top 20 tips to attract more delegates to your events

Post on 26-May-2015






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what makes this conference and exhibition so popular and what lessons can we learn for attracting more delegates to other conferences and events. The first thing is reputation. Over a nine year period the conference has established a growing reputation for excellence. Speakers include internationally renowned names from the arts, sport, business and education. A couple of delegate comments from previous years sum up what this conference is all about: “Inspired, informed, entertained and painfully poignant at times, just what I needed” “Fantastic, inspirational, current!” One of the things we ask our clients at the outset is; What will they be saying on the way home on the bus? We try to envisage a set of statements similar to those above that we would want our audience to be saying after they’ve attended the event. These statements serve as a cornerstone for developing the content of the event. Next comes creativity, understanding that people listen and learn differently. Creating content in different formats that appeal to all 5 senses. So how do you ensure you produce killer content your delegates will love? Involvement is the simple answer. The important thing is to ensure that people are engaged and interested, keeping the audience involved in the conversations and maintaining interaction throughout the event. Thirdly we need to ask the question that all delegates considering attending your event will ask. “What’s in it for me?” A clear statement of the benefits that individuals can expect to receive from attending. Some clients are reluctant to publish a draft programme due to lack of confirmed speakers or in anticipation of changes. We say ‘go out as early as possible’ with a provisional programme and a ‘Save the Date’ diary marker. Doing this enables people to think and plan ahead, working out how they can maximise their attendance at the event, encouraging others to attend by spreading the word. And finally, make them smile, we all recall those things that made us smile.  By following these few simple rules, thinking and working hard to put the focus on the needs of the audience will go a long way to ensuring you attract more delegates to your event.


Five phase, 20 step model

Building the reputation of conferences and events to attract bigger audiences...

Steve Elliott,Blackberry Productions

Research Objectives Draft Test

Content Benefits Creativity Venue

Advertise Promote Premium Sell out

Plan Involve Rehearse Smile

Feedback Measure Celebrate Reputation

Five phase, 20 step model


Understanding who and what else is competing for your audience


Write down the core aims and purpose of your event

Draft a plan

Create an outline programme, start and finish times, breaks, lunch, key speakers, activities


Take your draft plan for a test drive, invite your target groups to offer comments and improvements


Your event is the container, the meaning is your core theme. Ensure all speakers are briefed and on message.


Why you should buy a ticket – how much would you pay?What’s in it for me? Will it be worth my time and money?


Understand that people learn in different ways – Engage the 5 senses

Location, flexibility, service, excellence;What does the venue say about your event?


Go to market as early as possible; get the date in their diaries


Segment and target groups use both online and offline marketing


Offer a range of tickets options. In all walks of life people will want to pay more for added benefits; perceived or real!

Sell out

Being oversubscribed is easier to manage that chasing numbers


A detailed on-site schedule agreed with the venue, shared as widely as possible – no surprises.


Involve everyone in a detailed event briefing to remove any assumptions or misunderstandings


Don’t allow people to put their reputation at risk.


Completely free to use and with maximum impact. One of the most powerful tools in the success tookit


Seek reactive and reflective feedback to help understand what and why.


How did we measure up against the objectives?

Establish a process for measuring success.


Acknowledge and Reward the team – create event ambassadors


Publish the results and testimonials and build the reputation of the event.

Successful events that attract an audience, engage and interact with them and ultimately inspire them will be based on robust upfront research, detailed planning and excellent delivery to ensure that what we create not only meets but surpasses the expectations of our audience.

If you set out with your own number 1 objective of building the REPUTATION of the event and as the project develops your regularly ask yourself ‘ will this build the reputation of my event’ you are well on your way to ensuring that you attract more people to attend your events.


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