towards the metro

Post on 26-Sep-2015






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Towards the Metro

White fluffy cotton candies are everywhere. They encapsulate me like I am in Willy Wonka's Factory. It's a place where all children and children-wanna-be's would like to be. It's a world full of wonderful things and beautiful memories and smiles including laughter and merry-makings.

However, as these white fluffs rise up above, I start to see the reality of the world. I see a place with children on the streets, begging for food. Some have no clothes; others were sleeping on paper boxes under the railway while some just sleep along the roadside. That's not all, I saw a woman tucking in about a month old baby in her right arm while holding another child about a year old on the right hand accompanied by a little girl with long fingernail, dingy hands and barefooted who was poking me to give alms.

These are the things we only see in highly urbanized cities called the metro. Most but not all are facing this economic problem. So, "how do we solve it?" is the question we are slowly providing answers. But let me take you to another scene.

As I stood at the foot of the so called "Samba Zing Tsik" of Macau (AKA St. Paul Ruin's) I felt a cold air swept across my face. I shivered for the moment but eventually wanted more. I have climbed about a hundred stairs but this is an exceptional journey. The place is indeed very crowded with tourists and locals but I never saw a single beggar along the streets. Are they hiding them somewhere? I do not know. All I see around me are people feasting with the street foods, holding their monopods, taking snapshots, exchanging smiles and greetings. Oh! What a very relaxing place to be.

True indeed, we learn a lot of things when we go to places. We discover new horizons as we try to reach the visible one ahead of us only to find out that the horizon never ends. Each step takes you to another place and gives you a brand new perspective in life.

Bottom line? Experiences either inspire us or frustrate us. We are given a choice. This is our challenge. May we be given God's wisdom to make the righteous effort to help those who need it.

Join us! WE CAN make a difference.

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