tiger hotel cub_pro manual

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO

User Manual

This document contains information which is proprietary to Tiger Communications PLC. It is supplied on the understanding that the information contained herein is not reproduced and disclosed, wholly or in part, to any third party, without permission in writing from Tiger Communications PLC. Tiger Communications PLC reserves the right to alter the design and amend the information contained within this document, without notice. © Tiger Communications PLC

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Table of Contents

Introduction .......................................................................... 7

Using this Manual ............................................................................. 7

Contacting Tiger Helpdesk ................................................................ 7

Getting Started ...................................................................... 8

Starting Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO ........................................................... 8

System Status ................................................................................... 9

Basic Call Statistics ..................................................................... 9

Additional Information ............................................................. 10

Logging on to Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO ................................................ 10

Main Menu ..................................................................................... 11

Elements of the Main Menu................................................................. 11

System Functionality ............................................................ 12

Check-In .......................................................................................... 12

Room and Guest Details ...................................................................... 13

Extension Attributes ............................................................................ 14

Additional Guests ................................................................................ 16

Message Waiting ................................................................................. 16

Budget Limits ....................................................................................... 18

Wakeup Calls ....................................................................................... 19

PIN Attributes ...................................................................................... 19

DDI Attributes ..................................................................................... 20

Payment Details .................................................................................. 21

Check In ............................................................................................... 22

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Exit ...................................................................................................... 22

Check-Out ....................................................................................... 23

Preview ............................................................................................... 23

Final Audit ........................................................................................... 24

Interim Audit ....................................................................................... 25

Previous Audits .................................................................................... 26

Date Range .......................................................................................... 27

Account Details .................................................................................... 28

Room Management ........................................................................ 32

Charges Details .................................................................................... 33

Room Transfer ..................................................................................... 34

Standard Hotel Reports ................................................................... 35

End of Day Reports .............................................................................. 35

Elements of the End of Day Reports Menu ............................... 36

Audited End of Day Report ....................................................... 36

Departmental Carrier Cost Report ........................................................ 38

Room Listing Report ............................................................................ 39

Guest Listing Report ............................................................................ 40

Advanced Hotel Reports .................................................................. 42

Telephone Charge Enquiry .............................................................. 42

Elements of Telephone Charge Enquiry .................................... 43

Ancillary Charges ............................................................................ 44

System Management ...................................................................... 47

Elements of System Management ........................................................ 47

System Definition ................................................................................ 48

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Item Categories Definition ........................................................ 49

VAT Codes Definition ................................................................ 51

Item Types Definition ............................................................... 52

Posting Codes Definition .......................................................... 54

Telephone Tariffs Definition ..................................................... 56

What is a Unit ............................................................................... 56

Elements of Telephone Tariff Definition ........................................ 57

Sliding Scale Costs ......................................................................... 58

Assigning Telephone Tariffs .......................................................... 59

Room Rates Definition ............................................................. 61

Room Categories Definition ...................................................... 64

Housekeepers Definition .......................................................... 65

Housekeeping Definition .......................................................... 65

Language Codes Definition ....................................................... 66

Voids Definition ........................................................................ 67

System Management Menu ..................................................... 68

System Configuration .......................................................................... 69

System Setup ........................................................................... 69

System – Hotel Settings................................................................. 69

System – Advanced Settings .......................................................... 70

Reports – End of Day Report ......................................................... 71

Reports – Check-Out Report .......................................................... 73

Reports – Invoice Settings ............................................................. 74

Reports – Tax Settings................................................................... 75

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Check-In – Class of Service ............................................................. 76

Check-In – Other Settings .............................................................. 77

Check-Out ..................................................................................... 78

Tiger ............................................................................................. 79

PINs Configuration…………………………………………………80

Random PINs ................................................................................ 81

Configured PINs ............................................................................ 82

Exclude Palindromes ..................................................................... 83

DDI’s Configuration………………………………………………..83

Payment Methods Definition……………………………………..85

Directory Configuration…………………………………………...86

Departments ................................................................................. 87

Creating a New Department ....................................................................... 87

Editing an existing Department .................................................................. 88

Deleting Department(s) .............................................................................. 88

Rooms .......................................................................................... 88

Creating New Room(s) ............................................................................... 88

Editing an existing Room ............................................................................ 88

Deleting Room(s) ....................................................................................... 89

Extensions .................................................................................... 90

Creating a New Extension ........................................................................... 90

Editing an existing Extension ...................................................................... 91

Deleting Extension(s) ................................................................................. 91

Periodic Export Configuration…...………………………………93

Workstation Configuration……………………………………….94

General Settings……………………………………………………..94

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Access Control ..................................................................................... 95

Tiger 2020 ............................................................................................ 95

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Introduction Welcome to Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO. This system utilizes the latest technology to provide hotels with a powerful yet user-friendly telephone management system. The system is able to cater for a multitude of service providers and telephone equipment (PBX) systems. The user can print detailed reports for all the telephone calls made during any period and setup the way costing is applied to each extension. The system also provides a means to structure the extensions into rooms. This information is sent on to the Property Management System (PMS). Note that in association with this application, there are several other program modules that will be running in the background. These tasks are responsible for collecting the information for the telephone calls form the PBX (Switch) and posting the costed calls the PMS. These background tasks must NOT be shutdown if collection of the call logging information is to continue.

Using this Manual

Part I of this manual shows you how to start up the system, log in and also details the main system features. Part II of this manual details all of the system functions such as reporting, check in/out and configuration.

Contacting Tiger Helpdesk

You can contact the Tiger helpdesk during normal business hours subject to terms and conditions. Please refer to your contract for the level of support and contact numbers.

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Getting Started The system is composed of several program modules. Some of these program modules are background tasks that are started automatically when the PC is switched on. The user must not close any of the program modules that are running in the background,

Starting Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO

You can start the Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO (TigHotel.exe) module the same way you start any Windows-based application.

Double-click the desktop shortcut icon for Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO

Use Windows Explorer to locate and double-click the TigHotel.exe file (for default installations, this file is in the Tiger2 directory).

Choose Run from the Windows Start menu and specify the path for TigHotel.exe.

When the application starts up, you will see the System Status window (Figure 1).

Figure 1

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System Status

The system status window is the default display of Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO and provides an overview of the current status of the call logging module. The “More” button provides additional information about pending events that the Hotel Interfaces must process. If the “More” button is pressed the screen will change to (Figure 2)

Figure 2 To return to the previous display click “Less”

Basic Call Statistics

Incoming Calls: Total number of incoming calls received since midnight.

Outgoing Calls: Total number of outgoing calls made since midnight.

Total Number of Calls: Total number of calls since midnight including Incoming, Outgoing, Tandem and Internal

Time of Last Call: Time of last Incoming or Outgoing call.

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Additional Information

Pending PIN events: The number of PIN events that are waiting to be set or cleared on the PBX.

Pending DDI events: The number of DDI events that are waiting to be set or cleared on the PBX.

Pending Wakeup events: The number of Wakeup events that are waiting to be set or cleared on the PBX.

Pending Message Waiting events: The number of Message waiting events that are waiting to be set or cleared on the PBX.

Pending Room Transfer events: The number of Room Transfer events that are waiting to be sent to the PBX.

The additional information types will be “Grayed Out” on the display if they are not used in your installation.

Logging on to Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO

To login, click the mouse inside the System Status window or press a key. You will see the Login dialog (Figure 3) Enter your Login name and password, then click the OK button or press the Enter key. When you have logged in, you will be presented with the Main Menu (Figure 4) If at any time you are logged in and the system is not used for a predefined time interval, then the application will return back to the System Status window (Timeout). The timeout can be disabled and also the timeout period can be changed in the Workstation Configuration windows. (See Workstation Configuration on page 86)

Figure 3

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Main Menu

The Main Menu is the first place the system enters when you have successfully logged in. It provides an interface to the most commonly used operations.

Figure 4

Elements of the Main Menu

Check-In: Allows you to Check-In a guest to a room.

Check-Out: Allows you to check-Out one, many or all guests.

Room Management: Allows you to amend a guests attributes while they are Checked-In.

Standard Hotel Reports: Displays the Standard Hotels Reports Menu.

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Advanced Hotel Reports: This button has been reserved for future program developments.

Telephone Charge Enquiry: Displays the Charge Enquiry window that can calculate an estimated bill for a telephone call if a guest wishes to know in advance how much the call is likely to cost from their room.

Ancillary Charges: Displays the Ancillary Charges window. Allows you to add predefined items to a guest’s room.

System Management: Displays the System Management Menu

System Status: Returns the screen back to the System Status window


System Functionality This section details all the system functions such as Check-In/Out, Reporting and configuration. To enter a menu item you can either click on it or press the relevant “F#” key.


From this menu (Figure 5) you create a room account for a newly arrived guest.

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Figure 5

Room and Guest Details

The Check-In menu automatically chooses the first vacant room. If you do not wish to use this room you can either type another room number to replace it or select from the drop down menu activated by the arrow to the right of the box. The drop down menu will only show vacant rooms. If your hotel has room categories defined then you can select a category and the Hotel system will suggest a room number that meets your criteria. You may also specify a rate to apply to the room. These rates must also be pre-defined (See System Management on page 45 for further information on Room Categories and Room Rates). Once you are satisfied with your room selection you may enter the guest details in to the boxes on the bottom half of the menu. There are two windows for the

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Information, Guest Details (Figure 5) and Additional Details. (Figure 6). Within the Additional Details page you can configure a guest’s language, extra information and the format of the name that will display on the telephone in the room (Only available if Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO is interfaced to a compatible PBX).

Figure 6 All information except the Name field on the Guest Details page are optional. Only the Name field must be completed to allow you to check a guest in to the system

Extension Attributes

By clicking on the Extension Attributes button the system will launch a new window (Figure 7). This feature allows you to determine what access the new guest has to the telephones in their room (Only available if Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO is interfaced to the PBX).

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Figure 7 All of the extensions configured in the room selected (See System Management on page 45) will be displayed on the left hand side of the display. All calls that a guest can make or receive can be split in to four categories.

External Incoming Calls: Can the guest receive calls direct to the room from outside of the hotel.

External Outgoing Calls: Can the guest make calls to numbers outside of the hotel (Chargeable Calls).

Internal Incoming Calls: Can the guest receive call from other extensions within the hotel.

Internal Outgoing Calls: Can the guest make calls to other extensions within the hotel.

By ticking the boxes on the right hand side of the window you are specifying that you wish to ALLOW the guest to have access to those call types. By un-ticking them you want to DISABLE access to those call types. If you have a Definity PBX you also have access to change the coverage path of the extension. A coverage path is the definition of what happens to a call if an extension is busy or does not answer the call within a specified length of time. Changing the coverage path of an extension can have serious consequences so please consult your PBX manager before making any changes that you are unsure of.

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Click the OK button to save you changes and return to the Check-In menu. Press Cancel to return to the Check-In menu without saving your changes.

Additional Guests

It is possible to have more than one guest in a room. Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO allows you to add additional guest into the room once it has a main guest. If your PBX supports the feature each guest may be allocated their own PIN number to enter before using the telephone. When the additional guests are later checked out they will only receive a bill for the calls made using their own PIN number (For more information about PINS see System Management on page 45). By clicking the Additional Guests button a new window appears (Figure 8). To add a new guest select Add Guest. Enter the Guest information and if necessary generate a PIN for them. Click OK and then if required add another guest. You can also edit existing guests or delete them and change their PINs.

Figure 8 Click the OK button to save you changes and return to the Check-In menu. Press Cancel to return to the Check-In menu without saving your changes.

Message Waiting

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Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO allows you to add messages to each room. The guests can then call down and collect them or ask for them to be delivered. The Message Waiting interface (Figure 9) also shows if any integrated systems have messages for the guest.

PMS: If there are any messages for the guest on the PMS this light will be green.

Voicemail: If there are any messages for the guest on the Voicemail system this light will be green.

Switch (PBX): If there are any messages for the guest on the Switch (PBX) then this light will be green.

Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO: If there are any messages for the guest on the Tiger Hotel system then this light will be green.

You can add, edit and delete messages by using the buttons on the window.

Figure 9 Click the Close button to return to the Check-In menu.

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Budget Limits

The Budget Limit interface provides added security to the Hotel. The Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO system can be configured to tally costs assigned to the room and based upon a specified limit cease access to specified services until further notice. Services can be resumed either by a manual override or a payment being made to the account. This feature can then stop guests making high cost calls while having no guarantee to pay them i.e. a Credit Card. Budget Limits are only available if Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO is interfaced to a compatible PBX.

Depending on the features enable on your system the tick boxes will be available or “Grayed out”. See (Figure 10).

Figure 10

To activate the telephone budget limit you would tick the Telephone box and then enter a value in the Budget Limit Box. When the Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO system registers that the assigned value has been spent it will then bar the telephone from being able to make External Outgoing Calls (See Extension Attributes on page 14). Click the OK button to save you changes and return to the Check-In menu. Press Cancel to return to the Check-In menu without saving your changes.

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Wakeup Calls

To set a wakeup call (Figure 11) for you guests you use this feature. You can enter wakeups for each day to allow the guest to have wakeups at different times on different days or maybe skip a day that they do not need one. The Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO system automatically sets the wakeup calls on the day it is due so once you have set all of the wakeups you can leave the system to do the rest. Wakeup Calls are only available if Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO is interfaced to a compatible PBX.

Figure 11

PIN Attributes

If the system is using PINS then you can assign a PIN to the main guest here (Figure 12). You can see the status of the PIN and also if the guest is not happy with the PIN you can request that another is generated. The PIN number can be revealed by clicking the Reveal button. The PIN will not be shown as set until the Check-In is completed. PINS are only available if Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO is interfaced to a compatible PBX.

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Click the OK button to save you changes and return to the Check-In menu. Press Cancel to return to the Check-In menu without saving your changes.

Figure 12

DDI Attributes

If the system is using DDI’s then you will be able to assign the DDI number here (Figure 13).

Figure 13 By clicking the Change button the system will launch another window (Figure 14)

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Figure 14 DDI’s have to be configured in order for them to be used (See System Management on page 45). DDI’s are only available if Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO is interfaced to a compatible PBX. Click the OK button to save you changes and return to the Check-In menu. Press Cancel to return to the Check-In menu without saving your changes.

Payment Details

The Payment Methods window allows you to take the details of the guest’s payment intentions. The payment methods are pre-defined (See System Management on page 45) you can use the drop down menu to select the payment type and the system knows which pieces of information it must take from the user (Figure 15).

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Figure 15 Click the Accept button to save you changes. Press Close to return to the Check-In menu.

Check In

When you are happy with the details you have entered and the options you have selected then click the Check-In button to register the guest in to the system. If integrated to the PBX the system will then pass the information regarding Guest Name, Extension Attributes and other options to the PBX for processing. The Check-In screen will return to its default view and select the next available room ready for the next check-in


Click this button at any time to return to the Main Menu. If you have not checked in the current guest and choose to exit all information will be lost and you will need to begin the check-in again.

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From this menu (Figure 16) you can produce reports to give to the guest to either, check their current bill or check them out of the system at the end of their stay.

Figure 16 The menu shows a list of all rooms, the current state and the main guest name. You can navigate the rooms by either, typing the number in to the box in the top right, use the keyboard cursor keys to scroll through the list or use the mouse to use the scroll bar on the right of the list. The Select All button will select all rooms in the list. There are five reports you may run from this menu.


This report will pull all of the data assigned to the room selected together and compile it in to a report on screen which can then be saved, printed or emailed (If a compliant MAPI email program is installed). The report does not flag the calls as audited (checked-out).

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Final Audit

This report is the same as the preview but when run the data that is compiles is flagged as audited (Checked-out) and the guest will be checked out of the system. The room state will then turn to vacant. The report can be saved, printed or emailed (If a compliant MAPI email program is installed). If the room is in credit or debt then before the check-out is complete the system will prompt you to settle the account (Figure 17). An example report (Figure 18) is shown on the following page.

Figure 17

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Figure 18

Interim Audit

This report is the same as the Final Audit but does not check the guest out of the room. This is used when a guest is staying long term but wishes to be billed weekly or monthly.

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Previous Audits

When a Final Audit or Interim Audit is run on the system the dates that were included in that report are stored and through this menu the report can be re-generated at a later date (Figure 19).

Figure 19

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Date Range

This report allows the user to enter a From and To date range (Figure 20) and the report will include all transactions within that range. The report can then be saved, printed or emailed (If a compliant MAPI email program is installed).

Figure 20

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Account Details

The account details screen (Figure 21) allows the user to add credits to the room. You can use a number of pre-defined payment methods (See System Management on page 45).

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Figure 21 To add a credit you click New Credit. This launches another window (Figure 22)

Figure 22 Select a payment method from the drop down menu and then enter an amount that you wish to credit. Click the OK button to save you changes and return to the Check-In menu. Press Cancel to return to the Check-In menu without saving your changes.

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In order to confirm this credit has been received you must Post it. Click the Post button to do this. You will notice the icon to the left of the credit change as shown in Figures 23 and 24.

Figure 23

Figure 24 If you wish to remove a credit you may void it. To void a credit you must know the authorization code and also specify a reason as to why you are voiding it (See System Management on page 45) To void please select the credit you wish to void. Click Void and a new window will appear (Figure 25). Enter your code and reason. Click OK to begin the void procedure or Cancel to return to the Account Details menu.

Figure 25 As with adding a credit to void one you must Post it. Click the Post button to do this. You will notice the icon to the left of the credit change as shown in Figures 26 and 27.

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Figure 26

Figure 27 If you attempt to exit the account details menu without posting the unposted work then the system will prompt you to post the changes. You will lose any unposted work if you choose to ignore this message. The information in the top right of the windows tells you the budget limit, total telephone charges, total ancillary charges and total credits. This information is then calculated to produce a credit available figure. If there is more than one guest in a room you may select each name to see information regarding their own credit level.

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Room Management

From within this menu (Figure 28) you can manage the information about currently checked in guests. All of the menu features are the same as the check-in menu (See Check-In on page 13 for feature explanation) except for payment details which have been replaced with account details (See Account details in Check-Out on page 23).

Figure 28 As with the check-in menu the additional details contain the language information and extension name display.

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Charges Details

There is an additional page called Charges Details (Figure 29). This page displays information regarding the total telephone charges and total ancillary charges against the account

Figure 29

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Room Transfer

The Room Management menu also allows you to Room Transfer a guest. Click the button to display a new window (Figure 30). From this you can see vacant rooms that you can transfer to. Occupied rooms are displayed in Green and vacant rooms in Red.

Figure 30 Once you have selected a vacant room click OK to confirm the room move or Cancel to quit without making any changes.

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Standard Hotel Reports

There are several Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO reports that you can generate. These are, End of Day Report, Departmental Carrier Cost Report, Room Listing and Guest Listing.

End of Day Reports

The End of Day report provides information, in department order, about each room, the value of the calls posted to the PMS, the value of the calls to be posted to the PMS and the total value of the calls. The End of Day report menu (Figure 31) features three options. To Preview an End of Day report, to Audit and End of Day report and to view Previous audited End of Day reports.

Figure 31

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Elements of the End of Day Reports Menu

Preview End of Day Report: Displays the End of Day report and provides an option to print the report without auditing the call records.

Audited End of Day Report: Prints the End of Day report and also audits the call records.

Previous Audited End of Day Reports: Allows you to reprint previously Audited End of Day reports

Audited End of Day Report

The Audited End of Day Report is split in to four sections. The first section is Summary of Receipts and Payments (Figure 32).

Figure 32 This section categorizes the payment types and totals the monetary values. The second section is the Charges and Credits information (Figure 33)

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Figure 33 This section outlines how much money has been spent in each Item Category (See System Management on page 45) The next section is Summary of Transactions (Figure 34).

Figure 34 This section sorts the charges based on the department and room. It gives a summary of the charges to each room. The next section is Detailed Transactions (Figure 35). This section splits down to room level and shows every transaction assigned to the room.

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Figure 35

Departmental Carrier Cost Report

The departmental carrier cost report provides information for the number of calls, duration, units, actual cost, billed cost and the profit for each department (Figure 36). The departmental carrier cost report request a From and To date range (Figure 37). This can be any length of time you wish to use.

Figure 36

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Figure 37

Room Listing Report

The Room Listing report shows information about Room, State, Status, Guest Name, Primary Extension and Secondary Extensions. Once you have clicked on Room Listing a preview screen will appear (Figure 38). You can filter on Status and State. Status is either Occupied or Vacant and State signifies Clean or Dirty (You can configure additional states in System Management. For more details see page 45).

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Figure 38

Guest Listing Report

The Guest Listing report (Figure 39) shows information about all currently checked-in guests. It includes details about guest name, room, check-in date and time, total telephone charges, total ancillary charges, total credits, outstanding balance, budget limit, credit available, class of service, message waiting, wakeup date and time and guest info. To calculate the credit available the system totals the telephone charges and ancillary charges and subtracts the credits. This gives an outstanding balance. If the figure is negative then the guest has more credit than charges. If it is positive then the guest has spent more than they have paid for. The outstanding balance is added to the available budget limit and this gives the credit available. If this figure is negative then the guest has spent more than they have paid for and if positive they have credit to use. If the guest has no credit available then the Tiger system will send a request to the PBX to stop the extension being able to make external calls. The Class of Service information is split in to four categories (See Extension Attributes on page 14) If the value is Y then the guest is allowed to make that type of call, if N they are not.

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Figure 39

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Advanced Hotel Reports

This button has been reserved for future program enhancements.

Telephone Charge Enquiry

The Charge Enquiry window (Figure 40) allows you to calculate an estimated bill for a telephone call if a guest wishes to know how much a call is likely to cost from their room.

Figure 40

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Elements of Telephone Charge Enquiry

Room: To specify for which room you want to cost the call, first enter the Room field if not already highlighted, then do one of the following:

1. Click inside the Room field or press the ALT and Down Arrow keys together to show a list of available rooms. Select the room from the list or

2. Use the Up Arrow or the Down Arrow keys to select the room or 3. Type the room name or number

Number to Dial: Type in here the telephone number (you do not have to type in all the digits as long as it has at least the STD code for the district).

Destination of Call: If you are unsure of the STD code for the destination you wish to calculate then you can use the drop down menu to select a destination. The system will then lookup the STD code for you

Expected Duration: Type here the expected duration of the call in HH:MM:SS

When?: Type in here the Date and time when the call will be made. This is defaulted to the current time and date when the window is first shown. If the window has been on screen for a long time you can click the Now button and the current date and time will be entered in the fields.

Click Cost Call

Destination of Call: This field will display the destination of the proposed telephone call when all the other information has been specified and costed

Approx. call charge: This field will display the approximate call charge for the guest when all other information has been specified and costed.

Tariff Used: This field will display the tariff that the system is using to estimate this charge.

Approx. carrier cost: This field will display the approximate charge to the Hotel for the telephone call. This field can be disabled in the System Management (See page 45 for further information)

Click Close to return to the Main Menu.

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Ancillary Charges

An ancillary charge is an extra charge to a guest’s room bill. Such charges include room rates, newspapers and restaurant bills. The Ancillary Charges menu (Figure 41) allows you to select a room and add pre-defined charges to the account. Charges can be either ‘fixed’ or ‘open’. Fixed means that the cost of the charge is a set amount. Open means that you can specify the cost of the item at the time you are adding it to the room. For more information on Item Types read System Management on page 45

Figure 41 To add a charge to a room click New Transaction. The Add Charge window appears (Figure 42).

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Figure 42 You can enter either the Description or the Posting Code depending on the state of the tick box in the bottom left of the window. On open items you can change the cost per item. On fixed items this field can not be changed. Click OK to confirm the charge or Cancel to quit back to the ancillary charges menu. In order to confirm this charge has been added you must Post it. Click the Post button to do this. You will notice the icon to the left of the charge change as shown in Figures 43 and 44.

Figure 43

Figure 44 If you wish to remove a charge you may Void it. To void a charge you must know the authorization code and also specify a reason as to why you are voiding it (See System Management on page 45)

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To void please select the charge you wish to void. Click Void and a new window will appear (Figure 45). Enter your code and reason. Click OK to begin the void procedure or Cancel to return to the Ancillary Charges menu.

Figure 45 As with adding a credit to void one you must Post it. Click the Post button to do this. You will notice the icon to the left of the credit change as shown in Figures 46 and 47.

Figure 46

Figure 47 If you attempt to exit the ancillary charges menu without posting the unposted work then the system will prompt you to post the changes. You will lose any unposted work if you choose to ignore this message.

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System Management

The System Management menu (Figure 48) allows you to configure the Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO system options, configure pre-defined categories and items, define the Hotel directory, define tariffs and launch the Tiger 2000 commercial reporting system.

Figure 48

Elements of System Management

System Definition: Allows you to manage tariffs, categories, items, languages etc.

System Configuration: Allows you to configure the system reports, PINs, DDI’s and Hotel directory etc

Workstation Configuration: Allows you to configure workstation settings such as timeout and display features

Access Control: This button is reserved for future program enhancements.

Tiger 2000: Launches the Tiger 2000 Commercial reporting system

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System Definition

This menu (Figure 49) allows you to manage tariffs, categories, items, languages etc.

Figure 49

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Item Categories Definition

The Item Categories Definition menu (Figure 50) allows you to configure the categories shown on the End of Day report. For example you may have categories called Telephone Charges, Room Charges and Restaurant. Once you have finished working with the categories click OK to confirm the changes or Cancel to quit without saving.

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Figure 50 To add a new item category you click New. This displays the New Item Category window (Figure 51). You need to enter a category code plus a description to identify it on the report. There are also two optional user fields to enter any other information that you want to store.

Figure 50 Click OK to confirm or Cancel to quit without making any changes.

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VAT Codes Definition

Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO allows you to configure various taxation rates and then assign them to different items. The VAT window (Figure 51) allows you to add, delete and edit the tax types.

Figure 51 To add a new tax code click New. The new tax code window appears (Figure 52). You must enter a Tax Code, Description and the Tax Rate Percentage. Click OK to save the new tax rate or Cancel to return to the VAT Codes Definition Menu.

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Figure 52

Item Types Definition

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The Item Types Definition menu (Figure 53) allows you to create items such as Newspapers, Coffee or Drinks and assign them to an Item Category and associate a Tax rate to them.

Figure 53 To add a new Item click New. The New Item window (Figure 54) appears. You must enter an Item Code, Description, Category Code and TAX Code.

Figure 54 Click OK to save the new item or Cancel to return to the Item Types Definition Menu.

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Posting Codes Definition

In order to use an item you must assign it a unique Posting Code. This code identifies the item in relation to al of your stock. A posting code must only be used once and once the posting code has been assigned it cannot be used again. If you delete a posting code it will remain on the system but will be in-active. The Posting Codes Definition menu (Figure 55) shows two posting codes. Standard Rooms has been deleted but as the code is unique it remains on the system to avoid being used again. If you deleted Standard rooms in error you must now enter it again with a different posting code.

Figure 55 To add a new Posting Code click New. The New Posting Code window (Figure 56) appears. You must enter Posting Code, Item Type Code, Till Description and Item Cost. Click OK to save the new Posting Code or Cancel to return to the Posting Codes Definition Menu.

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Figure 56

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Telephone Tariffs Definition

The Telephone Tariffs Definition window (Figure 57) allows you to setup how to charge for the telephone calls. These can be allocated against Departments, Rooms and individual Extensions.

Figure 57 Tariffs allow you to change the cost of phone calls that a carrier charges you and what you intend to charge your departments, rooms or extensions. There are two ways to alter the cost. One is by marking up the cost that the carrier charges you by a percentage increase, the other is by defining a sliding scale for which you can fix how much to charge for each successive band of call units.

What is a Unit

A unit is a fixed cost defined by the carrier. The frequency that units are delivered are based on the time of call and the destination i.e. a local call would generate a unit every 60 seconds however an international call will generate a unit every 5 seconds.

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Elements of Telephone Tariff Definition

To add a new Tariff click New. The New Tariff window (Figure 58) is shown.

Figure 58 To increase the carrier cost by a percentage, select the Use Carrier Costing radio button and to specify you own sliding scale costs, select the Use Sliding Scale Unit Charging radio button.

Tariff Description: Enter you own description for the tariff. This is the description that you will be able to select in the Assign Tariffs configuration (See Assigning Tariffs on page 54)

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Use Carrier Cost: Select this if you want to specify a tariff based on carrier costing.

Use Sliding Scale Unit Charging: Select this if you want to specify a tariff based on a sliding scale.

Use Actual Carrier Cost: Select this if you want to use the cost that the actual carrier charged for a call as the basis for this tariff. If you only have one carrier, then Use Actual Carrier Cost will have the same effect as selecting the (Default Carrier) if you use the Carrier Cost Based On option.

Carrier Cost Based On (Radio Button): Select this if you want to specify which carrier’s costing to use as the basis for this tariff.

Increase: Specify the percentage increase to apply to a cost of a call for this tariff. The cost will depend on the Use Carrier Costing setup. The percentage increase cannot be applied if the tariff is based on Use Sliding Scale Unit Charging.

Round To: Specify to the neatest penny what the bill will be rounded to.

Rounding Method: This dictates what kind of rounding method is to be applied to the bill. This is one of No Rounding, Round Down, Round Up or Round to Nearest Penny.

Fixed Cost: This is the fixed cost added to the actual bill for a call even if the cost of the call is nothing.

Minimum Cost: This is the minimum cost that will be charged for any call.

Sliding Scale Costs: This button allows you to define the tariff using a sliding scale unit charging method. See Sliding Scale Costs on page 53

If the Cancel button is clicked, then all the changes including any changes made in the Sliding Scale Costs windows will be discarded.

Sliding Scale Costs

Sliding Scale Costs allows you to charge by defining a sliding scale for which you can fix how much to charge for each successive band of call units. For example you could charge 75p per unit for the first unit, 35p for the next 15 units and 25p for any further units and so on. The Sliding Scale Rates window (Figure 59) allows you to configure the sliding scale.

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Figure 59 To specify a band, click and undefined row on the grid, then either tab to the Units field or click in the Units field with the mouse and enter the number of units for the band. Then enter in the Cost field, the amount in pence to charge for that number of units. When you enter a number of units less than 999, there is a new row (band) inserted in the grid at the end. This last row represents the cost to charge for the remainder of the units. Hence, if you enter 999 for any row (which is not the last in the grid), then all rows after it will be deleted as 999 represent the last band. To insert a new band, select the last row and set its number of units and costs. When a cost, other than 0 is entered for a band, the colour for it changes from red to green. To accept the sliding scale costs definition, click OK.

Assigning Telephone Tariffs

Once you have created you tariffs you must actually define the default tariff for the switch and also the tariffs for departments, rooms and extensions (see Directory Configuration on page 78 for further information). Click Assign Tariffs to launch the Assign Tariffs application (Figure 60). The tariffs tell the system how you intend to bill the calls made from an extension. Here you can define which tariff to use for which department, room or extension. For the Hotel system, Rooms are defined under departments and extensions are generally under rooms. If a tariff is applied to a specific room for instance, then any calls made from that room will be worked out using the specified tariff for that room.

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If another tariff is applied to an extension in that room, then it is this new tariff for the extension that will be used to work out the bill for calls from the extension and not the tariff applied to its room.

Figure 60 In Figure 60 you can see that the tariff applied to that item is displayed next to it. To ensure that this display is on click View followed by Text Display and then click Tariff. To assign a tariff to an item Right Click the item and select properties (Figure 61).

Figure 61 The items properties window (Figure 62) will be launched. There is a Tariff box. The drop down menu contains all configured tariffs in the system. Select the tariff you want to assign to the item and click OK

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Figure 62 The tariff will now display next to the item. The best method of applying tariffs is to apply a default tariff to the PBX. Then if you want to charge the departments differently then move down to the departments level and assign the tariff. This process can be repeated for the rooms and consequently the extensions.

Room Rates Definition

Within Room Rates Definition (Figure 63) you can set the cost of different types of rooms within your hotel. For example you will charge a single room at a cheaper rate than a king size room. Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO allows you to create rates and then assign them to rooms.

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Figure 63 To add a new Room Rate click Add. This displays the Add Room Rate window (Figure 64). A rate must have a description, posting code (defined earlier in this section), Charge and you must also specify what interval the room is occupied for i.e. Days, Weeks etc.

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Figure 64 To confirm the addition of the new room rate click OK. To cancel click Cancel.

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Room Categories Definition

The Room Categories Definition menu (Figure 65) allows you to group you rooms in to categories i.e. Single, Double, King Size etc. You can then apply a Room Rate to that category.

Figure 65 To add a Room Category click New. This launches the New Room Category window (Figure 66). You must assign a category code, description, default room rate and posting code. Click OK to save or Cancel to close without saving.

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Figure 66

Housekeepers Definition

This feature is present but not used in this version. Development on this feature is ongoing.

Housekeeping Definition

This menu (Figure 67) allows you to specify room states i.e. Clean and Dirty. If you specify room states then you are able to sort on those room states in the Room Listing report (See page 38 for more information).

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Figure 67 To add a new Housekeeping state click New. You must enter a Status Identifier and Description. Click OK to confirm or Cancel to return to the Housekeeping menu.

Language Codes Definition

Within this menu (Figure 68) you can specify the languages for you guests.

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Figure 68 Click New and enter a Language Code and a Language Description. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to return to the language codes definition menu.

Voids Definition

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Within this menu (Figure 69) you specify reasons for voiding items from a guest’s account. You must set a default void code. When a user attempts to void an item they will need to select a void reason and enter their authorization code.

Figure 69 Click New and enter a Void Id and a Void Description. If this void reason is to the default void reason then click the check-box This is the default void. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to return to the voids definition menu.

System Management Menu

Click this button to return to the System Management Menu.

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System Configuration

Within this menu (Figure 70) you can configure the report parameters, the Hotel directory and the payment methods etc.

Figure 70

System Setup

Clicking this button launches the System Setup window (Figure 71).

System – Hotel Settings

The first page is System and Hotel Setting. Here you can change the Hotel name that appears on the system status screen, set a default language code and if your system has more than one PBX specify which of them is the Hotel PBX.

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Figure 71

System – Advanced Settings

By clicking on Advanced Settings (Figure 72) you can select if PINs are used in the system. If None is selected then the PIN features will be disabled on the system. If you select Single PIN per Room then only one PIN will be assigned to a room no matter how many guests are checked in and Multiple PINs per Room means that each guest in the room will have their own PIN assigned on check-in. PINs setup requires a compatible PBX.

PBX Supports Auto PINs: Select this if your PBX has a group of PINs configured and Tiger does not enable and disable the PINs on check-in/out. De-select if Tiger are to enable and disable the PINs on check-in/out.

Enable DDIs: Select this option if you wish to turn on DDIs. Requires a compatible PBX.

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Display the Carrier Cost in the Charge Enquiry window: If this box is ticked then the charge enquiry window (see page 40) will display the carrier cost of the call in the Approx. Carrier Cost field.

The Tiger Hotel System is the MAIN PMS: Only available when Tiger is performing the actions of the PMS system.

Figure 72

Reports – End of Day Report

Using this menu (Figure 73) you can enable or disable certain sections of the report. For a definition of the sections please refer back to the End of Day report information on page 34.

Preview the Audit report: If this box is ticked then the audit will display on screen before printing out. If not ticked the audit will not show on screen and go directly to the printer.

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Page break after each Room within this report: This option allows you to start a new page for every room on the report.

Print tomorrow’s reservations after the Audit report: This option allows the user to print the next day’s reservations after the audit report. This feature is only available when the integrated Tiger Hotel Reservations package is installed.

Top Margin: If you wish to use headed paper to print the report you may specify a margin at the top of the page in millimeters.

Figure 73

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Reports – Check-Out Report

Using this menu (Figure 74) you can configure the parameters of the Check-Out report.

Preview Check-Out Audit report(s): If this box is ticked then the check-out audits will display on screen before printing out. If not ticked the check-out audits will not show on screen and go directly to the printer.

Always print Check-Out Audit report(s): If this option is ticked the check-out report will always print when run. If not it will simply be stored.

Show PIN on Check-out report: If PINs are being used on the system then you can choose whether to print them on the check-out report.

Top Margin: If you wish to use headed paper to print the report you may specify a margin at the top of the page in millimeters.

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Figure 74

Reports – Invoice Settings

Within this menu (Figure 75) you specify whether you wish to display your tax identity and address on the reports. To see an example go to page 24.

Figure 75

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Reports – Tax Settings

Within this menu (Figure 76) you specify the name of you Tax and whether to include the tax breakdown in the reports. You also specify the PLU for the default tax rate for telephone calls. You can also tell the system that the telephone calls already include tax. The system will then calculate an excluding tax cost to show on the bill using the tax rate specified.

Figure 76

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Check-In – Class of Service

From within this menu (Figure 77) you may specify the default conditions of a checked-in room. These defaults will appear when you perform a check-in on the system, you may change any of the parameters at the time of checking in the room.

Figure 77 All calls that a guest can make or receive can be split in to four categories.

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External Incoming Calls: Can the guest receive calls direct to the room from outside of the hotel.

External Outgoing Calls: Can the guest make calls to numbers outside of the hotel (Chargeable Calls).

Internal Incoming Calls: Can the guest receive call from other extensions within the hotel.

Internal Outgoing Calls: Can the guest make calls to other extensions within the hotel.

By ticking the boxes on the right hand side of the window you are specifying that you wish to ALLOW the guest to have access to those call types. By un-ticking them you want to DISABLE access to those call types. If you have a Definity PBX you also have access to change the coverage path of the extension. A coverage path is the definition of what happens to a call if an extension is busy or does not answer the call within a specified length of time. Changing the coverage path of an extension can have serious consequences so please consult your PBX manager before making any changes that you are unsure of.

Check-In – Other Settings

From within this menu (Figure 78) you can set the time of the default wake-up call and the default values of the budget limits.

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Figure 78


From within this menu (Figure 79) you may specify the default conditions of a checked-out room. These defaults will be set when you perform a check-out on the system. For information regarding the class of service please go to page 70 (Check-In – Class of Service).

Accept Payment(s) on Check-Out: This option tells the system whether to accept a payment after the audit check-out report has been run. This payment will be either a credit to a guest who has not used all of their credit or a payment from a guest who is in debt.

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Export Check-Out totals for each Room to dated file: This option creates a file using the current date and lists the room number and the total cost for all guests in that room during that day.

Figure 79


This menu is for Tiger use only. It specifies the active dynamic link library in use by Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO.

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PINs Configuration

From within this menu (Figure 80) you can configure your PIN setup. PINs allow the hotel to assign telephone calls to rooms even if the guest makes a call from another extension within the hotel. Because the PIN is assigned to the room and not the extension the Hotel system looks for all calls made using the PIN number and not the extension in the room.

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You must have a compatible PBX for PINs to be active.

Figure 80 Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO gives you two options for configuring the PINs. You may use Random or Configured.

Random PINs

In order to use random PINs your PBX must support the PMS creating new PIN numbers. Please consult your switch maintainer if you are unsure.

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You must specify the number of digits that the PIN uses and specify a range of numbers. Figure 80 on page 74 shows that the PIN digits equal 3 and the range is 000 to 100. You can also select how many of the last used PINs shall not be used. As check-ins occur the Hotel System creates a PIN in the specified range and instructs the PBX to activate that PIN. The PIN will then be disabled on check-out.

Configured PINs

If you PBX maintainers specify that only PINs setup by on the PBX itself can be used then you may enter those PINs by clicking the Configured radio button (Figure 81).

You can enter PIN ranges using the ‘-‘ sign and individual PINs using the ‘,’ sign i.e. 100-199 would add PINs 100,101,102…….199. Entering 300,301,302 would enter those three PINs.

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You must click the Add button to insert the PINs into the database.

Exclude Palindromes

This button (Figure 82) allows you to tell the system that you wish to Exclude Palindromes from the PIN database. Palindromes are numbers that are the same backwards as they are forward i.e. 1001, 2002 and 3003. Figure 82 shows that within the range 000-100 there are ten palindromes.

Figure 82 Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

DDI’s Configuration

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This menu (Figure 83) allows you to setup the DDI information. You will have a bank of DDIs allocated on your PBX for Guests. These DDIs will have an extension number which is called a Virtual extension number. It does not actually exist on the system but it can be diverted to another extension within the hotel i.e. the extension in the guest’s room. You must enter all of the DDIs and the virtual extension numbers that relate to them.

Figure 83 You may reserve a DDI to a guest or a room when you configure it. You may also edit and Delete DDIs already configured on the system.

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Payment Methods Definition

Within this menu (Figure 84) you configure the various payment types that the hotel accepts i.e. Cash, Visa, and Cheque.

Figure 84 You may also specify which data items you wish to request form the user when they want to use this payment type i.e. Card Number, Cardholders Name etc. To activate these request click on the tick box. You may also enter a Redemption Value that allows you to create Vouchers. You can also Edit and Delete existing payment types.

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Directory Configuration

The Directory Configuration window (Figure 85) allows the user to define the hierarchy of their extensions. This is so that when a call is made from an extension, we can tell the PMS what room the call was made from, we can identify what tariff to charge (See Telephone Tariffs Definition on page 53) and also show on the reports which room made the call. The Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO allows the user to define departments, the rooms under those departments and also the extension in each room.

Figure 85 To return to the previous directory level at any time click on the Move Up Level button.

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Creating a New Department

To create new department double click the PBX icon. This will show a new window (Figure 86).

Figure 86 Click Add Department and enter a name for the new department. When you click the OK button the new department will be shown in the Departments list in the window. Next to each item in the list, there is a box within which is a Plus or Minus sign. Plus indicates that there are rooms defined under the department and minus indicates that there are no rooms defined under the department.

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Editing an existing Department

To edit a department, first select the department and then click on the Edit Department button. Enter the new name for the department in the Edit Department window, and then click OK.

Deleting Department(s)

To delete a department, first select the department and then click the Delete Department(s) button. To delete more than one department, select the first department you want to delete, then hold the CTRL key down and select the next department you want to delete and so on, and then click the Delete Department(s) button. To delete a range of departments, select the first department you want to delete, then hold down Shift key down and select the last department in the range you want to delete, and then click the Delete Departments(s) button.


To define the rooms under a department, first select the department under which the rooms are to be defined, then select the Move Down Level button, or double click the department in the Department(s) list. You will be able to define the rooms for the selected department (Figure 87).

Creating New Room(s)

To create a new room or rooms click the Add Room(s) button. This will show the New Room window within which you can enter either one name (or number) for the new room or range to create several rooms in one go. To create a range of rooms specify the starting room number, followed by a dash, then the last room number in the range (e.g. 101-110). Also an extension can be created for the room or for each room in a range of room(s) will be shown in the Rooms lists in this window. Next to each item in the list, there is a box within which is a Plus or Minus sign. Plus indicates that there are extension(s) defined under the room and minus indicates that there are no extension(s) defined under the room.

Editing an existing Room

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To edit a room, first select the room in the Room(s) list and click the Edit Room button. Enter the new name (or number) for the room in the Edit Room windows, the click the OK button.

Deleting Room(s)

To delete a department, first select the department and then click the Delete Room(s) button. To delete more than one department, select the first department you want to delete, then hold the CTRL key down and select the next department you want to delete and so on, and then click the Delete Room(s) button. To delete a range of departments, select the first department you want to delete, then hold down Shift key down and select the last department in the range you want to delete, and then click the Delete Room(s) button.

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Figure 87


To define an extension under a room, first select the room then select the Move Down Level button, or double click the room in the Room(s) list. You will be able to define the extension for the selected room (Figure 88).

Creating a New Extension

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To create a new extension click the Add Extension button. This will show the New Extension windows within which you can enter the number for the new extension. When you click the OK button, the extension will be shown in the Extension(s) list in this window.

Editing an existing Extension

To edit an extension, first select the extension and then click the Edit Extension button. Enter the new number for the extension in the Edit Extension window, and then click the OK button.

Deleting Extension(s)

To delete an extension, first select the extension and then click the Delete Extension(s) button. To delete more that one extension, select the first extension you want to delete, then hold the CTRL key down and select the next extension you want to delete and so on, and then click the Delete Extension(s) button. To delete a range of extensions, select the first extension you want to delete, then hold the Shift key down and select the last extension in the range you want to delete, and then click the Delete Extension(s) button.

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Figure 88

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Periodic Export Configuration

This menu (Figure 89) allows the user to export information regarding the Guest History, Item Categories, Tax Codes, Item Types, PLU Items and Transactions. You may select the options you want in the export by ticking the relevant tick box. You must specify a Filename and location for the exported file. You can also select the Previous Exported Exports page to view previous export files.

Figure 89 To create an “On the Fly” export click the Export Audited Tables Now button.

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Workstation Configuration

General Settings

Within this menu (Figure 90) you specify whether Tiger Hotel CUB/PRO times out and by what interval. If the system is left unused for this interval then it will automatically return to the System Status window. The Login Everytime tick box specifies whether after a time out the system password is requested. You may also access the Printer Setup from this menu.

Figure 90

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You can choose display options within the Check-Out menu from this window (Figure 91).

Figure 91

Access Control

This feature is reserved for future program developments

Tiger 2020

This button launches the Tiger 2020 Commercial Reporting System.

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