trabalho inglês 20-03-2014 role play

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 Trabalho Ingls 20-03-2014 Role Play


    Narrador (Adriana) - John and Mary, two friends, are watching a soapopera at Marys house.

    (Ins escreve no quadro Previously in The Betrayal)

    (Adriana - Summer e Guedes - Brad passeiam juntos e passam pelo ngelo -Bill, que pisca o olho/acena a Brad).

    (Ins apaga o quadro)

    Summer - Brad, whats happening? Why are you acting so strangely lately?

    Brad - Summer Im sorry for not telling you this sooner, but Im gay.

    Summer You mean youre happy?Brad- No, Im homosexual.

    Summer- Aah I cant believeit! You are ridiculous! (sai a chorar)

    (Ins escreve no quadro Later that day)

    (Brad vai ter com Bill)

    Bill- Brad! My love! Im so happy to see you.Brad- I finally faced Summer with the truth. Now, its time for us to behappy together.

    (Do as mos e saem de cena)

    (Adriana escreve no quadro Break)

    John- I heard that Brad and Bill are really gay, outside the screens.

    Mary- I dont know, but even if that is true, they have the right to privacyand to live their lives quietly.

    John- I disagree. Starting from the moment when they decided to beactors and have a celebrityslife, they gave away the right to privacy andthe possibility of having a calm, relaxed life.

    Mary- Look, the break is over!

    (Adriana apaga o quadro)

  • 8/11/2019 Trabalho Ingls 20-03-2014 Role Play


    (Brad e Bill vo ao facebook e descobrem fotos que Summer colocou sempermisso)

    Bill- I cant believe she did this! Summer put photoson Facebook of us

    hanging out in the shopping!

    Brad- Shes so stupid! Dating her was a big mistake.

    Bill- How did she get these photos?

    Brad- She must have invaded my facebook account.

    Bill- You have got to be more careful. Maybe you should talk to a computerexpert to fix the situation.

    Brad Yes. Perhaps we should have a little revenge after this

    (Ins escreve no quadro Later that day)

    (Summer vai ao computador e tambm foi invadida no facebook)

    Summer- Aah! They broke in my facebook account!

    (ngelo escreve no quadro To be continued)

    Mary- Ah I love this soap opera. The shows I like the most on TV aresitcoms, reality shows and musicals.

    John- Really? Well, I prefer cartoons and nature documentaries.

    Narrador (ngelo) - Meanwhile, Peter, a friend of Mary and John, knocksthe door and gets inside to listen to the radio with his friends.

    Peter- Hi! Im sorry for taking so long, I was at my girlfriends house.

    Mary- thats ok. We have just finished watching The Betrayal

    John- Why dont we turn on the radio and hear whats going on?

    ngelo (locutor) - Good afternoon! This week, wireless internet routerswere installed in public spaces in Uganda, allowing access to information tobe easier.

    Adriana (locutora) - what an important improvement in Ugandans lifequality!

  • 8/11/2019 Trabalho Ingls 20-03-2014 Role Play


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