top 10 acne myths by allure medical spa

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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veryone has their go-to products and home remedies for how to deal with acne flareups. We will help decipher which methods are effective and which are actually harmful to your skin.

Acne is not caused by dirt, poor hygiene, or not washing your face. Overcleansing and scrubbing with harsh astringents and exfoliators can actually irritate your skin and make the acne worse. A simple cleansing of the skin to get rid of excess oil and dead skin cells is all that is needed.


A common misconception is that junk food and other greasy foods cause acne. No scientific relationship has been found between eating these foods and occurrence of acne. Some studies claim that milk products can cause acne, due to the presence of hormones and bacteria in the milk. Further studies need to be done to confirm a direct cause-and-effect correlation. Diets with a high glycemic index have also been found to worsen acne. In other words, an overall healthy diet that is low in carbs and fat isn’t just good for our bodies but also our skin.


A common misconception is that junk food and other greasy foods cause acne. No scientific relationship has been found between eating these foods and occurrence of acne. Some studies claim that milk products can cause acne, due to the presence of hormones and bacteria in the milk. Further studies need to be done to confirm a direct cause-and-effect correlation. Diets with a high glycemic index have also been found to worsen acne. In other words, an overall healthy diet that is low in carbs and fat isn’t just good for our bodies but also our skin.

Stress can definitely affect hormones, which promote acne.It’s hard to quantify this though. An effective acne treatment regimen will override a bit of everyday stress in most cases.


Excessive washing may dehydrate your skin and cause it to overcompensate and produce more oil. I recommend washing your face gently with mild cleansers and pat your face dry. Look for a good non-comedogenic (meaning less likely to clog pores) moisturizer. To avoid clogging pores, I advise that moisturizer be limited only to areas that are dry. I like mild washes such as Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser or CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser. Avoid harsh cleansers such as St. Ives Apricot Scrub or other scrubs intended for the body.



Studies have shown that UVA light, which is the light typically used in tanning beds, does not benefit acne.Exposing yourself to sun or tanning booths may seem to helping you initially, since darker skin may conceal the redness of acne. Once the tan goes away, you will see acne is still there. Keep in mind that UV rays also promote premature aging of the skin and even can contribute to skin cancer.


Try not to pick or squeeze your pimples. This can inflame your skin and leave permanent scars on your face.


Adults can get acne. It can happen at any age, even in 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s. A good acne regimen is tailored to your specific needs (dark spots, scarring), type of acne (whether is it clogged pores, inflammatory, or both) and age (fine lines, hormonal cause).



I recommend that you use sunscreen with at least SPF 30.Use a noncomedogenic (non-pore-clogging) or zinc oxide based sun-screen, if you are prone to acne. One of my favorite sunscreens is Aveeno Protect and Hydrate. It is has an SPF of 30 and is both oil-free and noncomedogenic.


This is true to some extent. If you have acne, I would advise to use lighter foundations and concealers.You can even purchase makeup that helps fight acne and contains salicyclic acid. A few good over-the-counter brands with anti-acne ingredients include Almay, Neutrogena, and Physician’s Formula. Thicker liquid foundations (i.e. MAC) can clog your pores and may contribute to breakouts. Don’t forget to wash your makeup off every night!

For persistent acne that does not improve with over-the-counter treatments, we suggest you see a Dermatologist for treatment.If left untreated, it can leave permanent scars. Acne can have a long lasting effect on self-esteem. Flareups can cause acne sufferers to avoid social events and not to want to leave their home. Acne is a condition that warrants medical attention!


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