trematodes · "the...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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What are Trematodes?

u  Class within the Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) u  18,000-28,000 trematode species

u  Digenetic Trematodes (subclass Digenea) represent majority of diversity – Our Focus

u  Obligate parasites of molluscs and vertebrates

u  Characterized by a dorso-ventrally flattened body and by the presence of both an oral and ventral ‘sucker’

Trematode Life Cycle

u  Life cycles often involve two or more intermediate hosts in addition to a definitive host

u  All trematodes have a molluscan intermediate host (usually a gastropod)

u  Other secondary hosts include:

u  Amphibians

u  Fish

u  Insects

u  The definitive host is generally a vertebrate

u  Adult trematodes then reside in the digestive tract of the definitive host



Habitat and Host-Parasite Interactions

u  Ribeiroia is specific to snails within the family Planorbidae for their first intermediate host

u  Distributed throughout North and South America

u  Occur in lentic or still water habitats

u  Average prevalence of 5% within snail populations

u  Post-snail parasitization, the metacercariae transition around the base of the hind limbs, cloaca, and o a lesser extent within the posterior coelom of an amphibian host.

Distribution of Ribeiroia

Why do We Care?

u  Malformed amphibians have increased over the last 30 years in several parts of North America

u  Recently, infection has been a widespread cause of limb malformations in both anurans and caudates

u  In laboratory infections, Ribeiroia parasites target the developing limb tissue of anuran larvae, inducing high rates of limb malformations similar to those in field reports



How do Trematodes Lead to Increased Amphibian Mortality?

u  Consequences of Ribeiroia infection include:

u  Extra limbs

u  Missing limbs

u  Skin Webbings

u  In response to Ribeiroia exposure, multiple species have been shown to exhibit reduced survivorship

u  Western Toads

u  Northern Leopard Frogs

u  Pacific Treefrogs

Deformed Frog Parasite Life Cycle





u  Blaustein, Andrew R., Barbara A. Han, Rick A. Relyea, Pieter TJ Johnson, Julia C. Buck, Stephanie S. Gervasi, and Lee B. Kats. "The complexity of amphibian population declines: understanding the role of cofactors in driving amphibian losses." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1223, no. 1 (2011): 108-119.

u  Bowerman, Jay, Pieter TJ Johnson, and Tracy Bowerman. "Sublethal predators and their injured prey: linking aquatic predators and severe limb abnormalities in amphibians." Ecology 91, no. 1 (2010): 242-251.

u  Collins, James P. "Amphibian decline and extinction: what we know and what we need to learn." Diseases of aquatic organisms 92, no. 2-3 (2010): 93-99.

u  Johnson, Pieter TJ, Kevin B. Lunde, Euan G. Ritchie, and Alan E. Launer. "The effect of trematode infection on amphibian limb development and survivorship." Science 284, no. 5415 (1999): 802-804.

u  Johnson, Pieter TJ, Daniel R. Sutherland, J. M. Kinsella, and Kevin B. Lunde. "Review of the trematode genus Ribeiroia (Psilostomidae): ecology, life history and pathogenesis with special emphasis on the amphibian malformation problem." Advances in parasitology 57 (2004): 191-253.

u  Johnson, P. T. J., and Lunde, K. B. 2005. Parasite infection and limb malformations: a growing problem in amphibian conservation. In: Lannoo, M. J., ed., Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species, pp. 124–138. California: University of California Press.

u  Rohr, J. R., T. R. Raffel, and Stanley K. Sessions. "Digenetic trematodes and their relationship to amphibian declines and deformities." Amphibian biology 8 (2009): 3067-3088.

u  Rohr, Jason R., Anna M. Schotthoefer, Thomas R. Raffel, Hunter J. Carrick, Neal Halstead, Jason T. Hoverman, Catherine M. Johnson et al. "Agrochemicals increase trematode infections in a declining amphibian species." Nature 455, no. 7217 (2008): 1235-1239.

u  Rohr, Jason R., Thomas R. Raffel, Stanley K. Sessions, and Peter J. Hudson. "Understanding the net effects of pesticides on amphibian trematode infections." Ecological Applications 18, no. 7 (2008): 1743-1753.



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