tnatura snowshoe run pokljuka slovenia

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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TNatura Christmas run on snowshoes will be held on 20th December 2014 on Pokljuka, alongside the IBU World Cup Biathlon. We invite you to join us and try something new and in a fun, competitive way you can get familiar with an exceptional activity that can become a big part of your life! Through the following pages we welcome you to find all the information about the competition, registration and Pokljuka


welcome nature and sport lovers!

Following the successful implementation of the first ETU Triathlon TNatura Cross, we (At Triatlon Club Pokljuka) decided to offer a unique and new sporting challenge to all sports enthusiasts also during the winter. We want to offer something new, attractive, entertaining; activity, which is suitable for all. All this and much more is TNatura Christmas Run on snowshoes!

TNatura Christmas run on snowshoes will be held on 20th December 2014 on Pokljuka, alongside the IBU World Cup Biathlon.

We invite you to join us and try something new and in a fun, competitive way you can get familiar with an exceptional activity that can become a big part of your life! Through the following pages we welcome you to find all the information about the competition, registration and Pokljuka.

Accept the challenge and join us on the first Christmas TNatura run on snowshoes!

why be a part of the christmas tnatura run:

– The first winter version series of TNatura!– Competition is suitable for everyone– Enjoy the unspoiled nature– Try yourself in snowshoe run, which is an unforgettable adventure– Registration includes a ticket for the IBU World Cup Biathlon, rental of snowshoes, coupon for lunch and a practical gift– draw of 3 rich practical awards among all performers at the final ceremony

– A unique opportunity to start your Christmas holidays– A unique opportunity for good wishes in the year to come

pozdravljeni ljubitelji narave in športa!

Po uspešni izvedbi prvega ETU TNatura Kros triatlona smo se v TK Pokljuka odločili, da športnim navdušencem tudi v zimskem času poizkusimo ponuditi edinstven, nov športni izziv. Želimo ponuditi nekaj novega, atraktivnega, zabavnega; aktivnost, ki je primerna za vse. Vse to in še več je TNatura Božični tek na krpljah!

TNatura božični tek na krpljah bo organiziran 20.12.2014 na Pokljuki, ob boku svetovnega prvenstva v biatlonu.

Vabimo Vas, da se nam pridružite in poizkusite nekaj novega, se skozi zabaven, tudi tekmovalen način spoznate z izjemno aktivnostjo, ki lahko postane velik del vašega življenja! Na naslednjih straneh najdete vse informacije o tekmovanju, prijavah ter Pokljuki.

Sprejmite izziv in se nam pridružite na prvem TNatura božičnem teku na krpljah!

zakaj biti del božične etape tnatura:

– prva zimska izvedba serije TNatura!– tekmovanje je primerno za vsakogar – uživanje v neokrnjeni naravi– preizkusiti se v teku s krpljami, kar je nepozabna dogodivščina– v ceno je vključen ogled biatlonske tekme za svetovni pokal, izposoja krpelj, kupon za malico ter praktično darilce– žrebanje 3 bogatih praktičnih nagrad med vsemi nastopajočimi

– enkratna priložnost za začetek božičnih počitnic– enkratna priložnost za voščilo lepih želja v letu, ki prihaja

Dear, the 2015 Winter World Masters Games are proud to offer snowshoeing as a demonstration sport. This edition of the Masters Games, taking place in Québec City, winter capital of Canada, offers nine official sports and snowshoeing as a demo sport. The demonstration will take place on Saturday, January 31, 2015 as part of the World Snowshoe Championship presented in collaboration with the International Snowshoeing Federation (issf). Participants will have the choice between a 5 and 10 km race, both taking place on the Plains of Abraham.All registered participants at the Winter World Masters Games are able to register for the snowshoeing competition taking place on the Opening Day of the Games January 31, 2015, with no additional fees. No qualification is required.To register for the snowshoeing competition, contact Félix Larue at flaruewwmg@mastersgamesquebec2015.comMore at

dobrodošli v bohinju in na pokljukiwelcome to bohinj and pokljuka plateau

Bohinj leži v osrčju Julijskih Alp in več kot dve tretjini območja leži v Triglavskem narodnem parku. Bohinj obsega Nomenjsko kotlino, Spodnjo in Zgornjo Bohinjsko dolino, jezersko kotlino, planoti Pokljuka in Jelovica ter visokogorje.

Najbolj prepoznavna naravna lepota je Bohinjsko jezero, največje naravno stalno jezero v Sloveniji. Štiriindvajset naselij, nanizanih v dolini in nad njo, pa skriva čudovito bogastvo preteklosti, radoživost sedanjosti in skrivnost prihodnosti.


z avtom iz Ljubljane skozi Bled, ali iz Bohinja z avtobusom v času biatlonskih tekem zaradi omejenega števila parkirnih mest svetujemo, da se odločite za organiziran avtobusni prevoz iz Bohinja ali z Bleda z vlakom iz Ljubljane, preko Jesenic ali iz smeri Nove Gorice z avtovlakom z Mosta na Soči in iz Podbrda z letalom Letališče Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana (50 km)

Bohinj is located in the heart of the Julian Alps and more than two-thirds of Bohinj lie in the only Slovenian National Park: Triglav National Park. Bohinj comprises of Nomenj Basin, Upper and Lower Bohinj valley, Lake Basin, Plateau Pokljuka and Jelovica and mountains.

The most recognizable natural beauty of Bohinj is its lake, the largest permanent natural lake in Slovenia. And Bohinj with its twenty-four villages, lined through the valley and above it, welcomes you to discover fabulous wealth of hidden past, cheerfulness present and future secrets.


z avtom from Ljubljana, through Bled or from Bohinj by bus due to limited number of parking spaces we advise you to take the shuttle buses from Bohinj and Bled during the IBU World Cup Biathlon by train from Ljubljana in direction Jesenice and Nova Goricaby cartrain from Most na Soči and from Podbrdo by plane Ljubljana (Jože Pučnik) Airport (50 km), from Trieste Airport (Ronchi, 200 km) from Klagenfurt Airport (70 km)

Pokljuka–a high karst plateau (1,200–1,500m) on the eastern edge of the Triglav National Park overlaps vast pine forests. Unspoiled nature and recreational facilities classify Pokljuka among popular destinations for family holidays all year round.

Some settlements lean across the plateau on its south-ern slope, classified mountain pastures. Among compact forests specific ecosystems Pokljuka–peat bogs (Learn-ing Path Moor Goreljek), remains of the operations of the glacier, are hiding.

Visoko kraško planoto Pokljuka (1.200–1.500 m) na vzho-dnem robu Triglavskega narodnega parka prekrivajo pro-strani smrekovi gozdovi. Neokrnjena narava in številne možnosti za rekreacijo uvrščajo Pokljuko med priljubljene destinacije za družinske počitnice v vseh letnih časih.

Na njenem južnem pobočju sloni nekaj naselij, po vsej pla-noti so razvrščene številne planine. Med strnjenimi gozdovi se skrivajo posebni ekosistemi Pokljuke – šotna barja (Učna pot Barje Goreljek), ki so ostanek delovanja ledenika.






























P o k l j u

k aTriglav2864 m

Veliki Bogatin2005 m

Rodica1966 m

tek s krpljamisnowshoe run

Snowshoeing has become one of the most popular winter activities in recent years and it provides a good workout for the cardiovascular system, moreover it is suitable for both children and adults.

Snowshoeing is also fairly straightforward activity, where you can enjoy a wonderful beautiful, dreamy, quiet winter day, because it is very similar to walking or running.

Sports Snowshoes are now the most popular and are made from aluminum, rubber and other high-tech materials, so they are easier, more persistent and less complex to maintain. For athletes, it is recommended to use snowshoes specially designed for the competition. These snowshoes are lighter, smaller and asymmetric.

Running with snowshoes is no different than normal running technique. Snowshoes only help us in main-taining the stability of the foot on the snow.

Krpljanje je postalo eno bolj priljubljenih zimskih aktivnosti v zadnjih letih, ki omogoča dobro vadbo za kardiovaskularni sistem in je primerno tako za otroke kot odrasle.

Krpljanje je tudi dokaj enostavna aktivnost, kjer lahko uživate v čudovito lepem, zasanjanem, tihem zimskem dnevu saj je zelo podobno hoji ali teku.

Športne krplje so danes najpopularnejše krplje in so narejene iz aluminija, gume in drugih visoko tehnoloških materialov, zato so lažje, obstojnejše in manj zahtevne za vzdrževanje. Za športnike pa je priporočljivo, da uporabljajo posebej izdelane krplje za tekmovanja. Take krplje so lažje, manjše in asimetrične.

Tek s krpljami je normalna tehnika teka, krplje pa nam pomagajo pri ohranjanju stabilnosti noge na snegu.


sobota/saturday, 20. december 2014

prevzem štartnih paketov s časovno tabelo (oznaka X),informacije o štartno ciljnem prostoru collecting of packages with starting time table (mark X),detailed information about start/finish area

prvi krog kvalifikacij TNaturafirst round of qualifications TNatura

svetovni pokal ženske zasledovalna tekma na 10 kmWorld Cup Women Pursuit game (10km)

drugi krog kvalifikacij TNaturasecond round of qualifications TNatura

svetovni pokal moški zasledovalna tekma na 12,5 kmWorld Cup Men Pursuit game (12.5km)

finale TNatura Christmas RunTNatura Christmas Run finals

podelitev v prireditvenem šotoru (prvi trije moški in ženske) award ceremony in the event tent (the first three male and female)








The race lap is approx. 400m long and sets on the edge of the main biathlon area on Pokljuka. The start and finish area will be behind the military barracks (you will receive detailed information when collecting starting packages).

The first 130m track runs along the cross country trail of 3–4m width and is constantly ascending. Track then follows a short but steep climb and turns right, and from there the track narrows and is quite technical the following 50m. Another right turn and you are back on country cross trail and descending. After approx. 150m you need to turn right again and track then mounts towards the finish line. Last 50m of the track runs through various turns.

The course will be clearly marked and on a compacted snow throughout the lap. Before each start a sufficient time for warm-up and testing your snowshoe running skills will be available.

Every athlete will get a starting number with their snowshoes before the start of the race. Qualifying round will see groups of 20–25 runners (depending on the end number of registered athletes), each one determined by a draw one day before the race. The exact starting lists (groups and timetable) will be available on the evening of the race and as a part of starting packages for the athletes (all information will also be posted on the info point at the venue). Each race in the qualification round will include 5 laps (approx. 2km) and the finalists are determined by a system of elimination. After each lap (except the first) the last 3 athletes are eliminated from continuing the race.

There are 6 athletes in the last lap and the fastest 3 go into the final round. The final is a 10 lap race (approx. 4km) and is a regular race to the finish line for all the finalists!

Tekmovanje bo potekalo na krogu, dolgem cca. 400 m, s štartom in ciljem za vojašnico (natančnejše podatke boste prejeli ob prevzetju štartnih paketov).

Prvih 130 m proga poteka po tekaški progi širine 3–4 m in se konstantno vzpenja. Potem sledi kratek, a strm del vzpona ter zavoj desno, od tam pa se proga zoži in naslednjih 50 m je precej tehnična. Sledi desni ovinek in spust po tekaški progi. Po cca. 150 m sledi zopet zavoj desno, od koder se proga vzpenja proti cilju. Zadnjih 50 m je speljano skozi ovinke.

Proga bo utrjena in dobro označena. Pred vsakim štartom bo en krog namenjen ogrevanju ter preizkušanju tehnike teka s krpljami.

Štartne številke bodo tekmovalci prejeli pred štartom teka, skupaj s krpljami. Tekmovanje bo potekalo po sistemu kvalifikacij, in sicer bodo narejene predskupine po 20–25 tekmovalcev, ki jih bomo žrebali dan pred tekmo. Točen razpored po skupinah ter časovno tabelo bodo tekmovalci dobili v štartnem paketu. Kvalifikacijske tekme bodo štele 5 krogov (cca. 2 km) po sistemu izločanja (eliminator). Prvi krog se ne izloči nikogar, vsak naslednji krog pa zadnji trije, ki prečkajo ciljno črto, izpadejo iz nadaljnjega tekmo-vanja. V finalni tek se uvrstijo prvi trije tekmovalci vsa-ke kvalifikacijske tekme.

Finalna tekma bo štela 10 krogov (cca. 4 km) na končni cilj.

opis in potek tekmovanjarace overview

tekmovalni krograce lap

Entry fee for TNatura Christmas Run is 21 EURand includes:

– Participation in the match TNatura Christmas Run– Ticket to see the IBU World Cup Biathlon– Brunch and– Practical gift

Applications for Christmas Run are possibleon andvia info@tkpokljuka.siThey end on 18th December 2014.

For categories male and female prizes will be granted for the first three places

Štartnina za TNatura božični tek s krpljami znaša 21 EURin vključuje:

– udeležbo na tekmi TNatura božični tek s krpljami– karto za ogled IBU svetovnega pokala v biatlonu– malico in– praktično darilce

Prijave za božični tek potekajo in info@tkpokljuka.siin se zaključijo 18.12.2014.

Za kategorijo moški in kategorijo ženske bodo za prva tri mesta dodeljene nagrade.

štartnina in nagraderegistration and prizes

We prepared special fan packages with Bohinj Local Tourist Organization, especailly for IBU World Cup Biathlon. Package includes: – Accommodation: 2/3/4 nights per person in double room– 2-/3-/4-day ticket for the IBU World Cup Biathlon– Surprise gift and practical key band for the ticket– Return bus ride to Pokljuka– Local musical group concert + 1 free drink (Saturday evening)– Tourist tax

V sodelovanju z LTO Bohinj smo pripravili posebne pakete več nočitev v času biatlonskega prvenstva.Vsi paketi vključujejo: – prenočitev v dvoposteljni sobi– 2-/3-/4-dnevno karto za ogled biatlonskih tekem – darilo in praktični trak za karto– povratni avtobusni prevoz na prizorišče tekem – zaključna zabava z narodnozabavno glasbo na sobotni večer + 1 gratis pijača– turistična taksa

nastanitve | info in rezervacije na info@bohinj.siaccomodation | info and reservations on

vila triglav ***** se nahaja sredi bogatih smrekovih gozdov v osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka na Pokljuki. Poleg luksuzno opremljenih sob Vila Triglav predstavlja idealno izhodišče za številne športne aktivnosti skozi celo leto.

chalet triglav ***** is situated amidst lush spruce forests in the heart of the Triglav National Park on Pokljuka plateau. Aside from the luxuriously decorated rooms Chalet Triglav is an ideal starting point for various sports activities throughout the year.

Goreljek 104, 4247 Zgornje

Prenočišče (Cena na osebo)/Accommodation in Bohinj (Price per person)


Paket A* (2 nočitvi)Package A*(2 overnights)

Paket B** (3 nočitve) Package B** (3 overnights)

Paket C*** (4 nočitve)Package C*** (4 overnights)

Kamp DanicaDanica Campsite


48 EUR 63 EUR 72 EUR

Zasebne sobe, apartmajiPrivate rooms, apartments

B&B 80 EUR 111 EUR 136 EUR

Hostel PolpenzionHalf board 84 EUR 117 EUR 144 EUR

3* penzion,/hotel3* boarding house/hotel

PolpenzionHalf board 106 EUR 150 EUR 188 EUR

4* hotel PolpenzionHalf board 116 EUR 165 EUR 208 EUR

5* hotel PolpenzionHalf board

166 EUR 240 EUR 308 EUR

* Paket A: 19.–21.12.2014 (2 nočitvi) Package A: 19 Dec–21 Dec 2014 (2 overnights) ** Paket B: 18.–21.12.2014 (3 nočitve) Package B: 18 Dec– 21 Dec 2014 (3 overnights)*** Paket C: 17.–21.12.2014 (4 nočitve) Package C: 17 Dec– 21 Dec 2014 (4 overnights)

Paketi A, B, C in VIP vključujejo: Packages A, B, C and VIP include:–15% popusta v vodnem parku Bohinj (že vključen v ceni 5*hotela)– 15% discount on swimming and saunas in Bohinj Aquapark (included in the price for 5* hotel)– 10% popust na bowling (1 bowling steza), 1 ura v Bohinj Park Eko hotelu–10% discount on bowling – 1 bowling rail, 1 hour in Bohinj Park Eco Hotel– 15% popust na pijačo in hrano v gostiln’ci Štrudl v Bohinjski Bistrici– 15 % discount on drinks and food in “Štrudl” Inn in Bohinjska Bistrica

za pomoč se zahvaljujemowe thank for support

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