toddler hat pattern pdf

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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toddler hat knitting pattern


Toddler Split-Brim Hat!

!!!Size: To fit toddler 18 months to 3 years!!Gauge: 9.5 stitches and 15 rows equals 4 inches in stockinette stitch!!Materials: !Yarn: 85 grams / 53 yards Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick!Us size 13 (9mm) 16 inch circular needles and double pointed needles, or long circular needle for magic loop!One stitch marker!Darning Needle!!Skills Needed:!Knit!Purl!k2tog (knit 2 together)!Working flat!Working in the round!Using DPNs or magic loop for top of hat decreases!!!

Pattern!!With 16 inch circular needle, using long tail cast on, CO 36 sts!!Note: Ribbing is worked flat!!Row 1: (k1, p1) repeat to end of row!Repeat row 1 until work measures 2.5 inches from cast on edge, then join to work in the round.!!Place marker to indicate beginning of round.!!Round 1: knit all stitches!Repeat round 1 until work measures 6 inches from cast on edge.!!Begin Decreasing as follows:!!Note: Switch to DPNs or magic loop when circumference of hat becomes too small to fit on 16 inch circular!!Round 1: (k4, k2tog) repeat to end of round!Round 2: knit!Round 3: (k3, k2tog) repeat to end of round!Round 4: knit!Round 5: (k2, k2tog) repeat to end of round!Round 6: knit!Round 7: (k1, k2tog) repeat to end of round!Round 8: (k2tog) repeat to end of round!Round 9: (k2tog) repeat to end of round!!Break yarn and pull through remaining stitches.!Weave in ends.!!Make and attach braided tassels as follows:!!Step 1: Cut 6 strands of yarn to a length of 35 inches each.!Step 2: Thread 3 strands through one corner of ribbing at bottom front of hat.!Step 3: Fold the strands in half lengthwise and separate into 3 sections.!Step 4: Braid the sections together.!Step 5: When you have about 4 inches of unbraided yarn left, tie an overhand knot to create a tassel.!Step 6: Trim tassel ends evenly to desired length.!!Repeat steps 2 through 6 for second tassel on opposite side of hat.!!Make a pompom and attach it to the top of hat.!!!

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