training need analysis

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Best ppt on TNA by Sunil Thakur


Training Need AnalysisTraining Need AnalysisTraining needs analysis process is a series of activities conducted to identify problems or other issues in the workplace, and to determine whether training is an appropriate response.

The bigger pictureThe bigger picture

Organisational performance

Employee performance

Employee Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes

Employee education, experience and training


Training helps to bridge the gapExisting

• Skills• Knowledge• Attitudes

Required• Skills• Knowledge• Attitudes

Training Need Analysis (TNA)

TNA is a tool toidentify the gapExisting

• Skills• Knowledge• Attitudes

Required• Skills• Knowledge• Attitudes

TNA (Step 1): Future performance

Existing performance

Future performance

What are expected future performance of organisation?

• profit• growth• customer base• new products• ?• ?

TNA (Step 2): Challenges

Existing challenges

Future challenges

What are we concerned about? What’re the challenges today?

What challenges we are likely to face in the future?

TNA (Step 3): Employee performance

Existing performance

Future Performance

In what way our employees should start performing differently to help us meet the challenges and take us to the goals?

TNA (Step 4): New Skills, knowledge and Attitudes


Required• Skills• Knowledge• Attitudes

In order for our employees to perform differently, what kind of new Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes they need to have?

TNA (Step 5): Training needs


Required• Skills• Knowledge• Attitudes

Now that we know what kind of new Skills, knowledge and Attitudes are required for our employees, how can we bridge the gap?

TNA in essence…TNA in essence…

Start with future organisational goals and challenges

Assess required employee performance to meet the goals and challenges

Assess required employee Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes to deliver the performance

Identify employee training needs to bridge the gap





Who Conducts Needs Who Conducts Needs Analysis & Why?Analysis & Why?

An in-house trainer or a consultant performs a needs analysis to collect and document information concerning any of the following issues :1. Performance problems2. Anticipated introduction of new system, task or technology3. A desire by the organization to benefit from a perceived opportunity

Techniques for Determining Techniques for Determining Specific Training NeedsSpecific Training Needs


In this approach, an employee’s performance itself is source of

information. You evaluate a worker’s performance through

first-hand observation and analysis.

InterviewsInterviewsInterviews allow you to meet

employees face to face. Because you are in conversation with workers, you can explore their responses in depth. You can ask for clarification of comments and for examples of what they mean. In this way, you obtain a full understanding of their performance deficiencies.

QuestionnairesQuestionnairesA questionnaire is a sort of

interview on paper. You create your own questionnaire by writing down all the questions you want employees to answer for you.

Questionnaires can be useful in obtaining a ‘ big picture ’ of what a large number of employees think.

Job DescriptionsJob DescriptionsWhen an employee’s job

description has been defined, the trainer can easily tailor his training curriculum to a very close proximity.

The Difficulty AnalysisThe Difficulty AnalysisThe Difficulty Analysis

establishes which of the duties cause the employee the greatest amount of troubles and how this trouble can be reduced through better training.

Problem Solving Problem Solving ConferenceConferenceAnother time-tested technique for

gathering needs analysis material from employees is to conduct periodic problem solving conferences.

It is always helpful to utilize an outside consultant to moderate such sessions. This outside sponsorship has a tendency of letting the workers express their feelings about his organization, and the session can then be geared to training needs.

Formula To DecideFormula To Decide




Determine Cause(s)Determine Cause(s)

Is it a problem of skill or

a problem of will?

I don’t wanna!I don’t know how.

I don’t wanna!

If a skill deficiency..If a skill deficiency..

Provide trainingProvide practiceProvide feedbackSimplify the taskOJTTransferTerminate

Yes, it is a problem of will…Yes, it is a problem of will…Then one last questionThen one last question



Thank You!

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