and others)

- Training, demonstration, credit linkage, dovetailing of resources under govt. programs, credit linkage, etc.

- Market linkage, exhibitions/buyer-seller meets

PP & SO DPU (Livelihood unit) SPU (Livelihood unit) SPU

39 Tank civil work completion certificate issued PP DPU SPU 40 Social Auditing undertaken PP SO and DPU (IB Unit) SPU (IB Unit) SPU 41 O&M plan prepared PP SO DPU SPU

Consolidation Phase 42 PPs trained on O&M and started contributing in O&M SO & DPU MI – WR Department SPU 43 Network of PPs formed PP & SO DPU SPU 44 Vision building and future course of action of PP, MI and other

departments finalized PP, SO and MI department


45 MOU signed with MI and PP on tank O&M PP and MI dept. DPU SPU 46 Sub-project Evaluation (General project evaluation and specific

evaluation of impact of rehabilitation on PAFs) - Income level of PAFs restoration - Livelihoods for PAFs: Establishment and Improvement - Income level of other tank users enhancement - Livelihoods of other tank users establishment - Gender Impact Assessments

SPU DPU World Bank GoO

47 Submission of Sub-project completion report SPU GoO * Abridged Version. Detailed one is available in Project Implementation Plan (PIP) Abbreviations: PP-Pani Panchayat; SO-Support Organisation; GP-Gram Panchayat; SPU-State Project Unit; DPU-District Project Unit; LAO-Land Acquisition Officer; RI-Revenue Inspector; MI-Minor Irrigation, WR-Water Resource, IB Unit: Institutional Building Unit

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Institutional Arrangements

50. The institutional arrangements designed for will be followed for implementation of TDP. However convergence with existing institutions for tribal development is to be ensured at different levels. It is also recommended to consult/involved at different levels through out the project implementation cycle. The respective units at different levels and their roles are discussed as under; • State level: Orissa Community based Tank Development and Management Society (OCTDMS)

has been formed to design and implement the project under the Water Resource Department of Orissa. The OCTDM Project will be implemented under the aegis of the State Project Unit (SPU). Under the society, a State Project Unit will be established, headed by a Project Director which will comprise six operational units such as Technical, Livelihoods, Institution Building, M, E & L unit, Communication and Financial Mgt. and Procurement Unit with experts for each sub-unit. An Additional Project Director would also be part of the SPU.

• District Level: At the district level, a District Project Unit (DPU) will be established to

implement and coordinate overall project activities and also extend management support at the tank level. The Executive Engineer, MI will be the District Project Director. Similar operational units would function as part of the DPU. A District Level Implementation Committee will be also formed, headed by District Collector as the Chairman of the committee.

• Tank Level: Support Agencies will be appointed by the DPU to execute the operational plan at

the tank level along with functionaries from the MI Department. A support team for few tanks together, comprising three members for support for social mobilization, technical support and livelihood support would be formed to function at the tank level. The support agencies and the support team would work closely with the Pani-Panchayat at the tank level and various community groups like farmers groups, interest groups etc formed at the village level. With an objective of decentralization of the project implementation, the Pani – Panchayat has been visualized as the focal point for management and operations at the tank level.

• Support Organizations: For achieving substantiality the thrust will be upon building local

capacities to ultimately reduce dependency of tribal communities. These support organizations will facilitate participatory processes of planning and implementation by mapping resources of communities, identify and prioritize their problems and developmental needs, identify constraints and possible interventions at the community level.

• Convergence: Institutions like the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes Development

Department, ITDA, MADAs, Clusters and Micro Projects and Orissa Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation in additions to various sectoral agencies, are actively involved in implementing various development programs for tribals in the State. It is important to develop mechanisms to coordinate with these agencies and link up their programs in the implementation of TDP and to ensure overall development of tribal communities. Linkages have to be established with these existing institutions.

• Strategy for implementing TD component under the proposed Project is to work in close

association with the above agencies duly supplementing their efforts with Project initiatives. The Project will facilitate dove tailing of on going welfare measures for the over all up-liftment of tribal communities in the villages under the tank system. Any direct investment from the Project will be with an aim to fill the gaps. This will require the project functionaries to work in close coordination with the functionaries of the above agencies and ensure proper linkages with government schemes for the over all socio-economic development of tribal communities.

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• Working together: It becomes imperative to giving due recognition to the existing traditional tribal institutions like the Village Council while programme implementation at the village/hamlet level in order to preserve and promote the traditional governance mechanisms and customary practices prevalent in tribal habitations.

• In Scheduled Areas, consulting with and working closely with the PRIs at the district,

intermediate and village levels in implementing interventions.

VIII. Cost estimates and financing plan: 51. The total budget for the project works out to be 486.25 crores. The budget allocated for the TDP component under the project is as follow; Tank Improvement 100 crores (out of 349.9 crores) Livelihood support 15 crores (out of 66.45 crores) Institutional strengthening 10 crores (out of 41.3 crores)

Project Management 5 crores (out of 23.6 crores) Additional allocation for any other activity 5 crores An additional sum of 10 crores will be brought about by dove-tailing of different existing schemes for tribal development. Thus the total budget for TDP roughly works out to be 145 crores.

IX. Consultation mechanism during implementation

52. Consultations are held in order to;

• create awareness • bring various stakeholders on a common platform • seek information • pass on information • as part of capacity building

In the implementation phase, consultations will be a continuous activity under the project and will be held at the following levels; Community level:

• Consultations with the Palli Sabha and the Gram Sabha will be held in order to decide the contours of the project. The Pani-Panchayat and the SO will facilitate the consultations.

• The Tank Improvement and Management Plan (TIMP) will be prepared by compiling micro-plans of individual by the Pani-Panchayat in consultation with the tank-users/community.

• The Pani-Panchayat and the SO will facilitate consultations with the Gram Sabha in case of land acquisition in order to identify PAFs and prepare a list for consultations at the district level with the Zilla Parishad. The RI/Tehsildar will also participate in these consultations.

• Regular consultations will be conducted by the Pani-Panchayat and SOs on the progress of o civil construction works under tank renovation with the Service providers (contractors); o Implementation of capacity building plan, RAP, GAP and Environment Management

Plan with the Community level implementation unit with the tank system users (water-users); and

o Livelihood assistance activities with the livelihood support team

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• Consultations regarding grievances of the tank-users (community) on project related issues will be conducted by the Pani-Panchayat with help from the SOs with the community members.

District level: • At the district level, the Zilla Parishad will hold consultations with the Gram Sabha before

approving the list of PAFs. This will be facilitated by the DPU. The LAO will also participate in this consultation.

• Consultations will be held with the ITDA, DRDA and other agencies working at the district level to explore dove-tailing of schemes and programmes for tribal welfare.

State level: • Consultations will be held with different departments like the SC.ST. Development Department,

Departments of Agriculture, Departments of Fishery, etc and other agencies working at the state level to explore dove-tailing of schemes and programmes for tribal welfare.

• Consultations will be held at the SPU level to review progress on implementation of various plans and redressal of grievances related to issues of significance.

X. Redressal of grievances - Mechanism and Institutional arrangements

53. Implementation of the project at the tank level could lead to few grievances related to tribals (tribal communities). Few grievances that are likely to emerge the mechanism been for redressal are listed below.

• The tribals (tribal community) could face resistance from other communities/groups in participating in the decision -making process of the Pani-Panchayat. They could also be given inadequate representation especially in the Executive Body of the Pani-Panchayat and thus remain marginalized in the decision- making process.

• The tribal people could face difficulty in attaining contracts for construction activities during tank renovation and lease for pisci-culture owing to preferential treatment to other dominant groups.

• Although there is very little requirement of land and thus acquisition of land since existing projects have been taken up under the project, however need might arise for alignment and extension of distribution channels. All disputes and grievances related to land and the mechanism to deal with them have been discussed at length in Chapter 8.

• Issues related to transparency and effective implementation of project interventions could also corp up.

• Disputes and grievances related to equitable distribution of water. • Disputes related to allocation and access to Project benefits on an equitable basis.

Overall framework for redressal of grievances at appropriate levels of the project implementation structure:

a. Tank level – Resolving disputes related to availability of water, equitable distribution, participation, equity and inclusion of members of all communities especially marginalized and vulnerable groups, opportunities of wage earning and engagement in construction work related to O&M of tanks, contract for renovation work, etc will be the primary responsibility of the Pani-Panchayat (PP). Documentation of all decisions and verdicts and maintenance of records will the sole responsibility of the PP. Forwarding cases pending for resolution to higher levels and follow up, mobilization of the community

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with the help of support organization to open up and avail for systems put in place for resolution of conflicts and addressing concerns related to the tank systems, etc are the responsibilities of the PP. b. DPU level– The District Project Unit (DPU) will be vested with maximum responsibility for addressing grievances and ensuring timely and appropriate redressal of issues and complaints. The DPU shall regularly review registered grievances, progress on redressal and timely dispensing of issues. Necessary action for coordinating with Departments of Revenue or Forests and following up on the progress of disputes related to forest land, especially encroachments and forest produce will be taken by the DPU. Establishing convergence with District level agencies/departments for issues related to dove-tailing and coordination with existing structures for redressal of grievances of tribal people will form a part of the tasks of the DPU. The District level project implementation committee will review the progress of work regularly and monitor issues related transparency and accountability. c. SPU level – The State Project Unit (SPU) will be vested a supervisory role in the process of grievance redressal. The primary responsibility of addressing grievances rests with the DPU. The SPU will play an active role in facilitating and driving convergence with existing system of grievance redressal for tribals in the State. The issue of transparency at lower levels and timely execution of tasks and spill – overs, primary or secondary with respect to addressing grievances will be regulated by the SPU. Macro-level issues or issues that get escalated at structures below will be dealt with by the SPU in convergence with existing structures at appropriate levels. The matrix for redressal of grievances is presented below;

Matrix for grievance Redressal

Issues likely to emerge

Process for redressal Time period for redressal of grievances


Inadequate representation and decision-making power in the Pani-Panchayat

• Ensuring adequate representation during elections and giving decision making power to tribals

• Conducting elections and avoidance of nominations based upon preferences

5 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to Redressal of grievances

-J.E./A.E. MI Dept. hold primary responsibility -Support Organizations facilitate the process - DPU ensures tribals have been adequately represented in PP

Contracts for construction activities in the tank

• Public notifications of contracts on equal opportunity basis

• Giving contracts to members of tribal community/individual tribal contractors

• Avoidance of preferential awarding of contracts to influential contracts

10 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to redressal of grievances

- E.E. of MI Dept with the DPU should track this process - PP holds primary responsibility - District implementation committee reviews the process -Support Organizations facilitate the process

Equitable distribution of water

• Ensuring equitable water distribution through practices of management and efficient use of water

2 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to redressal of grievances

-PP has the primary responsibility to regulate water distribution and check usurpations and dominance of certain powerful/resourceful sections like large farmers, interest groups, etc. - DPU to regulate the process and review functioning of the PP

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Allocation and access to Project benefits

• Ensuring equitable access and allocation of project benefits for all vulnerable sections of beneficiaries and priority to be given to tribal as targeted

5 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to redressal of grievances

-Overall responsibility of the SPU, DPU and PP -SPU and DPU to monitor the process strictly and regulate the ensure that the targeted beneficiaries receive project benefits

Granting rights for pisci-culture

• Preference to women’s groups and SHGs belonging to tribal community

• Gram Panchayat to grant rights for pisci-culture in an unbiased manner

5 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to redressal of grievances

- PP to ensure that Panchayats do the needful - Secondary responsibility of Gram Panchayat

Issues related to land Details in Chapter 8, section Details in Chapter 8, section

Details in Chapter 8, section

Delays and pending actions

Ensuring timely implementation of all actions and avoiding administrative and systemic delays

5 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to redressal of grievances

- Overall responsibility at all levels

- SPU to ensure that downward processes involved in intervention happen on time and the schedule for implementation is followed

- Constant review and follow up at all levels is required to create a system of check and balance

Transparency issues Ensuring transparency and accountability in practice at all levels of the structure

5 days of time: starting from the date of registration of grievances to redressal of grievances

- Responsibility of all the agencies involved at various levels(top-down to bottom –up) for effective service delivery

- Community to create a sense of and demand for accountability

XI. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework

Monitoring 54. Monitoring and evaluation (M & E) of the Tribal Development Plan is similar to the processes and specific activities proposed for the project as a whole and are integrated in the overall M&E framework designed for the project. M & E activities under TDP would provide;

• Tracking of progress of planned activities and interventions against expected outcomes • Timely implementation • Feed back for mid-way course correction • Evaluating project service delivery through the project cycle • Designing corrective measures • Overall project management

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55. Monitoring will be ongoing and periodic, done internally with the help of a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Expert operating at the SPU and DPU level. Monitoring at the tank and Community Agriculture Resource Management (CARM) Centre level will be participatory involving members of the community and the Pani-Panchayat. A set of few tanks together will constitute CARM Centre. 56. At each tank level a Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) will be established to monitor the day to day progress against implementation of house-hold livelihood plans. The support agency should facilitate the formation of tank level monitoring committee by ensuring adequate representation of tribals in the committee. At the cluster level, the support agency should strengthen the CARM centre for periodic monitoring and supervision of the activities of tank level monitoring committee. The M & E system would have the following components;

• Participatory monitoring process involving the community at the tank – level. • Process monitoring to assess participatory processes, institutional and implementational aspects

for evaluating project management and identifying course-corrections • Sustainability monitory to assess post-implementation sustainability and continued participation • Impact assessment to evaluate post-implementation success and project-service delivery

Activities under M & E SPU/Project level:

• Project implementation at the district level • Compilation of district level reports and generation of reports at the state level for

circulation DPU level:

• Project implementation at the tank level • Participatory monitoring processes and ownership of the community at the tank level • Compilation of reports generated at CARM Centre Level to generate reports at the

higher levels Tank level:

• Implementation of activities planned under TDP at the tank level • Preparation of reports at the tank level with the help of support agencies • A community based monitoring body will be set up at the community level to monitor

activities at the tank level

Indicators for monitoring

Indicators for monitoring progress on TDP are presented below; Challenges

Broad Indicators

Social conditions • Formation of village/tank level bodies and associations of water useeffective functioning

• Formation of autonomous and inclusive grassroots tribal bodies/instiand preserving traditional indigenous ones

• Representation of Tribal men and women in the PP, Panchayat andgroups and committees at the tank level

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• Increase in rate and degree of participation and decision mpower(formation of groups, preparation and execution of plans, O&M

Tank related • Autonomous functioning of tank/village level bodies • Regulated process of water distribution and conflict resolution • Implementation of proposed plans and timely execution • Proposed O & M plans fully managed by Tribal people/community • Capital cost contribution ( labour and money) estimated and mobilize• Timely collection of O & M costs • Community ownership of processes and accountability • Inter-sectoral and inter-departmental convergence • No. of beneficiaries identified under proposed interventions and cove

Economic Conditions • Proliferation of livelihood options- tank based and non-tank based • Project related income generation opportunities increase • Economic independence develops and is sustained • Increase in number of borrowers from formal credit institution

increase in amount of savings • Changes in possession of domestic and agricultural assets • Changes in housing and conditions of living • Changes in pattern and rate of migration

Project Evaluation

57. Project evaluation and assessment will be done externally through an agency engaged for the purpose. The external Agency will have the following responsibilities:

• Developing baseline • Mid –term( after 18 months) and End-term Evaluation (after 36 months)

Institutional Arrangements for M & E

(i) Planning for ME&L: The SPU, through its dedicated MLE unit comprising one MLE expert will have overall responsibility for planning and coordinating MLE activities with one GIS expert, MIS expert. In this role, the SPU will coordinate MLE activities o f the three sets o f entities that will undertake the bulk of the data collection and analysis work: the implementing department / agencies at the state and district levels; an external M&E agency (to be engaged as consultants for the duration of the project); and beneficiaries, primarily Water Users and various project-supported farmer interest groups. The process of participatory MLE by beneficiaries will be facilitated by local Support Organizations (SO), and by the external agency and SPU/DPU as appropriate. The SPU will have overall responsibility for developing systems and procedures for appropriate analysis and presentation o f the collected MLE data (including participatory MLE data) to ensure their use for project monitoring, management, learning, and beneficiary capacity building (ii) Data Collection: Implementing agencies (line departments, field level project staff, service providers sub-contracted by the project) will be responsible for collecting and reporting information on physical and financial input and output indicators as part of their regular implementation work. These data would be fed into and assimilated by a computerized Management Information Systems (MIS) which will be designed and set-up by the SPU. The M I S will be designed to help consolidate, analyze and use the data for management feedback at different levels, from tank level to block, district and project levels. The external M&E agency will also collect primary data about project implementation and impact through four types of data collection exercises: (a) baseline survey; (b) monthly monitoring of implementation progress and outputs (for this purpose, the external agency will visit a selected

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sample of tank sites every month on a rotating basis for intensive monitoring; data would be collected by the agency’s researchers on themes and in a format agreed in advance with the SPU); (c) two outcome-focused impact evaluations - mid-term and final evaluation; and (d) systematic evaluation of project impacts through repeated monitoring of the same sample set of households from the beginning to the end o f the project. For each data collection exercise, information will also be collected from appropriate “control” or reference sites, in order to help assess the incremental impact of project interventions vis-a-vis generic growth influences over time. (e) Finally, a complementary set of information on quality and effectiveness of implementation processes and on project impacts, from beneficiaries’ point o f view, will be gathered through a large, structured process o f participatory MLE. Project interventions at the field level will be primarily group-based or group-mediated (through, e.g., water users, Fishermen Cooperative Societies, farmers’ producer and/or marketing groups). As part of their implementation experience each group would provide feedback - on themes and through media and format understood and agreed in advance - on their participatory experiences. The facilitating SO or implementing agency will record these self-assessments as well as Quantified Participatory Assessments, and feed them into the overall project MLE system. The information will be monitored and used by project management at district and other relevant levels for improving: Effectiveness of project interventions and processes with regard to the communities; and management and capacity building of the communities themselves. Government departments regularly collect and report data on a number of indicators used in the project results framework. However, the administrative/area units over which the information is collated and reported do not correspond to the tank (or tank system) area units where project interventions are focused. Hence, since the data available from government sources would include both project and non-project areas (and typically over a larger scale), these numbers are not directly usable for project monitoring, management and impact evaluation. (although the project MLE system will also directly monitor specific “control sites” for this purpose). (iii) Data Reporting and Use: The focus of the project M&E system is to enable appropriate oversight and management self-learning by beneficiaries, and full evaluation o f project experience. Management action at various levels will be guided by the following reports: (a) district level monthly reports on the status of implementation activities, collated and produced by the District Project Unit (DPU), which reports to the SPU; (b) Monthly reports by external M&E agency on its’ concurrent monitoring activities; (c) six-monthly consolidated reports produced by District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) at district levels, and by SPU and the external M&E agency at the project levels - these will form an important basis for the six monthly performance review to undertaken jointly by the Bank and the SPU; (d) consolidated mid-term implementation report by SPU and mid-tern impact assessment report by the external agency, which will form the basis of the mid-tern review to be undertaken by Bank and borrower; and (e) Consolidated project implementation and assessment report by SPU and overall project evaluation report by external agency at project completion -- these will be integral to preparation o f the project Implementation Completion Report. The six-monthly report submitted by SPU to the Bank will include, inter alia, up-to-date physical and financial expenditure data compared to annual and end-project targets; up-dated indicators of project performance compared to annual and end-project targets; Successes and problems encountered during the reporting period with suggested remedial actions; Socio-economic and environmental impacts of the project. The six-monthly report by external agency will have dedicated section reporting on compliance with regard to the various safeguard issues that may have been triggered during project implementation.


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Annexure 1

1.1 Scheduled Tribes of Orissa

Sl No

List of Scheduled Tribes notified (after addition/deletion)as per the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order, 1950 as amended by Modification Order, 1956, Amendment Act, 1976 and The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act 2002 No. 10 dated 8.1.2003 of Ministry of Law & Justice republished by the Notification No. 7799/ L dated 7.6.2003 of Law Deptt, Govt. of Orissa

1 Bagata, Bhakta 2. Baiga 3. Banjara, Banjari 4. Bathudi, Bathuri 5. Bhottada, Dhotada, Bhotra, Bhatra, Bhattara, Bhotora, Bhatara 6. Bhuiya, Bhuyan 7. Bhumia 8. Bhumij, Teli Bhumij, Haldipokhria Bhumij, Haladi Pokharia Bhumija, Desi Bhumij, Desia Bhumij, Tamaria Bhumij 9. Bhunjia 10. Binjhal, Binjhwar 11. Binjhia, Binjhoa 12. Birhor 13. Bondo Poraja, Bonda Paroja, Banda Paroja 14. Chenchu 15. Dal 16. Desua Bhumij 17. Dharua, Dhuruba, Dhurva 18. Didayi, Didai Paroja, Didai 19. Gadaba, Bodo Gadaba, Gutob Gadaba, Kapu Gadaba, Ollara Gadaba, Parenga Gadaba, Sano Gadaba 20. Gandia 21. Ghara 22. Gond, Gondo, Rajgond, Maria Gond, Dhur Gond 23. Ho 24. Holva 25. Jatapu 26. Juang 27. Kandha Gauda 28. Kawar, Kanwar 29. Kharia, Kharian, Berga Kharia, Dhelki Kharia, Dudh Kharia, Erenga Kharia, Munda Kharia, Oraon Kharia, Khadia, Pahari Kharia 30. Kharwar

31. Khond, Kond, Kandha, Nanguli Kandha, Sitha Kandha, Kondh, Kui, Buda Kondh, Bura Kandha, Desia Kandha, Dungaria Kondh, Kutia Kandha, Kandha Gauda, Muli Kondh, Malua Kondh, Pengo Kandha, Raja Kondh, Raj Khond

32. Kissan, Nagesar, Nagesia 33. Kol 34. Kolha, Loharas, Kol Loharas 35. Kolha 36. Koli Malhar 37. Kondadora 38. Kora, Khaira, Khayara

39. Korua, 40. Kotia 41. Koya, Gumba Koya, Koitur Koya, Kamar Koya, Musara Koya 42. Kulis

43. Lodha, Nodh, Nodha, Lodh 44. Madia 45. Mahali 46. Mankidi 47. Mankirdia, Mankria, Mankidi 48. Matya, Matia 49. Mirdhas, Kuda, Koda 49. Mirdhas, Kuda, Koda 50. Munda, Munda Lohara, Munda Mahalis, Nagabanshi Munda, Oriya Munda 51. Mundari 52. Omanatya, Omanatyo, Amanatya 53. Oraon, Dhangar, Uran 54.

Parenga 55. Paroja, Parja, Bodo paroja, Barong Jhodia Paroja, Chhelia Paroja, Jhodia Paroja, Konda

Paroja, Paraja, Ponga Paroja, Sodia Paroja, Sano Paroja, Solia Paroja 56. Pentia 57. Rajuar 58. Santal 59. Saora, Savar, Saura, Sahara, Arsi Saora, Based Saora, Bhima Saora, Bhimma Saora,

Chumura Saora, Jara Savar, Jadu Saora, Jati Saora, Juari Saora, Kampu Saora, Kampa Soura, Kapo Saora, Kindal Saora, Kumbi Kancher Saora, Kalapithia Saora, Kirat Saora, Lanjia Saora, Lamba Lanjia Saora, Luara Saora, Luar Saora, Laria Savar, Malia Saora, Malla Saora, Uriya Saora, Raika Saora, Sudda Saora, Sarda Saora, Tankala Saora, Patro Saora, Vesu Saora

60. Shabar Lodha 61. Sounti 62. Tharua, Tharua Bindhani

Primitive Tribal Groups of Orissa 1. Lodhas, 2. Hill-kharia, 3. Mankirdia , 4. Paudi Bhuiyan, 5. Juanga, 6. Kutia Kandha, 7. Saora, 8. Lanjia Saora, 9. Bonda, 10.Didayi, 11.Dongria Kandha, 12. Chuktia, Bhunija, 13. Tumba

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Annexure 2 District-wise population of STs as per 2001 Census

Sl District

Area in sq. km. No.of Blocks No. of GPs

Total Population(including ST,SC, & Others Total Male Female

Scheduled Tribe Population Total Male Female

Percentage of ST Population to Total Population Total Male Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Cuttack 3932 14 342 2341094 1207781 1133313 83591 42800 40791 3.57 3.54 3.6

2 Jagatsinghpur 1668 8 194 1057629 538881 518748 8640 4605 4035 0.82 0.85 0.78

3 Jajpur 2899 10 280 1624341 823747 800594 125989 64198 61791 7.76 7.79 7.72

4 Kendrapara 2644 9 230 1302005 646438 655567 6822 3550 3272 0.52 0.55 0.5

5 Balasore 3806 12 289 2024508 1036511 987997 228454 116193 112261 11.28 11.21 11.36

6 Bhadrak 2505 7 193 1333749 675642 658107 25141 12839 12302 1.88 1.9 1.87

7 puri 3479 11 230 1502682 763389 739293 4482 2355 2127 0.3 0.31 0.29

8 Nayagarh 3890 8 179 864516 446177 418339 50836 25778 25058 5.88 5.78 5.99

9 Khurda 2813 10 168 1877395 986886 890509 97186 50431 46755 5.18 5.11 5.25

10 Mayurbhanj 10418 26 382 2223456 1123200 1100256 1258459 631149 627310 56.6 56.19 57.01

11 Sundergarh 9712 17 262 1830673 935601 895072 918903 458815 460088 50.19 49.04 51.4

12 Sambalpur 6657 9 148 935613 475122 460491 322770 161756 161014 34.5 34.05 34.97

13 Bargarh 5837 12 248 1346336 681500 664836 260691 131145 129546 19.36 19.24 19.49

14 Deogarh 2940 3 60 274108 138408 135700 92103 45961 46142 33.6 33.21 34

15 Jharsuguda 2081 5 78 509716 261941 247775 159757 80760 78997 31.34 30.83 31.88

16 Bolangir 6575 14 285 1337194 673985 663209 275822 137442 138380 20.63 20.39 20.87

17 Sonepur 2337 6 96 541835 275601 266234 52978 26786 26192 9.78 9.72 9.84

18 Keonjhar 8303 13 286 1561990 790036 771954 695141 348666 346475 44.5 44.13 44.88

19 Dhenkanal 4452 8 199 1066878 544001 522877 136501 69356 67145 12.79 12.75 12.84

20 Angul 6375 8 209 1140003 587234 552769 132994 67386 65608 11.67 11.48 11.87

21 Ganjam 8206 22 475 3160635 1581986 1578649 90919 45843 45076 2.88 2.9 2.86

22 Gajapati 4325 7 129 518837 255423 263414 263476 128679 134797 50.78 50.38 51.17

23 Kalahandi 7920 13 273 1335494 667526 667968 382573 188646 193927 28.65 28.26 29.03

24 Nawapada 3852 5 109 530690 264396 266294 184221 90901 93320 34.71 34.38 35.04

Orissa Community Tank Management Project Tribal Development Plan

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25 Koraput 8807 14 226 1180637 590743 589894 585830 290306 295524 49.62 49.14 50.1

26 Ryagada 7073 11 171 831109 409792 421317 463418 224908 238510 55.76 54.88 56.61

27 Malkangiri 5791 7 108 504198 252507 251691 289538 143498 146040 57.43 56.83 58.02

28 Nowarangpur 5291 10 169 1025766 515162 510604 564480 282472 282008 55.03 54.83 55.23

29 Kandhamal 8021 12 153 648201 322799 325402 336809 166283 170526 51.96 51.51 52.4

30 Boudh 3098 3 63 373372 188155 185217 46557 23276 23281 12.47 12.37 12.57

Total State 155707 314 6234 36804660 18660570 18144090 8145081 4066783 4078298 22.13 21.79 22.48

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Annexure – 3

Programs and Schemes for Tribal Development

Institutional arrangements for implementation of tribal development programs and schemes in Orissa: S.T. & S.C. Development Department is the nodal Department of the State Government for the welfare of the ST and SC communities. Article 46 of the Constitution of India casts an obligation on the State to “promote, with special care, the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation”. The Department is given the mandate, inter alia, to carry forward the goals enshrined in Article 46 of the Constitution. The developmental programmes and projects have been implemented during the year with Special Central Assistance for the Tribal Sub-plan received from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Special Central Assistance for the Special Component Plan (SCP) received from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Grants-in Aid received under Art.275 (1) of the Constitution, funds received under several Central Plan and Centrally Sponsored Scheme from the Ministries of Tribal Affairs and Social Justice & Empowerment, allocations under State Plan including Additional Central Assistance under the RLTAP for KBK districts.

Tribal Sub-plan: Release of SCA for TSP during Tenth Plan Period from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, for the year 2006-2007 is Rs. 7695.87 lakhs. The Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) approach envisages integrated development of tribal areas, in which all programmes of the Government irrespective of their sources of funding operate in unison with a view to bring the area at par with the rest of the State and for welfare and development of STs. Presently, 21 Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs), 17 Micro projects for PTGs, 46 Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) pockets and 14 cluster pockets are functioning in the State with financial support from State Plan and Special Central Assistance (SCA) made available by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. (List of Tribal sub-plan blocks in Orissa has been provided in Annexure 5).

Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA): Established in mid-seventies, ITDAs are

functioning as nodal agencies for plan formulation, programme implementation and operationalization of the TSP concept. At present 21 ITDAs are functioning in 12 districts of the State covering 118 blocks having more than 50% tribal population. Prime concern of ITDAs is to minimize the gap that exists between them and the rest of the society, to improve socio-economic conditions of tribals and to strengthen infrastructure in tribal areas through various schemes that aim at income generation, asset creation, administrative and legal protection of tribals from exploitation. An allocation of 52.45 crores has been made for the year 2006-07 with a target to cover about 65,000 beneficiaries. (District/blockwise list of ITDAs in Orissa has been provided in Annexure 6).

Micro –Projects for development of primitive tribal groups: There are 17 micro projects in the

State covering part of 20 blocks of 12 districts for development of 13 Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs). PTGs covered under these projects are given full subsidy for individual and family oriented income generating schemes. Particular attention is given for development of agriculture, horticulture, soil conservation, animal husbandry, health, education, communication etc. A sum of rs.1.88 crores has been proposed in the annual plan for 2006-2007 with a target to cover 2500 beneficiaries. Under the central sector scheme of PTGs, a provision of Rs.80 million has been proposed for 2006-07 to assist 5000 PTG families by extending insurance coverage under “Janashree Bima Yojana’ of LIC. (District/block-wise list of Micro-Projects in Orissa has been provided in Annexure 7).

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Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) -aims at developing tribals staying outside the ITDA areas. 46 MADA pockets with population of 10,000 or more, where more than 50% inhabitants are tribals, spread over 47 blocks in 17 districts, are functioning in the State. Both individual beneficiary oriented schemes and community-oriented schemes are under implementation in these pockets in the ratio of 70: 30 of the outlay under SCA. During 2006-2007, an amount of rs. 6.10 crores has been proposed for this scheme with a target to cover 4000 beneficiaries. (District/block-wise list of MADA Pockets in Orissa has been provided in Annexure 8).

Clusters: Under this programme, various community oriented schemes and individual beneficiary

oriented schemes on the same pattern as in ITDAs are implemented out of SCA. An amount of Rs.55.00 lakh has been allocated under cluster approach in the annual Plan 2006-07 out of SCA for benefiting 500 beneficiaries. (District/block-wise list of Clusters) has been provided in Annexure 9).

Dispersed Tribal Development Programme (DTDP): This programme is being implemented in

Orissa through the Orissa Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe Development Finance Co-operative Corporation Ltd. for the benefit of tribal families outside special project areas like ITDA, MADA, Clusters and Micro projects. An outlay of Rs. 388.00 lakhs has been proposed as SCA under TSP for dispersed tribals for 2006-2007 to assist 3500 ST beneficiaries. The OSFDC also receives funds out of SCA to the TSP under the Dispersed Tribal Development Programme (DTDP) from which similar bank linked income generating schemes and community land based schemes are provided for the dispersed tribal population. During the year 2006-07, an amount of Rs. 497.11 lakhs for 5780 beneficiaries has been proposed. Amount proposed to be financed under the Term Loan scheme for STs for the year 2006-2007 is 573.00 lakhs with a target 1069 beneficiaries.

Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India: During 2006-07, funds worth Rs.

4029.11 lakhs released under Article 275(1) of the Constitution during 10th Plan. Development of PTGs: For development of PTGs, thrust is being given by the State Government

on their education, health and providing lighting facilities in their houses through non-conventional sources of energy under the Central Sector Scheme for PTGs. Under the central sector scheme of PTGs, a provision of Rs. 8 crore has been proposed during 2006-07. This is in addition to the funds under SCA to TSP which are also provided to the PTGs for their income generation and infrastructure development.

Special programmes under RLTAP for KBK districts: During the year 2005-2006, the scheme

“Skill up-gradation of ST/SC youths through Vocational Training” was implemented for the first time. 458 youths have been sent to the I.T.Is / Polytechnics for vocational training in different trades like plumber, Mechanic, Auto electrical and electronics, repair of electrical & electronic appliances, Driver-cum-mechanic, masonry etc. During 2006-07, an amount of Rs.6.00 crore has been proposed.

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Annexure - 4 Tanks in Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Areas

Sl.No. Division District Block Scheduled Non-schedule Name of Projects

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area BallavpurMIP(Res) 2 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area Bauli MIP (D/W) 3 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area Chanaghai MIP (D/W) 4 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area Gopalpur MIP (D/W) 5 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area Matalia MIP(D/W) 6 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area Takua MIP (D/W) 7 Dhenkanal Angul Angul Non-scheduled Area Talapada MIP(Res) 8 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Bileikhai M.I.P.(D/W) 9 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Dadar M.I.P.(D/W) 10 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Dahimal M.I.P. (Res) 11 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Gangapani M.I.P. (Res) 12 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Hatasimili M.I.P.(Res) 13 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Laupal M.I.P. (Res) 14 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Madanpur M.I.P (Res) 15 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Mangalpur M.I.P (Res) 16 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Podapadar M.I.P (Res) 17 Dhenkanal Angul Athmallik Non-scheduled Area Ranibandha M.I.P (Res) 18 Dhenkanal Angul Banarpal Non-scheduled Area Kuio MIP (D/W) 19 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Balibandhabadjor MIP (D/W) 20 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Chendipada jungle MIP (Res) 21 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area DurgapurMIP (Res) 22 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area GauduninallaMIP (Res) 23 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Jhintipal MIP (Res) 24 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Kansabansa MIP (Res) 25 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area KatadaMIP(Res) 26 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Kukurpetta MIP (Res) 27 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Kumbhira MIP (D/W) 28 Dhenkanal Angul Chhendipada Non-scheduled Area Patrapada MIP (D/W) 29 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Balijodi MIP (D/W) 30 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Ghasiaposi MIP (D/W) 31 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Badabandha MIP (Res) 32 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Kishoresagar MIP (Res) 33 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Laxmisagar M.I.P.(Res) 34 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha-II MIP (Res) 35 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Patharmunda MIP (Res) 36 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Sabighat M.I.P (Res) 37 Dhenkanal Angul Kaniha Non-scheduled Area Telposi MIP (Res) 38 Dhenkanal Angul Kishorenagar Non-scheduled Area Ashrubahal M.I.P.(Res) 39 Dhenkanal Angul Kishorenagar Non-scheduled Area Dalimura M.I.P. (D/W) 40 Dhenkanal Angul Kishorenagar Non-scheduled Area Garuda M.I.P. (Res) 41 Dhenkanal Angul Kishorenagar Non-scheduled Area Gumukhinda M.I.P. (Res) 42 Dhenkanal Angul Kishorenagar Non-scheduled Area Jaigarh M.I.P. (Res) 43 Dhenkanal Angul Kishorenagar Non-scheduled Area Padiabandhupali M.I.P. (Res) 44 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area Andhari MIP(D/W) 45 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area Gandijore MIP (D/W)

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46 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area Khuntapasi MIP (D/W) 47 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area Mankada MIP (D/W) 48 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area Saliamunda (Ghagara) MIP (Res) 49 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area SankhamarMIP (Res) 50 Dhenkanal Angul Pallahara Non-scheduled Area Siaria MIP (Res) 51 Dhenkanal Angul Talcher Non-scheduled Area Bhalugadia MIP (D/W) 52 Dhenkanal Angul Talcher Non-scheduled Area Phulmukha MIP (Res) 53 Dhenkanal Angul Talcher Non-scheduled Area Simajodi MIP (D/W) 54 Balasore Balasore Basta Non-scheduled Area Jalaka 55 Balasore Balasore Jaleswar Non-scheduled Area Begunia 56 Balasore Balasore Jaleswar Non-scheduled Area Gohirakhal 57 Balasore Balasore Jaleswar Non-scheduled Area Gohirakhal 58 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Dhobadhobani 59 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Kalyani 60 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Kantapada 61 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Kochiakoili 62 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Natapada 63 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Palasa 64 Balasore Balasore Khaira Non-scheduled Area Raghapur 65 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Chasunikula 66 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Dhabaghat 67 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri scheduled Area Ghagara 68 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Haladigadia 69 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Indrodova 70 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Jamudihi 71 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Kamala 72 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Khaibundha 73 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Ounalla 74 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Rissia 75 Balasore Balasore Nilagiri Scheduled Area Sitapatipur 76 Balasore Balasore Oupada Non-scheduled Area Dhadhaya 77 Balasore Balasore Oupada Non-scheduled Area Khumkote 78 Balasore Balasore Oupada Non-scheduled Area Pidhakata 79 Balasore Balasore Oupada Non-scheduled Area Solabhauni 80 Balasore Balasore Remuna Non-scheduled Area Badapokhari 81 Balasore Balasore Remuna Non-scheduled Area Mukhura 82 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Allipur 83 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Attashbandha 84 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Brundadeipur 85 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Chheliabandha 86 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Kaliabandha 87 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Meghamadhab, 88 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Rajabandha 89 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Sindhua 90 Balasore Balasore Soro Non-scheduled Area Subandha 91 Padampur Baragarh Ambabhona Non-scheduled Area Baddhara 92 Padampur Baragarh Ambabhona Non-scheduled Area Dwari 93 Padampur Baragarh Ambabhona Non-scheduled Area Kumbho 94 Padampur Baragarh Ambabhona Non-scheduled Area Lakhanpur Kata 95 Padampur Baragarh Bhatli Non-scheduled Area Bhatli Badakata 96 Padampur Baragarh Bhatli Non-scheduled Area Kuliarijore

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97 Padampur Baragarh Bhatli Non-scheduled Area Nangal Kata 98 Padampur Baragarh Bhatli Non-scheduled Area Raisobha 99 Padampur Baragarh Bhatli Non-scheduled Area Routpara 100 Padampur Baragarh Bijepur Non-scheduled Area Bhoikata 101 Padampur Baragarh Bijepur Non-scheduled Area Dardar kata 102 Padampur Baragarh Bijepur Non-scheduled Area Jokhipali Kata 103 Padampur Baragarh Gaisilat Non-scheduled Area Bileijharan 104 Padampur Baragarh Gaisilat Non-scheduled Area Darpaninalla 105 Padampur Baragarh Gaisilat Non-scheduled Area Gorenmunda 106 Padampur Baragarh Gaisilat Non-scheduled Area Mahijorekata 107 Padampur Baragarh Gaisilat Non-scheduled Area Saradhapali kata 108 Padampur Baragarh Gaisilat Non-scheduled Area Sarkari kata 109 Padampur Baragarh Jharbandh Non-scheduled Area Adapani 110 Padampur Baragarh Jharbandh Non-scheduled Area Rabanguda 111 Padampur Baragarh Padampur Non-scheduled Area Barimunda 112 Padampur Baragarh Padampur Non-scheduled Area Jayapur kata 113 Padampur Baragarh Paikmal Non-scheduled Area Durgei jharan 114 Padampur Baragarh Paikmal Non-scheduled Area Kumudi 115 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Ainlapali 116 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Bhangakata 117 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Ghodadhar 118 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Jardamunda 119 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Kasipali 120 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Kendumundi 121 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Khapandhara 122 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Petupali 123 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Talkhol 124 Padampur Baragarh Sohela Non-scheduled Area Victoriasagar 125 Balasore Bhadrak Bhadrak Non-scheduled Area Dahanasuni 126 Balasore Bhadrak Bhadrak Non-scheduled Area Khandakosi 127 Balasore Bhadrak Bhadrak Non-scheduled Area Sapua. 128 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Baigankhari MIP 129 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Bangabahal 130 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Barkata MIP 131 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Budula MIP 132 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Salebhata MIP (D/w) 133 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Santika MIP 134 Bolangir Bolangir Agalpur Non-scheduled Area Telenpali MIP 135 Bolangir Bolangir Bangomunda Non-scheduled Area Bangomunda-II MIP 136 Bolangir Bolangir Belpada Non-scheduled Area Balikhamar MIP 137 Bolangir Bolangir Belpada Non-scheduled Area Bhatapada MIP 138 Bolangir Bolangir Belpada Non-scheduled Area Kapani MIP 139 Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Non-scheduled Area Gandhrel MIP 140 Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Non-scheduled Area Jiratmal MIP(D/W) 141 Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Non-scheduled Area Laxmijore MIP(D/W) 142 Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Non-scheduled Area Madhiapali MIP(D/W) 143 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Arjunpur MIP 144 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Badabandha MIP 145 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Deogaonsagar MIP 146 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Dhandamal MIP 147 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Kumuriakata MIP

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148 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Pandrijore MIP(D/w) 149 Bolangir Bolangir Deogaon Non-scheduled Area Paruabhadikata MIP 150 Bolangir Bolangir Gudvela Non-scheduled Area Samara MIP 151 Bolangir Bolangir Khaprakhol Non-scheduled Area Badgurjibhata MIP 152 Bolangir Bolangir Khaprakhol Non-scheduled Area Bhaludungri MIP 153 Bolangir Bolangir Khaprakhol Non-scheduled Area Ghumsarkata MIP 154 Bolangir Bolangir Khaprakhol Non-scheduled Area Pingalmunda MIP 155 Bolangir Bolangir Khaprakhol Non-scheduled Area Salepali MIP 156 Bolangir Bolangir Khaprakhol Non-scheduled Area Sareibahal MIP 157 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Barkani MIP 158 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Barkata MIP 159 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Bijrakata MIP 160 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Keutipali MIP 161 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Kuturapali MIP 162 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Pipilipali MIP 163 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Ratakhandi MIP 164 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Sanjhankarpali MIP 165 Bolangir Bolangir Loisingha Non-scheduled Area Sujia MIP(D/W) 166 Bolangir Bolangir Muribahal Non-scheduled Area Dangarpada 167 Bolangir Bolangir Muribahal Non-scheduled Area Ichhapada MIP 168 Bolangir Bolangir Muribahal Non-scheduled Area Muribahal MIP 169 Bolangir Bolangir Muribahal Non-scheduled Area Ranchuamunda MIP 170 Bolangir Bolangir Muribahal Non-scheduled Area Tangjore MIP(D/w) 171 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Dangabahal MIP 172 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Fulmunda MIP 173 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Gandamel MIP 174 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Indupurkata MIP 175 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Kadalimunda MIP 176 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Nehenabandha MIP 177 Bolangir Bolangir Patnagarh Non-scheduled Area Padhel MIP 178 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Bandanakata MIP 179 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Bhaler MIP(D/W) 180 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Khaliapali MIP(D/W) 181 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Mahimunda MIP 182 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Malmunda MIP(D/W) 183 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Nuapali MIP 184 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Raximunda MIP 185 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Sauntpur MIP(D/w) 186 Bolangir Bolangir Puintala Non-scheduled Area Tanka MIP 187 Bolangir Bolangir Saintala Non-scheduled Area Dumermunda MIP 188 Bolangir Bolangir Saintala Non-scheduled Area Sundarimunda MIP 189 Bolangir Bolangir Titilagarh Non-scheduled Area Dangarmunda Mip 190 Bolangir Bolangir Titilagarh Non-scheduled Area Jagua MIP 191 Bolangir Bolangir Titilagarh Non-scheduled Area Mathanpala MIP 192 Bolangir Bolangir Titilagarh Non-scheduled Area Tulang MIP 193 Bolangir Bolangir Tureikela Non-scheduled Area Kusupali MIP 194 Bolangir Bolangir Tureikela Non-scheduled Area Mahanilaha MIP 195 Bolangir Bolangir Tureikela Non-scheduled Area Mahulpati MIP 196 Bolangir Bolangir Tureikela Non-scheduled Area Malikdhar MIP 197 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Ainthapada MIP (D/W incomplete.) 198 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Bijapadar MIP

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199 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Birigada MIP 200 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Dumduma MIP 201 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Jamulapadar MIP 202 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Karlajholi MIP 203 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Lakhaparabat MIP 204 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Nuapalli MIP 205 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Penajore MIP 206 Phulbani Boudh Boudh Non-scheduled Area Ratanpur MIP 207 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Baisipada MIP 208 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Chhataranga MIP 209 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Domkutch MIP 210 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Kukuteswar MIP 211 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Laigaon MIP 212 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Laxmanpur MIP 213 Phulbani Boudh Harabhanga Non-scheduled Area Laxminalla MIP 214 Phulbani Boudh Kantamal Non-scheduled Area Jamulapadar MIP 215 Phulbani Boudh Kantamal Non-scheduled Area Jogendrapur MIP 216 Phulbani Boudh Kantamal Non-scheduled Area Padarpada MIP 217 Phulbani Boudh Kantamal Non-scheduled Area Penajore MIP 218 Phulbani Boudh Kantamal Non-scheduled Area Sadanandapur MIP 219 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Balibadabandha 220 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Bishibandha 221 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Champia 222 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Chepetibeluabandha 223 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Gaudianalla 224 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Gengutia 225 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Jhinkaragadia 226 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Kadamguribandha 227 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Kansarapat 228 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Khajuripokhari 229 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Laxmigadiabandha 230 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Mahakalabasta 231 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Banakhandi 232 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Bisibandha 233 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Kapursingh 234 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Khaksapat 235 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Kua 236 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Laxmibandha 237 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Mahalaxmipur 238 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Mahantabandha 239 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Palaghosara 240 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Sankha 241 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Sapua 242 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Tailamala 243 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Tantichipa 244 Cuttack Cuttack Athagarh Non-scheduled Area Tarding 245 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-I Non-scheduled Area Kantilanjia 246 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-I Non-scheduled Area Kelibandha 247 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-I Non-scheduled Area Bamdev Sagar 248 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-I Non-scheduled Area Brahmanidei 249 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Baghakhianalla

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250 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Balibadabundha 251 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Brahmanijhar 252 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Goda Gauduni 253 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Hadujhar 254 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Jharianala 255 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Nuabundha 256 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Non-scheduled Area Pailobandha 257 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Chakundapalli 258 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Gangajal 259 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Siaria 260 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Badabil 261 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Jharananalla 262 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Karada 263 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Khambeswari 264 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Nareijani 265 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Ranijharan 266 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Sambarapat 267 Cuttack Cuttack Baramba Non-scheduled Area Sunamunhi 268 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Badhia 269 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Chamundapali 270 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Chhatara 271 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Dhodei 272 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Jagannathbandha 273 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Salasala 274 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Sasanikata 275 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Nakhapadanala 276 Cuttack Cuttack Narasinghpur Non-scheduled Area Purunapani 277 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Badabandha 278 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Chhatabar 279 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Dumulabandha 280 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Gandhanadi 281 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Kusunpur 282 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Nimajhar 283 Cuttack Cuttack Tangi-Choudwar Non-scheduled Area Sunamunhin 284 Cuttack Cuttack Tigiria Non-scheduled Area Baramana 285 Cuttack Cuttack Tigiria Non-scheduled Area Jamunabandha 286 Cuttack Cuttack Tigiria Non-scheduled Area Nukhurigadia 287 Sambalpur Deogarh Barkote Non-scheduled Area Bamparada M.I.P. 288 Sambalpur Deogarh Barkote Non-scheduled Area D.P. canal Stage - 2 289 Sambalpur Deogarh Barkote Non-scheduled Area D.P. canal Stage - I 290 Sambalpur Deogarh Barkote Non-scheduled Area Ghurudu Khaman M.I.P 291 Sambalpur Deogarh Reamal Non-scheduled Area Palsama M.I.P 292 Sambalpur Deogarh Reamal Non-scheduled Area SiariaKata M.I.P. 293 Sambalpur Deogarh Reamal Non-scheduled Area Utunia M.I.P. 294 Sambalpur Deogarh Tileibani Non-scheduled Area Kanteikuli 295 Sambalpur Deogarh Tileibani Non-scheduled Area Niktimal 296 Sambalpur Deogarh Tileibani Non-scheduled Area Tainsar 297 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Bhuban Non-scheduled Area Damsal MIP (D/W) 298 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Bhuban Non-scheduled Area Talanali(Anal )MIP (Res) 299 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Bhuban Non-scheduled Area Tangarpada MIP (Res) 300 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Non-scheduled Area Patrabhaga MIP (D/W)

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301 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Aliapada MIP (D/W) 302 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Bunglow MIP (D/W) 303 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Daluasuni MIP (Res) 304 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Dhanianali MIP (Res) 305 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Gunduraposi MIP (Res) 306 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Jharanabandha-II MIP (Res) 307 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Madhapur MIP (D/W) 308 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Gondia Non-scheduled Area Sorisiapada MIP (D/W) 309 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Baradapal MIP (D/W) 310 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Beruanpal MIP (Res) 311 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Champamunda MIP (Res) 312 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Ektali MIP (Res) 313 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Gulei MIP (Res) 314 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Kalijodi MIP (Res) 315 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Kamarbeda MIP (Res) 316 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Kantamila MIP (Res) 317 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Kukupangi MIP (D/W) 318 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Panasapal MIP (Res) 319 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Sarapa MIP (Res) 320 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Hindol Non-scheduled Area Thengamunda MIP (Res) 321 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Baligorauda MIP (Res) 322 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Bhagirathipur MIP (Res) 323 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Bhoirpur MIP (Res) 324 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Galukateni MIP (Res) 325 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Indrajitnalla MIP (D/W) 326 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Jantakhole MIP (D/W) 327 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Jodabadia MIP(Res) 328 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Kakudia MIP (Res) 329 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Kankadajhara MIP (Res) 330 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Kusumjodi MIP (D/W) 331 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Kusumjodi MIP (Res) 332 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Lokanathpur MIP (Res) 333 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Machhia MIP (Res) 334 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Motta New Tank MIP (Res) 335 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Rajkulakateni MIP (Res) 336 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Rankia MIP (Res) 337 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar Non-scheduled Area Saradhapur MIP (Res) 338 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kankadahad Non-scheduled Area Bandania MIP (Res) 339 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kankadahad Non-scheduled Area Birasal MIP (D/W) 340 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Kankadahad Non-scheduled Area Damasal MIP (Res) 341 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Odapada Non-scheduled Area Bagirathisagar MIP (Res) 342 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Odapada Non-scheduled Area Barbahalia MIP (Res) 343 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Odapada Non-scheduled Area Bhagirathisagar MIP (Res) 344 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Odapada Non-scheduled Area Lowerbega(D/W) 345 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Odapada Non-scheduled Area Ranipal MIP (Res) 346 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Badakata MIP (Res)

347 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Bahalbandha MIP (Res) 348 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Baiganikata MIP (Res) 349 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Chandandeipur MIP (Res) 350 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Jayapura MIP (Res) 351 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Kamarda MIP (Res)

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352 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Kantur MIP (Res) 353 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Muktaposi MIP (Res) 354 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Panigengutia MIP (Res) 355 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Saranga MIP (Res) 356 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Siarimalia MIP (Res) 357 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Parjanga Non-scheduled Area Vereniakata MIP (Res) 358 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Jogipadu 359 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Gumma DiW 360 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Gummanala, Anukunda 361 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Jugulu- tank, Jeeba 362 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Kalua nala No.III, Adan-gada 363 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Kaluanala No.I, Parida 364 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Kaluanala No.V, Bapunigudi 365 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Ranguda- nala, D/W K.Ch. Pur 366 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Sukei M.I.P 367 Ganjam-I Gajapati Gumma Non-scheduled Area Ukhura D/W, Ukhura 368 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Akram M.I.P, Allada 369 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Alatinala, D/W Minigam 370 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Baijalnala D/W No.II, Minigam 371 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Baijalnala D/W No.III, Sitapur 372 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Baijalnala D/W No.IV, Sitapur 373 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Baijalnala D/W No.V, Kharada 374 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Baijalnala D/W No.VI, Kharada 375 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Chitinala, Poluru 376 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Gariaguda nala, D/W Karnibhadra 377 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Gariaguda nala, D/W Siali 378 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Gudalvari tank, Kasinagar 379 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area K.Ch. Sagar, Jeevan-dasguda 380 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Kalua nala D/W No.VI, Jayapur 381 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Khadagrai tank, Pedamadi 382 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Kharinala, Kharada 383 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Kharinala, Navada 384 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Nala tank, B.L.Pur 385 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Nala tank, Goribandha 386 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Neeianalla-1,Kaithapadar 387 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Neelanala D/W No.I, Kaithapadar 388 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Neelanala D/W No.II, Kartam 389 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Neelanala D/W No.III, Kidigam 390 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Gariaguda 391 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Pampunala, Kharada 392 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Pillakhaitank, Kharada 393 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Polli Naidu tank, Kidigam 394 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Rabiburma nala, Kasinagar 395 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Ramasagar, Khurigam 396 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Siridanala, Sirida 397 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Sitasagar, Rajapur 398 Ganjam-I Gajapati Kasinagar Non-scheduled Area Ura tank, B.L.Pur 399 Ganjam-I Gajapati Mohana Non-scheduled Area Gothak-hali M.I.P, Gothakhali 400 Ganjam-I Gajapati Mohana Non-scheduled Area Suaghai M.I.P 401 Ganjam-I Gajapati Nuagada Non-scheduled Area Burusingi D/W 402 Ganjam-I Gajapati Nuagada Non-scheduled Area Pellar MIP

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403 Ganjam-I Gajapati Nuagada Non-scheduled Area Tabarada 404 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Balajipur 405 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Badaba-ndha, Bhuskudi 406 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Badab-andha, Labanya-gada 407 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Sidhapalam 408 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha,Bhuskudi 409 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha,Puduni 410 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Deulianala, Bomika 411 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Gudiatank,Tatipati 412 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Gumma nala, Gumap-alam 413 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Guptamahendram, Sobara 414 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Jagannathsagar, Saradh-apur 415 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Jagapa tank, Machamara 416 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Jakanala, Landahati (D/W) 417 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kansoda M.I.P 418 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kantinaidu Tank,S.N.D Peta 419 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kinchilin-ginala, Chinta-lapalli 420 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Krishna-sagar, Donuru 421 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Mahendratanaya anicut, Batisiripur 422 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Malligu-manala, Padmapur 423 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Markadanala, Vanarada 424 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Radhasagar, Labanyagada 425 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Ramasagar, Paralakhemundi 426 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Swagim-ahadei tank, K.Dhenu 427 Ganjam-I Gajapati Paralakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Uratank, Landahati 428 Ganjam-I Gajapati R.Udayagiri Scheduled Area Cheligada M.I.P 429 Ganjam-I Gajapati R.Udayagiri Scheduled Area D/W at Badapur 430 Ganjam-I Gajapati R.Udayagiri Scheduled Area Mahendragada M.I.P 431 Ganjam-I Gajapati R.Udayagiri Scheduled Area Ramagiri D/W No.II 432 Ganjam-I Gajapati R.Udayagiri Scheduled Area Sabara-palli D/W 433 Ganjam-I Gajapati R.Udayagiri Scheduled Area Sindhiranga M.I.P 434 Ganjam-I Gajapati Rayagada Non-scheduled Area Laxmipur M.I.P 435 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Ambakholaghai Pathara 436 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Sanakholi 437 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Kadambaghai, Nuapalli D/W 438 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Kainfulianala, Baragam 439 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Kainfulianala, Jayapur 440 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Kaithabandha, Asuraipalli 441 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Kushbandha, Kharia 442 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Mahadevbandha, Balisira 443 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Rajanhaja Pandiapathara 444 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Ratnasagar, Bhejiput 445 Ganjam-II Ganjam Aska Non-scheduled Area Sarabandha, Babanpur 446 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Adabandha, Badakharikhama 447 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Badahaja, Kodala 448 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Balajikhalaghai, Nimina 449 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Champaighai, Mundula 450 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Erendramadhia Tank, Phasi 451 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Gammundabandha, Inambelapada

(D/w) 452 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Ghodakaghai, Satakutuni

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453 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Gobaradhanabandha, Angaragam 454 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Hajabandha, Kumbharagam 455 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Hatigadia, Baurinuapalli 456 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Jagata Stage-II at Jagilipadar 457 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Jagataghai, Maridi 458 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Jagatanala D/w at Dandeswar 459 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Jagatanala D/w at Lachhipur 460 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Jagatanala D/w at

S.Ramchandrapur 461 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Jharanalabandha, Bhabinipur 462 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Kharakhari D/w Beguniapada 463 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Kharakhari D/w Odanai 464 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Kharibandha, Belapada 465 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Narasinghabandha, Nimina 466 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Nuagahai, MIP of Mardamekha 467 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Nuahaja, Kodala 468 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Purunapani, MIP 469 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Ranatala Tank Phasi 470 Ganjam-II Ganjam Beguniapada Non-scheduled Area Sarubandha, B.Sandhamula and

Sepitinalla 471 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Ambapua 472 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Badagudighai, Tikarapada 473 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Baghuasagar, Gothuli 474 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Ballianallaghai, Khariguda 475 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Banklidighai, D/w 476 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Borisagar at Bori 477 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Chandibandha, Ambapua 478 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Durgaprasad, MIP 479 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Gobaraghai, Bankaledi 480 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Hadahadia, Khariguda D/w 481 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Harimartha Agula, Palakasandha 482 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Kaliambaghai, D/w Nuapada 483 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Khuntaagula, Jilliba 484 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Krishna Sagar, Bellaguntha 485 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Kumundi 486 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Nuaghai, Jilliba 487 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Nuaghai, Mangalpur 488 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Padmabandha, Gajendra 489 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Ramasagar Mangalpur 490 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Sandhaswar, MIP, (D/W)

Palakasandha 491 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bellaguntha Non-scheduled Area Solobandha, Banatumba 492 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Badaghai, Jogimari 493 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Baistambaghai, Binjigiri 494 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Bapangi, MIP, Bapangi 495 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Bhitribediguba, MIP 496 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Jhilimilighai, Bhadapadar 497 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Joginalla, MIP, Harigada 498 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Kumbhipalli, MIP, Kumbhipalli 499 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Lochiakhalaghai, Lembei 500 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Mankadakumpa, MIP, Lembei

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501 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Rajaghai, MIP, Tilisingi 502 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Saranallaghai, Rajakunda 503 Ganjam-II Ganjam Bhanjanagar Non-scheduled Area Somapalli Anicut 504 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Agulabandha, Ramonda 505 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Angarianalla, Pankalasahi (D/W) 506 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Bada Agula, Kholakhali 507 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Balipadar 508 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Belapada 509 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Badanalla TalasaKar 510 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Baghamara Agula,Kholakhali 511 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Bana Agula, Banapalli 512 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Bankua Agula, Pankalabadi 513 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Baunsianala, Jake 514 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Chanchara Agula,

Kanasuka(Intigated system) 515 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Chancharaghai, ManitaraFeeding

Tanks: a)Baunsataliaghai Tambiri b)Padmabandha

516 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Changuanala, Biranchipur(D/W) 517 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Dankariaghai, Pangidi 518 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Jemaghai, Arakhapur 519 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Jemaghai, Sankuru 520 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Kaithabandha, Belapur 521 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Kanjianalla, Kalamba 522 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Kayan Agula Chillikhama 523 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Khunta Agula Goudiabarda 524 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Purna Agula, Antarapada & Feeding

Tank 525 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Rajabandha, Karchuli 526 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Rankighai, Kanakuturu 527 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Rankighai, Nagudu 528 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Sandhitulasighai, Tikarapara 529 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Sitasagar, Ramagada 530 Ganjam-II Ganjam Buguda Non-scheduled Area Suasari Daka Agula, Takarada 531 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Agasti Nuagam, Humuri Tampara 532 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Kanamana 533 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Baunsiabandha, Paikapada 534 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Biribandha, Sundarpur 535 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Khajisalabandha, Patigopalpur 536 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Khajuribandha, Badamadhabpur 537 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Kharibandha, Paikapada 538 Ganjam-II Ganjam Chatrapur Non-scheduled Area Ramasagar, Sundarpur 539 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Errendra 540 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Medinipur 541 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Badheighai, Biramekh-apur 542 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Bagulighai, Badagam 543 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Bena tank, Parasamba 544 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Bhalughai, Jadupur 545 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Bibhutianala (D/W) M.I.P 546 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Danti tank, Jagapur 547 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Gayanala, Badabar-agam

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548 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Ghatisagar, Jagannath-apur 549 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Haraparbati system, Ekasingi 550 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Badapal-anka 551 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Barada 552 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Hettakhai tank, Sorala 553 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Jagannath-sagar, Chandapur 554 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Kalinji tank, Chikiti 555 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Kedar tank, Pitatali 556 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Kotilingi Sagar, Kotilingi 557 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Lohara bandha,Badkelajhari 558 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Haripur 559 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Panda-bandha, B.Nuapada 560 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Pandabandha,Kolithia 561 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Sebakapatighai, Satrumardanpur 562 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Tampara tank, Chanda-bada 563 Ganjam-I Ganjam Chikiti Non-scheduled Area Upariba-ndha, Jagmohan 564 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Anantahaja, Jahada 565 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, (Hirakhandi) 566 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Haripur 567 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Usta 568 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Balighai, Jharapari 569 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Baritalabandha, Patapur 570 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Gajabandha, Kalasuta 571 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Ghaibandha, Chanchadapalli 572 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Jamakolighai, Kalasuta 573 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Jemaghai, Rugumu 574 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Khajuribandha, Bahadaguda 575 Ganjam-II Ganjam Dharakote Non-scheduled Area Rangamatiaghai, Jagannathpur 576 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Ambaghai, Bajapalli 577 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badaban-dha, Ankorada 578 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Chartamandir 579 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Gadago-vidapur 580 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Kandeswar 581 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badab-andha, Kandeswar 582 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Manikpur 583 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badaba-ndha, Manikpur 584 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha,Bhusunda 585 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Badbandha, Jharipadar 586 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Bagalab-andha, Bomakei 587 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Baladhianala, Bhismagiri (D/W) 588 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Bataghai, Chakundapalli 589 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Bisoibandha, Dauni 590 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Budhighai Tank,Dhanarasi 591 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Choudhuribandha, Ch. Tikarpada 592 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Ganianala M.I.P 593 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Gopinath Sagar,Jakar 594 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Gopinathsagar, Jakara 595 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Gopinath-sagar, Jakara 596 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Bagada 597 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Hatiadi 598 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Huluhula Sagar, Jakarapalli

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599 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Kainfulia bandha,Sumantpur 600 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Khajuribandha, Sindhikhalli 601 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Kharibandha,Anangpur 602 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Kharinala, Bhismagiri (D/W) 603 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Kusapada D/W 604 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area L.N.Sagar, Kumarada 605 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Lingasagar,Gokarnapur 606 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Lunuluniabandha, L.N.Pur 607 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Madugolisagar, Nabarangapur 608 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, B.L.N.Pur 609 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Bhismagiri 610 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Tentapada 611 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Pilibandha, Sanadumula 612 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Rajaghai Narasinghpur 613 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Ramatolabandha, Kotinada 614 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Sagarbadi Sagar, Hatiadi 615 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Samantarabandha, Mundaputa 616 Ganjam-I Ganjam Digapahandi Non-scheduled Area Santarabandha, Basudevpur 617 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Badabandha at Badachakada 618 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Badabandha at Haripur Burudi 619 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Banaghai, Madhurachuan 620 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Bramuniabandha, Satrusola 621 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Dhanukhalabandha,

Mathamukundapur 622 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Garagariatank, Podagada

Jhatipadar 623 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Khajuribandha, Diandei 624 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Narendraghai, Khandadeuli 625 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Rajaghai, Khandadeuli 626 Ganjam-II Ganjam Ganjam Non-scheduled Area Tampara Malada 627 Ganjam-II Ganjam Hinjili Non-scheduled Area Babulabandha, Saradhapur 628 Ganjam-II Ganjam Hinjili Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Bugudapalli 629 Ganjam-II Ganjam Hinjili Non-scheduled Area Khandara MIP, Khandara 630 Ganjam-II Ganjam Hinjili Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Pudingi 631 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Baradanda, MIP, Baradanda 632 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Baradapadar, MIP, Gereda 633 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Baunstaliaghai, Bankatara 634 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Bedhaghai, Ekaghriapali 635 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Bichabaniaghai, Gochabadi 636 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Boitalukhalaghai, Jatara 637 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Chadhiaganda, MIP, Ekagharia 638 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Chhamunda, MIP, Chhamunda 639 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Dangibandha, Panchabhuti 640 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Dangijholinalla, Bhabasara 641 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Deulapatraghai, Haridapadar 642 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Ganeshbandha, Gothalunda 643 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Ghusurigadia Tank, Pratapur 644 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Gramadevati, MIP, Gramadevati 645 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Haripurnala, Khamarapali 646 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Jayamangalaghai, Burapali 647 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Kepiti, MIP, Kepiti

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648 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Khalianalla, Bhagabanpur 649 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Khiladi, MIP, Kokalaba 650 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Khirikhaichorichanchara,

Gunduribadi 651 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Kukuti, MIP, Aladi 652 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Kusapalli 653 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Kusuma Agula, Mentapur 654 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Lankagada, MIP, JN Prasad 655 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Nadikhaighai, Budurungu 656 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Nalakulaghai, Bhabasara 657 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Nua Agula, Balakiari 658 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Nuabanktara, MIP Bankatara 659 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Nuaghai, Panchabhuti 660 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Olasu,MIP, Olasu 661 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Padma Agula, Panchabhuti 662 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Pathrateka, MIP, Patharateka 663 Ganjam-II Ganjam J.N.Prasad Non-scheduled Area Rankighai, Pantikhadi 664 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Champeitpur 665 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Dengapadar 666 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Pithapur 667 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Chingudibandha, Hindala 668 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Hajabandha, Natunibadi 669 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Jharanalaghai, Arjunapali 670 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Kharibandha, Mohanapalli 671 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Kulapaniaghai, Badaagula 672 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Magaraghai, Nuapali 673 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Neliabandha, Badamahuri 674 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Paladhuaghai, Jarada 675 Ganjam-II Ganjam K.S.Nagar Non-scheduled Area Satibandha, Paikajamura 676 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Adiabandha or Gramabandha,

A.Fasipada 677 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Anthuaghali, Chikili 678 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Babulaghai, Barapali 679 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Baiganiaghai, Kumunda 680 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Debijhar, MIP 681 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Dengabandha, Danpur 682 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Hajabandha, Ambajhara Nuapali 683 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Hajabandha, Raipada 684 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Kalanjighai, Gopapur 685 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Karadabadi Tank, Bhikapada 686 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Karanjara, MIP (D/w) 687 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Kendua, MIP 688 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Khadikahaja, Talarampalli 689 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Labanijhar, Brajarajpur 690 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Mohansagar, MIP 691 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Talapada 692 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Rajaghai, Bania 693 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Rajaghai, Tulasipur 694 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Saradulaghai, Naikanipalli 695 Ganjam-II Ganjam Khallikote Non-scheduled Area Satabandha, Manikyapur 696 Ganjam-I Ganjam Kukukdakhandi Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Baiganabadi

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697 Ganjam-I Ganjam Kukukdakhandi Non-scheduled Area Baunsiabandha, Dengapadar 698 Ganjam-I Ganjam Kukukdakhandi Non-scheduled Area Bijayaghanghai, Dengapadar 699 Ganjam-I Ganjam Kukukdakhandi Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Kumarpur 700 Ganjam-I Ganjam Kukukdakhandi Non-scheduled Area HetabandhaGunthaba-ndha 701 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Arakhasagar,Kutumbari 702 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Atrisagar,Abhayapur 703 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Rankuda 704 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Badabandha,Rankuda 705 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Belamabandha, Gothagam 706 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Bhagighai,Bhimpur D/W 707 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Bogiweir project ( Cascated with

Mukundadev sagar system) 708 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Brundavanghai, Khandadeuli 709 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Bullibandha,Burupada 710 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Chidipudighai, (Extension) 711 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Chidipudighai, Chidipudi 712 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Ghusurighai, Kharinipada 713 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Gopinathghai, Khamarigam 714 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Hetabandha, Tinigharia 715 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Hinjalaghai, Lalkhamagam 716 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Jayasingibandha, Thanagam 717 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Jenabandha,Jarada 718 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Jhidasagar, Jilunda 719 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Jokatalibandha, Badapur 720 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Kandhunighai,Baranga 721 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Keshabandha, Gudipadar 722 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Keshpurbandha,Ahundi 723 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Khajuribandha, Phundi 724 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Khajuribandha,Jagadalpur 725 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Khandiabandha, Desari 726 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Kharighai, Boriboda 727 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Kuthari-bandha, Samantia-palli 728 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Manikyasagar, Manikyapur 729 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Morajab-andha, Kollala 730 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Narayan-sagar, Jarada 731 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Niladricandrasagar,Surangi 732 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Nuasagar,Turubudi 733 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Paniguruda tank, Antarasingi 734 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Purunighai, Tutipur 735 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Rajaghai S.Ch.Pur 736 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Rakhyasabandha, Badapur 737 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Sarathisagar,Srirampur 738 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Sita Sagar, Tutipur 739 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Talabandha, Bomakei 740 Ganjam-I Ganjam Patrapur Non-scheduled Area Tentuliabandha, Mahadeipur 741 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Ambaghai, Sodaka 742 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Jakara 743 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Jhintikabadi 744 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, or Hajabandha,

Kanachai 745 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Chaturabandha, Hatiota

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746 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Dandagadia, Banthapalli 747 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Gamundabandha, Bhatakhalli 748 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Ghosadabandha, Khanduru 749 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Gouraghai, Mandara 750 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Guthulibandha, Khaparaganda 751 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Hajabandha, Dunguri 752 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Jharanallaghai, (Aliece) Petakhala 753 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Kusumi, D/W (integrated system

and minor canals) 754 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Nuaghai, Hatioto 755 Ganjam-II Ganjam Polasara Non-scheduled Area Padarjhola, Badabandha, Mandar 756 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Adabandha, Ranigam 757 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Barapali, Soma 758 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Gaganapur 759 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Badahaja, Sikula 760 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Balighai, Bananai 761 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Bedhabandha, Sikula 762 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Bedhabandha, Soma 763 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Chirunisagar, Padmavati 764 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Damiamarughai, Arakhapur 765 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Dhanusagar, Jhadabai 766 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Kapaghai, S.Ratnapalli 767 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Nuajharabandha, Ch.Nuagam 768 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Patasaliabandha, Jhadabai 769 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Santarabandha, Pichuli 770 Ganjam-II Ganjam Purushottampur Non-scheduled Area Sarasagar, Gunduribadi 771 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area B.Mahanti-ghai, Dhepanua-pada 772 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Gunupur 773 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Badbandha,Badakusthali 774 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Cheliaba-ndha, Sasanpadar 775 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Hinjalaba-ndha, Chikarada 776 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Malana tank, Mansorkota 777 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Raghababandha, Bhaliagada 778 Ganjam-I Ganjam Rangeilunda Non-scheduled Area Sasanbandha,Kolithigam 779 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Angeitab-andha, Pudamari 780 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area BadabandhaChudanga-pur 781 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Baunsianala, Daseipur 782 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Bhuduki M.I.P, Bhuduki 783 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Chachadabandha, Bramhanpank 784 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Chanchadabandha,Brahmanapanka 785 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Gopalag-anda M.I.P. 786 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Gudighai, Kharipadar 787 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kalarapadarghai, Kalarapadar 788 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kayabndha,Gangapur 789 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kiaghai, Uttama 790 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Kumutibandha,Ambagam 791 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Madalabandha, Bhaliajhula 792 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Madalab-andha, Bhaliajhula 793 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Mahadeibandha, Malabhanja 794 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha, Chanamari 795 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Nuabandha,Gunasagar

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796 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Palasapur M.I.P, Palasapur (D/W) 797 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Patrabandha Purunagada 798 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Podasinginalla,Molabhanja 799 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Raghunath-sagar, Khariguda 800 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Sana Sagar, Gambhari-guda 801 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Santarab-andha, Danambatha 802 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Santarabandha, Palaspur 803 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Sulianala, Singipur 804 Ganjam-I Ganjam Sanakhemundi Non-scheduled Area Taptapaninalla,Chanameri 805 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Baramunduli 806 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Chikili 807 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Badabandha, Laxmipur 808 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Chancharabandha, Raghunathpur 809 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Chatura MIP:- Baulapada Minor

Mahirakana Minor, Kurula, Khaspa & Turubudi Minor

810 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Dahifullia Tank, Janikhalia, at Khiridaballi

811 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Dimiribandha, Bhusunda 812 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Gilabandha, Ashokapur 813 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Kanakabandha, Kulagada 814 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Kiaribandha, Padmapur 815 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Kughainala Dhanantara , D/w 816 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Kukudaghara Bandha, Dasamunduli 817 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Lakhabindha, MIP D/w :-

Baliarsinghpur, Turubudi, Gothagam, Minor

818 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Machakote MIP(Intigrated system & Feeding Tanks)

819 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Sagarabandha, Sagarpalli 820 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Santarabandha, Harikrushnapur 821 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sheragada Non-scheduled Area Sara at Bakilikana 822 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area Agulabandha, Lathipada 823 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area Alikuan, MIP, 824 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area B.Kotibadi Anicut, B.Kotibadi 825 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area Baranalaghai, Suramani 826 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area Dimirinala, Chanchadapali 827 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area M.I.Tank, Srirampalli 828 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area Merilote Agency Canal 829 Ganjam-II Ganjam Sorada Scheduled Area Talaghai,MIP, Talaghai

830 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Amiyajhari 831 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Barunia Tank 832 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Baunsamuli 833 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Gopalsahubandha 834 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Harikunda 835 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Kampia (Amitasagar) 836 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Paida 837 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Patharkatajhar 838 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Barunai Tank 839 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Champapur 840 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Kalakala 841 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Kanteijhar

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842 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Kolha 843 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Salapada 844 Cuttack Jajpur Barachana Non-scheduled Area Teligarh 845 Cuttack Jajpur Baree Non-scheduled Area Kelua 846 Cuttack Jajpur Binjharpur Non-scheduled Area Brahmanigaon 847 Cuttack Jajpur Binjharpur Non-scheduled Area Hanumantia 848 Cuttack Jajpur Binjharpur Non-scheduled Area Kharia 849 Cuttack Jajpur Binjharpur Non-scheduled Area Mainsigotha 850 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Barabanki 851 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Benapatia 852 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Bhubanedeibundha 853 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Boitalukhencha 854 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Dhabali 855 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Dhanurjaypur 856 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Fuljhar 857 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Kulapatia 858 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Nadiadhanga 859 Cuttack Jajpur Danagadi Non-scheduled Area Samarpatia 860 Cuttack Jajpur Dasarathpur Non-scheduled Area Brahmanidei Mahara 861 Cuttack Jajpur Dasarathpur Non-scheduled Area Budhia Mahara 862 Cuttack Jajpur Dasarathpur Non-scheduled Area Chaulia 863 Cuttack Jajpur Dasarathpur Non-scheduled Area Jadua 864 Cuttack Jajpur Dasarathpur Non-scheduled Area Kendua Drainage 865 Cuttack Jajpur Dharmasala Non-scheduled Area Akarabad 866 Cuttack Jajpur Dharmasala Non-scheduled Area Bhabanga 867 Cuttack Jajpur Dharmasala Non-scheduled Area Ranibundha 868 Cuttack Jajpur Jajpur Non-scheduled Area Badanalla 869 Cuttack Jajpur Jajpur Non-scheduled Area Chidananda 870 Cuttack Jajpur Jajpur Non-scheduled Area Mahapur 871 Cuttack Jajpur Korei Non-scheduled Area Ashokjhar-II 872 Cuttack Jajpur Korei Non-scheduled Area Janha 873 Cuttack Jajpur Korei Non-scheduled Area Safalbag 874 Cuttack Jajpur Korei Non-scheduled Area Tulati 875 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Amplovanua 876 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Chandapal 877 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Balia 878 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Bhangabandha 879 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Ghagia 880 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Haridabahali (Dalki) 881 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Kabatajharan 882 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Kabatakhajuri 883 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Kaduabandi 884 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Malaradihia 885 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Mirigachana 886 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Patapur 887 Cuttack Jajpur Sukinda Non-scheduled Area Samantarapur - I 888 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Jharsuguda Non-scheduled Area Ghusuramunda M.I.P 889 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Jharsuguda Non-scheduled Area Sripura 890 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Jharsuguda Non-scheduled Area Suamundakata 891 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Kirmira Non-scheduled Area Tumbadihi 892 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Laikara Non-scheduled Area Hatianalla

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893 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Laikara Non-scheduled Area Sagarkata 894 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Laikara Non-scheduled Area Tileimal 895 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Lakhanpur Non-scheduled Area Attabira 896 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Lakhanpur Non-scheduled Area Chamamundakata 897 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Lakhanpur Non-scheduled Area JhamundaM.I.P 898 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Lakhanpur Non-scheduled Area Jharkata 899 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Lakhanpur Non-scheduled Area M. Katapali 900 Sambalpur Jharsuguda. Lakhanpur Non-scheduled Area Samarkani 901 Kalahandi Kalahandi Bhawanipatna Non-scheduled Area Devisagar(Res) 902 Kalahandi Kalahandi Bhawanipatna Non-scheduled Area Medinipur(D/W) 903 Kalahandi Kalahandi Bhawanipatna Non-scheduled Area Jamunasagar 904 Kalahandi Kalahandi Bhawanipatna Non-scheduled Area Pipalnala(Res) 905 Kalahandi Kalahandi Bhawanipatna Non-scheduled Area Tikarpara(Res) 906 Kalahandi Kalahandi Dharmagarh Non-scheduled Area Padampur(D/W) 907 Kalahandi Kalahandi Golamunda Non-scheduled Area Karlaguda(Res) 908 Kalahandi Kalahandi Golamunda Non-scheduled Area Katikuta(Res) 909 Kalahandi Kalahandi Golamunda Non-scheduled Area Khalikani 910 Kalahandi Kalahandi Golamunda Non-scheduled Area Sundhimunda(Res) 911 Kalahandi Kalahandi Jaipatna Non-scheduled Area Palas(D/W) 912 Kalahandi Kalahandi Junagarh Non-scheduled Area Mundraguda(Res) 913 Kalahandi Kalahandi Karlamunda Non-scheduled Area Kusurla 914 Kalahandi Kalahandi Kesinga Non-scheduled Area Bogad 915 Kalahandi Kalahandi Kesinga Non-scheduled Area Ghatapada(Res) 916 Kalahandi Kalahandi Kesinga Non-scheduled Area Karunasagar(Res) 917 Kalahandi Kalahandi Kesinga Non-scheduled Area Ret(D/W) 918 Kalahandi Kalahandi Koksara Non-scheduled Area Behera(Res) 919 Kalahandi Kalahandi Koksara Non-scheduled Area Rajamunda(Res) 920 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Benikpur(Res) 921 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Dalikupa(Res) 922 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Dumermunda(D/W) 923 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Karkata(Res) 924 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Kauguda MIP 925 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Kiding(Res) 926 Kalahandi Kalahandi Lanjigarh Scheduled Area Pratapur(Res) 927 Kalahandi Kalahandi M.Rampur Non-scheduled Area Kaliganga(D/W) 928 Kalahandi Kalahandi M.Rampur Non-scheduled Area Pujiladu(Res) 929 Kalahandi Kalahandi Narla Non-scheduled Area Bagpur(D/W) 930 Kalahandi Kalahandi Narla Non-scheduled Area Jodabandha(Res) 931 Kalahandi Kalahandi Narla Non-scheduled Area Perencho(D/W) 932 Phulbani Kandhamal Chakapad Scheduled Area Batari M.I.P. 933 Phulbani Kandhamal Chakapad Scheduled Area Paitagaon M.I.P. 934 Phulbani Kandhamal G.Udayagiri Scheduled Area Kalanaju MIP 935 Phulbani Kandhamal K.Nuagaon Scheduled Area Daungia MIP 936 Phulbani Kandhamal K.Nuagaon Scheduled Area Sirtiguda MIP 937 Phulbani Kandhamal Phiringia Scheduled Area Tandrigaon MIP 938 Phulbani Kandhamal Phulbani Scheduled Area Balamunda MIP 939 Phulbani Kandhamal Phulbani Scheduled Area Bisipada MIP 940 Phulbani Kandhamal Phulbani Scheduled Area Kanganinalla MIP 941 Phulbani Kandhamal T.Bandha Scheduled Area Tumudibandha MIP 942 Phulbani Kandhamal Tikabali Scheduled Area Burbinaju MIP 943 Cuttack Kendrapara Kendrapada Non-scheduled Area Dhunatsasan

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944 Cuttack Kendrapara Pattamundai Non-scheduled Area Oupadajora 945 Anandapur Keonjhar Anandapur Non-scheduled Area Garh 946 Anandapur Keonjhar Anandapur Non-scheduled Area Taradia 947 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghasipura Non-scheduled Area Hatisila 948 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghasipura Non-scheduled Area Sindhei 949 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Badajamposi 950 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Barai 951 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Dengana 952 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Kalimati 953 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Kureijodi 954 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Nusuriposi 955 Anandapur Keonjhar Ghatagoan Scheduled Area Raghubeda 956 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Bahutinala 957 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Chasatangiri 958 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Ghosanatangiri 959 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Gobra 960 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Jaunria 961 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Mushal 962 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Sankalinjhar 963 Anandapur Keonjhar Harichandanpur Scheduled Area Sapua 964 Keonjhar Keonjhar Joda Scheduled Area Barbil. 965 Keonjhar Keonjhar Joda Scheduled Area Barpada. 966 Keonjhar Keonjhar Keonjhar Scheduled Area Kempasada. 967 Keonjhar Keonjhar Keonjhar Scheduled Area Mangalaposi. 968 Keonjhar Keonjhar Keonjhar Scheduled Area Telia. 969 Keonjhar Keonjhar Telkoi Scheduled Area Sibanarayanpurgoda 970 Khurda Khurda Banapur Non-scheduled Area Gandhinalla 971 Khurda Khurda Banapur Non-scheduled Area Hatianalla 972 Khurda Khurda Banapur Non-scheduled Area Jogiabundha 973 Khurda Khurda Banapur Non-scheduled Area Kaithanalla 974 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Biradiabundha 975 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Dhobagadia 976 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Harichandanbundha 977 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Hariguru 978 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Jokibandha (Tenda) 979 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Katinakhunti 980 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Khuntabandha 981 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Kochilabandha 982 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Kundabandha 983 Khurda Khurda Begunia Non-scheduled Area Siko 984 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Badheikhunti 985 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Baliasara 986 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Charikhunti 987 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Daruthenga 988 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Kalajhara 989 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Kenduli 990 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Kerandia 991 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Kujimahal 992 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Kumarkhunti 993 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Mendhasala 994 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Naharagadia

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995 Khurda Khurda Bhubaneswar Non-scheduled Area Tamando 996 Khurda Khurda Bolagarh Non-scheduled Area Bhalumundia 997 Khurda Khurda Bolagarh Non-scheduled Area Gadadwara bandha 998 Khurda Khurda Bolagarh Non-scheduled Area Hada 999 Khurda Khurda Bolagarh Non-scheduled Area Magura 1000 Khurda Khurda Bolagarh Non-scheduled Area Pata bundha 1001 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Asuari 1002 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Bharatadas 1003 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Domuhani 1004 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Gaibata 1005 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Gojatata 1006 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Jayamangal 1007 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Khaingabandha 1008 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Kusumi 1009 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Raghunathpur 1010 Khurda Khurda Chilika Non-scheduled Area Talabandha 1011 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Balibundha 1012 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Bhangia 1013 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Ghagudi 1014 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Hadabandha 1015 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Kathakhunti 1016 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Koradabhanga 1017 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Pallabundha 1018 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Rangia 1019 Khurda Khurda Jatani Non-scheduled Area Sandhapur 1020 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Analadia 1021 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Badjore 1022 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Bato-adia 1023 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Bhaunribundha 1024 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Desabandha 1025 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Dihakhala 1026 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Gotota 1027 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Hanumantia 1028 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Jargarnalla 1029 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Kasiabundha 1030 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Ketakijhar 1031 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Khanjri Tank 1032 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Kuaput Channel 1033 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Lausingh tank 1034 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Majhi bundha 1035 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Moulabi bandha 1036 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Orabarsingh 1037 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Oujhara 1038 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Sankhua bundha 1039 Khurda Khurda Khurda Non-scheduled Area Tantalibundha 1040 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Athabati 1041 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Bhogara 1042 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Chhamania 1043 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Godarbundha 1044 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Gousankha 1045 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Haladigadia

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1046 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Haribhakta 1047 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Indrajhili 1048 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Jhullagada 1049 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Kaliajhar 1050 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Kalukha-adia 1051 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Khajuri-adia 1052 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Khajuribundha 1053 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Kochilaganda 1054 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Kulapada 1055 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Malaguni 1056 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Mangaljit 1057 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Nanduanall 1058 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Niyamakhir 1059 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area paikabundha 1060 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Pandarmana 1061 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Sahadajoda 1062 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Sarabadiha 1063 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Sunamuhi 1064 Khurda Khurda Tangi Non-scheduled Area Teli Pokhari 1065 Jeypore Koraput Baipariguda Scheduled Area Purunapani, MIP 1066 Rayagada Koraput Bandhugam Scheduled Area Dondabadi 1067 Rayagada Koraput Bandhugam Scheduled Area Kumbhariput 1068 Rayagada Koraput Bandhugam Scheduled Area Majhijhola 1069 Rayagada Koraput Bandhugam Scheduled Area Yessada 1070 Rayagada Koraput Dasamanthpur Scheduled Area Dasamanthpur 1071 Rayagada Koraput Dasamanthpur Scheduled Area Malkangiri 1072 Rayagada Koraput Koraput Scheduled Area Dunguri 1073 Rayagada Koraput Koraput Scheduled Area Jagumguda 1074 Rayagada Koraput Koraput Scheduled Area Lendrimaliguda 1075 Rayagada Koraput Laxmipur Scheduled Area Laxmipur 1076 Rayagada Koraput Laxmipur Scheduled Area Niraniguda 1077 Rayagada Koraput Laxmipur Scheduled Area Toyaput 1078 Rayagada Koraput Nandapur Scheduled Area Attubu 1079 Rayagada Koraput Nandapur Scheduled Area Khilua 1080 Rayagada Koraput Nandapur Scheduled Area Khuda 1081 Rayagada Koraput Nandapur Scheduled Area Nandapur 1082 Rayagada Koraput Nandapur Scheduled Area Raisingi 1083 Rayagada Koraput Narayanpatna Scheduled Area Bikrampur 1084 Rayagada Koraput Narayanpatna Scheduled Area Dhepaguda 1085 Rayagada Koraput Narayanpatna Scheduled Area Mandiaguda 1086 Rayagada Koraput Pottangi Scheduled Area Deopottangi 1087 Rayagada Koraput Pottangi Scheduled Area Gangamaaguda 1088 Rayagada Koraput Pottangi Scheduled Area Maliput 1089 Rayagada Koraput Pottangi Scheduled Area Sepaiput-I 1090 Rayagada Koraput Pottangi Scheduled Area Sisaguda 1091 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Dalaliguda 1092 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Dudhari 1093 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Kodigam 1094 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Kunduli 1095 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Lanjiguda 1096 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Pakijhola

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1097 Rayagada Koraput Semiliguda Scheduled Area Semiliguda 1098 Jeypore Malkangiri Kalimela Scheduled Area M.I. Tank at M.V. 79/80 1099 Jeypore Malkangiri Kalimela Scheduled Area Manayamkonda 1100 Jeypore Malkangiri Kalimela Scheduled Area Undrukonda 1101 Jeypore Malkangiri Khairput Scheduled Area Madkajodi MIP 1102 Jeypore Malkangiri Khairput Scheduled Area Orangi 1103 Jeypore Malkangiri Malkangiri Scheduled Area M.I. Tank at M.V-83 1104 Jeypore Malkangiri Mathili Scheduled Area Bhejaguda 1105 Jeypore Malkangiri Mathili Scheduled Area Mathili 1106 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bahalda Scheduled Area Guhaldihi MIP 1107 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bangiriposi Scheduled Area Dambaskhal MIP 1108 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bangiriposi Scheduled Area Mahupahadi MIP 1109 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Astajharan MIP (D/W) 1110 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Baiganabadia MIP 1111 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Chekamara MIP 1112 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Hinjalgadia MIP 1113 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Kauchibandha MIP 1114 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area MadhabinallaMIP 1115 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Paunsianalla MIP 1116 Baripada Mayurbhanj Barasahi Scheduled Area Purunapani MIP 1117 Baripada Mayurbhanj Baripada Scheduled Area Bodjore MIP 1118 Baripada Mayurbhanj Baripada Scheduled Area K.C.Pur(I) MIP 1119 Baripada Mayurbhanj Baripada Scheduled Area Kainfulia MIP 1120 Baripada Mayurbhanj Baripada Scheduled Area Kathapal MIP 1121 Baripada Mayurbhanj Baripada Scheduled Area Munisibandha MIP 1122 Baripada Mayurbhanj Betnoti Scheduled Area Ambojoda MIP 1123 Baripada Mayurbhanj Betnoti Scheduled Area Baghabasa MIP 1124 Baripada Mayurbhanj Betnoti Scheduled Area Baunsanadi MIP 1125 Baripada Mayurbhanj Betnoti Scheduled Area Jamsole MIP 1126 Baripada Mayurbhanj Betnoti Scheduled Area Saria MIP 1127 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bijatala Scheduled Area Bhaliadhipa MIP 1128 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bijatala Scheduled Area Madansila MIP 1129 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bisoi Scheduled Area Badnalua MIP 1130 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bisoi Scheduled Area Kasipani MIP 1131 Baripada Mayurbhanj Bisoi Scheduled Area Kuliposi MIP (D/W) 1132 Baripada Mayurbhanj Gopabandhunagar Scheduled Area Astia MIP (D/W)

1133 Baripada Mayurbhanj Gopabandhunagar Scheduled Area Ghantasila MIP

1134 Baripada Mayurbhanj Gopabandhunagar Scheduled Area Naharadeshbundha MIP

1135 Baripada Mayurbhanj Gopabandhunagar Scheduled Area Raidihi MIP

1136 Baripada Mayurbhanj Gopabandhunagar Scheduled Area Sanbelakuti MIP

1137 Baripada Mayurbhanj Jamda Scheduled Area Anlabeda MIP 1138 Baripada Mayurbhanj Jamda Scheduled Area Dhalpur MIP 1139 Baripada Mayurbhanj Jamda Scheduled Area Jatapani MIP 1140 Baripada Mayurbhanj Jamda Scheduled Area Tendrasakjodi MIP 1141 Baripada Mayurbhanj Joshipur Scheduled Area Begunia MIP 1142 Baripada Mayurbhanj Joshipur Scheduled Area Chhamundia MIP

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1143 Baripada Mayurbhanj Joshipur Scheduled Area Mahardaspalsa MIP 1144 Baripada Mayurbhanj Joshipur Scheduled Area Manada MIP 1145 Baripada Mayurbhanj Joshipur Scheduled Area Sansialinai MIP 1146 Baripada Mayurbhanj Joshipur Scheduled Area Tangabilla MIP 1147 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kaptipada Scheduled Area Ghantabilla MIP 1148 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kaptipada Scheduled Area Kespada MIP (D/W) 1149 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kaptipada Scheduled Area Majhigadia MIP 1150 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kaptipada Scheduled Area Purunapani MIP 1151 Baripada Mayurbhanj Karanjia Scheduled Area Chitraposi MIP 1152 Baripada Mayurbhanj Karanjia Scheduled Area Panasapal MIP 1153 Baripada Mayurbhanj Karanjia Scheduled Area Pingu MIP 1154 Baripada Mayurbhanj Karanjia Scheduled Area Virol MIP (D/W) 1155 Baripada Mayurbhanj Khunta Scheduled Area Arikul MIP 1156 Baripada Mayurbhanj Khunta Scheduled Area Gangahar MIP 1157 Baripada Mayurbhanj Khunta Scheduled Area Nalua MIP (D/W) 1158 Baripada Mayurbhanj Khunta Scheduled Area Olgadiajhar MIP (D/W) 1159 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kuliana Scheduled Area Chaluniakhal MIP 1160 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kuliana Scheduled Area Gayalakta MIP 1161 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kuliana Scheduled Area Katharuma MIP 1162 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kusumi Scheduled Area Aharabandha MIP 1163 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kusumi Scheduled Area Dalkijorda MIP 1164 Baripada Mayurbhanj Kusumi Scheduled Area Jhipabundha MIP 1165 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Anua MIP 1166 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Chhadakata MIP 1167 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Dantiamuhan MIP 1168 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Gadigan MIP 1169 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Ghagra MIP 1170 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Ghodabandha MIP 1171 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Godigaon MIP 1172 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Jhinkiria MIP 1173 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Khejuria MIP 1174 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Mahulbani MIP 1175 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Morada MIP 1176 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Purunapani MIP 1177 Baripada Mayurbhanj Morada Scheduled Area Sirsapal MIP 1178 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Badra MIP 1179 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Guhaldangri MIP 1180 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Jhulan MIP (D/W). 1181 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Kukudumundi MIP (D/W) 1182 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Samardafa MIP (D/W) 1183 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Tamalbandha MIP 1184 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Udaypur MIP 1185 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rairangpur Scheduled Area Vesarkocha MIP 1186 Baripada Mayurbhanj Raruan Scheduled Area Angarpada MIP 1187 Baripada Mayurbhanj Raruan Scheduled Area Gadapalasa MIP 1188 Baripada Mayurbhanj Raruan Scheduled Area Jharbeda MIP 1189 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Kiakhal MIP 1190 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Kuchiasole MIP 1191 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Kulipal MIP 1192 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Madhuria MIP 1193 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Rasgovindpur MIP

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1194 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Ugalsandha MIP 1195 Baripada Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur Scheduled Area Ukasole MIP 1196 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Alubani MIP 1197 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Baunsabilla MIP 1198 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Chandanpur MIP 1199 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Digdiga MIP 1200 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Kendua MIP 1201 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Khandia MIP 1202 Baripada Mayurbhanj Samakhunta Scheduled Area Saratchandrapur MIP (D/W) 1203 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Astia MIP 1204 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Belbaria MIP 1205 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Bhursani MIP 1206 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Danadar MIP 1207 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Dumuria MIP 1208 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Jambani MIP 1209 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Mahulbarei MIP 1210 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Pahadpur MIP 1211 Baripada Mayurbhanj Saraskana Scheduled Area Saraskana MIP 1212 Baripada Mayurbhanj Sukuruli Scheduled Area Badateranti MIP 1213 Baripada Mayurbhanj Sukuruli Scheduled Area Baria MIP 1214 Baripada Mayurbhanj Sukuruli Scheduled Area Haldia MIP 1215 Baripada Mayurbhanj Sukuruli Scheduled Area Jhadghosada MIP 1216 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Bhaduasole MIP 1217 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Bhandarisole MIP 1218 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Fania MIP 1219 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Gulfa MIP (D/W) 1220 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Jamsole MIP 1221 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Mundribandha MIP 1222 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Pachakhali 1223 Baripada Mayurbhanj Suliapada Scheduled Area Pandusole MIP 1224 Baripada Mayurbhanj Thakurmunda Scheduled Area Akhapalam MIP 1225 Baripada Mayurbhanj Thakurmunda Scheduled Area Chakulia MIP 1226 Baripada Mayurbhanj Thakurmunda Scheduled Area Champajhar MIP (D/W) 1227 Baripada Mayurbhanj Thakurmunda Scheduled Area Vejidiha MIP (D/W) 1228 Baripada Mayurbhanj Tiring Scheduled Area Chengua MIP (D/W) 1229 Baripada Mayurbhanj Tiring Scheduled Area Kachagobara MIP 1230 Baripada Mayurbhanj Tiring Scheduled Area Nuagaon MIP 1231 Baripada Mayurbhanj Udala Scheduled Area Deo MIP (D/W) 1232 Baripada Mayurbhanj Udala Scheduled Area Khadikasole MIP 1233 Baripada Mayurbhanj Udala Scheduled Area Nayarangamatia MIP (D/W) 1234 Baripada Mayurbhanj Udala Scheduled Area Rajabandha MIP 1235 Baripada Mayurbhanj Udala Scheduled Area Sanjo MIP (D/W) 1236 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Chandahandi Scheduled Area Dandamunda 1237 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Chandahandi Scheduled Area Dharakote 1238 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Dabugaon Scheduled Area Badaluma 1239 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Jharigaon Scheduled Area Bijapur 1240 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nandahandi Scheduled Area Jagannathpur 1241 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nandahandi Scheduled Area Patharlosa 1242 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nandahandi Scheduled Area Sagarmunda 1243 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nawaranagpur Scheduled Area Bikrampur 1244 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nawaranagpur Scheduled Area Bondaguda

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1245 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nawaranagpur Scheduled Area Chikili 1246 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nawaranagpur Scheduled Area Kesariguda 1247 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nawaranagpur Scheduled Area Kusumijore 1248 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Nawaranagpur Scheduled Area Phatakote MIP 1249 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Papadahandi Scheduled Area Gopiguda 1250 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Papadahandi Scheduled Area Jharmunda 1251 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Papadahandi Scheduled Area Mundaguda 1252 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Raighar Scheduled Area Dumermunda 1253 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Raighar Scheduled Area Kacharapara - II 1254 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Raighar Scheduled Area Kacharapara - III 1255 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Tentulikhunti Scheduled Area Jharigumma 1256 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Tentulikhunti Scheduled Area Kanheimunda 1257 Jeypore Nawaranagpur Umerkote Scheduled Area Silati 1258 Khurda Nayagarh BHAPUR Non-scheduled Area Chakradhar Prasad 1259 Khurda Nayagarh BHAPUR Non-scheduled Area Nimani 1260 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Balichhatra 1261 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Banigochha 1262 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Golahandi 1263 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Jagapur 1264 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Jhuntamara 1265 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Kadalibadi 1266 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Kalaskhaman 1267 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Kulurukumpa 1268 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Kumbinalla 1269 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Mahantypally 1270 Khurda Nayagarh daspalla Non-scheduled Area Patharpunji 1271 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Arosahi 1272 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Kunjamendhi 1273 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Nuapoibadi 1274 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Puruna Dasapalla 1275 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Salia Gochha 1276 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Sarenigard 1277 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Sirisira 1278 Khurda Nayagarh Daspalla Non-scheduled Area Takara 1279 Khurda Nayagarh GANIA Non-scheduled Area Badikia 1280 Khurda Nayagarh GANIA Non-scheduled Area Bhalukuda 1281 Khurda Nayagarh GANIA Non-scheduled Area Dankarisahi 1282 Khurda Nayagarh GANIA Non-scheduled Area Nadikhola 1283 Khurda Nayagarh Gania Non-scheduled Area Kakudikhol 1284 Khurda Nayagarh KHANDAPADA Non-scheduled Area Duttapokhari 1285 Khurda Nayagarh Khandapada Non-scheduled Area Gohirapada 1286 Khurda Nayagarh Khandapada Non-scheduled Area Kendua 1287 Khurda Nayagarh KHANDAPADA Non-scheduled Area Laxmiprasad 1288 Khurda Nayagarh Khandapada Non-scheduled Area Modanalla 1289 Khurda Nayagarh KHANDAPADA Non-scheduled Area Modanalla 1290 Khurda Nayagarh KHANDAPADA Non-scheduled Area Raghunathpur 1291 Khurda Nayagarh Khandapada Non-scheduled Area Singapada 1292 Khurda Nayagarh Khandapada Non-scheduled Area Sunamuhin 1293 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Adakata 1294 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Baunsiapada 1295 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Brajaballavpur

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1296 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Bualibandha 1297 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Kalamani 1298 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Kaluasandha 1299 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Nagamudali 1300 Khurda Nayagarh Nayagarh Non-scheduled Area Panipoila 1301 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Pratap prasad 1302 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Rana Tank 1303 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Rankadeuli 1304 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Saradhapur 1305 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Sulia 1306 Khurda Nayagarh NAYAGARH Non-scheduled Area Udayapur 1307 Khurda Nayagarh Nuagaon Non-scheduled Area Abhayapur 1308 Khurda Nayagarh Nuagaon Non-scheduled Area Dhipisahi 1309 Khurda Nayagarh Nuagaon Non-scheduled Area Golagola 1310 Khurda Nayagarh NUAGAON Non-scheduled Area Jhaulakati 1311 Khurda Nayagarh Nuagaon Non-scheduled Area Kirialanji 1312 Khurda Nayagarh NUAGAON Non-scheduled Area Kukudakhai 1313 Khurda Nayagarh NUAGAON Non-scheduled Area Paradhip Jharinalla 1314 Khurda Nayagarh NUAGAON Non-scheduled Area Pata khanalla 1315 Khurda Nayagarh NUAGAON Non-scheduled Area Tipeijhar 1316 Khurda Nayagarh ODAGAON Non-scheduled Area Ambakhola 1317 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Baghua 1318 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Bhalujhara 1319 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Chadeyapalli 1320 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Dholpathar 1321 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Dokunda 1322 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Garjani 1323 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Golagaon 1324 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Kainfullia 1325 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Kambhiapalli 1326 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Katarajhari 1327 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Kushadhipighatia 1328 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Magarbundha 1329 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Masabari 1330 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Rabigadia 1331 Khurda Nayagarh Odagaon Non-scheduled Area Uchheinagajhara 1332 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Baunsagarh 1333 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Bhetabar 1334 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Haridabandha 1335 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Maninag 1336 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Andharikota (Champatipur) 1337 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Baghamara 1338 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Bhagabatibandha 1339 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Bhuinmundia 1340 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Brajbihar 1341 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Chhitribadibandha 1342 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Derabaj 1343 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Handarkhala 1344 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Jharapada 1345 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Kendudhipi 1346 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Khatiari

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1347 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Kiapalla 1348 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Kusupalla 1349 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Nuapada 1350 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Patna 1351 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Rankadeuli 1352 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Sapuani 1353 Khurda Nayagarh Ranpur Non-scheduled Area Tulubi 1354 Khariar Nuapada Boden Non-scheduled Area Kamalamal 1355 Khariar Nuapada Khariar Non-scheduled Area Rajamunda 1356 Khariar Nuapada Komna Non-scheduled Area Budhikhamar(DW) 1357 Khariar Nuapada Komna Non-scheduled Area Kharinala(DW) 1358 Khariar Nuapada Nuapada Non-scheduled Area Jhilimila 1359 Khurda Puri Brahmagiri Non-scheduled Area Melanpokhari 1360 Khurda Puri KANAS Non-scheduled Area Narayani 1361 Khurda Puri KANAS Non-scheduled Area Panditagadia 1362 Khurda Puri KANAS Non-scheduled Area Singadapokhari 1363 Khurda Puri Kanasa Non-scheduled Area Rajkhama 1364 Khurda Puri Krushnaprasad Non-scheduled Area Bhetipokhari 1365 Khurda Puri Krushnaprasad Non-scheduled Area Habelipokhari 1366 Khurda Puri Krushnaprasad Non-scheduled Area Lundisagar 1367 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Bethiapada 1368 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Dukumu 1369 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Kanjijodi 1370 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Kankubadi 1371 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Kundanpadar 1372 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Lower Godagada 1373 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Puvaluguda 1374 Rayagada Rayagada BissamCuttack Scheduled Area Uppergodagoda 1375 Rayagada Rayagada Chandrapur Scheduled Area Bhaluguda 1376 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Chitsama 1377 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Dhani 1378 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Dhepaguda 1379 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Janilkipeta 1380 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Muchilipanga 1381 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Silimi 1382 Rayagada Rayagada Gudari Scheduled Area Siriguda 1383 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Baridi 1384 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Dombosora 1385 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Gadikhola 1386 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Karanjanalla 1387 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Narasinghmunda 1388 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Nawada 1389 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Ompera 1390 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Putta 1391 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Raktaptti 1392 Rayagada Rayagada Gunupur Scheduled Area Sitapurgeda 1393 Rayagada Rayagada K.Singpur Scheduled Area Binishpur 1394 Rayagada Rayagada K.Singpur Scheduled Area Hatimunda 1395 Rayagada Rayagada K.Singpur Scheduled Area Jagannathpur 1396 Rayagada Rayagada K.Singpur Scheduled Area Majhiguda 1397 Rayagada Rayagada K.Singpur Scheduled Area Narayanpur

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1398 Rayagada Rayagada K.Singpur Scheduled Area Sikarpai 1399 Rayagada Rayagada Kasipur Scheduled Area Bagirijhola 1400 Rayagada Rayagada Kasipur Scheduled Area Bandhamundi 1401 Rayagada Rayagada Kasipur Scheduled Area Gorakhapur 1402 Rayagada Rayagada Kasipur Scheduled Area Maikanch 1403 Rayagada Rayagada Kasipur Scheduled Area Puhundi 1404 Rayagada Rayagada Kolonara Scheduled Area A.Jagannathpur 1405 Rayagada Rayagada Kolonara Scheduled Area Arbinalla 1406 Rayagada Rayagada Kolonara Scheduled Area Revalkona 1407 Rayagada Rayagada Kolonara Scheduled Area Tandipur 1408 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Badabankily 1409 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Badanalla 1410 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Baghadunguri 1411 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Bainabasa 1412 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Gurugram 1413 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Jagadalpur 1414 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Sakota 1415 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Sitarampur 1416 Rayagada Rayagada Muniguda Scheduled Area Upper Panimunda 1417 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Akhusingi 1418 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Bahupadar 1419 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Debrisingi 1420 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Derigamguda 1421 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Dokasikula 1422 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Dongakota 1423 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Gudiabandha 1424 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Haguribandha 1425 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Indupur 1426 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Muchukipadar 1427 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Nairaguda 1428 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Padmapur 1429 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Rajabandha 1430 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Reila 1431 Rayagada Rayagada Padmapur Scheduled Area Sardhapur 1432 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Bhanginalla 1433 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Chakunda 1434 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area G.Laxmipur 1435 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Gumuda 1436 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Nalapanka 1437 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Parikiti 1438 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Patraguda 1439 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Ramanaguda 1440 Rayagada Rayagada Ramanaguda Scheduled Area Sanamuligaon 1441 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Bishnuguda 1442 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Champikota 1443 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Jangidi 1444 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Kasili 1445 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Kodasu 1446 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Kuli 1447 Rayagada Rayagada Rayagada Scheduled Area Siltiguda 1448 Sambalpur Sambalpur Bamra Scheduled Area .Porpetta MIP

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1449 Sambalpur Sambalpur Bamra Scheduled Area Rengalbeda MIP 1450 Sambalpur Sambalpur Dhankauda Non-scheduled Area Lamalkata-1 & 2 1451 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jamankira Scheduled Area Banksal MIP 1452 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jamankira Scheduled Area Jamankira MIP 1453 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jamankira Scheduled Area SanKundeswar MIP 1454 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jamankira Scheduled Area Tikilpada 1455 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jujumura Non-scheduled Area Badsahir Kata No.8 1456 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jujumura Non-scheduled Area Badsahir Kata No.9 1457 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jujumura Non-scheduled Area Bichhanabahal 1458 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jujumura Non-scheduled Area Guda Pal M.I.P 1459 Sambalpur Sambalpur Jujumura Non-scheduled Area Kayakud 1460 Sambalpur Sambalpur Kuchinda Scheduled Area Kharla MIP 1461 Sambalpur Sambalpur Maneswar Non-scheduled Area Larasara M.I.P. 1462 Sambalpur Sambalpur Maneswar Non-scheduled Area Sangramal Kata No.5 1463 Sambalpur Sambalpur Maneswar Non-scheduled Area Sangramal Kata No.6 1464 Sambalpur Sambalpur Naktideul Non-scheduled Area Jamjori MIP 1465 Sambalpur Sambalpur Naktideul Non-scheduled Area Jharbeda MIP 1466 Sambalpur Sambalpur Naktideul Non-scheduled Area Musakani MIP 1467 Sambalpur Sambalpur Naktideul Non-scheduled Area Panimura MIP 1468 Sambalpur Sambalpur Rairakhol Non-scheduled Area Baishnabajhulli MIP 1469 Sambalpur Sambalpur Rairakhol Non-scheduled Area Barbank M.I.P 1470 Sambalpur Sambalpur Rairakhol Non-scheduled Area Bhatra MIP 1471 Sambalpur Sambalpur Rairakhol Non-scheduled Area Podabalanda MIP 1472 Sambalpur Sambalpur Rengali Non-scheduled Area Ghichamura MIP 1473 Sambalpur Sambalpur Rengali Non-scheduled Area Jharanpali Kata No.2 1474 Bolangir Sonepur B.M.Pur Non-scheduled Area Ghungijore Mip(D/W) 1475 Bolangir Sonepur B.M.Pur Non-scheduled Area Goudguda MIP 1476 Bolangir Sonepur B.M.Pur Non-scheduled Area Hillong MIP 1477 Bolangir Sonepur B.M.Pur Non-scheduled Area Raxakata MIP 1478 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Badabandha MIP 1479 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Beheramal MIP 1480 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Belbahali MIP 1481 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Bhubansagar MIP 1482 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Ghikundi MIP 1483 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Goudgaon Mip 1484 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Katabandha MIP 1485 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Meghanad MIP 1486 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Nakdein MIP 1487 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Pandkital MIP 1488 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Sibsagarkata MIP 1489 Bolangir Sonepur Ullunda Non-scheduled Area Sindurbahal MIP 1490 Sundargarh Sundargarh Balisankara Scheduled Area Katanganallah 1491 Sundargarh Sundargarh Balisankara Scheduled Area Kukudanallah 1492 Sundargarh Sundargarh Balisankara Scheduled Area Kurai 1493 Sundargarh Sundargarh Balisankara Scheduled Area Masinanalla 1494 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Baibai 1495 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Barangakachar 1496 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Ghogar 1497 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Jarangaloi 1498 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Manaharpur 1499 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Tileimal

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1500 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Tudalaga 1501 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Fulbari 1502 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bargaon Scheduled Area Rungaon 1503 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bisra Scheduled Area Dhatkidihi 1504 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bisra Scheduled Area Kaliaposh 1505 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Badjore 1506 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Basudihi 1507 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Chandrapur 1508 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Kandheiposh 1509 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Kasada 1510 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Khajurdihi 1511 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Sarasakata 1512 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Sarsara 1513 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Sihidia 1514 Sundargarh Sundargarh Bonai Scheduled Area Tunipalli 1515 Sundargarh Sundargarh Gurundia Scheduled Area Ergeda 1516 Sundargarh Sundargarh Gurundia Scheduled Area Jadaloi 1517 Sundargarh Sundargarh Hemgiri Scheduled Area Singarmunda 1518 Sundargarh Sundargarh Hemgiri Scheduled Area Chhatenjore 1519 Sundargarh Sundargarh Hemgiri Scheduled Area Kendudihi 1520 Sundargarh Sundargarh Koida Scheduled Area Sunanalla 1521 Sundargarh Sundargarh Kuarmunda Scheduled Area Baniguni 1522 Sundargarh Sundargarh Kuarmunda Scheduled Area Bisrapada 1523 Sundargarh Sundargarh Kutra Scheduled Area Birangatoli 1524 Sundargarh Sundargarh Kutra Scheduled Area Kengitinalla 1525 Sundargarh Sundargarh Kutra Scheduled Area Purukhapali 1526 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Barguda 1527 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Daleisara 1528 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Dhamanadhar 1529 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Fuljhar 1530 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Kuliposh 1531 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Kuradhi 1532 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Suruberna 1533 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Thiaberna 1534 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lahunipada Scheduled Area Basubahal 1535 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lathikata Scheduled Area Birda 1536 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lathikata Scheduled Area Rangamatia 1537 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lathikata Scheduled Area Ranto 1538 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Bargaonmal 1539 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Darlipali 1540 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Diamunda 1541 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Ichha 1542 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Jhurimal 1543 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Kanmurali 1544 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Kulabira 1545 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Naikmunda 1546 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Sahajbahal 1547 Sundargarh Sundargarh Lephripada Scheduled Area Sunamunda 1548 Sundargarh Sundargarh Rajgangpur Scheduled Area Alanda 1549 Sundargarh Sundargarh Rajgangpur Scheduled Area Chungimati 1550 Sundargarh Sundargarh Subdega Scheduled Area Badmal

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1551 Sundargarh Sundargarh Subdega Scheduled Area Kiralaga 1552 Sundargarh Sundargarh Subdega Scheduled Area Rajpur 1553 Sundargarh Sundargarh Subdega Scheduled Area Sialimunda 1554 Sundargarh Sundargarh Subdega Scheduled Area Meghanamunda 1555 Sundargarh Sundargarh Subdega Scheduled Area Tilijore 1556 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Bejidihi 1557 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Bhawanipur 1558 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Brahmanimunda 1559 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Budelkani 1560 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Gadiajore 1561 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Ghurlijore 1562 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Jarmal 1563 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Kabanga 1564 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Kainsara 1565 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Mahuljore 1566 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Majhapada 1567 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Rupidihimunda 1568 Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Scheduled Area Salangabud 1569 Sundargarh Sundargarh Tangarpali Scheduled Area Kanakjore 1570 Sundargarh Sundargarh Tangarpali Scheduled Area Sanpatrapalli 1571 Sundargarh Sundargarh Tangarpali Scheduled Area Turungagarh 1572 Sundargarh Sundargarh Tangarpali Scheduled Area Bandhapalli

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Annexure 5 For taking of development works in tribal regions, the entire scheduled area (except the portion of Suruda Tahasil) of the State is covered by Sub-Plan area. In the Tribal Sub-Plan area Integrated Tribal Development Projects have been taken up. The Blocks covered under T.S.P. district-wise are as follows: Sl. No. District Block

1 Balasore Nilgiri 2 Gajapati Guma, Mohana, Nuagarh, R. Udayagiri, Rayagada 3 Kalahandi Lanjigarh, Th Rampur


Kandhamal Baliguda,Chakapada, Daringbadi, G. Udayagiri, K. Nuagan, Kotagarh, Raikia, Tikabali, Tumudibandha, Khajuripada, Phiringia, Phulbani

5 Keonjhar Barabil, Champua, Joda, Keonjhar, Telkoi, Bansapal,

Patana, Ghatagaon, Harichandanpur, Saharpada


Koraput Boipariguda, Boriguma, Jeypore, Kotpad, Kundra, Bandhugaon, Dasamantpur, Koraput, Lamtaput, Laxmipur, Nandapur, Narayanpatna, Potangi, Semiliguda

7 Malkangiri Kalimela, Khairaput, Korkunda, Kudumulgumma,

Malkangiri, Mathili, Podia


Mayurbhanj Baripada, Bangiriposhi, Barasahi, Betanati, Kuliana, Morada, Rasagobindpur, samakhunta, Saraskana, Suliapada, G.B. Nagar, Kaptipada, Khunta, Udala, Bahalda, Bijatola, Bisoi, Jamda, Kusumi, Rairangpur, Tiring, Jashipur, Karanjia, Raruan, Sukruli, Thakurmunda


Nabarangpur Chandahandi, Nabarangpur, Dabugaon, Jharigaon, Kosagumuda, Nandahandi, Papadahandi, Raighar, Tentulikhunti, Umerkote


Rayagada Kasipur, Rayagada, Bisam Katak, Chandrapur, Gudari, Gunupur, Muniguda, Padmapur, Ramanaguda, K. Singhpur, Kolanara

11 Sambalpur Bamra, Kuchhinda, Jamankira


Sundargarh Boneigarh, Gurundia, Koida, Lahunipada, Bisra, Kuanrmunda, Lathikata, Nuagaon, Balisankara, Baragaon, Hemagiri, Kutra, Lephripada, Rajgangpur, Subdega, Sundargarh, Tangarpali

Source: Tribes of Orissa (Published by SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa)

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Annexure 6

ITDA Blocks in Orissa

Revenue Division District Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA)

Bolcks covered under ITDA

Central Balasore Nilagiri Nilagiri Mayurbhanj Baripada Baripada, Badasahi, Samakhunta, Betanati,

Rasagobindpur,Morada, Bangiriposi, Saraskana, Kuliana, Suliapada

Kaptipada Khunta, Khunta II, Kaptipada, Udala Karanjia Karanjia,Raruan, Jashipur

Thakurmunda, Sukruli Rairangpur Bisoi, Bijatola, Kusumi,

Rairangpur, Tiring, Jamda, Bahalda Northern Keonjhar Champua Joda, Jhumpura,

Champua Keonjhar Patna, Ghatagaon

Keonjhar, Saharpada Harichandanpur, Telkoi Bansapala

Sambalpur Kuchinda Kuchinda, Gobindpur Jamankira

Sundargarh Bonai Bonaigarh, Lahunipada Gurundia, Koira

Panposh Kuanrmunda, Bisra Lathikata, Nuagaon

Sundargarh Sundargarh, Subdega Balisankara, Lephripada Badagaon, Tangarpali Hemagiri, Kutra Rajagangpur

Southern Gajapati Parlakhemundi Guma, Rayagada Mohana, R.Udaygiri Nuagada

Kalahandi Th.Rampur Th. Rampur, Lanjigarh Rayagada Gunupur Gunupur, Gudari

Padmapur, Ramanaguda Bisham Katak, Muniguda Chandrapur

Rayagada Rayagada, Kolnara Kashipur,Kalyansinghpur

Koraput Jeypore Jeypore Boriguma Kotpad Boipariguda Kundra

Koraput Koraput Semiliguda Potangi Nandapur Dasmantpur

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Lamtaput Narayanpatna Laxmipur Bandhugaon

Malkangiri Malkanagiri Malkanagiri Korkunda Kalimela Podia Khairaput Kudumulguma Mathili

Nawarangpur Nawarangpur Nawarangpur Tentulikhunti Papadahandi Nandahandi Kosagumuda Raighar Umerkot Chandahandi Jharigaon Dabugaon

Phulabani Baliguda Baliguda K.Nuagaon Daringbadi Tumudibandha Kotagarh Tikabali G.Udaygiri Raikia Chakapada

Phulabani Phulabani Phiringia Khajuripada

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Annexure 7

Government of India has recognized 13 primitive Tribes in Orissa. Some of them are in Tribal-plan area and few are outside the Sub-plan area. 17 Micro projects have been sfunctioning for all round development of the primitive tribes. District-wise distribution of these Micro projects is given below: Sl. No District Micro Projects 1 Mayurbhanj Lodha Development Agency, Morada

Hill-kharia & Mankidia Development Agency, Gudugudia 2 Sundargarh Paudi Bhuiyan Development Agency, Khuntagaon 3 Keonjhar Juanga Development Agency, Gonasika 4 Angul Paudi Bhuiyan Development Agency, Jamardihi 5 Phulbani Kutia Kandha Development Agency, Belghar 6 Ganjam Saora Development Agency, Chandragiri

Tumba Development Agency, Tumba Lanjia Saora Development Agency, Serango

7 Kalahandi Kutia Kandha Development Agency, Lanjigarh 8 Malkangiri Bonda Development Agency, Mudulipada

Didayi Development Agency, Bayapada 9 Rayagada Dongria Kandha Development Agency, Chatikona

Lanjia Saora Development Agency, Puttasingi Dongria Kandha Development Agency, Parsali

10 Deogarh Paudi Bhuiyan Development Agency, Rugudakudar 11 Nuapada Chuktia Bhunija Development Agency, sunbeda Source: Tribes of Orissa (Published by SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa)

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Annexure 8

Beyond the Sub-plan area many of the 62 tribes mentioned earlier are residing. These are called Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) pockets. The Blocks covered under MADA are as follows: Sl. No District Blocks under MADA

1 Balasore Jaleswar

2 Jajpur Danagadi, Sukinda I, Sukinda II, Sukinda III

3 Khurda Banapur 4 Nayagarh Ranapur, Dasapalla, Ganja, Nuagaon

5 Bolangir

Deogaon, Patnagarh, Khaprakhol, Muribahal, Saintala, Gudvela (Tentulikhunti), Tureikela

6 Dhenkanal Kankadahad 7 Angul Athamalik Palalahara 8 Keonjhar Anandpur I Anandpur II Ghasipura Hatadihi 9 Deogarh Barkote Tileibani

10 Baragarh Jharbandh Paikamal

11 Jharsuguda Jharsuguda Lakhanpur Kirimira Laikera Kolabira

12 Sambalpur Rengali, Dhankauda, Jujumara 13 Ganjam Turubudi (Patrapur) 14 Gajapati Kashinagar

15 Kalahandi Bhawanipatna, Junagarh, Jayapatana, Kesinga, M. Rampur, Narla

16 Nuapada Boden Khariar I Khariar II Komna Nuapada I Nuapada II Sinapali

17 Boudh Boudh Source: Tribes of Orissa (Published by SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa)

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Annexure 9

Beyond the MADA pockets there are small areas of tribal concentration. These are called Clusters. The Blocks covered under Clusters are as follows: Sl. No. Districts Cluster Pockets 1 Jajpur Barachana 2 Dhenkanal Dhenkanal 3 Angul Angul 4 Sambalpur Naktideula 5 Baragarh Padmapur 6 Bolangir Belpada 7 Ganjam Sorada Sanakhemundi Kantamal 8 Kalahandi Kokasara I Kokasara II Jaipatna II Bhawanipatna 9 Nuapada Nuapada Source: Tribes of Orissa (Published by SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa)

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