this revolution will be televised … and on every single channel

Post on 08-May-2015



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“I have seen the future,” said Lincoln Steffens, one of the most famous journalists in the last century, on a visit to the Soviet Union in the early 1920s. “And it works.”

He was wrong, of course. Journalists are adept at explaining what happened, but not at predicting what will happen next. And they have no idea what journalism itself will look like, because they are obsessed with the fact that journalism is changing at all.

But we do. What is happening is unprecedented. And you can use it to your benefit.

Nothing But Net. Newspapers and magazines will cease or reduce printing and move online to reduce costs and increase profits. And print media finally will have a business model in which they can charge for content. Without availability of both print and online editions, consumers will be forced to pay for online content, as will aggregators such as Google.

Extra, Extra! Mainstream media – also including wire services and broadcast networks – will create more online publications that attract advertisers. Forbes Executive Woman was created because advertisers will pay to reach this demographic. Also, reputable journalists will start their own online media on politics, finance, business and more because people everywhere still need such information to make informed decisions.

Social Butterflies. Media will report breaking news via social media. If a “regular joe” captured information and photos of the US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson River and uploaded it all to Twitter, why can’t professional reporters? That was a wake-up call. Media also will report general news on social networks. USA Today already plans to run CEO interviews on Twitter.

Analyze This. Media also will focus on analysis of trends and issues. Business and trade media will create their own social networks to deliver breaking news and deep analysis to your virtual doorstep. There will be an explosion of more trade media that provide more specific information, and which will create networks that give readers more insight that they want and need.

So there will be more and better resources devoted to breaking news and analysis. Here are a couple of ideas on how you can use these resources to your advantage. • Demonstrate how the world and you have changed. Investors know that companies have cut costs. They want to know

how companies will grow again. Create a CEO blog and talk about your strategy to create new products and capitalize on growing markets, then link the blog to Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks that reach your customers – and news media. In fact, media are asking Dix & Eaton for examples of companies that are positioning themselves for strong and sustained growth despite the downturn.

• Identify tough issues, and show customers you solve problems. Right now consumers and businesses really want to know how they can save money – and, in the case of the latter, grow sales. At the same time, business and trade media need more ideas to populate their rising numbers of online channels and social networks. Tap these complementary needs through analytical case studies and white papers that identify thorny issues and showcase ways you help customers solve them. Business and trade media around the world also are asking us for examples of who is innovative in solving the toughest issues.

Again, what is happening to journalism is unprecedented. This is a time to seize opportunities presented by the revolution remaking journalism. All of this won’t end soon – we have seen the future, and it perks – but fortune favors the bold.

If you’d like to discuss further, please contact Gary Wells, Senior Managing Director – 216-241-4631 –


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This Revolution Will Be Televised … and On Every Single Channel

June 2, 2009

emerging trends

By Gary Wells, Senior Managing Director

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