tidings from

Post on 18-Dec-2021






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January 2016 Volume 57, Number 2

Tidings from My Neighbor is Muslim by Pastor Krehl Stringer

The God who made the world and

everything in it, he who is Lord of

heaven and earth, does not live in

shrines made by human hands, nor

is he served by human hands, as

though he needed anything, since

he himself gives to all mortals life

and breath and all things. From

one ancestor he made all nations

to inhabit the whole earth, and he

allotted the times of their existence

and the boundaries of the places

where they would live, so that they

would search for God and perhaps

grope for him and find him—

though indeed he is not far from

each one of us.

(Acts of the Apostles 17:24-27)

When it came to engaging people

on their experience of God, no

apostle in all of Christian history

was more effective than the

Apostle Paul. He often made a

study of local customs and

religious beliefs to base his witness

to the gospel, believing firmly that

God meets people where they are,

and Paul wanted to do that with

genuine humility and Christ-like

love. This will be our aim as we

use a resource developed by

Lutheran Social Service of

Minnesota (in consultation with the

Islamic Dawah Center in St. Paul)

to assist small groups in better

understanding (and thereby to

better love and serve) our Muslim


Pastor Stringer will lead us through

eight one-hour sessions that will

touch on the basics of Islamic

teachings and practice, acquaint us

with the Qur’an, learn how we as

Christians can relate to others of

differing faiths, and in the process

come to a deeper appreciation for

interfaith dialogue and

collaboration. Mark your calendars

for “My Neighbor is Muslim:

Exploring the Muslim Faith” on

the Sundays after worship

beginning January 17 through

March 13, 10:15 am. Δ

Zion, we’ll do what we

can… by Jim Hallan

The following was shared with the

congregation at the December 6

worship service.

If you were asked about your

involvement with the new church

building, how would you answer?

Would you say, “We’ll do what we

can”? Think about that…We’ll do

what we can. And will you look

back and say “We did what we


Just so we’re clear on this, I asked

to make a presentation concerning

our construction thermometer,

which has a bit to grow. I pose this

now, because some of us have had

a tough time getting serious about

our goals. I think I’m the perfect

one to talk about this, because

Carol and I were at the stage where

many of you obviously are now.

We went through the process of

imagining a little different plan,

and I heard it from many of you.

(Continued on page 4)

In this month’s issue...

Rooted in a New Creation......p. 3

Pathways Village...................p. 4

Care Package form................p. 4

Christian Ed News............pp. 5-6

Marriage Encounter…...........p. 7

Calendar................................p. 8

Stewardship...........................p. 9

I believe that appreciation

is a holy thing —

that when we look

for what’s best in a person

we happen to be with

at the moment,

we’re doing what

God does all the time.

So in loving and appreciating

our neighbor,

we’re participating

in something sacred.

—Fred Rogers


We Care

2015 by Carol Hallan

Thank you and bless you, to all

who participated in any way, in

We Care this year. Planning began

in October and the project

culminated on December 15 with

packing and delivery.

We Care, for those of you who are

not familiar with the project, is a

Zion and community ministry that

reaches out to those who have lost

a loved one in the past year, and to

those who are in need in some

way, be it health, loneliness, or

difficult times. We Care also

remembers the Elk Wood

residents, school families, and the

Warroad Senior Living Center.

Some 200 bags and boxes were

delivered this year. And for the

second year, several We Care

volunteers entertained residents in

Skilled Care at the Care Center

with a Christmas party – herring

being the highlight!

A huge thank you to those who

gave financially, to the 55 bakers

(from the entire community of

Warroad, not just Zion), who

baked 199 loaves of bread, 180

dozen cookies, and made 240 bags

of snack mix. Doug’s, Dollar

Savers, and the T-Shirt Barrel are

also very generous in helping us

meet the needs of our recipients.

On Tuesday, 26 volunteers from

Zion, St. Mary’s, and the Union

Congregational Church helped

pack our bags with cookies,

breads, fruit, meats, cheeses,

crackers, and miscellaneous food

stuffs, plus wrapped Christmas

gifts. And the best part is that

these same volunteers then each

delivered the bags and totes to

Warroad area recipients.

Who is blessed more, we aren’t

sure; but we do know that the

people who deliver are met with

hugs, tears of gratitude, and verbal

“Thanks from the bottom of my

heart.” It is truly God’s work, Our

hands. Δ

Tidings from Zion is a communication

tool circulated monthly among the

members and friends of Zion Lutheran

Church, Warroad, Minnesota. The copy

deadline for the next publication is

January 20, 2016.

Pastor Rev. Krehl Stringer

Office Manager/Editor Vicki Dalager

Newsletter Editors Kari J. Sprenger

Jeneé Provance

President Dan Curtis

Vice President Keith Landin

C h u r c h

O f f i c e H o u r s &

C o n t a c t I n f o


Krehl Stringer

386-1733, ext 11

218-290-2863, cell


Christian Education Director

Shawn Brunelle

386-1733, ext 15 or 386-3644

Parish Nurse

Karen Cran



Church Office

Vicki Dalager, Office Manager

Lynn Ann Kofstad, Admin. Asst.

386-1733, ext 10


Core hours are Monday-Thursday

10:00 am to 4:30 pm

with additional appointments

by prior arrangement.

Zion Lutheran Church Financial Update

General Operating Account

as of November 30, 2015

Building Fund

as of November 30, 2015

Income Nov YTD

General Envelopes $10,229 $19,543

Electronic $6,430 $12,909

Loose Offerings $313 $684

Misc. $766 $6,537

Total $17,738 $39,673

Expense Budget YTD

Support Staff $174,562 $28,065

Benevolence $12,500 $2,065

Parsh Wellness $200 $198

Admin $16,900 $2,468

Worship & Music $1,600 $0

Christian Ed $2,250 $31

Outreach Services $4,100 $895

Property $24,835 $3,527

Total $236,947 $37,249

Dedicated Funds Nov YTD

Gifts Received $29,237 $117,944

Building Fund Account Balance

Security State $311,901

MIF $523,763

Total $835,664

Payments Nov YTD

HyTec $152,093 $600,055

YHR $3,364 $11,469

Peterson Sheetmtl. $0 $62,778

Red River Testing $174 $6,425

Misc 0 $847

Total $155,631 $681,575


I so liked the write-up on the

ELCA website regarding worship

that I decided just to reprint it here:

For Lutherans, worship stands at

the center of our life of faith.

Through God’s word, water,

bread, and prayer we are

nurtured in faith and sent out

into the world.

Connected with and central to

everything we do, worship unites

us in celebration, engages us in

thoughtful dialogue and helps us

grow in faith. It grounds us in

our Christian and Lutheran

roots, while demonstrating

practical relevance for today’s


While some of the approaches to

worship may differ from one

ELCA congregation to another,

we hold certain things in

common. Central to our worship

life is the presence of God

through word and sacrament.

The word proclaimed and

the sacraments —both Holy

Baptism and Holy Communion

— are called the means of

grace. We believe that Jesus

Christ is present in these means

through the power of the Holy

Spirit. Sometimes we describe

worship as a “gathering around

the means of grace.”

There is also a basic pattern for

worship among Lutherans. We

gather. We encounter

God’s word. We share a meal at

the Lord’s table. And we

are sent into the world. But we

do not think about worship so

much in terms of what we do.

Worship is fundamentally about

what God is doing and our

response to God’s action.

Worship is an encounter with

God, who saves us through the

life, death and resurrection of

Jesus Christ.

(Adapted from www.elca.org/



God has blessed our congregation

with an astonishing array of

talented, passionate, and

resourceful people to help lead us

in worship: greeters, lectors,

ushers, acolytes, communion

assistants, altar guild members,

musicians, choir members, tellers,

artists, graphic designers, liturgists,

audio/video technicians, and all the

faithful worshipers who gather

every Sunday and/or Wednesday.

On Sunday, January 10 at 6:30 pm,

we will be having a gathering of all

those committees, sub-committees,

and others involved in the planning

and conduct of worship at Zion.

The event will offer us a time to

sing and pray together; it will be a

time for us to “see the big picture”

of worship through the seasons and

festivals of the church year; the

event will promote excellence in

worship so that how we plan and

how we lead worship is the best we

have to offer to God’s glory and

the building up of Christian

community. If you have been

involved in worship leadership

before in any of the above

capacities, or if you would like to

be involved (!), you are cordially

invited to come. Contact Pastor

Krehl if you can bring a plate of

cookies, bars, or other refreshment

to share. I look forward to this

time of celebrating and visioning



Rooted in a New Creation by Pastor Krehl Stringer

“Worship: A foundation of faith for everything we do”

…behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he that

is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to

worship him.” (Matthew 2:1b-2 )


Some didn’t like the location,

welcoming area, didn’t think it

should be built without a library,

where’s the choir, the windows

weren’t appropriate, there were too

many offices, the sanctuary size

was whittled down too much, the

assembly room wasn’t adequate,

etc. and etc. As far as I’m

concerned, those issues are past.

Those are old issues. Let’s move


Carol and I took the opportunity to

walk through the structure last

week, and the misgivings we had

are gone. The layout looks good

and it’s going to be a beautiful,

functional, and appropriate facility.

But, so far, less than ½ of our

congregation has bought into the

fact that it needs to be paid for.

I have a suggestion. Make this a

promise…This evening, before you

go to bed, take the initiative, and

have a little conversation with

yourself, spouse, or family. Say

this: “I’ll do what I can.” “We’ll

do what we can.” Do you think

God would ask us to do more than

that? This little statement is one

that every kid and adult from 8 to

80 can say, and does not hinge on

your economic situation, or

whether you have given already or

not, or whether you’re a long-time

member or are new to the


It seems that our main concern

right now is that every person say,

“We’ll do what we can.”

I’m not suggesting any dollar

amount. That should be between

you and the Lord. I’m simply

suggesting that all of us who have

a connection to Zion say, “We’ll

(Continued from page 1)

Pathways Village

Camp Minne-Wa-Kan

August 16-25, 2016

Plan now to mark your calendars

for August 16-25 to participate in

an Intergenerational Camping

Event modeled on the Holden

Village experience. This unique

camping experience is Pathways’

newest ministry adventure. You

may register for two nights or

more—whatever fits your

schedule. During the 10 days,

Pathways will offer a range of

classes, workshops, and outdoor

adventures in which you can

participate, or not, as you desire.

Plan to take all the classes, or just

sit on the beach and enjoy the lake.

The one “required” event will be

worship every evening when the

whole community will gather for a

creative, deeply meaningful

experience of spiritual community.

People of all ages are welcome.

Mark your calendars NOW!

Watch for details and registration

info in the coming weeks. Δ

do what we can.” “I’ll do what I


If you have this discussion in your

home, I am confident that the

needs for both the General Fund

and the Building Fund will be met

as we complete a new House of


Remember: “We’ll do what we

can.” Δ

Care Packages for

College Students by Shawn Brunelle

The Christian Ed ministry is

sponsoring care packages for Zion

college students. If you would like

your student to receive a package,

please turn in their name and

address by January 7. Soon after,

boxes will be placed in the church

narthex with a student’s name on

each box. Congregation members

are encouraged to place “care

package” items inside each box.

We’ll mail the packages in early


Each student must be a member of

Zion and the name must be turned

into Shawn Brunelle by January 7.

Please use the information form

provided below as a guide in

letting us know about your

student. Donations to help cover

the mailing fee are encouraged.

Contact Shawn Brunelle at 386-

3644 with questions. Δ

Care Package for

College Student Info


Address ____________________




State__________ Zip__________


Favorite Snack_______________




Sunday School rotation

Teacher and Helper openings


Teachers are needed for the 2015-

16 Sunday School year. Sign-up

sheets are located on the Christian

Education bulletin board. Choose

which month(s) you would like to

teach and which workshop topic

such as art, Bible games, video,

etc. you’d like to lead.

Youth volunteers are needed to

help Sunday School teachers.

Please sign up on the Christian

Education bulletin board if you can

help or contact Kristi Lien at 386-

1503 or at zlcwsundayschool

@hotmail.com. Δ

Please collect

“Our Family” upc


Zion’s Christian Education

ministries receive $.05 for every

label we send in. The upc barcode

collection box is located on the

Christian Education bulletin board. Δ

Kids, your help is


Sign up on the

servant board to help

collect noisy offering each

month during worship.

Acolytes, please sign up

on the servant board (across from the men’s restroom).

Your help with worship is

needed and appreciated.

All women are invited to come for

a casual time of reflection,

fellowship, and Bible study on

Tuesdays at noon at Zion. We

meet for about one hour to read

and discuss the Bible, so you are

welcome to bring your lunch if

you wish.

Beginning January 5, we’ll be

using Max Lucado’s study on the

book of Ephesians. Plan to come

to the church each Tuesday at

noon to join in! Δ

Congregation Challenge from

Christian Ed

Don’t forget to pick up your

memory verse leaflet from the

Christian Education bulletin board

and work on memorizing some


The January verse of the month is:

And Jesus came and said to

them, ‘All authority in heaven

and on earth has been given to

me. Go therefore and make

disciples of all nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit, and teaching them to

obey everything that I have

commanded you. And

remember, I am with you

always, to the end of the age.’

Matthew 28:18-20

Theme verse for 2015-16:

VBS Brunch

January 10

The VBS brunch fundraiser is

Sunday, January 10 at 10:00.

There will be eggbake, fruit,

muffins, and assorted beverages.

There will be a free will donation

collected with all proceeds going

toward Zion’s 2016 Vacation Bible

School daycamp with Pathways. Δ


January Schedule

Supper 5:30 pm Bible Study 6:15 pm Confirmation 6:30 pm Worship 7:15 pm

January Supper Schedule

Wednesday night suppers begin at

5:30. The suggested donation for

these suppers is $2.50 to cover the

cost of the meal.

1/6 Taco plate

1/13 Chili dog and fries

1/20 Soup and sandwich

1/27 Spaghetti

Volunteers are needed to help with

Wednesday night suppers.

Suppers are simple and can be

ready to serve for you. Help with

clean up is also appreciated. We

use paper products for most things

so dish washing is minimal. Please

sign up on the Christian Ed bulletin

board if you can help or talk to

Shawn Brunelle at 386-1733 ext.

15 if you have questions. Δ


Confirmation helpers are needed

for the 2015-16 year. There is a

sign-up sheet on the Christian

Education bulletin board. Contact

Shawn Brunelle at 386-1733 ext.

15 or email zlcwconfirmation

@hotmail.com with questions. Δ

Confirmation Schedule

for January Confirmation class begins at 6:30


1/6 Parent/student meeting

1/13 Regular class

1/20 Regular class

1/27 Regular Class

Confirmation Parent/Student


There will be a parent and student

meeting for all enrolled in

confirmation on Wednesday,

January 6 at 6:30 pm. Δ

The gift of being a mentor

Please consider being a mentor for

one of our confirmation students.

Confirmation students will be

asking people to be their mentors

soon. To be a mentor is to be

available to the student and have

an interest in their life. Mentors

and students meet through the

season of Lent and have a book

with scripture and questions to

guide the meeting through

individual faith journeys. These

questions are designed to promote

conversation about your own

experiences, so you don’t need to

be an expert on scripture. Please

see this opportunity to work with

our youth as an honor that they

chose you! Δ

continued... Sunday School

10:15 to 11:15 am

Sunday school classes are

available for preschool

through grade 7

Sunday School Schedule

for January

1/3 No Sunday School

1/10 Class at 10:15

1/17 Class at 10:15

1/24 Class at 10:15

1/31 Class at 10:15

Sunday School resumes January

10 with an eggbake brunch

fundraiser. Sign up on the

Christian Ed bulletin board to

donate a food item, eggbake,

muffins, milk, juice, or fruit. If

you can help set up, serve, or clean

up for the brunch please contact

Shawn Brunelle at 386-1733 ext.

15. All food items need to be to

the church by 9:00 am; serving

begins at 10:00. We will have

Sunday School kids helping serve,

plus we will show a short movie in

the overflow room for those kids

too young to help. All proceeds

will go to Zion’s 2016 Vacation

Bible School daycamp. Δ

Attention all Warroad Area Citizens!

The Blandin Foundation has chosen the community of Warroad to participate

in the Blandin Community Leadership Program in April of 2016. This is a

unique opportunity for 24 Warroad area citizens who are passionate about

their community to attend a 5-day retreat at Sugar Lake Lodge in Grand

Rapids for free. Plan to attend the information session on Monday, January

25 at 5:30 pm (food and beverages provided) at The Lodge at the Warroad

Senior Living Center. RSVP by Wednesday, January 20 to

skmorque@blandinfoundation.or or call 877-882-2257. This event is co-

sponsored by the Warroad Young Professionals. Childcare services are

available. Δ


A good time

was had by all by Julie Jones

Thank you from the Women of

Zion to all who took part in

decorating the sanctuary Christmas

tree and for putting up the swags

and chrismons. A special thank

you to the Rebecca Circle ladies

and to Claudia McFarlane, Fern

Knudson, and the Esther Work

Group for serving the Women of

Zion Advent Event. The Advent

Program planners presented an

inspirational program, “The Colors

of Christmas,” a perfect start to the

Advent and Christmas season. Δ

Poinsettias aplenty!

We had record setting poinsettia

orders for Christmas this year!

Seventy poinsettias were donated

to adorn Zion’s sanctuary for the

Christmas services. THANK YOU

to everyone who donated and/or

sponsored poinsettias to beautify

the church! The sponsorship

messages were printed in the

Christmas Eve worship folder,

except the following, which were

omitted from the list:

Two poinsettias were given by Jeff

& Shelley Galle in memory of

Shelley’s parents, Dwayne &

Sylvia Raymond and in memory of

Jeff’s dad, John Galle Sr.

Two poinsettias were given by Wes

& Claudia McFarlane in honor of

their family and in memory of Rudy

& Dolores Hegstad, Pearl &

Dorrance Johnston, and Duane

McFarlane. Δ

Auditions for Minnesota All-State Lutheran Choir

Summer Camp & Tour will happen very soon!

Students in 10th, 11th, or 12th grades who are interested in choral music are

encouraged to audition for the Minnesota All-State Lutheran Choir Summer

Camp and Tour this June. This is an amazing experience for fun, musical

excellence, and faith-building. Past MASLC participants from Zion in recent

years include Jemma Provance and Stephanie Hodgson.

Register to audition by emailing Philip Schroetter, Assistant to the Artistic

Director at maslutheranchoir@gmail.com. You will then receive an email

from Mr. Schroetter with more information regarding audition sites, times,

etc. For more information about MASLC, visit www.maslc.org. Δ


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


6:30 am- Men’s

Bible Study

New Year’s Day

6:30 am- Men’s

Bible Study

9:00 am- Worship with Holy


No Sunday School

10:15 am- Choir practice

12:00 pm– Women’s Bible


1:30 pm- Staff Ministry

Team meeting

12:00 pm- Executive

Committee meeting

(FR 12-1 pm)

6:30 pm- Alzheimer’s

Support Group at WS

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due

5:30 pm- Supper

6:15 pm– Adult Bible study

6:30 pm– Confirmation: Student

and Parent Meeting

7:15 pm– Worship

9:00 am– Worship

10:00 am– Brunch Fundraiser

for VBS Daycamp

10:15 am– Sunday School

10:15 am- Choir practice

10:00 am- Worship & Music

Committee meeting

6:30 pm– Worship Summit

12:00 pm– Women’s

Bible study

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry

Team meeting

10:30 am- Care Center


12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due

12:00 pm- Staff Ministry Team

and Personnel Committee


5:30 pm- Supper

6:15 pm– Adult Bible study

6:30 pm- Confirmation

7:15 pm– Worship

6:30 am- Men’s

Bible Study

9:00 am- Worship (Noisy

Offering) with Holy


10:15 am– Sunday School

10:15 am- “My Neighbor is

Muslim” study

10:15 am- Choir practice

11:30 am– Council Meeting

(OR 11:15-1:00)

12:00 pm– Women’s

Bible study

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry

Team meeting

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due

Items for Tidings monthly

newsletter due

5:30 pm- Supper

6:15 pm– Adult Bible study

6:30 pm- Confirmation

7:15 pm– Worship

6:30 am- Men’s

Bible Study


(R) or () Building use


FH Fellowship Hall

OR Overflow Room

FR Fireside Room

SS__ Sunday School

Room #____

K Kitchen

YR Youth Room

9:00 am- Worship

10:15 am– Sunday School

10:15 am- “My Neighbor is

Muslim” study

10:15 am- Choir practice

10:30 am- Care Center


12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due

5:30 pm- Supper

6:15 pm– Adult Bible study

6:30 pm- Confirmation

7:15 pm– Worship

12:00 pm– Women’s Bible


1:30 pm- Staff Ministry

Team meeting

9:00 am- Worship

10:15 am– Sunday School

10:15 am- “My Neighbor is

Muslim” study

10:15 am- Choir practice


January Volunteers


Sunday Morning Services

1/3 Diane Erickson, Julie Jones

1/10 Dan & Susie Lykken

1/17 Phyllis Haggan, Rose Urtel

1/24 Barb Bue and granddaughters

1/31 Steve & Susan Hagen

Wednesday Evening Services

1/6 Sydney Otto, Wade Otto

1/13 Dylon Hoy

1/20 Sydney Otto, Wade Otto

1/27 Dylon Hoy


Sunday Morning Services

January Melanie Schreiner

Wednesday Evening Services

1/6 Brenda Windahl

1/13, 20, 27 Volunteer needed


Sunday Morning Services

1/3 and 1/17 Altar Care & Assts.

Keith & Deb Landin

Jim & Carol Hallan

Wednesday Evening Services

1/6 and 1/20 Altar Care & Assts.

Jack & Gloria Steinhauer

Noisy Offering Collectors

1/17 Volunteers needed


January Volunteers needed

Sidewalk Snow Removal

Week beginning

1/4 Scott Grove, Brian McFarlane

1/11 Mike Marsh, Brad Baumann

1/18 Casey Larson

1/25 Ron Knudson

Parking Lot Snow Plowing

Week beginning

1/4 and 1/11 Keith Landin

1/18 and 1/25 Dan Curtis

Radio Broadcast


December 6—by Alice Pomplun in

memory of her husband, Rod.

December 13—by Terry & Bobbi

Aker in memory of Kevin Aker.

December 20—by Carroll & Karen

Knudson, Clair & LaVonne

Kundson, and Ron & Fern

Knudson to the King of Kings

and in honor of their December


December 27—in remembrance of

Lee Kofstad on his December

28 birthday, on which he would

have been 42, by his parents

Roger & Susan Kofstad and

family. Δ

Tithes and Offerings

Offerings for week ending 11/29:

General Offerings: $1,864.00

Building Fund: $570.00

Offerings for week ending 12/6:

General Offerings: $4,617.50

Building Fund: $3,542.00

Benevolence: $27.50

Offerings for week ending 12/13:

General Offerings: $2,391.00

Building Fund: $30,173.00

Offerings for week ending 12/20:

General Offerings: $5,626.00

Building Fund: $905.00

Computer Fund: $100.00

Noisy Offering: $224.92

(Food Packing Event)

Offerings for week ending 12/27:

General Offerings: $7,504.77

Building Fund: $8,825.00

Music: $5.00 Δ

Sun. Mid-wk. Week

11/25 16

11/29 120 136

12/2 27

12/6 111 138

12/9 42

12/13 105 147

12/16 14

12/20 173 187

12/23 No worship

12/24 340

12/24 126

12/27 66 532

12/30 No worship


Do you have good organizational

and communication skills?

We’ve got

the job for you!

Can you help? The Worship and

Music Committee is seeking an

individual to serve as a volunteer

usher/greeter coordinator. This

person (or persons) would seek out

volunteers for Wednesday evening

and Sunday morning church

services. The coordinator would

provide training to new volunteers

to familiarize them of their duties.

For more information, call 386-

3692. Δ

Noisy offerings

will be collected

Sunday, January 17.

All donations will go to future

“God’s work. Our hands.”



P. O. Box 61

Warroad, MN 56763



(218) 386-1733



Tidings from Zion

January 2016

Nonprofit Org.

U. S. Postage


Warroad, Minnesota

Permit No. 9

Brunch Fundraiser for VBS Let’s start out 2016 with a get-together!

January 10 10:00 am

Serving will begin right after worship! On the menu is egg bake, muffins, fruit, coffee, and milk.

A free will donation will be collected with all proceeds going towards our summer VBS program which allows us to have

Pathways Lutheran Outdoor Ministries provide our youth faith-building opportunities through a unique ministry filled with

games, worships, arts ‘n’ crafts, Bible experiences, field trips, and much more! Kids LOVE it!

This ministry has been a growing outreach to youth beyond the walls of Zion. Our VBS provides a unique opportunity to

reach out to welcome and engage families with young children throughout our community. We thank you for all donations

to the continued success of this program at Zion.

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