thesis proposal june 23 2012

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BACHELOR OF ARTS(Mass Communication)

MARCH 2012



Football had been introduced in the Philippines in 1907 (Casares, 2010), but it

only was considered a significant sport in 2010.

According to Futbol Pilipinas (, the Philippine Men's

National Football Team is the national football team of the Philippines and represents the

country in international football. The Philippine Football Federation (PFF) handles the

team and act as the governing body of football in the Philippines.

Football has become a dominant sport in the Philippines, and is a favorite in the

provinces of Iloilo, Negros Occidental and Mindanao Island and in some parts of Luzon

and Visayas.

Recent developments, however, have opened new avenues for the game within

the country and in the International level. With more young and skilled players joining

the team like Borromeo, Christopher Greatwich, Emelio Calindong and others, chances

of fighting the opponents and putting up a strong defense has become brighter. With the

Philippine National Football Team at least qualifying for ASEAN Football

Championship, 2007, the chances of a good future for football in Philippine is ensured.

An important counterpart of the game basketball in Philippines is football.

Basketball may be a famous game for Filipinos but this popular sport also enjoys the

loyalty of the people. The game has already achieved popularity among the common

mass and after it was introduced in the country by the British Sailors from Hong Kong in

the early 1900’s, it has been a foreigner’s game played mostly by the rich. Football may


not have achieved a largely high position but it is a game deemed worthy to be played

and enjoyed.

Two football superstars helped popularized football in the Philippines - the

Younghusbands. Siblings James and Phil are reinforcement members of the Philippine

Azkals that competes in different international leagues representing the country.

The Younghusband siblings together with the Philippine Football Team, better

known as the Azkals established popularity in sports and show business.

Capturing the eyes of the media, the Azkals guest in various television shows and

appeared in newspapers. They made a very big impact in Philippine sports as they star in

television, radio and print media.

The Philippine Football Team is famous because of their success in terms of

sports and even in media. They appear in newspaper, television and in magazines. They

even have their own facebook fan page and website. As a trend in advertisement,

advertisers use the Philippine Football Team as endorsers of their products and services

due to their popularity and public demand.

The public is well aware that the Azkals are known and popular but the

researchers want to know how popular they are.

Advertisement, news and other information are placed in different types of print

media also known as the tri-media which also includes print media. It is one of the oldest

and basic forms of mass communication. It includes newspapers, weeklies, magazines,

monthlies and other forms of printed journals. Print media generally refers to newspapers.


Significance of the Study

This research tackles about the presence of the Azkals and football in the

Philippines as seen in media, newspaper in particular. This seeks to establish if the news

organizations allocation of resources for Azkals is justified.

This research about the anatomy of Azkals’ popularity in Philippine print media

is also a significant endeavor in advertising especially in print media, education, sports

and show business.


The people behind print advertising, with the help of this research will improve

their marketing and advertising approach upon knowing the taste of the public and their

perception towards popularity.


The research will serve as reference to future researchers with topics related to

popularity, sports, media, communication or triangulation.

Sports and Showbiz

With the help of this research, people in the sports and show business industry can

analyze the anatomy of popularity in print, if possible, with television and radio and

hopefully would help them with the approach to reach the heist of their career.

This study will also be beneficial to the students and instructors in Mass

Communication most specially in print media when they employ effective learning in

their classroom setting particularly in different concepts related to the use of


effective disseminating of information. By understanding the needs of the students and

benefits of quality education, these instructors and students are assured of a competitive

advantage. Moreover, this research will provide recommendations on how to evaluate

the popularity in print media.

Statement of the Problem

Recognized locally and abroad, the Philippine National Football Team or Azkals

made a huge impact on various types of media. Filipinos exert support to the team

composed of natural Filipino citizens and foreign reinforcements like the

Younghusbands. Regarding this, the researchers conducted this research to know if print

media uses Azkals’ popularity for sales or does Azkals’ uses print media publicity for

popularity. Furthermore, the researchers would also like to know the anatomy behind the

Azkal’s fame in Philippine print media.

Objective of the Study

General Objective:

This research aims to investigate the anatomy of Azkal’s popularity in Philippine

print media. The primary objective of this study is beyond the goals of advertising.


Specific Objectives:

The researchers also aim to:

concretely establish Azkals’ popularity in newspapers in terms of column

inches allocation;

determine the level of popularity of Azkals among the target readers of

broadsheets in Batangas;

describe respondents perception of Azkals as media personalities;

determine if there is consistency among presence of Azkal in newspaper

pages, level of popularity among target readers, and the readers perception

of Azkals.

Scope and Limitations

To answer the stated problems in this study, the researchers will use the

triangulation method which involves surveys, interviews and content analysis in which

the results are to be verified. The scope of the study is subdivided into the following parts

depending on the method used.


For surveys and interviews:

Random Batangueňos, either female or male, with access to print media from

different walks of life, residents of the Batangas Province for five years prior to the

interview and/ or survey are the respondents of the research.


The area of the conducted survey and interview is within Batangas Province

For Content Analysis of Print Media, broadsheet newspapers will be used in the

measurement of Azkals related articlesm, photographs and other data of November 1 to

30 issues.

Limitations of the study may be due to the availability or life span of newspapers

materials related to football and the Azkals; and the Batanguenos newspaper readers.

Operational Framework

For the reader’s further understanding to the topic, the following terms are

conceptually defined based on the study.

Agenda Cutting- simply a name for a variety of ways and instances in which a topic or

an actual or potentially significant news ‘story’ finds itself low on a news agenda, or even

out of it; in some cases there may be a presence, but of a negative rather than a neutral or

perhaps a deservedly positive tone. 


Agenda-Setting Theory-  the news media have a large influence on audiences, in terms

of what stories to consider newsworthy and how much prominence and space to give


Azkals- The Philippines national football team is the national football team of the

Philippines and represents the country in international.

Column Inch- Unit of measure in a publication by which advertising space is sold.

Magazines and newspapers are divided into so many columns wide and so many inches

deep (depth = height). A column inch measures 1 inch deep by 1 column wide, whatever

the standard width is for the particular publication.

Contextual analysis-  relating to or determined by or in context; "contextual


Interview- A mutual sight or view; a meeting face to face; usually, a formal or official

meeting for consultation; a conference; as, the secretary had an interview with the


Media- the means of communication that reach large number of peope, such as

television, newspapers and radio.

Media economics- embodies economic theoretical and practical economic questions

specific to media of all types.

Popularity- The state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people.

Print Media- The industry associated with the printing and distribution of news through

newspapers and magazines.


Theoretical Framework- The theoretical framework is a foundation for the parameters,

or boundaries, of a study. Once these themes are established, researchers can seek

answers to the topical questions they have developed on broad subjects. 

Public opinion (perception) - the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by

the adult population. Public opinion can also be defined as the complex collection of

opinions of many different people and the sum of all their views.

Qualitative Data -Data that approximates or characterizes but does not measure

the attributes, characteristics, properties, etc., of a thing or phenomenon. Qualitative data

describes whereas quantitative data defines

Quantitative Data -describe a type of information that can be counted or expressed

numerically. This type of data is often collected in experiments, manipulated and

statistically analyzed.

Reality- The quality or state of being actual or true.

Science- defined above is sometimes called pure science to differentiate it from applied

science, which is the application of research to human needs. Society-is a group of

people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping

sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority

and dominant cultural expectations.

Survey-a general view, examination, or description of someone or something.



The researchers searched libraries and the internet for existing studies related

and vital to this research “The Anatomy of Azkals’ Popularity in Philippine Print Media.”

and came up with several researches.

National Characteristics of Hungarian Celebrity Culture

Andrea Viniczai of the University of Pecs studied Hungarian celebrities in his

PhD work entitled “National Characteristics of Hungarian Celebrity Culture.”

The researchers think that this study of Viniczai can be beneficial to the

research in measuring the Azkals’ popularity in Philippine print media as it gave insights

regarding the Hungarian celebrity culture, showing several examples on how one can be

famous in Hungary. It also discussed about Hungarians Celebrity Consumption which

resulted in surveys showing the interest for the stars is related to tabloid reading habits.

According to Viniczai, one can reach a popular celebrity status if they have a

unique personality, private life in media, look, hard work and talent as shown in the

following figure.


Table 1. Components of Popularity Based on Viniczai

Table 1 shows the results to Viniczai’s questions focused on Hungarian

celebrities in general. 41.6% of the respondent’s defined celebrities as people who are

constantly in the media. 71.5% thought that most of the Hungarian stars couldn’t pull

through in the international star-world. And who can become a celebrity in Hungary?

According to Viniczai’s respondents celebrities have nothing to do with merit,

talent or hard work, on the contrary because sixty percent stated that most of the

Hungarian stars are those who became stars for no evident reasons. Three-quarters of the

7317 respondents submitted that the most important thing in becoming a star is the

constant support of the media. The second most important factor is the look of the

celebrities, the third is their unique personality, the fourth is their positive inner values

and last of all comes talent.


Regarding this, in order for the researchers to verify the level of popularity, the

Azkals must establish a unique personality, private life in media, the looks, perseverance

and talent.

Unique Personality

They must have interesting characteristics.

They must stand out in a crowd.

They must provide a distinct point for discussion.

No other person or group possess the type of personality they posseess.

It must be difficult to look for people who will be like them.

Good Looks

Azkals are good looking men.

Azkals are effective endorses for fashionable products.

People always take a look at their pictures, posters, billboards.

People buy products they endorse because of their appereance.

Hard Work

Azkals give their best during competition.

They practice because of dedication.

They practice hard.



They are excellent in the field of football.

They are champion materials.

The way they play is fascinating.

Other people can also do what they do in football.

Life in Media

Azkals deserve media attention they got

People are interested in their personal lives.

People talk about their personal lives.

People listen, watch, or read news about their personal lives.

They behave properly under the spotlight.


    One of mass communications’ purposes is to inform the public about current and

past events. Mass communication as defined in “Mass Media, Mass Culture” is the

process whereby professional communicators use technological devices to share


messages over great distance to influence large audiences. Within this process of

communication, the media practitioners take control of the information which can be in

form of print, radio and television.

The media then uses gate keeping and agenda setting to “control access to news,

information, and entertainment” (Wilson 14). Gate keeping is a series of

checkpoints wherein the news has undergo before it public consumption. This process

enables media practitioners to decide if news or any form of media is ready for


                Agenda setting, on the other hand, as defined in “Mass Media, Mass Culture” is

the process whereby the mass media determine what the public think and worry about.

Walter Lippmann, a journalist first observed this function, in the 1920’s. Lippmann then

pointed out that the media dominates over the creation of pictures in the public’s head; he

believed that the public reacts not to actual events but to the pictures in their head. 

Therefore, this agenda setting process is used to remodel occurring events in the

environment into a simpler model. Several researches have followed this concept of

Lippman like Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw.

                McCombs and Shaw have best described the agenda setting function in their

book Emergence of American Political Issues. In this book the authors point out that

there is “abundantly collected evidence that editors and broadcasters   play an important

part  as they go through their day to day tasks  in deciding and publicizing news”

(Littlejohn, nd).                       

“…This impact of the mass media- the ability to affect cognitive change among

among individuals, to structure their thinking- has been labelled the agenda-setting


function of mass communication. Here may lay the most important effect of mass

communication, its ability to mentally order and organize our world for us. In short, the

mass media may not be successful in telling us what to think, but they are stunningly

successful in telling us what to think about…” (McCombs & Shaw, 5)

            There are two levels of agenda setting as mentioned in the Theories of

Communication; the first level enacts the common subjects that are most important, and

the second level decides what parts of the subject are important.

1n 1972, David Weaver joined McCombs and Shaw in a project were they panel

studied the 1976 U.S. presidential election. Within their project the three researchers

studied the attributes of the agenda, the description of presidential candidates in the news

and the agenda attributes in voters’ descriptions of the candidates (McCombs).

Throughout McCombs and Shaw’s study, the researchers found out that there was

a relationship between the media agenda and the public agenda. These studies are for the

purpose of looking at the media issues and determining whether these issues are




Figure 1. Media Tenor Applied Agenda Setting Research

Figure 3 shows the application of an Agenda Setting Research wherein “reality” is

defined as part of the environment with politics, economy, science and society and with

agenda cutting; this reality is controlled by the media. It also shows that “reality “with

agenda setting has a direct impact on the “media reality” which gives the public their own

perception of reality.

  Other factors may also affect agenda setting and these may be due to the

combination of gatekeepers, editors and managers, and external influences. These

external influences may be from non- media sources, and the elite. These factors affect

the agenda setting process to an extent that depending to what power each factor

may have it will eventually influence the media agenda. For an instance, “if the media

has close relationship with the elite society, that class will probably affect the media

agenda and the public agenda in turn” (Littlejohn, 321).


Agenda setting theory as stated above has gave the media power to establish

control over the publication and emphasis of information accessible to the public. This

concept of agenda setting is explained as “the idea of issue salience as a media effect is

intriguing and important” (LittleJohn,nd). In conclusion, the agenda setting theory of

Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw is used for many purposes to establish the media

agenda and to retrieve the opinion of the public.

Conceptual Framework

In this particular study, phenomenon can be explained using the diagram below.

Figure 2. Conceptualized framework for Azkals’ popularity

Based on earlier discussed theory, the events in the lives of Azkals have at least

three directions: to be represented in media, to be directly observed by others, and kept

hidden from public or media.


In this case, the researchers shall observe the representation of Azkals in media,

using newspapers as means. It shall then be established if there is relationship between

perception of Filipinos and what is shown to them in media.

It is through this that it can be determined if the representation in media is



In order to reach the intended objectives of the study, the researchers used more

than one method for gathering data and solving problems related to the topic of football

in the print media. This method is known as the methodological triangulation.

The triangulation method according to Martyn Denscombe’s Third edition of

“The Good Research Guide” is the explicit focus of the link between approaches. It

“emphasizes the need to explain why the alternative approaches are beneficial and how

alternatives are brought together “(Denscombe).

Triangulation is also a powerful technique that facilitates validation of data

through cross verification from more than two sources. In particular, it refers to the

application and combination of several research methodologies in the study of

the same phenomenon. The method can employ both quantitative and qualitative studies,

through validation and inquiries designed to understand and explain the behavior and

events with their variables and consequences related to the study (Denscombe).


In this social study, the researchers used three methods under methodological

triangulation. As for this case, to satisfy the objectives of the study; content analysis

(p.7), surveys (p.10) and interviews (p.12) , is done for a methodological triangulation

which can be validated to understand the popularity of Azkals in Philippine print media.


Content analysis or textual analysis is another method in social science for

studying the content of printed medium of communication. Babbie (2010) defined print

media as a form of communication such as books, websites, paintings and laws. But in

this case, the content analysis will only be applicable for the newspaper published in

November 2011. Contained articles, photographs, news or advertisements related to the

Azkals is bound to the study of authorship, authenticity and meaning that will answer six

questions addressed in accordance to Dr. Klaus Krippendorff, author of the books:

Content analysis: An introduction to Its Methodology and The Content Analysis Reader.

The points to be considered for content analysis are the data pertaining to subject,

definition of subject themselves, the pool from which data are derived, context of

analysis, limitations, and targets of such inferences

Table 2

Summary of Procedure for Content Analysis using Kippendorf’s Framework


Subject Allotment Azkals in news, features, and


Definition Positive? Negative? Neutral?


Population Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila Bulletin

and Philippine Star

Context First half of March 2012 (leading to

competition and issue with daughter of

former president are main topics)

Boundaries Limited to the three papers, only 15 days to


Target Audience Newspaper readers

The researchers shall initially gather newspapers from first half of March 2012,

when Azkals were involved in a major competition and had some issues with daughter of

a former president. Then, they will measure the proportion of column inches allotted each

day for Azkals in each paper and compare it to those for other sports. These data will

also be classified depending on their characteristics whether it contains good, neutral or

bad publication. Scandals and rumors will fall under the category of bad publicity; game

results and updates will be considered as neutral publicity and; praises will be dubbed as

good publicity. Advertisements shall be considered “positive”.

The researchers use keen observation skill in the content analysis method for

collecting justified data in newspapers in relation to the kind of information desired and

other practical factors that may be valuable to this research about the Philippine Football

Team or Azkals.


The Azkals related articles, photographs, and other related advertisement, under

print media are measured through column inches. A column inch is a unit of space one

column wide by one inch high.

Figure1 shows the size of a newspaper with the colored portion representing one

column inch.

Figure 3. One newspaper column inch

On the six column page above, the total available column inches would equal

the number of inches high x the number of columns. The newspaper grids are 127½ in

column inches which is equivalent 21 ¼ inches with six columns. 

Measuring Ad Dimensions Using Column Inches

Figure 2 shows a formula that the researchers use to determine the Ad

Dimensions of Azkals related articles. Here are some possible variations for a 60 col.

inch ad.


Figure 4. Illustration of the Format for a Column Inch Ad

A 60 column inch can be configured in several formats. Three columns can

occupy 20 inches of ad height while a four column has a 15 inches ad height, a five

column has a 12 inches ad height and a 6 column has a 10 inches ad height.

Col. Inches divided by number of columns = Ad height in inches

The researchers will compare the space allotment for Azkals versus other articles

for sports/sports personalities, photographs and data in the sports section. The result will

be valuable in determining the consistency of Azkals’ presence in newspaper pages, if

there is. The researchers will also ascertain if a larger part of the space is “positive,”

“negative,’ or “neutral” for the subject.


There will be a self-made questionnaire to be administered to 100 Batangueno

respondents purposively selected randomly. They must read newspapers regularly. For


this, faculty, staff and students of LPU are deemed suitable. There shall be 10 faculty

members, 10 staffs, and 80 students to comprise the body of respondents.

The survey questions are divided into two parts, first is the profiling where they

are asked to complete a questionnaire development test or survey forms with their

profiles containing their names, address, gender, age and work. Further, information on

the frequency and time allotted for reading newspapers will be asked. After profiling, part

two of the questionnaire Azkals related questions administer where the respondents shade

the circle that appropriately describe them.

The data to be collected shall be taken to the university’s Statistics Office for

appropriate treatment and guided analysis


Interview of 20 individuals shall be conducted. Among them, there shall be five

(5) each of media practitioners, working professionals, students, and football fans. Their

profile shall be noted prior to the interview proper. Questions based on the parameters set

by Viniczai shall be asked. Means for recording such as sound recording, skype and/or

video shall be used whenever necessary. The responses shall be transcribed then analysed

and checked if any pattern can be found.

Data gathered in the interview went over several processes for the better

conclusion vital to the study. It is after the interview that the data is transcribed to be

ready for analysis wherein it is decided on the purpose if the nature and methods of

analysis are appropriate. Then it is verified to ascertain the validity or truthfulness of the

interview findings for the study based on scientific criteria.


In order to validate the results of methodological triangulation, the researchers

utilize several reasons for Azkals’ popularity which is measured through parameters of

unique personality, private media life, great charisma, perseverance and talent. The

researchers also came up with the perception on how to measure Azkals’ personality

which can be verified using the interview and survey questionnaire results.



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THURMOND, VERONICA, (n.d). The Point of Triangulation. Retrieved 14 March,

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Appendix A

This is the questionnaire for the survey.

Name: _______________________________ Age: ____ Gender:______

Occupation:_____________ Address: ________________________________


Tick the appropriate answer.

How many times do you read newspapers?

o Daily

o Once a Week

o Twice a Week

o Thrice a Week

o Weekly

o Monthly

o Yearly

o Others, please specify .___________

How much time do you spend reading?

o Five minutes

o Ten minutes

o Thirty minutes

o One hour

o Others, please specify .______________


How do you consume your newspapers? (Answers can be more than one)

I look at:

o Photographs

o Advertisements

o News

o Games (Crosswords, Suduko, WordHunt)

o Others, please specify. _______________

I read:

o News

o Feature Articles

o Sports

o Showbiz

o Cartoons

o Others, please specify._________________



Direction. Shade the circle that best describe your perception towards the Azkals.

Completely Agree

Agree Disagree CompletelyDisagree

They are interesting characters.

They stand out in the crowd.

They provide a distinct point of discussion.

None other person or group have their type of personality.

It is difficult to look for people who will be comparable with them.

Azkals are good looking men.

Azkals are effective endorsers for fashionable products.

People always take a look at their pictures/posters or billboards.

People buy products they endorse because of their appearance.

Azkals give their best during competition.

They achieve recognition because of dedication.

They practice hard.

They are excellent in the field of football.


They are champion materials.

The way they play is fascinating.Other can also do what they do in football.

Azkals deserve media attention they get.

I am interested in their personal lives.

People talk about their personal lives.

People listen, watch or read news about their personal lives.

They behave properly under media spotlight.


Appendix B

Guide Questions for the interview.

Do you consider Azkals popular? Why or why not?

Do you think they are unique or have unique personalities? Why or why not?

Do you think they look good? Why or why not?

Do you think they work hard? Why or why not?

Do you think they are talented? Why or why not?

Do you read, listen and/or watch news related to the personal lives of Azkals members? Why or why not?

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