trajectory optimization for continuous ergodic exploration

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Trajectory Optimization for Continuous Ergodic Exploration

Lauren M. Miller, Student Member, IEEE, and Todd D. Murphey, Member, IEEE,

Abstract— An algorithm is presented for generating tra-

jectories for efficient exploration that takes into account a

probabilistic representation of information density over a

sampling region. The problem is cast as a continuous-time

trajectory optimization problem, where the objective function

directly involves the difference between the probability density

functions representing the spatial distribution and the statistical

representation of the time-averaged trajectory. The difference

is expressed using the concept of ergodicity. It is shown that

the trajectory optimization problem can be posed in such a

way that the descent direction at each step of the optimization

can be solved using linear quadratic regulator techniques. The

proposed method generates continuous-time optimal feedback

controllers, demonstrated in simulation for a general nonlinear

sensor model.


Dynamic exploration is particularly important in the areaof automated tactile sensing. In exploration tasks, there is atradeoff between completeness of coverage and explorationtime or energetic cost. Intuitively, an efficient explorationstrategy should spend more time exploring regions of spacewith a higher information density or likelihood of featurelocalization. Sensing strategies that are observed to dependon sensory goals and maximize expected information gainhave been widely observed in biological systems [1]. Forexample, observations of human subjects during featurelocalization tasks imply that sensing strategies reflect thesensing goal [2] and a subject’s internal expectation of thefeature location [3]. Similar observations have been madeduring exploration experiments featuring the rat vibrissalsystem [4].

Motivated by observations of exploratory behavior inbiological systems, the objective of this paper is to definea strategy for planning exploratory motion to sample a givenregion in an efficient manner with respect to the spatialsensory information density over that region. The planningproblem is posed as an infinite-dimensional trajectory op-timization, where the objective function involves a metricon the difference between the time-averaged behavior of thesensor trajectory and a spatial probability density function(PDF) representing the information density. The metric relieson the measure of ergodicity proposed by Mathew and Mezic[5], discussed in Section III. We show that iterative firstorder optimization can be used to minimize the ergodicmetric, using the projection-based trajectory optimizationmethod derived in [6], which allows the descent directionat each iteration to be calculated using linear quadratic

The authors are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, North-western University, Evanston, IL, 60208 USA (, T-Murphey@Northwestern.Edu

regulator (LQR) techniques. Using trajectory optimizationallows calculation of an optimally ergodic trajectory overa continuous exploration time horizon, which can be appliedto receding horizon or fixed-time control scenarios.


General research in planning for mobile sensors has re-ceived much attention in the context of nonuniform coveragefor distributed control. For example, optimal placement ofstationary sensors [7], [8] and positioning of mobile sensors[9] have been analyzed in the context of distributed sensornetworks. The focus of these strategies are efficient algo-rithms for distributed control and generally do not directlytake into account nonlinear sensor dynamics.

In the context of tactile sensing and object recognition,several strategies have been derived for choosing betweensensing strategies or movements based on the sensing goalor likelihood of information gain [10]–[13]. In [10], forexample, a method is presented to determine the best straightsensor path that is guaranteed to produce data unique to onlyone possible object. While these techniques present differentmethods of selecting sensing strategies or choosing froma set of parameterized movements, the trajectory planningproblem for continuous exploration is not addressed.

The optimal control problem we develop depends on ametric defined in [5] that relates the statistical properties ofa spatial distribution with those of a time-averaged trajectory.In addition to defining the metric, the authors of [5] use themetric to develop an optimization-based feedback controllerfor uniform sampling of irregular domains for first- andsecond-order linear systems. While our objective functioninvolves the same metric derived in [5], the optimal controlproblem and applications are fundamentally different. Thestrategy in [5] involves discretizing the exploration timeand solving for the optimal control input at each time-step which maximizes the rate of decrease of the ergodicmetric at that time. The method we derive calculates theoptimal control for minimizing the metric itself over theentire exploration time horizon. Additionally, the feedbackcontrollers derived in [5] are specific to linear first- orsecond-order systems, whereas our method is derived forgeneral nonlinear dynamic systems. While the continuous-time optimization is more computationally expensive thanthe discrete time approach in [5], the LQR formulation hasthe advantage that each iteration of the optimization involvesa calculation with known complexity, and all computationalcost happens offline.

In prior work, we derived a method for determiningcontact transition times [14] which also uses the ergodic

metric presented in [5]. Although the metric is the same, thecontrol problem in [14] is a finite dimensional switching-timeproblem.

The contributions of this paper are threefold. Using theergodicity metric derived in [5] as the objective functionfor a receding horizon control problem, an iterative de-scent algorithm is provided. The algorithm is formulatedfor general nonlinear dynamics, and provides a continuous-time optimal feedback control solution. Although the ergodicoptimization problem is both nonlinear and not a Bolzaproblem, it is shown that the descent direction at every stepof the optimization can be calculated as the solution to anLQR problem. This approach has the benefit of providing astate feedback law, and each iteration involves the solution toan LQR problem that has known computational complexity.

In Section III, the concept of ergodicity is introduced, andthe metric derived in [5] is defined. Section IV summarizestrajectory optimization methods and describes the optimalcontrol problem formulation. A quadratic model is presentedfor a steepest descent algorithm, involving derivation offirst-order optimality condition for the objective functionin Section IV-E. Section V demonstrates the use of thealgorithm to generate optimally ergodic trajectories over two-dimensional PDFs in simulation.


As mentioned in Section I, the aggregate motion ofa sensor should result in more samples from the mostinformation-dense areas of a distribution. This concept isquantified using the measure of ergodicity presented in [5].In order for a system to be ergodic, the fraction of time spentsampling an area should be equal to some metric quantifyingthe density of information in that area. For a given task,the spatial distribution used for calculating ergodicity will

Fig. 1: Conceptual illustration of what it means for the trajectory x(t) tobe ergodic with respect to the distribution φ(x), represented by the levelsets shown. Equations representing the condition for ergodicity for the twosubsets, N1 and N2 are shown [14]

vary. For example, the distribution might be the varianceof some surface parameter over the surface manifold or theprobability that some feature is located at any point in thedomain.

This concept is expressed in Fig. 1, where the distributionφ(x), depicted as level sets over the domain X , is sampledby a sensor following the trajectory x(t) from t = 0 tot = T . The trajectory x(t) is ergodic with respect to thePDF φ(x) if the percentage of time spent in any subset Nof X from t = 0 to t = T is equal to the measure of N .The equations in Fig. 1 represent the condition for ergodicityfor the two subsets shown; this condition must hold for allpossible subsets.

A. Metric for ErgodicityThe metric presented in [5] will be used to calculate

how far a trajectory is from being ergodic with respect toa distribution. The distance is quantified by sum of theweighted norm of the coefficients of the Fourier seriesdecomposition of the multidimensional spatial and time-averaged distributions. For a more formal discussion, see [5].

In this work, calculation of the optimal control solutionis done over a fixed time horizon (0, T ). It is assumed thatthere is a probability distribution function φ(x) represent-ing information density over an n-dimensional explorationdomain X ⊂ Rn defined as [0, L1]× [0, L2]...× [0, Ln].

The ergodicity of a trajectory x(t) with respect to adistribution φ can be quantified by the sum of the weightedsquared distance between the Fourier coefficients of thespatial distribution Φk and the distribution representing thetime-averaged trajectory ck. The ergodic metric will bedefined as E , as follows:

E =K�


Λk|ck − φk|2 (1)

where K is the number of basis functions used in eachdimension. Following [5], Λk = 1

(1+||k||2)s and s = n+12 ,

which places larger weight of on lower frequency informa-tion.

The Fourier coefficients φk of a spatial distribution φ(x)are computed using an inner product as follows

φk =


and the Fourier coefficients of the basis functions along atrajectory x(t), averaged over time, are calculated as

ck =1


� T


where T is the final time and Fk is a Fourier basis function,as derived in [5].

The Fourier basis functions for x ∈ Rn used to ap-proximate a distribution defined over n dimensions, withappropriate boundary conditions, are:

Fk(x) =1






�, for k = 0, 1, 2...K

where hk is a normalizing factor [5].The following sections present a novel use of Eq. (1),

defined in [5], in a continuous-time trajectory optimizationframework, used to solve general, nonlinear optimal controlproblems.


The problem of generating a continuous-time optimallyergodic trajectory is formulated using the projection-basedtrajectory optimization method presented in [6]. Using theprojection-based method allows us to define a local quadraticmodel of the ergodic objective function, which can thenbe used to calculate the steepest descent direction for usein iterative first-order optimization methods, using linearquadratic regulator (LQR) techniques [6].

The following sections define the equations for the systemdynamics and the ergodic objective function which willbe minimized, as well as a summary of projection-basedtrajectory optimization.

A. DynamicsThe dynamics of a general nonlinear dynamic sensor can

be expressed as follows:

x(t) = f(x(t), u(t)) x(t0) = x0, (2)

where x(t) ∈ Rn represents the state and u(t) ∈ Rm thecontrol inputs. For notational convenience, define η(t) =(x(t), u(t)), as in [6], as a feasible curve which lives in thetrajectory manifold T , which is are curves satisfying Eq. (2).

B. Objective FunctionThe objective function J(·) will be defined as a function

of the metric for ergodicity in Eq. (1) and the integratedmagnitude of the control, which takes as an argument any(feasible or infeasible) curve ξ(t) = (α(t), µ(t)),

J(ξ(t)) =qK�





� T

0Fk(α(τ))dτ − φk



� T



2µ(τ)R(τ)µ(τ)dτ, (3)

where q ∈ R and R(τ) ∈ Rm×m are arbitrary design pa-rameters which affect the relative importance of minimizingergodicity vs. control effort in the optimization problem.

The goal is to solve for a feasible continuous time trajec-tory which minimizes the objective function, i.e.

arg minξ(t)∈T

J(ξ(t)). (4)

The optimization problem in Eq. (4) is subject to a nonlinearconstraint, and is not written in the form of a Bolza problem,both factors which make the optimization problem as writtennontrivial. However, we use the projection operator definedin Section IV-C to allow calculations at each iteration of theoptimization to occur in the tangent space of the constraint,and define a quadratic model for Eq. (3) in Section IV-D which is a Bolza problem and quadratic in the descentdirection.

C. Projection-based Trajectory OptimizationThe optimization in Eq. (4) can be reformulated as an

unconstrained trajectory optimization problem using a pro-jection operator following [6]. A projection operator takesthe form of a stabilizing feedback control law which mapsany (feasible or infeasible) trajectory ξ(t) = (α(t), µ(t)) to afeasible trajectory. The projection operator used in this paperis

P (ξ(t)) :

�u(t) = µ(t) +K(t) (α(t)− x(t))

x(t) = f(x(t), u(t)) x(0) = x0(5)

The optimal feedback gain K(t) can be calculated by solvingan additional LQR problem. For more information, see [6].

Using the projection operator allows the optimizationproblem to be reformulated as an equivalent, unconstrainedoptimization problem, where the goal is to minimizeJ(P (ξ(t))), i.e.

arg minξ(t)

J(P (ξ(t))). (6)

Use of the projection operator has the advantage of removingthe nonlinear constraint imposed by the dynamics during thedescent direction search at each iteration.

D. Optimization AlgorithmIn order to use standard, first-order iterative optimization

methods such as steepest descent, a descent direction ζi(t)must be calculated at every iteration i of the optimizationalgorithm. The steepest descent direction is obtained byminimizing a quadratic model of the form

ζi(t) = arg minζi(t)∈Tξi

TDJ(P(ξi(t))) ◦ ζi(t) + 1

2 �ζi(t), ζi(t)�


where TξiT is the tangent space of the trajectory manifold.It is proven in [6] that solving Eq. (7), where ζi(t) isconstrained to lie on the tangent space of the trajectorymanifold, is a more convenient, equivalent, way of solvingthe unconstrained problem due to properties of the projectionoperator.

The basic algorithm is outlined in Algorithm 1. Thedescent direction search occurs in the tangent space of the

Algorithm 1 Steepest Descent for Ergodic Trajectory Opti-mization

Calc. φk

Init. ξ0 ∈ T , tolerance �while DJ(ξi) ◦ ζi > � do

Calculate descent direction:ζi = arg min


DJ(ξi) ◦ ζi + 12 �ζi, ζi�

Calculate step size γi using Armijo linesearch [15]Project the update:

ξi+1 = P(ξi + γiζi)i=i+1

end while

trajectory manifold at the current iteration. As shown in thenext section, the optimization in Eq. (7) involves only linearand quadratic terms in ζi, which can be solved using LQRtechniques [6]. An Armijo linesearch is used to calculatethe step size for each descent direction, ensuring sufficientdecrease in the objective function [15]. After direction andstep size have been calculated, the update step projects thenew iterate onto the trajectory manifold.

E. Defining the LQR ProblemIn this section, we will assume that the objective function

can be written as a function of a feasible trajectory η(t), asfollows

J(η(t)) =qK�





� T

0Fk(x(τ))dτ − φk



� T


12u(τ)R(τ)u(τ). (8)

This is assumption can be made because each update isprojected onto the feasible space, therefore each iterationbegins on the trajectory manifold.

First, we show that directional derivative in the first termof Eq. (7) is linear in the descent direction ζ(t). Second,we define the inner product in the second term of Eq. 7,and show that the resulting expression can be rearrangedas a Bolza problem. Third, the linearization of the dynamicconstraint is provided. These three definitions result in an amodel that is linear and quadratic in the descent direction,which can be solved using LQ techniques [6].

1) Linearization of DJ(η(t)) ◦ ζ(t): Equation (8) islinearized by taking the directional derivative of J(η(t)) inthe direction ζ(t), where ζ(t) = (z(t), v(t)), resulting in

DJ(η(t)) ◦ ζ(t) =qK�




�� T



TFk(x(σ))dσ − φk

◦� T



TDFk(x(τ)) ◦ z(τ)dτ


� T

0R(τ)u(τ) ◦ v(τ)dτ.

This expression can be rearranged, pulling the expressionin parentheses into the second integral over τ , and switchingthe order of the integral and summation, to the following:

DJ(η(t)) ◦ ζ(t) =� T






�� T



TFk(x(σ))dσ − φk

◦ 1TDFk(x(τ))

�◦ z(τ) +R(τ)u(τ) ◦ v(τ)dτ.


aT (τ) =qK�




�� T



TFk(x(σ))dσ − φk

◦ 1TDFk(x(τ))


and bT (τ) = R(τ)u(τ), DJ(η(t)) ◦ ζ(t) can be written

DJ(η(t)) ◦ ζ(t) =� T

0aT (τ) ◦ z(τ) + bT (τ) ◦ v(τ)dτ,

which is linear in ζ(t) = (z(t), v(t)).2) Definition of 1

2 �ζ, ζ�: The second term in Eq. (8) canbe defined as

12 �ζ, ζ� =

� T



TQn(τ)z(τ) +12v(τ)Rn(τ)v(τ)


+ 12z(T )

TP1nz(T )

Where Qn and P1n are arbitrary positive semi-definite matri-ces and Rn is positive definite. See [6] for more information.

3) Linearization of the Constraint: Because the descentdirection ζi(t) is constrained to lie in the tangent space of thetrajectory manifold, it must satisfy the differential equation

zi(t) = A(t)zi(t) +B(t)vi(t),

where A(t) = D1f(xi(t), ui(t)) and B(t) =D2f(xi(t), ui(t)), a linear equation in ζi(t).

The LQR formulation of Eq. (7) is therefore

arg minξ

� T

0aT z + bT v + 1


+ 12v(τ)Rn(τ)v(τ)dτ + 1

2z(T )TP1nz(T ),

subject to

z(t) = A(t)z(t) +B(t)v(t) z(0) = z0.

The problem reduces to solving a linear quadratic optimalcontrol problem for the descent direction at each iteration.This solution is found using the standard Ricatti differentialequations [6], [16].


In order to demonstrate the proposed ergodic trajectoryoptimization for a nonlinear, dynamic system, a simula-tion was carried out for a sensor traversing two differentPDFs in two dimensional space, using a simple kinematicmodel for the sensor dynamics. The state for this model isx(t) = (X(t), Y (t), θ(t)) where X(t) and Y (t) are cartesiancoordinates and θ(t) is the heading angle. The control isu(t) = (v(t),ω(t)) where v(t) is forward velocity and ω(t)is the angular velocity. The dynamics of the model are

f(x) =

cos (x3(t)) 0sin (x3(t)) 0

0 1

· u(t). (9)

Figure 2 shows an optimally ergodic trajectory for thedynamics in Eq. 9 with respect to a bimodal Gaussian PDF,shown as level sets in Fig. 2. For the trajectory shown inFigure 2, the optimization was initialized to a figure-eight-like pattern, chosen as an initialization which approximatesuniform coverage. The trajectory used as the initializationis shown as a dotted black line. The optimized trajectory isplotted in white, using the termination criteria that ||DJ(·)◦ζ|| converge to zero within a tolerance of 10−3.

Fig. 2: Initial and optimal trajectories for a bimodal PDF and the dynamicsof Eq. 9. Grayscale contours represent the spatial distribution; the initialtrajectory is plotted in black, the optimized trajectory in white.

Qualitatively, whereas the initial trajectory explores thedomain approximately uniformly, the optimized trajectoryspends more time near the peaks of the PDF. Figure 3compares the PDF representing the spatial distribution, andthe PDFs representing the time-averaged trajectories for theinitial trajectory in Fig. 3(b), and the optimized trajectory inFig. 3(c). After applying the optimization, the PDF in Fig.3(c) closely matches the spatial PDF in Fig. 3(a).

The optimization was applied over the same distribution

(a) 3D Plot of the spatial PDF shownin Fig. 2

(b) PDF representing time-averaged initial trajectory (dottedblack line in Fig. 2)

(c) PDF representing time-averaged optimized trajectory(white line in Fig. 2)

Fig. 3

(a) (b)

Fig. 4: Initial (black) and optimal (white) trajectories over the same PDFas an Fig. 2, for two different initial trajectories.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5: Initial (black) and optimal (white) trajectories (white) shown overan alternate PDF for two initializations.

for two additional initial trajectories. Figure 4 shows twoalternate locally optimally ergodic trajectories (plotted inwhite) over the same PDF. The optimizations in Fig. 4 wereinitialized with different initial conditions for the dynamicequations and different initial trajectories for the optimiza-tion, once again plotted in black. The objective functionderived only requires that the time averaged statistics of thetrajectory converge towards the spatial statistics; dependingon what initialization is used for the optimization, the tra-jectory may therefore look very different, although the time-averaged statistics are similar.

The algorithm was also applied over a different spatialdistribution using two different initializations, shown inFig 5. Once again, the optimized trajectories are differentfor different initializations, although both spend a greaterpercentage of time in areas of the PDF where the density ishighest.

Sensitivity of the optimization method to the initializationis likely the result of several factors. Because a finitenumber of basis functions were used to represent spatialand time-averaged PDFs, some inherent smoothing of thetime-averaged data occurs. The loss of resolution results insimilar approximation of different trajectories for a finitenumber of basis functions. This could be remedied by usinglarger numbers of basis functions, however an increasing

Fig. 24�a4�b5�a5�b

0 10 20 30 40 500.0






Iteration �

Fig. 6: Plot of the decay of the ergodic metric from Eq. 1. The legend cor-responds to which figure shows the optimal trajectory the line correspondsto; Fig. 2, Fig. 4(a),(b) or Fig. 5(a),(b).

the number of basis functions increases computational cost.Analysis of the tradeoff between computational cost and ben-efits of finer resolution will be left to future work, howeverFig. 6 demonstrates that for number of basis functions usedhere, the trajectories all provide similarly optimally ergodicsolutions.

As mentioned, the optimal trajectories for all five initial-izations over both PDFs satisfy the necessary conditions ofoptimality, i.e. ||DJ(·) ◦ ζ|| converges to zero within thechosen tolerance; the trajectories are all local minima of theobjective function in neighborhoods around the initial trajec-tories. The decay of the ergodic metric E with each iterationof the optimization is shown in Fig. 6 for all five trajectories.The value of the metric decays very quickly, with 99% of thebenefit of the continuous time algorithm realized after fewerthan 10 iterations of the. Therefore, while this approach ismore computationally expensive per iteration compared togreedy approaches, such as the controller designed in [5], asmall number of iterations results in significant improvementof the ergodicity.


In this paper, a method is presented for determiningoptimal exploration trajectories with respect to a giveninformation density. The problem is cast as an infinite-dimensional trajectory optimization, where the objectivefunction is defined by the distance from ergodicity betweena spatial PDF, representative of the information density overthe exploration region and the time-averaged behavior of thecontinuous trajectory. The ergodic metric presented in [5] isused to formulate an iterative descent algorithm is derived forcalculating a receding horizon control strategy. The algorithmis formulated for general nonlinear dynamics, and providesa continuous-time optimal control solution. The method isdemonstrated for a kinematic model of sensor dynamics, overtwo different spatial PDFs from different initial conditions.Simulations demonstrate that a small number of iterationsresult in dramatic decrease in the objective function.

Ultimately, this method has potential applications in amulti-scan exploration or detection algorithm for generalexploration problems. Future work will involve applyingthis method to experimental sensor models. Additionally,second-order optimality conditions will be derived in orderto increase convergence rates. One of the limitations of thisapproach is that the sampling time-horizon is fixed. Analysisof the effects of the length of the time horizon and theproperties of the resulting trajectory is planned for futurework.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis material is based upon work supported by the Na-

tional Institute of Health under grant T32 HD007418 andthe National Science Foundation under Grant IIS 1018167.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation or the National Institute of Health.


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