treatment sheet

Post on 12-Jan-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Treatment Sheet

By Lauren & Hope

A ‘Ghost’ not stopping till all their victims are dead.A girl who was tortured gets her revenge.A lot of revenge films played a big part in deciding what we wanted to do as it’s one of the most common and easiest to do.

SettingsInfluencing Horror’s

A dark forest is a common factor of horror films and would be a great setting for a movie or a similar place. It’s entire being oozes mystery and secrets.

Another setting we plan to use is a dark bedroom that contains a large mirror to view the ‘ghost’ in it this partially comes from the bloody Mary superstition of it only bing seen in a mirror and coming to get them.



From the many horror films I've have viewed a common costume is dark clothing. We found that this is a more preferable costume as it will make it more real and links in with the dark genre. As we are on a budget the cast are using their own clothes as their costumes.

Our main two props will be fake knifes and fake blood due to the violent nature that our film suggests. Many films have bloody scenes such as nightmare on elm street the viewing of blood enhances the fear factors.

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