threads - march 11, 2015

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Madison Park Church Newsletter


Last summer, you gave me the opportunity to take a sabbatical. I was so thankful you gave me the chance to catch my

breath, read, reflect and spend precious time with my family. And for the first couple of days, things were going great. But if any of you know me, you can guess what happened next.Like you, our family has been waiting for the next phase at Madison Park. And like you, I’m not keen on waiting. I’m a take-charge kind of girl. So I figured I’d be the first person in history to take a “Power Sabbatical.” I would pray us a pastor. Why with twenty-four hours dedicated to prayer, the next senior pastor would feel compelled to join us by July. While I was at it, I would conquer, through prayer, all the other requests on my mind.All I needed was faith the size of a mustard seed, the right scriptures and a mountain top experience. If we couldn’t make it to the mountains, I resolved to settle for a

beachfront experience with God. But first, I had to get some chores out of the way.Day OneThe first day, I planned out the churches I would visit, wrote questions I would ask fellow children’s pastors, made a list of Bible passages I wanted to study, caught up on laundry, washed the dog, weeded the front yard, organized the closet, detailed my van, trimmed the bushes, fertilized the lawn and vacuumed everything in sight.My husband came home to find me exhausted. He crossed his arms and asked, “When are you going to rest?”I replied, “But this is how I rest.” He just looked at me. I cried, “Don’t you know how hard it is for me do be still?”“Oh yes! Yes I do.” He said. He turned away and mumbled, “This is going to be a lo-o-o-ong summer!”Day TwoFor years, I reasoned that quiet time was for other people. I’m a doer. When I see

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Be Still? Are you kidding me?by Paula Spear, Children’s Ministries Pastor

Little did John Cadbury know when he made the first Cadbury Chocolate Easter Egg in 1875, the impact it would have for generations. Although you won’t find them in the Bible, many cherished Easter traditions have been around for centuries and chocolate eggs have long been associated with Easter as a symbol of new life and Jesus’ resurrection. There are few foods that people feel as passionate about as chocolate. Chocolate is different! Just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response to many people and produce a lasting satisfaction once they’ve indulged. But the multi-flavored, chocolate delicacy, created by MPC youth, family and volunteers, produces an impacting satisfaction that lingers longer than the morsel in your mouth!Just think about a three-quarter pound egg with fillings made seven delicious flavors of cherry, peanut butter, maple walnut, mint, coconut, chocolate peanut butter and cookie and cream,

Sweet Deal for MPC Youth

biweekly weavings of the community at Madison Park Church of God—March 11, 2015

January-March Beneficiary:HaitiMake a purchase at Holy Grounds and a portion of the proceeds will benefit MPC’s ongoing ministry in Haiti.Come early or linger after the Sunday worship services to enjoy conversation and refreshments. Visit to view the full menu.

Sundays,8:30am-11:30amMasterCard, Visa and Discover accepted.

Worship ServicesSUNDAY9:00am-A blend of traditional and contemporary music, prayer, and teaching from God’s Word.11:00am-Features a praise band with distinctively modern edge and teaching from God’s Word.Classes are offered for all ages at 9:00am and 10:45am. Visit Grand Central, formerly the Information Center, for a complete listing of all electives or visit, Ministries page.

Abi Dawon leading worship during a Student Minstries service.

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HolyWeekatMPC:March29-April5Considered the most sacred of weeks in the Church calendar, Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and recounts the experiences of Jesus as he progressed toward the cross.

Maundy Thursday FellowshipThursday, April 2 at 7:00pm in The CommonsThe Gospel of Mark comes alive with Christian actor, Alan Atwood. Mr. Atwood will recite Mark’s account of the events that led to the cross. We will pause at the upper room account and partake of Holy communion around the tables.Following communion, men and women will separate to follow the Lord’s example in the ordinance of washing feet, if they so choose. This expression of servanthood can be one of the most spiritually powerful moments of the year.

GoodFridayServiceFriday, April 3 at 7:00pm in The Main AuditoriumAlanna Story will lead an evening of worship at the cross. Compelling music will focus attention on the atoning sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 4 from 1-4pm at MPCEaster Fun for Everyone! Activities include an Easter egg

hunt, a variety of Easter-related activities, and a special retelling of the Easter Story in way you’ve never seen before!

EasteratMadisonParkSunday, April 5 at 9:00am and 11:00am in the Main AuditoriumChoose from two service options:

• 9:00am — Features a glorious orchestra and choir.• 11:00am — Features contemporary worship and celebration.• Interim Senior Pastor Rolland Daniels will speak in both services.• Activity packets are available for children ages 4 through

5th grade as they attend worship with their families in the Main Auditorium.

• Child care is available for children age 3 and under.

InviteFamilyandFriends to EasteratMPC!Invitations at Grand Central

beginning Sunday, March 15

MPC offers a convenient and attractive way to invite friends and connections to church. Sized to fit in your wallet or handbag, the Easter invitations list service times and general information, and have room for you to personalize with your name and phone number. Invite your guests to meet you at Madison Park before the service—and buy them a cup of coffee or treat at Holy Grounds! Invitations are available at the Information Center.

JesusSermon series, Sundays through Easter

March 1, 2015 — Jesus... God [John 1:1-18]March 8, 2015 — Jesus... Tempted [Luke 4:1-13, Hebrews 4:14-16}

March15,2015—Jesus...Healer[Mark 1:40-45]March 22, 2015 — Jesus... Shepherd [John 10:1-10]

March29,2015(PalmSunday)—Jesus...Lord [Matthew 14:22-33]April5,2015(EasterSunday)—Jesus...Savior[Matthew 27:24-54; Isa. 53:6; Rom. 5:6-8]

News You Can UseMPCHikingClubInformationalMeeting: Wednesday, March 11 from 5:30-6:30pm in Room 179. Anyone interested in hiking both locally and on extended hiking outings will receive information about upcoming trips and suggested hiking equipment and trip details. Buy dinner at Lighthouse Café to Dine N’ Meet in Room 179. Upcoming MPC Hiking Trips include:• April 24-25: Knobstone in Southern

Indiana• May 12-17: Appalachian Trail

Sign up for hiking trips on Sundays March 1 and 8 in The Commons. Connect on Facebook: Madison Park Hiking Group. Contact: Clint Short at (765) 208-0870.BloodPressureClinic:Wednesday, April 1 from 5:30-6:30pm in The Commons. MPC Parish Nurses conduct a free blood pressure screening for MPC-goers and community friends. Contact: Sonia Smythe at—TimeMatters:Sunday, April 19 at 9:00am in Room 181. Parents wishing to dedicate their child are invited to participate in this class. Learn more about why Time Matters and connect with other parents. Child Dedication will be held on Sunday, April 26 in the 9:00am and 11:00am worship services. To register for the class contact Paula Spear, Children’s Ministries Pastor.HopeKeepers:First Tuesday of each Month, at 1:00pm at the Pendleton Library, Community Room, 595 E. Water Street in Pendleton. For individuals coping with chronic illness and pain. Does your condition keep you from enjoying life? Meeting with others who experience chronic pain may be just for you. Family members are also encouraged to attend. You are welcome and encouraged to join this journey of Hope. Facilitator: Linda Teeple at (765) 621-4607. J.O.Y.(JustOlderYouth):Thursday, March 19 at Noon in Crossroads Auditorium. All adults 55 and over are invited to the first meeting of the new year. Special guest speaker, David Reames, will inspire you and and the fellowship will encourage you. Bring a dish of food to share at the buffet table. Contact: Jackie Corn, Administrative Assistant, Spiritual Formation.

CampChallenge:Church of God State camp for children and teens.Registrations:• Now–March 31: $199. • April 1–two weeks from camp date: $225.• Late Registration: $265.Dates:• Young Explorer – June 11–13

Discounted registrations: $99, $110, $150• Senior High – June 14–19• Junior High – June 21–26• 3rd–4th Grade – June 28–July 3• 5th–6th Grade – July 5-10• 5th–6th Grade – July 12–17• Adventure Camp – July 19–23

Special registrations: $299, $325, $365

Children’s MinistriesPassportToAdventure:Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45pm in the Children’s Center for elementary age children. An exciting travel adventure through many places that Jesus visited while He was on earth. Learn the stories of the many people He helped. Get ready and earn stamps on your passports.

Student MinistriesALLYOUTHEVENTS• GameNightattheAUWellnessCenter:Wednesday, March 18

• EasterEggFundraiser:Take orders through March 22. Earn money for trips and events

IMPACT—JuniorHighMinistries:• TeachingFocus—Obsessing: Relationships:Sundays at 10:45am in Crossroads Auditorium; Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45pm in Room 176-178.

• BELIEVE:YouthConference:April 10-12. Cost $60.

IGNITE—SeniorHighMinistries:• TeachingFocus—THRIVE (Ephesians 3:14-21). Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00pm in Crossroads Auditorium.

•STWOfferingfor video projectors/Church of God India project, each week at Ignite!

• BibleStudies:Sunday at 9:00am in room 180; Tuesday from 6:00-7:30pm at Williamson’s Home

• SpringRetreatatCampChallenge: April 18-19.

Opportunities to ServeEasterJam!EventVolunteerand

Supply Needs: Roughly 13,000 pieces of wrapped Easter

candy are needed for this year’s community event.

Please drop off candy in the container in The Commons. Volunteers are needed prior to the event to stuff eggs, bag cookies and prepare craft and activity bags. Volunteers are needed on the day of the event to set and clean up, be a roaming greeter,

registration, and help with the various stations.

Sign up in The Commons to volunteer or contact Paula

Spear, Children’s Ministry Pastor or Ali Robinson, Early Childhood

Coordinator.BereavementTeamLeaders:Two persons are needed to head-up the MPC Bereavement Team. The team plans and implements dinners following a funeral service. This is a vital ministry of MPC, reaching out to families at their time of need. Contact: David Reames, Interim Pastoral Care Pastor.ParkPlaceFoodPantry:MPC is joining forces with Park Place Church of God’s Food Pantry, located in the community building behind the church on College Drive. The pantry gives food items to those who might otherwise have little to eat. It is open Monday through Friday from 6:30am-7:30pm. Volunteers are needed and appreciated to help in this ministry. Contact: Joe Womack at (765) 620-9342.

Family News To submit a threads announcement regarding a birth or death, please contact the Pastoral Care office at (765) 642-2000.

Congratulations to:Carly and Derick Grant, on the birth of their daughter, Ruby Marie, on January 22.Tabitha and Chad File, on the birth of their daughter, Leandra Lin, on February 13.Lacey and Adam Skaggs, on the birth of their son, Jackson Steven, on February 17.

Lighthouse Café

Enjoy a freshly prepared meal and mini-salad bar in The Commons: Wednesdays from 5:00pm until 6:30pm. Cost: Adults-$7, Children and college Students with ID-$5. Family Plan: $25 for up to 7 people, $5 per each additional person. March 11: Ham and Cabbage w/cornbread

Kids’ Option: PizzaMarch 18: Baked Potato Soup / Kids’

Option: Grilled CheeseMarch 25: Chicken and Noodles / Kids’

Option: Chicken and Noodles

Wednesday, April 15 at 6:00pm in the Hospitality Room

Explore Madison Park provides the essential information you need to know before calling Madison Park Church your church home. The class answers questions such as who we are, what we believe, and our church membership process in a relaxed, fun, and interactive format. You’ll meet others who are on the same journey as you and begin the process of getting connected. Find details or sign-up in the Hospitality Room or online at Contact: Shelly Stottlemyer, Pastor of Connection Ministries.

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BaptismServiceSunday, April 12 at 9am and

11am in the Main Auditorium. Thinking about baptism? Learn what

it means to follow Jesus’ example of water baptism in a one-time class

offered either Sunday, April 5 at 10:45am in Room 177 or Wednesday, April 8 at 6:30pm in Room 177. Sign-up online

to be baptized and register for the class or stop by the table in The Commons on Sundays, March

29 and April 5. Contact: the Pastoral Care Office.

something that needs to be done, I jump in and get it done. The problem is, there is always something that needs done. I realized I got an adrenaline rush out of staying busy. I had to admit I was a workaholic. How was I going to get anything out of this sabbatical? A friend lent me a devotional book. It was based on Psalm 46:10. “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” (NLT)Day ThreeAs I thought about that passage, I prayed to God. All the while, I felt guilty that I couldn’t even keep quiet for long. I got nervous if things were quiet for more than a passing moment. I tried to be still. I found myself hoping the dog would bark or the cat would jump on my lap. At least then I could blame them for breaking my focus. My mind wandered. Is that the letter carrier? What’s that repair truck doing over there? Did the neighbors get a new car? The noise in my head was unbearable!Day FourOn the fourth day of my sabbatical, I woke up at four in the morning. I felt the Lord nudging me to pray and just be with Him. I felt the peace, love and tenderness of our Lord. For some reason, that was just enough that morning. For the first time, I realized there was power in just being still and listening. When that quiet morning was over, I felt different. The situation wasn’t different. A fair number of my requests weren’t answered yet. But I was different.The Rest of the SummerI’d like to say the rest of my sabbatical was like that morning, but I still struggled with

busyness. I’m a recovering workaholic, after all. But I saw the value of slowing down and realizing the Lord was with me. I am never alone. Even if my prayer requests aren’t answered with microwave speed, I know he is with me and working all things for my good.On my sabbatical, I Am Not Alone, a song by Kari Jobe spoke to me.When I walk through deep waters I know that You will be with me When I’m standing in the fire I will not be overcome Through the valley of the shadow I will not fearI am not alone I am not alone You will go before me You will never leave meIn the midst of deep sorrow I see Your light is breaking through The dark of night will not overtake me I am pressing into You Lord, You fight my every battle And I will not fearYou amaze me Redeem me You call me as Your ownYou’re my strength You’re my defender You’re my refuge in the storm Through these trials You’ve always been faithful You bring healing to my soulMadison Park – God is with us. He is calling us to be still and know He is God. He will be exalted when we be still and wait for Him.

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In sympathy with:Brooke and Brandon Maves on the loss of her grandmother, Mary Jo Whitworth, on February 14.Cathy, Kylie, Jacob, and Marcia Porter on the loss of their husband, father and son, Jay Porter, on February 18.Sam and Lois Holmes on the loss of his mother, Rose Marilyn Holmes, on February 19.Ruth Dale, on the loss of her mother Ina S. Jones, on February 24.

Community and Ministry Partner NewsMadison County Sheriff’s Chapliancy Annual Banquet: Friday, March 13 at 6:15pm in The Commons. Guest Speaker: Alphonso Bailey, Founder and ED of Down But Not Out, Inc. The sport of boxing coupled with his intense desire to grow emotionally and spiritually freed him from a life of crime and despair. Proceeds will benefit the chaplaincy program, reaching out to inmates with the gospel of Jesus Christ and providing encouragement and spiritual support to the employees and families of the sheriff’s Department. The cost is $20 per person. Make reservations at the table in The Commons on Sundays, February 22 and March 1. Contact; Barb Collier at (765) 617-0506.The BIBLE Tour 2015: Live in concert: Steven Curtis Chapman, Francesca Battistelli, Brandon Heath and Danny Gokey, Thursday, April 9 at 7:00pm in the Main Auditorium. Your

favorite artists bring the Bible to life through live performances of today’s biggest songs paired with epic visuals from The Bible Mini-Series. General Admission, VIP, Premium and a limited number of group rate tickets. Tickets available at Opportunities:•DoveHarbor-ResourceDevelopmentDirector:Direct fund development and public relations activities to meet the financial, volunteer and material donation needs of Dove Harbor. A 32-hour per week position. ResourceManager:Manage volunteers, material donations, physical structure and maintenance needs of the building. A 32 hours per pay period (two weeks). Female applicants only. Dove Harbor is a Christian transitional shelter for women and women with children. Submit resume to: Doug Linville, 1400 Broadway Street, Anderson, IN 46012-2535 or email to .

Family News Continued from page 3

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Be Still... Continued from page 1

dipped in pure milk chocolate and placed in a decorative box. Ponder the satisfaction to your senses but greater still the knowledge that the money you paid for it will benefit MPC’s youth ministry during the coming year. Think about the life-changing opportunities the students will experience as they attend youth conventions, retreats and mission work camps.Eric Reeder, Senior High Youth Pastor shared that 2,800 chocolate eggs will be made this year. That uses 500 pounds of chocolate and lots of muscle power to mix, knead and fill the egg forms. Eggs will be made on Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14. “It’s a lot of work but also a lot of fun!”Eric concludes: “It’s awesome to watch the Crossroads transform into a Chocolate Covered Egg Factory, with dozens of students, leaders, parents and volunteers working together for a common cause...the eggs are the product of the fundraiser, but the dollars and effort equal life change in the lives of students as they go on trips, events and mission trips with the youth ministry. Pretty awesome! Worth it!”Eggs will be available in The Commons on Sundays March 15, 22, 29 and April 4. If you would like to volunteer to help make the eggs contact, Rhonda Hollingsworth, Administrative Assistant, Children and Student Ministries.

Sweet Deal for MPC Youth Continued from page 1

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