top 10 adobe premiere add-ons

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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for Creative Professionals

Top 10 Add-ons for Adobe Premiere

Slide 2Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

For video pros, that means finding

plugins that can help expand your

options for editing and compositing

your videos. And Adobe Premiere Pro

is one of those powerful tools that

has a large assortment of add-ons.

Here are our top 10 most useful

Adobe Premiere Pro add-ons.

Creative professionals are always

pressed for time — that’s why they

have to be on the lookout for ways

to make work more efficient.


Slide 3Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

1. TwixtorSlow down or speed up your videos without any ugly artifacts.

Suddenly bullet-time sequences a la The Matrix are absolutely doable. Price: V6 $329.95 / V6 Pro $595

Slide 4Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

Probably one of the most complete — and still totally

free — audio add-ons out there. Over 20 built-in

audio tools, including: equalizer, compressor,

frequency analyzer, mixer, and more. Price: Free

2. MFreeEffectsBundle

Slide 5Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

A color corrector that allows you to adjust

shadows, mid-tones, and highlights, plus

a wealth of other color and tracking options. Price: $199

3. Magic Bullet Colorista III

Slide 6Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

A quick way to give your videos the stylized color

grade of a Hollywood film, while being able to

preserve skin tones so your talents stand out from

the background. Price: $99

4. Magic Bullet Mojo 2.0

Slide 7Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

Quickly generate static titles, title rolls, and title crawls. Because what’s

an epic video without some epic credit sequences? Price: Free

5. Manifesto

Slide 8Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

6. Digisuite (Damage, Phenomena, Tweak, & Aura)

Bundled suite of 4 add-ons that do everything

from glitching up your video (Damage); controlling

lighting effects (Aura); simulating fire, fireworks,

or electricity (Phenomena); to generating patterns,

textures, and animated warping effects (Tweak). Price: $299

Slide 9Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

Gives you over 60 GPU-accelerated effects and transitions, even

allowing you to achieve the stylized retro look of Kung Fury as well

as generate the looping backgrounds & motion graphics.Price: $99/year

7. Universe 2

Slide 10Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

8. FilmConvert Pro Give your video the look of different film cameras or film

stocks. Basically, a digital way to achieve an analog look.

Perfect for your fan sequel to Stranger Things. Price: $149

Slide 11Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

9. Free Organic Particle Effects Allows you to add real dust particle effects

to any footage you’ve already filmed.

Expect dust motes, snow flakes, debris. Price: Free

Slide 12Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

10. FilmImpact - Transition Pack 1

Price: $49

10 transitions you can use right out

of the box to shift from one scene

to the next. Choices include: blur

dissolve, flash, push, roll, stretch,

and even a copy machine swipe.

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