trash by andy mulligan comprehension challenge. part 1 comprehension questions

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Trash by Andy Mulligan

Comprehension Challenge

Part 1



Q1. What is stuppa?

a) Stuffing for chairs

b) Human muck

c) Chicken droppings

d) Coffee grounds

Q2. What is the name of the rubbish town?a) Bentham

b) Bethal

c) Behala

d) Behalio

Q3. What are they looking for?a) Wallets

b) Metal

c) Clothing

d) Plastic

Q4. If a good tyre can fetch half a dollar, what can a dead tyre be used for?a) Water storage

b) Holding your roof down

c) Insulation

d) Beds

Q5. On a good day, how much can he make?a) 200 pesos

b) 150 pesos

c) 100 pesos

d) 50 pesos

1. B – Stuppa = Human Muck2. C – Behala is the name of their rubbish town3. D – Plastic, white then blue4. B – Dead tyres used to hold your roof down5. A – On a good day he can make 200 pesos

Chapter 1 Answers

Chapters 2-3



Q6. What day of the week was his unlucky-lucky day?a) Monday

b) Tuesday

c) Wednesday

d) Thursday

Q7. How old is Gardo?

a) 10

b) 12

c) 14

d) 16

Q8. What is the name given to a

bag that is unsplit from a rich

area?a) A special

b) A jackpot

c) A bounty

d) A treasure chest

Q9. How much money was in the wallet?a) 500 pesos

b) 600 pesos

c) 1100 pesos

d) 1600 pesos

Q10. Where was the bag put into the rubbish by mistake?a) McKenzie Hill

b) McKinley Hill

c) McCaffrey Hill

d) McClean Hill

6. D – Thursday was his unlucky-lucky day7. C – They are both fourteen years old8. A – An unsplit bag from a rich area is called a special9. C – 1100 pesos was inside the wallet10. B – McKinley Hill was where the police said the bag was dumped

Chapters 2-3 Answers

Chapters 4-5



Q11. What is Rat’s real name?a) Jose

b) Alejandro

c) Jo-Jo

d) Jun-Jun

Q12. How many were killed when Smoky fell?a) Nearly 50

b) Nearly 100

c) Nearly 150

d) Nearly 200

Q13. What is the locker number on the key?a) 101

b) 202

c) 303

d) 010

Q14. How much did they get paid for the day?a) 50 pesos

b) 80 pesos

c) 100 pesos

d) 120 pesos

Q15. What mistake did Auntie make?a) She followed the boys to Rat’s hole

b) She looked through Raphael’s room

c) She talked to the police

d) She handed in the money

11. D – Rat’s real name is Jun-Jun12. B – Nearly 100 were killed when the rubbish mountain Smoky fell13. A – Locker number 10114. C – They were paid 100 pesos for the day15. C – She talked to the police

Chapter 4-5 Answers

Chapter 6



Q16. What train did the boys wait for?a) The four o’clock

b) The five o’clock

c) The six o’clock

d) The seven o’clock

Q17. Where does the train go?a) Diamond Harbour

b) Diarmuid Harbour

c) Darling Harbour

d) Darlington Harbour

Q18. How much prize money are they now offering?a) 10,000

b) 20,000

c) 30,000

d) 40,000

Q19. How much time does the

money buy them from the station

boys?a) Five minutes

b) Ten minutes

c) Fifteen minutes

d) 20 minutes

Q20. What was the package in the locker?a) An old brown paper bag tied with rubber


b) A satchel with the initials J.A.

c) An old tattered briefcase

d) A brown envelope sealed with tape

16. C – the six o’clock train17. A – Diamond Harbour18. B – 20,00019. A – it buys them 5 minutes worth of time20. D – the package was a brown envelope sealed with tape

Chapter 6 Answers

Part 2 Chapters 1-2



Q21. What is the name of the school Father Julliard runs?a) St Augustus Mission School

b) St Angelico Mission School

c) Pascal Aguila Mission School

d) Pasquale Aquila Mission School

Q22. How old is Father Julliard?a) 63

b) 65

c) 70

d) 73

Q23. How old is Sister Olivia?a) 20

b) 22

c) 24

d) 26

Q24. How many years had Gabriel Olondriz been in prison?a) 20

b) 21

c) 22

d) 23

Q25. What room at the end of

the corridor was he taken into?a) #2

b) #4

c) #6

d) #8

21. C – Pascal Aguila Mission School22. A – Father Julliard is 6323. B – Sister Olivia is 2224. D – Gabriel Olondriz was serving his 23rd year in prison25. C – he was taken to room #6

Part 2 Chapters 1-2 Answers

Part 2 Chapters 3-4 Answers



Q26. What was the landmark he saw?a) A famous church

b) Statue of a soldier

c) The tallest building

d) A large fountain

Q27. What had Jose been arrested for?a) Robbery

b) Fraud

c) Murder

d) Assault

Q28. What is the name of the prison?a) Colditz

b) Colgate

c) Colva

d) Celiz

Q29. How old was Jose’s daughter?a) 14

b) 12

c) 10

d) 8

Q30. What is the name of the vice president?a) Senator Zapanta

b) Senator Zacusa

c) Senator Alondroz

d) Senator Alusia

26. B – The landmark was a statue of a soldier27. A – Jose had been arrested for robbery28. C – Colva Prison29. D – Pia is 830. A – Senator Zapanta

Part 2 Chapters 3-4 Answers

Part 3 Chapters 1-3



Q31. Where does Sister Olivia’s father work?a) Oxford University

b) Parliament

c) The Department of Health

d) The Foreign Office

Q32. What did the boys tell Sister

that Gardo’s grandfather was in

prison for?a) Robbing tourists

b) Beating up someone

c) Murdering someone

d) Not paying taxes

Q33. Why do the relatives live beside the prison?a) To visit as there is no public transport

b) To earn money as they work for the officers

c) To get food into the prisoners so they don’t starve

d) To avoid the shame of having a family member in prison

Q34. How much did Sister Olivia have to pay Mr Oliva?a) 10,000

b) 11,000

c) 12,000

d) 13,000

Q35. How long did it take to make the pass for Sister?a) 10 Minutes

b) Half an hour

c) An hour

d) Two hours

31. D – Sister Olivia’s father works for the Foreign Office32. B – They said he was accused of beating up someone33. C – they live there to get food into the prisoners so they don’t starve34. A – she had to pay Mr Oliva 10,00035. B – half an hour to make the pass

Part 3 Chapters 1-3 Answers

Part 3 Chapters 4-6



Q36. What did Sister see that made her stop?a) A dead child in a cell

b) A mother with a baby in a cell

c) A young child with a younger child in his lap in a cell

d) An old man using the toilet in a cell

Q37. What colour were Gabriel’s eyes?a) White

b) Blue

c) Green

d) Brown

Q38. What is the normal going rate to see Gabriel?a) 100

b) 1000

c) 1500

d) 10,000

Q39. How much money had Senator Zapanta spirited away?a) 5 million

b) 10 million

c) 20 million

d) 30 million

Q40. Why does Gardo write Chapter 6?a) To tell us what he said to Gabriel in his own


b) To say sorry to Sister Olivia for lying

c) To explain what had been in the letter

d) To tell us what they planned to do next

36. C – She stopped because she saw a young child with a younger child in his lap in a cell37. A – White burning eyes38. C – the going rate is 150039. D – 30 million dollars of aid money40. B – He wrote chapter six to apologise to Sister Olivia

Part 3 Chapters 4-6 Answers

Part 3 Chapters 7-8



Q41. What is the first question Gardo asks Gabriel?a) What is the harvest?

b) What does ‘it has been accomplished’ mean?

c) Where is the money hidden?

d) Who is Dante Jerome?

Q42. How could Gabriel tell Gardo was a street boy?a) The dirt on his ankles above his new shoes

b) The accent he spoke with

c) The smell of the street

d) The tattoo on his wrist

Q43. Where is Senator Zapanta’s house?a) Green Hills

b) Green Meadows

c) Hill Place

d) Palazo Square

Q44. How much money did Rat have hidden?a) 4,346 pesos

b) 3,524 pesos

c) 2,326 pesos

d) 1,672 pesos

Q45. Where is Rat from?

a) San Pedro

b) Sampalo

c) San Francisco

d) Brazil

41. D – he first asks who Dante Jerome is42. C – He could still smell the street43. A – Senator Zapanta lives at Green Hills44. C – 2,326 pesos45. B – Rat is from Sampalo

Part 3 Chapters 7-8 Answers

Part 3 Chapters 9-10



Q46. What colour bus did the boys take?a) Yellow

b) Red

c) Blue

d) White

Q47. What did Rat do when he got off

the bus that made people think he was

mad?a) He stopped by the door and waved goodbye

b) He stopped by the door and sang a song

c) He hugged the bus driver

d) He shook everyone’s hand

Q48. Who did Rat feel like on the

tree looking at the promised land?a) Moses

b) Noah

c) Abraham

d) Jesus

Q49. How did Rat know the man was no danger?a) He was dressed poor like them

b) He had no shoes on

c) His voice was calm

d) He was smiling

Q50. What did Olivia learn that she

could not have learned at

university?a) That survival is more important than morals

b) That sometimes it is right to lie

c) That money corrupts people

d) That the world revolves around money

46. B – They took a red bus47. D – He shook everyone’s hand and they thought he was mad48. A – He felt like Moses looking at the promised land49. C – He knew he was no danger because his voice was calm50. D – She learned that the world revolves around money

Part 3 Chapters 9-10 Answers

Part 4 Chapters 1-2



Q51. What change did Rat make to their home?a) He loosened part of the roof

b) He put on a door

c) He found bed mats

d) He paid for blankets

Q52. Which night was

approaching at the end of the

month?a) Halloween

b) Christmas Eve

c) All Soul’s Night

d) Thanksgiving

Q53. Where did Father Julliard write the combination?a) On his desk

b) Under the telephone

c) On a page in the Bible

d) In his diary

Q54. Where does Gardo keep his hook?a) In his jeans at the back

b) Up his right sleeve

c) At the back of his shirt hooked in the collar

d) In the pocket of his shorts

Q55. What does he do with the Bible after hearing shots?a) He stashes it under a nearby bench

b) He gives it to Rat

c) He gives it to Raphael

d) He puts it in the trash

51. A – He loosened part of the roof for quick escape52. C – All Soul’s Night or the Day of the Dead53. D – Fr Julliard writes the combination in his diary54. A – He keeps his hook on the inside of his jeans at the back55. B – He gives the Bible to Rat.

Part 3 Chapters 1-2 Answers

Part 4 Chapters 3-5



Q56. Which Gospel was “It is finished” in?a) Mark

b) Matthew

c) Luke

d) John

Q57. What is the name of the rubbish town?a) He reversed the numbers

b) He read right to left

c) He found the passage at the end of the book

d) He found a bottle of rum

Q58. What tipped Rat off to the police?a) A heavy footstep on the ladder

b) Someone calling out to Gardo

c) Sounds of pots and pans

d) Police sirens

Q59. What did ‘where we lay’ mean?a) Where our bedrooms were

b) Where they used to go sun bathing

c) Where we are buried

d) Where the hospital is

Q60. Why did the police man not shoot at them?a) He felt sorry for them

b) He fell off the ladder

c) He was attacked by a dog

d) He was still holding onto the ladder and could not get aim

56. D – Gospel of St John57. B – He read right to left and got “Go to…”58. A – he was tipped off by a heavy footstep on the ladder59. C – Where they were buried60. D – He was holding the ladder, whistle and couldn’t aim

Part 4 Chapters 3-5 Answers

Part 4 Chapters 6-7



Q61. What was the smartest thing Rat ever did?a) He lead them to an abandoned warehouse

b) He figured out what the 6 and 9 meant

c) He got them to dive in amongst the children

d) He had them hide in the reeds of the river

Q62. What ‘saved them’?

a) The police cars crashed into each other

b) All the children ran out at once

c) All the children swarmed over the police cars

d) The children attacked the police officers

Q63. Who is the man who makes the memorials?a) Gus Fredericks

b) Gulliard Fernandez

c) Fernandez Gonzalez

d) Frederico Gonz

Q64. What did he write on Pia’s memorial stone?a) “The veil of the temple has been rent”

b) “Beloved daughter, forever in our hearts”

c) “Seeds to harvest, my child”

d) “The seed corn has been planted”

Q65. What did the men with the coffin look like?a) Street sweepers

b) Dumpsite boys

c) Criminals

d) Beggars

61. C – He made them dive among the children62. B – all the children running out at once saved them63. D – Frederico Gonz makes the grave memorials64. C – seeds to harvest, my child65. A – the two men looked like street sweepers

Part 4 Chapters 6-7 Answers




Q66. What did the Senator train to be?a) A doctor

b) A politician

c) A lawyer

d) An economist

Q67. What did the Senator clear the squatter camps?a) A cinema / shopping complex

b) A new school

c) His flash home

d) A statue in his image

Q68. Mohun’s diary suggested he was

keeping the money in case of what?

a) In case there is a political coup

b) In case the banks go bust

c) In case the ATM’s are down

d) In case he ends up in hospital

Q69. Who is the president of the student union?a) Chartal Andiz

b) Cheruvi Adarme

c) Jose Regis

d) Regis Zenita

Q70. What was the Senator’s campaign slogan?a) The brightest smile, the sharpest mind

b) The brightest future for the sharpest minds

c) A bright future for all

d) No child left behind

66. C – Zepanta was originally a lawyer67. A – he cleared the squatter camps for a cinema/shopping complex68. C – in case the ATM’s are down69. B – Charuvi Adarme is the president of the student union70. A – the brightest smile, the sharpest mind

Articles Answers

Part 5 Chapters 1-3



Q71. How had they wasted the day?a) The had tried to find the numbers on the graves

b) They had tried to listen to people in case they heard the name “Angelico”

c) They had paid the guard who had given them the wrong directions

d) They had been in the rich half, not the one where the poor were buried

Q72. What did ‘the brightest light’ mean?a) The light on top of the wall that separated the

two halves

b) Where thousands of candles come together

c) The light from all the bonfires lit by the graves

d) The way the setting sun shone on the marble graves

Q73. What did his Auntie always say?a) There is always someone who will help

b) There is always time to pay your respects

c) There is no one you can trust completely

d) There is nowhere people will not live

Q74. How did Gardo figure out where to look?a) He bought a candle and shone it on the


b) He found the numbers on the backs of the stones

c) He asked the children that lived there

d) He found a sign that showed where they were

Q75. Where does Pia live now?a) In the graveyard

b) In the building with all the children

c) In the home of one of the other house servants

d) In the home of one of her mother’s cousins

71. D – They were in the rich half of the cemetery72. B – thousands of candles coming together. The brightest light.73. D – there is nowhere people will not live74. C – He asked the children that lived there75. A – she lives in the graveyard now

Part 5 Chapters 1-3 Answers

Part 5 Chapters 4-6



Q76. Why did they need to be brave?a) They had to take Pia back to her school and

the police could be there

b) They would have to go back to their room that the police had raided

c) They would have to go among the graves on All Soul’s night

d) They needed to go back to Behala

Q77. Who writes Chapter 5?a) Raphael

b) Pia

c) Father Julliard

d) Jun

Q78. What do they buy from the trash boys?a) A shirt for Gardo

b) A blanket for Pia

c) A suitcase for the money

d) A cart to carry the money

Q79. What was Rat’s next brilliant idea?a) To split the money up in bags so it would be

found by lots of people

b) To dress in the mission school uniforms

c) To put all the money in Father Julliard’s safe

d) To hide the money on the conveyor belts

Q80. Why did Raphael and Gardo linger before leaving?a) They regretted giving away all the money

b) They had people they wanted to say goodbye to

c) They wanted to make sure their families found some of the money

d) They saw their families in the distance

76. C – to go among the graves on All Soul’s night takes bravery77. D – Jun – no longer Rat78. D – they bought a cart to carry the money79. B – to dress in the school uniforms80. B – they had people they wanted to say goodbye to but knew they couldn’t

Part 5 Chapters 4-6 Answers

Try to imagine that you have lived a life similar to that of Rat, Raphael and Gardo. Write down what you would have done and why.

What would you have done with the money?

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