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This Presentation Template was Created by G.G. Garth Productionsfor internal use only

Reproduction or modification with written permissionContact: Ghia at

Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Your Company Logo + Mission Statement Here

Your Company’s Great Wall of Cyber:Deploying Your Company’s Consistent Message Online

G.G. Garth Productions Copyright 2011 All Rights ReservedFor further information, kindly refer to

1. Goal

The purpose of this session is to demonstrate the value and anatomy Youtube “real estate”, as is it can benefit Your Company globally.

Think about this as a power tool to sharing Your Company message with your clients, patients, subsidiaries, franchisees, members, with potential members, supporters, event attendees, advertisers, and with the news media.

Your Company is xx-countries-strong, and in xx USA branches. That’s a powerful voice when united on Youtube. Instantly quantify your viewers! What if Your Company expresses its voice on Youtube?

Remember Dr. Seuss’s “Horton Hears a Who”?

2. Show of Hands

Please, raise your hands (I’ll ink on pad):

How many of you use a computer?

Go on internet? Surf Google?

Use Faceboook?

MySpace? Twitter?

Who among you HAS a widget?

Who uses a cell phone?

Can text message?

Uses Vimeo or Youtube?

Who knows how easy it is to upload a film to Youtube?


3. Our Brain is Plastic

While it’s easier for my 13-year old… there’s still hope for us adults (see brain chart on white pad).

Saturated with Dopamine and Testorsteron/Estrogen (teen-35)

Increased Cortisol (35+) + decreased D/T/E

Evenso: Studies show, with practice (exercise/music/learning/stim) our brain remains plastic throughout life. Learning never stops.

4. Brief History of Communication…according to me

Throughout time, people have sought methods to communicate their message effectively. (see slids to follow)

4.1. Pre-literates sang. 4.2. The more evolved Stone-Agers used ambient sticks and stones. 4.3. New-Agers use expensive water and crystals. 4.4. Gutenberg upset family values: Suddenly children could re-interpret all that had been a singularly

controlled message. Alas, some did not embrace typeface until… 4.5. Wells Fargo Pony Express made junk-mail possible. 4.6. The telegraph, telephone, and radio rocked the world and continue to do so. 4.7. TV has engaged countless viewers with countless meaningful messages. 4.8. Then came, bumper stickers and t-shirts! The t-shirt as message purveyor was born of the rock

concert. Which, incidentally, horrified my dear mother (b. 1917) “Undergarments worn on the outside!” 4.9. After bumper stickers and t-shirts hit the communications scene, many alternative substances were

taken, releasing any residual inhibitions that may have remained from pre-Gutenberg influences, and soon, from psychedelic inspiration,

the fax and computer were born…while of course more life and inventions happened in between…let’s 4.10. Fast-forward to the Internet. Messaging via email, facebook, my Space, Twitter, Texting, iPads. Refer to Show of Hands (listed on white pad).

Preliterates Sang

The more evolved Stone-Agers used ambient sticks and stones.

New-Agers use expensive water and crystals.

Gutenberg upset family values.

Alas, some cultures did not embrace typeface, until...

4.5. Wells Fargo Pony Express made junk-mail possible.

4.6. The telegraph, telephone, and radio rocked the world and continue to do so.

4.7. TV has engaged countless viewers with countless meaningful messages.

4.8. Then came bumper stickers and

t-shirts --communication power-tools!

Fast-Forward to the Next Most Effective Communications Power-Tool:

Global Internet

5.1. Anatomy of YoutubeYour Company can deploy Youtube to share the Your Company

with the globe.

Examples of Your Company’s use of Youtube, and an example of “Branded” you tubes:

World Affairs Council of Boston “Branded” Youtube films You’ll note each has a consistent format so it appears like a block of cyber real estate. Point out various benefits.

Benefits of Branding: Consistent Message Clarity Accountability What else? (input from Your Company members)

5.2. Anatomy of YoutubeYour Company can deploy Youtube to share the Your Company

with the globe.

The Title would always state Your Company YOUR BRANCH NAME, YOUR EVENT NAME, DATE

The Description should always include: Details of the event, boiler-plate Your Company description, website.

The Tags should always include: Your Company boiler-plate vocabulary

5.3. Anatomy of YoutubeYour Company can deploy Youtube to share the Your Company

with the globe.

To create a youtube video:

Do it yourself with phone cam or hand cam, or fancier toys. Or, simplify, and hire a service like G.G. Garth Productions with state of the art equipment and excellent standards.

Edit your film to a maximum of 15 minutes, there’s no minimum, write a snappy description, include the standard template information, upload to your Youtube account.

Wait for the link to “populate” (few hours sometimes).

Then deploy the link: To your Your Company web library of links on your website, in newsletters, on targeted email correspondence as a trailer below your automatic email footer that you program.

6.1. What to Film?

Company season events, promo parties, new products, extant products, competitions, lectures, new exec hires:

Holiday Related

Next Generation Guest Lecturers

Product-specific Human Interest Topics

Product-Fans send their Home Videos

6.2. Exponential Algorhythm

X # of events per year

X# of branches (xx+xx x #of annual events = power-tool!!)

= a lot of youtube real estate

Supporting Your Company’s singular message: _____

7. Closing Summary Think about this as a power tool to sharing Your Company message with your clients,

patients, subsidiaries, franchisees, members, with potential members, supporters, event attendees, advertisers, and with the news media.

Your Company is xx-countries-strong, and in xx USA branches. That’s a powerful voice. And youtube quantifies how many viewers you have, instantly.

Create a lasting tidal wave of influence for the next generation.

And, the lingua franca would remain: Your Company Name

(kindly, refer to white board questions)

Thank you for your time.

For further information,

please contact Ghia


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